Kn i gh t s o f C o lu m bu s, W a p p in g ers C o u n cil #1 6 46 LOUGHLIN LEDGER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2 Upcoming Degrees 2 Council News 3 By John E. Gorman, Grand Knight HV Chapter News 4 State Council News 4 4th Degree News 5 Vocations News 6 Columbus Club News 7 We will have a very special guest at our social dinner this month. On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, Bishop Peter Byrne will join us. All are invited with wives and significant others. There will be a nominal $5.00 charge for dinner. Please call the council at 845-297-9049, and let us know how many will attend. I am pleased to announce that, on Saturday, February 14, 2015 we will have a Sweetheart Italian DinnerDance. It is being chaired by Mike Van Voorhis and Mike Marcojohn. The cost will be $25.00 per person. This includes dinner and dancing to music by local band Harvest. Cash bar. • Most Reverend Peter Byrne, Bishop will be the guest speaker at our Council Social Dinner, on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at 7:00pm. See his biography on page 6. • Our Council-sponsored Deceased Members’ Mass will be Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 9am, at St. Mary’s Church, in Wappingers Falls NY • The Assembly business meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at 8:00pm • The Council business meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, at 8:00pm • Pope Francis announced that he will visit New York City in late September 2015. February 2015 L O T S O F G R E AT T H I N G S HAPPENING THIS MONTH Financial Secretary Special points of interest: Published monthly by Wappingers Council #1646 District 52 2660 East Main Street Wappingers Falls NY12590 845-297-9049 Editor: Jim Mortillaro Our building committee chairman, Past Grand Knight Gil Muhlenbruch, is hoping to start some work at the council. Anyone who is handy, please call and volunteer with Gil. Just a reminder, for those of you getting a printed copy of the newsletter, please call me at 845-297-4872. I will make sure you will receive one. As of now, only five people have called. Newsletters sent to members who have moved (or passed away), plus newsletters which are simply thrown away place an unnecessary burden on the council’s finances. I take pride in not wasting the council’s money. We will accommodate anyone who needs one, so please call me as soon as possible. Our next Council Business Meeting will be at 8:00pm on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. I hope to see you there. “THANK YOU, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS” Reprinted, with permission, from St. Mary’s Church bulletin, dated January 18, 2015 “A sincere and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to our Knights who hosted a welcome event for all our new parishioners. I hope you were able to attend. Unfortunately, by the time I was able to get away from the church, it was over, but I am told, a good time was had by all. Fr. James Cruz” Father James Cruz. Photo taken by Tony Siconolfi at parish picnic in September 2014 “Gracias Caballeros de Colón” “Una sincera y sentida “gracias” a nuestros Caballeros que organizó un evento de bienvenida para todos nuestros nuevos feligreses. Espero que se haya podido asistir. Desafortunadamente, cuando ya estaba capaz de alejarme de la iglesia, todo había terminado, pero me han dicho, un buen tiempo fue tenido por todos. Padre James Cruz” P age 2 UPCOMING DEGREES Contact Membership Director Bob Hand, at 845-926-2507 or [email protected] for more information, or to attend. 1st Degree . 2nd Degree . 3rd Degree Sunday, March 22, 2015, 1pm at Sacred Heart School, Monroe Sunday, June 7, 2015, 1pm, Wappingers Council #1646, Wappingers Falls 4th Degree Saturday, April 18, 2015, at the Ramada Convention Center, Fishkill NY P ubl i s he d m o n thl y by W a ppi ng e r s C o unc i l # 1 6 4 6 F I N A N C I A L S E C R E TA RY ’ S R E P O R T By Ron Kowalczyk, Financial Secretary Brother Knights, We closed out 2014 with a small surplus in our three major accounts, General Account, Building Account, and the Charity Account. Below is a summary or our expenses and income for 2014. GENERAL AND BUILDING ACCOUNTS 2014 Expenses $43,242 2014 Income $45,513 Top 5 Expense Items Utilities