FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1502 E. Wallen Road, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 www.saintv.org St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School is currently registering students for next year at this time. We welcome you to take a look at what we do every day and how we enable all of our students to live their Catholic faith and to achieve academic success in a safe and effective environment. Call for an appointment, and we will give you a tour. The office number is 489-3537. Ask for Kathy Palmer or Sandra Guffey. We would love to meet with you. We will share information about a strong academic program that, throughout the curriculum, incorporates our Catholic Identity. We’ll also show how our students develop an intimate relationship with Christ through the many opportunities for prayer and weekly reception of the Eucharist. We regularly engage in Works of Mercy by participating in food drives, walk-a-thons, and other activities to serve others. Our students at St. Vincent’s thrive in a strong academic program with teachers who dedicate themselves to assisting each child in meeting his or her full potential while being supported by caring, giving families. If you already know about our school and are ready to enroll, go to the school website at www.saintv.org/school to find the registration paperwork. We want to welcome you into our Community in Christ! January 25—January 31 2 N E W S & MASS INTENTIONS Monday, February 2 *6:30 am Mary Lynn Cavanaugh 8:00 am Ken Palmer All Mass Mal 3:1-4 / Heb 2:14-18 / Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday, February 3 *6:30 am Vita Quinn 8:00 am Jerry Borros All Mass Heb 12:1-4 / Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, February 4 *6:30 am Robert Cowan 8:00 am Thomas Hengy Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 / Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, February 5 *6:30 am Mary Grant 8:00 am Marti Weihe Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 / Mk 6:7-13 Friday, February 6 First Friday 8:00 am Dolores Fiacable *5:30 pm INT Mary Baldassari Heb 13:1-8 / Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, February 7 8:00 am INT Rosary Society Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 / Mk 6:30-34 5:00 pm Evelyn Armstrong Sunday, February 8 7:15 am Frank & Lillian Palisieski 9:00 am John (Jack) Manley 11:00 am Jane Winkler 12:45 pm Larry Woodrum 6:00 pm For the Parish (Life Teen Mass) Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 / 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 / Mk 1:29-39 *Chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sunday, 12:00 pm—5:30 pm and Wednesday, 9:00 am—5:30 pm PALM BRANCHES We will be burning palm branches blessed on Palm Sunday of last year. You may bring your blessed palm branches from home and place them in the basket located in the Gathering Space. The ashes from the burnt branches will be used at our Ash Wednesday services. The LAST day palms will be received is Sunday February 15. WEDDING BANNS “Please pray that the Lord will abundantly bless this couple as they prepare to take their marriage vows.” II John Wunderlin & Jill Houlihan N O T E S FROM THE PASTOR This Monday, February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (for those of you who are counting, it is also the 40th day of Christmas!). This last of the Christmas feasts is also known as Candlemas, for on it we bless the candles which will be used in the church throughout the year. A candle exists to spend itself at the service of giving light, and this is of course our mission as followers of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. Because it is a day marked symbolically by such radiant self-gift, the Feast of the Presentation has also historically been one for Ordinations to the Priesthood and Religious Professions for those in consecrated life. Bishop D’Arcy, for example, was ordained on February 2. This year St. Vincent’s own Sr. Bernadette Becker---daughter of John and Patty Becker---will take a next step toward profession in the Franciscan Sisters Minor. The Rite of Investiture will be celebrated for her on Monday by Bishop Rhoades at 5:30PM Vespers at St. Andrew Church on New Haven Avenue. If you are not able to join us in person for this joyful event, please join us in prayer for Sr. Bernadette. On Tuesday I am so happy to welcome my youngest brother Dominic to visit St. Vincent’s. He is using some vacation time to be with me and see my new parish family. Thank you for your continued prayers for my new year’s resolution to be a better brother to my first family. For those of you waiting for an update on my recent trip with our business manager Tom Schuerman to St. Mark Parish in Cincinnati, I can report that the visit was very