General Notices World Day of the Sick Mass on 11 Position Vacant: February Employment Services Manager St John Paul II instituted the World The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney is Day of the Sick celebrations on the seeking applications for the position of Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Employment Services Manager. Diocese will celebrate World Day of For a confidential discussion and a the Sick with a Healing Mass and copy of the information pack, please anointing at Blacktown on Wednesday contact Anthony Spata, REACH 11 February. A welcome is extended to Human Resources on 0402 210055 or the sick and frail-aged, their relatives email [email protected] and carers. People from the healing Application close 30 January 2015. professions—nurses, ancillary and administrative staff—from hospitals and nursing homes will also attend. Perfection Ave cor Bentwood Tce, Stanhope Gardens 4th Sunday Ordinary time 31 January - 01 February 2015 Our Parish Mission The parish of St John XXIII is a faith community with the Eucharist as its heart. Inspired by John XXIII’s prophetic opening of the windows of the Church, we welcome the fresh air of the Holy Spirit, inviting every person to share in the responsibility of enriching the life and faith of our community by sharing their gifts and talents.” Parish Priest: Fr John McSweeney [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr Robert William [email protected] ST JOHN XXIII WOULD LIKE TO THANK THESE BUSINESSES FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO OUR PARISH COMMUNITY To rent ad space please contact the parish office ZAC SAFE DRIVING SCHOOL Let me help your kids be safe drivers DOMINIC 0412 945264 Property Sales & Management making your move easy… Joshi John 0410 066578/9631 1101 [email protected] Maria Teresa Papa Mortgage Broker/Financial Planner Dip. FS (Finance/MB) Dip. FS (FP) MFAA Approved Credit Adviser [email protected] 0430 144008 Ironing and cleaning lady Wendy Richards Call 0450 884153 (ad sponsored by SDVP, Stanhope Conf.) Our Parish Council Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses & Inspire the Soul with Scentsy A Tradition of Care & Concern Pre-paid funerals available 340 Old Northern Rd. Castle Hill 9659 0900 St John XXIII Catholic Church Mass Times Monday to Friday 9:00am *Wednesday at Holy Cross during school term Saturday 9:00am, 6:00pm (Vigil) Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am 6:00pm (Youth) Baptism Sundays 12:00pm by appointment Reconciliation Saturdays 5.00 - 5:45pm (First Rite) & after any weekday masses Additional Income (Fun, Trips & Extra Cash) Business opportunity for only $139 “Find out how I earned the 1st 2014 USA Trip….” Visit https:// 12 President Bart Sarlabus [email protected] Council Team Leaders Community Bldg Techie Sarlabus Comms & Media John McCartney Faith Formation Rose Franco Fundraising Rodi Orantia Liturgy Ray Samonte Pastoral Care Social Justice Evangilisation tba Qwayne Guevarra tba Parish Office Hours Tuesdays to Fridays 8.30 - 4.00pm Parish Contacts Office: (02)9852 0580 0403 766468 AH Secretary: Tanya Gatt (02)9852 0580 [email protected] Finance: Mila Llamas (Fridays) [email protected] Sacramental Support: Jill Franco (Tues/Thurs) [email protected] Our Learning Community Holy Cross Primary 49 Meurants Lane, Glenwood Principal: Marina Hardy (02) 9629 8742 [email protected] John XXIII and St Mark’s College 160 Perfection Ave, Stanhope Gardens Principal: Dr Peter Webster (02) 9852 0500 [email protected] Catholic Learning Centre 160 Perfection Ave, Stanhope Gardens (02) 9852 0585 [email protected] EVANGELICUM The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference supports Pope Francis in declaring Feb. 8 (next Sunday), the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita, as World Day of prayer, reflection and action against human trafficking. The Australian bishops explained in their statement that the Vatican Secretary of State invited each national bishops conference to join the observance on Feb. 8 and to contribute to the “sensitising of public opinion to this tragic phenomenon, which represents one of the saddest wounds of our time.” According to Bishop Eugene Hurley of Darwin, “It is imperative that we begin a journey of personal change when we mark 8 February.” “Human trafficking exists in Australia and on this planet because we allow it to exist,” Bishop Hurley further emphasized. “Let us together commit to eradicate this affront to our humanity.” In his message Pope Francis solicited all the faithful “to practice acts of fraternity towards those kept in a state of enslavement.” He further proposed a self-introspection saying, “Let us ask ourselves, as individuals and as communities, whether we feel challenged when, in our daily lives, we meet or deal with persons who could be victims of human trafficking, or when we are