Page 1 of 19 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 46TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE HISTORICAL STUDIES JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE 19-22 MARCH 2015 THURSDAY, 19 MARCH 2015 OPENING RECEPTION Gilman Atrium, 5.00-7.00PM Sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University Program of History of Science, Medicine and Technology FRIDAY, 20 MARCH 2015 CONCURRENT SESSION I (8.30-9.50AM) Session 1 (Room AV1) New Approaches to Modern Iberian Political Culture Chair: Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez, Trent University Andrew McFarland, Indiana University Kokomo: “Catalá, Barca, and Hans Gamper: Cultural Identity in Barcelona’s First Clubs” Melissa Teixeira, Princeton University: “Experiments in Interwar Constitutionalism: The Writing and Diffusion of the 1933 Portuguese Constitution” M. Pilar Diezhandino Nieto, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: “Monarquía y república: El viejo debate que no tiene cabida en los tiempos que corren” Session 2 (Room X1) Insiders and Outsiders: Identity and Power in Three Iberian Communities between the Fourth and Eighteenth Centuries Chair: Molly Lester, Princeton University Page 2 of 19 Rebecca A. Devlin, University of Florida: “Priscillianism in Gallaecia: Late Roman Clerical Communities in their Social Contexts” Alana Lord, University of Florida: “’Lo Cors de Deu’: Royal Power and Perceptions of ‘Otherness’ in the Fourteenth-Century Crown of Aragon” Diana Reigelsperger, Seminole State University: “’Nosotros los Isleños’: Canary Islander Identity in Spanish Florida, 1757-1763” Comment: Ida Altman, University of Florida Session 3 (Room X2) Language and Knowledge in the Early Modern Hispanic World Chair: Katrina B. Olds, University of San Francisco María Luisa Domínguez Gerrero, Universidad de Sevilla: “Notaries and Documents in Seville during the Early Modern Period” Patricia W. Manning, University of Kansas: “Training in Vernacular Languages in the Jesuit Province of Aragon” Brian Hamm, University of Florida: “Negotiated Categories, Disputed Interpretations: Multiple Meanings of ‘Portuguese’ in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America” Session 4 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Anatomies of Empire: Science and the Body in the Iberian Atlantic Chair: Michele Clouse, Ohio University Pablo F. Gómez, University of Wisconsin, Madison: “The Spanish Asiento and the Invention of the Quantifiable Body” Hugh Cagle, University of Utah: “The Deniable Body: Nature and Disease in Colonial Brazil, 1549-1565” Gabriela Ramos, Cambridge University: “The Body in Words: The Sermons of Francisco de Ávila, 1648” Caroline Schmitz, Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia “López Piñero” UV-CSIC: “Interrogating the Patient: The Experience of Illness in the Inquisitory Processes in Early Modern Spain” CONCURRENT SESSION II (10.00-11.20AM) Session 5 (Room AV1) Page 3 of 19 Spirituality, Obscenity, and Consumption: Visual Culture in the Spanish Empire Chair: Jodi Bilinkoff, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Cristina Cruz Gonzalez, Oklahoma State University: “Female Spirituality and Visual Culture in the Early Modern Spanish World” Luis Corteguera, University of Kansas: “The Power of the Obscene in Early Modern Spain” Carmen Ripollés, Portland State University: “Consumption, Empire, and Decline in Antonio de Pereda’s Allegory of Lost Virtue (c. 1650)” Session 6 (Room X1) Queens, Healers, and Maids: The Diverse Roles of Women in the Luso-Hispanic World Chair: Sara T. Nalle, William Paterson University Allison Rogers, Georgia Southern University: “The Merry Monarch’s Marriage: The Economic and Political Repercussions of the Wedding of Charles II and Catherine of Braganza” Teresa