Insurance Taxes New Dishwasher Bldg Maint. CHARITY ACCOUNT 2014 Expenses 2014 Income Top 5 Expense Items Seminarian support HV Special Olympics Christmas Baskets St. Mary’s School Bus for Pro-Life Mass . Top 5 Income Items Columbus Club Dues 100th Anniversary Acct Charity Nite Super Bowl Party . $30,100 $6,196 $2415 $1,595 $1,541 . Top 5 Income Items Charity Nite Council Events Special Olympics Raffle C&B Raffle Wappingers Ladies Auxiliary . $2,101 $2,212 $895 $526 $600 $14,008 $10,217 $7,774 $2,415 $1,488 $6,209 $7,372 $1,500 $895 $725 $525 $430 If you have not sent in your dues for 2015, please submit as soon as you can. Vivat Jesu, Ron Kowalczyk Financial Secretary INSURANCE NEWS Thanks to our Knights of Columbus Insurance Field Agent, Peter Bodnar, for availing himself for the hour prior to the business meeting in January, and will do so in the future! You will find his contact information Peter Bodnar. on page 8. Knights of Columbus Insurance is still a highly-rated, and valuable way of providing for our loved ones. COUNCIL OFFICERS, 2014-2015 Chaplain. . . . . . . . Grand Knight . . . . Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor . . . . . . Recorder . . . . . . . Financial Secretary Treasurer . . . . . . . Rev. Roger Hall, OFM John E. Gorman Russell Roberti, PGK Robert A. Hand John Enkler Ron Kowalczyk Michael Van Voorhis Warden . . . . . . . . . Inside Guard . . . . . Outside Guards . . . Trustee 3 Year . . . Trustee 2 Year . . . Trustee 1 Year . . . Advocate . . . . . . . Thomas Battaglia, PGK David Jones Gregory Dallari Gilbert Muhlenbruch, PGK Raymond B. Strohm, PGK John Simons, PGK Thomas Tompkins, PGK L o ug h l i n L e d g e r P age 3 CAPE NOT NEEDED FOR THIS SUPER PARTY Wappingers Council #1646 will be hosting it’s annual Super Bowl Party on Sunday, February 1, 2015, at our very own Msgr. Loughlin Memorial Hall, at 2660 East Main Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls. There will be plenty of good food, lots of door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle. We will also raffle off a 32” HDTV, which will be on display during the game! We will also give away pairs of tickets to the upcoming Valentines’ Dinner-Dance (which will be held in February) and to the Irish Variety Night (which will be held on March 21, 2015. Tickets have sold out early in the last several years, so get your tickets to the party soon! For ticket pricing and more information, please call Bob Hand at 845-926-2507. Party Chairman Bob Hand. Photo by Jim M., 2013 CHARITY NIGHT WILL BE WILD Charity Night will be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015, in our very own Msgr. Loughlin Memorial Hall, 2660 East Main Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls. The ticket price will be $20, and will include venison and more! Raffles and 50/50 will add to the fun. Past Grand Knight John “Jaybo” Simons is passing the baton to the new chairmen Rick Nadeau & Jim O’Connor Sr. Tickets are available. Contact Rick at 845-297-9049 to make reservations or to volunteer. John Simons is retiring WE’RE MARCHING! WHO’S WITH US? The Dutchess County St. Patrick’s Parade will dominate the Village of Wappingers Falls on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Line-up will start at noon, with a scheduled step-off at 1:00pm. While the Color Corps will lead the Knights, all members of the Knights of Columbus and their families are welcome— and encouraged—to march with us! It’s lots of fun! Plan to join us! Color Corps leading the Knights past St. Mary’s Church, at the 2014 St. Patrick’s Parade: Faithful Navigator Tom Lynch III, District Marshall Bill Hunt, and Commander Lou De Felice. Photo taken by Jim Mortillaro. P ubl i s he d m o n thl y by W a ppi ng e r s C o unc i l # 1 6 4 6 P age 4 S TAT E A N D C H A P T E R N E W S CHARITY DRIVE KICKS OFF The fast-moving snowstorm rushing up the Atlantic seaboard towards the Hudson Valley politely entertained itself elsewhere until after the Hudson Valley Chapter’s Charity Drive kick-off dinner. Hosted by St. Mary’s Council #4065 on Friday, January 23, 2015 on Route 82 in Fishkill, Chapter Chairman Chester Smith led the kick-off and announced the committee members. The beneficiary of this year’s Chapter Charity Drive will be Special Olympics New York, Hudson