tempted to select items, which may well have been produced by exploiting others.” The bishops further enumerated, “And we remember people whose labour is exploited to produce cheap goods for Australians. We remember young boys in West Africa who are trafficked into the cocoa production for Australian chocolate. We remember refugees in Thailand who are trafficked onto fishing vessels to produce cheap fish for Australians to eat. We remember the women in Bangladesh whose exploited labour and unsafe working conditions result in cheap clothing for Australians to wear.” “We also remember the 200 female students kidnapped in Nigeria in April 2014 by Boko Haram; reports suggest that many of these girls have been sold or forced into marriages.” Emphasizing the gravity of concern, the ACBC stressed urged “a fourfold commitment to prevention, victim protection, the legal prosecution of perpetrators, and partnerships for change; these require a global effort on the part of all sectors of society.” ————————————————————————— As a result, the Parish Social Justice Committee is working on a video presentation as well as specific Prayers of the Faithful for next Sunday, so that the Community of St. John XXIII can be faithful to the Pope’s request and remember those in need during all our Sunday Eucharist! St John XXIII Catholic Church 2 Paying our debt together Parish Notices Weekly donation 1st Collection: $ 2068.85 Funds go to Priest Remuneration Fund, to support the priests of our Diocese. 2nd Collection: $ 5556.40 Loose $ 1774.40 PG Envelopes $ 1741.00 PG by EFT $ 2041.00 Pays Parish Debt and on going running costs, including wages of staff. (If you can, please put a little extra on the Second Collection.) If you would like to be a part of the church’s plan giving program, a green form is available at the church foyer or contact the church secretary, Tanya Gatt [email protected] Monday 16th February 2015 7.30pm - 9.30pm Mass & Benediction Catholic Charismatic Sponsered by St John XXIII Church ROSTER FOR COUNTERS Group D -Tuesday 3rd February Lino & Rita Matteazi, Eddie & Mary Murphy. ROSTER FOR CLEANERS Group D– Saturday 17th January Priscilla Houghton, Bradley Houghton, Phil Katipunan, Elaine Pereira, Special Intentions We pray for the following who have died: Recently Deceased: Ildefonsa Capapas, Michael Sammut, Mrs & Mr Philo & Deo Rodrigues, Norm Arthur. Anniversaries: Richard & Valerie Pragasam, Kristian Anthony Cala, Armand Calwag, Baby Alana Eve Coakley. And also: Frank Barbara, Guy Falzon, Arturro Cobarrubias Sr, Sister Aun Frazia Camilleri, Vicki Rose Camilleri, Michael Camilleri, Reno Camilleri. 11 We also Pray for those who are sick: Felomina Docena, Shona Modrich, Lourdes Subijano, Anthony Joseph, Anthony Subijano, Matrlon Marcelo, Athan G Alvarez, Florencia Melgar, Jovie Disterhoft, Concepcion Quiranee, Nikhil Parvathaneni, Angelica Nepomuceno. Thanksgiving: J Reddy Ontendho Family, R & S Santos & Family. St John XXIII Catholic Church Why we do what we do? Fr John’s corner Why do we kneel, stand and sit during mass? As Catholics, when we worship, we engage our entire body and all our senses. We actively engage our bodies in order to be truly present to the mystery of the Eucharist in which we celebrate. Each posture we assume at Mass underlines and reinforces the meaning of the action in which we are taking part at that moment in our worship. Standing is a sign of respect and honor, so we stand as the celebrant who represents Christ enters and leaves the assembly. This posture, from the earliest days of the Church, has been understood as the stance of those who are risen with Christ and seek the things that are above. When we stand for prayer we assume our full stature before God, not in pride, but in humble gratitude for the marvelous thing God has done in creating and redeeming each one of us. The posture of kneeling signified penance in the early Church: the awareness of sin casts us to the ground! So thoroughly was kneeling identified with penance that the early Christians were forbidden to kneel on Sundays and during the Easter Season when the prevailing spirit of the liturgy was that of joy and thanksgiving. Sitting is the posture of listening and meditation, so the congregation sits for the preGospel readings and may also sit for the period of meditation following Communion. Gestures too involve our bodies in prayer. The most familiar of these is the Sign of the Cross with which we begin Mass and with which, in the form of a blessing, the Mass concludes. Because it was by Jesus’ death on the cross that Christ redeemed humankind, we trace the sign of the cross on our foreheads, lips and hearts at the beginning of the Gospel. During the Confiteor, the action of striking our breasts at the words through my own fault can strengthen my awareness that my sin is my fault. In the Creed we are invited to bow at the words which