MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY January 31, 2015 4:00 PM (A) Nick Ingargiola/ Cantell Family John Confroy/ Ann Dugan Harry Lodovico/ Marge & Anthony Ingenito Richard Reiher/ Diane & John McKenna Charles Doerr/ Ron & Ginny Kornafel Anthony Mondello/ Steve Mondello 4:30 PM (SN) Bea Gazo/ Esther Frontuto Frances Puggi/ Sue & Tom Henshaw Sean Roach/ Jo-El & Nancy Ida Barbetto/ Rose & Charles Roesch SUNDAY February 1, 2015 8:30 AM (SN) Costa Family Arthur Seibert/Nicholetta Franchetta Osmarina Rodrigues/ Torres Family Louise Colangelo Bruner/ Jean & Ernest Cassara Evelyn Guerrieri/ Tom & Donna Meineke Martha Rundio/ Paul & Elaine Rundio and family 8:30 AM (A) William Gabriel/ Dolores Garbutt 10:00 AM (SN) Gregorio Lopez/ Natalia Gorostieta 11:00 AM (A) Evelyn Martin/ ARCS Staff MONDAY February 2, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Evelyn Guerrieri/ M/M Ernie DiOdoardo 8:00 AM (A) Elizabeth & John McClain Sr/ D. Glendon & Carol McClain 12:15 PM (A) Phil Doucette/ Wife, Bruni TUESDAY February 3, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Lee Ricci/ Larry & Pat Barbetto 8:00 AM (A) Dorothy Ganiel/ Evonne Kaminski 6:00 PM (A) Norman Mintz/ Family WEDNESDAY February 4, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) For People of the Parish 8:00 AM (A) Tom Mooney/ Maureen Foley 12:15 PM (A) Marie Tortello/ Gerry Hand THURSDAY February 5, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Mary Moloney/ Carlene Moloney 8:00 AM (A) Jimmy Cramer/ Bill, Barb and Ali Cook FRIDAY February 6, 2015 7:00 AM (SN) Ernesto Torres/ Family 8:00 AM (A) Azucena Ballesca/Teresita Luzano 12:15 PM (A) Macario & Rosalina Ordanes/ Family SATURDAY February 7, 2015 9:00 AM (A) Marvin Rothery/ Sam & Marilyn Deneka 4:00 PM (A) Nick Ingargiola/ Ed & Marilyn Gerhardt 4:30 PM (SN) Costa Family SUNDAY February 8, 2015 8:30 AM (SN) Bill Johns, III/St. Nicholas School Alumni Marie Cusack/ Torres Family Carmelia DeFiccio-Ziegler/ George & Elaine Frick Evelyn Guerrieri/ George & Elaine Frick Louise Bruner/ Bob & Joyce Petrosh Martha Rundio/ Connie Kuehner & Family 8:30 AM (A) Fred Allgeyer/ Jill & Joyn Yochim Dr. Robert Kuchlewski/Joe & Dolores Rosinski Bill & Marian Gabriel/ Regina & Jeff Strawn Elaine Collins/ Jack & Karen Bitler Christine Law/ Kate Keeley & Aiden Brandt Joseph Delarosby/ Robert & Beth Delarosby 10:00 AM (SN) People of the parish 11:00 AM (A) John Bachhuber/ Charles & Patricia Doerr ALTAR LINENS for the month of February at St. Nicholas site Marie Galli READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2015 JOB 7:1-4, 6-7 (74B) 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-19, 22-23 GOSPEL: MARK 1:29-39 Pray For Our Sick - George Link, Abel Pencheff, Joseph Banger, Carlos Rivera, Emil Cypra, Mrs. Gibney, Debbie Simons, Clara Caruso, Joanne Gazo, Cleo Presnell, Felicia Mazzola,, Gianna DeRosa, Alice Musterel, Joseph LoPiccolo, Dan Bartolini, Luke Thomas Colluzzi, Dorothy Young, Roy Havelin, Patricia Cushion, Msgr Joe Stoerlein, Kathy Schmookler, Thomas Crowe, Sharon Armhold, Brennan Camp, Patricia Cornely, Betty Ann Rundio, Ronald Clarke, Randy Hagar, Anthony Mondelio, Gregory Barrett, Mary Ann Gatto, Joseph Husta, Grace Peele, Mike Carter, Joan Finn, Denise Holzberger, Paul Putt, Jacob Goldsmith, Deacon Jim Teeney, Ann Giesguth, Esther Frontuto, Lee Dooner, James Morales, Pauline Roesch, Tom Jordan Jr., Dennis Arcaetto, Lyla Pavechak, Bill Lee, Margaret Andrews, Judy Medrano, Charlie Roesch, Susan Ionno, Ronnie Garbutt Jr, Peggy Kelly, Gerson Cohen, Rosemary Metzen, Shirley Gomez, Adam Bengis, Norma Cillo, George Kendall, Russ Fitzgerald, Robert Sanchez, Melissa Johnson, Mary Emma Sartorio, Bruce Lees, Rita Schwender, Lee Ricci, Bill Butterhof & Kathy Florence. COMMUNION SERVICE – Every Saturday at 8:00 am, St. Nicholas Church. All are welcomed. ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY – From September to May we meet on the second Tuesday each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Nicholas rectory. For further information call Donna at 965-2740. WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING BIBLE STUDY is held in the parish office on Tuesdays, 9:00 am. For further information call Gerry at 965-3487 GETTING MARRIED? – Go to the diocesan website for important information about Pre Cana Marriage Prep at This has important information that you will need in preparing for your wedding. MONTHLY ROSARY – Our Monthly Rosary at Assumption is held on the first Friday of the month (February 6th) at 7:00 pm. ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT is held weekly on Tuesdays from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm in the Assumption site Chapel. Effective March 4th, Adoration will be on Wednesday from 8:30 – 6:00 pm. Please take note of effective date change. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – If you are interested in learning more about the Knights or would like to join please call (A) Bob Luke at 609-652-7992 or visit their website: Kof C (SN) Egg Harbor #3500, call 965-2813 or visit: HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS - If you know of someone who would like to have communion brought to their home, please call the parish office. PRAYER GROUPS – Meets at two locations. Monday’s at 7:30 pm, St. Nicholas Rectory (Wkly). Assumption’s is Wednesday’s (Chapel) at 6:30 pm is Scripture and 7:15 pm Prayer meeting (Wkly). Men’s prayer Group meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Assumption. Pastor’s Corner What is one thing we all experience, would like to be free of but seem to be unable to avoid? Well, there could be many answers but I believe one common response would be anxiety (stress, oppressiveness, feeling overwhelmed). In the second reading, from his first Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul addresses the need to be free of anxiety so that we can focus on “adherence to the Lord without distraction.” He correctly points out that a married person tends to have more stress in their lives because their attention and energy and resources are turned toward the family and not toward the Lord. And 2,000 years later this message still applies. Think of the responsibilities that a husband/father and wife/mother have today: 1. Financial: Mortgage and utility bills – including cable, internet and telephone (especially if the kids have cell phones); car payments (for usually 2 or more cars); food; health care; Catholic School tuition; sports equipment (for each sport the child/adult are involved in); vacations; and more. 2. Time: work, school & commuter schedules; after school programs & activities; shopping; house chores; ‘screen time’ for computer, TV & video activities; Club & board membership meetings; talking & texting on the phone; doctor appointments; and other events/duties. 3. Relationship: Good parenting; spousal needs and desires for growth & development; proper disciplining; establishing healthy and open communication; maintaining an atmosphere of understanding & patience with each other; etc… With this short list in a few categories it is easy to see how stressful life can be for a married person. Yet, many of these areas also apply to single people and to children, but with additional or different concerns. There can be, and unfortunately is much anxiety in our lives. On the surface, St. Paul’s solution seems to be ‘don’t get married!” However, the heart of his advice is; be “anxious about the things of the Lord.” Turn your attention to the Lord first. Be stressed to make sure you are pleasing God, and then do what you want. Looking at the list of responsibilities above it is easy to see that we CHOOSE many of these burdens. And let’s be honest, how many of our decisions had “pleasing God” as the first and primary goal! But there is hope, because we do have control over our choices. Therefore, all we have to do is change our priorities and we can redirect our concerns from focusing on the passing things of this world to the eternal things of God. