St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas 1 Archdiocese of Galveston Galveston--Houston 5356 Eleventh Street, Katy, Texas 77493 Phone 281-391-4758 ~ Fax 281-391-3978 Parish Office Hours 8:30am—12:30pm / 1:30pm—5:00pm Monday through Friday Pastoral Staff Alexandra Christie, Dir. of Music Ministry, ext. 421 Cindy Smolik, Dir. of Religious Education, ext. 432 Beth Rady, Dir. of Youth Ministry, ext. 436 Sr. Lucy Ezeobi, Liturgy & Pastoral Care Asst. ext. 461 Michael McFall, Seminarian in Residence, ext. 464 Parish Office Staff Dawn Mortus, Parish Administrator, ext. 412 Soyla Hernandez, Receptionist, ext.428 Diana Sanchez, Parish Secretary, ext. 410 Maggie Lopez, Facility Coordinator, ext. 422 Mary Abrams, Event Coordinator, ext. 468 Rosanne Clare, Bulletin Editor, ext. 418 Nellie Aguilera, Religious Ed Secretary, ext. 425 Shiara Plasencia, Assist. Dir. of Youth Ministry, ext. 437 Janice Romero, Bookkeeper, ext. 420 Jaime Baltazar, Maintenance, ext. 423 Ben Janecek, Groundskeeper Pre-School Rose Stornello, Director, ext. 440 Juli Ondrush, Assistant Director, ext. 443 Parish Worship Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday, 5:00 pm (English) Sunday, 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am (English) 12:30 pm and 2:15pm (Spanish) and 5:00 pm (Youth Mass in English) Parish Nursery (childcare for ages18mo-4yrs) during 9am, 10:45am, & 12:30pm Masses (Family Life Ctr) Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday, 6:30am and 8:30am (English) Tuesday, 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Saturday of the Month, 8:30 am (English) Holy Days of Obligation: 7:00 pm Vigil Mass; 8:30 am, Noon, and 7:00 pm Perpetual Adoration: Mary’s Chapel is open 24 hours a day from 6:00 pm Sunday to Noon Saturday Rosary: 30 minutes before each weekday Mass, and 5:00 pm Sat. and 7:30 am Sunday Masses Benediction: Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor Fr. David Garnier, Parochial Vicar , ext. 414 Fr. Dat Hoang, Pastor of St. Faustina Parish, ext. 463 Deacon William C. Wagner, Pastoral Asst., ext. 411 Deacon Michael McGuire Deacon Art Chin-Fatt, Director of Liturgy, ext. 413 Dcn Gordon Robertson Deacon Rolando J. Garcia, Director of Hispanic Ministries, ext. 433 Dcn Humberto Carrasco, Director of Maintenance, ext. 423 Sacramental Information Baptism/Bautismo: Families must live within the parish boundaries. Our next classes will be offered at 7– 8:30 pm, February 16 & 23, 2015, in the Family Life Ctr. The attendance of both parents is mandatory. Babysitting is available. You must call the office to register and to request babysitting before the classes. A $10 book fee will be collected at the first class. Couples should attend classes while pregnant. Godparents are strongly encouraged to attend as well. A copy of your child’s birth certificate is required. Las familias deben de vivir en el área de San Bartolomé. Nuestras próximas clases serán el 17 y 24 de Nov del 2014, de las 7:00 a 8:30 pm en el Centro de Vida Familiar. Las clases son obligatorias para los dos padres. El cuidado de los niños esta disponible. Deben de llamar la oficina para registrarse y pedir a la guaderia. Su costo es de $10 por materiales. Se recomienda que los padrinos también asistan. Las parejas pueden asistir a estas clases durante el embarazo. Una copia del acta de nacimiento de sus niño es necesario y antes de programar el bautismo. Matrimony/Matrimonio: Engaged couples desiring to be married at St. Bartholomew should contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months prior to desired date. Las Parejas que desean contraer matrimonio en la Iglesia deben llamar a uno de los Sacerdotes o al diácono por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de la fecha que desean para la boda. Reconciliation/Reconciliación: Tuesday/Martes: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. ~ Saturday/Sábado: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Or upon request / o solicitarla a la oficina. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos: If you are seriously ill or entering the hospital, you are invited to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at the 8:30am Mass on the first Saturday of the month, or by appointment. It is the Catholic belief that sacramental anointing provides both spiritual and physical strength. Call the parish office to request a hospital or home visit. Si usted está seriamente enfermo o va a ser ingresado al hospital, usted está invitado a recibir el sacramento de la unción de los enfermos cada primer sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8:30 am, o por cita a cualquier otra hora. La fe Católica nos dice que este sacramento provee fortaleza tanto física como espiritual. Llame a la parroquia si necesita una visita al hospital o en su casa. Communion for the Sick / para los Enfermos: If you or a loved one are homebound or in the hospital, we can bring the Eucharist to you on Sunday. Call the parish office to arrange a visit. Si usted o algún ser querido está postrado en cama en su casa o en el Hospital, podemos llevarle la Eucaristía el Domingo. Llame a la oficina de la Parroquia. