February 1, 2015 San Sebastian Catholic Church

San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday - 8:00am
Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm
Sunday Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12 noon (español)
Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 3:30pm or by appointment
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Office Phone 904-824-6625 / Office Fax 904-829-0459
Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Deacon James Swanson & Rev. Deacon Earl Kidwell
1112 State Road 16. St. Augustine, FL 32084
904-824-6625 www.sansebastiancatholicchurch.com
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
According to Moses, the people decided they
didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any
more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t
God send human teachers, prophets, instead?
God agreed, but with a warning. The people had
better listen to those teachers, because they spoke
in God’s name.
That arrangement, though, had its own problems, for them and for us. How do I know this
teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is
from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for
me? We have the Church and scripture to help us
with those questions, but still there are always a
few loose ends.
That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one
having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a
teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32;
Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 1314, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4,
9-11; Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9;
Mk 6:14-29
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6;
Mk 6:30-34
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6;
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Boy Scout Sunday
Monday: The Presentation of the Lord;
World Day for Consecrated Life;
Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day
Tuesday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of
Thursday: St. Agatha
St. Paul Miki and companions;
First Friday
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
01/31 Sat.
02/01 Sun.
4pm - James Halton +
8am - Our Parishioners
10am - John & Teresa Bailey +
12pm - Luis Medina +
02/02 Mon.
No Mass
02/03 Tue.
8am - Stanley Braja +
02/04 Wed.
8am - Peggy & Bill White,
for health
8am - Bill Boehm, Birthday
02/06 Fri.
8am - Carol Miller +
02/07 Sat.
4pm - Vera Cro y+
02/08 Sun.
8am - Our Parishioners
10am - Mark Lodderhose +
12pm - Isabel Barrera de Guzman +
Sat. 4pm
EM: A. McCaffery, F. & T. Clarke,
J. & F. Tucker, L. Curran,
C. Rand, M. Needham
Lector: J. Welch, M. Mickler
Server: P. Nowak family
Sun. 8am
EM: L. & D. Willis, E. Brock,
C. Manucy, M. Tilger,
B. Freeman
Lector: M. Freimuth
Server: P. & K. Town
Sun. 10am
EM: J. Karamon, F. & I. Cardona,
D. & D. Borrero, M. Mesmer,
T Robinson, C. Jones,
S. Steckman, A. Winkle
Lector: J. Massad, T. Crane
Server: E. DoRego, G. & D. Camacho
Celebrants for the weekend are:
4:00pm - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Jim
8:00am - Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim
10:00am - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Earl
12:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim
If you would like to donate the
Flowers on the Altar,
please contact church office.
Página 3
Parroquia Católica de San Sebastian
1 de febrero de 2015
Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
De acuerdo a Moisés, el pueblo decidió que
no quería ya más oír la voz directa de Dios. Era
demasiado aterradora. ¿Por qué no les podía Dios
enviar a maestros o profetas humanos? Dios
aceptó pero con una advertencia. El pueblo debía
escuchar a estos maestros, puesto que hablaban
en nombre de Dios.
Ese acuerdo, sin embargo, resultó en otros
problemas, para ellos y para nosotros. ¿Cómo sé
si este maestro es en realidad de Dios? Y si el
maestro es de Dios, ¿están todas las partes de su
enseñanza dirigidas a mí? Tenemos la Iglesia y la
Sagrada Escritura para ayudarnos con todas estas
preguntas, pero así y todo siempre quedan algunos cabos sueltos.
Ese es el poderoso significado de la frase en
el Evangelio de hoy: "Los oyentes quedaron
asombrados de sus palabras, pues enseñaba como
quien tiene autoridad y no como los escribas". El
pueblo sabía que este Jesús era auténtico
verdaderamente un maestro enviado por Dios.