promising and informative regarding the prospect of rescuing some of the sacred objects for eventual use at St. Vincent’s. Planning a trip for parishioners to see this closed church has, however, proven to be more complex: The fire marshal has for safety reasons disallowed the gathering of larger groups in St. Mark’s (plaster is falling from the ceiling!), and the Archbishop of Cincinnati has officially closed the church for public worship. I am currently working with the Pastor of the merged parish to see what might be possible for smaller groups to visit. I am happy to share further details at the first meeting of our Eucharistic Faith Committee on Tuesday, February 3 at 6:00PM in church. This committee will devote substantial prayer, study, research, and discussion---in close collaboration with the Diocese---toward discerning how the Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist can be more deeply and comprehensively worshipped and adored at our Parish. This committee will also specifically explore the logistics of a multi-phased, coordinated plan for: (a) expanding the use of the current Blessed Sacrament Chapel to include group as well as individual prayer, (b) centralizing an additional Tabernacle in the sanctuary of the main church, and eventually (c) constructing a Perpetual Adoration Chapel in the old cemetery at the corner of Auburn and Wallen. Our Early Childhood Education Committee will also have its initial meeting this week on Thursday, February 5 at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. This committee will systematically explore the future long-term investment of St. Vincent’s Parish---Church and School---in offering comprehensive early childhood education for our families (pre-K, nursery, Montessori-based Catechesis of the Good Shepherd childhood faith formation, daycare, etc.) to assure that young families are well-inserted into the life of our whole Parish. In St. Vincent’s love of Christ, Fr. Daniel Scheidt EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Come find peace in Jesus' presence during Eucharist Adoration! We are hoping to expand the hours for Adoration on Sundays, and invite all in the parish to consider committing to 30 minutes, or even an hour, as a scheduled adorer. If you are unable to commit to every Sunday, consider forming a team with family or friends (perhaps your Small Christian Community, or Christ Renews team) to jointly cover a time slot on a rotating basis. The proposed schedule would begin at 8:15 am, right after the first Sunday Mass, and would end at 5:30 pm. If you are able to commit to a scheduled time please call Julie Fox @ 437-5668 or email [email protected]. C HURCH N EWS DO YOU NEED TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION? Young adults in high school and other adults who, for whatever reason have not been confirmed, please come to a brief orientation meeting to be held Sunday morning, February 1, at 10:15 am in the Parish Library or Sunday, February 8 (this is a CHANGE OF DATE) at noon in the Parish Library. If possible, bring baptismal and First Communion information to that meeting, so that we may begin the Confirmation process. If you want to participate and cannot attend one of these two times, please call the church office at 489-3537 ext. 3 or email Dorothy Schuerman at [email protected] for further information. Classes will begin during the week of February 22 and the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on May 30 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Fort Wayne. ROSARY SOCIETY MEETING on February 2 at 6:30 pm in the Spiritual Center— Community Room B. We will be stringing Miraculous Medals. Any questions, please call Theresa at 637-3279. DIVORCED/SEPARATED CATHOLIC SUPPORT GROUP St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church welcomes men and women who have suffered from divorce or separation to our program: The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide. Join us Thursday, February 5 for our segment: Seeing God in Romance. This session introduces how romantic relationships are not the end all and be all of life, but rather are designed to mirror the more profound courtship and subsequent eternal marriage of Christ the Bridegroom with every human soul. This session also discusses how our culture lies about that love. The program is from 7:00-9:00 pm, doors open at 6:45 pm. Join us in the Parish Library, located off of the Gathering Space in the Church. For more information visit our web page: www.saintv.org and select the Community Life/Support link or call the St. Vincent de Paul church office at 260-489-3537 ext. 208. We look forward to seeing you! BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES Attendance at two Baptismal Preparation Sessions is required before your child is