Ordorika-Sacritán and Angélica Morales-Sarabia, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Cienca y Humanidades, UNAM: “Baths and Saumerios: Curing Women in 17th Century New Spain” Yolopattli I. Hernández-Torres, Loyola University Maryland: “There is No Productivity in Seamstresses, Wetnurses, and Maids: The Case of Women’s Work in Late Colonial Mexico” Session 7 (Room X2) Towards a Historiography of the Modern Iberian Transatlantic Chair: Scott Eastman, Creighton University Matthew E. Franco, Johns Hopkins University: “A Man Within and Without Empire: Vicente Sebastián Pinto, the Last Surveyor General of Spanish West Florida” Rafael Dias da Silva Campos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: “Insurgent Doctors: Sedition and Medical Theses of Luso-Brazilians in Montpellier” Robert L. Long, Elmhurst College: “Voices without End: The Memes of Antonio José and Victor Jara” Session 8 (Room X3) Urban Politics in Modern Spain Chair/Comment: Enrique Sanabria, University of New Mexico Page 4 of 19 Marcelo Frias Núñez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: “Los nuevos espacios del saber in la España del siglo XIX” Mark Bray, Rutgers University: “The Anarchist Inquisition: Terrorism and the Ethics of Modernity in Spain, 1893-1909” Andrea Davis, University of California, San Diego: “El Plan Popular: The Institutionalization of the Urban Movement during the Transition in Spain” Session 9 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Colonial Hybrids, Part I: Indigenous Beliefs, Natural Philosophy, and Early Modern Science Chair: Laura Caso Barrera, Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Puebla Valeria López Fadul, Princeton University: Etymologies and the Study of Nature: Fracisco Hernández and his Commentaries to Pliny” Oscar Rodríguez Rodríguez, Centro de Estudios de Geografía Humana de El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C.: “Cartografía colonial: una revisión de las primeras pinturas del siglo XVI del Valle de Etla, Oaxaca” Roberto Chauca, University of Florida: “The Conibo-Spanish Production of Cartographic Knowledge of Early Modern Western Amazonia” MORNING ROUNTABLE (11.30AM-12.30PM) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Ten Years since “Beyond the Black Legend” (Valencia, 2005), Part I Moderator: María M. Portuondo, Johns Hopkins University José Pardo Tomás, CSIC-Barcelona Henrique Leitao, University of Lisbon Antonio Barrera, Colegate University María Luz López Terrada, CSIC-Valencia LUNCH (12.30-2.00PM) CONCURRENT SESSION III (2.00-3.20PM) Session 10 (Room AV1) Empires, Histories, and Historiographies: The Iberian and the Ottoman Empires in Perspective Page 5 of 19 Chair: Alejandra B. Osorio, Wellesley College Alejandra B. Osorio, Wellesley College: “Of National Boundaries and Imperial Geographies: The Perils of (Prevailing) Historiographical Understandings of the Spanish Habsburg Empire” Murat C. Menguc, Seton Hall University: “Conventions of a Bottom-Up History: Authors, the State, and the Emergence of Ottoman Historiography” Kirsten Schultz, Seton Hall University: “An Imperial Republic: History and Conquest in Eighteenth-Century Portugal” Sivia Z. Mitchell, Purdue University: “Dynasty and Empire: The Geopolitical Dimension of Mariana of Austria’s Regency” Comment: The Audience Session 11 (Room X1) Between Two Worlds: Images, Reforms, and Ideas on Political Economy in Spain and Latin America (17611829) Chair/Comment: Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Tufts University Jesús Astigarraga, Universidad de Zaragoza: “An Illuminating Discovery: SImon de Aragorri’s Reflexiones sobre el estado actual del comercio de España (1761) and its Ideas on the Reform of the Atlantic Commerce” Javier Usoz, Universidad de Zaragoza: “Images of Spain and Latin America in the