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides” (Mt 6:33) – especially joy & peace. SPEAKING OF SEEKING FIRST GOD’S KINGDOM! Thank you to all who contributed to our 2014 House of Charity/Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We reached our goal of $118,000.00!!!!! I would ask that if you did make a pledge that you fulfill it so that we can receive the 10% of the total ($11,800.00) back to our parish. As a note, only 385 families contributed to this goal. Since we have approximately 2,900 families registered imagine how much more we could have raised for the Lord’s work in our diocese if we had more participation!! Remember, no gift is too small! I also thank those who were not able to give anything at all to the campaign but who made spiritual sacrifices of prayers and offerings that contributed to our success! Peace, Fr. Nick Assumption RegionAl CatholiC School WWW.ARCSGALLOWAY.ORG • 652-7134 Dear Friends, What a great week we just completed! We began with our students attending Masses at their various parishes dressed in their school uniforms, assisting as greeters, offertory gift bearers, and choir members. Throughout the week, we had various educational and fun activities. Our Junior High had their Science Fair. We wish to thank the large number of judges that turned out this year. The school’s talent show included over 30 very entertaining acts. Our students were treated to a dance and the school pep rally. Our week was completed with a liturgy celebrating our appreciation and participation in Catholic Education. God bless you, Mary Ellen Schurtz ASSUMPTION REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCES OPEN ENROLLMENT Assumption Regional Catholic School is now accepting students PreK3, PreK4 and Kindergarten – 8th grade. Full time PreK- Program and part-time PreK3 program Students attend mass monthly Monthly school community service projects Licensed certified teaching staff Religion classes daily including sacramental prep Low student-Teacher ratio Accelerated Math grades 5 thru 8 Full-time Basic skills Teacher, part-time Speech Therapy, on site Guidance Counselor and full-time Nurse Student curriculum exceeds the New Jersey standards After school sports and academic activities Before (7am) and after care (ending 5:30 pm) State –of-the-Art Technology (Smart Boards, Surround Sound, Ipad Cart (30 Ipads) and Remote individual Response Units) School security system with video monitoring stations Tuition Assistance provided Partnerships with Atlantic Cape Community College (ACCC) Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program and Rutgers University Project PORTS: Promoting Oyster Restoration through Schools Program. Perspective students are welcome to shadow for a day! For additional information or to schedule a private tour contact (609) 652-7134 or email [email protected] ILLUSTRATED BOOK for the children to follow Mass are available in the back of the church where the other Mass books are located. We request that you please return to the designated basket at the end of the Mass. BREVE CMENTARIO A LA LITURGIA DE HOY ANUNCIOS PARA LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA SPANISH COMMUNITY NEWS BIENVENIDOS a todos de parte del Párroco Nick Dudo, Rev. Jerry Gomez y Rev. Armando Rodríguez Montoya y todos los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro – OLPH. Iglesia San Nicolás. Gracias por su presencia. 1. ATENCION: Todas las intenciones de misa serán aceptadas por una ofrenda mínima de $15.00 por cada tarjeta. Se pueden echar en la colecta con la información y dinero. Ponerle “Mass Card – Misa Hispana” afuera del sobre. Cheques a nombre de OLPH. Para más información llamen a la rectoría: 652-0008. Recuerden de notar si es para difunto, enfermo, o cumpleaños, NO se permitirán peticiones el mismo día de las misas. Esto lleva todo un proceso 2. CLASES DE BAUTIZMOS: Tenemos las clases de catequesis para preparar a los papas y padrinos próximos a bautizar. Las próximas platicas serán el martes, 10 de febrero de 5:30 a 7:30 en San Nicolás. 