Lo sabían con sólo escucharle. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Mal 3:1-4; Sal 24 (23):7-10;
Heb 2:14-18; Lc 2:22-40 [22-32]
Martes: Heb 12:1-4; Sal 22 (21):26b-28,
30-32; Mc 5:21-43
Miércoles: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Sal 103 (102):1-2,
13-14, 17-18a; Mc 6:1-6
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Sal 48 (47):2-4,
9-11; Mc 6:7-13
Viernes: Heb 13:1-8; Sal 27 (26):1, 3, 5, 8b-9;
Mc 6:14-29
Sábado: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Sal 23 (22):1-6;
Mc 6:30-34
Domingo: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Sal 147 (146):1-6;
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mc 1:29-39
Domingo: 4 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario;
Domingo de los Boy Scouts
La Presentación del Señor;
Día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada;
Bendición de las velas; Día de la Marmota
San Blas; san Oscar;
Bendición de las gargantas;
Santa Águeda
San Pablo Miki y compañeros;
Primer viernes
Santa María Virgen; Primer sábado
B. Santeliz, P. Cosme, G. Marin,
R. Olivera, L. Olivera, S. Cosme
A. Ng, C. Rivera
S. Hernández, A. Hernández,
Mark Anthony Hernández
E. Jaime, A. Ríos, I. Ercole,
O. Ercole
Preparación para el BauƟsmo….Los padres y los
padrinos deben registrarse para las clases de preparación en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para las clases, favor llamar a la Rectoría para ponerse de
acuerdo con la fecha y la hora. Si los padres o padrinos no han asis dos a una clase de preparación
anteriormente, estas clases son necesarias para el
bau smo.
BauƟzos en Español ……. Es un requisito para padres y padrinos que no han tomado las clases anteriormente par cipar en ellas. Favor de llamar a la
Rectoría. Los bau zos se celebran después de la
misa en Español.
Bodas…...Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia
con 8 meses de antelación Tel: 824-6625
Comunión para los Enfermos …..Las personas que
deseen recibir la Comunión en sus casas, favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia, o hablar con un
ministro eucarís co después de misa.
Adoración al Sanơsimo …...Adoración al San simo
Sacramento todos los viernes de 8:30a.m. a
El Coro para Adultos en Español ..Se invita a todos
los que sienten el deseo de servir al Señor con su
voz o con un instrumento musical, favor hablar con
María Hernández después de la misa de 12:00p.m.
Para Ofrendas Durante las Misa ...Si deseas que se
mencione durante la misa el nombre de un familiar
o amigo ya fallecido o que esté gravemente enfermo, favor llamar a Clarita Opiela, Tel: 824-6625
clarita@sansebas ancatholicchurch.com
Diácono Jim visita cada lunes el Flagler Hospital. Si
sabes de algún familiar o amigo – miembro de la
parroquia que está en el hospital favor llamar al la
oficina de la parroquia (904 824-6625) o avísanos
antes o después de las misas durante el fin de semana.
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Parish & Community
Sweethearts’ Ball
Friday February 13, 2015
6pm - 10pm
In the Parish Hall
Tickets will be available after mass
In the church Gift Shop
$15 each, $25 Couple ($18 and $30 at the door)
Menu: Roast Beef Dinner/ Dancing to DJ Terry Hunter
Beer & Wine available for donations
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Appeal is
the weekend
14th & 15th
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Parish & Community
9 Upper Story Stained Glass Windows
are available to be memorialized. Sharing the cost with other Families
is an option. For Additional information and pricing contact:Wilfredo
Cardona at 824-1822or [email protected]
Allen McCaffery at 377-2446 or
[email protected]
Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or [email protected]
Bible Study using DVD’s by Jeff Cavins continues Thursday
each week at 7:00pm in the San Sebastian Parish Hall
For more information or to order materials please
Contact Mickey Mickler 904-377-4749 email [email protected]
Adult Confirmation Preparation sessions will began in J anuar y. These sessions and this process are for adults who have celebrated the sacrament of Baptism and First Eucharist in the Catholic Church, but did not have the opportunity
to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please Contact Susan Donlon at
824-6625 ext. 107 if you would like more info.