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 12, 2014 1 October 12, 2014 Welcome and Contacts Welcome! ¡Bienvenido . . . to a very friendly and enthusiastic parish! If you have been attending Mass here, we would like to welcome you as a member. We encourage you to introduce yourself to Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Fr. David Garnier, or one of our Deacons after Mass. The second weekend of the month is New Parishioner Registration Weekend! Join us in the Narthex after the Saturday 5pm Mass, October 11th, or on Sunday, October 12th after all Masses. We will help you to register and answer your questions We encourage you to become actively involved in the life of our Catholic faith community ! BULLETIN DEADLINE NINE DAYS IN ADVANCE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN NUEVE DIAS ANTES delivered to the office, or emailed to: [email protected] Website: PARISH COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Bazaar Committee: Jerry Mortus, 281 394 5646 Disaster Preparedness Committee: Dcn Humberto Carrasco, 281 391 4758 Finance Council: Vic Vacek, 281 398 9699 Maintenance Committee: Sean Linkenheimer, 832 437 4789 Parish Council: Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009 Stewardship Committee: Fran Walton, 713 542 8627 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Dcn Art Chin-Fatt 281-391-4758, ext 413 Monaguillos: Blanca Martinez, 281 463 3796 Art & Environment: Church: Karen Marcoux, 281 468 9122 Chapel: Betty Rostagno, 281 693 2344 Children’s Liturgy: 9am: Margaret Parmenter, 832 405 4054 10:45am: Cindy Smolik, 281 392 9390 Litúrgica Para Los Niños: Margarita Gomez, 281 375 6097 Lectors: Neil Smolik, 281 392 9390 Proclamadores: Elvira Torres 832 287 7021 Carmen Cardenas, 832 665 6178 Ministry of Eucharist: Marcie Chapman, 832 628 6215 Ministros de Eucaristía: Teresa Gomez, 281 796 3024, Carlos Martinez, 832 755 2160 Ministerio de la Música: Beatriz Munoz, 832 782 8303 Ushers: Ed Brzymialkiewicz, 281 579 8754 Acomodadores: Israel Lopez, 281 599 3367 Ministry to the Sick/Homebound: Fr. David Garnier, 281 391 4758 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism: Patti/ Brackin Smith, 281 693 1473 Bautismo: Lupita Tierrablanca, 281 391 0356 or Aurelia Gonzalez 281 395 3479 Marriage Preparation: Jerry & Evelyn Smith, 281 347 0760 Matrimonio (Spanish): Jose & Aurelia Montelongo, 281 798 1146 SOCIAL AND FAMILY LIFE Bingo: Alfred Gosch, 713 306 7667 Blessed to Be a Mom Group: Amber Gruen, 832 830 4401 Couples for Christ: Jack Macalalad, 281 395 2652 Crecimiento: Maria Silvia Fuentes 832 387 2747 Eventos Especiales y Funerales: Elia Perez, 713 928 0246 Family Builders: Gina and Scott Bergeron, 281 392 1342 Happy Hearts: Carol Morris 281 347 8816 Or Chic Saenz, 713 906 1009 Knights of Columbus: Paul Novak, 713 412 4927; Hall Rental: William Wall 832 289 7843 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico: Francisco y Marilu Sanchez, 832 303 6153 Natural Family Planning: David/Stephanie Banasau, 281 398 2094 Social Club: Dawn Mortus, 281 391 4758 Young Adults Ministry: Zella Henning 832 492 8289 or Shiara Plasencia 281 733 1313 OUTREACH MINISTRIES Annulment Info: Kim Allum, 832 277 7531 Blood Drive: Leo Rice, 281 398 0069 Gabriel Project & Project Rachel: Sandra Beltran, 713 458 0137 Grief Support: for Separated/Divorced Ruth 281 734 5502; for Widows: Dcn Mike McGuire, 832 289 0321 HANDE (Handyman Ministry): Dave Moss, 832 437 9821 Hospitality: call the office 281 391-4758 Prayer Chain Ministry: Cathie Lobpries, 281 347 1426 Respect Life: Dan Stuckey, 281 804 4006 St. Vincent de Paul: Mike Day, 832 248 6834 FAITH & SPIRITUAL FORMATION ACTS Retreats: Women: Frances Gross, 832 437 7898 Men: Ray Riddle, 361 550 7922 Adult Faith Formation: Mark Wuenscher, 281 395 5974 Alabanza y Oración: Roberto Parra 832 692 9265 Prudencio C. 832 444 1531 Apologetics: Joan Summers 281 371 0027 Bible Study, Wednesday Morning: Dan Laake, 713 553 8854 Bible Study, Sun/Mon/Thurs : Dick & Andrea Balhoff, 832 368 5531 Consagracion a Maria: Mary Perez, 281 391 7231 Divine Mercy: Betty Fitzgerald, 281 347 4428 Eucharistic Adoration: Joe Simich, 832 816 2083 Fatima Eucharistic Hour: Dcn Bill Wagner, 281 391 4758 Legión de María: Eugenia Garzon, 713 245 9869 Parish Library: Nidia Casillas 281 391 4758, ext 442 Prayer & Life Workshops: Maritza Herrera, 832 493 2164 Retiro de Evangelizacion Nueva Vida: Lorena Maradiago , 832 955 5238 School of Evangelization: J.C. and Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758 Sister to Sister: Robbie Smith, 281 347 2700 Spiritual Direction: (English / Spanish) Irma Gonzales, 281 750 4049 Talleres de Oracion: Freddy & Juanita Mejilla, 281 855 6995 Ultreya/Cursillo: Jose Alanis, 832 659 3854 or Herminio Aguirre, 832 726 7629 Vocations Committee: Marvin Marek, Sr., 832 437 4077 FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS Boy Scouts: Robert Chachere 281 769 2721 Cub Scouts: Sara Harvey, 713 884 5695 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Jessi Olsen 281 829 4314 Challenge (girls grades 5-12): Laura Morales 832 452 8396 Children’s Adoration: Aurelia Gonzalez, 281 395 3479 Columbian Squires (age 10-18): Rosario Stornello, 832 298 4791 Conquest Club (boys K-12): Jose Morales-Wade 713 201 9370 Legión de María para niños: Marcela Ramos, 832 466 1273 Little Flowers (girls grade K-6): Nadia Simmons, 281 687 4736 Nursery: Sr. Lucy, 281 391 4758, ext 461 Quince Años: Dcn Rolando, 281 391 4758 ext 433 VBS: Amy Roberts, 832 437 0004 EVENT SCHEDULING Maggie Lopez, 281 391 4758, ext. 422 St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Liturgy and Prayer Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Intentions October 12, 2014 “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13 2 MONDAY, October 13 6:30 