3. COACH BINGO: Habrá un bingo en Marzo 20 en la escuela de Asunción (OLPH), los boletos son A $35, habrá también una rifa china. Necesitamos ayuda para ese día, por favor de ver a Maureen 4. GRUPO DE JOVENES: NO hay reunión este Domingo, 1 de febrero. Próxima reunión será el 8 de Febrero en ARCS. Febrero 15, NO habrá reunión. Pero el 22 de febrero nos reuniremos en San Nicolás a las 6pm con misa de jóvenes y reflección espiritual. 5. CARTAS PARA LOS IMPUESTOS: Comenzando la tercera semana de Enero, puede llamar a la rectoría de OLPH 609652-0008 y solicitar una carta para los impuestos de todas las contribuciones que usted a aportado a la iglesia. Puede dejar su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono en los mensajes. 6. PADRES DE ADOLESCENTES ¿Es usted un padre de un adolescente y le gustaría que su hijo o hija participara más plenamente en la vida parroquial ? No es necesario mirar más allá, tenemos nuestro grupo parroquial de jóvenes para los grados 7 a 12. Nos reunimos todas las semanas, unas aquí, en San Nicolás y otras en la Cafetería de la Escuela Regional de Asunción. Las reuniones comienzan a las 6:00pm (a menos que se indique lo contrario ) y terminan a las 7:30 pm .Invitamos cordialmente a sus hijos e hijas a unirse a nosotros . Nuestro grupo disfruta de compañerismo, juegos , discusión acerca de la fe , de eventos afuera del sitio y, por supuesto, bocadillos! Para más información, póngase en contacto con Nancy Riddell, Directora de Juventud y Formación de la Fe en 609-6580008 ext 207 o por correo electrónico a [email protected] Por favor , únase a nosotros en nuestra próxima reunión Domingo, 08 de febrero a las 6 pm para "invierno Noche de Diversión " en el gimnasio de la escuela ARCS Poder o autoridad En una rama de la Filosofía encontramos la Ética, que en resumen nos indica lo que está bien hacer y lo que está mal. Esto es a nivel fuera de la religión. Por ejemplo, el que roba algo se expone a un juicio ético, sea persona religiosa o no. La ética, cuando se aborda desde terrenos religiosos es llamada moral. Así, el que robó es llamado delincuente (cometió un delito) en cuestiones éticas, pero es llamado pecador en cuestiones morales. Podemos hablar de ética individual, si las observaciones del comportamiento son acerca de una sola persona, o ética social, si los observados son un grupo de personas. Aquí la Ética se funde con otra rama de la Filosofía: la Sociología. Dentro de la Sociología hay un apartado que conviene reflexionar, porque se trata de dos palabras que se parecen, pero que no son lo mismo y uno puede llegar a confundirlas. Notemos que estamos hablando de ética (terreno filosófico) y no de moral (terreno religioso). Pues estas dos palabras son "poder" y "autoridad". No, no son la misma cosa. El poder es la capacidad de fuerza o de dominio para dominar a otros, mientras que la autoridad es el nivel de primacía que alguien ha ganado gracias a su calidad o competencia en algún asunto. Quien tiene poder simplemente aplica fríamente lo que la ley dicta, pero quien tiene autoridad por sí mismo es capaz de superar la ley. Por eso es tan doloroso cuando se tienen que acatar órdenes de personas injustas o ignorantes, porque tienen el poder y aplican las leyes abusando de este poder, atropellando a las personas. Algunos padres de familia puede que tengan el poder, pero no tienen autoridad. El evangelio nos enseña que Jesús hablaba con autoridad. Esto es, él encontraba el espíritu con el que la ley había sido escrita y sabía que era más importante ayudar a los demás que cumplir la ley. Se trataba de una ayuda correcta y prudente, usando los medios legítimos con que se cuenta. Nadie que se diga discípulo de Cristo va a robar a un millonario bajo el pretexto de ayudar a los pobres. 