Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1st 2015 Masses - Misas Confession Parish Office Hours Religious Education Sacraments Please pray for the sick/Por favor recen por los enfermos Carl Bolduc, Jacqueline Corriveau, Jean-Paul Bolduc, Flore Cloutier, Jerry Davis, Yohanka Garcia, John & Lynn Feuerstein, Mark Calabrese, Isaias Muro-Montalvo, Lucia John, Tony Carlucci, Roselien Ojudoh, Steven Lagueux, Sorenzo Jaudet, Mary DeBiase, Paul Mention, Percy & Electra Forbing, Jo & Tom Pender, Miriam Slome, Paul & Adam Feuerstein, Vic Grindle, Hazel Herman, Ingrid DeLanders, Teresita Diez, Rose B. Lagueux, Susan DeBiase, Stephanie Lamanna, Angie Maalouf, Clarence Thompson, Jerome Fabre, Edith Baronville, Renee Pepin, Debra Williams, Karen Walker, Anthony J. Carrillo, Jean Nemours, Catherine Fernandez, James Errante, Jeannette Dezso, Gilles Bureau, Gaetan Bureau, Fabien Bureau, Pierre Drapeau, Claurevne Denis, and all the sick of our parish. (Please let the office know if you would like to add/remove a name). Sanctuary Lamp Jan 31st - Feb 6th, 2015 Sanctuary Lamp Feb 7th - Feb 13th, 2015 AVAILABLE Sarady Amparo, Nettie Mildor, Louis Mildor, Meritee Mildor, Islande Mildor/Nettie Mildor Sat., Jan. 31st, Vigil: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5pm: Birthday Blessings for Janika Berry/Paula Ramsammy 5pm: Birthday Blessings for Lyric Hodge/Paula Ramsammy Sun., Feb. 1st, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8am: AVAILABLE 8am: AVAILABLE 10am: Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart/Suze Diogene 10am: Thanksgiving to God & St. Anne/Marie Denise Smith Noon: Paulina Teresa & Javier Villacis-Ponce/Teresa Ponce Noon: Jose Cenudr/Miriam Cenudr Mon., Feb. 2nd, The Presentation of the Lord 8am: The people of the parish Tues., Feb. 3rd, St. Blaise, St. Ansgar 8am: Beverly Nencetti/Fr. George 8am: Thanksgiving/Emmanuela Pierre Wed., Feb. 4th, Weekday 8am: Beverly Nencetti/Fr. George 8am: Johnny Winters Thurs., Feb. 5th, St. Agatha 8am: Beverly Nencetti/Fr. George 8am: Thanksgiving/Emmanuela Pierre Fri., Feb. 6th, St. Paul Miki and Companions 8am: Barbara Reyes-Ramkissoon/Anastacia Reyes 8am: AVAILABLE Sat., Feb. 7th, Weekday 8am: AVAILABLE 8am: AVAILABLE Sat., Feb. 7th, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5pm: Birthday Blessings for Zilda 5pm: Marie & Albert Bourke/Donald Bourke Sun., Feb. 8th, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8am: Thanksgiving/Yolande 8am: AVAILABLE 10am: Beverly Nencetti/Fr. George 10am: Birthday Blessings for Oluchi/Regina Odiwo Noon: Nieves Sanabria Ramos/Ornan Shelton Noon: Mario Shelton Garcia/Ornan Shelton Mon., Feb. 9th Weekday 8am: Beverly Nencetti/Fr. George 8am: Cyrilla Reyes/Anastacia Reyes Tues., Feb. 10th, St. Scholastica 8am: The people of the parish Wed., Feb. 11th, Our Lady of Lourdes 8am: Birthday Blessings for David/Regina Odiwo 8am: AVAILABLE Thurs., Feb. 12th, Weekday 8am: Johnny Winters 8am: AVAILABLE Fri., Feb. 13th, Weekday 8am: Birthday Blessings for Joseph DeBiase/Mary DeBiase 8am: AVAILABLE Sat., Feb. 14th, St. Cyril 8am: AVAILABLE 8am: AVAILABLE 2 815 – The Church of the Visitation Lectura De La Semana Lunes: Mal 3:1-4; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lc 2:22-40 (22-32) Martes: Heb 12:1-4; Sal 22 (21):26b-28, 30-32; Mc 5:21-43 Miércoles: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 13-14, 1718a; Mc 6:1-6 Jueves: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 9-11; Mc 6:713 Viernes: Heb 13:1-8; Sal 27 (26):1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mc 6:14-29 Sábado: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mc 6:30-34 Domingo: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Sal 147 (146):1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mc 1:29-39 Stewardship Activities Rosary~ Monday ~ Saturday at 7:30am. Adoration: ~ Every Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday morning @ 8:30am. Exposition & Benediction~ Every first Friday of the month from 7pm – 9pm. Communion & Liberation~ Monday’s 7:30pm-8:30pm in room 2. This is a movement to bring us closer to Christ. All