5th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7th / 8th FEBRUARY 2015 Parish Priest and Dean of Brisbane West Deanery Very Reverend Fr Gerry Kalinowski [email protected] Parish Office Manager Michael Doherty Sacramental Co-ordinator Vanessa Sullivan [email protected] Parish Visitor Malia Mar [email protected] Youth Programme Facilitator Nadine McDonald [email protected] Parish Finance Officer David England Finance Assistant Alana McDonald Volunteer Office Assistant Sr Evelyn Page Parish Office 18 Clewley St, Corinda, Qld 4075 Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Fri) Ph: (07) 3379 1534 Fax: (07) 3379 7931 E: [email protected] W: www.corindagracevilleparish.org.au St Joseph’s Church Oxley Rd & Martindale St, Corinda Christ the King Church Churchill St, Graceville St Joseph’s School 28 Clewley St, Corinda Ph: (07) 3379 6937 Christ the King School 7 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 7872 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 19 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 8635 - Anne Delsorte Outside School Hours Care Clewley St, Corinda Ph:(07) 3278 5606 Julia Cumming Community Child Care Centre 12 Addison Rd, Graceville Ph : (07) 3379 3069 Brisbane West Deanery [email protected] www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au World Marriage Day: It is important for us to acknowledge the importance of marriage in our community. It’s also important for Catholic couples to be committed to deepening their love and strengthening their bond. This year, the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council are encouraging couples to focus on ‘Couple Fun’. Married life is really busy, and one of the first casualties can be couple fun. Couples who share life must maintain the capacity to enjoy each other’s company. They need to make sure they have fun together. Enjoying life together bonds you. That’s true of every relationship and it’s true of marriage. Moreover, a couple with a strong bond who regularly has fun together is a far more attractive and joyful witness of God’s love. Pope Francis constantly calls Catholics to be joyful, and what could be more joyful than a couple in love having fun together. It may not be easy to make time for fun in your busy lives, especially when you have young children. And if it’s hard to make time for personal recreation, it’s even harder to make time for couple fun. As with the rest of life, it is about our priorities. Don’t see this as an indulgence. Couple fun is a kingdom building activity because the stronger, more joy-filled your relationship, the more effective you are in proclaiming the Gospel. Thank you for witnessing God’s love and fidelity to our community. Bouquets: Many thanks to those who funded today’s flowers, and to those who picked and arranged the same. Floral gratitude from all. Renewal of Marriage Vows: Celebrant: Join your right hands and declare your continued consent before God and God’s Church. Husbands: “I continue to take you (Wife’s Name) to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." Wives: “I continue to take you (Husband’s Name) to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life." Celebrant: You have renewed your marriage vows before the Church. May the Lord in His goodness strengthen your commitment and fill you with His blessings. The gathered Church asks this through Christ Our Lord. All: Amen. Nuptial Blessing: All: God bless these couples in their married love. Saturday night music: as well as our usual high standard of music and singing, the Tongan choir add to the 6pm Mass at St Joseph’s through their wonderful voice. The Tongan community add to the parish celebration and song every first Saturday of the month. Many thanks to them for this, and to all our regular musicians and cantors. Tongan hospitality: : after the Saturday evening 6pm Mass at St Joseph’s there is hospitality in the mall. All are welcome to enjoy a little something that can either fill a hunger or quench a thirst. Thanks to the Tongan community for their hospitality to the gathered community! Golden Fidelity: on Saturday 7th February the Presentation Sisters celebrated joyfully the golden jubilees of Sisters Annette Shears, Marita Coffey, Rosemary Haley, Margaret Skehan, Marilyn Cuttler, and Teresina Collins. Thanks be to God, and thanks be to Sr Annette Shears for fifty years of committed religious life. Coming from a fine local family, Sr Annette has taught a diversity of subjects, being well skilled in languages. In the charism of Nano Nagle she has been diligent in the education of young women across the state, and has a strong commitment to social justice. And in her “retirement” continues to minister in both these areas. We are very grateful to Sr Annette that she is living and ministering in our midst. May God’s abundant blessings continue to shower down upon Sr Annette and her fellow jubilarians with a golden glow. ASH WEDNESDAY LITURGIES 18th FEBRUARY 2015 Mass - 8.30am - Christ the King Church Combined Schools Liturgy - 10.00am - St Joseph’s School Hall Mass - 7.30pm - St Joseph’s Church Discipleship: as we continue to live the vocation that God is inviting each of us into, please do put time into your prayer practices. As Jesus himself needed to make sure he had “space” to connect with his empowering Father, so do we. In the