MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 1 2 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL SCREENING VENUES TICKETS MIAMI FILM SOCIETY MEMBERS: On sale Friday, Feb 6 Look for special instructions via email to place your order (by Feb 13 for priority). Review benefits and/or become a member at or call 305-237-7979. Olympia Theater at Gusman Center (OLY) 174 E. Flagler Street, Miami Regal South Beach Cinemas (R17, R18) 1100 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach MDC’s Tower Theater (TWR1, TWR2) presented by ViendoMovies 1508 SW 8th Street, Little Havana O Cinema Miami Beach (OCMB) 500 71st Street, Miami Beach Coral Gables Art Cinema (CGAC) 260 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Cinépolis (C1) 3015 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove Miami Beach Cinematheque (MBC) 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach 1 2 3 4 GENERAL PUBLIC: On sale Friday, Feb 13 5 Online: 6 Phone: 1-844-565-6433 (MIFF) Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 6 PM Sat-Sun: 10 AM – 2 PM 7 In Person: Venue Box Offices: Venue box offices open one hour before the first screening of the day. Patrons may purchase tickets for all Festival screenings at all venues, when available. Venue-specific, same-day tickets take priority in lines. Rush Line: When screenings sell out, and no more advanced tickets are available, a RUSH LINE will form at the door. If there are empty seats, tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis (at GENERAL TICKET PRICE ONLY, no discounts). Limit one per person. PRICES 4 N Palmetto Expy Olympia Box Office: Olympia Theater at Gusman Center 174 E. Flagler St., Miami. Friday, Feb 13 – Sunday, Mar 15, Mon-Sat: Noon - 6PM / Sunday: during events. JULIA TUTTLE CAUSEWAY 112 MIAMI BEACH Miami International Airport 2 VENETIAN CAUSEWAY 836 MA CA 3 HU 7 RC 1 MIAMI 5 RT AU S EW AY 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Screenings • General Admission $13 • Miami Film Society Members $10 • Seniors $12 • Students $10 • Masterclass Seminars $9 (MDC students FREE with student ID) CINEDWNTWN Galas • General Admission $16 • Miami Film Society (MFS) Members $12 • Seniors $14 • Students $12 • Opening Night Film $30 • Opening Night Party $125 • Opening Night Film & Party $150 | MFS $20 | MFS $85 | MFS $105 • Awards Night Film $30 • Awards Night Party $125 • Awards Night Film & Party $150 | MFS $20 | MFS $85 | MFS $105 Additional Special Event Prices listed on event pages Group Rates 15% off with a single purchase of 20 or more tickets to the same screening. To order, call the box office. NOTE: A $1 per ticket processing fee applies to all GENERAL screenings and seminars. A higher per-ticket fee may be applied to special events. ■ CINEDWNTWN Galas presented by Miami DDA ..........................4 ■ Emerging Cuban Independent Film/Video Artists Program presented by The Related Group........................................................6 ■ Knight Competition .................................................................................8 ■ Knight Documentary Achievement Award ...................................10 ■ Lee Brian Schrager’s Culinary Cinema presented by Frederick Wildman & Sons .................................................................. 12 ■ Lexus Ibero-American Opera Prima Competition ...................... 13 ■ Spotlight on Asian Cinema presented by byejoe .......................14 ■ Spotlight on French Cinema presented by TV5Monde ........... 16 ■ Cinema 360° presented by ViendoMovies ................................... 18 ■ America The Beautiful ......................................................................... 23 ■ Visions ........................................................................................................ 23 ■ Florida Focus........................................................................................... 24 ■ Park Grove & Lexus Shorts Programs ............................................ 25 ■ Special Presentations ........................................................................... 25 ■ Reel Music................................................................................................. 26 ■ From The Vault ....................................................................................... 26 ■ Master Class Seminar Series .............................................................. 27 ■ Schedule.................................................................................................... 28 Visit for the most up-to-date info. Ballot box designates eligibility for Knight Documentary Achievement Award. All features & shorts are eligible for the Lexus Audience Awards. Cover art: Orson Welles strolling the Miami Beach boardwalk in 1943. Photo: Courtesy of HistoryMiami tickets: 1-844-565-6433 (MIFF) PLEASE NOTE *Students & Seniors must show valid ID at Box Office. Seating for ticketholders is guaranteed up to 15 minutes prior to start of screening. At 15 minute to show time, empty seats will be sold. All programs and show times are subject to change without notice. No refunds or exchanges. /MiamiFilmFestival /miamifilmfest @miamifilm MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 3 #MiamiFF MARCH 6-15, 2015 | CINEDWNTWN GALAS PRESENTED BY MIAMI DDA Opening Night Film WILD TALES RELATOS SALVAJES Damián Szifron | Argentina, Spain Spanish with English subtitles OLY, Fri, Mar 6 at 7:00 PM An all-star cast of Argentina’s biggest stars Opening Night creates an epic comedy of unfettered revenge, PARTY co-produced by Pedro Almodóvar’s El Deseo. Simón (Ricardo Darín) is pushed to the breaking point by Buenos Aires civic bureaucrats who have towed his car on the day of his daughter’s birthday; whereas white-collar businessman Diego (Leonardo Sbaraglia) is enraged by blue-collar righteousness on a dusty, deserted highway. By chance, a roadside diner waitress (Julieta Zylberberg) meets the pompous jerk who destroyed her family; and wealthy patriarch Mauricio (Oscar Martínez) is determined to be the pompous jerk who won’t let anyone destroy his family. 2015 OSCAR-NOMINEE: BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM Awards Night Film SIDETRACKED LAS OVEJAS NO PIERDEN EL TREN Álvaro Fernández Armero | Spain Spanish with English Subtitles OLY, Sat, Mar 14 at 7:00 PM Opening Night Alberto and Luisa (Inma Cuesta) are entering a midPARTY thirties “life crisis”— their chosen careers have failed to ignite, and their adorable young son is STILL without a sibling. Yet that’s nothing compared to what each of their older siblings are going through—Alberto’s separated older brother Juan is feeling major anxiety about dating a woman 20 years his junior, and Luisa’s older sister Sara (the scene-stealing Candela Peña) is feeling the same about not dating anyone. Everyone in the hilarious Sidetracked is afraid of their train leaving the station, without them on it! INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE 4 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Red carpet events featuring the year’s most compelling star-driven works by top-tier directors showcased at the historic Olympia Theater at Gusman Center PATRÓN OPENING NIGHT PARTY Fri, Mar 6, 9:00 PM Join us for a selection of the best offerings from some of Miami’s top Argentine restaurants and the biggest, baddest, most over-the-top wedding cake of all time. Enjoy an endless flow of creative Patrón cocktails to toast 10 days of provocative cinema! Grab your tango shoes and dance the night away. You must be 21+ to attend the party. #patronworthy, #patronevents, @Patron Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College 600 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami PATRÓN XO CAFÉ AWARDS NIGHT PARTY Sat, Mar 14, 9:00 PM Toast our newly-minted award-winners and celebrate with a film-loving crowd in preparation for the final ballot count to reveal the Lexus Audience Award winner. Indulge in a variety of culinary delights, Patrón XO Café cocktails, Stella Artois stations, and plenty of entertainment! You must be 21+ to attend the party. #xocafe #patronevents @patron The Historic Alfred I. Dupont Building 169 East Flager Street, 2nd floor, Miami TRIBUTE TO: THE INDEPENDENT CUBAN FILMMAKER Good films are difficult to make anywhere in the world; especially outside of major institutional financial backing like a Hollywood studio or a state subsidy. Over the past several years, a group of some of the heartiest artists in the world have translated an extraordinary determination (and collective will) to make great independent films with the scarcest of resources, in their homeland of Cuba. From the Goya-award winning Juan of the Dead (2012) to the Jury prizes awarded to The Swimming Pool (2013) at both the Marrakech and Miami Dade College’s Miami International Film Festivals, this year’s Festival salutes, collectively, the efforts and extraordinary achievements of The Independent Cuban Filmmaker. Following the Tribute, a new Cuban independent film will be screened, The Project of the Century. An on-stage party at Olympia Theater will follow to celebrate independent Cuban filmmakers. $40 non-members $30 Miami Film Society Members THE PROJECT OF THE CENTURY LA OBRA DEL SIGLO Carlos Machado Quintela | Cuba, Argentina, Germany Spanish with English subtitles OLY, Sun, Mar 8 at 7:00PM Everyone in Nuclear City, near Cienfuegos in the 1980s, was hoping for a world of possibilities that the first nuclear plant in the Caribbean would bring, until the collapse of the Soviet Union dashed their dreams. ELIGIBLE FOR KNIGHT COMPETITION GRAND JURY AWARD NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 5 5 CINEDWNTWN CINEDWNTWN GALAS GALAS PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYMIAMI MIAMIDDA DDA THE THEPILGRIM PILGRIM-- KAMIKAZE KAMIKAZE NÃO NÃOPARE PARENA NAPISTA PISTA Daniel DanielAugusto Augusto| |Brazil, Brazil,Spain Spain Russian, Russian,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles PAULO PAULOCOELHO’S COELHO’SBEST BESTSTORY STORY Portuguese, Portuguese,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OLY, OLY,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at7:00 7:00PM PM Paz PazVega Vegaco-stars co-starsininthis thistrue-life true-lifestory storyof ofthe thegreat great Brazilian Braziliannovelist novelistPaulo PauloCoelho’s Coelho’searly earlyyears, years,when whenhe hewas was equally equallyfifi xated xatedby bythe themysteries mysteriesof ofwriting, writing,black blackmagic magic and androck rock‘n’ ‘n’roll. roll. Álex ÁlexPina Pina| |Spain Spain OLY, OLY,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at7:00 7:00PM PM When Whenaapounding poundingsnowstorm snowstormpostpones postponesthe thedeparture departure of ofaaMoscow Moscowcommercial commercialairline airlinebound boundfor forMadrid, Madrid,aa young youngmale malepassenger passengerwith withquestionable questionableintentions intentionshas has his hisplans planstemporarily temporarilygrounded groundedby bythe theeclectic eclecticcollection collection of ofhis hisfellow fellowpassengers. passengers. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALPREMIERE PREMIERE EMERGING EMERGING CUBAN CUBAN INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT FILM/VIDEO FILM/VIDEO ARTISTS ARTISTS PROGRAM PROGRAM PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYTHE THERELATED RELATEDGROUP GROUP PRE-FESTIVAL PRE-FESTIVALCUBAN CUBANFILM FILM SERIES SERIESDIRECT DIRECTFROM FROMHAVANA HAVANA PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYMDC’S MDC’STOWER TOWERTHEATER THEATER AAriveting rivetingpanorama panoramaof ofcontemporary contemporaryCuba Cubaproduced producedand and directed directedby byfour fouryoung, young,talented talentedCuban Cubanartists. artists.Each Eachproprogram gramwill willinclude includefifi lmmaker(s) lmmaker(s)ininattendance. attendance. SAT, SAT,FEB FEB28 28@ @7:00 7:00PM PM OPENING OPENINGNIGHT NIGHTCOLLECTIVE COLLECTIVESHOWCASE SHOWCASE Tacones Taconescercanos cercanos(J. (J.Rodríguez); Rodríguez);Cuerdas Cuerdasalalaire aire(M. (M.Beltrán); Beltrán); Planeta Planetacerquillo cerquillo(C. (C.Calviño); Calviño);Jorge JorgeyyElena Elena(C. (C.Quintela) Quintela)86’ 86’ SUN, SUN,MAR MAR1 1@ @5:00 5:00PM PM JESSICA JESSICARODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZSHOWCASE SHOWCASE Crac; Crac;ElElmundo mundode deRaúl; Raúl;Ahlam Ahlam 93’ 93’ MON, MON,MAR MAR22@ @7:00 7:00PM PM MARCEL MARCELBELTRÁN BELTRÁNSHOWCASE SHOWCASE Parihuela; Parihuela;Memorias Memoriasdel delabuelo; abuelo;Cisne Cisnecuello cuellonegro, negro, cuello cuelloblanco; blanco;Digna Dignaguerra guerra 98’ 98’ TUE, TUE,MAR MAR33@ @7:00 7:00 PM PM CARLOS CARLOSM. M.QUINTELA QUINTELASHOWCASE SHOWCASE Buey; Buey;Casi; Casi;La Lapiscina piscina 87’ 87’ WED, WED,MAR MAR44@ @7:00 7:00PM PM CLAUDIA CLAUDIACALVIÑO CALVIÑOSHOWCASE: SHOWCASE: Cuca Cucayyelelpollo; pollo;Los Losbañistas; bañistas;Habana Habanamuda muda 87’ 87’ The TheSwimming SwimmingPool Pool 6 6 All Allfifi ve veprograms programswill willbe befollowed followedby byfifi lmmaker lmmakerQ&As. Q&As.Special SpecialPackage Package rate: rate:All Allfifi ve ve(5) (5)programs: programs:$25. $25.All Allfifi lms lmsare areininSpanish Spanishwith withEnglish English subtitles. subtitles.Advance Advancetickets ticketsonline towertheatermiami.comororatat theater theaterbox boxoffi offi ce. ce. MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL CINEDWNTWN CINEDWNTWN GALAS GALAS PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYMIAMI MIAMIDDA DDA EVERYBODY EVERYBODYLEAVES LEAVES PLAYING PLAYINGLECUONA LECUONA TODOS TODOSSE SEVAN VAN Sergio SergioCabrera Cabrera| |Colombia Colombia Pavel PavelGiroud, Giroud,Juan JuanManuel ManuelVillar Villar| |Spain, Spain,Colombia Colombia Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OLY, OLY,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:30 9:30PM PM OLY, OLY,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at6:30 6:30PM PM Based Basedon onWendy WendyGuerra’s Guerra’sBruguera BrugueraPrize-winning Prize-winningnovel, novel, Nieve’s Nieve’sstory storyisisbrought broughtto tothe thescreen screenwith withaahandsome, handsome, worldly worldlygrace. grace.InInCienfuegos Cienfuegosininthe the1980s, 1980s,aapoetic poeticyoung younggirl girl tries triesto tomake makesense senseof ofher herparents’ parents’volatile volatileseparation separationwhile while keenly keenlyobserving observingthe thereality realityof ofCuba’s Cuba’sdilemmas. dilemmas. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Legendary Legendaryvirtuoso virtuosoCuban Cubancomposer composerand andpianist pianist Ernesto ErnestoLecuona Lecuonagets getsthe theall-star all-startreatment treatmentfrom from renowned renownedmusicians musiciansChucho ChuchoValdés, Valdés,Michel MichelCamilo Camilo and andGonzalo GonzaloRubalcaba. Rubalcaba. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Experiencethe theevolution evolutionof ofCuban Cubancinema, cinema,in inthis thisnew newcategory category Experience showcasingthe thedramatic dramaticcomplexities complexitiesof ofcontemporary contemporaryCuban Cubanlife. life. showcasing CLAUDIA CLAUDIACALVIÑO CALVIÑO TWR2, TWR2,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at6:30 6:30PM PM MARCEL MARCELBELTRÁN BELTRÁN TWR2, TWR2,Tues, Tues,Mar Mar10 10at at6:30 6:30PM PM Screening Screeningof ofHotel HotelNueva NuevaIsla Islaby byIrene Irene Gutierrez GutierrezTorres Torresand andJavier JavierLabrador Labrador Deulofeu. Deulofeu.All Allworks worksshown shownwill willbe beinin Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles. subtitles. Screening Screeningof ofhis hisshort shortfifi lm lmThe TheCloud Cloud (La (Lanube) nube)and andclips clipsof ofhis hisnew newfeature feature documentary documentarynow nowininpost postproduction. production. All Allworks worksshown shownwill willbe beininSpanish Spanish with withEnglish Englishsubtitles. subtitles. CARLOS CARLOSMACHADO MACHADO QUINTELA QUINTELA JESSICA JESSICARODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ Carlos Carloswill willpresent presenthis hislatest latestfifi lm lm The TheProject Projectof ofthe theCentury Century(La (Laobra obra del delsiglo), siglo), following followingTHE THETRIBUTE TRIBUTE TO TOTHE THECUBAN CUBANINDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER. FILMMAKER.(See (Seepage page5.) 5.)All All works worksshown shownwill willbe beininSpanish Spanishwith with English Englishsubtitles. subtitles. Rodríguez Rodríguezwill willdiscuss discussher herupcoming upcoming fifi lm lmDark DarkGlasses Glasses(Espejuelos (Espejuelososcuros) oscuros) and andshow showclips clipsfrom fromthe thework-inwork-inprogress. progress.The Thefifi lm lmdetails detailsCuban Cubanlife lifeinin four fourdiff diff erent erenteras erasof ofthe the20th 20thcentury. century. TWR2, TWR2,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:30 1:30PM PM MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 77 KNIGHT KNIGHT COMPETITION COMPETITION PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYKNIGHT KNIGHTFOUNDATION FOUNDATION BLUE BLUEBLOOD BLOOD AURORA AURORA Rodrigo RodrigoSepúlveda Sepúlveda| |Chile Chile Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at7:00 7:00PM PM CGAC, CGAC,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:30 9:30PM PM AAwoman’s woman’sdetermination determinationto tofifi ght ghtfor for the thedignity dignityof ofhuman humanlife lifeininthe thecase caseof of aadefenseless, defenseless,neglected neglectedbaby babyreveals reveals an anuncompromising uncompromisingstrength strengthof ofspirit. spirit. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE SANGUE SANGUEAZUL AZUL Lírio LírioFerreira Ferreira| |Brazil Brazil Portuguese Portuguesewith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at9:45 9:45PM PM C1, C1,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at6:30 6:30PM PM When Whenthe theNetuno NetunoCircus Circusreturns returnsto to Fernando Fernandode deNoronha, Noronha,ititbrings bringsback backaa young youngman manwith withaaturbulent turbulentpast. past.Pedro Pedro isisnow nowZolah, Zolah,the thehuman humancannonball. cannonball. When Whensecrets secretssurface, surface,bizarre bizarrefamily family reunions reunionsrival rivalthe thecircus circusperformances. performances. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE MARIPOSA MARIPOSA Marco MarcoBerger Berger| |Argentina Argentina Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at9:00 9:00PM PM R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at4:00 4:00PM PM The Theflfl apping appingof ofaabutterfl butterfl y’s y’swings wingssplits splits Romina’s Romina’suniverse universeinto intotwo twoparallel paralleland and plausible plausiblerealities realitieswhere whereshe shedefi defi es esthe the boundaries boundariesof oflove loveand anddesire. desire. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE THE THEOBSCURE OBSCURESPRING SPRING THE THESTRONGEST STRONGESTMAN MAN Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at7:00 7:00PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at9:30 9:30PM PM LAS LASOSCURAS OSCURASPRIMAVERAS PRIMAVERAS Ernesto ErnestoContreras Contreras| |Mexico Mexico C1, C1,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at9:30 9:30PM PM R17, R17,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at4:00 4:00PM PM AAtorrid torridlove loveaff aff air airbetween betweenaamarried marriedman manand andaa divorced divorcedmother motherforever foreverchanges changestheir theirlives. lives. Kenny KennyRiches Riches| |USA USA Eccentric Eccentriccharacters charactersnavigate navigatetheir theirway waythrough throughaa hilariously hilariouslyoddball oddballcollection collectionof offriends, friends,family familyand and neighbors neighborsof ofAmerica’s America’sslipperiest slipperiestcity city- -Miami. Miami. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE 88 BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL A fi t K A Amesmerizing mesmerizingvariety varietyof ofdramatic dramaticworks worksby byup-and-coming up-and-coming fifilmmakers lmmakersfrom fromaround aroundthe theworld. world.Achievement AchievementAwards Awards totaling totaling$40,000 $40,000in incash cashwill willbe bedistributed, distributed,courtesy courtesyof of Knight KnightFoundation. Foundation. INVASION INVASION INVASIÓN INVASIÓN Abner AbnerBenahim Benahim| |Panama, Panama,Argentina Argentina Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at7:00 7:00PM PM LIFE LIFEIS ISSACRED SACRED Andreas AndreasDalsgaard, Dalsgaard,Viviana VivianaGómez, Gómez, Nicolás NicolásServide Servide Denmark, Denmark,Ireland, Ireland,Norway, Norway,Colombia Colombia Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles This Thisbreakthrough breakthroughininPanamanian Panamaniancinema cinema (the (thecountry’s country’sfifi rst rstfifi lm lmto tobe besubmitted submitted for forthe theBest BestForeign ForeignLanguage LanguageOscar) Oscar) explores exploresthe the1989 1989US USinvasion invasionto tooust oust General GeneralNoriega, Noriega,interviewing interviewingaawide wide range rangeof ofeyewitnesses. eyewitnesses. CGAC, CGAC,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at6:00 6:00PM PM US USPREMIERE PREMIERE NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Gaining Gainingclose closeaccess accessto toColombian Colombian Presidential Presidentialcandidate candidateAntanas AntanasMockus Mockus and andhis hissupporters, supporters,Life LifeisisSacred Sacredtells tellsaa gripping grippingstory storyof oftrying tryingto tobring bringchange change ininaaconfl confl icted ictedcountry country .. Colombia, Colombia,France France Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at6:30 6:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at4:00 4:00PM PM Two Twostreet streetgraffi graffi titiartists artistslead leadaagroup group of ofCali Caliyouths youthson onaaheroic heroicshow showof ofsolisolidarity daritywith withthe thebrave braveEgyptian Egyptianwomen women of ofthe theArab ArabSpring, Spring,half halfaaworld worldaway. away. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE LA LAVOZ VOZEN ENOFF OFF Cristián CristiánJiménez Jiménez| | Chile, Chile,France, France,Canada Canada LAS LASINSOLADAS INSOLADAS Gustavo GustavoTaretto Taretto| |Argentina Argentina Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at9:00 9:00PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at3:30 3:30PM PM Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles On Onthe thehottest hottestday dayof ofsummer, summer,six sixfriends friendssunbathe sunbatheatat aamakeshift makeshiftrooftop rooftoppool pooldeck. deck.Love, Love,men, men,drinks, drinks,salsa salsa and anddaydreams daydreamsof ofaavacation vacationininCuba Cubafuel fuelthis thiscomedy, comedy, co-starring co-starringLuisana LuisanaLopilato Lopilatoand andMaricel MaricelÁlvarez Álvarez .. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Oscar OscarRuiz RuizNavia Navia VOICE VOICEOVER OVER SUNSTROKES SUNSTROKES TWR1, TWR1,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at7:00 7:00PM PM R17, R17,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at6:30 6:30PM PM LOS LOSHONGOS HONGOS Sofi Sofi aaisisaavoice-over voice-overartist artistfor forTV, TV,but butwhen whenher herfather father Manuel Manueldecides decidesto toleave leavehis hiswife wifeafter after35 35years, years,she sheand and the therest restof ofher herfamily familyhave haveno noscript scriptto tofollow followininthis this tender tenderdramedy. dramedy.Co-starring Co-starringPaulina PaulinaGarcía García(Gloria). (Gloria). US USPREMIERE PREMIERE CO-PRESENTED CO-PRESENTEDWITH WITHFILM FILMCOMMENT COMMENTSELECTS SELECTS Preceded Precededby by60 60CANDLES CANDLES MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 9 9 KNIGHT KNIGHT DOCUMENTARY DOCUMENTARY ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD AWARD FILMS FILMS PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYKNIGHT KNIGHTFOUNDATION FOUNDATION BEFORE BEFOREWE WEARE AREFORGOTTEN FORGOTTEN ANTES ANTESDE DEQUE QUENOS NOSOLVIDEN OLVIDEN Matías MatíasGueilburt Gueilburt| |Mexico Mexico Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR2, TWR2,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:15 9:15PM PM Heart-wrenching Heart-wrenchingstory storyof ofthe thecrude crudereality realityof ofviolence violence enveloping envelopingcontemporary contemporaryMexico. Mexico. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE BEING BEINGEVEL EVEL Daniel DanielJunge Junge| |USA USA OCMB, OCMB,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar66at at7:00 7:00PM PM Oscar-winning Oscar-winningfifi lmmaker lmmakerDaniel DanielJunge Jungeexplores exploresthe the life lifeand andlegend legendof ofEvel EvelKnievel Knievelwith withspectacular spectacularstunt stunt footage footageand andcandid candidtestimony. testimony. Sponsored Sponsoredby by@RedbullMiami @RedbullMiami HOT HOTGIRLS GIRLSWANTED WANTED Jill JillBauer, Bauer,Ronna RonnaGradus Gradus| |USA USA R18, R18,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at7:00 7:00PM PM R18, R18,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar11 11at at9:30 9:30PM PM Executive Executiveproduced producedby byRashida RashidaJones, Jones,this thisintimate intimate documentary documentarylooks looksat atwhat whathappens happensto toaagroup group of ofyoung youngwomen womenseeking seekingadventure adventureininMiami’s Miami’s amateur amateurporn pornindustry. industry. IRIS IRIS Albert AlbertMaysles Maysles| |USA USA OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at7:00 7:00PM PM Fashion FashionIcon IconIris IrisApfel Apfelgets getsthe thefifi lm lmtreatment treatmentinin Albert AlbertMaysles’ Maysles’latest latestfifi lm. lm.The Thecandid candidnonagenarian nonagenarian shares sharesher hercharming charminglife lifefull fullof ofingenuity ingenuitywith withfriends friends and andhusband husbandCarl. Carl. THE THELOST LOSTAVIATOR AVIATOR Andrew AndrewLancaster Lancaster| |Australia Australia English, English,French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at7:00 7:00PM PM TWR TWR2, 2,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at6:45 6:45PM PM AAdashing dashingpilot pilotleaves leaveshis hisfamily familyininEngland Englandto toflfl yyto to Australia Australiawith withaawealthy wealthymarried marriedfifi nancier, nancier,creating creating aascandal scandalthat thatculminates culminatesininaamurder murder“trial “trialof ofthe the century” century”inin1932 1932Miami. Miami. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Preceded Precededby byTHE THELAST LASTFLIGHT FLIGHTOF OFHUBERT HUBERTLE LEBLON BLON 10 10 MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Candid, Candid,thought-provoking thought-provokingfeature-length feature-lengthdocumentaries documentaries examining examiningsocial socialissues, issues,diverse diversecultures culturesand andinfl influential uentialpeople people compete competefor foran anaudience-voted audience-voted$10,000 $10,000cash cashAchievement Achievement Award, Award,courtesy courtesyof ofKnight KnightFoundation. Foundation. THE THEMUSES MUSESOF OFBASHEVIS BASHEVIS SINGER SINGER Shaul ShaulBetser, Betser,Asaf AsafGalay Galay| |Israel Israel English, English,Hebrew Hebrewwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at7:00PM 7:00PM Traveling Travelingfrom fromNew NewYork Yorkto toMiami Miamito toParis, Paris,this thiswitty witty literary literaryinvestigation investigationtracks tracksthe theinternational international“harem” “harem” of ofwomen womenwho whowere weretranslators translators(and (andmore?) more?)for for the theNobel-prize Nobel-prizewinning winningauthor authorof ofYentl Yentland and Enemies: Enemies:AALove LoveStory. Story. THE THESALT SALTOF OFTHE THEEARTH EARTH LE LESEL SELDE DELA LATERRE TERRE Wim WimWenders, Wenders,Juliano JulianoRibeiro RibeiroSalgado Salgado| |Brazil, Brazil, French,Portuguese, Portuguese,with withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Italy, Italy,France France| |French, OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:00 1:00PM PM R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at9:00 9:00PM PM Directors DirectorsWim WimWenders Wendersand andJuliano JulianoRibeiro RibeiroSalgado Salgado profi profi lelerenowned renownedphotographer photographerSebastião SebastiãoSalgado Salgado ininthis thisglobe-trotting globe-trottingfifi lm lmthat thatisisaa2015 2015OSCAROSCARNOMINEE NOMINEEFOR FORBEST BESTDOCUMENTARY DOCUMENTARYFEATURE. FEATURE. TEA TEATIME TIME LA LAONCE ONCE Maite MaiteAlberdi Alberdi| |Chile, Chile,USA USA Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at1:00 1:00PM PM R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:00 1:00PM PM AAgroup groupof ofsix sixelderly elderlyladies ladiesmeet meetonce onceaamonth monthfor for tea teaand andgossip, gossip,as asthey theyhave havefor forsixty sixtyyears. years.Their Their conversations, conversations,hilarious hilariousand andtouching, touching,reveal revealdeep deep shifts shiftsininChilean Chileansociety societyduring duringtheir theirlifetimes. lifetimes. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE THIS THISIS ISMY MYLAND LAND Tamara TamaraErde Erde| |France, France,Israel, Israel, Palestine, Palestine,Poland Poland Hebrew, Hebrew,Arabic, Arabic,with withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:00 1:00PM PM Israeli Israelififi lmmaker lmmakerTamara TamaraErde Erdelooks looksat athow howhistory history isistaught taughtininaacontested contestedregion, region,going goinginside insideboth both Jewish Jewishand andArab Arabclassrooms. classrooms. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 11 11 LEE LEEBRIAN BRIANSCHRAGER’S SCHRAGER’SCULINARY CULINARYCINEMA CINEMA PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYFREDERICK FREDERICKWILDMAN WILDMANAND ANDSONS, SONS,LTD LTD Sumptuous Sumptuousfood foodfifi lms, lms,featuring featuringevery everyflfl avor avorunder underthe thesun, sun,guaranteed guaranteedto topique piqueyour your appetite; appetite;each eachpaired pairedwith withaathree-course three-coursefifi lm-inspired lm-inspiredmeal mealand andFrederick FrederickWildman Wildmanwines, wines, atatan anoutstanding outstandinglocal localrestaurant. restaurant. CITY CITYOF OFGOLD GOLD Laura LauraGabbert Gabbert| |USA USA R18, R18,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at3:30 3:30PM PM The Theenjoyment enjoymentof offifi ne necuisine cuisineand anddown-home down-homeeats, eats,with witheverything everythinginbetween, inbetween, only onlygets getsbetter betterunder underPulitzer PulitzerPrize-winning Prize-winningcritic criticJonathan JonathanGold’s Gold’sfree-ranging free-ranging taste tastetour tourof ofone oneof ofAmerica’s America’sgreat greatfood foodcities. cities. Juvia, Juvia,1111 1111Lincoln LincolnRoad, Road,Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,Lunch Lunchstarts startspromptly promptlyatat1:00 1:00PM PM Before Beforethe thescreening, screening,satisfy satisfyyour yourcraving cravingfor fora agolden goldenview viewabove aboveSouth SouthBeach Beachand andlunch lunchon oneclectic eclectic food food&&drink at drink atJuvia’s Juvia’slush lushultramodern ultramodernspace spaceatop atopthe the1111 1111building. building.$75 $75lunch, lunch,wine winepairing, pairing,&& movie movieticket. ticket.$70 $70MFS MFSMembers Members FINDING FINDINGGASTON GASTON BUSCANDO BUSCANDOAAGASTÓN GASTÓN Patricia PatriciaPérez Pérez| |Peru Peru Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR2, TWR2,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at6:50 6:50PM PM The Themouth-watering mouth-wateringstory storyof ofPeruvian Peruvianchef/restaurateur chef/restaurateurGastón GastónAcurio Acurioas as he hechampions championshis hisnational nationalcuisine cuisineto tointernational internationalacclaim. acclaim. La LaMar Mar––Mandarin MandarinOriental, Oriental,500 500Brickell BrickellKey KeyDrive, Drive,Miami Miamiatat8:30 8:30PM PM Find Findyourself yourselfafter afterthe thescreening feasting screening feastingon fi on fi ne nePeruvian fusion Peruvian fusionfare fareatatChef ChefGaston GastonAcurio’s Acurio’sLa LaMar, Mar,atat itsitsposh poshwaterfront waterfrontlocale. locale. $75 $75dinner, dinner,wine winepairing, pairing,&&movie movieticket. ticket. $70 $70MFS MFSMembers Members EAST EASTSIDE SIDESUSHI SUSHI Anthony AnthonyLucero Lucero| |USA USA English, English,Japanese, Japanese,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at7:00 7:00PM PM Juana Juanasecretly secretlyteaches teachesherself herselfthe theart artof ofsushi-making, sushi-making,but butfifi nds ndsthat thather herchance chance to toprove proveher herskills skillsatatthe thetop topJapanese Japaneserestaurant restaurantinintown townare areblocked blockedby byboth bothher her gender genderand andMexican Mexicanheritage. heritage.But ButJuana Juanaisisdetermined determinedto tobreak breakdown downbarriers. barriers. SushiSamba, SushiSamba,180 180Aragon AragonAvenue, Avenue,Coral CoralGables Gablesatat9:00 9:00PM PM Following Followingthe thescreening, screening,experience experiencethe thecreativity creativityofofJapanese, Japanese,Peruvian Peruvian&&Brazilian Braziliandelights delightsatatthe the nearby nearbySushiSamba. SushiSamba.$65 $65dinner, dinner,wine winepairing, pairing,&&movie movieticket. ticket.$60 $60Members Members NATURAL NATURALRESISTANCE RESISTANCE Jonathan JonathanNossiter Nossiter| |Italy, Italy,France France Italian Italianwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar11 11at at7:00 7:00PM PM Four Fourartisanal artisanalwinemakers winemakersininTuscany Tuscanystrive striveto toproduce producetheir theirwines winesininthe the most mosttraditional traditionalway waypossible, possible,resisting resistingboth bothgovernment governmentand andmarket market pressure pressureto totake takeshortcuts. shortcuts.AAtrue truelove loveletter letterto toItaly Italyininevery everyway! way! Quattro, Quattro,1014 1014Lincoln LincolnRoad, Road,Miami MiamiBeach Beachatat8:45 8:45PM PM The Thelove loveaff aff air airwith withallallthings thingsauthentically authenticallyItalian Italiancontinues continuesafter afterthe thescreening screeningatatQuattro, Quattro,with withan an upscale upscalemenu menufeaturing featuringingredients ingredientsimported importedfrom fromNorthern NorthernItaly Italyand andtraditionally traditionallyprepared. prepared. $65 $65dinner, dinner,wine winepairing, pairing,&&movie movieticket. ticket. $60 $60MFS MFSMembers Members REWINED REWINED VINODENTRO VINODENTRO Ferdinando FerdinandoVicentini VicentiniOrniani Orniani| |Italy Italy Italian Italianwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at7:00 7:00PM PM AAthirst thirstfor forthe thegenius geniusofofItalian Italianwinemakers winemakerstransforms transformsaashy shybank bankclerk clerkinto intoaa powerful powerfulwine winewriter, writer,lothario lotharioand…possibly and…possiblymurderer. murderer. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Macchialina MacchialinaTaverna TavernaRustica, Rustica,820 820Alton AltonRoad, Road,Miami MiamiBeach Beachatat9:00 9:00PM PM The Thefilm’s film’senergy energyofofmystery shifts mystery shiftspost-screening, post-screening,atatthe warm the warmand inviting and invitingMacchialina, Macchialina,with withbold boldrustic rustic Italian dishes Italian dishesfrom fromthe thePubbelly Pubbellyboys. boys.$65 $65dinner, dinner,wine winepairing, pairing,&&movie movieticket. ticket.$60 $60MFS MFSMembers Members 12 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL A LEXUS LEXUS IBERO-AMERICAN IBERO-AMERICAN OPERA OPERA PRIMA PRIMA COMPETITION COMPETITION Debut Debutfeature featurefifilmmakers lmmakersfrom fromthe theIbero-American Ibero-Americanworld. world.Achievement Achievementaward award ininthe theamount amountof of $10,000 $10,000for forone onefifilm, lm,courtesy courtesyof ofLexus. Lexus. 33BEAUTIES BEAUTIES 33BELLEZAS BELLEZAS Carlos CarlosCaridad CaridadMontero Montero| |Venezuela Venezuela Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:00 9:00PM PM C1, C1,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar11 11at at9:30 9:30PM PM Venezuela’s Venezuela’sdominance dominanceininworld worldbeauty beautypageants pageantsisis legendary—and legendary—andthis thishomegrown homegrownsatire satirelooks looksatatthe the immense immensepressure pressureitittakes takesto tostay stayatatthe thetop. top. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE EASY EASYSEX, SEX,SAD SADMOVIES MOVIES SEXO SEXOFÁCIL, FÁCIL,PELICULAS PELICULASTRISTES TRISTES Alejo AlejoFlah Flah| |Argentina, Argentina,Spain, Spain,France France Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar11 11at at9:45 9:45PM PM R18, R18,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:30 9:30PM PM AAscreenwriter screenwriterfor foraanew newromantic romanticcomedy comedygoes goesdeep deepinside inside his hischaracters, characters,and andininthe theprocess processfifi nds ndsitithard hardto tokeep keepup up with withhis hisown ownlove lovelife. life. INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALPREMIERE PREMIERE IN INTHE THEGRAYSCALE GRAYSCALE EN ENLAS LASGAMAS GAMASDE DEGRIS GRIS Claudio ClaudioMarcone Marcone| |Chile Chile Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Sat. Sat.Mar Mar77at at6:30 6:30PM PM CGAC, CGAC,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at7:00 7:00PM PM Bruno, Bruno,recently recentlyseparated separatedfrom fromhis hiswife, wife,spontaneously spontaneouslyfalls falls for foraayoung younggay gayco-worker. co-worker. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE ON ONTHE THEROAD, ROAD,SOMEWHERE SOMEWHERE ALGÚN ALGÚNLUGAR LUGAR Guillermo GuillermoZouain Zouain| |Dominican DominicanRepublic Republic Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at6:30 6:30PM PM R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at4:00 4:00PM PM Three ThreeDominican Dominicanteenagers teenagersembark embarkon onaahilarious hilariousand and touching touchingpre-college pre-collegeroad roadtrip, trip,into intothe thevery veryheart heart(and (andsoul) soul) of ofthe theDominican DominicanRepublic. Republic. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE THEY THEYARE AREALL ALLDEAD DEAD TODOS TODOSESTÁN ESTÁNMUERTOS MUERTOS Beatriz BeatrizSanchís Sanchís| |Spain, Spain,Germany, Germany,Mexico Mexico Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles C1, C1,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:30 9:30PM PM CGAC, CGAC,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar11 11at at9:30 9:30PM PM InInaaleap leapof ofmagic magicrealism, realism,an anagoraphobic agoraphobicSpanish/Mexican Spanish/Mexican former formerpunk punkrock rockstar starbegins beginsto tosee seethe theghost ghostof ofher herlonglongdead deadbrother, brother,and andrealizes realizesthat thathiding hidingbehind behindDoña DoñaRosario’s Rosario’s maternal maternalprotection protectionisn’t isn’tgoing goingto tolast lastmuch muchlonger. longer. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 13 13 SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT ON ON ASIAN ASIAN CINEMA CINEMA PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYBYEJOE BYEJOE SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHTON ON ASIAN ASIANCINEMA CINEMA OPENING OPENINGNIGHT NIGHTFILM FILM UNCLE UNCLEVICTORY VICTORY SHENGLI SHENGLI Zhang ZhangMeng Meng| |China China Chinese Chinesewith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR1, TWR1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at7:00 7:00PM PM C1, C1,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at7:00 7:00PM PM Past, Past,present presentand andfuture futurecollide collideinin Zhang ZhangMeng’s Meng’scaptivating, captivating,often often tender tenderstory storyof ofan anex-gangster ex-gangsterturned turned kindergarten kindergartenteacher. teacher. A AGIRL GIRLAT ATMY MYDOOR DOOR DOHEE-YA DOHEE-YA July JulyJung Jung| |Korea Korea Korean Koreanwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar66at at7:00 7:00PM PM R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at9:30 9:30PM PM Bedazzled Bedazzledby bythe thenew newfemale femaleChief Chiefof of Police Policeand andher herpower powerto tolock lockaway awaybad bad men, men,aatroubled troubledadolescent adolescentgirl girlgoes goesto to dramatic dramaticlengths lengthsininthis thisintelligent, intelligent, complex complexand andexplosive explosivedrama dramaby by fifi rst-time rst-timedirector directorJuly JulyJung. Jung. A AHARD HARDDAY DAY KKEUT-KKA-JI-GAN-DA KKEUT-KKA-JI-GAN-DA Seong-hun Seong-hunKim Kim| |Korea Korea Korean Koreanwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles C1, C1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at7:00 7:00PM PM AAhandsome handsomehomicide homicidecop’s cop’slife lifeand and career careerunravel unravelwhen whenhe hetakes takesoff offinto into the thenight nightwith withaadead deadbody bodyininthe thetrunk trunk of ofhis hiscar. car. 14 14 MARCH MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AAversatile versatileand andbold boldpresentation presentationof ofthe themost mostprominent prominentworks works from fromcontemporary contemporaryAsian Asiancinema. cinema. THE THELAND LANDOF OF MANY MANYPALACES PALACES THE THELIAR LIAR Ting TingSong, Song,Adam AdamSmith Smith| |China China GEOJINMAL GEOJINMAL Kim KimDong-myung Dong-myung| |Korea Korea Mandarin Mandarinwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR2, TWR2,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:00 1:00PM PM “Build “Buildititand andthey theywill willcome” come”might mightwork workfor forbaseball baseball fifi elds eldsininIowa, Iowa,but butitithasn’t hasn’treally reallyworked workedfor forthe theChinese Chinese government governmentininOrdos. Ordos.Built Builtfor foraamillion millionpeople, people,this this surreal surrealfuturistic futuristicmetropolis metropoliswith withgargantuan gargantuanglass glass buildings buildingsisisthe theignominious ignominiousposter posterchild childfor forChina’s China’s “ghost “ghostcities”—cities cities”—citieswith withno noinhabitants! inhabitants! Korean Koreanwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at3:30 3:30PM PM Preceded Precededby byMAALU MAALU InInthis thisaward-winning award-winningdramatic dramaticstory storyfrom fromKorea, Korea,aa young youngwoman womanhas hasdiffi diffi culty cultytelling tellingthe thetruth. truth.While While everyone everyonetells tellslies liesfrom fromtime timeto totime, time,Ah-young’s Ah-young’s fabrications fabricationsare aresecond secondnature, nature,aathrilling thrillingaddiction, addiction, an anopportunity opportunityto tosocial socialclimb climband andbe befawned fawnedover. over. PARTNERS PARTNERSIN INCRIME CRIME SCARLET SCARLETINNOCENCE INNOCENCE Chinese Chinesewith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Korean Koreanwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar66at at7:00 7:00PM PM CGAC, CGAC,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:30 9:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at4:00 4:00PM PM KONG KONGFENG FENG Jung-Chi Jung-ChiChang Chang| |Taiwan Taiwan MADAM MADAMPPANG-DEOK PPANG-DEOK Yim YimPil-sung Pil-sung| |Korea Korea Three Threeboys boysbecome becomeamateur amateurmurder murdersleuths sleuthswhen when they theydiscover discoverthe thebody bodyof ofaafemale femaleclassmate, classmate,ininthis this twisting twistingthriller thrillerthat thatuncoils uncoilsat atevery everyturn. turn. InInthis thiscontemporary contemporaryretelling retellingof ofaaclassic classicKorean Korean fairy-tale, fairy-tale,aaveritable veritablepowder powderkeg kegof ofemotions emotionsand andplot plot twists twistsare aretriggered triggeredwhen whenaayoung younginnocent innocentwoman woman meets meetsaahandsome handsomeprofessor professorof ofliterature. literature. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 15 15 SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT ON ON FRENCH FRENCH CINEMA CINEMA PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYTV5MONDE TV5MONDE IN INTHE THENAME NAMEOF OFMY MYDAUGHTER DAUGHTER L’HOMME L’HOMMEQUÓN QUÓNAIMAIT AIMAITTROP TROP André AndréTéchiné Téchiné| |France France French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:45 9:45PM PM C1, C1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at1:00 1:00PM PM Catherine CatherineDeneuve Deneuvestars starsininthe theriveting rivetingtrue-life true-lifestory story of ofcasino casinowars warson onthe theFrench FrenchRiviera Rivieraininthe the1970s, 1970s, where whereRenée RenéeLe LeRoux Rouxdefends defendsher hermultimillion-dollar multimillion-dollar empire empirefrom fromaahostile hostiletakeover, takeover,while whileher herdaughter daughter falls fallsunder underthe theinfluence influenceof ofan anunscrupulous unscrupulousinsider. insider. LOVE LOVEAT ATFIRST FIRSTFIGHT FIGHT LES LESCOMBATTANTS COMBATTANTS Thomas ThomasCailley Cailley| |France France French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at6:30 6:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at7:00 7:00PM PM InInfront frontof ofall allhis hisfriends, friends,Arnaud Arnaudloses losesaabeachside beachside wrestling wrestlingmatch matchto toMadeline, Madeline,aayoung youngwoman womanready ready to totake takeon onthe theworld. world. When Whenshe sheenlists enlistsininboot bootcamp, camp, the thesmitten smittenArnaud Arnaudfollows followssuit. suit. Unprecedented Unprecedented winner winnerof ofall all33major majorawards awardsat atthe the2014 2014Director’s Director’s Fortnight FortnightininCannes. Cannes. 