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS are now available. Please call the parish office with your name, address and phone number. We will process request and mail out to you MARCZYK FOUNDATION TO HONOR MATHIS AND EMMANUEL - The foundation will honor long-time Holy Spirit High School educators Landa Mathis and Ernie Emmanuel with their Distinguished Recognition Award. The event will be held on Thursday, March 26th from 6 to 10:00 pm at the Carriage House in Galloway. This cost is $60 and tickets can be purchased at the door. Presently, the foundation has awarded over $100,000 to deserving students entering Holy Spirit High School. For information call Pete at 609-412-8083. Daily Mass Goers Take Note! On days that it snows, we are asking you to park on the parish office side of the church. Since the property large, and Mass is at 8:00 am. They will be concentrating on clearing that area first. THE HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE needs your help! We are in need of GREETERS at both church sites and BAKERS for Social Sundays at our Egg Harbor City site. All ages are welcomed to greet! You can also greet with family members or invite your friends! Greeters serve as "ambassadors of kindness" by providing a genuine, warm and welcoming atmosphere for guests and members alike! Please email Sue Decker at [email protected] or phone 609-705-0078 to sign up to become a Greeter before Mass! Contact Maureen Wormann to become a Social Sunday baker for the Egg Harbor City site at: email: [email protected] or phone 609-287-3983. Thank you! FISH FRY – Assumption Regional Catholic School will be holding their annual Fish Fry on Ash Wednesday, February 18th from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the School cafeteria. Eat in or take out is available. For information call: Michele Mason at 609-517-0903 or email: [email protected]. THE HOLY SHROUD OF TURIN – Please join us for a special presentation on the Holy Shroud of Turin on Friday, February 20th at OLPH Parish/Assumption site, 146 S Pitney Rd., Galloway. The doors will open at 6:00 pm with the presentation beginning at 7:00 pm. A relic of the Holy Shroud will be available for veneration. Venerate the Miraculous Holy Face Image which shed blood! Our presenter will be Donald H. Nohs. COACH BINGO is looking for volunteers. There will be a meeting on Sunday, February 8th at 2:00 in the parish office to if you are able to help. If you have any questions, please call June at 609-652-8253. FAMILY ROSARY – We invite you and your family to join us on Friday, February 6th, 7:00 pm at the Assumption site. We will be using the rosary meditations of Pope Francis. THE SANCTUARY CANDLES THIS WEEK (ST NICHOLAS) In memory of Mary Moloney Requested by: Carlene Moloney (ASSUMPTION - CHURCH) In Memory of Amelia Hebron Requested by: Family (ASSUMPTION - CHAPEL) In Memory of Angela Messina Requested by: Messina, Minalga, Rothberg Families Anniversary Wishes go out to YOUTH NEWS! PARENTS OF TEENS Are you a parent of a teen and would like your son or daughter to participate more fully in parish life? You need look no further than our parish youth group for grades 7 through 12. We meet about every other week right here at St. Nick’s and alternate weeks at Assumption Regional School Cafeteria. Meetings begin at 6pm (unless otherwise noted) and end at 7:30 pm. We warmly invite your sons and daughters to join us. Our group enjoys fellowship, games, discussion about faith, off site events and of course, snacks! For further information please contact Nancy Riddell, Director of Youth and Faith Formation at 609-6580008 extension 207 or email to [email protected]. Please join us at our next meeting Sunday, February 8th at 6 pm for “WINTER FUN NIGHT” in the ARCS school gym! YOUTH FEBRUARY HAPPENINGS Although there is no Youth Group meeting on Sunday, Feb.1st due to everyone being glued to the TV to watch Super Bowl, we have games on our minds for the following Sunday night meeting on the 8th. Yes, folks, it is “Winter Fun Night” beginning at 6 pm at ARCS. We’ll be playing like the penguins do! Hey, penguins go play in the cold we can, too! Well . . . maybe we’ll just play in the gym. As always there will be plenty to snack on and friends of yours are always welcome! Sunday, February 15th there is no meeting due to Presidents Day, but we come together again at St. Nick’s at 6 pm on the 22nd for Youth Mass and reflection. What’s a reflection you ask? It means taking time to think about what we just heard in the Gospel. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and gain more insight into what was shared. So come and bring your friends a have a different experience of the Mass than usual. It promises to be very special. Knights of Columbus Villa Marie Council # 6342 Is hosting a PRE-LENTEN PANCAKE SUPPER What: Shrove (Fat Tuesday) pre-Lenten Supper When: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Time: 4:00 to 8:00PM Where: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Hall, corner of Mill Rd & New Jersey Avenue, Absecon. This is our annual “Mardi Gras” Shrove Pancake Supper. This will be a pre-Lenten dinner for everybody especially children “all you can eat”. The menu will consist of pancakes, sausage, and ice cream with fixings, coffee, tea, milk and soda. Cost: $9.00 per adult, $ 5.00 per student and children under 5 “free”. Call John at 609-641-4580. Collections JANUARY 25, 2015 2015 - $15,217.13 2014 - $13,453.68 Mission Membership 2015 - $2,669.31 2014 - $2,631.80 Sam & Jane Merlino Celebrating 63 years of marriage May God continue to bless you with many more years of health and happiness! If you have not yet completed your HOUSE OF CHARITY PLEDGE PAYMENTS, please do so as soon as possible. If all is paid up, we are eligible to get a return for our parish. Thank You and we appreciate your sacrifice. 7:00 pm St Catherine of Sienna (A) Chapel 7pm Emmaus Men’s Grp (AC) 7pm Choir – (A) 25 7:00 am – (SN) Mass 9:00 am – (A) Mass 5:30 pm – (SN) Mass 6:00 pm – (A) Service 7:00 pm – (SN)Mass (SP) 4:30-7:30 pm Fish Fry (ARCS Café) 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 11 6:30 pm 1st Penance (SN) 6:30 pm – Evang. Mtg (PO) 7pm Choir – (A) 7pm Hospitality (PO) 7pm Choir (SN) WEDNESDAY 4 6:30 pm Scripture (AC) (Wkly) 7:15 pm Prayer Mtg. (AC) (Wkly) 26 6:30 Finance Mtg (PO) 19 12 THURSDAY 5 6:30 pm Monthly CCD Class 27 1:30 Stations (A) 7:00 Stations (SN & (A) 7:00 PM - Shroud of Turin Presentation (A) 20 1:30 Stations (A) 13 FRIDAY 6 7:00 pm – Rosary (A) 28 21 1:00 – Hispanic Retreat (SNCafe) 14 Shop Rite & Wawa Gift cards after all Masses Food Collections Valentine Dance ARCS SATURDAY 7 9:00 am – 1st Saturday Mass (A) 10:30 am 1st Penance ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT – Tuesdays, 8:30 am – 4pm (A) ……………………………………………………………….……. CONFESSIONS – Saturdays 3:00pm (A) 3:30 (SN) Assumption Church (A), St. Nicholas Church (SN), Assumption School (ARCS), Parish Office (PO), St. Nicholas Rectory (SNR), St. Nicholas Café (SNCAF), Assumption Chapel (AC) 12:00 pm - Baptisms 6:00 pm Youth Mass (SN) 22 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT 24 Parish Office Closed No CCD Classes 23 6:30 pm -Pastoral Council Mtg. (SN) 17 16 PRESIDENT’S DAY 15 6th Sunday of OT 12:00 pm - Baptisms 7:00 pm Altar & Rosary Mtg (SN) 6:00 pm Youth MtgARCS 10 9:00 am – Women’s Faith Sharing (PO)(Wkly) TUESDAY 3 FEAST OF ST. BLAISE 9:00 am – WFS. (PO) (Wkly) 6pm Mass/Blessing of Throats (A) 6:00 pm – SVDP Mtg (PO) 6:30 pm Spanish Mass (SN) (Wkly) 7:00 pm VIP’s (A) (Wkly) 7pm Emmaus Men’s Grp (AC) 9 7:00 pm Baptism Workshop 7:30 pm Prayer Grp Mtg (SNR) (Wkly) 6:30 pm -Pastoral Council Mtg. (SN) MONDAY 2 6:00 pm - Filipino Apostolate – (PO) Shop Rite & Wawa Gift Cards after All Masses SOCIAL SUNDAY 8 5TH SUNDAY OF OT Girl Scout Cookie Sale 1 – 4TH SUNDAY OF OT SUNDAY •• February Events Calendar ••
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