Feb 2015 s u s Je is my e n Vale nti Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Next Page Contents From the Pastor Announcements Usher/Acolyte Duty - Dranesville Women’s Felllowship DUMY Breakfast - Closet Ltr - E4O Ltr - VIOS - Caregiver Adult Sunday School - The Closet DUMC Family News Birthdays Photo Gallery Parting Shots 2 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page From the Pastor POSSIBILITIES GALORE The year 2015 is just getting started, but I am really excited about some of the things that are either happening or being planned in the life of this congregation. I have met individually with the elected leaders of all the ministry areas and committees and came away feeling very positive about their energy, initiative, new ideas, and willingness to try them out. Let me tell you a bit about what to expect in the coming months. In the discipleship ministry area, we are looking at creating a more intentional system for adult Sunday school. We will be coordinating the subjects covered in the two classes (particularly, start and stop dates), will publicize them more, and will also seek to have occasional short-term classes for all adults. The intent is to reach more adults who are not now in Sunday school and to provide those who are participating a chance to know and choose in advance which class they may wish to attend – if only for a few weeks at a time. As we do this, we also want to retain the caring atmosphere of the classes, which are also means of support and encouragement for the members. More details will be supplied in the near future. We are also beginning discussions about possibly having a spiritual retreat of some kind. There have been retreats in the past which usually emphasized planning for the business of the congregation. While there may have been a spiritual component, it was not the primary emphasis. The retreat we have in mind will be focused on spiritual growth of the individual participants and, by extension, the congregation as a whole. In conjunction with a congregational retreat, the youth will travel to Lake Junaluska, NC, in July for a five-day conference on leadership development and spiritual growth. The hope is that the youth will come back inspired and better equipped to lead their peers. In worship, as a means of engaging more of our senses, we are increasing the number of banners for various occasions (Holy Communion, Pentecost, and Easter). The banners during Advent were so well received that we plan to use them during each Advent season. To assist persons with hearing impairments, I have begun using a microphone during worship. As a result, several members have told me they find the worship more meaningful since they can now hear what they could not hear before. 3 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page In a few weeks, the sermon will be in the form of a drama performed by the youth. We are looking for every possible way to convey the gospel. We will be evaluating all of our mission work. We want to know which missions are vital and which ones have come to the end of their useful life cycles. In addition, we will be publicizing new and different mission opportunities with the hope of matching members with projects that truly interest them. Some of these missions may be major group efforts; others will be for an individual or a very small group. Some may be ongoing and can be done year round as members are available. Others may be one-time short-term efforts of a day, a few days, a week, etc. The idea is to try to find something to fit all interests, talents, schedules, ages, and budgets. News of these mission opportunities will be available very soon. These are just a few of the ideas and efforts that are just getting underway. Stay tuned for more details about these and other endeavors. God Bless, Bill 4 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page DUMC Duty Roster USHER DUTY Odd Month 9:00 a.m. Even Months 9:00 a.m. Feb-Apr-Jun-Aug-Oct-Dec Jan-Mar-May-Jul-Sep-Nov 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday VJ Meleski, Rusty Shaw Dave Hitchings, Fern Jackson Doug Donnell, Dave Bristow Mark Sullenberger, Donna Carlo Dana and Bob Nicholas Kathy Wood, Glenda Rogers Sarah Minks, Rita Leslie Laurie and Ed Barr Bill Bliven, Bob Keene Dana and Bob Nicholas February 2015 has 4 Sundays Acolyte Duty Feb 01 Feb 08 Feb 15 Feb 22 Joey Barber Michelle Rizzo Rob Dillard Becca Barber 5 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page Dranesville Women’s Fellowship We will be having a Bag Lunch & Hobby Event on Wednesday February 11th @ 12 noon. Bring your lunch. If you have a hobby or interest please bring it to share with the group. Everyone will get 5 minutes to share their special hobby/interest. We meet in the DUMC Library. 6 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page D.U.M.Y. FUNDRAISER BREAKFAST SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8TH Immediately following the 9:00 worship service. 7 Proceeds to help fund the youth program. Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page 1/23/2015 Shirley Peck Herndon, VA To the Board of the Closet of the Greater Herndon Area PO Box 42 Herndon, VA 20172 Members of the Board, I have been a patron of The Closet since I settled in Herndon in 1975. I was a single mother then and The Closet helped me provide my children with many items of clothing that I could not have afforded otherwise. The little shop not only provided my family with affordable coats and boots in the winter, and bathing suits and towels in the summer, but my little ones could also choose toys and books that may have otherwise been beyond my means to provide. My children are grown now, but I still regularly shop at the little store. Through the years I have become friends with the other regulars and we still gossip and laugh and exchange complaints about how the world has changed. But, although the world has changed, this little store in downtown Herndon still remains a place where one can shop with dignity and pride for items that many could not afford otherwise. I have watched The Closet grow through the years, from a small store with a sheet covered corner dressing room to the large, well organized pride of the community it is today. The manager, Aaron Sawyer, along with his staff and volunteers has made The Closet the best thrift shop in Fairfax County. The shop has quality merchandize, is clean, well organized, fairly priced and definitely customer friendly. I write this letter to you because yesterday I spent the day “thrifting.” Some of the stores I visited were clean and well organized, some were not, but all of them lacked what the little shop in Herndon has--a feeling of humanity. My day of “thrifting” made me realize what a wonderful contribution The Closet has made to our community, not only because it helps so many of our citizens in need, but because it is a quality store that is well managed and respects its customers and their needs. What sets The Closet apart is the people who work there. The manager, staff and volunteers make The Closet a store where one can shop with pride and dignity. It is a place where “everybody knows your name” and the spirit of community engulfs you. Good job! Shirley Peck Proud Customer of the Closet 8 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page Western Fairfax Christian Ministries 9 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page VIOS (Very Import-tant Otter Stuff) Prayer Group - We will have a new Prayer Group that meets on Tuesday morning from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. We will still have out Tuesday 5:00 p.m. prayer group. Each Wednesday at 1:00 pm The Dranesville Women’s Group will meet in the Fellowship Hall. This is an opportunity to develop new relationships and strengthen existing ones. We will be exploring ways in which we can be God’s Hands and Feet in our community and church. Special Note: Feb 11th meeting will start a high noon. Hi h nc Lu nch t Bu deou Secret Location The Lunch Bunch will meet somewhere at sometime this month - Please call Church Office for the juicy details (703) 430-3137 h nc Lu nch t u B ideou H 10 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page Are you coping with aging parents? Are you a caregiver to a loved one? You aren’t alone! Did you know that Dranesville United Methodist Church has a support group on this very subject? Come and join us! This support group is designed to help each other by listening, sharing information and learning from guest speakers. Join us, we will be meeting at 5 pm-6 pm on the 2nd Monday of each month. February 9th @ 5PM For more information, please contact Debbie Harris [email protected] 11 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page Adult Sunday School OPEN DOOR and the GLEANERS From beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a book that leads us to “The Lamb of God”, Jesus Christ. We will be exploring the prophecy of Isaiah with a focus on Isaiah chapter 53. The title of the study will be "Revealing Jesus in the Old Testament". ... an d us Jes was a sailor when he walk ed upon the wate r. . . 12 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page 845 Station Street Herndon VA 20170 The Closet is a nonprofit thrift shop, founded in 1974 by a handful of churches to assist low-income families by selling used clothing at nominal price. In 2014, The Closet gave away more than $68,000 worth of clothing and necessities to over 2000 needy persons referred by an authorized social service agency or one of our member congregations, as well as donating more than $49,500 in profits to local organizations (including DUMC) and providing scholarships to local students. How You Can Help The Closet Donate clothes and shoes; housewares such as dishes, kitchenware and linens; electronics; sporting goods; books, videos, cd’s and record albums; artwork and frames; toys; comforters and pillows; and knickknacks. *** Especially Needed -- - Winter Overcoats ***** Donations accepted Monday - Saturday, 8 am-3 pm Shop at The Closet. All profits support local organizations. Store hours are Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10am-2pm Senior Citizen Shopping Days – 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 10am-2pm To volunteer to work on DUMC’s dates, please contact Roberta Pense at [email protected] or 703-742-9141 DUMC Volunteer date: Tuesday, February 17th Thursday, February 26th Saturday, March 14th Saturday, April 11th Thursday, April 30th Thank you to January’s volunteers Pat Camp, Jane Conner, , Fern Jackson, Richard Kuhn, and Kathy Wood 13 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page DUMC Birthdays Birthdays Katie Minks Olivia Strahan Tori Meleski Christopher Dickens David Rogers Rusty Shaw Ray Minks Austin Brown Karen Rizzo V.J. Meleski Debra Dawson KJ Vollmecke Jr 14 02/09 02/13 02/14 02/15 02/16 02/16 02/17 02/22 02/25 02/27 02/28 02/28 Anniversaries Glenda & David Rodgers 02/02 Gertrude & Willard Gardner 02/26 Send us your Wedding and Baby pictures. Email ([email protected]) or bring to church for scanning (will be brought back the following Sunday) - Thanks. Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page Next Page Parting SHots 15 Please join us at: 1089 Liberty Meeting Court, Herndon, VA 20170 (703) 430-3137 9:00 AM Traditional Service ~ 10:15 AM Sunday School (All Ages) Contents Previous Page
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