baptized — Session I and Session II. You may attend Session II before Session I, if necessary. Each session will begin at 7:00 pm. It is recommended that both parents attend before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay in setting a date for the baptism once the baby is born. Godparents, too, are welcome. At least one parent and one godparent must be practicing Catholics. Also, parents must be registered in the Parish. Please call the church office to sign up for your sessions. Session I (Parish Library) - February 12 Session II (Church Conference Room) - February 19 3 MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Monday, February 2 6:30 pm Rosary Society—Community Room B 6:30 pm Light Weigh—Parish Library 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Society—Chapel 7:00 pm Third Option Training—Community Room A Tuesday, February 3 7:00 am Christian Servant Leadership—Comm. Rm. A 8:45 am Two-By-Two—Parish Library 1:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry—Parish Library 6:00 pm Eucharistic Faith Committee—Church 6:30 pm Shepherds of Christ—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6:30 pm School Board—Activity Center Room 6:45 pm RCIA—Community Rooms A&B 7:00 pm 7-Steps Orientation Meeting—Parish Library Wednesday, February 4 9:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9:00 am WINGS—Life Center Conference Room/Café 5:30 pm Adult Education Night—Potluck—Parish Hall 6:00 pm Candle Ministry—Life Center Craft Room 6:30 pm Adult Education Night—Speaker—Parish Hall Thursday, February 5 9:00 am WINGS II—Community Room A 5:30 pm Stewardship Committee—Church Conf. Rm. 6:30 pm Early Childhood Education Com.—Parish Hall 7:00 pm Divorced/Separated Group—Parish Library 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus 1st Degree Admission Ceremony—Community Room A/Chapel Sunday, February 8 12:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Blessed Sacrament Chapel 12:00 pm Adult Confirmation Registration—Parish Library ADULT EDUCATION NIGHT— PARISH POTLUCK AND SPEAKER “EVANGELIZE!!!....WHO ME???” The Second Vatican Council gave us the clear understanding that, “...the whole church is missionary, and the work of evangelization is a basic duty of the people of God.” (Ad Gentes) How are we to fulfill this duty? What is evangelization? Come learn how YOU in your everyday life can fulfill the Great Commission of sharing the Good News!!!! It is easy, it is fun and it is doable for every baptized Catholic! Come and learn how you can become fishers of men. Sr. Bernadette Beamsley from the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ will be sharing on everyday evangelization on Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall during the Adult Faith Formation night. Potluck begins at 5:30 pm! Y O U T H 4 M I N I S T R Y YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Sunday, February 1 NO LIFE NIGHT—Super Bowl Wednesday, February 4 Mini Hour - 7:30-9pm @LC Sunday, February 8 Social: Lights-Out Dodgeball DRIVER’S TRAINING—BISHOP DWENGER HS Bishop Dwenger High School is now offering the book work portion of Driver’s Education as an online class. It is a 30hour course that can be done at your own pace. Students must be at least 15 years old to register for the class. The cost is $50. Go to www.bishopdwenger.com for the registration form. If you have any questions please call 260-496-4707. SOCIAL: We won’t be having a LifeNight this Sunday so enjoy time with friends and family and plan to join us next Sunday as we grow in community by pummeling each other with dodgeballs…in the dark… =) SPRING RETREAT PLANNING MEETING: We need you to put on the Spring Retreat. There are a number of ways you can help out! We need teens for Witnesses, for Drama Team skits, for other various skits, and to help with Prelude - which involves doing all the Palanca envelopes, painting and creating all the decorations. We literally couldn’t do it without you! You need to be a sophomore or older and been on at least one retreat in order to help out. The secret retreat theme reveal planning meeting is tentatively set for Thurs, Feb. 12th @ 7:30 pm in the Life Center. It’s a great way to extend the retreat, so we hope to see you there! LIFE TEEN ON THE WEB: To stay current on what’s going on with Life Teen, especially when it gets to inclement weather, we will post notices on our FB page, our Twitter account, and our webpage: www.saintvym.weebly.com. So be sure to Like, Follow, or check us out. The Spring Retreat will be here soon, and forms will also be posted to the website like they were for the Fall Retreat, so now is a good time to bookmark it and check it out for a schedule of events and other info. CORE TEAM: Have you felt God calling you to serve Him, but aren’t sure how? Maybe He is calling you to serve