am Gloria Arienza [for Healing] 8:30 am † Joseph Luu TUESDAY, October 14 6:30 am † Frank, Connie, & Dennis Talani 8:30 am Frank Wrublesky [for Healing] 7:00 pm Raquel Ramirez [Special Intentions] † Marta Silva WEDNESDAY, October 15 This Week’s Readings Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday:Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 6:30 am † Juan Velasquez † All Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am † Paola Silva Lobpries Family [Special Intentions] THURSDAY, October 16 6:30 am † All Souls in Purgatory † Regina Dirk 8:30 am † Delia Jackson Ricardo Ramirez [for Healing] FRIDAY, October 17 6:30 am † Presley & Clara Schoenemann 8:30 am Matthew Troxler [Birthday Blessings] SATURDAY, October 18 5:00 pm † Maria Rojas † Earline Plaisance WE PRAY FOR . . . Judy Abrisz, Nery Almaguer, Maria Luisa Benjamin, Annabette Bennett, John R. Berckenhoff, Bascom Brock, Bruce Brosch, “Skip” Cable, Karla Cruz, Baby Ivy Dang, Victor Diaz, Connie Doguim, Margaret Dufrene, Sandra Escobar, Manuela y Gloria Flores, Dennis Frederick, Refugio Garcia, Alfredo Gomez, Jose Gonzales, Patty Harbes, Christopher Henrick, Donna & Jim Holer, Boyd Isiminger, Dan Janik, Doris Kansteiner, Todd Kocian, Al Kozel, Ken Krock, Pauline Krotofil, Anne Lintner, Robert Lockhart, Dcn Mike McGuire, Tom McRae, Carolyn Medeiros, Santos Mejia, Angelina Miele, Sabrina and Samantha Moralez, Thomas Nickleson, Stephanie, Beatrice, and Danny Ochoa, Patricia O’Reilly, Maude Palermo, Ricardo Ramirez, Alma Rosa Rios, Danielito Robles, Terry & Alicia Rodriguez, Andrea Rodriguez, Javier Ruiz, Samantha Saulnier, Carol Swift, Omero Trevino, Tish & Don Tydlacka, Theresa Vela, Carlos y Zoe Vivo, Carol Wallace, and Mark Young. AND FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF THE RECENTLY DECEASED . . . Fr. Ed Abell, Lupita Vasquez, Frances Wakefield, Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. To add a name to the prayer list, call the parish office at 281-391-4758. After two months, names are removed from the list and may be requested again. SUNDAY, October 19 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm 2:15 pm † † † † † † 5:00 pm † Edwin & Rita Schullin Andy Forno Geovanni Pluchino Parish Family Giberto & Edelmire Gomez Sylvia Rivera Gerald Sheehan Mass intentions are available on a first come first served basis, up to three per Mass. A nominal donation is requested for the priest who says the Mass. The priest may offer a Mass for many intentions, but may accept only one donation per Mass; donations for additional intentions go to the church. Intentions are often for the deceased, but can also be for the living, i.e. birthday blessings, anniversaries, or in thanksgiving. 3 October 12, 2014 Stewardship of Time, Talent & Treasure Collection for October 5, 2014 Envelopes used 714 # Registered Families - 4904 Please write your ID# on your contribution envelopes or checks. Donations without a parish ID# cannot be recorded. Trust in God Paul tells us “My God will supply whatever you need.” important stewardship reference for us as well. Our trust in God, our understanding that God will indeed provide, and He will meet our every need, is what allows us to practice stewardship so freely. This does not mean that we merely sit back and wait for the Lord, but it does mean that we are willing to take the risk, to share freely and generously, knowing that we walk with the Lord and that He will, as Paul assures us, “meet our every need.” SEPTEMBER SIGN UP FOR CONVENIENT ONLINE GIVING AT Stewardship St. Vincent de Paul Second Collections Building Fund Capital Campaign Phase II $ 20,623.36 $ 1,025.00 $ $ 570.00 1,223.33 $ 11,536.00 Tuesday, 7:00pm: $ 412.26 Saturday, 5:00pm: 4,638.02 Sunday, 7:30am: 7,016.42 9:00am: 6,749.81 10:45am: 5,634.83 12:30pm: 3,430.13 2:15pm: 1,954.46 5:00pm: 4,980.82 misc. rec’d in office: 0.00 TOTAL: $34,816.75 Building Fund Capital Campaign Children’s Collection 2nd Collection: Coalition for Life $ $ $ 4,027.00 5,266.00 970.73 $ 89,003.99 BINGO has made a quarterly donation of $13,000 to assist with the costs of soundproofing the Family Life Center hall. AUGUST Utilities: Electric Telephone Water Trash Service Center Point Energy Building Fund Tax Liability Insurance Property Insurance Cathedraticum Tax $ 9,073.44 $ 537.83 $ 666.02 $ 170.00 $ 52.66 $ 9,754.36 $ 2,124.92 $ 3,882.41 $ 16,937.83 Upcoming Second Collections: (Second collection checks should be made payable to St. Bartholomew, NOT to the ministry itself ; we will write them one check for the total.) Oct. 12 — Parish St. Vincent de Paul Oct. 19 — Propagation of the Faith Capital Campaign Phase II Number of Pledges 480 % of Parishioners <10% 3-YEAR GOAL Amount Pledged $ 3,500,000.00 $ 1,680,581.80 2013-2015 Support Catholic Radio in Houston… “ 1430AM radio for your soul!” Given To Date $ 1,172,257.90 Our Capital Campaign for the Family Life Center was a three-year commitment ending in December 2015. Parishioners are encouraged to continue to fulfill their pledges each month thru the end of next year. St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Calendar and Events Weekdays Daily: Mass is offered in English at 6:30am in the Chapel and 8:30am in the Church. Divine Mercy Devotions are held at 3:00 pm daily SUNDAY, October 12 Taco Breakfast in the Family Life Center and New Parishioner Registration in the Narthex 8:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Regular Schedule of Masses Book of Genesis — FLC