16 16 LADYGREY LADYGREY Alain AlainChoquart Choquart| |France, France,Belgium, Belgium,South SouthAfrica Africa English, English,French, French,Zulu Zuluwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles C1, C1,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:30 9:30PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at6:45 6:45PM PM Emily EmilyMortimer, Mortimer,Peter PeterSarsgaard, Sarsgaard,Jérémie JérémieRenier Renierand and Claude ClaudeRich Richstar starininaamurder murdermystery mysterythat thathaunts hauntsaa French Frenchmission missionininaaSouth SouthAfrican Africanvillage, village,ten tenyears years after afterthe theend endof ofapartheid. apartheid. INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALPREMIERE PREMIERE WEEKENDS WEEKENDSIN IN NORMANDY NORMANDY Anne AnneVillacèque Villacèque| |France France French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:30 9:30PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at7:00 7:00PM PM Anne AnneVillacèque’s Villacèque’sthird thirdfilm filmportrays portrayslife’s life’ssubtle subtle details, details,those thosethat thatcan canchange changethe thecourse courseof ofsomeone’s someone’s existence, existence,ininaadelicate, delicate,emotional, emotional,and andmature maturefashion. fashion. MARCH MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AAvintage vintageyear yearfrom fromaagreat greatcinemacinemaproducing producingnation. nation. THE THEPRICE PRICEOF OFFAME FAME LA LARANÇON RANÇONDE DELA LAGLOIRE GLOIRE Xavier XavierBeauvois Beauvois| |France France French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at6:30 6:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at9:30 9:30PM PM AAbizarre bizarrebut butultimately ultimatelytouching touching(even (evenChaplinesque) Chaplinesque) re-telling re-tellingof ofthe thetrue truestory storyof oftwo twodesperate desperateunemployed unemployedmen men who, who,inin1978, 1978,stole stoleCharlie CharlieChaplin’s Chaplin’sremains remainsfrom fromhis hisSwiss Swiss grave, grave,and andthen thendemanded demandedransom ransomfrom fromthe thewidowed widowed Oona OonaChaplin. Chaplin. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE SAINT SAINTLAURENT LAURENT Bertrand BertrandBonello Bonello| |France France English English, ,French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at6:30 6:30PM PM R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at3:00 3:00PM PM InInthis thiscontroversial, controversial,unauthorized unauthorizedbiography, biography,French Frenchfashion fashion icon iconYves YvesSt. St.Laurent Laurentisisportrayed portrayedas asfar farfrom fromaasaint, saint,but buthis his creative creativeinspiration inspirationwas wasindisputably indisputablydivine. divine. Following Followingthe thescreening, screening,join joinus usfor forDesserts Desserts&&Directors, Directors, aafashionable fashionableevening eveningof ofdelectable delectabledesserts dessertsby byrenowned renowned Chef ChefMichelle MichelleBernstein, Bernstein,co-hosted co-hostedby byOcean OceanDrive DriveMagazine, Magazine, all allinincelebration celebrationof ofthe the32nd 32ndFestival’s Festival’sdivine divineand anddelightful delightful directors, directors,ininMiami’s Miami’snewest newestmid-century mid-centurygem, gem,The TheThompson Thompson Hotel, Hotel,4041 4041Collins CollinsAve., Ave.,Miami MiamiBeach. Beach. 21+ 21+only. only. Saint SaintLaurent Laurent++Desserts Desserts&&Directors Directors party partypackage package(Mar (Mar11) 11)see seepg. pg.28: 28:$40 $40public, public,$35 $35members. members. Saint SaintLaurent Laurent––Film Filmonly: only: $13 $13public, public,$10 $10members. members. THREE THREEHEARTS HEARTS 33COEURS COEURS Benoît BenoîtJacquot Jacquot| |France France French Frenchwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at6:30 6:30PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at9:30 9:30PM PM Catherine CatherineDeneuve Deneuveco-stars co-starswith withher herdaughter, daughter,Chiara Chiara Mastroianni, Mastroianni,and andCharlotte CharlotteGainsbourg, Gainsbourg,ininthis thisstory storyof ofaa twist twistof ofaafate fate that thatwill willforever foreverchange changethe thelives livesand andhearts hearts of oftwo twosisters sistersininlove lovewith withthe thesame sameman. man.From Fromthe thedirector director of ofFarewell, Farewell,My MyQueen. Queen. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 17 17 AA aa cc CINEMA CINEMA 360° 360° PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYVIENDOMOVIES VIENDOMOVIES THE THEARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTUREOF OFCOLOR COLOR AAARQUITETURA ARQUITETURADA DACOR COR José JoséHenrique HenriqueFonseca, Fonseca,Priscila PriscilaLopes Lopes| |Brazil Brazil BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFULYOUTH YOUTH R18, R18,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at9:30 9:30PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at4:00 4:00PM PM German, German,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Portuguese Portuguesewith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Breathtaking Breathtakingportrait portraitof ofthe theunique uniquemethods methodsand andvisions visions of ofBrazilian Brazilianartist artistBeatriz BeatrizMilhazes Milhazes(subject (subjectof ofaamajor major show showat atPerez PerezArt ArtMuseum MuseumMiami Miamiinin2014). 2014). WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIEREPreceded Precededby byPAPA PAPAMACHETE MACHETE and and THE THESUN SUNLIKE LIKEAABIG BIGDARK DARKANIMAL ANIMAL BEN’S BEN’SAT ATHOME HOME Mars MarsHorodyski Horodyski| |Canada Canada R18, R18,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at6:30 6:30PM PM Finding Findingthe thepressures pressuresof ofthe theoutside outsideworld worldto tobe be not notworth worththe thetrouble, trouble,Ben Bendecides decidesto tolive liveexclusively exclusively within withinthe thecomforts comfortsof ofhis hishome. home. When Whenhe hemeets meetsthe the girl girlof ofhis hisdreams dreamswhile whileordering orderingfast fastfood fooddelivery, delivery,aa unique uniquedilemma dilemmapresents presentsitself. itself. HERMOSA HERMOSAJUVENTUD JUVENTUD Jaime JaimeRosales Rosales| |Spain Spain R18, R18,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:30 9:30PM PM Two Twounemployed unemployedtwentysomething twentysomethingSpaniards, Spaniards,still still living livingat athome homewith withtheir theirparents, parents,resort resortto toamateur amateur pornography pornographyininorder orderto tomove moveout outof oftheir theirstasis. stasis. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE BLACK BLACKSOULS SOULS ANIME ANIMENERE NERE Francesco FrancescoMunzi Munzi| |Italy Italy Italian Italianwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:30 9:30PM PM C1, C1,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at7:00 7:00PM PM An Anelegant, elegant,forceful forcefultale taleof ofthree threeCalabrian Calabrianbrothers brothersat at odds oddswith witheach eachother. other. Luciano, Luciano,the theeldest, eldest,seeks seekspeace peace outside outsideof ofthe thedrug drugviolence, violence,but buthis hisyoung youngbrothers brothers can’t can’tresist resistthe thesinister sinisterpull pullof ofpower. power. The Thejury jurywill willbestow bestowaa$5,000 $5,000cash cashhonorarium honorariumto toaafifi rst-time rst-timescreenwriter, screenwriter,to to recognize recognizeand andsupport supportan anartist artistearly earlyinintheir theircareer careeras asprofessional professionalscreenwriters. screenwriters. This Thisaward awardwas wascreated createdby bythe theSouth SouthFlorida Floridafamily familyof ofJordan JordanAlexander AlexanderRessler, Ressler, an anaspiring aspiringscreenwriter screenwriterand andCornell CornellUniversity Universityfifi lm lmstudies studiesgraduate graduatewho, who,during during his hisbrief briefentertainment entertainmentcareer, career,held heldproduction productionpositions positionswith withthe theTony Tonyawardawardwinning winningBroadway Broadwayhits hits700 700Sundays Sundayswith withBilly BillyCrystal Crystaland andJersey JerseyBoys. Boys.He Hedied diedinin aatragic tragichiking hikingaccident accidentwhile whiletraveling travelingininNicaragua Nicaraguaatatage age23, 23,before beforerealizing realizinghis his dream. dream.The Thefifi lms lmsininthis thisyear’s year’slineup lineupthat thatinclude includefifi rst rsttime timescreenwriters screenwritersare: are: 33Beauties; Beauties;AAGirl GirlatatMy MyDoor; Door;Ben’s Ben’satatHome; Home;East EastSide SideSushi; Sushi;Innocent InnocentKillers; Killers; Lady LadyGrey; Grey;Love Loveat atFirst FirstFight; Fight;On Onthe theRoad, Road,Somewhere; Somewhere;Posthumous; Posthumous; Preggoland; Preggoland;Set SetFire Fireto tothe theStars; Stars;Someone SomeoneElse; Else;Tango TangoGlories; Glories;Theeb; Theeb; They Theyare areall allDead; Dead;Tour Tourde deForce. Force. 18 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AAvibrant vibrantand anddynamic dynamicselection selectionof ofnarrative narrativeworks, works,from fromboth bothaccomplished accomplished and andemerging emergingfifilmmakers, lmmakers,including includingan aninternational internationalselection selectionof ofdramas, dramas, comedies, comedies,suspense suspensethrillers, thrillers,neo-westerns, neo-westerns,and andinnovative innovativedocudramas. docudramas. CIUDAD CIUDADDELIRIO DELIRIO Chus ChusGutiérrez Gutiérrez| |Colombia, Colombia,Spain Spain Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at9:30 9:30PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:15 9:15PM PM Cali Caliisisthe thesalsa salsacapital capitalof ofColombia, Colombia,and andAngie Angielongs longs to tojoin jointhe theworld-famous world-famousDelirio Deliriotroupe, troupe,ififher herromantic romantic problems problemsdon’t don’tderail derailher herbefore beforethe thebig bigaudition. audition.Stars Stars Carolina CarolinaRamírez. Ramírez. CUT CUTSNAKE SNAKE Tony TonyAyres Ayres| |Australia Australia TWR1, TWR1,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at8:30 8:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at7:00 7:00PM PM An Anex-con ex-conattempts attemptsto tobury buryhis hispast, past,and andbuild buildaanew newlife life ininaanew newcity citywith withaanew newfifi ancé, ancé,but butaaformer formercell cellmate mate tracks trackshim himdown downand andthreatens threatensto toexpose exposehim. him.Stars Stars Alex AlexRussell Russell(Unbroken) (Unbroken)and andSullivan SullivanStapleton Stapleton (Animal (AnimalKingdom). Kingdom). THE THEDINNER DINNER I INOSTRI NOSTRIRAGAZZI RAGAZZI Ivano Ivanode deMatteo Matteo| |Italy Italy Italian Italianwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at4:00 4:00PM PM R17, R17,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:45PM 9:45PM Inspired Inspiredby byHerman HermanKoch’s Koch’sworldwide worldwidebestselling bestsellingnovel, novel, this thisunnerving, unnerving,highly highlycinematic cinematicthriller thrillershows showshow howthe thelives lives of oftwo twoupper uppermiddle-class middle-classfamilies familiesfall fallapart apartwhen whentheir their children childrencommit commitan anunimaginable unimaginablecrime. crime. THE THEFAREWELL FAREWELLPARTY PARTY MITA MITATOVA TOVA Sharon SharonMaymon, Maymon,Tal TalGranit Granit| |Israel, Israel,Germany Germany Hebrew Hebrewwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at9:30 9:30PM PM C1, C1,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at7:00 7:00PM PM AAcomedy comedyabout aboutassisted assistedsuicide? suicide? Hard Hardto tobelieve, believe,but but this thisirreverently irreverentlyfunny, funny,rousingly-acted rousingly-actedfifi lm lmisislife-affi life-affi rming rming to tothe thecore. core. FELIX FELIXAND ANDMEIRA MEIRA FÉLIX FÉLIXET ETMEIRA MEIRA Maxime MaximeGiroux Giroux| |Canada Canada English, English,French, French,Yiddish Yiddishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R18, R18,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:30 9:30PM PM CGAC, CGAC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at7:00 7:00PM PM AAstory storyof offorbidden forbiddenlove loveagainst againstall allodds: odds:alreadyalreadymarried marriedMeira Meirafalls fallsfor forFélix, Félix,defying defyingthe theconventions conventions of ofher herHasidic HasidicJewish Jewishlife. life. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 19 19 CINEMA CINEMA 360° 360° PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYVIENDOMOVIES VIENDOMOVIES FLOWERS FLOWERS LOREAK LOREAK Jon JonGaraño, Garaño,Jose JoseMari MariGoenaga Goenaga| |Spain Spain Basque Basquewith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Christian ChristianPetzold Petzold| |Germany Germany German Germanwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at9:30 9:30PM PM R17, R17,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at7:00 7:00PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at7:00 7:00PM PM C1, C1,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at6:30 6:30PM PM Elaborate Elaborateflfl ower owerbouquets bouquetsfrom fromaasecret secretadmirer admirerawaken awaken seeds seedsof ofboth bothjoy joyand andregret regretininaadeeply deeplytouching, touching, humanist humanistfifi lm lmfrom fromthe theBasque Basqueregion regionof ofSpain. Spain. Preceded Precededby by SHE SHEBOUGHT BOUGHTIT ITIN INZARAUTZ ZARAUTZ PHOENIX PHOENIX Nina NinaHoss Hossstars starsas asaabeautiful beautifulwoman, woman,presumed presumed dead deadininaaWWII WWIIconcentration concentrationcamp, camp,returns returnsafter afterrereconstructive constructivesurgery surgeryto toseek seekout outher hercabaret-musician cabaret-musician husband, husband,who whodoes doesnot notrecognize recognizeher. her.Instead, Instead,he heasks asks her herto topretend pretendto tobe behis his“deceased” “deceased”wife, wife,as asaameans means of ofreconstructing reconstructinghis hisown ownlife. life. THE THEFOOL FOOL PREGGOLAND PREGGOLAND Russian Russianwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles R17, R17,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at9:00 9:00PM PM C1, C1,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:30 9:30PM PM DURAK DURAK Yuri YuriBykov Bykov| |Russia Russia OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at1:00 1:00PM PM R18, R18,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at9:30 9:30PM PM AAstrongly stronglymoral, moral,working-class working-class repairman repairmanbravely bravelytakes takeson onthe thesystem system when whenhe hefifi ghts ghtsto tosave saveinnocent innocentlives lives from fromthe thenefarious nefariousindiff indiff erence erenceof of corrupt corruptpoliticians. politicians. 