30 Jan nuary 20155 LAMBOO O RESOURCE ES Limited QU UARTER RLY AC CTIVITIE ES REPO ORT ABN 27 0999 098 192 PE ERIOD E ENDING G 31 DEC CEMBE ER 2014 4 ASX: LM MB HIG GHLIGHTS S: CORPORATE OFFIC CE McIntosh (W Western Au ustralia) Level 6, 344 3 Queen Sttreet, Brisbane QLD 4000 OPERAT TIONS OFFICE Unit 2, 7 Packard Streeet Joondaluup WA 6027 Telephonne: +61 8 93001 1047 CONTAC CT Richard Trevillion T Chief Exeecutive Officerr richard@ @lambooresourrces.com.au 0412 3077 087 Tony Corrmack Executivee Director / Head of Operations O tony@lam mbooresourcees.com 0427 349 451 Ken Bankks Investor Relations R kbanks@ @bigpond.net.aau 0402 079 999 ¾ 3-dime ensional interpretattion of thee VTEM su upermax survey s complleted at Target's T 1, 3, 5 and d 6 has confirmed c large scale, highly conductiv ve, electtromagnettic condu uctors associiated with h graphitic c schist. ¾ VTEM interpre etation co ontinuing to dem monstrate that McInto osh has th he strong potentiall to becom me a very y large flake g graphite re esource. ¾ 30 - 50 0 kilometres of grap phitic schiist strike length l pottential within the McInttosh tenem ment packkage. ¾ Highly y conductive bodies at Taarget 4 believed b t be to attribu utable to copper c / niickel mineeralisation n. Geu umam (So outh Korea a) ¾ Phase e 2 drilling complete e at Area C and Are ea E in Geu umam with re esults currrently being compilled. ¾ Metall urgical testwork t on Geu umam co ontinuing with comm minution an nd roughe er flotation n studies now n finalised. er flotatio on studies s are targ geting a >85% > Cg basic ¾ Cleane conce ntrate and a >80% % recovery ry rate, le eaching sttudies h-purity >93% Cg g raphite co oncentrate e. will tarrget a high ¾ Runge e have bee en engage ed to com mplete a sc coping stu udy at Geuma am Flake Graphite project p in South Ko orea Corrporate ¾ Appoin ntment of o Mr. Neville N M Miles as non-exec cutive Directo or, Mr. Miles will ac ct as interiim chairman. ¾ Appoin ntment off Mr. Tony Cormackk as execu utive Direc ctor. -2- MC CINTOSH F FLAKE GR RAPHITE PROJECT P VTE EM 3-DIM MENSIONA AL INTERP PRETATIO ON Earrlier in 201 14 Lamboo o Resourc ces contraccted Geotech Ltd. to complette a VTEM M superma ax surv vey over th he McIntossh Flake Graphite G Prroject (see Figure 1). A total of 642 line kilometres of o geo ophysical d data were acquired during the e survey which w identified a tootal of 12 high-prioritty ano omalies. 3--dimension nal interpre etation of the VTEM M data for Target 1, 3, 5 and 6 has bee en com mpleted byy geophysical consulltant Russe ell Mortimer working g through S Southern Geoscienc G ce Con nsultants (S SGC). Figure 1: F Final processe ed VTEM sup permax image ery (channel 49BZL) of the e McIntosh F lake Graphite e Project East Kimberrley, Western Australia. The e interpreta ation com mpleted at Target's 1 1, 3, 5 an nd 6 has s confirmeed large sc cale, highly con nductive, electromagn netic conductors asssociated wiith graphitic schist. T Target area as 1, 2, 3, 5 and d 6 have had explora ation drillin ng completted confirm ming the prresence off flake grap phite schisst. The e VTEM ssupermax interpretattion is co ontinuing to demons strate that the McIn ntosh Flakke Gra aphite Proje ect has the e strong po otential to b become a very large flake grapphite resou urce. -3- The e 3-dimenssional VTE EM interpre etation at T Target 1 is a very rob bust mode l, with clea ar indicatio on of areas a of thiickness in the graphiite unit app parent with h the obserrved signaature speciffically in th he maiin Target 1 resource area and a local zon ne approximately 1 kilometre k ssouth-west of the maiin reso ource area a. Stronge er conducta ance value es >300S are a defined d by the puurple model plates an nd <30 00S as defined by the e red mode el plates (ssee Figure 2 and 3). Figure 2: Plan view of the Target 1 anomaly (channel 49BZL) with model plates. Figure 3: South-westt looking oblique view of tthe Target 1 anomaly a (cha annel 49BZL) with model plates. p -4- The e main norrth-east zo one of the Target 5 p prospect area a define es a tight aantiformal fold f closurre acc