Translation of the Genovesi’s Lezioni di commercio by Victorián de Villava (1785-86)” Juan Zabalza, Universidad de Alicante: “José Joaquín de Mora and the Spread of Economic LIberalism in Latin America in the Early 19th Century” Session 12 (Room X2) Political Women in Modern Spain Chair: Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego Adrian Shubert, York University: “’A Woman in Progressive Politics’: Jacinta Martínez de Sicilia y Santa Cruz and the Progresista Crisis of 1864” Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez, Trent University: “Blue Angels: Re-assessing the Role of Women in the Francoist Fifth Column” Aitana Guia, York University: “Agency and Women’s Rights: Muslim Women Challenge Gendered Islamophobia” Page 6 of 19 Session 13 (Room X3) The Uncanny in Early Modern Spain Chair: Marcy Norton, Washington University Sherry M. Velasco, University of Southern California: “The Quixotic Uncanny: Specter(s) of Dulcinea” Elena del Río Parra, Georgia State University: “Does Singularity Exist in Nature? The Case of Roque Martínez (ca. 1633), who Grew a Plant inside Him” Marta V. Vicente, University of Kansas: “Breastfeeding Men in Enlightenment Debates: Reason and Imagination” Comment: Patricia W. Manning, University of Kansas Session 14 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Colonial Hybrids, Part II: Indigenous Beliefs and Early Modern Medicine Chair: Hugh Cagle, University of Utah Ryan A. Kashanipour, Northern Arizona University: “Between Magic and Medicine: Healing in Late-Colonial Yucatán” Iris Montero Sobrevilla, Brown University: “Hummingbirds for Epilepsy: Hybrid Healing and Authority in Francisco Hernández’s Natural History of New Spain” Laura Caso Barrera, Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Puebla: “Medical Texts, Treatments, and Prescriptions in the Mayan Manuscript of the Chilam Balam of Ixil” Comment: Paula De Vos, San Diego State University CONCURRENT SESSION IV (3.30-4.50PM) Session 15 (Room AV1) Questions of Identity in the Portuguese Empire Chair: Pedro Cardim, Nova University of Lisbon Alexander Ponsen, University of Pennsylvania: “Sertanejo Intermediaries and the Rise of Portuguese Power in Southern Brazil and Southeast Africa, 1550-1650” Stephanie Hassell, Duke University: “Territorial Identities in Portuguese India: Slavery and Religious Landscapes in the Sixteenth Century” Page 7 of 19 Miguel Dantas da Cruz, Universidade de Lisboa: “Circulation and Identity Formation in the Portuguese Atlantic World (1640-1680)” Session 16 (Room AV2) Women and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia, Part I Chair: Catherine Hall-van den Elsen, RMIT University, Melbourne Michelle Armstrong-Partida, University of Texas at El Paso: “Reconsidering the Importance of Marriage for Women: Catalan Peasant Women and the Widespread Practice of Concubinage” Elizabeth Hutchin-Bellur, University of St. Andrews: “Where La Frontera Meets The Help: Elucidating Women’s Relationships at the Borders of Faith and Ethnicity in the Households of Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile” Jillian Williams, University of Bristol: “Cooking, Domestic Violence, and Religious Coercion in SixteenthCentury Spain” Sara T. Nalle, William Paterson University: “’I Taught Myself’: Literacy among Judeoconversa Women in Spain and Portugal, 1560-1720” Session 17 (Room X1) Iberian Authors and the Wider World: The Power of Narrative Chair: Mafalda Soares da Cunha, Universidade de Évora Rita Costa-Gomes, Towson University: “Fernão Lopes and his Chronicles: The Case of King Fernando I” Arlette de Jesús, Duquesne University: “Saint Teresa of Ávila’s Discourse of Power: A Study of Her Letters of Phillip II” Blanda Feminías, American University: “From the Shade into the Sun? Re-envisioning Jorge Juan as Author of the Viaje a la