20 20 Jacob JacobTierney Tierney| |Canada Canada An Anuproarious uproariouscomedy comedyabout aboutaa 35-year-old 35-year-oldparty party girl girlwho whodiscovdiscovers ersthat thatfaking fakingaapregnancy pregnancywill will temporarily temporarilywin winback back(at (atleast, least,for foraa few fewmonths...) months...)the thegalpals galpalswho whohave have been beenabandoning abandoningher herfor forsuburban suburban husbands husbandsand andbaby babyshowers. showers. James JamesCaan Caanco-stars. co-stars. MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL SAND SANDDOLLARS DOLLARS DÓLARES DÓLARESDE DEARENA ARENA Laura LauraAmelia AmeliaGuzmán, Guzmán,Israel Israel Cárdenas Cárdenas| |Dominican DominicanRepublic, Republic, Argentina, Argentina,Mexico Mexico Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR TWR1,1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at9:45 9:45PM PM Noelí, Noelí,aayoung younggirl girlfrom fromthe theDominican Dominican Republic, Republic,fifi nds ndsherself herselftrapped trappedinin aalove-for-money love-for-moneyrelationship relationshipwith with an anolder olderFrench Frenchwoman woman(Geraldine (Geraldine Chaplin). Chaplin). CINEMA CINEMA 360° 360° PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BYVIENDOMOVIES VIENDOMOVIES GUIDANCE GUIDANCE INNOCENT INNOCENTKILLERS KILLERS CGAC, CGAC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at9:30 9:30PM PM Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Pat PatMills Mills| |Canada Canada AAdesperate-for-work desperate-for-workactor actortakes takes on onaa“role” “role”as asaareal-life real-lifehigh highschool school guidance guidancecounselor, counselor,and andhis hiswacky, wacky, unconventional unconventionaladvice advicecreates creates hilarious hilarioushavoc havocamong amongthe the student studentbody. body. US USPREMIERE PREMIERE A ASECOND SECONDCHANCE CHANCE ASESINOS ASESINOSINOCENTES INOCENTES Gonzalo GonzaloBendala Bendala| |Spain Spain TWR1, TWR1,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at9:45 9:45PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at9:45 9:45PM PM AAhandsome handsomecollege collegestudent studentgets gets involved involvedininaatwisted twistedgame gameof ofmurdermurderfor-grades for-gradeswith withhis hisprofessor professorininthis this pulse-pounding pulse-poundingSpanish Spanishthriller. thriller. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE PANAMA PANAMACANAL CANAL STORIES STORIES HISTORIAS HISTORIASDEL DELCANAL CANAL Carolina CarolinaBorrero, Borrero,Pinky PinkyMon, Mon,Luis Luis Franco, Franco,Abner AbnerBenaim, Benaim,Pituka Pituka Ortega OrtegaHeilbron Heilbron| |Panama Panama English, English,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at6:30 6:30PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at6:30 6:30PM PM This Thisunique uniquehistory historyof ofthe thePanama Panama Canal Canaland andits itsimpact impacton onPanama Panamaisis depicted depictedininfifi ve veshorts shortsdirected directedby by fifi ve vePanamanian Panamaniandirectors. directors. INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALPREMIERE PREMIERE SET SETFIRE FIRETO TOTHE THE STARS STARS TANGO TANGOGLORIES GLORIES Danish, Danish,Swedish Swedishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Andy AndyGoddard Goddard| |UK UK OCMB, OCMB,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at4:00 4:00PM PM R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at6:30 6:30PM PM R17, R17,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at7:00 7:00PM PM Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles EN ENCHANCE CHANCETIL TIL Susanne SusanneBier Bier| |Denmark Denmark Susanne SusanneBier Bierreturns returnswith withanother another blistering blisteringmoral moralexamination examinationof of human humanbeings beingscomplicated complicatedreactions reactions under underextreme extremeduress, duress,ininthis thisstory storyof of aapolice policeoffi offi cer cerwho whomanipulates manipulateshis his position positionof ofpower powerfor forwhat whathe hebelieves believes to tobe bethe thegreater greatergood. good.Stars StarsNikolaj Nikolaj Coster-Waldu Coster-Waldu(“Game (“Gameof ofThrones”). Thrones”). US USPREMIERE PREMIERE AArousing rousingtrue-life true-lifestory storyabout about lauded laudedand andlarger-than-life larger-than-lifeWelsh Welsh poet poetDylan DylanThomas’ Thomas’boisterous boisterous fifi rst-ever rst-evertrip tripto tothe theU.S. U.S.during during the the1950s. 1950s.Stars StarsElijah ElijahWood. Wood. INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONALPREMIERE PREMIERE FERMÍN: FERMÍN:GLORIAS GLORIASDEL DELTANGO TANGO Hernán HernánFindling, Findling,Oliver OliverKolker Kolker Argentina Argentina CGAC, CGAC,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at9:30 9:30PM PM OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar15 15at at9:30 9:30PM PM Ezequiel, Ezequiel,aapsychiatrist, psychiatrist,notices noticeshis his 85-year-old 85-year-oldpatient patientFermín Fermíncommucommunicates nicatesthrough throughlyrics lyricsand andtango tangosong song titles. titles.Fermin’s Fermin’sinternal internalworld worldreveal reveal aamagnifi magnifi cent centand andstylish stylishworld worldof of tango tangofrom fromaabygone bygoneera eraof ofpanache panache and andpizzazz. pizzazz. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 21 21 CINEMA 360° PRESENTED BY VIENDOMOVIES SHREW’S NEST MUSARAÑAS Juanfer Andrés, Esteban Roel | Spain, France Spanish with English subtitles TWR1, Fri, Mar 13 at 9:45 PM To celebrate Friday the 13th in the creepiest way possible, join the repressed, agoraphobic Montse and her pretty younger sister in a deliciously twisted tale of dread and entrapment 1950s Spain. When hunky Carlos (Hugo Silva) breaks his leg from a nasty fall down the stairs outside Montse’s apartment, she takes him inside for “healing”... and entrapment in 1950s Spain. THEEB Naji Abu Nawar | Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, UK Arabic with English subtitles TWR1, Fri, Mar 13 at 6:30 PM R18, Sun, Mar 15 at 6:45 PM Two Bedouin brothers embark on an epic journey across the Arabian Desert, for a mighty adventure, as the events of WWI shatter their former peaceful existence. TOUR DE FORCE HIN UND WEG Christian Zübert | Germany German with English subtitles R18, Tue, Mar 10 at 6:30 PM TWR2, Thu, Mar 12 at 9:15 PM A biking group’s annual summer trip takes on a poignant meaning, when one of the group’s members reveals a dramatic health issue which will make this trip his last. US PREMIERE VENICE VENECIA Kiki Álvares | Cuba, Colombia Spanish with English subtitles TWR1, Thu, Mar 12 at 9:30 PM R18, Sat, Mar 14 at 3:30 PM In this eye-opening portrait of contemporary Havana, three young and independent women go out nightclubbing to celebrate payday but end up getting more than they bargained for. US PREMIERE Preceded by THE WINDOWS LAS VENTANAS WARSAW 44 MIASTO 44 Jan Kosama | Poland Polish with English subtitles TWR1, Sun, Mar 8 at 5:30 PM C1, Sun, Mar 15 at 7:00 PM A scorching romance provides the foreground to a provocative and epic re-telling of one of Poland’s most famous incidents, the doomed Warsaw Uprising of 1944. 22 22 MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL A rousing display of film Americana reflecting the nation’s independent culture. POSTHUMOUS Lulu Wang | USA R17, Fri, Mar 13 at 7:00 PM C1, Sat, Mar 14 at 4:00 PM A struggling artist accidentally fakes his own death and sees his pieces skyrocket in value; meanwhile, a witty reporter figures out his ruse, faking her discovery for her own romantic interests. Stars Brit Marling, Jack Huston, and Alexander Fehling. US PREMIERE SOMEONE ELSE Nelson Kim | USA TWR2, Fri, Mar 13 at 7:00 PM Two markedly different KoreanAmerican cousins—one a vivacious extrovert, the other straight-laced and serious—slowly begin to confuse identities in this outstanding psychological thriller. WORLD PREMIERE SPRING Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead USA R17, Sat, Mar 7 at 9:30 PM An American postgrad and a mysterious Italian beauty strike up a star-crossed affair in an ancient Italian village, where inexplicable supernatural occurrences have everyone on edge. Starring Lou Taylor Pucci. VISIONS Provocative and stirring feature-length visual experiences guaranteed to test limits and take viewers to the extreme. A PIGEON SAT ON A BRANCH REFLECTING ON EXISTENCE MAGICAL GIRL Carlos Vermut | Spain, France Spanish with English subtitles TWR2, Sat, Mar 7 at 9:15 PM A troubled father will do anything within his power to grant his child her last dying last wish in this thrilling Spanish neo-noir. EN DUVA SATT PA EN GREN OCH FUNDERADE PA TILLVARON Roy Andersson | Sweden, Norway, France, Germany Swedish with English subtitles CGAC, Fri, Mar 6 at 9:30 PM C1, Sun, Mar 15 at 4:00 PM Masterful, absurd and surreal comedy about the way human beings behave with one another. Preceded by 2015 Oscar-nominee THE BIGGER PICTURE WHITE GOD FEHÉR ISTEN Kornél Mundruczó | Hungary, Germany, Sweden Hungarian, English R18, Fri, Mar 6 at 9:30 PM R18, Sat, Mar 14 at 9:30 PM A young girl’s cross-breed dog becomes public enemy #1 after it leads hundreds of unwanted dogs into an angry revolution against the violent men that abuse them. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 23 23 S S FLORIDA FLORIDA FOCUS FOCUS M M SS Profi Profiling lingthe thebest bestworks worksfrom fromFlorida’s Florida’sfifilmmakers. lmmakers. DAWG DAWGFIGHT FIGHT Billy BillyCorben Corben| |USA USA OCMB, OCMB,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at7:00 7:00PM PM From Fromthe thefifi lmmakers lmmakersbehind behindCocaine CocaineCowboys Cowboysand and The TheU, U,this thisgritty grittydocumentary documentarylooks looksat atthe theillicit illicit world worldof ofSouth SouthFlorida Floridabackyard backyardfifi ghting ghtingand andits its colorful colorfulcharacters. characters. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE FF SS TT THE THEHOLDERS HOLDERS Carla CarlaForte Forte| |USA USA English, English,Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles OCMB, OCMB,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at4:00 4:00PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at1:00 1:00PM PM Human Humanbeings beingsreveal revealtheir theirvaried variedattitudes attitudestoward towardthe the value valueof oflife lifethrough throughtheir theirrelationships relationshipswith withtheir theirpets, pets, ininthis thisilluminating illuminatingMiami Miamidocumentary. documentary. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE Preceded Precededby byFREDDIE FREDDIEOF OFWYNWOOD WYNWOOD CINEMASLAM CINEMASLAM TWR1, TWR1,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar66at at7:30 7:30PM PM The Thefifi nest nestwork workof ofthe theyear yearfrom from Miami’s Miami’sfifi lm lmstudents. students.This Thisyear’s year’s 5th 5thannual annualcompetition competitionincludes includes work workfrom fromstudents studentsZachary ZacharyBurgh, Burgh, Frederick FrederickCriswell, Criswell,Carlos CarlosCuervo, Cuervo, Melissa MelissaGomez, Gomez,Patricia PatriciaJoaquim Joaquim&& Karina KarinaRey, Rey,Rita RitaPereyra, Pereyra,and andTimothy Timothy Wilcox Wilcoxof ofMiami MiamiDade DadeCollege; College; Luis LuisGalvis Galvisand andTyler TylerHuyser Huyserfrom from University Universityof ofMiami, Miami,Adonis AdonisLugo Lugo from fromMiami MiamiInternational InternationalUniversity; University; and andRansey RanseyPadilla Padillafrom fromCenter Centerof of Cinematography, Cinematography,Arts Artsand andTV TVMiami. Miami. The TheAudience AudienceAward Awardwinner winnerwill willbe be voted votedon onduring duringthe thescreening screeningand and announced announcedat atthe thePatrón PatrónOpening Opening Night NightParty Partyat atthe theFreedom FreedomTower Tower of ofMiami MiamiDade DadeCollege. College. THE THERECORD RECORDMAN MAN Mark MarkMoormann Moormann| |USA USA R17, R17,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at7:00 7:00PM PM Before Beforethere therewas wasaamusic musicbusiness businessthere therewas wasHenry Henry Stone Stonewho whoshaped shapedand andcatapulted catapultedthe thesound soundof of1970s 1970s Miami Miamiinto intothe themainstream mainstreamwith withhis hisunique uniquehit-breaking hit-breaking label labelTK TKRecords Recordsand andaffi affi liates liatesfeaturing featuringinternational international disco discosensations sensationslike likeKC KCand andthe theSunshine SunshineBand, Band, George GeorgeMcCrae, McCrae,Anita AnitaWard, Ward,Bobby BobbyCaldwell, Caldwell,Betty Betty Wright, Wright,Benny BennyLatimore Latimoreamong amongothers. others. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE 24 This Thisyear’s year’sFlorida FloridaFocus Focusprogram programcontains containsseveral severalsuperb superbshort short fifi lms. lms.Jonathan JonathanDavid DavidKane’s Kane’s“Papa “PapaMachete” Machete”and andChristina Christina Felisgrau Felisgrauand andRonnie RonnieRivera’s Rivera’s“The “TheSun SunLike LikeAABig BigDark DarkAnimal” Animal” will willplay playwith withThe TheArchitecture Architectureof ofColor Color(see (seepage page18). 18).Fabian Fabian Cardenas’ Cardenas’world worldpremiere premiereof of“Freddie “Freddieof ofWynwood” Wynwood”will willplay playwith with The TheHolders Holders(see (seethis thispage). page).Ismael IsmaelGomez GomezIII’s III’s“Distance” “Distance”isispart part of ofthe theFrom FromAADistance Distanceshorts shortsprogram program(see (seepage page25). 25).David DavidLiz’s Liz’s “The “TheWizard” Wizard”and andNoah NoahDeBonis’ DeBonis’“Posthumous” “Posthumous”are arepart partof ofthe the Ghost GhostStories Storiesshorts shortsprogram program(see (seepage page25). 25). MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL SPECIAL SPECIAL PRESENTATION: PRESENTATION: MIAMI MIAMI MANIFESTO MANIFESTO MIAMI MIAMIMANIFESTO MANIFESTODOC DOCCLUB CLUBRECEPTION, RECEPTION,SPONSORED SPONSOREDBY BYSUNDANCENOW SUNDANCENOW SUN, SUN,MAR MAR88AT AT33--55PM PM Following Followingthe thescreening screeningof ofBest Bestof ofEnemies Enemiesand andpreceding precedingthe theNorth NorthAmerican Americanpremiere premiereof ofLife LifeisisSacred, Sacred, SundanceNow SundanceNowDocClub DocClubwill willhost hostaaspecial specialreception receptionfor forfifilmmakers lmmakersMorgan MorganNeville Nevilleand andAndreas AndreasDalsgaard. Dalsgaard. Ticketholders Ticketholdersfrom fromboth bothscreenings screeningsare areinvited invitedto toattend attendand andcelebrate celebrateboth bothfifilms. lms. TOUGH TOUGHAIN’T AIN’T ENOUGH: ENOUGH: CONVERSATIONS CONVERSATIONSWITH WITH ALBERT ALBERTS. S.RUDDY RUDDY BEST BESTOF OFENEMIES ENEMIES Robert RobertGordon, Gordon,Morgan MorganNeville Neville| |USA USA CGAC, CGAC,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at1:00 1:00PM PM Sworn Swornenemies enemiesGore GoreVidal Vidaland andWilliam WilliamF.F. Buckley Buckleychanged changedthe thecourse courseof oftelevision television when whenthey theydebated debatedatatthe the1968 1968political political conventions conventionsininMiami MiamiBeach Beachand andChicago. Chicago. Co-director Co-directorMorgan MorganNeville Neville(20 (20Feet Feet From FromStardom) Stardom)will willpresent presentadditional additional archival archivalfootage footagenot notseen seenininthe thefifi lm, lm,inin an anextended extendedManifesto Manifestoconversation conversation with withprogrammer programmerThom ThomPowers Powers following followingthe thescreening. screening. LIFE LIFEIS ISSACRED SACRED Andreas AndreasDalsgaard, Dalsgaard,Viviana VivianaGomez, Gomez, Nicolas NicolasServide Servide| |Denmark, Denmark,Ireland, Ireland, Norway, Norway,Colombia Colombia Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles CGAC, CGAC,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at6:00 6:00PM PM Gaining Gainingclose closeaccess accessto toColombian Colombian Presidential Presidentialcandidate candidateAntanas AntanasMockus Mockus and andhis hissupporters, supporters,Life LifeisisSacred Sacredtells tellsaa gripping grippingstory storyof oftrying tryingto tobring bring change changeininaaconflicted conflictedcountry. country. NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE Gregory GregoryJ.J.Bradley, Bradley, Lee LeeAnthony AnthonySmith Smith| |USA USA TWR2, TWR2,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at9:00 9:00PM PM The Thelegendary legendarytwo-time two-timeOscar Oscarwinning winning producer producerAlbert AlbertS.S.Ruddy Ruddy(The (TheGodGodfather, father,Million MillionDollar DollarBaby) Baby)tells tellstales tales and andnames namesnames namesas ashe herecounts recountshis his battles battlesto tocreate createsome someof ofthe themost most iconic iconicfifi lmed lmedentertainments entertainmentsininaacareer career ininHollywood Hollywoodthat thatbegan beganinin1965 1965and and isisstill stillgoing goingstrong. strong.Producer ProducerStanley Stanley Isaacs Isaacstalks talksabout aboutRuddy’s Ruddy’slegacy legacyand and adventures adventuresininshooting shootingthe thedocumentary, documentary, following followingthe thescreening. screening. PARK PARK GROVE GROVE SHORTS SHORTS PROGRAM PROGRAM The Thelatest latestand andgreatest greatestshort shortfifilms lmsfrom fromaround aroundthe theglobe globecompete compete for foraa$2,500 $2,500cash cashprize, prize,courtesy courtesyof ofPark ParkGrove. Grove. “Distance” “Distance” “Young “YoungLions Lionsof ofGypsy” Gypsy” FROM FROMA ADISTANCE DISTANCE SHORTS SHORTS GHOST GHOSTSTORIES STORIES SHORTS SHORTS Distance Distancedefi defi nes neshow howthe thecharacters characters ininthis thiscollection collectionview viewthe theworld. world. Features Featuresfour fourPark ParkGrove GroveCompetition Competition shorts: shorts: made-in-Miami made-in-Miami“Distance” “Distance” (USA), (USA),“A “ATree Treeininthe theSea” Sea”(United (United Arab ArabEmirates), Emirates),“Thread” “Thread”(Malaysia), (Malaysia), “Miami” “Miami”(Portugal); (Portugal);plus plusan anout-ofout-ofcompetition competitionscreening screeningof of“Habana” “Habana” (Cuba), (Cuba),set setininthe thenear-future, near-future,where where foreign foreignforces forceshave haveinvaded. invaded. All Allthe thecharacters charactersof ofthese thesemarvelous marvelous short shortstories storiesfeel feelhaunted hauntedininone oneway way or oranother. another. “Old “OldBay” Bay”(USA) (USA)and and the theCannes-winning Cannes-winningshort short“Young “Young Lions Lionsof ofGypsy” Gypsy”(Italy) (Italy)will willcompete compete ininthe thePark ParkGrove GroveCompetition. Competition. The The program programalso alsofeatures featuresFlorida FloridaFocus Focus titles titles“The “TheWizard/El Wizard/ElMago” Mago”(USA) (USA) and and“Posthumous” “Posthumous”(USA). (USA). TWR2, TWR2,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at9:30 9:30PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at7:00 7:00PM PM Ten Tenfifi lms lmshave havebeen beenselected selectedfor forthe the Park ParkGrove GroveGrand GrandJury JuryBest BestShort ShortFilm Film Competition, Competition,and andone onefifi lm lmfrom fromthis this group groupwill willreceive receivean anAchievement Achievement Award Awardininthe theamount amountofof$2,500 $2,500cash, cash, courtesy courtesyofofPark ParkGrove. Grove. Additional Additionalfifi lms lmsininthe theCompetition Competition include include“The “TheBigger BiggerPicture” Picture”(UK, (UK,Daisy Daisy Jacobs), Jacobs),screening screeningwith withAAPigeon PigeonSat Saton on aaBranch BranchRefl Refl ecting ectingon onExistence Existenceininthe the Visions Visionsprogram; program;“Freddie “Freddieof ofWynwood” Wynwood” (USA, (USA,Fabian FabianCardenas), Cardenas),screening screeningwith with The TheHolders Holdersininthe theFlorida FloridaFocus Focusproprogram; gram;“She “SheBought BoughtititininZarautz” Zarautz”(Spain, (Spain, Aitor AitorArregui), Arregui),screening screeningwith withFlowers Flowersinin the theCinema Cinema360° 360°presented presentedby byViendoViendoMovies Moviesprogram; program;and and“Maalu”, “Maalu”,screening screening with withThe TheLand Landof ofMany ManyPalaces Palacesininthe the Spotlight Spotlighton onAsian AsianCinema Cinemapresented presented by bybyejoe byejoeprogram, program,and and“60 “60Candles”, Candles”, screening screeningwith withVoice VoiceOver OverininKnight Knight Competition Competitionprogram. program. All Allshorts shortsare areeligible eligiblefor forthe theLexus LexusAudience AudienceAward. Award. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 25 25 REEL REEL MUSIC MUSIC KURT KURTCOBAIN: COBAIN: MONTAGE MONTAGEOF OFHECK HECK Magical Magicalmoments, moments,haunting hauntingmelodies, melodies,genius geniusperformances… performances… all allemanating emanatingfrom fromaamasterful masterfulcombination combinationof ofmusic musicand andfifilm. lm. PACO PACODE DELUCÍA: LUCÍA: A AJOURNEY JOURNEY PACO PACODE DELUCÍA: LUCÍA:LA LABÚSQUEDA BÚSQUEDA Curro CurroSánchez SánchezVarela Varela| |Spain Spain SWEET SWEETMICKY MICKYFOR FOR PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Brett BrettMorgan Morgan| |USA USA OCMB, OCMB,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar66at at9:30 9:30PM PM Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles Ben BenPatterson Patterson| |USA, USA,Haiti, Haiti,Canada Canada The Thefifi rst rstfully fullyauthorized authorizedportrait portraitof of the therock rocklegend legendKurt KurtCobain Cobainincludes includes footage, footage,music musicand andart artfrom fromCobain’s Cobain’s personal personalcollection, collection,made madeavailable available for forthe thefirst firsttime timeby byCobain’s Cobain’sfamily. family. World Worldrenowned renownedflfl amenco amencoguitarist guitarist Paco Pacode deLucía’s Lucía’sexceptional exceptionallife lifeand and rise riseto tofame fameare areexquisitely exquisitelyput put together togetherininthis thisfifi lm lmby byhis hisson son Curro CurroSánchez SánchezVarela. Varela. International InternationalHaitian Haitianpop popsuperstars superstars Pras PrasMichel, Michel,Wyclef WyclefJean Jeanand andone one hugely hugelyunexpected unexpectedsinger-songerwriter singer-songerwriter return returnto toHaiti Haitifollowing followingthe thedevastating devastating earthquake earthquakeof of2010 2010and andget getactively actively involved involvedininthe thepresidential presidentialcampaign campaign that thatwill willshape shapethe thecountry’s country’sfuture. future. TWR1, TWR1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at4:00 4:00PM PM R17, R17,Sun, Sun,Mar Mar88at at9:45 9:45PM PM NORTH NORTHAMERICAN AMERICANPREMIERE PREMIERE 13 13MILLION MILLIONVOICES VOICES Janelle JanelleGueits Gueits| |USA USA TWR1, TWR1,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at7:00 7:00PM PM TWR1, TWR1,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at4:00 4:00PM PM The Thelargest largestconcert concertfor forpeace peaceto todate date with with1.3 1.3million millionpeople peopleininattendance, attendance,took took place placeat atHavana’s Havana’sPlaza Plazade delalaRevolución Revolución and andfeatured featuredunforgettable unforgettableperformances performances by byMiguel MiguelBosé, Bosé,Orishas, Orishas,Olga OlgaTañón, Tañón, Jovanotti, Jovanotti,and andothers. others. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE OCMB, OCMB,Fri, Fri,Mar Mar13 13at at9:30 9:30PM PM THIS THISIS ISWHAT WHATIT ITIS IS ESTO ESTOES ESLO LOQUE QUEHAY HAY Léa LéaRinaldi Rinaldi | |France France Spanish Spanishwith withEnglish Englishsubtitles subtitles TWR1, TWR1,Mon Mon99at at9:45 9:45PM PM Anti-Castro Anti-Castrohip hiphop hopunderground underground sensation sensationLos LosAldeanos Aldeanosface facedaily daily problems problemsleading leadingaalyrical lyricalrevolt revolt ininCuba. Cuba. WORLD WORLDPREMIERE PREMIERE FROM FROM THE THE VAULT VAULT The Theoffi offi cial cialposter posterfor forthe theFestival’s Festival’s32nd 32ndedition editionfeatures featureslegendary legendarywriter, writer,producer producerand anddirector directorOrson OrsonWelles Welles strolling strollingthe theMiami MiamiBeach Beachboardwalk boardwalkinin1943. 1943. InIncelebration, celebration,and andwith with2015 2015being beingthe thecentennial centennialof ofWelles’ Welles’birth, birth,the the Festival Festivalco-presents co-presentsaaseries seriesof ofpristine pristinetheatrical theatricalscreenings screeningsof ofsome someof ofWelles’ Welles’most mostfamous famousand anddynamic dynamicworks. works. ORSON ORSONWELLES WELLES RETROSPECTIVE RETROSPECTIVE CITIZEN CITIZENKANE KANE Orson OrsonWelles Welles| |USA USA English English MBC, MBC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar12 12at at6:50 6:50PM PM Welles’ Welles’debut debutfifi lm, lm,released releasedinin1941, 1941,isis the themovie moviethat thatchanged changedmovies. movies.The The sophistication sophisticationof ofWelles’ Welles’techniques techniques remain remainas asremarkable remarkabletoday todayas asthey they were werethen, then,ininthis thistale taleof ofaanewspaper newspaper tycoon’s tycoon’smeteoric meteoricrise riseand andfall. fall.Tickets Tickets for forthis thisscreening screeningONLY ONLYavailable available from fromMiami MiamiBeach BeachCinematheque. Cinematheque. 26 AT ATMIAMI MIAMIBEACH BEACH CINEMATHEQUE: CINEMATHEQUE: THE THELADY LADYFROM FROMSHANGHAI, SHANGHAI, OTHELLO, OTHELLO,TOUCH TOUCHOF OFEVIL EVIL Orson OrsonWelles Welles| |USA USA Shanghai ShanghaiMBC, MBC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar55at at6:50 6:50PM PM Othello OthelloMBC, MBC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar19 19at at6:50 6:50PM PM Touch TouchMBC, MBC,Thu, Thu,Mar Mar26 26at at6:50 6:50PM PM Miami MiamiBeach BeachCinematheque Cinemathequecelebrates celebrates Orson OrsonWelles Wellesduring duringthe theentire entiremonth monthof of March, March,with withan anexhibit exhibitof ofOrson OrsonWelles Welles memorabilia, memorabilia,and andthree threeadditional additionaltheattheatrical ricalscreenings screeningsof ofWelles’ Welles’masterpieces. masterpieces. Tickets Ticketsfor forthese thesescreenings screeningsONLY ONLYavailavailable ablefrom fromMiami MiamiBeach BeachCinematheque. Cinematheque. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL THE THESTRANGER STRANGER Orson OrsonWelles Welles| |USA USA COSF, COSF,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at77PM PM From Fromthe thearchives archivesof ofNorton NortonHerrick Herrick Collection, Collection,this thisrarely rarelyscreened screenedfifi lm lm noir noirfrom from1946 1946features featuresEdward EdwardG. G. Robinson Robinsonas asaapost-war post-warNazi Nazihunter hunter seeking seekingout outaawar warcriminal criminalfugitive fugitive who whohas hasassumed assumedaanew newidentity identityas as aaprep prepschool schoolteacher teacherininaasmall small American Americantown. town.Co-presented Co-presentedby by NuRay. NuRay.Tickets Ticketsfor forthis thisscreening screening ONLY ONLYavailable availablefrom fromCosford CosfordCinema, Cinema, 5030 5030Brunson BrunsonDr., Dr.,Coral CoralGables. Gables. MASTER MASTER CLASS CLASS SEMINAR SEMINAR SERIES SERIES Dream. Dream.Script. Script.Screen. Screen. Source: Source:Indiewire Indiewire A ACONVERSATION CONVERSATIONWITH WITH CHERYL CHERYLBOONE BOONEISAACS ISAACS DIY DIYDIGITAL DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTIONPANEL PANEL OCMB, OCMB,Tue, Tue,Mar Mar10 10at at7:00 7:00PM PM TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar77at at1:00PM 1:00PM The TheAcademy Academyof ofMotion MotionPicture PictureArts Arts&&Sciences Sciences president presidenttalks talksabout abouther herillustrious illustriouscareer careerininHollywood, Hollywood, the thechanges changesfacing facingthe themotion motionpicture pictureindustry industryand andthe the Academy’s Academy’srole roleininshaping shapingthe themotion motionpicture picturelandscape landscape as asthe thenew newcentury centurycontinues continuesto tounfold. unfold. Miami’s Miami’sown ownRakontur Rakonturproducers producersBilly BillyCorben Corbenand and Alfred AlfredSpelman Spelmandiscuss discussthe thefuture futureof ofdistribution distributionand and their theirplans plansfor forthe thecompany’s company’slatest latestfeature featureDawg DawgFight Fight (see (seepage page24). 24). MASTERING MASTERING CINEMATOGRAPHY CINEMATOGRAPHY WITH WITHALAIN ALAINCHOQUART CHOQUART TWR2, TWR2,Wed, Wed,Mar Mar1111at at4:00 4:00PM PM Alain AlainChoquart’s Choquart’scareer careeras asaa cinematographer cinematographerspans spansover over 30 30years, years,having havingcollaborated collaboratedwith with Bertrand BertrandTavernier Tavernieron onmore morethan than seven seventitles, titles,He Hewill willbe bepresenting presenting Ladygrey, Ladygrey,his hisdebut debutfeature featureas as director director(see (seepage page16). 16). SCORE SCORESOME SOME POINTS POINTSON ONTHE THE ART ARTOF OFFILM FILMMUSIC MUSIC WITH COMPOSING COMPOSINGWITH ANDREW ANDREWLANCASTER LANCASTER HOSTED HOSTEDBY BYMIAMI MIAMICOMPOSER COMPOSER CARLOS CARLOSRAFAEL RAFAELRIVERA RIVERA TWR2, TWR2,Mon, Mon,Mar Mar99at at4:00 4:00PM PM Andrew AndrewLancaster Lancasterisisaamultiplemultipleaward-winning award-winningAustralian Australiandirector director and andcomposer. composer.His Hisunique uniquedirecting directing style stylecombines combinescinematic cinematicvision, vision, and andnatural naturalperformances performanceswith withaa strong strongemphasis emphasison onmusic, music,sound, sound, choreography choreographyand andrhythm. rhythm. PRODUCING PRODUCINGIN IN FLORIDA FLORIDAAND AND BEYOND BEYOND33 TWR2, TWR2,Sat, Sat,Mar Mar14 14at at1:00 1:00PM PM The Thethird thirdedition editionwill willfocus focuson onprojproject ectcreation creationand anddevelopment developmentwith with aafocus focuson onwork workininaafull fullservice servicestudio studio environment, environment,legal legalmatters, matters,and andthe the future futureof ofstorytelling storytellingwith withnew newtechtechnology nologydevelopment. development.Moderated Moderatedby by Kevin KevinSharpley. Sharpley. MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 27 27 PRE-FESTIVAL PRE-FESTIVAL CUBAN CUBANFILM FILMSERIES SERIES DIRECT DIRECTFROM FROM HAVANA HAVANA PRESENTED PRESENTEDBY BY THE THERELATED RELATEDGROUP GROUP AT ATMDC’S MDC’STOWER TOWERTHEATER THEATER Monday, Monday,March March99 Hot HotGirls GirlsWanted WantedAfter-Party After-Party (Refer (RefertotoPages Pages66&&7)7) The TheEdition, Edition,2901 2901Collins CollinsAvenue, Avenue,Miami MiamiBeach Beachfrom from9:30 9:30– –Midnight Midnight You’ve You’veseen seenthe thereality, reality,now nowjoin joinususfor forthe thenovelty; novelty;with withStella StellaArtois, Artois,ininthe thedisco-glittered disco-glitteredBasement BasementMiami Miamiofofthe thenewly-opened newly-opened Miami MiamiBeach BeachEDITION. EDITION.