Valley Region. We will participate in the team effort by selling Charity Drive raffles. All net proceeds from this Raffle will be donated to Hudson Valley Special Olympics. $5 per book of 6 raffles, or $1 for a single chance. Grand Prize will be $1,000; 2nd prize $500; 3rd prize $300; 4th prize $100, 5th prize $100. The drawings will be held at the Charity Ball, and you need not be present to win. Contact Jim Mortillaro at 845-546-6371 or [email protected] for raffle books. You can also be a part of the action by attending the Charity Ball! The evening of dinner and dancing will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015, at St. Mary’s Council #4065, Route 82, Fishkill, NY. It will begin at 6:30pm. $45 per person for THE NEXT CHAPTER MEETING … will be at Our Lady of Lourdes Council #5890, in Washingtonville, New York. It will be held on Friday, February 27, 2015, starting at 8:00pm. More information can be found on the Hudson Valley Chapter & Conference website at paid reservations received by May 31, 2015; $60 per person for reservations paid after May 31. Wives & guests will be welcome. Contact Wally Wych at 845-2276810 or [email protected] for more info. Furthermore, you can buy an ad in the Charity Ball’s Journal. Details will be available at the next council business meeting. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ALONG WITH THE BROOKLYN NETS Invite you to a FUNDRAISER to benefit the Gary Sinese Foundation On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:00pm At the Barclays Center BROOKLYN NETS vs GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS $45.00 per Ticket (for every ticket sold, $10 will be donated to the Gary Sinese Foundation) About Special Olympics Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Roman Catholic and sister of President John F. Kennedy, founded Special Olympics in 1968. Their mission is "to provide yearround sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-style sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, ..." Source: Make check payable to: NYS COUNCIL, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In memo, please put: Gary Sinese Foundation Mail with name, address, and email to: James J. McCue, Sr. 118 Beacon Street Staten Island, NY 10306 For more information, pleased contact: James McCue at (718) 612-6221 [email protected] POLAR PLUNGE: FREEZIN’ FOR A On Saturday, February 21, 2015, you can help raise funds for Special Olympics at the Polar Plunge, held locally at Sharpe Reservation, in Fishkill, New York. Registration starts at 9AM (suggest you arrive around 10:30am at the latest for registration) and the plunge is at NOON! In 2014, there were 675 plungers, and the H.V. Knight Plungers was one of the top three teams in the Polar Plunge. Hudson Valley Chapter Knight Kevin Strommer was one of the Top Five individuals! This year, their goal is to have 1,000 plungers! Wappingers Council member, Jimmy C. will be taking the plunge, and his team is the "Frozen Frenzies". For more information, contact Jimmy C., at (845) 249-1037, or email [email protected] See more at: REASON L o ug h l i n L e d g e r P age 5 W A P P I N G E R S A S S E M B LY # 0 7 7 0 N E W S F A I T H F U L N AV I G A T O R ’ S R E P O R T By SK Thomas Lynch, III, Faithful Navigator Brother Sir Knights, The Pro-Life Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City was celebrated on Sunday, January 18, 2015, at 10:15am. Our council and assembly did not charter a bus this year. It looks like it was a good decision because, with the really icy conditions that day, many decided to not make the trip. The Color Corps are a big part of that mass—which is sponsored by the New York State Council. While we’re talking about the Color Corps, there are local events that we take part in, such as the Dutchess County St. Faithful Navigator, Sir Knight Thomas Lynch, III Patrick’s Parade. It is a big day for our Assembly and Council. This year, it will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Lineup will be at noon, and the parade will step-off at 1:00pm. Come out and march with us. On April 18, 2015 will be the next 4th Degree Exemplification, at the Ramada Fishkill. Assembly membership is open to 3rd Degree members in good standing. Join and become an active 