His teens. This is an amazing ministry and I encourage you to pray about joining the Core team. If you are interested, or if you have someone else to suggest, please talk to Sarah or any of the Core for more information. For information about our Life Teen Program, please contact Sarah Hill, 435-0453 or [email protected]. Coming up in Edge: February 9: Mardi Gras February 23: Two Become One For information about our EDGE Program, please contact Lindsay Klinker [email protected]. CATHOLIC BUSINESS NETWORK GROUP The next meeting of the Catholic Business Network Group will take place on Friday, February 6. Our speaker will be Dr. Lance Richey, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Saint Francis. Dr. Richey’s talk is entitled “Lessons for Business Leaders from Dorothy Day.” Please join us for First Friday Mass in the Guerin Chapel at 7:00 am and then gather in the Cathedral Center at 7:30 am for networking, fellowship and camaraderie. Refreshments will be provided by Beth Becker, Mary Kay Cosmetics. Please remember that our “Community Events Table” is available and waiting for you to share any upcoming events for your parish, church group or organization through brochures or handouts. Be sure to check out Catholic Business Network-Fort Wayne/South Bend on Facebook and remain updated!!! USF LECTURE SERIES The Department of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Saint Francis invites you to the free public lecture, "Saint John XXIII: Beloved Revolutionary” on Thursday, February 12 at 1:00 pm on the campus of the University of Saint Francis, North Campus Auditorium, 2701 Spring Street, Fort Wayne. The lecture is the fourth in a series to be offered by university faculty members throughout the academic year. Angelo Roncalli, “Good Pope John,” was canonized a saint last April 27. Elected pope less than five years before his death, his calling of the Second Vatican Council is seen as his least expected and greatest achievement. Sr. Jacinta Krecek, OSF, assistant professor of theology, will discuss events in the life of Angelo Roncalli, his vision and character, and ways in which his life continues to touch and inspire us today. For more information, contact Angie Springer at 399-8066 or [email protected]. FACEBOOK.COM/SAINTVFORTWAYNE @SAINTVFW SCHOOL & YOUTH NEWS Religious Ed News First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting will take place today Sunday, February 1 from 4:00—5:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. If you have a child preparing to receive these Sacraments, please plan to attend. This will be the final meeting. 5 FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Thank you to all of the wonderful people who offered their support during the difficulties I have faced these past weeks. I am especially grateful for the prayers for my father who died December 30. Through your cards and well wishes, I find strength and courage. Confirmation Sponsor Information Information has been mailed to Confirmation sponsors. If your child has not turned in their Confirmation Candidate Information Sheet, please do so ASAP. We are unable to contact their sponsor without it. It is important for the Confirmation sponsor to be informed in order to effectively walk this faith journey with your child. RE Grade 4 Retreat The 4th Grade retreat originally scheduled for today has been moved to next Sunday, February 8 from 4:00—5:30 pm in the Spiritual Center. Please plan to bring your child a few minutes early, so the retreat can begin promptly at 4:00 pm. Students will also be picked up at the Spiritual Center. 2nd Grade Parents If your child was not baptized at St. Vincent’s, please get a copy of their baptism certificate to the Religious Ed office as soon as possible. It must be on file with us prior to their First Reconciliation. Important Sacrament Dates: First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting: Sunday, February 1, 4:00—5:30 pm—Spiritual Center FIRST RECONCILIATION: (choose the date most convenient for your family) February 14 or February 21, 11:00 am—Church CONFIRMATION: Confirmation Practice (Sponsor & Student) Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 pm—Church Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday, April 8, 7:00 pm—Church FIRST COMMUNION: Retreat – Saturday, April 11, 7:45 am—noon – School First Communion - April 26, 12:45 Mass and May 3, 12:45 Mass (or by written request to Debbie Blackburn on the weekend of May 2/3) RE Calendar Preschool February 1 February 8 Preschool Preschool Sunday February 1 February 8 RE – First Reconciliation/First Communion Parent Meeting—4:00-5:30 pm—Spiritual Ctr RE—4th Grade Retreat—4:00-5:30 pm Spiritual Center Wednesday February 4 RE—4th Grade Retreat—6:00—7:30 pm Spiritual Center February 11 RE YOU CAN LEND A HAND