cording to tthe forward d modelling g of the VT TEM, high conductan nce of >3000S as den noted by th he purple modell plates. South-wes st of this main con nductive zone disjoiinted, morre localise ed con nductive pla ates of som mewhat low wer condu ctance <30 00S denoted by the red model plates (se ee Figu ures 4 and d 5). Figure 4: Plan view of the Target 5 anomaly (channel 49BZL) with model plates. Figurre 5: North-we est looking o oblique view of o the Target 5 model plate tes. -5- A re easonably complex series s of do ominantly tthick plate / block mo odel conduuctors were e generate ed for the core section of Target T 6. VTEM V data a supports the presence of a foolded antifo ormal hing ge zon ne being prresent with h multiple limbs / bod dies being present. p Additional A ggraphite un nits / bodie es may y be belo ow these modelled d units. Th he majority of the core seqquence ha as stronge er con nductance levels at >300S > as denoted d byy purple mo odel plates s with <3000S model plates p at th he peripheral secctions in th he southern n end (see e Figure 6 and a 7). Figure 6: North-north-we est looking oblique o view o of the Target 6 anomaly (c channel 49BZ ZL) with mode el plates. -6- Figure 7: Plan view of the Target 6 anomaly (channel 49BZL) with model plates. -7- Figure 8: Plan view of the Target 3 anomaly (channel 49BZL) with model plates. VTE EM modellling of the Target 3 prospecct highligh hts the pre esence off a broad conductivve seq quence bo ounded byy sub-vertical condu uctors at closer c spa acing in thhe north-e east secto or. Pre esence of additional conducto ors within the two bounding modelledd conductive units is app parent. The e area of strong s cond ductance a area (purple model plates) p alonne represe ents a strikke leng gth potential in excesss of a kilometre havving strong potential to t host flakke graphite e schist. Planned drillin ng at the end e of the wet seaso on will focu us in the area with thhe strongest modelle ed con nductance centred along a the VTEM fliight line L1365 L (se ee Figuress 8 and 9) 9 and th he surrrounding ssouth west section where w thicck plate models m are present. High cond ductance of o >30 00S is denoted by the purple model m plate es and <30 00S denote ed by the rred model plates. Th he tota al strike len ngth potenttial at Targ get 3 is in e excess of three kilometres. -8- Figure 9: South-westt looking oblique view of tthe Target 3 anomaly a (cha annel 49BZL) with model plates. p The e synforma al fold hing ge at Targe et 3 has a south wes sterly plung ge, meaninng the fold d hinge getts dee eper toward ds the sou uth west of the Targe et 3 area. The T depth of the fold hinge is estimated e t to be approxima ately 150m m below the surface in the norrth east, plunging p doown to ap pproximately 400 0m below the surface e in the sou uth west off the prosp pect. This s large reg gional scale folding at a Target 3 has also undergone significaant faulting, potentially bein ng associa ated with a large sca ale thrustin g event. These T struc ctures are seen as an a importan nt driv ver of higher grade / larger flake graphite e mineralis sation, it is s these strructural en nvironmentts thatt will be the e focus of all future exploration e activities. -9- Figu ure 10: Targett 4 anomaly ((channel 49BZL) with VTE EM flight liness . VTE EM superm max image ery of the Target 4 - Melon Patch P prospect has iidentified large l highly con nductive bo odies believed to be associated d with the presence of copper and nickell (see figurre 10). The Geo ological Survey of We estern Ausstralia's 1:100,000 mapping m off the Targe et 4 - Melo on Pattch prospe ect has reccorded a biotite b bea aring olivine gabbron norite assoociated witth the Sally Dow wns superrsuite of th he layered d gabbroicc McIntosh h Sill intru usion. A ggeochemica al samplin ng program com mpleted by Thundelarra as rep ported in a 2005 ope en file repport identified a broa ad zon ne of anom malous co opper and nickel, th his zone correlates c extremely well with h the highly con nductive bo odies identtified by th he VTEM i magery. Copper C