Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 97 Choy Referrals Current Status Description HED, JUD First Reading (House) Sunshine: No noticeable difference with HB 974 & SB 1143 SB 369 Taniguichi (by request) Souki HEA, JDL First Reading (Senate) CPC hearing (2/4) Kidani, Wakai, Dela Cruz, Espero, Galuteria, Inouye, Nishihara, Riviere Souki JDL/CPN First Reading (Senate) CPC, JUD SB 135 Keith-Agaran (by request) JDL CPC hearing (2/4) First Reading (Senate) HB 202 Souki (by request) JUD First Reading (House) SB 410 Kim (by request) PSM, JDL HB 287 Souki (by request) JUD First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) SB 427 Kim (by request) JDL HB 131 SB 840 HB 150; CPC, JUD First Reading (Senate) 1 UIPA: Expands mandatory disclosure under HRS § 92F-14(b)(7) for licensee information to include records concerning requisite experience, completion of relevant exams, and evidence of adequate bonding Sunshine: Permits a board member to distribute to other board members a document subject to the mandatory disclosure provision of the UIPA (HRS § 92F-12), so long as the transmittal does not seek commitment to a vote on board business Sunshine: Council members may attend and speak at non-board meetings; County of Maui Package UIPA: Adds new exception to UIPA for records that likely to result in physical harm to an individual or cause “harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual”; Judiciary Package—may be response to U Memo 15-3 and U Memo 14-11 (concerning disclosure of judge’s birthdates) Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 292 Souki (by request) Referrals Current Status Description JUD First Reading (House) SB 431 Kim (by request) JDL HB 313 Souki (by request) JUD First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) UIPA: Exempts judge’s personal information from disclosure; Judiciary Package—may be response to U Memo 15-3 and U Memo 14-11 (concerning disclosure of judge’s birthdates) SB 419 Kim (by request) PSM, JDL First Reading (Senate) HB 317 Souki (by request) JUD First Reading (House) SB 420 Kim (by request) PSM, JDL HB 322 Souki (by request) JUD First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) SB 723 Baker, Chun Oakland, English, Espero, Riviere, Wakai, Ruderman, Taniguchi PSM, JDL First Reading (Senate) 2 Sunshine: Permits neighborhood board members to attend non-board presentations concerning board business if open to public, no fee is charged, not organized specifically for the board, and no member commits to vote on any issue; City & County of Honolulu Package Sunshine: Excludes neighborhood boards from Sunshine; City & County of Honolulu Package Sunshine: Permits county council members to attend and speak at non-Sunshine events so long as event open to public Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 369 Numerous Referrals Current Status Description JUD, FIN First Reading (House) SB 149 JDL First Reading (Senate) Sunshine: Adds references to public participation to intent of Sunshine Law; requires advance access to documents to be considered by the board; requires board to accept public testimony on any topic within board’s jurisdiction; requires board accept oral testimony after initial board deliberation, but before vote; restricts board’s ability to limit oral testimony; codifies OIP Op. No. 02-06 that board minutes must be disclosed after 30 days regardless of board approval Keith-Agaran (by request) HB 461 Souki, Luke, Saiki FIN First Reading (House) SB 472 Keith-Agaran JDL, WAM HB 567 LoPresti, Mizuno, Keohokalole, Rhoads, San Buenaventura JUD, FIN First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) SB 1194 Shimabukuro, Riviere McKelvey, Belatti, Evans, Luke, Woodson JDL HB 728 HLT, CPC/JUD First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) 3 UIPA: Adds reference to “documents under discussion” to intent of UIPA OIP: Transfers OIP from Lt. Gov. to DAGS; provides OIP more autonomy in staffing and procurement; permits OIP to contract for legal counsel independent of the AG’s office Records: State lobbyist filings must be electronically filed and posted on Internet UIPA (portion): Adds a UIPA exemption to 92F-13 for “de-identified claims data” newly required by the bill Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 786 Woodson, Mizuno, Rhoads, San Buenaventura Referrals Current Status Description JUD, FIN First Reading (House) SB 140 JDL JDL hearing (1/27)— Deferred HB 790 Keith-Agaran, English, Shimabukuro, Wakai Oshiro UIPA: Imposes duty on agencies to exercise reasonable care in the maintenance of government records; response to Molfino v. Yuen, No. SCWC10-150 (Haw. Nov. 13, 2014) LAB, JUD First Reading (House) SB 1208 Keith-Agaran JDL First Reading (Senate) HB 974 Souki (by request) HED, JUD First Reading (House) SB 1143 Kim (by request) HEA/JDL, WAM First Reading (Senate) HB 986 Say First Reading (House) 4 OIP opposes in current form because of broad definition of government record under UIPA Sunshine: Grants Employees’ Retirement System permission to hold executive sessions to discuss investments or potential investments that concern proprietary or confidential business information, to discuss procurement decisions, to discuss authority of negotiators for investment or sale