FUNDRAISER! Please help support St. Vincent de Paul School. The annual "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book sales for diocesan schools is underway. You can purchase a booklet after Mass today in the gathering space, from any St. Vincent student, or stop by the school office. The coupon books are just $3 and have over a $100 value with offers to: Burger King, Chili's, Fort Wayne Komets, and Fort Wayne Mad Ants. This is an important fundraiser that has raised over $13,000 for our school. Please support this cause and help improve our children’s education by purchasing a "You Can Lend A Hand" coupon book now through the end of February. MARKET DAY The February sale gets you a $20 Shutterfly gift certificate with ANY purchase. Get a FREE package of cheese ravioli with a $90 purchase and FEBBONUS in the promo code box. Get FREE chocolate chunk cookie dough with the purchase of 3 boxes of any cookie dough. The frequent buyer is on again. Make two $40 purchases from February through April and get a set of collapsible storage baskets with a $40 purchase in May. Orders due by midnight on Friday, February 6. Questions, please call Eva at 490-9329. THANK YOU! Thank you so very much for all the wonderful help you offered the moms and babies of the Women’s Care Center through your giving tree ministry. I am very grateful for your efforts. We meet about 100 new moms each month and we are expecting more than 600 babies in the next few months. Your gifts will be so helpful as we prepare for their arrivals. Please pray for all of our moms and babies. We will pray, in thanksgiving, for your kindness! God bless, Anne Koehl, Women’s Care Center HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS The Holy Hour for vocations to the priesthood and the sanctification of priests, will be held at the St. Mother Theodore Guerin Chapel, next to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, on Tuesday, February 3, at 7:00 pm. Reverend Christopher Smith will lead and preach. All are welcome. M 6 I N I S T R Y L I F E THE THIRD OPTION ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY PANTRY Find hope, help and healing for your marriage by attending the Third Option – a skills-based group program that helps participants build stronger, more fulfilling marriages. Each 14-session cycle covers a comprehensive set of tools that couples can use to develop better levels of understanding, conflict-resolution, and trust while also learning more effective communication skills. Start any time in the cycle. Spouses may attend together or alone, and childcare will be provided. There is no fee to attend although donations will be accepted. Sessions are held on select Mondays from 7-9 pm, at Bishop Dwenger High School (enter at Door #1 – Main Office). Please contact us at 260.338.OPT3 or [email protected] or visit www.ThirdOptionFW.org for more information. This ministry is an outreach of the parishes of Our Lady of Good Hope, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Jude, and St. Vincent de Paul. Parishioners interested in volunteering for this ministry may also contact us for more information about upcoming training sessions. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society pantry is in need of Canned tuna Hearty whole soups Pancake mix Pancake syrup February 2: February 16: March 2: March 16: March 23: April 13: April 27: May 4: May 18: THANK YOU for all your support and may God bless you! Listening Beyond the Words Appreciating Personality Differences Recognizing Childhood/Emotional Baggage Handling Anger Constructively Speaking the Truth in Love Learning to Fight Fair Breaking the Hurt Cycle Practicing Forgiveness and Repair Rebuilding Trust CAREGIVERS NEEDED 1) Mature caregiver being sought for elderly couple in home near St. Vincent’s church. Assist with activities of daily living, cooking, laundry, driving to appointments, etc. Varying hours (day and night shifts). Call 806-231-4090 for information. 2) We are looking for an individual who would be willing to serve as a caregiver for a female with Parkinson’s from midnight—8:00 am. The caretaker does not have to be a nurse but someone who has cared for someone. It is also important to have some strength as there are times she needs help getting up and moved around in her bed. Pay is $18/hour - please call Kathy at 489-3350 if you are interested. JESUS IS HERE IN THIS PLACE Too many distractions of our modern life distance us from God and His love. He loves us deeper than we could ever love and He longs for our return. Many of our parishioners have answered this call to grow closer to God, closer to their families and closer to their spiritual side. Won't you join them? The Christ Renews His Parish weekend offers you a rare opportunity to reflect on where you are now and where you are