Conference Room CCE for Grades 6th-11th — REC, FLC & Youth Bldg Apologetics — T-15 Pray for the Dead MONDAY, October 13 Columbus Day (Preschool Closed) 10:30 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Happy Hearts Meeting & Potluck Luncheon — Parish Hall Separated & Divorced Support Group — FLC Room 207 Widows / Widowers Support Group — FLC Room 204 Men’s ACTS Team Meeting — T-15 & 16 Quiceanera Classes — Family Life Center Conference Room Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Center Room 206 Grupo de Oracion Intercesion — Family Life Center Room 201 Legion de Maria para Adultos — Family Life Center Room 202 Emaus Mujeres — Parish Hall 9am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room TUESDAY, October 14 St. Callistus I 9:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Un Recorrido por la Biblia — Family Life Center Room 207 Challenge Girls’ Group — Youth Building Reconciliation — Church Jr. High Youth Ministry — Youth Building Gregorian Chant Schola Choir Practice — FLC Room 209 Prayer & Life Workshop — Family Life Center Room 201 HANDE Handyman Minsitry Meeting — FLC Room 205 Misa en Español — Church Reunion de Escuela de Evangelizacion Directores — T-16 St. Faustina Team Leader Meeting — FLC Conference Room 10:45am Choir Practice — Family Life Center Choir Room Grupo de Oracion — Parish Hall 9:00 am Happy Hearts Officers Meeting — Family Life Center Room 224 9:00 am Wednesday Morning Bible Study — FLC Conference Room 5:30 & 7:00 pm CCE Classes Grades K - 8th — REC, FLC & Youth Bldg 6:00 pm Coro de Niños Spanish Children’s Choir — FLC Choir Room 6:00 pm Men’s ACTS Retreat Music Team Rehearsal— Church 6:30 pm High School Youth Ministry — Youth Building 6:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting — Family Life Center Hall 7:00 pm Benediction — Chapel 7:00 pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida — T-15 7:30 pm Pregoneros del Amor Spanish Choir — FLC Room Choir Room THURSDAY, October 16 St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Regnum Christi Katy Women’s Day Team — FLC Room 201-202 Book of Genesis Scripture Study — Family Life Ctr Room 206 Preschool Soccer Shots — Parish Hall Men’s ACTS Retreat Send-off — Youth Building Children’s Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room CCE Classes Grades K-5th, OOS — REC, FLC & Youth Bldg RCIA — Parish Hall Emaus Hombres — T-15 Soldados de Cristo Choir — Family Life Center Choir Room FRIDAY, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm Children’s Holy Hour — Chapel Reunion de Movimiento Familiar Cristiano — FLC Rm 204, 206, 207 Legion of Mary for Children— T-15 Walk in the Spirit Prayer Group — Family Life Center Room 205 BINGO — Family Life Center Hall SATURDAY, October 18 St. Luke 7:00 am 9:00 am 3:30 pm 6:30 pm Fatima Eucharistic Hour — Church RCIA Morning of Reflection — Parish Hall Reconciliation — Church Bautismos en Español — Church FLC = Family Life Center [new building, at West Entrance ] REC = Religious Education Center [East Entrance two story bldg] November is a special month of remembrance for the dead… The Book of the Dead has been placed in the Narthex and will be there through October 31st. Parishioners are invited to enter the names of the dead, especially those who have died in the past year, in keeping with the longstanding tradition of remembering those who have died to the love and mercy of God. The Book will be placed in the sanctuary throughout the month of November. A Plenary Indulgence, applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, is granted to the faithful who on any and each day from November 1 to 8, devoutly visit a cemetery and pray for the departed. On All Souls’ Day a plenary indulgence is granted to those who devoutly visit a church or oratory and recite an Our Father and the Creed. WEDNESDAY, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus 9:00 am 9:15 am 1:30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Saints Day, November 1st …normally a holy day of obligation, since the feast of All Saints falls on a Saturday this year, the obligation to attend Mass is waived. November 1st is still a First Saturday, and the Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints will be celebrated with the Anointing of the Sick at the usual time at 8:30am. DAY, October 19 Happy Hearts Annual Fall Fest in the Family Life Center 8am—4pm 8:15 am Noon 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Regular Schedule of Masses Book of Genesis — FLC Conference Room ACTS Men’s Return Meal — Parish Hall CCE for Grades 6th-11th — REC, FLC & Youth Bldg Apologetics — T-15 Parish Hall = Old Parish Hall [facing Eleventh Street] Youth Building = [East Entrance, one story, across from REC] 5 October 12, 2014 Outreach and Spiritual Ministries, From the Pastor St. Vincent de Paul Society Telephone Help Line Tel. Para Ayuda: 281 391 1540 Food Pantry / Despensa de Comida: Mondays, Tuesday & Thursday Lunes, Martes & Jueves 6:00 - 7:30pm 2nd Saturday of the Month Segundo Sabado del Mes 9:00am - 10:00am Our office is located at the north end of the Youth Building, east entrance to campus. We help with food, rent or mortgage assistance, and utilities. Donations of non-perishable food may be dropped off at the SVDP Office during the hours listed above. We Are Here For You! Parishioners in need of mortgage/rent or utilities assistance, or help with food from our pantry: you do not need a referral. We are here to serve you and everything