valu ues of >5000ppm were recorde ed in soil s and 250 0 to 500pp pm in rock chip. Nicke el values ranged r between 80 too 250ppm recorded in i soil samples. -10- EXP PLORATIO ON POTEN NTIAL Lam mboo Resources ha as an exte ensive ten nement pa ackage su urrounding the McIn ntosh Flakke Gra aphite Project area having stron ng potentia al to conta ain econom mic flake grraphite min neralisation n. To date Lamboo has not n comple eted any e exploration drilling bu ut field obsservations s along witth geo ological ma apping havve confirm med the EM M anomalies are most likely contributable to flakke graphite schisst. Fig gure 11: McIn ntosh Projectt Area, VTEM 2014. McInto osh exploratio on potential, Hoist EM 20005 and Airborrne EM 2005. Dettailed geolo ogical map pping and rock chip ssampling are a planned d for the 2 015 field season. s Th he strik ke length p potential off the comb bined McIn ntosh tenem ment packa age to hosst flake gra aphite schisst has s been estimated to be b in the ra ange of 30 - 50 kilometres. -11- CO ONCEPT / SCOPING G STUDY Lam mboo have e commissiioned CSA A Global (C CSA) to pre epare grad de and ton nage estim mates of th he exp ploration ta argets and complete a full review w the mine eral resourrce at McInntosh. The exploratio on targ get estimattes are exp pected in the t next qu uarter and combined d with the T Target 1 re esource will w und derpin a co oncept / sco oping study for the M McIntosh prroject also due in thee next quarrter. OTH HER AUST TRALIAN PROJECT TS Lim mited work programs were und dertaken in n the quarrter on the e Mabel, H Halls Creek k and Vallla Pro ojects. Com mpetent Pers sons Statem ment: Inforrmation in th his report rellating to exp ploration resu ults and geo ological data a at the McInntosh Projec ct is based on o inforrmation prevviously comp piled and / orr reviewed b by Mr. Tony Cormack, Member M of thhe Australasiian Institute of Miniing and Metallurgy and d a full-time employee of Lamboo Resources Limited. Mrr. Cormack has sufficient expe erience whicch is relevantt to the activiity previouslyy undertaken n to qualify as a "Compettent Person", ", as defined in the 2012 edition n of the Austrralasian Cod de of Reportiing of Explorration Resultts and conseents to the in nclusion in th his ort of the mattters reviewe ed by him in the t form and d context in which w they ap ppear. repo -12- LAM MBOO TENEMENTS S - AUSTR RALIA Project McIntosh, WA Mabel, WA Halls Creek, WA Valla, NSW Te enement Melon Paatch McIntosh h Hills Melon North Melon So outh Black Graanite White Ro ock South Panton W West Black Rock Creek Togo Edle Creeek Alice Dow wns White Ro ock Carolyn H Hills South Panton N North Mabel Hill Wills Creeek Mabel Downs Spring Crreek Six Mile Bore Golden C Crown South Highwayy Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Granite Valla Type E E E E E EL EL EL EL EL EL EL P E ELA ELA E E E E E E P P P P P P P P EL Number E80/3864 E80/3928 E80/3906 E80/3907 E80/4396 E80/4688 E80/4734 E80/4739 E80/4732 E80/4825 E80/4842 E80/4841 P80/1821 E80/4733 E80/4879 E80/4931 E80/4385 E80/4797 E80/4814 E80/4794 E80/4793 E80/4795 P80/1816 P80/1817 P80/1815 P80/1818 P80/1414 P80/1799 P80/1801 P80/1800 EL6702 Status 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 100% Lamboo 1 Accquired/Disp posed 6 block surrrender 24/12/20 014 5 block appplication 16/12/2 2014 -13- GEUMAM FL LAKE GRA APHITE PR ROJECT RES SOURCE DRILLING G The e focus of the Phase e 2 resourrce drilling program shifted to Area E annd testing of possiblle exte ensions in flake grap phite mineralisation tto the nortth of Area B. Early ddrilling results confirm m the presence of multiple e thick inte ersections of high-grrade flake graphite aat Area E. The resultts also o indicate Area B continues c to t extend further to the north (ASX Re lease 15 Septembe er, 2014). The drrill sites we ere surveye ed accurate ely using a DGPS by y local regi stered surrveyor. DEP POSIT GE EOLOGY Gra aphite min neralization n is conc cordant w with a 15 50m thick meta-seddimentary sequence e, com mprising an n upper meta-arenit m te unit, wh hite