América Meridional” Session 18 (Room X2) Iberian Revolutionaries in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Chair: Montserrat Miller, Marshall University José Miguel Sardica, Catholic University of Portugal: “Contemporary Portuguese Revolutionarism: A Survey on Numbers and Roots” Jesus Cruz, University of Delaware: “The Backgrounds of the 1868 Revolution and the Modern City” Page 8 of 19 Julia Hudson-Richards, Pennsylvania State University Altoona: “Collectivization and Cooperation in Valencian Agriculture, 1898-1939” Session 19 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Materiality and Knowledge Transmission Chair: María Portunado, Johns Hopkins University Maud Kozodoy, New York University: “Paratext and Marginalia: Late Medieval Jewish Physicians and their Manuscripts” Ana Rodrigues, Universidad de Évora: “Treatises and Books on Botany Circulating in Portugal between the 16th and 18th Centuries and their Connections with the History of Medicine” Daniel Koski-Karell, Independent Scholar: “A Voyage Interrupted: The 1601 Wreck of the Manila Galleon Santa Margarita” José Julio Zerpa Rodriguez, Universidad de Guadalajara: “Geological Inquiries in West Mexico: Two Moments in the History of Colima’s ‘Volcán de Fuego’, 1818-1913” AFTERNOON ROUNDTABLE (5.00-6.00PM) Teaching Iberian History: Spain and Portugal in Survey Courses Moderator: Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma Scott Eastman, Creighton University Enrique Sanabria, University of New Mexico Adrian Shubert, York University Karl Trybus, Limestone College SATURDAY, 21 MARCH 2015 CONCURRENT SESSION V (8.30-9.50AM) Session 20 (Room AV1) Visualizing the Urban Landscape in 20th Century Spain Page 9 of 19 Chair: Silvina Schammah Gesser, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Maite Barragán, Temple University: “Ambivalent Landscapes: The Rural and Urban in the Escuela de Vallecas” Anna Wieck, University of Michigan: “Landscape and Anti-Landscape in Spanish Avant-Garde Painting” Silvina Schammah Gesser, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Revisiting Arte y Estado: The Aesthetics Manifesto of Early Francoist Spain” Noemi de Haro García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: “’El barrio es nuestro’: Murals to Create Urban Landscapes” Comment: Maite Barragán, Temple University Session 21 (Room AV2) Governing Complexity in the Portuguese Empire under the Habsburgs, Part I: The Governance of the Portuguese Atlantic Chair: Gabriel Paquette, Johns Hopkins University Fernanda Olival, Universidade de Évora: “Rewarding Services in the Portuguese Atlantic Empire (17th Century): A Comparative Approach Mafalda Soares da Cunha, Universidade de Évora: “Claiming the ‘Merit’ of Governing the Empire (16th and 17th Centuries): The Governors of the Portuguese Atlantic in a Comparative Perspective” Pedro Cardim, Nova University of Lisbon: “The Circulation of Royal Norms within the Portuguese Atlantic World” Comment: Stuart Schwartz, Yale University Session 22 (Room X1) Religious Authority and Institutions in the Spanish Empire Chair: Katrina B. Olds, University of San Francisco Lauren MacDonald, Johns Hopkins University: “Cisneros and the Hieronymites: Religion and Authority in the Early Iberian Atlantic” Ashley Ellington, Georgia Southern University: “The Council of the Indies: Governing Religion” Ricardo Raul Salazar Rey, University of Connecticut: “Casos de Fe: Slave Interactions with Religious Institutions in the Spanish Empire” Page 10 of 19 Session 23 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine New Studies in the History of Science in Colonial Latin America Chair: John Slater, University of California, Davis Fernando Luna Oliveira, Northern Rio de Janeiro State University: “A Case Study on the Flow of Information about Medicinal Plants