is confidential. FOOD DRIVE Last Sunday of the Month St. Bartholomew Parish Welcomes Mr. James Stovall, Director of Music On Monday, October 5th, St. Bartholomew Catholic Church will welcome our newly hired full-time Director of Music, Mr. James Stovall. Originally from Baytown, Texas, James was Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, one of the organists at St. Michael Catholic Pastor Church in Houston, Texas. We anticipate James’ gift of music and are eager for him to join us at the parish. James, you are welcomed in the name of Christ! Thank You and God Bless You, Alexandra Christie! It is with heavy hearts and deep gratitude that we bid farewell to Alexandra Christie as our outgoing part-time Director of Music at St. Bartholomew Parish. Alexandra was employed here at our parish for the past three years. Her kindness and generosity to the people of God and to the many parishioners involved in our music ministry is gratefully received and ever appreciated by all. Choosing to be a stay-at-home mother and give full time to her children and family, our Alexandra will continue to be involved in our music ministry as a volunteer and member of the choir. Alexandra, thank you for a job well done and for the many ways that you have enriched our lives through the ministry of music. Well done, good and faithful servant! Bring non-perishable food items to the collection box located outside of church or in front of the SVDP office. Grief Support Group for Widows October 13th Meets 2nd Monday of the Month 6:00pm in the Family Life Center Rm 204 For information contact Dcn Mike McGuire, 832-289-0321 Separated or Divorced Meets Every Monday 6-8pm in Room 207 of the Family Life Center Thank You St. Bartholomew The Apostle Parishioners! This past Sunday, an appeal was made on behalf of the Houston Coalition for Life pro-life ministry. Mrs. Christine Melchor, Executive Director for this organization spoke at the Masses this past weekend and made an appeal for us to assist a second bus and ultra-sound machine known as “baby blue” to put this bus on the road. I am truly astounded and humbled by the generosity of our parishioners. As of Tuesday, October 07, 2014, the second collection raised $89,003.99. Your commitment to life and living the gospel is evidenced in this total. I am deeply grateful for your kindness, your prayers and ALL that you individually and as a community of faith gave. May God Bless You and Your Generosity! In the Service of the Lord, Fr. Wayne Wilkerson, Pastor St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Adult Formation ~ In the School of Mary ~ Papal Documents Condensed by Deacon Bill Wagner Evangelii Gaudium - A Condensation (Apostolic Exhortation on the “Joy of the Gospel” by Pope Francis - November 24, 2013) CHAPTER THREE: The Entire People of God Proclaims the Gospel We are all missionary disciples 120. Because of their baptism, all members of God’s People become missionary disciples. Whatever their level of instruction in the faith, all are agents of evangelization. The new evangelization calls for the personal involvement of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now. Indeed, anyone who has experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or length of training to proclaim that love. Every Christian is always a “missionary disciple.” If we need convincing, let us look at the first disciples, who, immediately, after encountering Jesus, went to proclaim him joyfully, “We have found the Messiah!” Immediately after speaking to Jesus, the Samaritan women became a missionary and many Samaritans came to believe, “because of the woman’s testimony. So too, Saint Paul, after his encounter with Jesus, “immediately proclaimed him.” So what are we waiting for? 121. Of course, all are called to mature in our work as evangelizers. We want to have better training and a deeper witness to the Gospel. But this does not mean that we should postpone the evangelizing mission. All of us are call to offer others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord. In your heart you know that it is not the same to live without him; what has helped you to live and given you hope. This is what we are to communicate to others. Our falling short of perfection should be no excuse. Our mission is a constant stimulus not to remain mired in mediocrity but to continue to grow. The witness of faith leads us to say with Saint Paul, “Not that I have already obtained this, or am already perfect; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.” 122. The different peoples among whom the Gospel has been enculturated become in turn active agents of evangelization. This is because each people is the creator of its own culture. Culture is a dynamic reality, constantly recreated, as each generation passes on a whole series of ways of approaching different situations to the next generation that must likewise reformulate it as it confronts its own challenges. Once the Gospel has been enculturated in a people, they also transmit the faith in ever new forms. Hence it is important to understand evangelization as enculturation. The people of God, by translating the gift of God into its own life bears witness to the faith it has received and enriches it with new expressions. One can say that “a people continuously evangelizes itself.” Herein lays the importance of popular piety, a true expression of spontaneous missionary activity. This is an ongoing and ever developing process of which the Holy Spirit is the principal agent. Please Note: Evangelii Gaudium is available through local Catholic bookstores or on the web at EWTN or the Vatican. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Sessions Thursdays 7- 9 pm ~ in the Parish Hall For more information contact Deacon Bill Wagner at 281-391-4758. Oct. 16 The Mystery of Sin Presenter Oct. 18 Morning of Reflection: God’s Call Presenter Deacon Bill Wagner 6 If you have any questions regarding Adult Education, please call Deacon Bill Wagner at 281 391 4758, Ext. 411 (English or Spanish) St. Bartholomew ACTS Ministry is Sponsoring a FAMILY FUN EVENT Saturday Nov. 8th 12:00pm - 4:30pm In the Family Life Center Join us for this Fun Day including: a Family Rosary, Games for All, and a Clown and Face Painting for the little ones. ACTS Ministry will provide hamburgers and hot dogs Please bring a side dish or dessert to share Contact: Rosa Ellenburg at 832-8145174 or [email protected] Additional information on our website at – look under ACTS Please RSVP by November 1st, 2014 John Allen, Jr. to speak on Reflections on Pope Francis, the Synod and New Trends in the Church Thursday Oct. 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza Hall, at the Seminary 9845 Memorial Drive The presenter for our next William D. Steele Lecture is John Allen, Jr., Associate editor of The Boston Globe, Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN, is the author of seven bestselling books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs, and writes frequently on the Church for major national and international publications. 7 October 12, 2014 Education of Children & Teens St. Bartholomew Preschool Our Number is 281-391-0993 Director, Rose Stornello, ext 440 Asst., Juli Ondrush, ext 443 We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 day programs for ages 18 months to 5yrs Preschool Office Hours Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm Columbus Day NO SCHOOL– October 13th Fall Pictures October 22 nd & 23 Religious Ed News Call the Religious Ed Office at 281-391-0839 or visit If you have any questions regarding CCE, please call the Religious Education Office, Cindy Smolik, Director, ext. 432, or Shiara Plasencia, RE Assistant, ext. 437. Parents & Students! Students who attend CCE classes in the Family Life Center are to enter through the Rotunda Entrance doors ONLY. Please Be On Time… Now that we have settled into our CCE schedule, it is very important that our children arrive on time for class. We have a such a short time with them and so much to teach — and late arrivals cause a disruption to the class. First Reconciliation Mandatory Meetings rd Halloween Parade & Trick or Treat Fun Day October 30th There will be a mandatory meeting for parents and students making First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. All Wednesday 5:30 and 7:00 classes report to the church on Oct. 22nd. Check in 15 minutes prior to your CCE class time. Thursday classes: dates vary, please follow the schedule that your CCE teacher gave you. Confirmation Info On the Website at We are making changes to our Confirmation program and have important information to share with you. Please check back here for up to date info. Volunteers Needed to Keep Our Children Safe We are in need of “dads” to act as Guardian Angels by patrolling our campus during CCE classes. We also need a couple of parents to monitor the doors during CCE classes. We want to keep our children safe. St. John XXIII College Preparatory H.S. _______________________________________________en Español______ OPEN HOUSE October 22nd, 6pm-8pm Come and see how “We prepare the hearts and minds of our students to serve God and others.” You will have the opportunity to learn more about our college preparatory curriculum, tour the campus, meet faculty & administration as well as current students & parents. Come and see why it’s a great day to become a Lion! For more information visit our website at call the Office at 281.693.1000 or email [email protected] Atención Padres y Estudiantes! Los estudiantes que asisten a clases de CCE en el Centro De Vida Familiar, SOLO deben entrar a través de las puertas en la rotunda (puertas al lado de la iglesia) Favor de llegar a tiempo! Ya que las clases comenzaron, es muy importante que los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo. El tiempo con ellos en las clases es muy corto y tenemos mucho que enseñar y llegar tarde interrumpe la clase. Estudiantes que lleguen más de 10 min. tardes estarán marcados como ausente. Noticia de Primera Confesión una Junta Obligatoria Habrá una junta obligatoria para los padres y estudiantes que están haciendo la Primera Confesión y la Primera Comunión. Todas las clases de miércoles 5:30 y 7:00 deben ir a la iglesia el 22 de octubre. El check-in será 15 minutos antes que empiecen la clases. Las clases de los jueves: las fechas varían, favor de seguir el horario dado por la maestra. Información de Confirmación Hay cambios en nuestro programa de Confirmación y tenemos información importante para ustedes. Favor de ir a la página para más información. St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Social / Miscellaneous Happy Hearts Annual Fall Fest 8 HAPPY HEARTS NEWS FOR THOSE AGE 55+ Sunday Oct. 19th 8:00am to 4:00pm In the Family Life Center Join us for this kid friendly event, lots of fun & games for everyone’s enjoyment. Come purchase crafts, videos, and books; eat hotdogs and baked goodies. We will