meta-limestone, and a low wer meta-arenite an nd metta-siltstone e unit. The e meta-lim mestone iss referred to as the e “Geumam m Limesto one” and is regarded as a useful “b bio-stratigrraphic marrker horizo on”, and in ndicative oof a reef or carbonatte ram mp environm ment. Bas sement ro ocks consiist of meta-granodi orite, metta-monzodiorite andd meta-dio orite of th he Soe ebaegsan Gneiss, in n faulted co ontact with h the meta a-sedimenttary sequeence drape ed around a bas sement dom me (Figure e 13). Graphite mine eralization is locally enriched e aaround the margins of o and desite sills.. The ande esite sills are conco rdant with foliation in the metaasedimentts and havve bee en emplace ed along a major NE E trending ffault. The andesite is s believed to be asso ociated witth emp placementt of Late Crretaceous quartz porrphyry plug gs. GR RAPHITE M MINERALIS SATION e flake grraphite mineralization at Geu umam is characteris c sed by caataclasite brecciation n, The mas ssive form m and in nternal de eformation styles. The T graphite mineeralization is usually acc companied by veinlett stockworrks, comprrising grey y, fine-grain ned, cryptoocrystalline e quartz (5 510% % volume) in the upp per section, with a low wer section n characte erised by frracture infilling quartzzcalc cite veinletts (<5% vo olume). Fin ne-grained d disseminated pyrite e was the only sulph hide minera al obs served and d is mainly confined to o the uppe er section (<1% ( volum me). -14- Figure 12. Geumam Fla ake Graphite Project Tenu ure Map. The granted Mining Rights witth respect to o the mapped graphitte schist beds s and prospe ect Areas A, B, B C, D, E, F, G and H are iindicated. -15- Figure 13 3. Drill Hole Location and G Geological Map, Areas B and E, Geum mam Project. -16Tab ble 1. Summa ary of Comple eted Drill Hole Collar Surv veys, Phase 2 Drilling Prog gram. SUMMAR RY DRILL HO OLE COLLA AR SURVEY DATA Hole ID AREA Easting Northing RL (MASL) Azimu uth (True o) Dip (o) Depth h EOH (m) GM-13 B 2 290637.72 4089360.20 71.10 141 -522 110.0 GM-14 B 2 290869.23 4089340.83 22.40 105 -500 40.5 GM-15 B 2 290872.51 4049308.02 22.40 277 -499 61.5 GM-16 B 2 290750.40 4089431.50 29.23 0 -899 121.0 GM-17 B 2 290748.32 4089431.97 30.09 285 -500 72.4 GM-18 B 2 290750.00 4089431.35 30.57 099 -511 140.7 GM-19 B 2 290749.48 4089431.55 30.50 103 -699 108.7 GM-20 B 2 290877.46 4089598.27 45.12 236 -500 207.4 GM-21 B 2 290880.02 4089596.82 45.11 324 -500 231.4 GM-22 B 2 290880.45 4089596.10 45.41 324 -700 198.7 GM-23 B 2 290878.05 4089598.66 45.34 324 -711 185.2 GM-24 E 2 290984.07 4089558.50 44.36 260 -500 148.0 GM-25 E 2 290984.90 4089558.79 44.24 260 -700 120.7 GM-26 E 2 290990.13 4089432.19 55.53 260 -500 120.7 GM-27 E 2 290990.91 4089432.29 55.56 260 -700 156.7 GM-28 E 2 2908980.27 4089557.53 44.15 080 -655 132.7 GM-29 B 290876 4089598 45 010 -500 12.3 GM-30 B 2 290874.47 4089595.92 44.98 080 -855 195.6 GM-31 B 2 290880.19 4089599.82 44.99 135 -700 177.5 GM-32 C 2 290814.06 4089856.36 63.52 280 -500 163.4 TOTAL T Metre eage 2,698.6 METALLURG GICAL TES STWORK A structured s m metallurgiccal testworrk program m on Geum mam graph hite ore is underway at ActLab bs mettallurgical laboratory in Thunde er Bay, Ca anada. The e metallurg gical studyy is based on the fou ur ore types ide entified at Geumam and is de esigned to o support a Scopingg Study. ActLabs A ha as con nsiderable experiencce in the testing an nd flowshe eet develo opment off graphitic c ores. Th he mettallurgical testwork program p is s being in dependently supervised by R RungePinco ockMinarco o. Tab ble 2 prese ents the chemical cha aracteristiccs of the orre types at Geumam being tested. -17Tablle 2. Summarry of the chem mical charactteristics of th e Geumam metallurgical m testwork t sam mples. Sample Head d Assay (%) Sample Source Deposit D 'B' Primary P Deposit D 'B' Weathered W Deposit D 'C' Primary P Deposit D 'C' Weathered W Al Ca TDICP TDICP 3.57 Carbon (IR) Fe K Mg Na P S S Amorphou us (calc) TDICP TDT IC CP TDICP T TD-ICP TDICP TDICP IR < 0.5 <3.32 2.40 1..79 2.27 0.17 0.11 0.86 0.78 7.3 30 0.7 0.27 2.55 1..64 0.75 0.17 0.16 