midst of those conversations I ask you to keep in mind those who are seeking to know more about following Christ, and living that in the community of the Catholic Church. Particularly I am mindful of those in the RCIA within our parish, who are journeying towards celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and First reception of Holy Communion this Easter. God be with them. St Joseph’s Corinda Thursday 9am Mass: will be packed to the rafters as it will also be the Opening Year School Mass for St Joseph’s School, as well as the regular Thursday morning Mass. As we will pray in the psalm response for that day, “Blessed are those who are in awe of the Lord, who walk in his ways! For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork; blessed shall you be, and favoured.” May this blessing be for all at St Joseph’s School in 2015. Deanery Youth Team: Michael Doherty continues to encourage Deanery connectivity with youth across the parishes. The Deanery Youth Team is gathering this coming Thursday evening 12th February. Further note of their activity on page 3 of newsletter. Christ the King this Friday morning 9.30am will be a prayer and communion service. Invitation to all liturgical ministries: it is time to be seriously pondering and putting your hand up to be involved in our parish liturgical life. We are well blest in our liturgical life through the participation of so many. You can participate in any of a variety of ways: environment and flower artistry, sacristan, welcomer, altar server, musician, soloist, reader, minister of Communion. Opportunities abound. Please contact Helen Ferguson, Ian Larter, Malia Mar, Sr Evelyn, Sr Cyprian, Fr Gerry or the parish office. We need you!! Rest in Peace: last week the parish celebrated funerals of Joan Dark, Brian Claffey and Barry McMahon. “Almighty God, look kindly on your servants whom you have embraced in eternal life. They have been a guide to us in our lives. As they served you faithfully throughout their lives, give them the fullness of peace and joy. Help their families to receive and understand your Gospel, so that they may find light in this darkness, faith in their doubts, and comfort in your saving words.” Funeral Mass Collect. May the rest in peace. Lenten Program: the books are here. Ash Wednesday is drawing nigh, on the 18th February. Groups will be planning their first meeting the week commencing Sunday 15th February. Get into a group, and leaders begin planning to collect books and audios from the parish office. Thanks. Julia Cummings Community Child Care Centre: is open again after their substantial renovation. The families and children are very happy with the new facilities. Staff are very impressed and in awe of the transformation. For the children it is like a whole new centre. Family feedback has been very positive with many not realising just how much we were doing in the refurbishment. The centre has a new director in Melissa Boland, whom we welcome on board. Our faithful and loving parish connection, Clare Winter, will be returning to her regular affiliation with the centre soon as well. All good news. Oscar Romero: Pope Francis has signed a decree declaring Archbishop Oscar Romero died a martyr, raising expectations that a beatification could be announced within months. Last month theologians at the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints voted unanimously that Romero was killed in “hatred of the faith.” Archbishop Romero was shot dead on March 24, 1980 by right-wing death squads colluding with the then-Government. Archbishop Romero had been a vocal critic of the ruling elite in El Salvador for their record on human rights and their harsh treatment of the poor. Archbishop Romero’s cause was first opened in 1994 and was moved to Rome three years later. Synod of the Family: You are encouraged to participate in the preparation for the next Synod on the Family to be held in October this year. The questionnaire has been uploaded onto the Archdiocesan website, and can be accessed as follows: http://brisbanecatholic.org.au/articles/Vatican-invitation-synod-input-open/ Please contribute your feedback by responding to the survey yourself, and also encourage others in our community to do the same. The survey can be completed as an individual or as a group. Archbishop Mark Coleridge, along with the Diocese of Darwin's Bishop Eugene Hurley, will be the Australian Bishops Conference representatives at the event. Unfortunately the time frame for response is once again brief. Responses must be received by Tuesday 10th February to be included in the collation of responses. As Archbishop Coleridge noted in his most recent Advent Pastoral letter, within the Body of Christ there are many different ways of taking part. "One of them was by responding to the questionnaire at the start of the Synod process. Another is serious engagement with the questions and tasks that will emerge from the Synod's first session," he said. "All who are part of the Body of Christ should pray for the work of the Synod this year and next - that reasonable hopes will be fulfilled and that the Synod will look at marriage through the lens of the Incarnation, balancing fidelity to the teaching of Christ and his Church with a compassionate and realistic response to men and women in need." The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People