also have face painting! Raffle tickets are available for purchase from any Happy Hearts member, or after all Masses each weekend before. There are many, many, great prizes to be raffled off, including: For info contact: Chic Saenz, 713-906 1009 or Carol Morris, 281-347-8816. Join us for our monthly meeting and potluck luncheon held on the 2nd Monday of every month. Our social time begins at 10am, and the meetings begin promptly at 10:30am, in the old Parish Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Our next meeting is: Meeting: Monday, October 13th, at 10:30am in the Parish Hall Join us For a Happy Hearts Corporate Communion Saturday Oct. 25, at 5:00pm Mass afterwards we will go out for dinner 1st Prize $1,000 gift card 2nd Prize $500 gift card 3rd Prize Large Grill and much more! Upcoming Trips: (To sign up for a trip call Cynthia and I.V. Rojas at 713-805-7134) Nov. 19 San Jacinto Monument Dec. 20 Tour of Christmas Lights For Casino Trips call Wayne Templeton 281-579-1624 Nov. 17/18 Overnight to Coushatta Casino Youth and Young Adults * GET REAL * EDGE Tuesday: 6:00pm – 7:30pm GET FED * GET CONNECTED LIFETEEN If you have any questions regarding Youth Ministry, please call Beth Rady, Director, ext. 436, or Shiara Plasencia, Assistant, ext. 437. Wednesday: 6:30pm – 8:30pm A Big Response to Our October Pancake Breakfast ! Thank you St. Bartholomew, for your amazing response to our last Pancake Breakfast fundraiser… All of the funds earned will help our youth to cover the cost of retreats, workshops, and/or summer conferences. Shoe Drive Fundraiser Extended thru October 15th Please bring your new or gently used shoes to donate. Bins will be available for drop off after all Masses this weekend. Chili Cook-Off is Sunday, October 26th Join a Team Now We will serve Chili from 10am—2:00pm in the Family Life Center. Which team will win the trophy? Contact Beth or Shiara to sign up today. Or check out the activities on our website at COOK-OFF Sunday, October 26th 10am –2:00pm in the Family Life Center Come Vote for Your Favorite! 9 October 12, 2014 Misc / Around the Archdiocese / Respect Life Issues Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group Meets 3rd Thursday of the month 7:30-9pm at different locations in the Archdiocese monthly rotation: Couples Dinner, Ladies Dinner, and Couples Discussion. Loving Embrace is a Catholic educational support group for couples who have endured or are presently enduring the pain and suffering of infertility. The group provides support for coping with infertility and explores resources, methods, and options that are morally faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. For rotation information contact Shannon Lassen at 832-978-6716 or [email protected]. Respect Life Join us for our next meeting Tuesday, November 4th, from 7pm to 8:30pm, in the FLC Room 204. For info, please call Dan Stuckey at 281-804-4006, or [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE! - BE PREPARED! Early Voting For the November 4th Election Begins Next Week— Monday, October 20th Positions to be decided include Texas’ top officials as well as national congressional seats In the 2012 Presidential election, over 29,000,000 Catholics went to the polls and voted. That’s the good news. The bad news is this: Almost half of them voted for the man Archbishop Charles Chaput rightly called “the most committed ‘abortion-rights’ presidential candidate since the Roe v. Wade abortion decision in 1973.” ~Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director Of Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries ~ The Running of the Rose ~ Friday November 14th at 7:00pm at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church All members of St. Bartholomew are invited to join us as the Joseph M. Walla Squires Circle #2738 participate in an event which pays tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas. Squires across North America will carry a Silver Rose from London, Ontario, through the United States, to Mexico City, Mexico, on a pilgrimage providing a symbol of their unity and brotherhood. We will host the Silver Rose as one of its stops in Texas, with a special prayer service followed by a reception at the KC Hall. We honor Our Lady and express the unity of the Order, as we reaffirm our dedication to the sanctity of human life. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. This November election may be America’s last chance to turn from the evil of abortion and restore our inalienable RIGHT TO LIFE! It is critically important for faithful, pro-life Catholics like you to show up at the polls and VOTE! The Catechism states: “Submission to authority and coresponsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory … to exercise the right to vote” (2240). This obligation is so serious that in their 1998 document Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics, our bishops instructed U.S. Catholics on the vital role they play in the political process. The simple fact of the matter is that VOTING is the best way for you to take part in the Church’s work of promoting and building a Culture of Life here in the United States. But there’s a catch. When Catholics go into the voting booth, they do not cease to be Catholic! The same hands joined in prayer to the Lord in Church are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth!!! And that means being informed about both the issues and the candidates. It means applying Church teaching