0.36 0.34 6.82 3.6 64 < 0.5 <2.68 2.84 1..64 1.48 0.56 0.06 0.65 0.61 4.89 4.6 67 < 0.5 <0.22 4.26 2..23 0.41 0.13 0.06 0.11 0.15 Total Due e to Grap phite Organicc (calc) 9.68 8.72 4.9 90 3.86 1.02 8.27 4.83 9.17 6.51 0.20 The e mineralo ogical and comminuttion require ements of the variou us ore typpes at Geu umam havve bee en establisshed. Com mminution studies th hat the ore types ranged froom soft to o moderatte hardness and d would pre esent no difficulties d i n milling. The T Bond Ball Mill W Work Indice es (BBMW WI) ranged betwe een 11.3 and a 14.2 kW Wh/t. Mine eralogical analyses a found that quartz wa as the majo or ngue mine eral presen nt, along with w calcitte and minor quantities of annkerite, do olomite an nd gan mus scovite. Lo ow levels of o pyrite sulphide (<1% %) was als so present. Cleaning testtwork is currently c underway u with the target of producingg a flotatio on graphitte con ncentrate w with grades of 85% Cg and o verall reco overies in excess off 80%. Once the fina al flota ation cleaning testw work has been b com mpleted, grraphite concentrate leaching studies will w com mmence. Based on n anticipatted dome estic mark ket deman nd, very high purity graphitte con ncentrates would be prepared by leachin ng of the final f flotatio on concenntrates to remove r an ny relic ct quartz, calcite, an nkerite, dolomite and d muscovitte gangue e minerals.. This testwork woulld targ get a high h-purity grrade of >9 93% Cg, previously y achieved d in historrical leach hing studie es con nducted in 1983 by th he Korean Mining Pro omotion Co orporation (1983b). In addition, a th he recoverry of pyrite e from the e flotation tailings is also to bee studied. Pyrite is a pote entially sa aleable by-product and a its rem s that the flotation tailings arre moval also ensures marrketable ass a fine concrete san nd product.. This has the added potential benefits to o the projecct of eliminating e ngs storag ge facility at a Geumam m and signnificantly re educing th he the need for a tailin env vironmenta al impacts. The metallurgical ttestwork is s now exp pected to be completed durin ng Feb bruary 2015. -18- SCO OPING ST TUDY A Scoping S Stu udy on the e Geumam m Flake Gra aphite Pro oject is in progress. p R RungePinc cockMinarcco has s been con ntracted to o provide an indepe endent Scoping Study on Ge umam. Du ue to som me dela ays experienced with h the meta allurgical te estwork an nd drill program, the scoping study is now w exp pected to b be complete ed during March 201 15. Various s operating g cost dataa have bee en collected d. In addition, a sseveral opttions for mining m me ethods are being evaluated, inncluding undergroun nd min ning to minimize dilution and surface distu urbance im mpacts. QUARRY AG GGREGATE STUDY The e non-grap phite mine eralized ov verburden overlying the Geum mam grap hite depos sit is bein ng inve estigated by the geotechnica g al materia als testing g laboratory of Haanyoung Constructio C on Tec chnology C Co. Ltd. in Korea K for comprehen c nsive aggre egate testing. Dan ngjin City and the surroundin s g Chungn nam Provin nce is the highest ggrowth are ea in Soutth Korrea. As a consequen nce, industrial devel opment, la and reclam mation andd port expa ansions arre takiing place n nearby at a rapid rate e. This in tturn results s in a signiificant requuirement fo or quarryin ng of a range off aggregatte materia als for use e in severa al sectors. The com mpany belie eves durin ng graphite minin ng, there iss good pottential to exxtract the overburden o n, crush annd screen it and sell it into o the local cconstructio on, road ba ase / aspha alt and con ncrete aggregate maarkets. Com mpetent Pers sons Statem ment: Inforrmation in th his report re elating to exp ploration ressults and geological data a at the Geuumam Project has been n com mpiled by Co onsulting Ge eologist Mr Christopherr Sennitt, who w is a Fe ellow of thee Australian Institute off Geo oscientists. M Mr. Sennit ha as sufficient experience e th that is relevant to the type es of depositts being expllored for and d quallifies as a C Competent Person