Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, SS Zona de Hospitales, Tlalpan, México DF Comité Científico: Dr. Jaime de la Garza Salazar (Presidente) Dra. Aura Erazo Valle Solís (Vice –presidente) Coordinadores de Módulo: Dra. Guadalupe Cervantes CMN 20 de Noviembre, ISSSTE Dr. Enrique Bargalló INCan, SS Dr. Ricardo Villalobos CMN La Raza, IMSS Dr. Alejandro Silva CMN Siglo XXI, IMSS Dr. Fernando Lara INCan, SS Dr. Sergio Rodríguez FUCAM, SS Dra. Adela Poitevin Asoc. Mex. De Mastología Dr. Miguel Lázaro Hospital General de México, SS Profesores Extranjeros: Dra. Mariana Chávez M D Anderson, Tx. USA Ponentes Nacionales: Dr. Aldaco Fernando Dr. Alvarado Alberto Dra. Arce Claudia Dra. Cabrera Paula Dra. Cortes Patricia Dra. Flores ChrisSan Dr. Flores Noé Dra. Garnica Georgina Dra. Gerson Raquel Dr. Juárez Alejandro Dr. Maffuz Antonio Dr. Magallanes Manuel Dr. Mainero Fernando Dra. Murillo Karina Dra. Poitevin Adela Dr. Quintana Miguel Dr. Rivera Samuel Dr. Robles Jorge Dra. Ruiz Erika Dra. Torrecillas Laura Dra. Tusie Teresa Dra. Villavicencio Michelle CMN 20 de Nov INCan INCan ISSEMYM CMN 20 de Nov INCMNSZ 1o de Octubre Hosp Gral de Mex Hosp. ABC CMN 20 de Nov FUCAM Militar IMSS Zaragoza Asoc Mex Mastología H. Naval CMN Siglo XXI PEMEX INCan CMN 20 de Nov INCMNSZ CMN 20 de Nov Jueves&26&de&Febrero 09:00 Inauguración 09:15 Dr M Quintana Hosp. Naval 09:30 Dr Fdo Aldaco CMN 20 de Nov. 09:45 10:10 Inmunotherapeutic&approaches&to&breast&cancer Introduction to Inmunotherapy Dra.&Georgina&Garnica&& HOSPITAL&GENERAL Dra.&Mariana&Chavez& MD&ANDERSON& Houston&TX. 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 Coordinadora Dra Cervantes CMN 20 de Nov. Targeting&epigenetics&in&Breast&Cancer:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Clinical&implications Inmune&checkpoints&and&cancer&therapy SYMPOSIA&ESTRATEGIAS&EN&RESISTENCIA&A& HORMONOTERAPIA&EN&CANCER&DE&MAMA& 11:10 11:40 Dr. Abelardo Meneses, Director General del INCan CHAIRMAN: Dr. Jaime de la Garza, INCan CO- CHAIRMAN Dra Aura Erazo, CMN 20 de Noviembre Dr. Sergio Rodíiguez , Director FUCAM Dr José L Barrera, Director COE ISSEMYM COFFEE&BREAK Dr. Antonio Maffuz FUCAM The impact of patient perspective on outcomes in breast reconstruction Dr Jorge Robles QoL in Breast Reconstruction PEMEX Reconstruction for the high risk patient: challenges of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and patient selection Delayed and immediate partial breast reconstruction after breast conserving surgery Dr Fdo. Mainero IMSS Mechanisms of HER2 signaling, targeting, and resistance Dr Samuel Rivera CMN Siglo XXI Dra. Claudia Arce HER2 Positive INCAN Breast Cancer Dr. Alejandro Juárez CMN 20 de Nov. Neoadjuvant therapy in HER2 positive breast cancer, Coordinador latest developments and biomarkers and how it Dr. Ricardo Villalobos serves as a discovery platform CMN LA RAZA IMSS Management of metastatic HER2 positive disease: optimizing current therapies and an overview of new agents in development 13:10 Round&Table&&Speakers&&&Coordinators 13:35 13:50 14:05 14:20&a& 15:00 &Dr.&Alberto&Alvarado&& INCAN Neoadjuvant& Dra.&Erika&Ruiz&&&&&&& Treatment&of& INCAN& Dra Paula Cabrera ISSEMYN Toluca Coordinador Dr Enrique Bargalló INCAN ER+&Breast& Cancer Coordinador Dr. Alejandro Silva CMN XXI IMSS Clinical insights on the neoadjuvant therapy of ER+ breast cancer Biomarkers for clinical management and research Integration&of&Novel&targeted&agents&with&endocrine&therapy Dra.&T.&Tusie,&INCMNSZ&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Biomarcadores¶&el&manejo&clínico&de&cáncer&de&mama Dra.&R&Gerson,&ABC Coordinador&&&&&&&&& Dr.&Fernando&Lara&&&& INCAN& Viernes+27+de+Febrero++ 09:00 09:15 Adherence and persistence with adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy Dr Manuel Magallanes Hosp. MILITAR Coordinador Breast Dra Karina Murillo Dr Sergio Second primary cancers among breast cancer Cancer Hosp ZARAGOZA Rodríguez Cuevas Survivorship survivors: Incidence and risk factors ISSSTE FUCAM 09:30 Round&Table&&Speakers&&&Coordinators 09:45 Estudios+CLEOPATRA++/+EMILIA+ 10:45 11:!5 11:30 COFFEE+BREAK Dra+Adela+Poitevin++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Med.+Sur Dra Christian Flores INCMNSZ 11:45 New+Insights+ in++++++Breast+ Radiation Dra Michelle Villavicencio CMN 20 de Nov. Adapting+evidence+based+radiotherapy+to+ countries+with+limited+resources Which patients can safely avoid radiation after breast conserving surgery? Coordinadora Dra Adela Poitevin Asoc. Mex. De Mastología What have we learned from the randomized trials of partial breast RT? 12:00 Round+Table++Speakers+&+Coordinators 12:30 Dr+Noe+Flores+++++++++++++++++++ The clinical significance of heterogeneity in HG+1+de+Octubre triple negative breast cancer Triple+Negative+++++ Breast+Cancer 12:45 Dra+Patricia+Cortes++++++++++++++++ CMN+20+de+Nov. 13:00 13:30 14:HRS Adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy: Current practice and future approaches Coordinador&&&&&&&&& Dr&Miguel&Lázaro&&&&& Hosp.&Gral&de& México& Round&Table&&Speakers&&&Coordinators Dra+Laura+Torrecillas++ Pte+de+SMEO Estado+actual+de+la+terapia+del+ca+de+mama++en+México CLAUSURA+DR+JAIME+DE+LA+GARZA,+DRA+LAURA+TORRECILLAS,+DRA+.+AURA+ARGENTINA+ERAZO+VALLE+SOLIS “LIDERES EN PROGRAMAS DE EDUCACION MEDICA CONTINUA” Contacto: 5350-7256 [email protected]
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