between Europe and South America Linking La Condamine and the Brazilian Botanist Fray Veloso in the 18th Century” Tayra M.C. Lanuza-Navarro, Harvard Center for Renaissance Studies Villa I Tatti: “The Nature of Peruvian Stars: Descriptions of the New World and the Need for a Renovated Astrology” Gerardo Martínez Hernández, CSIC Barcelona: “Juan Pérez de Ribaguda, Imperial Physician: 1598-1623” CONCURRENT SESSION VI (10.00-11.20AM) Session 24 (Room AV1) Governing Complexity in the Portuguese Empire under the Habsburgs, Part II: Useful Knowledge to Govern the Empire Chair: Neil Safier, Brown University Giuseppe Marocci, University of Tuscia: “Transformations in Portuguese Imperial Historiography (16th and 17th Centuries)” Ângela Barreto Xavier, University of Lisbon: “Knowing the Land and the Making of Indian Christianity” Federico Palomo, Universidad Complutense: “Tropical Mysticism: Franciscan Spirituality and Missionary Knowledge in the Portuguese Atlantic in the Late 17th Century” Comment: Ines G. Županov (EHESS-CNRS, Paris) Session 25 (Room X1) The Labyrinths of Spanish American Loyalism and Independence Chair: Adrian Shubert, York University Mónica Ricketts, Temple University: “Independence and the Theatre (Lima, 1810-1824)” Álvaro Caso Bello, Johns Hopkins University: “Nicolás Herrera: Identity, Politics, Patriotism, and Independence in the Río de la Plata Region (1806-1823)” Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, Tufts University: “Loyalism and Captivity in the Spanish American Revolutions” Page 11 of 19 Session 26 (Room X2) Comparing the Spanish and Portuguese Transitions to Democracy Chair: Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego Pamela Radcliff, University of California, San Diego: “Unsettling the Iberian Transitions to Democracy: A Comparative Approach” Guya Accornero, Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (Lisbon): “The Revolution before the Revolution: Student Protest and Political Radicalization at the End of the Portuguese Estado Novo” António Costa Pinto and Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, University of Lisbon: “The Legacies of Authoritarianism and Late Colonialism in Contemporary Portuguese Democracy” Comment: Andrea Davis, University of California, San Diego Session 27 (Room X3) In Observance of the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Teresa of Avila on March 28, 1515: The Life, Life, and Afterlife of Teresa of Avila, 1515-2015 Chair: Erin Kathleen Rowe, Johns Hopkins University Carole Slade, Columbia University: “The Ages of Wo[man] in the Life of St. Teresa” Jodi Bilinkoff, University of North Carolina at Greensboro: “Teresa of Avila as Reader, Writer, and Inspirer of Books” Carlos Eire, Yale University: “Early Modern Translations of Teresa of Avila’s Life” Comment: Alison Weber, University of Virginia Session 28 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Science, Medicine, and Artistic Expression in the Iberian World Chair: Pablo F. Gómez, University of Wisconsin, Madison John Slater, University of California, Davis, and María Luz López Terrada, CSIC-Valencia: “Quevedo, Satire, and the Sound of Science” Nicolás Fernández-Medina, Pennsylvania State University: “The Visible, Invisible, and Repressed in Diego de Torres Villarroel’s Anatomical Investigations” Page 12 of 19 Antonio Sánchez Martínez, University of Lisbon: “Art and Cosmography in Henriquinian Style: The Impact of Overseas Expansion in Portuguese Gothic Architecture and Culture during the Reign of Manuel I, 1495-1521” MORNING ROUNDTABLE (11.30AM-12.30PM) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Ten Years since “Beyond the Black Legend” (Valencia, 2005), Part II Moderator: María M. Portuondo, Johns Hopkins University Tayra Lanuza, Universitat de València Paula de Vos, San Diego State