New columbarium to be added at San Lorenzo Cemetery
A new columbarium for the burial of cremated remains will be constructed at San Lorenzo
Cemetery in the coming months. The free-standing columbarium will be located in the
northeast corner of San Lorenzo set back from St. Joseph Lane and near the creek. For
information about the new columbarium and special pre-construction pricing, please call
San Lorenzo Cemetery at 904-824-6680.
A group of students from Catholic Gators are making a mission trip to
Chone, Ecuador, where they will be serving Santa Maria Bernarda Parish. They will be helping repair buildings and interacting with the people
at the parish. These students will be visiting on Feb.8 at all Masses. You
can be a part of this mission to Ecuador! Please consider donating to
this cause. They will be available after each Mass accepting donations.
The mission trip will be from Feb.28 –March 7 and each of the 10 students has a fund raising goal of $1200. For information contact Lourdes Furnells at
[email protected] or 813-545-9481.
Thank you to Bob Freeman, Don Quigley and Dennis McNary with the
Knights of Columbus for donating time and Material to put a new roof on the
Pump House. Thanks Guys!!!!!
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Parish and Community
In Honor of St. Valentine, Celebrate
with us at Champagne & Chocolate
Saturday Feb. 14th
5:00pm in parish hall
Everyone is welcome to join us after mass for
a selection of chocolates & Champagne
Our Valentine Themed Raffle Baskets will be on
display Feb. 7th, 8th & 14th, drawings will be held at
the Champagne & Chocolate Gala
We are looking for your wedding picture to display during
Champagne & Chocolate. Please bring them to the church office or drop off at
the church Gift Shop. Please provide names on wedding pictures: (copies are
Preferred). This Event is sponsored by the San Sebastian Ladies Guild
Campaign Pledge Goal $900,000.00
The Religious EducaƟon Enrichment Center
Special PLEDGE Envelopes and PLEDGE Cards
available at the Capital Campaign display
$411,207.09 collected to date
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Youth Ministries
San Sebastian YOUTH GROUP
No Meeting this Sunday
The Youth Group is still collecting underwear & socks for
the homeless. Donation bin is in the gathering space.
For more information or to volunteer Contact Youth Group leader
Gail Gilrain, 687-5536 or [email protected]
The San Sebastian Warriors
will be out in force on
Super Bowl Weekend
(Jan.31st & Feb. 1st)
collecting donations for
Souper Bowl of Caring
All donations will go to help
feed the Hungry
New Altar Server Training, Friday February 6, 2015, 6:00pm
in the church. Everyone who has received First Holy
Communion, a ends Mass regularly, and would like
to help the priest during Mass (both youth & adults)
are welcome. For more informa on call
Ms. Susan at 824-6625 or 315-1352 orSusan@sansebas ancatholicchurch.com
Anyone who is interested in helping with this ministry is welcome to a end.
The Children’s Choir Meets Mondays at 6:00pm
For information on he Children’s Choir and the Children’s
Home School Choir contact Lynne DuPont at 824-1334
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Parish Ministries
San Sebastian Gift Shop
Volunteers are needed for the
San Sebastian
Ladies Guild
All Ladies please join us
at our next Meeting
& Social February 5, 2015
For more InformaƟon contact
Virginia Wood at 904-315-4741
MEN’S Prayer Group
The second Sat. of the month 9:00am
at San Sebastian Knights Hall
Contact: Wilfredo Cardona 824-1822 or
Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451
For more info call Pete Nolan 904-687-8486
Power of Prayer Group
Intercessory Prayer Group Meets every
Thursday after the 8am daily mass
In the Library, If you have a prayer request
Please contact us or join us .
For more information please contact
Joann or Lansing Roy at 904-571-0156 or
email [email protected]
Meals for Moms Mission
Come and enjoy
Friendship & Fellowship the first Sunday night of each
month at 6:pm in the Parish hall kitchen to make a
meal for Moms-to-be at St Gerard Campus. Food
dona ons welcome. For more informa on Contact
[email protected]
San Sebastian Gift Shop.