has announced that the first International Day of Prayer against Human Trafficking will take place today, Sunday 8th February - the feast of St Josephine Bakhita. Pope Francis joined other faith Leaders at the end of 2014 to sign a Joint Declaration on Modern Slavery. You can find out more about the Declaration and sign it too by going to: www.globalfreedomnetwork.org/ Information about St Josephine Bakhita (a Canossian Sister from Sudan), a link to Pope Francis' World Day of Peace Message which deals with slavery and human trafficking, as well as more information and suggestions for action on human trafficking can be found at www.acrath.org.au You can also obtain more information about support for trafficked women in South-East Asia by contacting Sr Janine Bliss fmm on 0412 185 026 or [email protected] PARISH NEWS ....... ASH WEDNESDAY LITURGIES 18th FEBRUARY 2015 Mass - 8.30am - Christ the King Church Combined Schools Liturgy 10.00am - St Joseph’s School Hall Mass - 7.30pm - St Joseph’s Church Parish Bus Trip to Binna Burra, Lamington Plateau, Canungra, Beechmont, Numinbah Valley, Mt Warning. Wednesday 11th February 2015 Departs Corinda 8.15am ~ Departs Canossa 8.30am Fare: $40 includes morning tea. Bring or buy your own lunch. Bookings: George Cole 3379 7570 or Herman’s Tours 3379 6255 St Joseph’s School Opening Mass Thursday 12th February 9.00am St Joseph’s Church Corinda Book Club 3.00pm Friday 13th February - Parish Office Corinda If you enjoy good company, reading and chatting, come along and share with other avid readers in the parish! This is the first book club gathering of the year. All are welcome to come along. Please bring a plate to share for afternoon tea. CWL Cent Auction 10am Tuesday 17th February - Parish Centre Graceville New members always welcome For information please contact Clare Winter on 3379 2805 Finance Council Meeting 7.30pm Thursday 19th March - Parish Office Corinda Rich in Mercy: Reflections for Lent: 2015 Lenten Program The Lenten reflections this year focus on the second readings for the Sundays of Lent. Written by Archbishop Coleridge, the commentaries emphasise ‘the power of mercy that leads us out of a merciless world into a world where mercy has the last word’. Each session includes opening prayer, Sunday reading, scripture reflection, discussion questions, closing prayer and suggestions for works of mercy in daily life. Lenten Groups are forming across the parish. Join a group or form your own reflection group for Lent. Contact the Parish Office for more details. Books are available a the parish office at a cost of $8.00 each. NEWS FROM THE DEANERY…... Ongoing Learning and Renewal Church’s Teaching on Migrants and Refugees MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY 7.30PM Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kenmore Rd, Kenmore Presented by Deacon Russ Nelson All Welcome - Enquiries – please phone 3878 6655 Brisbane West Deanery Young Adult Lenten Reflection / Retreat Morning Sunday 8th March Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Darra Station Road, Darra Youth Mass: 9am ~ Mini Lenten Retreat: 10am to 1pm Finishing with light lunch served at 1pm Cost $5.00. All young adults (aged 17 – 35) are invited to this morning retreat, prayer, reflection and celebration. Register your attendance with Michael Doherty on 0409 235 480 or at [email protected] PARISH YOUTH NEWS ....... The first youth Pizza Night for the year will be on Sunday 15th February in the Parish Centre, after 6pm Mass at Christ the King. All young adults 18-35yrs as well as high school aged youth are encouraged to attend a get to know other young parishioners. For more information, contact Nadine at [email protected] OTHER NEWS ....... Thankyou to Father Gerry and the parishioners of Corinda Graceville for your prayers, good wishes and kindness during my recent surgery and recovery. I am very grateful to everyone for your thoughtfulness. With thanks, Paul Vickers World Day of Prayer Service 2015 Sherwood Uniting Church 10.30am Friday, 6th March followed by refreshments. The Bahamas are the theme country of focus this year. All Welcome Refresh Your Stash Mega Craft Garage Sale 21 February, 8am-1pm at Sherwood Uniting Church Corner Thallon St & Sherwood Rd. For further information about the event and the great supplies on sale go to www.facebook.com/refreshyourstash Lost & Found A set of keys were left at the Polling Booth at St Joseph’s Hall Corinda last Saturday during the elections. If you have lost your keys phone 0407 773 849 or 0409 452 779 We pray for the good health, strength and healing of Tony Angwin, Bishop Ray Benjamin, Fleur Bennell, Trevor Butler, Ted Cassin, Judith Cremin, Bernie Denham, Antony Doran, June Duncan, Grace Fanton, Betty Ferguson, Chris Ferguson, Joy Follent, Clare Foster, John Gagen, Joyce Gray, Irene Hannon, Rose Hodgman, Lisa Hopgood, Veronica Howard, Juliette Jamieson, Zelda Joseph, Marge Kent, Monica Lampe, Cheryl Matheson, John Maxwell, Gordon McCormack, John McGuire, Annie McMullen, Brian Mealey, Srima Mendis, Monica Morrison, Mario Nacole, Jonathan O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Terry O’Donohoe, Paul Ogden, Paul O’Sullivan, Emma Parer, Mary-Pat Parer, Naomi Parer, Roland Peterson, Daphne Quinn, John Quinn, Carmel Radford, Les Raymer, Theresa Raymer, Ron