University John Slater, University of California, Davis Juan Pimentel, CSIC-Madrid LUNCH (12.30-2.00PM) CONCURRENT SESSION VII (2.00-3.20PM) Session 29 (Room AV1) Multiple Dimensions of Spanish Fascism Chair: Clinton D. Young, University of Arkansas at Monticello Ángel Alcalde, European University Institute: “Francoist Veterans and Fascism in Spain (1936-1975)” Bécquer Seguín, Cornell University: “Fascism Disavowed: Carl Schmitt and the Spanish Economic Miracle” Federico Naldi, Independent Scholar: “Raza, Imperio, Hispanidad: The Feast of October 12th in the Two Spains (1936-1942) Session 30 (Room AV2) Women and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia, Part II Chair: Michelle Armstrong-Partida, University of Texas at El Paso Zaellotius Wilson, Arizona State University: “Sancha’s Palace-Monastery Complex: The Rebuilding of the Leonese Community in the Eleventh Century” Holly Kashin Brown, CUNY Graduate Center: “Spes Nostra. Salue!: Isabel de Villena’s Vita Christi, a Master Teacher Confronts the ‘Woman Question’” Page 13 of 19 Catherine Hall-van den Elsen, RMIT University: “Historical Perspectives on Luisa Roldán’s (Early) Modern Family: The Documentary Evidence” Session 31 (Room X1) Going Bust: State, Firms, and the Business of Empire in Portugal, 1580-1750 Chair: Susana Münch Miranda, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Edgar Pereira, Leiden University: “Bankruptcies, Contratos, and Business Portfolios in Early Seventeenth Century Portuguese West Africa (1580-1640) João Paulo Salvado, Universidade de Évora: “The Rise and Fall of a Lisbon Mercantile House, 1710-1770” Susana Münch Miranda, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: “Merchants and the Portuguese Tobacco Monopoly: The Failure of a Dutch Firm in Lisbon, 1722-1727” Comment: Cátia Antunes, Leiden University Session 32 (Room X2) Monarchs and Courtiers Chair: Richard L. Kagan, Johns Hopkins University Janna Bianchini, University of Maryland, College Park: “The Case of the Broken Dam: Violence, Justice, and Queenly Authority in León-Castile” Nancy F. Marino, Michigan State University: “Protocol and Ceremony at the Court of the Catholic Monarchs: The Wedding of Juan of Castile and Margaret of Austria” Mercedes Llorente, Fundación Carlos de Amberes: “Where is the Aya? The Retinue in Las Meninas and Mariana in Mourning” Session 33 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Translating Nature: A Cross-Cultural History of Early Modern Science Chair: Jaime Marroquín Arredondo, Western Oregon University Juan Pimentel Igea, CSIC-Madrid: “Sighting, Discovery, and Depictions of the South Sea: On Núñez de Balboa, Ponquiaco, and Some of the First Images and News of the Pacific Ocean” Marcy Norton, George Washington University: “Mestizo Science: Amerindian Knowledge, Natural History, and the Ornithology of Francis Willughby” Page 14 of 19 José Pardo-Tomás, CSIC-Barcelona: “Indigenous and European Agency in Francisco Hernández’s Historia natural de la Nueva España” María M. Portuondo, Johns Hopkins University: “Crystalline Spheres and the Five Suns: Aristotelian Natural Philosophy in the Nahua World” Comment: Ralph Bauer, University of Maryland CONCURRENT SESSION VIII (3.30-4.50PM) Session 34 (Room AV1) Spain under Franco, at Home and Abroad Chair: Andrew Lee, New York University Alejandro J. Gomez del Moral, University of Southern Mississippi: “’The Winds of Change are Coming’: The Supermarket and International Integration in Franco’s Spain, 1956-1966” Dave Henderson, University of California, San Diego: “Autarky and Landscape: The Social Studies of the National Institute of Colonization in the Badajoz Province” Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: “El debate monarquía república en la España del exilio, 1939-1975” Session 35 (Room X1) Enlightenment