Please consider volunteering
1 hour a month to help keep the gift shop
open after all masses. We are asking
anyone 16yrs and older if interested to
contact Tyra Rousseau at the church
office 824-6625 or email
[email protected]
Marian Movement of Priests
Prayer Group, 2nd and 4th Sundays
For more info. contact Leaugeay McKean at
[email protected]
Every Monday from 8am-9am we meet in the
church. We change & clean altar linens,
restock votive candles, clean, dust, straighten
pews & water flowers. If Interested please
Contact Tyra Rousseau at
the church office 824-6625
located in the Gathering Space: Books,
tapes, movies, & music, for young & “old”.
Open during church hours. Please return
items borrowed within 2 weeks.
Contact Susan Donlon at 315-1352
RCIA has day and evening sessions. Contact
Susan Donlon at 824-6625 or 315-1352 or
[email protected]
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Parish Ministries
Respect Life meets ever y
Friday at 2:pm in the
church during Adoration to
pray the Rosary.
Respect Life meets the thir d Fr iday of
each month at 8:45am in the church
Library for pray and discussion.
We continue peacefully standing vigil at
"A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville"
4131 University Blvd.
every 2nd Wednesday of the month
from 10-11am.
A carpool meets at 9:15am in the
church parking lot. Consider joining us.
Call Lane @ 823-8887
There is also a group that meets weekly on
Wednesdays to stand vigil from 12 –
1:pm. Contact Lou Fleming at 819-9921,
if interested in joining this group.
of Columbus
Council 11046
Knights of Columbus Event Schedule
Knights Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month
at 7pm in the Knights Hall.
Monthly Socials, Everyone is invited to the
Knights of Columbus Pot Luck Dinner Social
the 4th Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm.
Joining The Knights of Columbus. or transferring into our Council contact the Grand
Knight ~ Ron Miller at 904-495-5179
Pancake Breakfast, 2nd and 4th Sun. of each
month after 8am & 10am masses.
Squires, Meeting
Sunday February 8th
at 6:00pm. For info contact Mike Ryan at
Ministry of Caring
Sat. 4pm, Sun. 8am, 10am & 12 pm
Contact Bob Webb, 806-6593
The next Bi-lingual
Healing Mass
will be Wednesday
February 11, 2015
at 7pm in the church
DonaƟons of Meat always appreciated
Team A - Lydia Quiles 687-8169 or
email [email protected].
Team B - Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or
email cheryl7567@a .net.
Meal prepara on is the 3rd Tuesday, of
the month @ 2pm in the parish hall.
For informaƟon about
our acƟviƟes and meeƟngs,
contact Orpha Wiseman at 824-5748
Mass Times
Sat. 4pm mass
Sun. 8 & 10am mass
Sun. Spanish mass
Mon. Children’s Choir
Rehearsal Times
Sat. 3:00pm - Church
Tues. 7:00pm - Church
Wed. 6:00pm - Church
Mon. 6:00pm Jan. 26th
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Our parishioners generously make and donate
hand made blankets for those sick and in need of
comfort & compassion. Now available : PRAYER
CLOTHS for our Troops to carry with them in
their pockets. Prayer cloths are available
depicting: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force or a
generic material with the American Flag. Stop by
the church office to pick up a prayer blanket or to
order a prayer cloth. Contact Leaugeay McKean
at the church office or email
[email protected]
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San Sebastian Catholic Church
Activities for the Week
01/31 Sat.
3:00-3:30pm Confessions
Gift Shop Open
Wine & Cheese
02/01 Sun.
8:00am Mass
9:00am Coffee & Danish
9:00am Gift Shop open
10:00am Mass
10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
11:00am Coffee & Danish
11:00am Gift Shop open
12:00pm Spanish Mass
6:00pm NO Youth Group
02/02 Mon.
8:00am Altar Society
6:00pm Children’s Choir
7:00pm RCIA
02/03 Tues.
Mass /Home School Choir
Gift Shop open
Youth Group Leaders
Parish Council
Knights 1st degree
Adult Confirmation class
02/04 Wed.
Gift Shop open
Religious Ed. at St Joseph
Spanish Choir
02/05 Thurs.