Riley, Doreen Ross, Olive Schmidt, Bill Seymour, Fr Brian Taylor, Annette Thrum, Fiaz Uddin, Margaret White, Bill Willliams, Colleen Williams-Kee, OLSH Sisters Valerian, Damian, Bernadetta, St Bernard & Lucy. May those who have died recently rest in peace, especially Brian Claffey, Joan Dark, Vincente Vu Van Son, Daphne Mellor, Clare Foster, Sr Marie Hussey osu We pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Jim Cahill, James Carmody, Herbert Olsen HYMNS AND RESPONSES FOR SUNDAY MASSES WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday 8.30 am St Joseph’s – Liturgy of the Word with Communion RESPONSORIAL PSALM: "PSALM 147: PRAISE THE LORD, WHO HEALS THE BROKEN-HEARTED" Wednesday 8.30 am St Joseph’s – Mass Thursday 9.00 am St Joseph’s – Mass (St Joseph’s School Opening Mass) Friday 9.30 am Christ the King – Liturgy of the Word with Communion Saturday 7.00 am St Joseph’s – Prayer of the Church with Communion SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Christ the King Christ the King PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS: 8.00am & 9.30am Sunday "I WANT TO WALK AS A CHILD OF THE LIGHT" 1. I want to walk as a child of the light; I want to follow Jesus. God set the stars to give light to the world; The star of my life is Jesus. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 5.00 pm – 5.30 pm St Joseph’s SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism for Children is celebrated by appointment on the following Sunday’s of the month 2nd Sunday 11.00 am St Joseph’s 4th Sunday 11.00 am Christ the King All enquiries to the Parish Office PRAYER GROUPS Tuesday 7.45 pm 4 Merring St, Oxley (ph. 3379 6780 / 3379 7402) Wednesday 9.00 am Parish Centre - 19 Randolph St, Graceville Friday Community of the Risen Lord Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group Christ the King Church, Graceville 7.30 pm Praise, Worship & Message - every Friday Adoration - 2nd Friday of the month “The Flock” Young Adults (aged 18-35) - 0428 811 751 or visit Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/CorindaGracevilleCatholicYouth CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS Tuesday 5.30 pm 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) Thursday 9.00 am 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) Refrain: In him there is no darkness at all; The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God: Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. 2. I want to see the brightness of God; I want to look at Jesus. Clear Sun of righteousness shine on my path, And show me the way to the Father. (Refrain) 3. I’m looking for the coming of Christ; I want to be with Jesus. When we have run with patience the race, We shall know the joy of Jesus. (Refrain) PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS: 6.00pm Sunday “YOU ARE MINE” I will come to you in the silence, I will lift you from all your fear You will hear My voice, I claim you as My choice Be still, and know I am near I am hope for all who are hopeless, I am eyes for all who long to see In the shadows of the night, I will be your light Come and rest in Me Refrain: Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday 9.30 am Christ the King 15th & 22nd February LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Printed so that users may live daily in the spirit of the Prayer of the Church) SUN, 8 FEB MON, 9 FEB TUE, 10 FEB WED, 11 FEB THU, 12 FEB FRI, 13 FEB SAT, 14 FEB FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 5th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Gen 1:1-19; Mk 6:53-56 St Scholastica, virgin - Memorial Gen 1:20 - 2:4; Mk 7:1-13 (Alt. Song 8:6-7; Lk 10:38-42) Our Lady of Lourdes - Optional Memorial Gen 2:4-9, 15-17; Mk 7:14-23 Gen 2:18-25; Mk 7:24-30 Gen 3:1-8; Mk 7:31-37 Sts Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop - Memorial Gen 3:9-24; Mk 8:1-10 (Alt. Acts 13:46-49; Lk 10:1-9) SUN, 15 FEB SIXTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 6th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Lev 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31 - 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 18 Clewley St, Corinda Qld 4075 P (07) 3379 1534 Do not be afraid, I am with you I have called you each by name Come and follow Me, I will bring you home I love you and you are mine I am strength for all the despairing Healing for the ones who dwell in shame All the blind will see, the lame will all run free And all will know My name I am the Word that leads all to freedom I am the peace the world cannot give I will call your name, embracing all your pain Stand up, now, walk, and live COMMUNION: "BLEST ARE THEY" Refrain: Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are you, holy are you! Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the kingdom of God! COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEGMENTS "Psalm 147: Praise the Lord, Who Heals the Broken-Hearted" by M. Guimont, © GIA Publications; "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" by K. Thomerson, © Celebration; “You Are Mine” by David Haas © 1991 Published by GIA, "Blest Are They" by D. Haas, © GIA Publications; Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Licence No. 186E. Clip Art, © LiturgyHelp. F (07) 3379 7931 E [email protected]
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