Our Lady of the Assumption Parish February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time On the Corner of Lomas and Tennessee NE PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACONS Rev. Edward C. Domme Rev. Michaelangelo Cimino Dcn. Jim Delgado Dcn. Maurice Graff Dcn. Jack Granato PARISH OFFICE (505) 256-9818 Fax (505) 256-3131 811 Guaymas Pl NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Hours 8:30 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-4:30 pm Mon.-Fri. Closed Weekends, Holy Days & Holidays www.olacs.org 815 Guaymas Pl NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 256-3167 5:00 pm - Saturday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30 am (English) 8:30 am (Bilingual) WEBSITE SCHOOL (MAILING) SUNDAY OBLIGATION MASS: SUNDAY MASS: WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday 8:30 am Tuesday, Thursday 5:30 pm Saturday 8:30 am CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment during office hours Mission Statement: Created in God’s image, we are the people of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish. In communion with the Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, we dedicate ourselves to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit; nourished by the Sacraments; and under the Patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption; we strive to use our varied gifts and rich heritage to build the Body of Christ Through worship, prayer, education, and service to all. 1 If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF: February 2nd - February 8th, 2015 Mon., 2nd * Weekday * Presentation of the Lord Malachi 3:1-4 8:30am † David Martinez by Mark & Juanita Kilijanski Psalm 24:7-10 † Connie Tellez by the family Luke 2:22-40 – Special Intention for Fran Lerma on her birthday by Tita † David Leroy & Ray by Andrew Butcher, Jr. No 5:30pm Mass Tue., 3rd * Weekday * St. Blaise Hebrews 12;1-4 8:30am † Pete Gallegos by Rita & family Psalms 22:26-28,30-32 † Trudy Lawler & Naomi Candelaria by Kathy Leyendecker Mark 5:21-43 5:30pm † Delfino Sanchez (RIP 2011) † Ruth Duggan by David & Erin Wed., 4th * Weekday * 8:30am † Arthur & Rose Ortiz & Anita Padilla by Robert Ortiz Hebrews 12:4-7,11-15 – Special Intention for the well being of our Police Officers by Jim & Margaret Gates Psalm 103:1-2,13-14 † Corina Doporto & Josie Garcia by the family Mark 6:1-6 – Special Intention for our military men, women & their families No 5:30pm Mass Thu., 5th * Weekday * 8:30am St. Agatha Hebrews 12:18-19,21-24 † Ralph Tischler (RIP 1972) by Sally Rosenheim Psalm 48:2-4,9-11 – Special Intention for Manualita Aragon by mom & dad Mark 6:7-13 5:30pm – Special Intention for Harold DeMar by Liz Vigil † Deceased members of the DesMarais & Kitzinger families by the family Fri., 6th * Weekday * St. Paul Miki & Companions EXPOSITION OF THE Hebrews 13:1-8 8:30am – Special Intention for family & friends by Divina Padilla BLESSED SACRAMENT Psalm 27:1-3,5,8-9 School Mass: Grade 5 † Frank D. Chavez by Ruby Chavez & family Mark 6:14-29 † Connie Nunez by the family – Special Intention for our parishioners suffering with cancer & their families No 5:30pm Mass Sat., 7th * Weekday * 8:30am † Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ogas by Nancy Anderson Hebrews 13:15-17 – Special Intention for the health of Mary Graff by OLA Parish Psalm 23:1-6 5:00pm – Special Intention for the health of Daniel & Dora Garcia by the family Mark 6:30-34 – Special Intention in honor of St. Anthony in thanksgiving by Dolores O. Valdez Sunday, February 8th 7:00am † Juanito & Bennie Garcia by Ruben & Debby Mora Job 7:1-4,6-7 † Manuel Vigil by the family Psalm 147:1-6 8:30am † Edmundo Renteria (RIP 2011) by the family 1 Corinthians 9:16-19 † Ethel Sandoval & deceased members of the Armenta family by Danny & Vera J. Mark 1:29-39 10:00am † Polly Herrera (RIP 2014) by Darl & Lucy Bunnell – Special Intention for Liz Vigil by Dan & Candice DeMar 11:30am – Special Intention for the health of D.J. Goode by Joseph Frias – Living & deceased members of the Joseph N. Garcia family Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. ~ Psalm 95:6 ~ TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you”. Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties. Gospel — The people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching; he taught them as one having authority. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES The Presentation of the Lord - Commemorates the presentation of Jesus in the temple and the purification of Mary 40 days after his birth. St. Blaise - Patron saint of throats. St. Ansgar - First Christian missionary in Scandinavia, call the “Apostle of the North.” St. Agatha - Sicilian virgin-martyr, patron of nurses. St. Paul Miki and companions - Martyrs of Japan, the first canonized martyrs of the Far East. First Friday - February 6th. See page 5. 2 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The Oil of the Sick, usually labeled OI (for Oleum Infirmarum), is often reserved with chrism and the oil of catechumens in an ambry. An ambry is a cabinet, often beautifully ornamented and kept near the baptistery in the church. Olive oil, with no fragrance added, is blessed at the Chrism Mass in Holy Week by the bishop, although there is now a provision for a priest to bless oil if none is available. This restores to our Latin Rite practice a tradition never lost in the Eastern tradition, in which priests consecrate the oil of the sick, even at the sick person’s home. Any vegetable oil may be used now, since olive oil is difficult to obtain in some places. Many priests keep a small supply of oil close at hand in a small metal tube called a “stock.” In the former rite, every sense of the body was anointed, accompanied by a prayer for forgiveness of sin. So, the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, hands, and feet were all touched. Today, this is simplified to an anointing of the forehead and the hands, but generally today the oil is used more lavishly, and the symbolism of touch so central to the rite is enhanced. Often, a priest will invite everyone present to join in the “laying on of hands.” Sick persons are often pushed aside or feared in our culture, and to be reverently touched in love can be a profound experience of God’s healing, forgiving, accepting presence through the ministry of the Church. Sunday Collection January 30th - $13,338.86 Thank you for your continued support! OLA families pledged $72,610.16 to 2014 ACA; total payments received was $70,483.66. Thank you all who participated in the ACA Pledges. AUTHORITY FROM GOD According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing him. PATRON SAINTS A patron is a saint who is venerated as a special intercessor before God. Most patrons have been so designated as the result of popular devotion and long-standing custom. The Church has made official designation of relatively few patrons; in such cases, the dates of designation are background of the patronage of saints includes the dogmas of the Mystical Body of Christ and Communion of Saints. Listed below will be patron saints of occupations and professions, and saints whose intercession is sought for special needs. ANNUAL DAY OF RECOLLECTION The Altar Rosary Society of the Shrine of St. Bernadette is hosting a Day of Recollection on Feb. 12th from 9am-3pm. Guest speaker will be Rev. Fr. Daniel M. Balizan. Registration is $10 (includes coffee, pastries and catered lunch). To register call Pat Madrid-293-2077, Phyllis Gurule-363-2686 or Mary Camos-803-6427. Sign in starts at 8:00am, followed by Mass at 9:00am. All are invited! Please plan on joining us. Brushmakers: Anthony, Abbot Builders: Vincent Ferrer Bus drivers: Christopher Butchers: Anthony (Abbot) Luke Butlers: Adelem Cabdrivers: Fiacre Cabinetmakers: Anne Cancer patients: Peregrine Canonists: Raymond of Penafort Carpenters: Joseph Catechists: Viator, Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine DECEASED MEMBERS Please pray for the repose of the souls of the following OLA Parishioners who recently passed away: None at time of printing Continued next week: 3 PARISH MINISTRIES Outreach & Catechetical BLANKETS & BOOTIES This group is open to everyone. Please consider joining