commemorate the Incarnation: by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man. This gesture signifies our profound respect and gratitude to Christ who, though God, did not hesitate to come among us as a human being, sharing our human condition in order to save us from sin and restore us to friendship with God. In addition to serving as a vehicle for the prayer of beings composed of body and spirit, the postures and gestures in which we engage at Mass have another very important function. The Church sees in these common postures and gestures both a symbol of the unity of those who have come together to worship and a means of fostering that unity. When we stand, kneel, sit, bow and sign ourselves in common action, we given unambiguous witness that we are indeed the Body of Christ, united in heart, mind and spirit. taken from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Q&A 2013 St John XXIII Catholic Church When I arrived at St. John XXIII I encountered the local tradition of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for the last 30 mins before every weekday mass. I think this is a laudable tradition and I wish to continue with this quiet period of prayer before weekday mass (except on those days when the School will be joining us for weekday Mass).However, the Roman Ritual makes it clear that Rite of Benediction is something that should normally follow Mass and not precede it; furthermore, the actual Rite of Benediction should follow a specific pattern as outlined in the Ritual. Indeed, “(e)xposition which is held exclusively for the giving of benediction is prohibited”. As a result, being faithful to No. 89 of the Document “Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass”, there will no longer be a brief Benediction after those 30 minutes of Adoration before weekday mass. Instead, I wish to begin the extension of every Friday Mass with 20 minutes of silent Adoration of the Host actually consecrated in the preceding Mass, and to conclude this with the full Rite of Benediction, utilizing appropriate prayers and hymns. Furthermore, I consider it of pastoral benefit to do the same after the First Saturday morning Mass (which is the occasion on which we offer the Sacrment of the Anointing of the Sick to those who are in advanced age or seriously ill). Tanya and I are in the process of printing and laminating cards for the full traditional Rite of Benediction for use this Friday, Feb 6th and for this Saturday, Feb 7th (during which Mass we shall recommence the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick for those in need). The newly established RCIA Team has now met and will lead our Candidates and Catechumens through the RCIA process to Easter and beyond. I thank Judith Castellino, Vincent Gracis Flor, Rowen Esmero and Melva Paguinto for their generosity in joining with Fr. Robert and myself in this important ministry of service. The RCIA recommences this coming Wednesday (4th Feb) from 7:30 in the Church Kitchen. The newly established Baptism Team is underway; and we hosted 10 families (and a number of godparents) at our first monthly Pre-Baptism Programme last Wednesday evening. If there are a further three parishioners who would like to offer themselves to help the families of those being baptised, please contact me via email or office phone. They will join the very generous Team of Rose Franco, Jill Franco, May Dalusag, Camille Jamon, Anh Kuziak, ably assisted by Tanya Gatt. From now on, the parents (and, hopefully, godparents) of all children to be baptised in St. John XXIII Church will be expected to attend a Pre-Baptism Programme before their scheduled Baptism date. Please continue to contact our Parish Secretary, Tanya Gatt, in the Parish Office to make bookings for Baptism. Thank you all for your continued prayerful support for our Parish Community and its many ministries. God bless you all… Fr. John 10 3 St John XXIII Catholic Church First Reading Deuteronomy 18:15-20 A reading from the book of Deuteronomy Moses said to the people: 'Your God will raise up for you a prophet like myself, from among yourselves, from your own brothers; to him you must listen. This is what you yourselves asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the Assembly. "Do not let me hear again" you said "the voice of the Lord my God, nor look any longer on this great fire, or I shall die"; and the Lord said to me, "All they have spoken is well said. I will raise up a prophet like yourself for them from their own brothers; I will put my words into his mouth and he shall tell them all I command him. The man who does not listen to my words that he speaks in my name, shall be held answerable to me for it. But the prophet who presumes to say in my name a thing I have not commanded him to say, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die."' The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Responsorial Psalm Ps 94:1-2, 6-9 Parish Notices 18 Feb – 31 Mar 2015 harden not your hearts. Come, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord. Meet once a week between 18 Feb to 31 Mar., 2015 If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Topic: following Sunday’s Gospel Come in, let us kneel and bend low; let us kneel before the God who made us for he is our God and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand. If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. O that today you would listen to his voice! 