4th Degree member. We would enjoy having the opportunity to talk with you. IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE FOURTH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION Third Degree Knights of Columbus, who are interested in joining Wappingers Assembly #0770 must submit your applications to SK Glen Kelly, PFN, by Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The cost for candidates is $70 (which includes banquet admission). Members and wives may attend the banquet which follows the exemplification—which will be held on April 18, 2015, at the Ramada New 4th Degree members recognized at the banquet following the 2007 Exemplification. Conference Center, in Fishkill, NY. The cost to attend the banquet is $55 per person. Your choice of entrée will be Prime Rib of beef, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Stuffed Fillet of Sole, or Vegetarian. Cocktail Hour will begin at 6:30pm, and the banquet will begin at 7:30pm. Please submit your payment and choice of entrée to SK Glen Kelly by Wednesday, March 18, 2014 Contact him at 845-462-2865, or [email protected] ASSEMBLY OFFICERS 2014-2015 Faithful Friar . . . . . . . . . . Faithful Navigator . . . . . Faithful Captain . . . . . . . Faithful Pilot . . . . . . . . . . Faithful Scribe . . . . . . . . Faithful Comptroller . . . Faithful Purser . . . . . . . . Rev. Roger Hall, OFM SK Thomas M. Lynch, III SK Jeffrey T. Boldrin SK M. James Mortillaro SK Paul O’Connor, PFN SK Thomas Tompkins, PFN SK Victor Fanuele Faithful Inner Sentinel Faithful Outer Sentinel Faithful Admiral . . . . . . Faithful Trustee, 3 Year Faithful Trustee, 2 Year Faithful Trustee, 1 Year SK Raymond B. Strohm SK David M. Brown SK Glen P. Kelly, PFN SK Edward Duffy, PFN SK Thomas G. Battaglia, PFN SK Michael J. Kelly, PFN P age 6 F E B R UA RY B I R T H DAY S Salvatore Aglione Thomas J Connelly J Donald Feeney, PGK Glen P Kelly, PGK William E Kotchie Thomas M Lynch, III, PGK Frank Majewski George L Mickley Hugo J Musto Joseph C Sackelos, Sr. Raymond B Strohm, PGK John C Trosie Stephen J Vitolano David G Walker Brian M Welsh R E S T I N P EACE “Kevin Patrick Moran died on January 2, 2015. He was employed by IBM in Poughkeepsie for over 40 years.... He was an Adjunct Professor of Thermodynamics at Dutchess Community College. He was a very loved and respected teacher, ... was very proud that he helped foster future engineers. Kevin was extremely proud of his Irish heritage. He was a modest and generous person with a keen sense of humor and he loved to laugh.” Joseph McGuirk passed away on January 19, 2015. His obituary reminds us that he "was a man of great faith who valued service to others over all things. Throughout his life he demonstrated devotion to his family, his God, his community and his country. ... He was a member of the Wappingers Council of the Knights of Columbus, and was very involved in St Mary's Wappingers CYO; coaching swimming, basketball and softball. There was "a Mass of Christian Burial at Holy Family Catholic Church in Orlando, Florida on January 23, 2015", and he was "laid to rest at Woodlawn Memorial Park ....” Obituary excerpts from P ubl i s he d m o n thl y by W a ppi ng e r s C o unc i l # 1 6 4 6 M O N A S T E RY F L O O D D I D N ’ T D A M P E N SPIRITS Due to the extremely cold temperatures on Thursday, January 8, 2015, a pipe burst at the Monastery of St. Clare, in Wappingers Falls, New York. The flooding was extensive. Sister Bernadette said "we were without power, without everything, for almost a week, and the friars very graciously and lovingly took us into their house, provided everything." Sister Regina commended the firefighters for covering the computer equipment, which saved it from destruction. Sister Constance added that they are waiting to hear from the insurance company about the ceiling tiles and baseboards in the kitchen; some cleanup has to be done, but they are home, and things are getting back to normal. Monastery of St. Clare, Wappingers Falls, New York. BRIEF BISHOP BYRNE BIOGRAPHY Bishop Peter John Byrne was born in Manhattan on July 24, 1951, and was educated at Immaculate Conception School and Cardinal Hayes High School. In 1983, he earned a bachelor of arts degree, with a concentration in history/social studies, from Fordham University. He studied for the priesthood at St. Joseph's Seminary in Dunwoodie. On December 1, 1984, he was ordained a priest by Archbishop John Joseph O'Connor, then Archbishop of New York. [1,3] His pastoral assignments included parochial vicar at St. Teresa of Avila parish, Sleepy Hollow from 1984 to 1992, administrator of St. Thomas Aquinas in the Bronx from 1992 to 1994 and administrator at St. John the Baptist de La Salle parish in 1995. He then served as pastor at Immaculate Conception parish on Staten Island 1995 to 2013 and St. Elizabeth’s parish in Washington Heights, Manhattan from 2013 to 2014.