of property, and to consider draft reports under “deliberative process privilege” Sunshine: Permits UH to promulgate rules by Sunshine meeting, rather than Chapter 91, when the rules concern inventory, equipment, surplus property or expenditures management; defining residence for tuition purposes; the state higher education loan fund; the Fong and Long scholarship programs; and parking fees; Governor Package OIP: No noticeable difference with HB 461 & SB 472 Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 1023 Saiki (by request) Referrals Current Status Description WAL, JUD, FIN First Reading (House) SB 1205 Chun Oakland HB 1067 Kawakami, Ichiyama, Kong, McKelvey, Morikawa, Oshiro, Say, Woodson Yamashita HSH/JDL, WAM JUD First Reading (Senate) First Reading (House) Sunshine (portion): HCDA must hold open meeting before approving any lease for 10 years or more HB 1173 SB 465 Keith-Agaran, Baker, Dela Cruz, English, Ruderman First Reading (House) JDL First Reading (Senate) 5 Sunshine: No noticeable difference with HB 202 & SB 410 Sunshine: Permits a board member to distribute to other board members a document subject to the mandatory disclosure provision of the UIPA (HRS § 92F-12), so long as no commitment to a vote on board business; comparable to HB 150 & SB 135 with no purpose clause and modified language regarding commitment to vote Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills HB 1260 LoPresti, Brower, Evans, Ichiyama, Kobayashi, Lee, Mizuno, Jordan, Kong, San Buenaventura SB 1322 Referrals Ihara, Inouye, Keith-Agaran, Slom Current Status Description First Reading (House) Sunshine: Requires boards to provide public access to board packets before meeting; board agendas must be posted on Internet; requires boards to give electronic notice of meetings when requested; minutes, even if unapproved, must be posted on Internet after 30 days; suit to void board action for Sunshine violation may be brought 10 days after OIP final decision; only allows attorney’s fees for a prevailing complainant Introduced (Senate) UIPA: Agencies must assist requesters in finding records and overcoming obstacles to access; search, review, and segregation fees must be waived for public interest requests HB 1303 McDermott SB 9 Ihara JDL SB 27 English JDL First Reading (House) First Reading (Senate) First Reading (Senate) 6 Other: Any public notice required by law must be posted on government website, in addition to publication in newspaper UIPA: Prohibits government agencies from charging another agency for records Sunshine: Requires legislature hold public hearings prior to adoption of rules concerning open meeting requirements; requires legislature hold a recorded vote whenever it waives a rule or procedure UIPA: Short form bill on information practices Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills SB 31 English Referrals Current Status Description JDL Sunshine: Short form bill on Sunshine Law SB 246 Ihara JDL First Reading (Senate) First Reading (Senate) SB 475 Keith-Agaran, Ihara, Shimabukuro, Tokuda JDL First Reading (Senate) SB 497 Thielen, Baker, Espero, Ruderman, Kim, Shimabukuro Numerous PSM, JDL First Reading (Senate) JDL SB 658 Ihara, Dela Cruz, Riviere Ihara, KeithAgaran, Chun Oakland, Espero, Thielen Ihara SB 659 Ihara GVO, JDL SB 523 SB 624 SB 652 GVO/EDT, First Reading JDL/WAM (Senate) JDL JDL, WAM First Reading (Senate) First Reading (Senate) First Reading (Senate) First Reading (Senate) 7 UIPA: Adds mandatory disclosure for official daily calendar of governor, lieutenant governor, state department head, or state agency head Sunshine: Requires posting agendas on Internet; automatically cancels meeting if agenda not posted on Internet within 6 days of meeting; requires boards to provide agendas by electronic mail when requested UIPA: Requires mandatory disclosure for police disciplinary suspension records Access: Establishes a fair access commission to evaluate access to government proceedings, information, and services in rural Oahu and the neighbor islands Sunshine: Applies limited Sunshine principles to the Legislature Sunshine: Requires boards to report on final actions taken in executive session unless it would defeat purpose of the executive session OIP: Replaces OIP with Information Practices Commission Records: Requires State agencies to maintain a record retention schedule with DAGS Bill/Companion Introducer(s) Bills SB 784 Shimabukuro, Chun Oakland, Ihara Referrals Current Status Description JDL First Reading (Senate) SB 823 Kidani, Dela Cruz, Wakai HEA, JDL First Reading (Senate) SB 1015 Ruderman, Harimoto, Ihara, Inouye Keith-Agaran, Baker, English JDL First Reading (Senate) JDL First Reading (Senate) Sunshine: Requires agendas be posted on Internet in manner that complies with disability requirements; requires agendas provide contact information for requesting disability accommodations Sunshine: UH Regents prohibited from meeting in executive session to discuss performance of UH president or campus chancellor Sunshine (portion): Elections Commission meetings subject to open meetings requirement (HRS § 92-3) Sunshine: Less than quorum of board may discuss board business so long as no commitment to vote SB 1210 8
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