'Harden not your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the desert when your fathers put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.' If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Small, intimate discussion groups If interested, please fill in the sign-up sheet found at the Church foyer or the kitchen watering hole. Parramatta Institute for Mission Liturgical Ministry Formation Courses for 2015 Understanding liturgical ministries, ministry of the word, extraordinary ministers of communion, communion to the sick & dying, senior servers and acolytes & acolyte courses For more information call the parish office to collect forms 9852 0580 If you or a family member is homebound and would want to receive communion in your home please contact the parish office. Gospel Acclamation Matthew 4:16 Alleluia, alleluia! Mass Cards are now available purchase at the parish office for SRE Teachers needed If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office Free morning tea Every 4th Sunday after the 9am mass courtesy of SJ23rd Prayer Group Over 55’s What Lunch Where Galston RSL When 17th February, Monday Time 12 noon or GGC 11:30am For further details please call Merrilyn 9629 4552 / 0413 424552 If you know of anyone who needs help from our Community Outreach group please contact the parish office on 9852 0580 Devotions & Prayers A people in darkness have seen a great light: a radiant dawn shines on those lost in death. Novena Masses Tuesdays 7:30pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help First Fridays 7:30pm Sacred Heart of Jesus Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays 6:30 - 7:30pm First Fridays 6:30pm followed by 7:15pm Benediction Saturdays 8:00 - 9:00am (Vocations) Sacrament of the Sick First Saturday 9:00am Mass or upon request Alleluia! St John XXIII Catholic Church Lent Discussion Groups Response If today, you hear his voice, 4 9 Divine Office Fridays 12:00pm with Adoration Sundays 8:15am Praise & Worship 3rd Saturdays 7:30pm led by SJ23rd Prayer Group 2nd & 4th Saturdays 7:30pm led by CRL (Community of the Risen Lord) Friday Prayer Group Fridays 7:00pm Location Church kitchen Led by Pauline Camilleri 0407 417039 St John XXIII Catholic Church Parish Pastoral Council Corner Charity, desiring to do God’s will, is Sacramental Programme Facilitators able to do everything; it hopes in all (those who will assist the Sacramental things, it bears all things. – St. John Team in the sacramental sessions. XXIII, 11 May 1963 We are officially launching our first Grand Raffle Draw for 2015, with Travel as the central theme. For the low cost of $5 a ticket, you can win tickets for two to join the Pilgrimage Journey from Paris to Compostela led by Fr. John from 20 Sept to 11 Oct this year. Minor prizes include two Surface Pro 3 tablets and four GoPro Hero4 cameras. Ticket sales commence next weekend, but you may reserve booklets now by filling up the forms located in the church foyer and dropping these at the AV Room pigeonhole. We hope that you will avidly support this parish fundraising initiative. We reiterate our invitation to all to participate in the following pillars of our parish: Liturgy team - to plan and implement liturgical events; Faith Formation – to support Fr. John’s Gospel Study sessions this year, as well as the various Parish Retreats; Novena Mass to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesday nights beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6.30pm, Evening Prayer of the Church at 7.00pm, Rosary at 7.15pm and Mass and Novena prayers at 7.30pm. St John XXIII Catholic Church Community Building - you would have heard that we are launching the Parish Hospitality/Welcomers team soon and we need your support! Fundraising - we are doing two raffles this year and we need more bodies! SJ23 Rosary Statue hostings: (Still looking for Feb/ Mar hosts) 3 February – Houghton Family 10 February – Mojica Family 17 February – Ramiscal Family Have a great week! Bart 2015 Parish Council Meeting Schedule Executive (Council leaders) 18 Mar 20 May 16 Sep 18 Nov 22 Jul General (all Parish Council members) tba Our School Executives and Finance committee are also invited to provide updates. Parishioners are invited to come and be part of this meeting. Second Reading Corinthians 7:32-35 Gospel Mark 1:21-28 