Physical Address 11361 Prospect Drive Martell, California Mailing Address 11361 Prospect Drive Jackson, CA 95642 Web Parish Mission Statement We, the Amador Community of St. Katharine Drexel Parish, are united in our Catholic faith. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and led by the example of St. Katharine who served the marginalized, we are strengthened by the Eucharist and strive to serve all God’s people while evangelizing future generations. See inside back cover for more contact information Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Next Weekend, February 7-8: Annual Catholic Appeal The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal will be held at all Masses next weekend. The Annual Catholic Appeal is our annual tradition that connects us to thousands of people who need our help every day. Last year, through your generosity, our parish contributed $44,589 to the Appeal. Our 25% parish share was used to help our own parishioners with emergency assistance. If you have not already done so, please prayerfully consider your gift to assist so many in need. Each and every gift will make a difference in someone’s life. Respect Life News Walk for Life West Coast At right: St. Katharine Parish parishioners pose for a group photo at last Saturday’s Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. The walk attracted more than 50,000 people who marched to show their support for protecting God’s precious gift of LIFE. If you would like to participate in our parish’s Respect Life Committee, please contact Melissa Sanders at 245-3482 or the Parish Center at 223-2970. The committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month, 5:30 PM, in the second floor conference room of the Parish Center. Precious Feet The St. Katharine Drexel Respect Life Committee would like to thank the parishioners who so graciously gave a donation as committee members handed out Precious Feet lapel pins on January 17 and 18. By wearing the pins you will show that you believe life in the womb is precious and should be protected at all stages, and your donation will help the Respect Life Committee further the cause for LIFE! Unfortunately, we did not have enough pins to meet the demand and we will have more Precious Feet pins available in the future . . . so please stay tuned! Feast of St. Blaise: Tuesday, February 3 On the Feast of St. Blaise, Tuesday, February 3, throats will be blessed at the following daily Masses: 7 AM - Sacred Heart 8 AM - St. Katharine Drexel 9:30 AM - Our Lady of the Pines St. Blaise was bishop of Sebaste in Armenia in the fourth century. Before being martyred, he is said to have healed a boy who was choking. Since the eighth century, St. Blaise has been venerated as the patron of those who suffer from diseases of the throat. We pray in a special way for protection from afflictions of the throat and from other illnesses. The blessing of St. Blaise is a sign of our faith in God’s protection and love for us and for the sick. Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule: February 18 Mass and Distribution of Ashes 7 AM and 7 PM - Sacred Heart, Ione 8 AM and 7 PM - St. Katharine Drexel, Martell 9:30 AM - Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes 12 NOON - St. Katharine Drexel, Martell 5 PM - St. Bernard, Volcano 5 PM - St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth 6 PM - Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Page 2 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Youth Ministry Update New Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries Position Promotion Underway The Youth Ministry Initiative Task Force met last month on January 13 and approved the job description and posting for the new position of Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. The posting was sent to some 20 websites and Catholic university jobplacement offices the first week of January. To date we have received 15 letters and resumes in response. Many of them look promising! Youth Center Conceptual Plans and Budget Completed Meanwhile we have completed the initial conceptual plans and budget for the proposed new 3,100-square-foot Youth Center which, with the support of the parishioners, will be constructed in the current storage area located on the west side of the Parish Center. The initial construction plans and budget will be open to further discussion and parishioner input as we proceed. process for reviewing incoming job applications, composition of the interview team, and the schedule to interview applicants. All are welcome to attend and bring their ideas. Please join us! Funding Plan Submitted to the Bishop Last week Fr. Larry sent Bishop Soto a detailed package that included the future Youth Center plans, budget and prospectus, while requesting permission to defer one-half of our commitment to the diocesan ONE campaign to the third phase of our parish capital campaign. He expects a response by March 1. Should his request and recommendation be approved, we will proceed with the construction plans. With parishioners’ support in next year’s campaign, construction will