are welcomed. Charismatic Prayer Group /Creole ~ Thursday 8:00pm - 9:30pm in the Parish Hall. Legion of Mary: ~ Saturday 8:30am -10:30am in the activities room for more information please call Marie Therese Noel @ 305-6518978. If you would be interested in having the Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue or a portrait of the Sacred Heart of Jesus visit your home for one or two weeks, please call Marie Therese. Today’s Readings Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Prophecy for ancient Israel was mediation between themselves and God. The true prophet is a native Israelite and called by God. Second Reading: I Corinthians 7:32-35 Paul expresses the equality of men and women in his discussion of sexual status in the community. He gives clear advice but he does not impose solutions. St. Vincent de Paul Society ~ Meet every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month in the Food Pantry, Building #3. Distribution of food, every other Wednesday from 9am – 12pm. (Holiday schedule differs) Religious Education ~ Please contact Marcia Waite @ [email protected] . Classes are now in session. Respect Life Ministry ~ for more information, please call Jeanette Carter @ 305-6522264. Call 786-452-0266 if you or someone you know is pregnant and needs help. If you would like to volunteer your time or donate baby items please call 786-452-0266. Women’s Club~ Meet every 4th Saturday of the month @ 6pm in the parish hall. All women are welcomed. El Grupo de Oración en Español~ Están todos invitados al agrupó de oración el primer miércoles y el tercer miércoles del mes todo los meses en el cuarto de actividades a las 7pm a 8:30pm. Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 Mark recounts in this chapter an eventful day in Capernaum, St. Peter’s home town. First, Jesus performs an exorcism. But the main point for Mark is that the same power that enables Jesus’ healing also underscores the authority of His teaching. The Word This Week Where does authority come from? Why is one man regarded as a prophet, and another as a lunatic, and a third as a hypocrite? Jesus startles the crowds with a ‘new teaching’ today, but what amazes them so much is not the message but the authority behind it: they are convinced because what he does somehow adds credibility to what he says. It’s the old situation that we are all familiar with - we look through words to see the actions, which show us the real message. The scribes did not heal or work miracles, but simply talked about God. Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, but also shows the people what it is - a Kingdom where all that damages human happiness is abolished. The other side to this is that we must listen to a prophet or teacher when they are backed by such authority; we may not “harden our hearts” and ignore the message when we have recognized that the messenger is sent by God. This is the hard part, because it demands that we too show, by our actions, that we have heard. Readings for the Week Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 (22-32) Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 3 815 – The Church of the Visitation Serving in the Sanctuary February 7th & 8th 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 02/07 02/08 5pm: 8am: 10am: Noon: 02/07 5pm: 02/08 8am: 10am: Noon: 02/07 02/08 5pm: 8am: 10am: Noon: Paula Perpetua Johnny & Marline Betty (Spanish) I… You… We are One For centuries, the Catholic Church has performed more works of charity than any other organization in the world. Why? Because God is love, and through that powerful statement, He teaches us that it is in giving that we receive. His message is simple—to love God above all else and to love others. It is through His love that I seek your help. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. Anthony, Brenda, Gerta, Yolette Maria, Carstairs, Ronald, Al Daisy, Sylvie, Olivia, Arlene Regina, Sr. Lidia, Sr. Fausta Irene Luis, Gladys, Edwin, Claudia (Spanish) United, as one family of God, we feed the hungry, cloth the poor, care for the sick and dying, and touch the hearts of those in despair. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we nourish and educate our children, both spiritually and intellectually. We assist the poorest of our parishes and schools so that all persons may encounter Jesus Christ. We provide shelter for the homeless. As Catholics, we consistently defend and respect the dignity of all human life, work to eliminate prejudice, and promote social justice. We journey together by sharing in the sacraments—from baptism to receiving the Eucharist, to confirmation and penance, to marriage and anointing the sick. And this year, we are blessed with sixty-five men studying in our seminaries answering their call to the priesthood to become shepherds of Christ here in south Florida. You make all this possible. Rudy, Richard, Shamar Handell, Robert D, Rodney Katherine, Joshua, Darcy Olivier Robert (Spanish) Collection Sunday, January 25th 2015 5pm Mass: $932.00/53 Envelopes/3 Loose Checks 8am Mass: $1665.00/70 Envelopes/4 Loose Checks 10am Mass: $2,253.00 /104 Envelopes/7 Loose Checks Noon Mass: $752.00/48 Envelopes/1 Loose Checks Contributions received by the office: $310.00 Building Fund: $51.00 Thank you for supporting our parish! Let us unite through our support of this year’s ABCD so that I… you… and we can continue to carry out the good works of Jesus Christ here in South Florida. Hosted by the Women’s Club Saturday, February 14th 2015 Music/Dancing begins @ 7pm until 11pm Everyone is welcomed! Yo… Usted… Nosotros, somos uno The Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance will be held in the parish hall. We will be selling ticket after each Mass the weekends of January 31st and February 7th for $10.00. For more information, please contact our Event Planner, Debbie Gadson @ 954-614-6936. Durante siglos, la Iglesia Católica ha realizado más obras de caridad que cualquier otra organización en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Debido a que Dios es amor, y a través de esa declaración poderosa, Él nos enseña que es al dar cuando recibimos. Su mensaje es simple: amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y amar a los demás. Es a través de Su amor que yo busco su ayuda. Usted es la respuesta a las oraciones de alguien, y juntos, podemos ayudar a aquellos que tanto lo necesitan. With respect, admiration and thankfulness we pray for those who are currently serving around the world and those to be deployed in the near future in defense of our nation. Unidos, como una sola familia de Dios, alimentamos a los hambrientos, vestimos a los pobres, cuidamos de los enfermos, moribundos, y llegamos a los corazones de los desesperados. Con la guía del Espíritu Santo, alimentamos y educamos a nuestros hijos, tanto espiritual como intelectualmente. Ayudamos a los más pobres de nuestras parroquias y escuelas, 4 815 – The Church of the Visitation a fin de que todas las personas puedan encontrarse con Jesucristo. Proporcionamos refugio a las personas sin hogar. Como católicos, constantemente defendemos y respetamos la dignidad de toda vida humana; trabajamos para eliminar los prejuicios y promover la justicia social. Marchamos juntos mediante la participación de los sacramentos, desde el bautismo o la recepción de la Eucaristía, la confirmación, la penitencia y el matrimonio, hasta la unción de los enfermos. Y este año, hemos sido bendecidos con sesenta y cinco hombres que estudian en nuestros seminarios, habiendo respondido al llamado al sacerdocio, para convertirse en pastores de Cristo en el Sur de La Florida. Ustedes hacen todo esto posible. our good parents thought enough of us to pass on to us the greatest gift they could think of: the Catholic faith that they themselves received. A faith that so guided their lives that they knew they had to pass it on. And so they did. The end result is that we know who we are without even looking at any card. We are Christ’s. And hopefully proud of it. Theoretically at least we reject the twin goals of fame and fortune as the reasons for living. Practically speaking, we acknowledge the pull of those two items on our hearts. Sometimes