$20 $20public, public,$15 $15members. members.21+ 21+only only Tuesday, Tuesday,March March10 10 Every EveryCharacter CharacterUnder UnderThe TheMoon Mooncelebrating celebratingFlorida FloridaFilmmakers Filmmakers The TheBetsy BetsySouth SouthBeach, Beach,1440 1440Ocean OceanDrive, Drive,Miami MiamiBeach Beachfrom from9:30 9:30– –Midnight Midnight Under Underthe theMiami Miamimoonlight, moonlight,come comerevel revelwith witha abohemian bohemiancrowd crowdofofgypsies, gypsies,belly bellydancers, dancers,and andfortunetellers, fortunetellers,and andthe thewildest wildestofof all,all,Florida FloridaFilmmakers! Filmmakers!Characters Charactersofofthe thenight nightrendezvous rendezvoustototoast toastlocal localcreatives, creatives,with withStella StellaArtois, Artois,overlooking overlookingthe theocean ocean from fromthe therooftop rooftopofofThe TheBetsy BetsyHotel. Hotel.$25 $25public, public,$20 $20members. members.21+ 21+only. only. Wednesday, Wednesday,March March1111 Desserts Desserts++Directors Directors The TheThompson ThompsonHotel HotelMiami MiamiBeach, Beach,4041 4041Collins CollinsAve, Ave,Miami MiamiMiami MiamiBeach, Beach,atat9:30 9:30 Following Followingthe thepremiere premiereofofSaint SaintLaurent, Laurent,join joinususfor fora afashionable fashionableevening eveningofofdelectable delectabledesserts dessertsbybyrenowned renownedChef ChefMichelle Michelle Bernstein, Bernstein,and anddelicious deliciouscoffee coffeebar barbybyKeurig, Keurig,co-hosted co-hostedbybyOcean OceanDrive DriveMagazine, Magazine,allallinincelebration celebrationofofdivine divineand anddelightful delightful directors, directors,ininMiami’s Miami’snewest newestmid-century mid-centurygem. gem.$40 $40public, public,$35 $35members. members. 21+ 21+only. only. Thursday, Thursday,March March12 12 The TheStandard StandardAffair Affair The TheStandard, Standard,40 40Island IslandAvenue, Avenue,Miami MiamiBeach Beachfrom from9:30 9:30- -Midnight Midnight Does Doesart artinfluence influencefilm, film,ororfilm filminfluence influenceart? art?Both Bothbreathtaking breathtakingand andsecretive, secretive,The TheStandard Standardisisnonostranger strangertotoa afusion fusionofof creative creativeforces. forces.Escape Escapewith withusustotothe theperfect perfectevening eveningononthe thedocks docksoverlooking overlookingthe thebay, bay,celebrating celebratingartists artistsand andfilmmakers filmmakers with withMediterranean Mediterraneanfood foodand andBelgium’s Belgium’sfinest finestpilsner pilsnerStella StellaArtois. Artois.$25 $25public, public,$20 $20members. members.21+ 21+only. only. SAT, SAT,FEB FEB28 28 @@7:00 7:00PM PM OPENING OPENINGNIGHT NIGHT COLLECTIVE COLLECTIVESHOWCASE SHOWCASE SUN, SUN,MAR MAR1 1 @@5:00 5:00PM PM JESSICA JESSICARODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ SHOWCASE SHOWCASE MON, MON,MAR MAR22 @@7:00 7:00PM PM MARCEL MARCELBELTRÁN BELTRÁN SHOWCASE SHOWCASE TUE, TUE,MAR MAR33 @@7:00 7:00PM PM CARLOS CARLOSM. M.QUINTELA QUINTELA SHOWCASE SHOWCASE WED, WED,MAR MAR44 @@7:00 7:00PM PM CLAUDIA CLAUDIACALVIÑO CALVIÑO SHOWCASE SHOWCASE TICKETS TICKETS FOR FOR THESE THESE SCREENINGS SCREENINGS ONLY ONLY AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AT AT TOWERTHEATERMIAMI.COM. TOWERTHEATERMIAMI.COM. Visit VisitFlorida’s Florida’saward-winning award-winningrestaurants restaurantstoto enjoy enjoydishes dishesfeaturing featuringdelicious, delicious,fresh fresh ingredients ingredientsfrom fromFlorida, Florida,including includingproduce produce grown grownbybylocal localfarmers farmersand andseafood seafood caught caughtininFlorida’s Florida’swaters. waters. Look Lookfor for“Fresh “FreshFrom FromFlorida” Florida”on onthe theMenu. Menu. For Fora alist listofofthese theseoutstanding outstandingrestaurants, restaurants, visit 28 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI1DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FFF FFFOn OnMenu MenuAd_MiamiFF_FINAL.indd Ad_MiamiFF_FINAL.indd 1 1/8/15 1/8/15 2:28 2:28PM PM F n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n P • • • • • FILM FILMCATEGORY CATEGORYCOLOR COLORCODES CODES FRIDAY, FRIDAY,MARCH MARCH66 OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center nnCINEDWNTWN CINEDWNTWNGalas Galaspresented presentedbybyMiami MiamiDDA DDA.................................4 .................................4 nnEmerging EmergingCuban CubanIndependent IndependentFilm/Video Film/VideoArtists ArtistsProgram Program presented presentedbybyThe TheRelated RelatedGroup Group ...............................................................6 ...............................................................6 nnKnight KnightCompetition Competition........................................................................................8 ........................................................................................8 nnKnight KnightDocumentary DocumentaryAchievement AchievementAward Award..........................................10 ..........................................10 nnLee LeeBrian BrianSchrager’s Schrager’sCulinary CulinaryCinema Cinemapresented presentedbyby Frederick FrederickWildman Wildman&&Sons Sons......................................................................... .........................................................................1212 nnLexus LexusIbero-American Ibero-AmericanOpera OperaPrima PrimaCompetition Competition ............................. .............................1313 nnSpotlight SpotlightononAsian AsianCinema Cinemapresented presentedbybybyejoe byejoe ..............................14 ..............................14 nnSpotlight SpotlightononFrench FrenchCinema Cinemapresented presentedbybyTV5Monde TV5Monde.................. ..................1616 nnCinema Cinema360° 360°presented presentedbybyViendoMovies ViendoMovies.......................................... ..........................................1818 nnAmerica AmericaThe TheBeautiful Beautiful................................................................................ ................................................................................2323 nnVisions Visions .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................2323 nnFlorida FloridaFocus Focus .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................24 24 nnPark ParkGrove Grove&&Lexus LexusShorts ShortsPrograms Programs................................................... ...................................................2525 nnSpecial SpecialPresentations Presentations .................................................................................. ..................................................................................2525 nnReel ReelMusic Music ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................26 26 nnFrom FromThe TheVault Vault.............................................................................................. ..............................................................................................26 26 nnMaster MasterClass ClassSeminar SeminarSeries Series ..................................................................... .....................................................................2727 7:00 7:00••WILD WILDTALES TALES Argentina HH Argentina 122 122min., min.,pg. pg.4 4 R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach R18 R18 Regal Regal SouthBeach Beach South 7:00 7:00••PARTNERS PARTNERSININ CRIME CRIME TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater 7:30 7:30••CINEMASLAM CINEMASLAM 9:30 9:30••WHITE WHITEGOD GOD Hungary Hungary 119119min., min.,pg. pg.2323 Taiwan, Taiwan,8989min., min.,pg. pg.1515 HH 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.2424 TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater • •Runtimes Runtimesare areapproximate approximateand anddo donot notinclude includeallowances allowancesfor for intros introsororQ&As. Q&As. • •When Whenselecting selectingfilms, films,remember remembertotoallow allowyourself yourselfenough enoughtime time tototravel travelbetween betweenthe thevenues. venues. OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach • •Start Startand andend endtimes timesare arefor forafternoon afternoonand andevening eveningand andsubject subject totochange changewithout withoutnotice. notice. • •Schedule Scheduleisiscolor-coded color-codedby byfilm filmcategory; category;totoselect selecta afilm filmby by section, section,find findthe thecorresponding correspondingcolored coloredbox. box. 7:00 7:00••AAGIRL GIRLATATMY MYDOOR DOOR Korea Korea 119119min., min.,pg. pg.1414 9:30 9:30••AAPIGEON PIGEONSAT SATON ONAA BRANCH BRANCHREFLECTING REFLECTING ON ONExISTENCE ExISTENCE Sweden, Sweden,107 107min., min.,pg. pg.2323 7:00 7:00••BEING BEINGEVEL EVEL USA HH USA W/ SHORT W/ SHORT CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema PLEASE PLEASENOTE… NOTE… 9:30 9:30••KURT KURTCOBAIN: COBAIN: MONTAGEOF OFHECK HECK HH MONTAGE 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1010 USA, USA,132132min., min.,pg. pg.2626 C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis • •Please Pleasevisit miamifilmfestival.comfor forthe themost mostup-to-date up-to-date schedule scheduleinfo, info,trailers, trailers,and andonline onlineticketing. ticketing. HH Indicates IndicatesTalent TalentExpected Expected Special SpecialEvents Events 9:00 9:00••PATRÓN PATRÓNOPENING OPENING NIGHT NIGHTPARTY PARTY atatFreedom FreedomTower, Tower,pg. pg.5 5 SATURDAY, SATURDAY,MARCH MARCH77 7:00 7:00••THE THEPILGRIM PILGRIM- - OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center HH 9:30 9:30••SPRING SPRING 3:30 3:30••CITY CITYOF OFGOLD GOLD 6:30 6:30••ININTHE THEGRAYSCALE GRAYSCALE 9:00 9:00••VOICE VOICEOVER OVER 4:00 4:00••PACO PACODE DELUCÍA: LUCÍA: JOURNEY HH AAJOURNEY 7:00 7:00••UNCLE UNCLEVICTORY VICTORY 9:45 9:45••SAND SANDDOLLARS DOLLARS 6:30 6:30••ON ONTHE THEROAD, ROAD, SOMEWHERE HH SOMEWHERE 9:15 9:15••MAGICAL MAGICALGIRL GIRL USA USA 9191min., min.,pg. pg.1212 Spain, Spain,9090min., min.,pg. pg.2626 1:00 1:00••DIY DIYDIGITAL DIGITAL DISTRIBUTIONPANEL PANEL HH DISTRIBUTION HH HH Chile Chile 101101min., min.,pg. pg.1313 HH Chile Chile 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 Dominican DominicanRepublic Republic 8585min., min.,pg. pg.2020 China China 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1414 Spain Spain 127127min., min.,pg. pg.2323 Dominican DominicanRepublic Republic 7272min., min.,pg. pg.1313 9090min., min.,pg. pg.2727 USA USA 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.2323 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT HH TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater W/ SHORT W/ SHORT OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach HH UK, UK,9797min., min.,pg. pg.2121 R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema Brazil, Brazil,112112min., min.,pg. pg.6 6 7:00••SET SETFIRE FIRETOTO 7:00 THESTARS STARS HH THE R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater PAULO PAULOCOELHO’S COELHO’SBEST BESTSTORY STORY 1:00 1:00••TEA TEATIME TIME 4:00 4:00••THE THEDINNER DINNER 7:00 7:00••THE THELOST LOSTAVIATOR AVIATOR 9:30 9:30••CIUDAD CIUDADDELIRIO DELIRIO 1:00 1:00••THE THEFOOL FOOL 4:00 4:00••AASECOND SECONDCHANCE CHANCE 7:00 7:00••THE THEMUSES MUSESOF OF BASHEVISSINGER SINGER HH BASHEVIS 9:30 9:30••THE THEFAREWELL FAREWELLPARTY PARTY HH Chile Chile 7070min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 Russia Russia 121121min., min.,pg. pg.2020 Italy Italy 9393min., min.,pg. pg.1919 Denmark Denmark 105 105min., min.,pg. pg.2121 HH Australia Australia 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1010 Israel, Israel,7070min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 HH Colombia Colombia 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1919 Israel Israel 9090min., min.,pg. pg.1919 C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis Special SpecialEvents Events 1:00 1:00 JUVIA JUVIALUNCH LUNCH Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,pg. pg.1212 7:00 7:00 THE THESTRANGER STRANGER Cosford CosfordCinema, Cinema,Miami, Miami,pg. pg.2626 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 29 29 SUNDAY, SUNDAY,MARCH MARCH88 7:00 7:00••TRIBUTE TRIBUTE++ THEPROJECT PROJECTOF OF HH THE THE THECENTURY CENTURY OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 1:00 1:00••TEA TEATIME TIME R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 1:00 1:00••THIS THISISISMY MYLAND LAND TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater 4:00 4:00••ON ONTHE THEROAD, ROAD, SOMEWHERE HH SOMEWHERE France, France, 9393min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 Cuba Cuba 9191min., min.,pg. pg.7 7 China, China,7575min., min.,pg. pg.1515 1:00 1:00••BEST BESTOF OFENEMIES ENEMIES HH USA USA 8888min., min.,pg. pg.2525 1:00 1:00••THE THESALT SALTOF OFTHE THE EARTH EARTH France, France,109 109min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 Spain, Spain,9090min., min.,pg. pg.2626 HH 9:30 9:30••THE THEFOOL FOOL Chile Chile 9898min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 Russia Russia 121121min., min.,pg. pg.2020 5:30 5:30••WARSAW WARSAW44 44 8:30 8:30••CUT CUTSNAKE SNAKE Poland Poland 127127min., min.,pg. pg.2222 3:30 3:30••VOICE VOICEOVER OVER HH Chile Chile 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 Australia Australia 9494min., min.,pg. pg.1919 3:00 3:00••MIAMI MIAMIMANIFESTO MANIFESTO DOC DOCCLUB CLUBRECEPTION RECEPTION 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.2525 4:00 4:00••THE THEHOLDERS HOLDERS HH USA, USA,8888min., min.,pg. pg.2424 6:45 6:45••THE THELOST LOSTAVIATOR AVIATOR HH Austrailia Austrailia 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1010 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT 1:00 1:00••THE THELAND LANDOF OF MANYPALACES PALACES HH MANY 9:45 9:45••PACO PACODE DELUCÍA: LUCÍA: JOURNEY HH AAJOURNEY France France 106 106min., min.,pg. pg.1717 7:00 7:00••AURORA AURORA Dominican DominicanRepublic Republic 7272min., min.,pg. pg.1313 1:30 1:30•• JESSICA JESSICARODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ HH HH Korea Korea 9797min. min., pg. , pg.1515 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach pg. pg.5 5 6:30 6:30••THREE THREEHEARTS HEARTS 3:30 3:30••THE THELIAR LIAR Chile Chile 7070min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema HH W/ SHORT W/ SHORT TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater ++TRIBUTE TRIBUTEPARTY PARTY Cuba, Cuba,8080min., min.,pg. pg.5 5 9:30 9:30••FROM FROMAADISTANCE DISTANCE SHORTS HH SHORTS 9090min., min.,pg. pg.2525 6:00 6:00••LIFE LIFEISISSACRED SACRED 9:30 9:30••TANGO TANGOGLORIES GLORIES 7:00 7:00••IRIS IRIS 9:30 9:30••PHOENIx PHOENIx 7:00 7:00••THE THERECORD RECORDMAN MAN 9:45 9:45••THE THEDINNER DINNER HH HH Denmark Denmark 104 104min., min.,pgs. pgs.9 9& &2525 Argentina Argentina 107 107min., min.,pg. pg.2121 Germany Germany 110110min., min.,pg. pg.2020 USA, USA,7878min., min.,pg. pg.1010 C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis Special SpecialEvents Events TUESDAY, TUESDAY,MARCH MARCH10 10 OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach HH Italy Italy 9393min., min.,pg. pg.1919 USA. USA.107 107min., min.,pg. pg.2424 6:30 6:30••TOUR TOURDE DEFORCE FORCE HH 9:30 9:30••FELIx FELIxAND ANDMEIRA MEIRA HH Germany Germany 