going in your relationship with God and others. Come, take time out of your busy life to meet with and get to know others in the parish. All men and women over age 21 are invited. Jesus is here in this place! Join us to come and see at a Christ Renews His Parish weekend of renewal at St. Vincent de Paul Church. Men’s Weekend: Feb. 28-March 1, 2015 (Contact T.J. Charland @ [email protected] or 443-3571) Women's Weekend: March 14-15, 2015 (Contact Mandy Keller @ [email protected] or 567-224-0487) “Going to CHRP (Christ Renews) caused me to examine my life thus far to remember with the help of the Spirit how many times God had been there for me. As we learned of the experiences of those who with faith shared their trials and joys I was touched to also see how much God works in all of our lives and how much closer I can and want to be with these Sisters of mine in Christ.” - Jana Fey “CRHP has given me the opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with God and a stronger appreciation of my Catholic faith. It has also provided me with a wonderful group of ladies to share in this journey." –Anonymous UPCOMING EVENTS 7 REKINDLE THE FIRE The Rekindle The Fire Men's Conference is just right around the corner. Save the date of February 7! Start time is 9:00 am and the conference will conclude with a 4:00 pm Mass to be presided by Bishop Rhoades. This year’s conference will be in South Bend. Please visit our website at www.rekindlethefire.net for information and purchasing ticket(s). Cost is $35 per person and includes a box lunch. Tickets are also available for seats on a chartered bus which will leave the St. Vincent’s school parking lot at 6:30 am for the Century Center in South Bend and return by approximately 7:30 pm. Light refreshments will be provided. Bus tickets are $20. Contact Max Moore at 260-402-2569. “7 STEPS TO BECOMING FINANCIALLY FREE” FAQ’S What does the study cover? During the study you will learn how to better examine and organize your own personal finances as well as discover more about the proper attitudes and skills regarding personal finances from a Catholic perspective. Do I have to reveal any personal information? No, you will learn things in the study that you can take to the privacy of your home to put into practice! When is the study offered? The 6 week study will begin with orientation on Tuesday evening, February 3, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Library at Church. Sessions will be held on Tuesdays. How can I sign up? Call the Church office at 489-3537 ext. 207 for more information or to register for the study. Room will be limited, so call early to reserve your space. This study is open to singles or couples. Cost is $29.95 for single and $46.95 for couples, and includes the books and workbooks required for the session. Please know that no one will be turned away because of inability to pay. OPEN HOUSE—MEET THE RELIGIOUS “I want to say one word to you and this word is joy. Wherever consecrated people are, there is always joy!” These words of Pope Francis capture the excitement of the religious men and women participating in this Year of Consecrated Life. The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration who serve at the University of Saint Francis are opening the doors of their two convents on Sunday, February 8 from 1:00-4:00 pm for an Open House with Religious. See our convents and meet some of the religious sisters who live and serve in Fort Wayne. Addresses: * University of Saint Francis (campus), 2701 Spring St (convent is 2-story building set behind Trinity Hall on shore of Mirror Lake) * 2828 Wane Ln (1 block north of campus) For information, call Sister Anita at 399-7700, Ext. 6705. RETREAT FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration will be hosting a retreat for high school girls the weekend of March 21-22. The retreat will begin at 9:30 am on Saturday and conclude at 1:00 pm on Sunday. To register, visit our website: www.ssfpa.org/retreat, or contact Sr. Lois, [email protected]. RETREAT FOR BUSY CATHOLIC MOMS The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, will host “Retreat for Busy Catholic Moms,” February 27— March 1. The retreat will begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, February 27, and conclude at 1:30 pm on March 1. All moms are welcome as well as nursing infants. The retreat will take place at the motherhouse of the Sisters of Providence, located 10 minutes northwest of downtown Terre Haute. The retreat will be facilitated by Sister Mary Montgomery with planning assistance from Stephanie Bosma, West Lafayette, and Karen Peters, Fort Wayne. It will include presentations, discussions, prayer and more. Registration forms are on the Information Center in the Gathering Space. For further information, call 812-249-3189 or email [email protected]. 