us and think of it as “Fellowship for Others”. Any and all participation is welcomed. We meet every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 9:00am - 11:45am in the Merrifield room at the Parish Office. Blankets are given to the Albuq., Police Department and the Veterans Hospital. Booties are given to Birthright of NM. In order to keep this ministry productive we are in need of monetary donations or new yarn to continue. We are also in desperate need of help making blankets. For more information contact Celine at 259-1926. Next meetings: Our next meetings will be on January February 13th & 27th. CATHOLIC MEN’S MINISTRY AT OLA Come join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday evenings at 6:30-8:00pm in the Parish Office to pray, study, engage, and discuss real life topics and issues related to our state of life calling. We use all formats that challenge and encourage responsibility. No sugar coating, just plain talk about what it means to be a real Christian man in these times. For additional information contact Scott at 269-4827. DONUTS-TODAY Donuts will be offered on the 1st Sunday of EVERY month after ALL Masses. Come and enjoy & meet your fellow parishioners. OLA RELIGIOUS ARTICLES OLA is selling Religious Articles on the second Sunday of each month in the new gathering area. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING Blood pressure monitoring will be available on the 1st Sunday of each month at the coffee and donuts in the gym and 3rd Sunday in the new gathering area (east). All are welcome! DOWNLOAD OUR FREE PARISH APP TODAY! COMING DURING LENT Spiritual series “Priests, Prophet and King” series will be held in the Church. Date and time to be announced. 2015/2016 SCHOOL YEAR A loving and disciplined environment that develops smart, kind, and thoughtful students who love God and learning. We offer free before school-care and affordable after school-care. THANK YOU! Thank you to all our parishioners and families that attended the H.S.A. Pancake Breakfast for Catholic Schools Week. A non-refundable Registration Fee for OLA School is $200/student. CAN ROUND-UP CHALLENGE In order to take care of God’s earth and raise needed funds for new library/classroom books, OLA School will be collecting aluminum cans at the Saturday Vigil Mass and all Sunday Masses. This year, a large, blue recycle bin will be placed next to the large NW gate of OLA Hall. Just bag your cans and toss them over the fence and into the recycle bin. (Collection method was changed for safety reasons). We are also entering a recycle challenge. Help us to win the State Challenge again! Last year we won $1,000 which we used to purchase an iPod mini and 2 document cameras for the school. Tuition is $5,200 for 1 student; $9,880 for 2 students; $14,300 for 3 students; $18,460 for 4 students; A $100 per family discount is given for full payment. For families seeking an alternative to payment in full, we offer a FACTS electronic payment plan program. Your tuition is to be paid over a 10-month period. Starting April 2015 through July 2016. If interested call the school office at 256-3167 to schedule a tour. 4 PARISH MINISTRIES Outreach & Catechetical OLA’S GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY Our Lady of the Assumption’s “Casserole Cooking” ministry provides good, hot meals to our community’s homeless and hungry men, women and children of our city. The Good Shepherd Center staff has provided our parish the recipes and covered containers. All we have to do is follow a recipe, make a casserole, freeze it, and return it to the parish office. Come to the Parish office during regular business hours to pick up recipes and an aluminum casserole pan, take them home and make the meal of your choice; then return the completed casserole frozen, labeled and dated to the parish office. For more information, please contact the Parish office at 256-9818. OLA’s Casserole Cooking is a simple way to give of your time, talent and treasure. Your generosity will make the difference in feeding our city’s poor, homeless and hungry. YOUTH ACTIVITIES OFFERED AT OLA YOUTH MINISTRY GROUP