Alternatives in Early Modern Spain, 1707-1833 Chair/Comment: Allyson M. Poska, University of Mary Washington Phillip D. Fox, Simpson University: “Alternative Visions of a More Uniform State: Strengthening the Monarchy though Regional Variation” George A. Klaeren, University of Kansas: “La Verdad Católica, La Falso Filosofia: Traditionalism, CounterEnlightenment, and Epistemic Alternatives in Eighteenth-Century Spain” Charles Nicolas Saenz, Adams State University: “Alternative Visions of a More Rational State: Rationalizing the Internal Boundaries of Peninsular Spain, 1707-1833” Session 36 (Room X2) The Construction of Kingship in Medieval Iberia: Practices and Discourses Chair: Teofilo F. Ruiz, University of California, Los Angeles Page 15 of 19 Hermenegildo Fernandes, University of Lisbon: “Literacy, Charisma, and Legitimacy in Medieval Iberia: Comparing the Petty Kingdoms and the Portuguese Monarchy” Maria João Branco, Nova University of Lisbon: “The Bishop of Coimbra, the King of Portugal, and the Pope in Rome: Some Thoughts on Christian Conflict and Conviviality in the Iberian World (Late 12th-Early 13th Centuries)” Herminia Vasconcelos Vilar, University of Evora: “Serving the King and Serving God: Ecclesiastics, Kings, and Models of Service in Portugal and Castile (13th-14th Centuries)” Session 37 (Room X3) Spain and the Pacific, 1492-1793 Chair: David Ringrose, University of California, San Diego and Maritime Museum of San Diego Kevin Sheehan, Maritime Museum of San Diego: “The Quest for gente política: The Spanish Search for Fitting Subjects in the Sixteenth-Century Pacific” George Souza, University of Texas, San Antonio: “Comopolitans and Global Commercial Intelligence and Strategies: Joseph Pereira Viana and the Real Compañia de Filipinas, 1788-1793” David Ringrose, University of California, San Diego and Maritime Museum of San Diego: “What do Istanbul, Columbus, Lima, and Manila Have in Common?” Comment: Ricardo Padrón, University of Virginia Session 38 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine Modern Iberian Science Chair: Matthew E. Franco, Johns Hopkins University Ignacio Suay-Matallana, Chemical Heritage Foundation: “Customs Laboratories and the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge in mid-19th Century Spain” Johanna Römer, New York University: “The Science of Security in Early 20th Century Spain” Quintino Lopes, Universidad de Évora: “The National Education Board (Junta de Educação Nacional—JEN) and Scientific Research in Portugal in the 1930s” AFTERNOON ROUNDTABLE (5.00-6.00PM) Teaching Iberian History: Specific Issues Moderator: Clinton D. Young, University of Arkansas at Monticello Page 16 of 19 Jessica Davidson, James Madison University David Messenger, University of Wyoming Sean Perrone, Saint Anselm College Samuel Pierce, College of Charleston Allyson Poska, University of Mary Washington BUSINESS MEETING (6.00-7.00PM) BANQUET AND PLENARY SESSION 7.00 PM, The Glass Pavilion Keynote Address: Teofilo F. Ruiz, University of California, Los Angeles SUNDAY, 22 MARCH 2015 CONCURENT SESSION IX (9.00-10.20AM) Session 40 (Room AV1) The Heritage of Roman and Visigothic Spain Chair: Kyle C. Lincoln, Webster University Thomas J. McIntyre, Georgia Southern University: “Sons of Spain, Sons of the Church: Pope Damasus, Theodosius the Great, and the Triumph of Christianity” Anahit Ter-Stepanian, Sacred Heart University: “Visigothic Steles: Rethinking Sources and Connections” Ronald Lvovski, York University: “Regnum Gothorum: Visigothic Continuity in the Kingdom of Asturias” Session 40 (Room X1) Marginalized Identities and Cultural Production in Modern Spain Chair: Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma Allyson C. González, Brandeis University: “The ‘True’ Catholic Woman was Sephardic? Rebecca Aguilar and the Ambiguities