8 NEWS PRO-LIFE LEGISLATIVE FORUM Our annual Legislative Action Forum is Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 am. This event is an opportunity for area pro-life voters to meet with Indiana lawmakers to discuss pro-life legislation. The Forum will be held at Concordia Theological Seminary, 6600 N. Clinton. Doors to Wyneken Hall, Room 8 will open at 8:30 am, and we will conclude by 10:30 am. Time will be scheduled for you to speak with your legislators before and after the panel discussion. To Register: Call 471-1849. HAVE YOU MADE A CURSILLO WEEKEND? Recently or years ago? Please join us Thursday, February 12 at St. Vincent de Paul's Spiritual Center from 7:00—8:30 pm for the Fort Wayne monthly Ultreya. Ultreyas are opportunities for people to gather, pray, and share personal stories about living a life in God's grace. Ultreyas are open to all adults, even if you have not made a Cursillo weekend. Questions-call Brant or Christy Howe 260-619-3650. LENTEN RETREAT WITH ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS Friday, February 20 at 7:00 pm to Saturday, February 21 at 1:00 pm. Led by Sue Wilhelm, director at Victory Noll Center. We will look at a few pieces from John’s work to see how these might draw us more deeply into our relationship with Christ who so loves us. $60 includes overnight, continental breakfast and lunch. $45 for commuters includes continental breakfast and lunch. Registration due February 21. Contact Victory Noll Center, 260-356-0628 ext. 174. REDEEMER RADIO HIRING CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE Redeemer Radio is seeking a motivated and customer focused sales professional to grow our base of underwriting and sports advertising partners for its 106.3 FM & 89.9 FM listening areas. To learn more about Redeemer Radio and this position go to RedeemerRadio.com and click on the careers tab found under About Us. Interested candidates should send resume, references, salary history, and salary requirements (necessary for consideration) to: Redeemer Radio, Attn: Dir. of Development, 4618 East State Blvd. Ste. 200, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 or email all of the above information to: [email protected]. FISH FRY The Knights of Columbus Council 451 located at 601 Reed Rd, Fort Wayne, is sponsoring their monthly All You Can Eat Fish Fry on Friday, February 6 from 5:00—7:00 pm. The cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 years of age and under. Fish and two sides and beverage are included. All are welcome to attend. ST. LOUIS BESANCON SQUARE DANCE Grab your partner and promenade over to a Square Dance at St. Louis Besancon Hall, 15535 Lincoln Hwy. East, New Haven. February 14 & March 14. Music by Bill Werling & Breakaway. Doors open at 7:30 pm, dancing from 8:00—11:00 pm. Tickets are $10/person (includes 1 beer per person & snacks— additional Beer available for purchase). All proceeds go to the St. Louis Academy Home and School Association. For questions call Stacey at 414-1757 or Melissa at 418-7172. MINISTRY SCHEDULE Feb 7, 8 AM Feb 7, 5 PM Feb 8, 7:15 AM Feb 8, 9 AM Feb 8, 11 AM 9 Feb 8, 12:45 PM Geraldine Sternal Sheryl Sternal Laurel Walsh NOT FILLED June Carlston Marilyn Fischer Marge Borros Diane Seufert Bobbi Lauer Francie McComb Justin Craw Cortney Kitchen Kevin Thompson Mike Todoran David E. Barrett Larry Eberle Thomas Herber Gary Weaver Donald Bobay Robert Loftus Peggy Poiry Glenn Wynn NOT FILLED Andrew Bobay Joshua Burkhardt Jean-Paul Kalonji David Kinniry Ronald Tirpak Dana Achor Nicholas Dawson Ted McComb William Smeltzley Joe Didier Ryan Richardson Rachel Siela Katie Tucker Leah Anderson Justin Garcia Mya VanderHagen NOT FILLED Tyler Hudson Thomas Hudson Tommy Szymanski Daniel Villegas Gonzalez Henry Hilger Eli Hilger Braeden Noll Landon Parrish Isabel Anthony Alexis Van Daele Shelly Van Daele Luke Woenker Lead Server Luke Siela Jeremy Herber Danny Reith Colin Stroud Jack Harris Lector Joseph Weigand (1) Thomas Schuerman (1) Kathleen Masri (2) Larry Stange (2) Michael Smith (1) Jill Houlihan (2) Mike Smith (1) Marianne Stroud (2) Robert Von Rohr (1) Christine Armstrong (2) Monique Alderdice Mary Berkshire Kevin Fox Karen Green Sandra Kiraly Linda McCarthy Allison Rowe Jane Sandor Peggy Springer Andrew Tauzin Nancy Voors Vicki Welch Craig Welch Cynthia Wolf Jeff Rapp - Captain Bradley Frane Kristen Frane Joseph Garcia MaryAnn James Mitchell Schanbacher Lisa Schanbacher Alexandra Schanbacher Dorothy Schuerman Patricia Stark NOT FILLED Thomas Jones - Captain Chad A'Hearn Melissa A'Hearn Steven Grashoff Laurie Grashoff Theodore Hudson Phyllis Jackson Geri Schmidt Michael Schreck Tom Szymanski Monica Szymanski Mary Turner Nancy Vickery Edward Waldschmidt Lester Williams Debbie Heiny - Captain Martin Heiny - Captain David Arnold Ann