begin in early summer of 2016. Next Meeting – February 10 – Join Us! The Youth Ministry Initiative Task Force members will meet again on Tuesday, February 10, at 5 PM at the Parish Center. Among the many agenda items, we will decide the Prayer for Our Young People Heavenly Father, Bless and protect all young people. Enliven the gift of faith you placed within them at their baptism. Open their hearts to experience your love. Draw them closer to you in a personal relationship. Let them know that you are always with them. Fill them with your Holy Spirit. Guide them to good friends. Bring back those who wander from you, that they might know and love your Son, Jesus, and his Church. Amen. Women’s Retreat: March 6-8 Amador County women are invited to attend the annual retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center in Citrus Heights, March 6-8. It is a wonderful weekend of peace and quiet to enrich your spiritual life with other members of our parish. This year’s theme is “Living the Joy of the Gospel.” “You feel the presence of God and the spirit of Christ as you walk through the Retreat Center doors.” Retreat starts Friday evening and concludes with Mass on Sunday morning. For more information, contact Linda Wagner at 223-1156 or visit Parishioner Financial Gifts: With Sincere Appreciation Donations from all churches for the weekend of January 24-25 totaled $6,252. Total offertory, less EFT, for the month of January, by church: St. Katharine Drexel $11,036 St. Bernard $ 1,954 Immaculate Conception $ 3,208 St. Mary of the Mountains $ 2,768 Our Lady of the Pines $ 6,870 St. Patrick $ 5,590 Sacred Heart of Jesus $ 3,248 Upcoming Second Collections Heartfelt thanks for your generosity Feb 1 TODAY! Feb 8 Building Repair Fund Annual Catholic Appeal All other special donation envelopes may be given on any weekend of the month. February 1, 2015 Page 3 Rite of Christian Initiation News What does RCIA mean to the candidate or catechumen? This is a special time in their life, a time that they have never before had and will never again have. Learning about the Catholic faith involves more than acquiring knowledge and information. Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with a community of faith. Gradually our candidates and catechumen will get to know members of our parish community. Their faith journey provides them with an opportunity to grow in a deeper relationship with God. Reflecting on ways they experience God, hearing one another’s experiences, and praying together and alone provides space for their relationship with God to deepen. Their faith journey affords time to notice life experiences, thoughts, awarenesses, and beliefs. The RCIA sessions provide an opportunity to bring life experiences and values into dialogue with views and beliefs of the Catholic Church. On Monday, during our weekly RCIA session, our candidates and catechumen that are in the Catechumenate phase of RCIA will learn about the early Church. Soon, they will enter the final stages of RCIA during the Lenten season. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as they hear God's call to the Catholic faith. The RCIA team will be holding an Inquiry evening in the near future. People of any religious background, baptized or unbaptized, children over seven years of age and adults are welcome to come see what RCIA is about. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or what it takes to become Catholic, please contact the Parish Center or email the RCIA team at [email protected] Pregnancy Help Center, and Operation Care, First 5 Amador is distributing “baby basics” to families with infants and toddlers. You can help by donating items such as diapers, baby wipes, baby food, and baby products such as shampoo, wash, lotion, etc. in the large collection box at the Parish Center. All items must be new and in their original packaging. Thank you! Helping Families in Need First 5 Amador is a local organization that promotes, supports, and enhances optimal development of children ages five and under in Amador County. Through the Interfaith Food Bank, the Homeless Shelter, the Teens Receiving Confirmation: Are You Fired Up? The Confirmation Conference “Fired Up!” will be Saturday, February 21, and Sunday, February 22, from 10 AM to 4 PM at St. Francis High School in Sacramento. This rally is for all junior high and high school students (grades 7-9) who are scheduled to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2015. A fun and inspirational day for teens to enrich the Confirmation preparation process. Keynote speakers will be Mark Hart, Armando Cervantes and Lili Flores. The day will culminate with Mass with Bishop Jaime Soto. Cost is $30 per student/chaperone. Teens must attend as a parish group with chaperones. For more information or to register for the conference, go to And visit the website if you are a high school teen, are “fired up” about this conference, and wish to volunteer your time! For more information, contact Jennifer Campbell at [email protected]. World Day of the Sick: Mass at Cathedral on Saturday, February 7 Bishop Jaime Soto will