of Spanish Womanhood” Page 17 of 19 Charles A. McDonald, New School for Social Research: “Return to Sefarad: Towards a History of the Jewish Present in Spain” Louie Dean Valencia García, Fordham University: “Clashing with Fascism: Spain’s Democratic Transition in Punk Comic Books” Comment: Joshua Goode, Claremont Graduate University Session 41 (Room X2) All Shook Up: Portugal in the Eighteenth Century Chair: Kirsten Schultz, Seton Hall University Mark Molesky, Seton Hall University: “Saving Lisbon: The Great European Relief Effort of 1755” Tyson Reeder, University of California, Davis: “Architects of the State: The Rebuilding of Lisbon and the Portuguese Public Sphere, 1755-77” Renata Ferreira Munhoz, University of São Paulo: “The Intersubjectivity in the Eighteenth-Century Portuguese Official Discourse” Session 42 (Room SCI) History of Iberian Science & Medicine A Hypochondriac’s Nightmare: Medical Practice in Sixteenth-Century Spain Chair/Comment: Ed Behrend-Martínez, Appalachian State University Dan Crews, University of Central Missouri: “Doctors, Empirics, and Charles V’s Court Disease” Kristy Wilson Bowers, Northern Illinois University: “Conflicting Empiricism: Medical Disputes in SixteenthCentury Spain” Michele Clouse, Ohio University: “Failed Treatments and Broken Contracts: Perceptions of Medical (Mal)practice in Early Modern Spain” CONCURRENT SESSION X (10.30-11.50AM) Session 43 (Room AV1) Religious Figures and Their Representations in Early Modern Spain Chair: James Boyden, Tulane University Page 18 of 19 Jonathan E. Greenwood, Johns Hopkins University: “Wonders of Heaven and Earth: Images of Ignatius Loyola in Early Seventeenth-Century Andalusia” Carolyn Salomons, St. Mary’s University: “’An Impossible quid pro quo’: Representations of Tomás de Torquemada” Jessica A. Boon, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: “Marian Apocalyptic: The Conorte of Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534” Session 44 (Room AV2) Gender Difference and Sexuality in Late 20th and Early 21st Century Spain Chair: Jessica Davidson, James Madison University Kostis Kornetis, New York University: “Sexuality, Youth, and the Left in Late Francoism and the Spanish Transition” Kathryn L. Mahaney, CUNY Graduate Centre: “’Professions Don’t Have a Sex’: Feminist Approaches to Highlighting Gender Discrimination in Post-Franco Spain” Caitlin McClelland Methvin, Indiana University: “’Retornos’ by Juana Castro: Reflecting on Spanish Women’s Role as Primary Caretakers of the Elderly” Comment: Julia Hudson-Richards, Pennsylvania State University Altoona Session 45 (Room X1) “International” Religious Exchange in Thirteenth-Century Iberia Chair: Janna Bianchini, University of Maryland Amy Boland, St. Louis University: “Paris and the Pugio: Ramon Martí’s Connection to the Theological Controversies at the University of Paris” Kyle C. Lincoln, Webster University: “A Milanese Lawyer in El Noble’s Court: Arderico di Palacio of Palencia (r. -1208) and the Castilian Church” Edward Holt, St. Louis University: “Fighting on the Spiritual Front: Liturgy, Devotion, and Crusade in a Templar Scaramentary (Vat. Lat. 3547)” Session 46 (Room X2) Money, Economics, and Power in the Spanish Empire Chair: Gabriel Paquette, Johns Hopkins University Page 19 of 19 Michael J. Levin, University of Akron: “Follow the Money: Questionable Finances and the Spanish Embassy in Genoa” Gabriel de Avilez Rocha, New York University: “Conquest and the ‘Little Fishes of the Sea’: Portuguese and Spanish Imperial Escalation in the Atlantic Commons” Jeremy R. Bassetti, Valencia College: “The National Value of Coins: Numismatics, General History, and the Collection of Spain’s Past” **Note: All room assignments are generic and tentative at this time.
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