Gift Shop Open
Prayer Group
High School
Ladies Guild
Bible Study
02/06 Fri.
02/07 Sat.
02/08 Sun.
8:00am Mass
8:30am-6pm Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
8:30am Gift Shop open
5:45pm Benediction
6:00pm Altar Server Training
11:00am Communion Prep
3:00-3:30pm Confessions
4:00pm Mass / Throat Blessing
5;00pm Gift Shop Open
5:00pm Wine & Cheese
Throat Blessing at all Masses
8:00am Mass
9:00am Gift Shop open
9:00am Pancake Breakfast
10:00am Mass
10:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
11:00am Gift Shop open
11:00am Pancake Breakfast
12:00pm Spanish Mass
2:00pm MMP, garden
6:00pm Youth Group
6:00pm Squires
January 25, 2015
Collections For the Week of
Jan 24-25. 2015
FaciliƟes Maintenance
Church Mortgage
Religious Ed Center
Weekly E-Giving
ReƟred Religious
Insurance Subsidy
Second CollecƟons:
Feb. 01, Mortgage Fund
Feb. 08, Insurance Subsidy
Feb. 14 - 15, Bishop Appeal
Feb, 15, Facili es Maintenance
PorƟon of General CollecƟon goes to DSA Missions
Feb 08, Catholic Relief Services
Feb. 18, Eastern European Churches
You can place your Filled can or
pledge card in the offertory basket. Thank you
E-giving is short for Electronic Giving.
It is an automatic transfer program
that allows you to make contributions
without the hassle of writing checks.
1. Go to the church web site
2. Click on E-Giving or (Donate Now)
Follow the easy directions to set-up
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Week 1
Katie Burchfield*
Dan Burkhardt*
Audrey Burnett*
Andy Butler*
Colleen Caro*
Tyler Harpe
Rita Kreuter*
Madison Masters*
Francis O’Laughlin*
Belinda C. Rose*
Week 2
Bill Boehm*
Ray Brennan
Elizabeth Crapet
Reagan Devlin
Sr. Anne Haarer*
Sheila Harris*
Carolyn Iddings
John Kotlinski*
Barbara LaBate
Cecelia Lavinghouse*
Jeff Mickler
Florence Misselwitz
Larry & Jane Schroeder*
Joshua Solana*
Nancy Triplette
Brett Williams*
Allen McCaffery
Week 3
Roby Baird*
Sheila Banks
Skeeter Butler
Joe Hutnan
Violeta & Jorge LeBron *
Chipp Martin*
Valerie Roberts*
Jorge Rpdriguez
Peggie Steele*
Jean Webb*
Week 4
Anita Guevara*
Mary Ann Haire
Cleo Masters*
Lorraine McGinnis
Fred Meeks*
John Uvegas*
Week 5
John & Rose Busketta*
Catherine Dailey*
Audrey Largent*
John & Violeta Michta*
Nancy Smith*
James Watcke*
Week 6
Matt Barfield
Tommy Kynard*
Anne Maetozo*
Raoul Maldonado
Ada Nackashi*
Sage Stinson*
San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list or
update Info on Ministry Contact List please contact
church office or email
mariei a@sansebas ancatholicchurch.com
LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo L Cpl Lacey M. Bowman Sgt. Evan Burgess
Capt. Michael Burns, USN CPO José Camacho Sgt Dusty Davis 1st Lt Vito John
Errico “Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Jr
Col. Dave Francis Lcpl Frutos Lt. Betsy Hoyos
Sgt Nestor L. Lugo Lt. Col Sean Navin Maj. David Pasquale PFC Justin Peeples
EO3 David Polly
Spec. Jason Polly Marcos Rios Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe
Cpl Julia A. Taylor Sgt Julian R. Taylor Lt. Mark M. Walstead PFC Robert Young
Adoration/ Wilfredo Cardona………………..,.824-1822………[email protected]
Altar Servers/Susan Donlon………………….824-6625………[email protected]
Altar Society/Church Office…………………..824-*6625………[email protected]
Bread Pick Up/Tom Opiela…………………...825-4178………[email protected]
Bulletin Request– Marietta Moser....………...824-6625………[email protected]
Children’s Choirs-Lynne Dupont……………..824-1334……….