we forget how counterfeit they are because they appear so real. That’s when we have to face facts and re-examine our daily decisions. The great season of Lent is now less than a month away. In car talk, that’s “tune-up time.” Right now we can prepare for that Lenten project. I suspect that there’s a stalwart Seraphim at the gate of heaven staffing the final checkpoint before we enter. His “job”, if you will, is to ask us for our “photo ID.” If that’s so, then Lent is a good time to update those Christian credentials. There’s an old slogan once used by my late Dad’s insurance company that was valid then and still is today if placed in the spiritual realm. It proclaimed that “the future belongs to those who prepare for it.” Amen! Unámonos a través de nuestro apoyo al ABCD de este año, de manera que yo ... usted ... y nosotros podamos seguir llevando a cabo las buenas obras de Jesucristo en el Sur de La Florida. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson “May I see your photo ID?” That’s a question expected from the passport inspector at any given airport. But it was quite a surprise to hear it coming from my doctor’s secretary. I thought this was a sad sign of the times we live in, when duplicity is the main tool of petty thieves and terrorists in our newly suspicious atmosphere. In His time, Our Lord Jesus Christ had an ID problem of sorts, but in His case, the questioners always asked to know His identity after He did a good deed, even a miraculous one. In today’s Gospel instance, Jesus frees a man from the ugly throes of demonic possession. But the townsfolk of Capernaum are quick to ask “What is this? A new teaching backed up with authentic authority? It’s as close as they came for a demand to see some ID of Jesus. No surprise that in a gossip-ridden world, Our Lord’s fame spreads all over the place, which is a particular theme in the early part of Mark’s story. The pairing of fame with fortune that dominates the wishes of many people today is a clear contradiction of the Christian life goals. Fame has already been famously pared down by the artist Andy Warhol into a mere fifteen minutes. But that doesn’t deter those ambitious for it. As for fortune, that pursuit remains ever popular. Lottery tickets are scooped up daily, with little or no thought on the buyer’s part that their deed “benefits senior citizens.” They want it to benefit them. Jesus, of course, seeks neither fame nor fortune. In fact, He tries His best to discourage the one, and has no interest in the other. But He is vitally interested in people having the correct spiritual ID, including us. Oh yes, we have such an ID. We got it at our Baptism. On that day, Inspiration Flea Market & Car Wash When:ǤǡʹͲͳͷ From: ͺǤǤǮ͵ǤǤ Where: ǣ 5 815 – The Church of the Visitation Licensed & Insured #CAC1813478 Servicing Visitation & the Community for 35 Years A.M.I. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Inc. 5891 Rodman Street - Hollywood, FL 33023 Ph (954) 966-2380 • Fax: (954) 985-2645 • Toll Free: 1.800.966.2380 For All Your Real Estate Needs NORTH MIAMI BEACH • Buying • Selling • Renting • Short Sale • Foreclosure People are finding success through our “Full Service Realtor” program. We can save you money. Guaranteed. We also work with international clients. We speak Creole and French. KARL WAGNAC (Fellow Parishioner) Cell: 786-285-0973 305-898-6146 [email protected] A percentage of our business benefit our church of the Visitation when a parishioner uses our services. Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS HUBERT S. McGINLEY, M GINLEY, ESQ. [email protected] 7111 Fairway Drive, Suite 105 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Telephone: Facsimile: Toll Free: Español: Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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If you would like to place an ad in the bulletin, please contact John Pat ick Publishing Company 800-333-3166 • Thank you. 815 Visitation ~ Miami, FL (b) U John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppcnet
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