A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark I would like to see you free from all worry. An unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord's affairs, all he need worry about is pleasing the Lord; but a married man has to bother about the world's affairs and devote himself to pleasing his wife: he is torn two ways. In the same way an unmarried woman, like a young girl, can devote herself to the Lord's affairs; all she need worry about is being holy in body and spirit. The married woman, on the other hand, has to worry about the world's affairs and devote herself to pleasing her husband. I say this only to help you, not to put a halter round your necks, but simply to make sure that everything is as it should be, and that you give your undivided attention to the Lord. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Jesus and his followers went as far as Capernaum, and as soon as the Sabbath came Jesus went to the synagogue and began to teach. And his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority. In their synagogue just then there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit, and it shouted, 'What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.' But Jesus said sharply, 'Be quiet! Come out of him!' And the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions and with a loud cry went out of him. The people were so astonished that they started asking each other what it all meant. 'Here is a teaching that is new' they said 'and with authority behind it: he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.' And his reputation rapidly spread everywhere, through all the surrounding Galilean countryside. The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. If you want the opportunity of having the statue visit you in your home contact Bart Sarlabus. Pick up the statue during the novena and return before the novena. Family Roster for the Rosary Statue 3 Feb, 10 Feb, 8 5 St John XXIII Catholic Church Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (At the words that follow, up to and including ‘and became man’, all bow.) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Readings for next Week February 2 Mon Presentation of the Lord Reflection on the Gospel At times Jesus tried to escape from the popularity engendered by his ministry and find some quiet time to be with His Father. And yet, so frequently, as today’s Gospel relates, the crowds ‘found’ him; and he willingly continued ministering to them. Malachi 3:1-4 (JB) Ps 23:7-10 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40 Saint Angela Merici What is worth reflecting on in this text from Mark is that the crowds SOUGHT HIM OUT. He didn’t go to them; they came to Him. They wanted to witness his signs and miracles, to experience His healing touch, to listen to the Word of God that He preached. Hebrews 12:1-4 (JB) Ps 21:26-28, 30-32 Mark 5:21-43 My sisters and brothers: Aren’t we the ‘Body of Christ’ in the world today (as St. Paul often reminds his hearers)? 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel 1st Reading Psalm Gospel 3 Tues 4 Wed Ordinary time 1st Readings Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15 Psalm Ps 102:1-2, 13-14, 17-18 Gospel Mark 6:1-6 But where are the multitudes in our Parish Church?! Jesus was someone everyone wanted to be around. 5 Thurs St Agatha 1st Readings Hebrews 12:18-19, 21 -24 Psalm Ps 47:2-4, 9-11 Gospel Mark 6:7-13 6 Fri St Paul Miki & companions 7 Sat Do people want to be here with us? Do people see in you and me the contemporary embodiment of Truth, Faith, Goodness? As baptised Christians it is our job, our mission, to be someone who imitates the Master: who says and does what He said and did; who is attractive to believers and non-believers alike! Youth Corner 1st Readings Hebrews 13:1-8 Psalm Ps 26:1, 3, 5, 8-9 Gospel Mark 6:14-29 Ordinary time 1st Readings Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 Psalm Ps 22 —————————————— DWF APPEAL There will be a a 3rd Collection for the DWF Appeal on the 2nd or 3rd week of February St John XXIII Catholic Church Aren’t we (the Church) called to be those whose words and deeds convey the Truth that sets all free now? 6 GTK YOUTH GROUP (Getting to Know - God, yourself and other) Age group - School Years 4-9 When: 2nd and 4th Sundays Where: St Mark’s Staff Room Time: 4:15pm drop off at Church 4.30pm afternoon tea 5.00pm Break open the word 5.30pm Welcomers at mass 6.00pm Youth Mass 7.30pm leave from Church Where: Time: Church after 6:00pm vigil mass YFC (Youth for Christ) When: Meets every 3rd Sunday at St Mark’s Staff Room Time: 1:00pm for Break open the word. 6.00pm Youth Mass Contacts: RJ Samonte [email protected] Ceejay Sarlabus [email protected] CRL (Community of the Risen Lord) Praise & worship When: 2nd & 4th Saturdays 7 St John XXIII Catholic Church
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