P as defined d in the “ n Code for Reporting R off e 2012 Edittion of the “Australasian Explloration Ressults, Minera al Resources s and Ore R Reserves” (J JORC Code 2012 Editioon) and cons sents to the e inclu usion of this iinformation in i the form and context in n which it app pears in this report. -19- LAM MBOO TENEMENTS S - SOUTH H KOREA Geu umam Flak ke Graphite e Project Tenemen nt Number Registration Num mber Arrea (h ha) Regiistered Holder Dangjin 54 4-4 200 0432 44 4 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 30 July 2014 2 31 July 202 21 Dangjin 56 6-3 200 0433 68 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 30 July 2014 2 31 July 202 21 Dangjin 66 6-1 200 0434 68 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 30 July 2014 2 31 July 202 21 Dangjin 55 5-3 800 077 68 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 7 Februa ary 2012 6 February 2032 Dangjin 65 5-1 800 014 68 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 8 Decem mber 2011 7 Decembe er 2031 Dangjin 65 5-2 783 355 68 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 17 Decem mber 2009 16 Decemb ber 2029 Dangjin-54 4-2 200 0258 13 35 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 23 May 2013 2 22 May 202 20 Dangjin-55 5-4 200 0259 64 6 Won K Kwang Mines In nc 23 May 2013 2 22 May 202 20 Grrant Date Expiry Date Tae ehwa Flake Graphite Project P Tenemen nt Number Regis stration Nu umber Area A (ha) Re egistered Holde er Hongcheon n 91-2 07 79948 68 Won n Kwang Mines Inc Grant Date 15 Nov vember 2011 Expira ation Date 14 Novem mber 2031 Sam mcheok Fla ake Graphitte Project Tenemen nt Number Regis stration Nu umber Arrea (h ha) Reg gistered Holder Samcheok--09-2 20 00216 68 6 Won Kwang Mines In nc Grant Date 10 January 2013 Expira ation Date 9 January y 2020 -20- CORPORATE E BOARD CHA ANGES On the 9th December 20 014 Lambo oo appointe ed Mr. Nev ville Miles as a a non-eexecutive Director. D M Mr. Mile es will act as interim m Chairman whilst th he compan ny conducts an interrnational search s for a high h profile Chairman. Mr. M Miles is s Singaporre based, where w he is currentlyy COO of Invicara, an a IT company providing solutions to the b building industry. Mr. Miles hhas extensive senio or man nagement experiencce, having run r a varie ety of busin nesses for Siemens i nternationally for ove er 15 years. Ne eville bring gs to the board b a w wealth of knowledge k gy, strateg gy in busineess strateg exe ecution and d marketin ng as welll as a histtory of bu uilding successful buusinesses in the Asiia Pac cific region. On the 17th December 2014 2 Lamb boo appoin nted Mr. To ony Corma ack as an eexecutive Director D an nd now w assumess Operation nal Management of a all of Lamb boo's proje ects. Mr. Coormack is a Geologisst with h 20 yearrs experien nce in the e exploratiion and mining m indu ustry in W Western Australia. Mr M Corrmack has a proven track reco ord of takin ng explorattion throug gh to produuction and will bring a wea alth of operational exxperience as a the com mpany trans sitions from m explorer to miner. Durring the quarter Lamb boo annou unced the rretirement of Chairma an, Mr. Bruuce Presto on, for hea alth reason ns and the resignation n of non-exxecutive Director D We enzhao (Jeerry) Xie. HEN NGDA Durring the q quarter the e company announ ced that the Hengda mergeer was un nable to be b com mpleted ass the Heng gda equity ownership p was mate erially diffe erent and uundisclose ed details of o further loan te erms were e discovere ed, significa antly alteriing the benefits of thhe merger.. Lamboo is in advanced a d discussions to secure repayme ent of the deposit d and possiblyy its costs. The supply agreement with Lamboo o remains intact. i FUN NDING AG GREEMEN NT Sub bsequent to the end of the qua arter Lamb boo has en ntered into a funding agreemen nt ("Fundin ng Agrreement") of AU$1m million with the Austra alian Spec cial Opporttunity Fundd, LP, an institutiona al inve estor mana aged by New N York based b The Lind Partners LLC (Lind). Thee Funding Agreemen nt com mprises an Unsecure ed Convertiible Note fo or a term of