Activities for 2015 will be listed in the next few weeks. These activities are open to all high school youth. Please note: There will be no baptism classes during Lent. BAPTISM CLASS - 6:30-8:00 PM Parents & Godparents do not need to wait until the baby is born to make arrangements for baptism and attend our next English or Spanish baptism class. Classes are held monthly. Our next classes are: English Baptism Class: Fri., April 24th Spanish Baptism Class: Fri., February 13th Registration must be completed in the Parish Office prior to the Baptism Class. Please call Parish Office 256-9818 for more information. NOTE: Parents need to be registered at least two months in the Parish before baptism preparation can take place. FIRST FRIDAY - EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT - February 6th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be the first Friday of the month. Please plan on attending and spending time in the Chapel. The Blessed Sacrament will be taken to the Chapel directly after morning Mass until 5:00pm. CLASES DE BAUTISMO - 6:30-8:00pm Padres de familia y padrinos, no necesitan esperar hasta que el bebé nazca para hacer arreglos para bautizar y atender nuestras próximas clases de bautismo en ingles y español. Las clases son mensuales. Nuestras próximas clases serán: En ingles: viernes, 24 de abril En español: viernes, 13 de febrero La inscripción tiene que completarse en la Oficina de la Parroquia, previo a la Clase de Bautismo. Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia para mas información al 256-9818. NOTA: Los padres necesitan ser registrados por a lo menos de dos meses en la parroquia antes preparación de bautismo puede suceder. OLA would like to publish all 50th & 60th+ Catholic Wedding Anniversaries. Please call the Parish Office to let us know a month before your actual wedding date. OLA MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK Wednesday Sunday Biblia en Espanol 9:50 AM - Office Holy Rosary 1:30 PM - Chapel 2nd Weekend Religious Article Sales - All Masses Monday 1st & 3rd St. Vincent de Paul 6:00 PM - Office Tuesday Legion of Mary 6:00 PM - Sacristy Adult Formation Classes-RCIA 6:30 PM - Office 2nd & 4th Thursday 1st & 3rd Friday 2nd & 4th 5 Spanish Choir Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary 10:00 AM Choir Men’s Group Blankets & Booties 7:00 PM - Church 7:00 PM - Gym 9:00 AM - Church 6:30 PM - Church 6:30-8:00PM-Office 9:30 AM - Office IN ORDER TO INSURE THAT ALL THE MASSES TO RUN SMOOTHLY, ALL LAY MINISTERS ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CALL A SUBSTITUTE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO FULFILL YOUR MINISTRY. DO NOT CALL THE PARISH OFFICE. LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEK OF: January 31st & February 1st, 2015 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Bearers Sat., 5:00pm Tom LaDoux Scott Nary Linda Sedillo/c Jim Klarkowski/s Ethan Davis Tessa Davis Enrique Martinez Carol SedilloRomero family Sun., 7:00am Anita Reiser Robert Laguna William Polster/c MaryAnn Polster/s Brian Kilman Rachel Kilman Anita Reiser family Sun., 8:30am Arturo Candelaria Adela Candelaria Phil Silva/c Ernestina Garcia/s Andrea Velasquez Ariana Velasquez Aylene Lucero Louis Vasquez family Sun., 10:00am Alicia Montoya Brianne Santos Sally Rosenheim/c Mary DeSaulniers/s Ashlee Mather Olivia Gallegos Jacob Saiz Bill Fiedler family Sun., 11:30am William Tobin Emma Lutton Tom Johnson/c Joseph Frias/s Selina Paiz Ariana Galaviz Clara Johnson Gina Broussard family LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEK OF: February 7th & February 8th, 2015 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Bearers Sat., 5:00pm Dolores Armijo Mary Wentworth Linda Caskey/c Bill Caskey/s Ethan Davis Tessa Davis Nick Mittas Laura & Zach Everett family Sun., 7:00am John Reilly Mary Ann Polster Don Luna/c Linda Trujillo/s Alex Converse Lily Converse Kirk Schriner Nancy & Teresa Padilla family Sun., 8:30am Joseph Jaramillo Quintin Pacheco Judy Gutierrez/c Gertrude Gutierrez/s Anthony Rice Marcela Zavala Tom & Dolores Vigil family Sun., 10:00am Dan Domme Colleen