Arnold Brien Blackburn Deborah Blackburn Leslie Byrne Kathleen Dougherty Nancy Emerson Timothy Hake Mary Hamrick Scott Hamrick Sheri Jones Tom Olinger David Steinhofer Nancy Steinhofer Rhonda Noll - Captain Mark Armstrong Joseph Brown Joyce Burns Lori Casiano Thomas Fean Elise Fisher Jean Williamson-Falbe Suzanne Wolf Teresa Swaim - Captain Thomas Schanbacher Jeffrey Schafer Darryl Smith Mary B Osborn Greeter Usher Mary Simcox Max Simcox Howard Steele Nora Steele Server Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Sacristan Schafer, Mary Esther Baird To volunteer for an open position, request a sub, or update your profile visit www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/SaintV or if you're viewing this online, click HERE PARISH STAFF BULLETIN DEADLINE Pastor.......................................................... Fr. Daniel Scheidt Parochial Vicar........................................ Fr. Andrew Budzinski Parochial Vicar...................................... Fr. Polycarp Fernando Deacon ............................................ Deacon James Fitzpatrick Pastoral Associate .................................... Dorothy Schuerman Pastoral Associate .................................................... Julia Thill Business Administrator................................... Tom Schuerman School Principal ................................................ Sandra Guffey School Assistant Principal .............................. Elizabeth Kleber Dir. of Religious Education ........................... Debbie Blackburn Director of Music ............................................... Tony Andorfer Facilities Manager ............................................. Bruce Cadwell Youth Director.......................................................... Sarah Hill Youth Director.................................................. Lindsay Klinker Parish Secretary .............................................. Mary Berkshire Parish Secretary ...............................................Marie Andorfer Parish Secretary ................................................. Geri Schmidt Parish Nurse/Homebound Ministry....................... Deb Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson...................... Dan Rohloff Rectory Housekeeper ………………………… ..... Corrine Boyer Items should be in the church office via e-mail by Monday 9:00 am. TELEPHONES A Catholic education for children (grades K-8) Office Hours ......................................................... 7:15 am-3:15 pm School Office, Mary Tess Roof................. (260) 489-3537 ext. 213 School Attendance Line, Ellen Ryan ................................... ext. 214 School Kitchen ................................................................... ext. 220 School Secretary, Kathy Palmer ......................................... ext. 212 Church Office…Hours: 8:30—4:30 pm M - F ......... (260) 489-3537 Church Fax ...................................................................... 497-9405 E-Mail ................................................................. [email protected] Religious Education Office .................................................. ext. 204 Youth Ministry Office .......................................................... ext. 228 Director of Music ................................................................ ext. 210 Wedding Coordinator Rhonda Noll .................................. 341-1249 Development Director Linda McCarthy ............................... ext. 247 Scout Lodge..................................................................... 489-1763 Prayer Line Laurie............................................................ 755-0816 Mary ............................................................. 483-4369 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm and 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Weekday: Monday—Thursday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am; Friday: 8:00 am and 5:30 pm; Saturday: 8:00 am Holy Day: WILL BE ANNOUNCED Holiday: 9:00 am SACRAMENTS Reconciliation—Wed. 4:30 pm (priests must finish by 5:30 pm). Sat. 8:45 - 9:45 am or anytime by appointment. Baptism—Sunday following the last Mass; also baptisms may be scheduled during Sunday Mass. Baptismal Catechesis is required prior to baptism. Matrimony—Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Sick and Communion Calls—Please keep us informed of the sick and homebound, particularly when there is serious illness. ST. VINCENT de PAUL PARISH SCHOOL (1720 E. WALLEN ROAD) NEW PARISHIONERS Registration for new members is held on the second Sunday of the month following the 9:00 am Mass. CATECHUMENATE— We welcome persons interested in embracing the Catholic faith. Please call the church office.
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