[2,3] Appointed by Pope Francis for the Archdiocese of New York on June 14, 2014, his Consecration as Auxiliary Bishop of New York was held on August 4, 2014, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, in New York City. [3] His Principal Consecrator was Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. His Principal Co-Consecrators were Bishop Dominick John Lagonegro, and Bishop Gerald Thomas Walsh. [1] Bishop Byrne has "extensive experience serving Spanish-speaking parishioners." [2] References 1. "Bishop Peter John Byrne". Catholic-Hierarchy. 2. John Woods (2014-07-24). "Ordination of Three Auxiliary Bishops". Catholic New York.,11330 3. Father Chris's Blog". Father Christopher W. Monturo, Pastor of Saint Anthony of Padua, West Harrison, NY L o ug h l i n L e d g e r P age 7 C O L U M BU S C L U B N E W S H A L L S E T - U P S F O R F E B R UA R Y The Columbus Club will be setting up: Friday, January 30, 2015 for Charity Night the following night Sunday, February 1, 2015 9am for Super Bowl Party (same day) Friday, February 13, 2015 (for Sweetheart Dinner the next night) Friday, March 6, 2015 (for DC St. Patrick’s Parade the next day) Council members are gladly encouraged to volunteer as waiters, dishwashers, and set-up/clean-up crews. You might even get your picture snapped for inclusion in the Loughlin Ledger! :-) Columbus Club Officers and Appointments President: Vice President Secretary: Treasurer: Trustees: Booking Agent:: Hall Chairman: Kitchen Chairman: Purchasing Agents: Dave Walker Mike Anderson Jim O’Connor, Sr. Bob Hand Tom Tompkins, Ron Kowalczyk Russ Roberti Mike VanVoorhis John Enkler Dave Walker, Lou Tokarz WLA 5TH & 6TH GRADE DANCE: HELP NEEDED The Wappingers Ladies Auxiliary will be holding their Valentines Dance for 5th & 6th Grade children on Friday, February 6, 2015, from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. They would like Knights to assist. Please arrive early! February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 7:00pm Council Social Dinner, with guest speaker Bishop Peter Byrne 5 7:00pm MidHudson Road Runners Club 6 7pm WLA 5th&6th Grade Valentine’s Dance 7 10 11 12 8:00pm Assembly Business Meeting 13 14 St. Valentine’s Day 8 9 9:00am Deceased Members’ Mass Sweetheart Italian Dinner Dance 7pm— 11pm 15 16 17 18 Ash Wednesday Council Business Meeting, 8:00pm 19 7:30pm AOH 20 21 22 23 24 25 Columbus Club Meeting, 8pm 26 28 27 Chapter Meeting, 8:00pm Our Lady of Lourdes Council #5890, Washingtonville About Wappingers Council #1646 Chartered by the Order of the Knights of Columbus in June 1912, Wappingers Council #1646 has been serving the parish and Church of St. Mary, Our Lady of the Falls, and the surrounding community for over 100 years. With members who have served at local, state, and national levels of the organization, we demonstrate Wappingers' great generosity and "can do" attitude. We donate thousands of dollars and man-hours to local charities, as well as baskets of food to neighbors in-need during the holidays, and are steadfast supporters of St. Mary's Catholic School and the Monastery of St. Clare. We’re on the web! District Deputy, John Pomarico Wappingers Council Hall Grand Knight, John Gorman St. Mary’s Pastor Fr. James Cruz Financial Secretary Ron Kowalczyk Membership Director, Bob Hand Insurance Field Agent, Peter Bodnar III Booking Agent, Russ Roberti Faithful Navigator, Thomas Lynch III 845-831-4446 845-297-9049 845-297-4872 845-297-6261 845-297-5326 845-926-2507 845-475-8137 845-297-9049 914-489-8951 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] I M P O R TA N T C O U N C I L C O N TA C T S
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