celebrate Mass for the World Day of the Sick on Saturday, February 7, at 5 PM at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. World Day of the Sick was instituted by Pope St. John Paul II in 1992. Cele- brated each year on or near the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, this beautiful ceremony is a special occasion of consolation and prayer. Individuals afflicted with acute or chronic illnesses are all invited. Bishop Bingo This Week: February 5 St. Katharine Drexel Men’s Club BINGO available at the reception desk on the Night is this Thursday, February 5. Wednesday of Bingo week. First Bingo Dinner is at 4:30 PM. Dinner menu is game begins at 5:45 PM. Soto, along with several priests, will administer the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Those who wish to receive the sacrament should arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass for best seating. Page 4 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time YLI Columbia #72 Meeting: February 3 YLI Columbia #72 will be holding its monthly dinner meeting on Tuesday, February 3, at 6 PM in St. Patrick’s Hall. We invite all women in the parish dinner at 6. RSVP to Mary at 223for a great meal and a fun time! Please 3081. join us for socializing at 5:30 and Gemma #75 YLI Bunco: March 28 Gemma #75 YLI has rescheduled its Bunco party for Saturday, March 28, at 6 PM at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Center. Tickets are $20. Proceeds will go toward funding our Seminarians. Come and enjoy soup, salad, dinner, and dessert. There will be Bunco, prizes, and an opportunity raffle for many lovely gift baskets. Come help us support our future priests. For more information, call Marilyn at 296-4828. News from . . . ST. KATHARINE DREXEL SKD Book Club Spring reading schedule: February 10 the book choice is “And Now I See: A Transformation” by Robert Barron. On March 10 our book is “7 Secrets of the Eucharist” by Vinney Flynn. April is skipped as the May book is a long one. May 12 the book is “The Fulfillment of All Desire” by Ralph Martin. We meet on the second Tuesday at 6 PM. If any of these books sound interesting, come and join the discussion. No long term obligation. For more information call Susan at 296-1231. The Cleaning Crew We all enjoy the blessing of a beautiful and clean church environment. The St. Katharine Drexel volunteer cleaning crew can use more help. They clean on either Friday or Saturday mornings at 9 AM for about 1-1/2 hours. With more help, it takes less time. Cleaning volunteers are scheduled once every 5-6 weeks. No toilet duty required! If you can help, call the Parish office at 223-2970. News from . . . IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Spanish Mass continues to be celebrated at St. Katharine Drexel until further notice. We will keep you informed when Immaculate Concep- tion Hall will again be useable. News from . . . OUR LADY OF THE PINES Hospitality Sunday is today, February 1. Join us for free coffee and donuts after Mass and as we honor retiring Head Usher John Neptune! OLOP Society Potluck and Meeting is this Wednesday, February 4, in Haran Hall. Potluck dinner at 5:30 PM and meeting at 6:30. The 5th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner is only six weeks away and we need your help! Come to the planning meeting Tuesday, February 3, 10 AM in Haran Hall. Can’t make the meeting but want to help? Call Thelma Asbury at 295-4442. A co-chair would be most welcome. This is a fun event and an important fundraiser for OLOP. We can’t do it without you! Thanks—see you at the meeting. News from . . . SACRED HEART OF JESUS The Sacred Heart Ladies Club will be holding its next GENERAL meeting on Wednesday, February 11, at 6:30 PM in the church hall. The theme will be Are You Ready for Lent? with Fr. Relihan as our guest speaker. Refresh- ments will be served followed by the business portion of the meeting. Hope to see you there! Room w/bath for rent. $495/mo. No pets or smoking. References. $395 Security deposit. Call (209) 274-9171. February 1, 2015 Page 5 Faith Formation Susan Kirkwood-Yates, Director of over! Youth must continue the regular Religious Education (223-2970) weekly Faith Formation sessions, and [email protected] don’t forget the retreat coming up in En Español: Tenemos información de las March! clases para sus niños y adolecentes en español. Favor de contactas a Lino y Rosa The First Communion Parent-Child sessions concluded yesterday. Thank Solis al 209-304-3026 para cualquier información. you to all the families who faithfully attended. The children will continue Confirmation Parent-Youth session their regular weekly Faith Formation does NOT meet today. The final sessions on Sunday mornings after Parent-Youth session is next Sunday, Mass. February 8. But preparation is not Scrip Continues To Grow Congratulations Scrip Buyers! As of early January, our fledgling scrip program had earned just over $5,000! The secret to the long-term success of our effort is continual participation, so please keep utilizing scrip for all of your purchasing needs. Remember that the scrip we carry in stock is just a First Reconciliation The children preparing for First Communion are also preparing for First Reconciliation. The Parent-Child Reconciliation Retreat is coming up on Saturday, February 7, 1 to 4 PM at the Parish Center. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Friday, February 13, 6 PM at St. Katharine Drexel Church. ENROLLMENT CODE AT AAL585AE39864 sample of what is available. We can special order from hundreds of stores. If you haven't purchased scrip yet, we are willing and waiting to answer all your questions. This is the ONLY way you will be able to contribute to the future of the Catholic faith in our county without actually making a donation. Instead, all you need to do is shop. As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at scrip@ or call Linda at 223-1156. Devotions ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday, 10 AM to 3 PM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Third Thursday, 1 to 6 PM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth Friday, 12:30 to 5:30 PM at St. Patrick, Jackson ROSARY Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30 AM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Tuesday & Friday, 9:10 AM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer Wednesday, 9 AM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Second Sunday before Mass, 7:30 AM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Tuesday , 10 AM at Our Lady of the Pines, Pioneer First Sunday, 10:45 AM at St. Mary of the Mountains, Plymouth Reinhardt, Emmett Rettagliata, John Reynolds, Joe Rosa, Janet Saust, Al Silva, Rick Smith, Veva Smith, John Stremfel, Tracy Tober, Sean Wood, Edward Wuelfing The Gift of Life Please Pray For Monroe Anderson, Don Armstrong, Marlene Brandt, Bob Buck, Janet Carr, Brent Carrico, Charlie McCoy Causbrook, Bill Clapp, Joan Corbett, Sharon Cosgrove, Timothy Daniels, Kyleigh Derouin, Bruce Dixon, Kelly Dulka, Aaron Esparza, Andrew Esparza, Tilly Esparza, Joanne Ghiorso, Donald Graf, Joseph & Joan Gregorious, Norm Hoffman, Ann Joly, Kristin Jordan, Gale Kilgore, Nancy Knox, Ken, Mary and Sally Koch, Molly Kohlschreiber, Marcie Lawrence, Zee Lawrence, Junie Lopes, Marcea Malatesta, Ken Martin, Donna Miller, Ada Mocelin, Gene & Frances Mummy, John Neptune, Bill Netto, Claudia Parker, Joyce Parker, Lucien Provost, Jacqueline Reed, Alison Names stay on the prayer list for 2 months unless otherwise requested. We need first and last name, phone number of requesting party. Thank you for keeping our prayer list current. Call 209-223-2970 with updates. Repose of the Soul Stanley Williams Pray for these expectant mothers: Rachel Bellotti, Shenay Corrigan, Alyssa Curran, Ashli Curran, Eileen Curran, Jaclyn Galica, Marci Gillman, Heather Lindsey Santos, Jaime Trassare, Chelsea Yule Serving in the Military Pray for these men and women serving our country. We thank you for your service: Matt Campoy, Brett Cleary, Glen Getz, Rey Del Rosario, William Mullan, Eric Perez, Sam Ruttschow, Steven Segura, Miguel Serrato, Daniel Smiley, Tony Stewart, Tyler Vinson Page 6 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Churches of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: Locations, Mass Times, Mass Intentions CHURCH, LOCATION & MASS TIMES DAY & DATE MASS MASS INTENTION ST. KATHARINE DREXEL 11361 Prospect Drive, Martell 209-223-2970 Sun 9:30 AM Sun 1:30 PM (Spanish) Mon-Fri 8:00 AM SUN SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SUN SUN Feb 1 Feb 1 (Spanish) Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 8 (Spanish) 9:30 AM 1:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 1:30 PM Dan Howley † IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 115 Spanish Street, Sutter Creek 209-223-2970 Sat 5:00 PM SAT SAT Jan 31 Feb 7 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Frank Marre † For All Parishioners OUR LADY OF THE PINES 26750 Tiger Creek Road, Pioneer 209-223-2970 or 209-295-4909 Sun 9:30 AM Tue & Fri 9:30 AM SUN Feb 1 TUE Feb 3 9:30 AM 9:30 AM FRI Feb 6 9:30 AM SUN Feb 8 9:30 AM All Souls Charlotte Gawronski † and Helen Waugh † Living and deceased relatives and friends of Jacqueline Henss Joseph Zekan †, Mary Zekan †, and Joseph Zekan, Jr. † SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SUN Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 8 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM All Souls ST. BERNARD 16285 Emigrant Street, Volcano 209-223-2970 Sat 5:00 PM SAT SAT Jan 31 Feb 7 5:00 PM 5:00 PM For All Parishioners Pauline Pennington † ST. MARY OF THE MOUNTAINS 18765 Church Street, Plymouth 209-223-2970 Sun 11:15 AM SUN Feb 1 SUN Feb 8 11:15 AM Mary Studebaker † 11:15 AM ST. PATRICK 115 Court Street, Jackson 209-223-2970 Sun 8:00 AM SUN Feb 1 SUN Feb 8 8:00 AM 8:00 AM SACRED HEART OF JESUS 20 Relihan Drive, Ione 209-223-2970 Sun 8:00 AM Mon-Fri 7:00 AM Cyndi Martin † All Souls Fr. Vladimir Kozina † All Souls All Souls Dan Howley † Mrs. Turkovich † Fr. Vladimir Kozina † Mary Ann Busi † Sacraments RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday, 3:30-4:30 PM at St. Katharine