Domme David Crawford/c Sarah Crawford/s Rebecca Fiedler Alexandra Fiedler Santana Larrañaga Boy Scouts members Sun., 11:30am Ernie Garcia Alicia Montoya Patricia Schwiner/c Robert Paiz/s Jacqueline Hoswell Gabriela Hoswell David & Amelia Parks family COUNTDOWN 2015 - FEB. 7TH D AN R G IZE 0 PR 0,00 $1 Join Us for the 29th Annual Countdown February 7th - OLA Countdown OLA Parish Hall/Gym All proceeds benefit OLA School Only 500 tickets are pre-sold, doors open at 11:00am, drawing begins at noon Each ticket is $100 which includes lunch for two Additional lunch may be purchased for $10.00 To go orders will be ready at 1pm There is a 1 in 10 chance of winning with the grand prize of $10,000.00 1st ticket drawn wins $500 Every 10th ticket drawn wins $100 Every 50th ticket drawn wins $150 Every 100th ticket drawn wins $250 Last ticket drawn wins $10,000 For tickets call 256-9818 Tickets will be sold at Church following each Mass or in the Parish Office. Due to adult atmosphere 18 and older allowed. 6 s giou Reli tion ca Edu s New RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR 2014/2015 Classes are Tuesday and Wednesday (sacraments) at 6:20 - 7:35pm. Catechist Training - No classes on February 3rd and 4th. Feb. 17th-regular class, Feb. 18th Ash Wednesday; - Wednesday class please attend Mass. Word for Children 1st - 3rd grade in the Sacristy during 10am Mass. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Las clases son el martes y miércoles (sacramentos) a las 6:20pm y terminan a las 7:35pm. Formación de Catequistas - no hay clases el 3 y 4 de febrero. Clase el 17, miércoles de Ceniza; 18 febrero, estudiantes asistir en la Misa. CONFIRMATION All students must attend the 10:00am Sunday Mass followed by Confirmation classes from 11:15am - 1:00pm in the Merrifield Room. Ash Wednesday; February 18th; students please attend Mass. CONFIRMACION Los estudiantes de confirmación devén de ir a Misa a las 10am. La clase comenzara depuse de la Misa y terminan a las 1:00pm en la oficina de la Parroquia. Miércoles de Ceniza; 18 febrero, estudiantes asistir en la Misa. Immaculate Heart Radio - 98.9FM; 24 hours/day 365 days/yr. All Catholic - All the time. Archbishop’s Hours, airs daily at noon and rebroadcast at 5pm. GOD’S WORD TODAY One line from today’s Gospel stands out: “The people were astonished at his teaching.” Saint Mark, of course, is speaking about the Lord’s teaching in the synagogue at the beginning of his public ministry. Too often we come to church and the words that are proclaimed simply wash over us. When was the last time we were “astonished at his teaching”? Like the man with an unclean spirit in today’s Gospel, we can have too many “spirits” that distract us and make us less receptive to the word of God. As we hear how Jesus drives the unclean spirit from the man, let us ask the Lord to drive from us any distractions that prevent us from knowing the true power of the word of God. Let the words of today’s responsorial psalm become our own. Today, when we hear God’s voice, let us pray that our hearts will not be hardened, but opened to transformation and astonishment. LECTOR BOOKS The 2015 Lectors books are ready to be picked up in the Parish Office. LIBROS DE LECTORES Los 2015 libros de Lectores están listo para ser recogido en la Oficina de Parroquia. FEBRUARY - TWO BECOME ONE We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and a woman to love each other in the manner of God’s covenant. Marriage is a sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation. This love is in the image of Jesus' faithfulness to the Church. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES-2015 Mark your calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. The theme is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” Visit the official World Meeting of Families website: WorldMeeting2015.org to learn more and to register. “BLESSINGS OF AGE” Blessings of Age retreat will be on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. Retreat cost is $15. For additional information contact Josephine at 831-8174. 7
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