Confirmation-Adults or Youth-Susan Donlon.824-6625………[email protected]
Choir Director - English Judy Bernhard……..540-4605……….
Choir Director -(spanish)/Maria Hernandez...000-0000………[email protected]
Diaper Drive/Donna McNary…………………..806-2844………[email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers/ Jeanne Karamon…..824-8145………jeneekaramon@yahoo,com
Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery…………..824-6625………[email protected]
Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon …………….824-6625………[email protected]
Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles ……….. 687-8169………[email protected]
Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy……..824-3403………[email protected]
Gift Shop/Tyra Rousseau………………… ….824-6625………[email protected]
Finance Council /Doug Conlon…………… …808-0649………[email protected]
Holy Orders/ Fr. David Ruchinski.……………262-3200……….
Homeless Donations/Linda & Bob Curran…..000-0000………[email protected]
Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…824-6625………[email protected]
Intercessory Prayer Group/ Jo Ann Roy……..571-0156………[email protected]
Knights of Columbus / Ron Miller…………. ...495-5179………[email protected]
K of C Squires / Mike Ryan…………………...797-7418………[email protected]
Ladies Guild/ Virginia Wood..……………… ...315-4741………[email protected]
Lectors/Susan Donlon……………………….. .824-6625………[email protected]
Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625………[email protected]
Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451………[email protected]
Ministry of Caring/ Orpha Wiseman………….824-5748……….
Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau……..824-6625………[email protected]
Office office (Espanol) Clarita Opiela………..824-6625………[email protected]
Church Office (Espanol) Doriana Borerro……824-6625………[email protected]
Parish Council Chariman/ Frank Sette…….…940-9039………[email protected]
Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625………[email protected]
Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau…………….824-6625………[email protected]
Religious Education/Susan Donlon…………..824-6625………[email protected]
Respect Life/Lane Campau…………………...823-8887………[email protected]
RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… …...824-6625………[email protected]
Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon………………...824-6625………[email protected]
Sacrament of Baptism/ Susan Donlon……….824-6625………[email protected]
Sacrament of Marriage—church office……….824-6625………[email protected]
Ushers/Bob Webb………………………………806-6593………[email protected]
Youth Group (The Warriors)/Gail Gilrain……….687-5536………[email protected]
Vacation Bible School/ Virginia Wood………..315-4741………[email protected]
Wine and Cheese/Anne Gagliardi…………….825-0367………[email protected]
Web Master/ Bill Loughlin……………………...377-7874
Page 12
San Sebastian Catholic Church
February 1, 2015
Candidates for Parish Council Elections Feb. 7th & 8th
Kathy Conlon
Parishioner since 1997, active in the Ministry of Caring active as in
Extraordinary Minister, Homebound and Marian Movement of Priest.
Bobby Freeman
Parishioner since 1999, active as Extra Ordinary Minister, former parish
council president and former Fall Festival Chairman.
Donna McNary
Parishioner since 1997, Active in the San Sebastian Choir, the
San Sebastian Ladies Guild & outreach ministry St. Gerard House.
Bobbie Simms
Parishioner since 2011, Works in the church office 1 day a week, and is
active in the San Sebastian Ladies Guild as Treasurer.
Perla Cosme
Parishioner since 2006, active as a Historian for San Sebastian’s
Hispanic Community, RCIA with Hispanic community and currently is an
appointed parish council member.
Mary Tilger
Parishioner since 2010, active as an Extra Ordinary Minister, and has
helped with church dinners and fall festival.
Maura Needham
Parishioner since 2011 and is active asan Extra Ordinary Minister,
Lector and the Intercessory Prayer Group.
Lansing Roy
Parishioner since 2012 and is active as an Extra Ordinary Minister,
Lector ,the Men’s Fellowship and the Intercessory Prayer Group