to our voting decisions. And most important of all, it means ... knowing which issues are non-negotiable and which are matters of prudential judgment! The Church is very clear in teaching Catholics which issues are of the greatest importance. Primary among these are direct attacks on innocent human life through ABORTION and EUTHANASIA! No matter what a candidate’s position is on any other issue – the economy, health care, the “War on Terror”, the death sentence, immigration – if he or she promotes either abortion or euthanasia, then that candidate automatically DISQUALIFIES him or herself from public office. Period! But how many Catholics know this? All of us are required to take our Catholic faith with us when we enter the voting booth. We Catholics are the most important demographic of voters in the entire country. Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) issued a “doctrinal note” stressing that: “A well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program or an individual law which contradicts the fundamental contents of faith and morals.” That’s what millions of U.S. Catholics need to understand. You Must Vote as a Catholic In The November 4th Election! St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, Texas Anuncios Para Los Ministerios Hispanos Grupo de Oración– “Instrumentos de la Fe” “¿Sabes tú que Dios te ama y quiere darte vida en abundancia? ¿Sabes por qué Dios mandó su Espíritu Santo al mundo?” Cuando: Todos Los Martes, 8pm después de la Santa Misa, en el Salón Parroquial. Legión de María LUNES, 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. Salón # 109 Te invitamos a participar de nuestra reunión semanal. Rezamos el Santo Rosario, aprendiendo mas acerca de Nuestra Santa Madre y planificado el trabajo apostólico realizado en nuestra comunidad. Para mas información llamar a Eugenia: 713-245-9869. Cursillo/Ultreya– Primer Lunes del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Te Esperamos! Adoración de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo - Los invitamos todos Jueves 11:00pm - 3:00am, en la Capilla. Para mas información contactar Sangre Preciosa, Brenda 713-585-5287, o Noemi 832-878-7927. Adoración y Reparación - El primer Viernes de cada mes de 8pm a 10pm en la Capilla. Para mas información llegar Belen Medujano 281-919-7469. Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1;Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32 Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41 Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46 Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54 Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7 Sábado: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9 Domingo: Is 45:1, 4-6; Sal 96 (95):1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Tes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Gracias San Bartolomé Apóstol Feligreses! El pasado domingo, se hizo un llamamiento en favor de la vida de Houston Coalición pro-vida ministerio. La Sra. Christine Melchor, Director Ejecutivo de esta organización habló en las masas este pasado fin de semana e hizo un llamamiento para ayudar a un segundo bus y ultra-sound machine conocido como "baby blue" para poner el autobús en la carretera. Estoy realmente sorprendido y honrado por la generosidad de nuestros feligreses. El pasado martes, 07 octubre, 2014, la segunda colección $89.003,99 . Su compromiso en favor de la vida y de vivir el evangelio se pone de manifiesto en este total. Estoy profundamente agradecido por su amabilidad, sus oraciones y todo lo que usted de forma individual y como comunidad de fe. Que Dios te bendiga y su generosidad. En el servicio del Señor, P. Wayne Wilkerson 10 Adoración Eucarística Necesitamos mas adoradores! Por favor, pase una hora semanalmente en la Capilla con Nuestro Señor. La Capilla esta abierta las 24 horas del día desde el Domingo a las 6:00pm hasta el Sábado al mediodía. Todas las horas deben estar cubiertas y aun tenemos varias horas disponibles. Si te interesa, llama a Betty Rostagno al 281-693-2344. La Cena de San Andrés 24 de Octubre 6:00pm Seminario Santa María 9845 Memorial Dr., Houston Un evento en donde sacerdotes hacen la invitación a jóvenes de 14-35 años de edad que han mostrado cualidades e interés en la vida sacerdotal, a compartir una cena con el Cardenal DiNardo y el Padre Manuel La Rosa-López, Vicario para los Hispanos. En este evento hay oración, adoración eucarística, grupos pequeños, y la oportunidad de compartir en una cena con el Cardenal DiNardo y los sacerdotes presentes para aprender más sobre la vida sacerdotal. Si usted está interesado en asistir a esta cena, acérquese con el Párroco de la Iglesia a la que pertenece u otro sacerdote; él le podrá recomendar para este evento. Para mas informacion, llame 713652-8239. Para una crisis el embarazo llamada713-225-5826 Después del aborto de angustia llamada 713-741-8728 11 Information Page October 12, 2014 [DO NOT PRINT] Bulletin Number: 515162 Church Name and Address: St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church 5356 Eleventh St. Katy, TX 77493 Telephone: 281-391-4758 Contact : Rosanne Clare Phone: 281-391-4758 ext 418 Email: [email protected] Software: MS Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows 7 Number of Pages Sent: 1 - 11 Transmission Time/Date: 8:00am October 8, 2014 For Sunday: October 12, 2014 Special Instructions: our count is 1700
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