o 12 months. The e proceedss will prima arily be use ed to fund ongoing working w cap pital as La mboo acce elerates th he dev velopment of its high h purity flak ke graphite e projects. The note e is repayaable by equal monthly pay yments ove er a 12 mo onth period from the e end of Feb bruary 2015. Each m onthly repayment ca an be made, m at L Lamboo's option, o eith her through h cash or shares s or a combinatiion of both h. -21- If th he Compa any electss to repay y the who le or partt of the monthly m paayments in n cash, th he repayment am mount will carry a premium p o of 2.5% of the relev vant repayyment amount. If th he Com mpany eleccts to repa ay by share es, the Rep payment shares will be b priced aat 90% of the t averag ge of 3 daily volume weigh hted avera age prices (VWAP) chosen c by y Lind duri ng a spec cified perio od prio or to each iissue of sh hares. Lam mboo can repay the full outsta anding facce value of the Conv vertible Noote based on a 2.5% % premium and Lind would have th he right up pon such repayment to converrt an amou unt equal to t % of the face value of o the Conv vertible Notte at that time t into eq quity at thee premium conversio on 25% pric ce which iss equal to 130% 1 of the Average e of the VW WAP during g the 20 traading days s prior to th he Fun nding Agre eement being signed ("Premium m Conversion Price"). The e funding arrangeme ent allows s Lamboo Resources to continue to deevelop its projects by b prov viding cap pital throug gh a highly y flexible cconvertible e instrument that is repaid ove er a stage ed period. The sstructure allso allows the compa any at its election to o issue shaares or cash to repa ay the note to Lin nd on a monthly bas sis. If the re epayment is paid by shares thee conversio on price will w be linked to current share pric ces at the e time off issue, minimising m dilution for f existin ng sha areholders.. The e face value of the no ote is a 15% % premium m over the funded am mount and the Company will pa ay a $100,000 fe ee in cash h or shares s on recei pt of the funds. f Afte er a periodd of 60 days from th he initial drawdown, Lind has h the op ption to co onvert any amounts outstandinng under the t Fundin ng Agrreement intto ordinaryy shares att the Prem ium Conve ersion Price ("Converrsion Sharres"). As part of the e funding agreement, a also be gra anted optio ons. The ooptions will comprise 3 Lind will a million options with an exercise price p equa al to the Prremium Co onversion Price or 130% of th he ave erage of th he daily VWAPs V pe er share d during the e twenty (20) conseecutive Tra ading Dayys th imm mediately p prior to the 28 Febru uary 2015 and exerciisable 36 months m from m the date e of issue. The e funding agreement also con ntains othe er standarrd conditions and evvents of default for a Con nvertible N Note of thiss nature. While W the sharehold der approv val is not rrequired fo or the initia al fund ding to proceed, the e Agreeme ent contain ns provisio ons requiring approvval of shareholders if required unde er Listing Rule R 7.1 th he subseq quent issue es of share es upon coonversion of the notte and d Lamboo intends to t call an extraordin nary gene eral meetin ng to seekk such ap pprovals. In I add dition, Lam mboo is alsso require ed to issue e a prospe ectus to "c cleanse" sshares tha at are to be b issu ued pursua ant to the Funding Agreement A . Lamboo will advise e shareholdders for th he timetablle of the prospectus in due course, but is con tractually required r to o issue succh prospec ctus by 28 8th Feb bruary 2015. As part of the Fun nding Agree ement, Lin nd has agre eed not to trade Lam mboo share es untiil the prosp pectus is filed. f The Company C w will also is ssue 2 million sharess to Lind which w will be b cred dited again nst shares to be issu ued on con nversion off the note or o otherwisse acquired d by Lind at a a price equal to the rep payment price, to the e extent no ot previous sly crediteed against Conversio on Sha ares. -22- Tony C Cormack Executtive Directo or / Head of Operatio ons
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