Drexel, Martell Confessions heard upon request or by appointment at all other mission churches, before or after Masses WEDDINGS Call Parish Center six months in advance BAPTISMS Call Parish Center for required preparation RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Call Parish Center for details EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND Call Jeff and Marilynn Dillon at 209296-8011 to have Holy Communion administered to those unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability. February 1, 2015 Page 7 Parish Contact Information CLERGY Rev. Lawrence Beck, Pastor Rev. Michal Olszewski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas Relihan, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Anthony Janelli, Retired Priest in Residence Ed Pogue, Deacon deaconepogue@stkatharinedrexel. com Jaime Garcia, Deacon [email protected] PHONE NUMBERS Office 209-223-2970 Fax 209-223-1147 Rectory 209-223-4463 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 4:30 PM OFFICE STAFF Suzie Reynolds, Pastoral Associate [email protected] Marge Vicari, Bookkeeper [email protected] Susan Kirkwood-Yates, Director of Religious Education skirkwoodyates@ Victoria Grimm, Counseling/Spiritual Direction [email protected] Barbara Morgenstern, Parish Center Special Events Manager (non-church-related events) [email protected] OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Fr. Michal Olszewski & Teresa Yeakey [email protected] CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME [email protected] AMADOR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES [email protected] SCRIP PROGRAM [email protected] Enrollment code at AAL585AE39864 ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Message hotline: 209-223-5865 [email protected] BULLETIN [email protected] Deadline: Monday 4:30 PM MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS [email protected] Deadline: Tuesday 4:30 PM WEBMASTER [email protected] Parish Life - Groups, Organizations, Committees, Councils, Bible Studies, Prayer Groups ST. KATHARINE DREXEL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Barbara & Lance Outland 209-296-4672. Meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month following the 9:30 AM Youth Mass at SKD. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE Melissa Sanders at 209-245-3482. Meets 2nd Tuesday, 5:30 PM, SKD Parish Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room. “BE NOT AFRAID” PRAYER GROUP Allen or Karen Martin at 209-365-6090. Meets Wednesday at 6:30 PM at different homes. SPECIAL FRIENDS FOR JESUS Joan Pickering at 209-267-0538. Teens and adults with developmental delays. DIVORCE HEALING MINISTRY Victoria Grimm at 209-223-2970. The Catholic Church can help you through this life journey. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sue DuBois at 209-918-6360. Meets Wednesdays. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 7 PM, St. Patrick Hall. Call the Parish Center, 223-2970, for info. LITURGY OF THE WORD BIBLE STUDY Meets Fridays at 3 PM at Our Lady of the Pines. Fr. Tony Janelli, facilitator. ST. KATHARINE DREXEL MEN’S CLUB Meets 1st Monday, 6:30 PM, SKD Parish Center. Bingo is 1st Thursday; dinner at 4:30 PM, Bingo begins 5:45 PM. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #1849 Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting, SKD Parish Center. SACRED HEART LADIES CLUB Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6 PM meeting and potluck, Sacred Heart Hall. COLUMBIA #72 YLI Meets 1st Tuesday, 6 PM social hour, 7 PM meeting, St. Patrick Church Hall. GEMMA #75 YLI Meets 3rd Wednesday, 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting, Immaculate Conception Hall. YMI #137 OLOP Meets 4th Wednesday, 5:30 PM, Our Lady of the Pines Haran Hall. ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION #428 (ICF) Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6 PM, Immaculate Conception Hall. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Meets 1st Thursday, 5 PM, SKD Parish Center. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Meets 4th Tuesday, 4:30 PM, SKD Parish Center. LITURGY COMMITTEE Meets 2nd Thursday, 5 PM, SKD Parish Center. CHURCH LEADERSHIP GROUPS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ST. MARY OF THE MOUNTAINS MINISTRY COMMITTEE Meets 2nd Wednesday, 4 PM, alternate months at Immaculate Conception Hall and St. Mary Church. OUR LADY OF THE PINES SOCIETY Meets 1st Wednesday, 5:30 PM potluck, 6:30 PM meeting, OLOP Haran Hall. SACRED HEART LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Meets every other month (dates vary), 6 PM, beginning in January, Sacred Heart Hall. ST. BERNARD SOCIETY Meets 2nd Saturday, immediately following 5 PM Mass, St. Bernard Church. ST. PATRICK SOCIETY Meets 4th Tuesday, 7 PM, St. Patrick Hall. Picture your ad here! To advertise in this bulletin, please call the Parish Center at 209-223-2970 or email [email protected] To advertise in this bulletin, please call the Parish Center at 209-223-2970 or email [email protected]
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