9595min., min.,pg. pg.2222 Canada Canada 105 105min., min.,pg. pg.1919 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT 9:45 9:45••INNOCENT INNOCENTKILLERS KILLERS TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater 7:00 7:00••FLOWERS FLOWERS TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater 6:30 6:30••MARCEL MARCELBELTRÁN BELTRÁN CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema 7:00 7:00••EAST EASTSIDE SIDESUSHI SUSHI 9:30 9:30••AURORA AURORA 7:00 7:00••AACONVERSATION CONVERSATION WITHCHERYL CHERYLBOONE BOONE HH WITH min.,pg. pg.2727 ISAACS ISAACS9090min., 9:30 9:30••WEEKENDS WEEKENDSININ NORMANDY NORMANDY 7:00 7:00••THE THEFAREWELL FAREWELL PARTY PARTY 9:30 9:30••LADYGREY LADYGREY OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis HH HH HH 115115min., min.,pg. pg.2020 9898min., min.,pg. pg.7 7 USA USA 105 105min., min.,pg. pg.1212 Israel, Israel,9090min., min.,pg. pg.1919 HH Spain Spain 9595min., min.,pg. pg.2121 9:15 9:15••BEFORE BEFOREWE WEARE ARE FORGOTTEN HH FORGOTTEN Mexico, Mexico,8181min., min.,pg. pg.1010 HH Chile Chile 9898min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 France, France,9090min., min.,pg. pg.1616 HH France France 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.1616 9:30 9:30––MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT Special SpecialEvents Events 30 30 MARCH MARCH 6-15, 6-15, 2015 2015 || MIAMI MIAMI DADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’SFILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL EVERY EVERYCHARACTER CHARACTERUNDER UNDERTHE THEMOON MOON The TheBetsy Betsy- South - SouthBeach Beach 1440 1440Ocean OceanDr,Dr,Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,pg. pg.2828 MONDAY, MONDAY,MARCH MARCH99 OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 6:30 6:30••LOVE LOVEATATFIRST FIRSTFIGHT FIGHT 9:00 9:00••3 3BEAUTIES BEAUTIES R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 7:00 7:00••HOT HOTGIRLS GIRLSWANTED WANTED 9:30 9:30••BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFULYOUTH YOUTH 7:00 7:00••SUNSTROKES SUNSTROKES 9:45 9:45••THIS THISISISWHAT WHATITITISIS 6:50 6:50••FINDING FINDINGGASTON GASTON 9:00 9:00••TOUGH TOUGHAIN’T AIN’T ENOUGH HH ENOUGH France France 9898min., min.,pg. pg.1616 HH TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater HH 4:00 4:00••SCORE SCORESOME SOMEPOINTS POINTS ON ONTHE THEART ARTOF OFFILM FILM MUSIC MUSICCOMPOSING COMPOSING Spain, Spain,France France 102 102min., min.,pg. pg.1818 HH France France 111111min., min.,pg. pg.2626 USA, USA,5353min., min.,pg. pg.2525 9:30 9:30••SCARLET SCARLETINNOCENCE INNOCENCE 7:00 7:00••THE THESTRONGEST STRONGESTMAN MAN 9:30 9:30••BLACK BLACKSOULS SOULS 7:00 7:00••UNCLE UNCLEVICTORY VICTORY 9:30 9:30••THEY THEYARE AREALL ALLDEAD DEAD HH C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis Venezuela Venezuela 9797min., min.,pg. pg.1313 7:00 7:00••ININTHE THEGRAYSCALE GRAYSCALE HH OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach Argentina Argentina 102 102min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 Peru Peru 8080min., min.,pg. pg.1212 9090min., min.,pg. pg.2727 CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema USA USA 8484min., min.,pg. pg.1010 HH HH Chile Chile 101101min., min.,pg. pg.1313 USA USA 9898min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 China China 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1414 8:30 8:30LALAMAR MAR- MANDARIN MANDARINORIENTAL ORIENTAL Special SpecialEvents Events 500 500Brickell BrickellKey KeyDrive, Drive,MIami, MIami,pg. pg.1212 Korea Korea 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.1515 Italy Italy 103 103min., min.,pg. pg.1818 HH Spain Spain 9393min., min.,pg. pg.1313 9:30 9:30––MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT HOT HOTGIRLS GIRLSWANTED WANTEDAFTER-PARTY AFTER-PARTY The TheEdition, Edition,2901 2901Collins CollinsAve, Ave, Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,pg. pg.2828 WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY,MARCH MARCH1111 OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 6:30 6:30••SUNSTROKES SUNSTROKES 9:00 9:00••PREGGOLAND PREGGOLAND R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 7:00 7:00••NATURAL NATURALRESISTANCE RESISTANCE 9:30 9:30••HOT HOTGIRLS GIRLSWANTED WANTED 7:00 7:00••1313MILLION MILLIONVOICES VOICES 9:30 9:30••THE THESTRONGEST STRONGESTMAN MAN 6:45 6:45••LADYGREY LADYGREY 9:45 9:45••INNOCENT INNOCENTKILLERS KILLERS 7:00 7:00••INVASION INVASION 9:30 9:30••THEY THEYARE AREALL ALLDEAD DEAD 6:30 6:30••SAINT SAINTLAURENT LAURENT 9:45 9:45••EASY EASYSEx, SEx, SADMOVIES MOVIES HH SAD HH Italy Italy 8383min., min.,pg. pg.1212 TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis Special SpecialEvents Events Argentina Argentina 102 102min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 HH 4:00 4:00••MASTERING MASTERING CINEMATOGRAPHY CINEMATOGRAPHYWITH WITH ALAIN ALAINCHOqUART CHOqUART HH 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.2727 HH USA USA 8787min., min.,pg. pg.2626 France France 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.1616 Panama Panama 9393min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 France France 150 150min., min.,pg. pg.1717 7:00 7:00••BLACK BLACKSOULS SOULS HH Italy Italy 103 103min., min.,pg. pg.1818 8:45 8:45 qUATTRO qUATTRO 1014 1014Lincoln LincolnRoad, Road,Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,pg. pg.1212 HH HH HH HH HH Canada Canada 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.2020 USA USA 8484min., min.,pg. pg.1010 USA USA 9898min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 Spain Spain 9595min., min.,pg. pg.2222 Spain Spain 9393min., min.,pg. pg.1313 Argentina, Argentina,9090min., min.,pg. pg.1313 9:30 9:30••3 3BEAUTIES BEAUTIES HH Venezuela Venezuela 9797min., min.,pg. pg.1313 9:30 9:30––MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT DESSERTS DESSERTS++DIRECTORS DIRECTORS The TheThompson, Thompson,4041 4041Collins CollinsAve, Ave,MB, MB,pg. pg.1717 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL MARCH 2015 | MIAMI 31 31 THURSDAY, THURSDAY,MARCH MARCH1212 7:00 7:00••KAMIKAZE KAMIKAZE OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center HH Spain Spain 9494min., min.,pg. pg.6 6 6:30 6:30••LOS LOSHONGOS HONGOS R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 7:00 7:00••REWINED REWINED HH 9:00 9:00••BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY HH Colombia Colombia 103 103min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 9:30 9:30••THE THEARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE COLOR HH OFOFCOLOR Italy Italy 8585min., min.,pg. pg.1212 Brazil, Brazil,7272min., min.,pg. pg.1818 7:00 7:00••GHOST GHOSTSTORIES STORIES SHORTS HH SHORTS 9:30 9:30••VENICE VENICE 6:30 6:30••CLAUDIA CLAUDIACALVIÑO CALVIÑO 9:15 9:15••TOUR TOURDE DEFORCE FORCE 7:00 7:00••FELIx FELIxAND ANDMEIRA MEIRA 9:30 9:30••GUIDANCE GUIDANCE 7:00 7:00••DAWG DAWGFIGHT FIGHT 9:45 9:45••BLUE BLUEBLOOD BLOOD 6:30 6:30••FLOWERS FLOWERS 9:30 9:30••THE THEOBSCURE OBSCURE SPRING HH SPRING HH 7979min., min.,pg. pg.2525 TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater HH CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema HH OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach HH HH 6:50 6:50••CITIZEN CITIZENKANE KANE Miami MiamiBeach BeachCinematheque, Cinematheque, 1130 1130Washington WashingtonAve, Ave,Miami MiamiBeach Beach 119119min., min.,pg.26 pg.26 Special SpecialEvents Events HH Canada Canada 105 105min., min.,pg. pg.1919 HH USA USA 110110min., min.,pg. pg.2424 Spain Spain 115115min., min.,pg. pg.2020 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis HH Hotel HotelNueva NuevaIsla Isla 8787min., min.,pg. pg.7 7 9:00 9:00 MACCHIALINA MACCHIALINATAVERNA TAVERNARUSTICA RUSTICA 820 820Alton AltonRoad, Road,Miami MiamiBeach, Beach,pg. pg.1212 Cuba Cuba 7474min., min.,pg. pg.2222 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater Argentina Argentina 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 W/ SHORTS W/ SHORTS R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach Germany Germany 9595min., min.,pg. pg.2222 Canada Canada 8181min., min.,pg. pg.2121 Brazil Brazil 114114min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 Mexico, Mexico,100 100min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 9:30 9:30 THE THESTANDARD STANDARDAFFAIR AFFAIR The TheStandard, Standard,4040Island IslandAve, Ave,Miami MiamiBeach Beach pg. pg.2828 SATURDAY, SATURDAY,MARCH MARCH14 14 7:00 7:00••AWARDS AWARDSNIGHT NIGHTFILM FILM SIDETRACKED HH SIDETRACKED OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center Spain, Spain,103 103min., min.,pg. pg.4 4 R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 4:00 4:00••THE THEOBSCURE OBSCURE SPRING HH SPRING R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 3:30 3:30••VENICE VENICE TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater Germany Germany 110110min., min.,pg. pg.2020 Mexico, Mexico,100 100min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 HH 1:00 1:00••THE THEHOLDERS HOLDERS HH USA USA 8888min., min.,pg. pg.2424 1:00 1:00••PRODUCING PRODUCINGININ FLORIDAAND AND HH FLORIDA BEYOND BEYOND3 3 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.2727 Cuba Cuba 7474min., min.,pg. pg.2222 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater 7:00 7:00••PHOENIx PHOENIx 4:30 4:30••1313MILLION MILLIONVOICES VOICES HH USA USA 8787min., min.,pg. pg.2626 6:30 6:30••BEN’S BEN’SATATHOME HOME HH Canada Canada 7070min., min.,pg. pg.1818 9:30 9:30••WHITE WHITEGOD GOD Hungary Hungary 119119min., min.,pg. pg.2323 7:00 7:00••WEEKENDS WEEKENDSININ NORMANDY NORMANDY France, France,9090min., min.,pg. pg.1616 4:00 4:00••THE THEARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE COLOR7272min., min.,pg. pg.1818 HH OFOFCOLOR 6:30 6:30••PANAMA PANAMACANAL CANAL STORIES HH STORIES 9:30 9:30••THREE THREEHEARTS HEARTS 4:00 4:00••LOS LOSHONGOS HONGOS 7:00 7:00••LOVE LOVEATATFIRST FIRSTFIGHT FIGHT 9:30 9:30••THE THEPRICE PRICEOF OFFAME FAME France France 106 106min., min.,pg. pg.1717 Panama, Panama,106 106min., min.,pg. pg.2121 CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema OCMB OCMB CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach O OCinema C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis HH 1:00 1:00••ININTHE THENAME NAMEOF OFMY MY DAUGHTER DAUGHTER France, France,116116min., min.,pg. pg.1616 Colombia Colombia 103 103min., min.,pg. pg.9 9 4:00 4:00••POSTHUMOUS POSTHUMOUS HH USA USA 9494min., min.,pg. pg.2323 Special SpecialEvents Events HH France, France,9898min., min.,pg. pg.1616 HH France France 110110min., min.,pg. pg.1717 7:00 7:00••AAHARD HARDDAY DAY Korea Korea 111111min., min.,pg. pg.1414 9:30 9:30••PATRóN PATRóNxO xOCAFé CAFé AWARDS AWARDSNIGHT NIGHTPARTY PARTY Alfred AlfredI. I.DuPont DuPontBldg, Bldg,pg. pg.5 5 32 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI MIAMIDADE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE’S FILM MIAMI FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FRIDAY, FRIDAY,MARCH MARCH1313 6:30 6:30••EVERYBODY EVERYBODYLEAVES LEAVES 9:30 9:30••PLAYING PLAYINGLECUONA LECUONA R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 7:00 7:00••POSTHUMOUS POSTHUMOUS 9:45 9:45••ININTHE THENAME NAMEOF OFMY MY DAUGHTER DAUGHTER R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 6:30 6:30••THE THEPRICE PRICEOF OFFAME FAME OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center HH HH HH TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater USA USA 9494min., min.,pg. pg.2323 France France 110110min., min.,pg. pg.1717 HH Spain Spain 9090min., min.,pg. pg.7 7 France, France,116116min., min.,pg. pg.1616 9:30 9:30••EASY EASYSEx, SEx,SAD SAD MOVIES HH MOVIES Argentina, Argentina,9090min., min.,pg. pg.1313 6:30 6:30••THEEB THEEB 9:45 9:45••SHREW’S SHREW’SNEST NEST 7:00 7:00••SOMEONE SOMEONEELSE ELSE 9:15 9:15••CIUDAD CIUDADDELIRIO DELIRIO 6:30 6:30••PANAMA PANAMACANAL CANAL STORIES HH STORIES 9:30 9:30••SWEET SWEETMICKY MICKYFOR FOR PRESIDENT HH PRESIDENT 6:30 6:30••BLUE BLUEBLOOD BLOOD 9:30 9:30••PREGGOLAND PREGGOLAND 6:30 6:30••AASECOND SECONDCHANCE CHANCE 9:00 9:00••THE THESALT SALTOF OF THE THEEARTH EARTH HH TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater Colombia Colombia 110110min., min.,pg. pg.7 7 HH Jordan Jordan 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.2222 USA USA 7272min., min.,pg. pg.2323 Spain Spain 9191min., min.,pg. pg.2222 HH Colombia, Colombia,Spain Spain 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.1919 CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach Panama, Panama,106 106min., min.,pg. pg.2121 C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis HH Brazil Brazil 114114min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 USA, USA,8989min., min.,pg. pg.2626 HH Canada Canada 109 109min., min.,pg. pg.2020 Special SpecialEvents Events SUNDAY, SUNDAY,MARCH MARCH1515 OLY OLY Olympia OlympiaTheater Theateratat Gusman GusmanCenter Center R17 R17 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 3:00 3:00••SAINT SAINTLAURENT LAURENT R18 R18 Regal Regal South SouthBeach Beach 4:00 4:00••BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY 6:45 6:45••THEEB THEEB 9:30 9:30••AAGIRL GIRLATATMY MYDOOR DOOR 4:00 4:00••SCARLET SCARLETINNOCENCE INNOCENCE 7:00 7:00••CUT CUTSNAKE SNAKE 9:30 9:30••TANGO TANGOGLORIES GLORIES France France 150 150min., min.,pg. pg.1717 HH Denmark Denmark 105 105min., min.,pg. pg.2121 HH Argentina Argentina 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.8 8 Jordan Jordan 100 100min., min.,pg. pg.2222 France, France,109 109min., min.,pg. pg.11 11 Korea Korea 119119min., min.,pg. pg.1414 TWR1 TWR1 Tower TowerTheater Theater TWR2 TWR2 Tower TowerTheater Theater CGAC CGAC Coral CoralGables Gables Art ArtCinema Cinema OCMB OCMB O OCinema CinemaMiami MiamiBeach Beach 4:00 4:00••AAPIGEON PIGEONSAT SATON ONAA BRANCH BRANCHREFLECTING REFLECTING ON ONExISTENCE ExISTENCE Sweden, Sweden,107 107min., min.,pg. pg.2323 W/ SHORT W/ SHORT C1C1 Cinépolis Cinépolis Korea Korea 120 120min., min.,pg. pg.1515 Australia Australia 9494min., min.,pg. pg.1919 Argentina Argentina 107 107min., min.,pg. pg.2121 7:00 7:00••WARSAW WARSAW44 44 Poland Poland 127127min., min.,pg. pg.2222 Special SpecialEvents Events MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI DADE6-15, COLLEGE’S MARCH 2015 | MIAMI MIAMI INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL 33 33 34 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 35 Miami Dade College’s Miami International Film Festival Thanks Our Valued Sponsors PREMIERE SPONSORS PRINCIPAL SPONSORS PRODUCING SPONSORS Pantone Match Specs (PMS) ® Colors: Process (CMYK) RGB (Video & Web) PMS 130 30m, 100y R122 G172 B38 PMS 172 PMS 200 70m, 100y 20c, 100m, 70y R220 G56 B15 R159 G8 B18 PMS 265 70c, 70m R99 G71 B178 PMS 299 100c, 30m R54 G141 B30 PMS 368 PMS 430 80c, 100y 60% black R112 G1752 B30 60% black SUPPORTING SPONSORS GARNER FOUNDATION N Garner Foundation Inc TARGET SPONSORS MEDIA SPONSORS Tropic FLORIDA LIVING & DESIGN INDUSTRY SPONSORS 36 MARCH 6-15, 2015 | MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL
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