St. Luke Catholic Church 2800 Rockwell Drive Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-541-1480 Fax: 956-542-8043 Website: There Are No Strangers At St. Luke, Only Friends We Have Yet To Meet! Parish Staff/ Personal de La Parroquia Rev. Fernando Gonzalez, Pastor Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Javier A. Garcia Ms. Teresa Cavazos, Secretary Mrs. Angie S. Chavez, Bookkeeper Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Religious Education Office/ Oficina Religiosa Mrs. Helen Vargas, DRE Director of Religious Education Mr. David Vargas, Coordinator of Youth Ministries YOUR BODY IS A TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT .": WITH I N YOU. - CCE Office Hours Horario de Ofleina CCE Monday to Thursday: 1:30-5:30pm September - May Lunes a Jueves: 1:30-5:30pm Septiembre - Mayo Telephone/Telefono: 956-541-0184 Website: ~) V 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19A SU CU ERPO ES TEM PLO I DEL ESPI RITU SANTO. -1 CORINTIOS 6:19A ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL In Memory of Mary Ann Kuzmich 2850 Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-544-7982 Fax: 956-544-4874 Website: Mass Hours/Horario de Misas Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes Saturday/Sabado 12:00 P.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. English/Ingles Thursday/Jueves Sunday/Domingo (During School Year/ 8:00 A.M. Spanish/Espafiol Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal Mrs. Bernice Alcocer, Secretary Ms. Carmen Martinez, Bookkeeper Durante Afio Escolar) 8:30 A.M. English/Ingles Reconciliation/Reconciliaclen 4:00 - 5:00 PM Saturday/Sabado ~--------------------------~ 9:30 A.M. English/Ingles 11:00 A.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. Spanish/Espafiol MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES de la MISA SATURDAY, January 17,2015; St. Anthony t Antonia 6:00 pm t Vililarreal Ruben S. Garcia Sr. t Alfonso Rodriguez t Daniel Ramirez & t Dr. Martin Farias III SUNDAY, January 18, 2015; Second Sunday in Ordinary t Jesus 8:00am Time P. Quezada t Miguel Lerma t Esperanza Bedoya 9:30 am t Ramiro G. Sosa, 1st Anniversary & t Francisca V. Garcia 11:00 am t Epimenio Rojas t Mauro & t Matilde t Alicia Padron t Mario • Birthday Blessings: 6:00 pm Lerma Mata Avalos, 1st Anniversary Ace Hernandez "16" PRO POPULO MONDAY, January 19, 2015 12 Noon • Health Blessings: for the Ugalino Family • Health Blessings: for Lazarus David Marroquin • Acci6n de Gracias: TUESDAY, January Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia 20, 2015; St. Fabian; St. Sebastian t Ralph 12 Noon t January 12 Noon t Daniel In Thanksgiving: THURSDAY, & t Minnie Job Daniel Ramirez WEDNESDAY, • 21, 2015; St. Agnes Ramirez Our Lady of San Juan on behalf of Alicia C. Garcia January 22. 2015 8:30 am St. Luke School Students, 12 Noon t Ignacio & t Aurelia t Catarina Sanchez t Daniel Ramirez FRIDAY, January Teachers & Staff Garza 23, 2015; St. Vincent; St. Marianne 12 Noon TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Old customs fade slowly, and in 1560 the Council of Trent tried for significant change in pastoral care of the sick. People resisted, thinking that the last breath was the right time for the sacrament. Although physical improvement was often noted after anointing, it was seen as a kind of bonus, rather than an expected outcome of a prayer for good health, strength, patience, and even healing. More than four hundred years later, many people still do not ask for anointing until it is literally too late for the person to have reasonable hope of healing, or at least be aware enough to participate in the ritual. By then, it may even be too late for viaticum, the true "last rite." We have a treasure in our tradition that we seem reluctant to use. We visit the sick, we anoint those who are in the first crisis of illness, we give Communion to those who are dying, and we keep vigil and pray for those close to death. When anointing is celebrated early enough, optimally when the sick person is still at Sunday Mass, it can be a source of courage, faith, and hope for a difficult road ahead. When we anoint our sick, we remind them that they belong to Christ and a community of faith. We bring them into the presence of Christ to reconcile, heal, and give strength and hope. We resist forces that isolate and alienate the sick; the symbol of touch is a powerful act of acceptance. Why wait until the crisis of illness is dire before we apply such a rich remedy to body and soul? Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. t Eleazar & t Gloria Gonzalez tEster L. Guerrero • Birthday Blessings: • In Thanksgiving: Albert F. Castro "84" Our Lady of San Juan on behalf of Alicia C. Garcia Cope na del primer siglo cristiano, pues se encontraban ovejas y pastores por todas partes. El cordero es la oveja de menos de un afio. Es reconocido como simbolo de mansedumbre e inocencia en muchas culturas. Fue Juan Bautista quien le dio ese extrafio titulo a Jesus (Juan 1:36). La imagen del cordero despertaba en 105 judios, incluidos Jesus, Juan Bautista y los discipulos, la memoria de 105 celebres eventos del Exodo. Cada afio las familias judias escogian un corderito y 10 preparaban para sacrificar10 en la Pascua. La mitad de la came del sacrificio se ofrecia aDios y la otra rnitad se la comia la familia, de esta manera establecian una comuni6n con Dios. Designar a Jesus como Agnus Dei, era reconocer que el quitaria el pecado y que con su propia came estableceria una comuni6n entre Dios y la humanidad. Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Ordinario Una vez mas estamos en la compafiia de Juan el Bautista y aprendemos de 10 que el hace. Al ver pasar a Jesus le dice a dos de sus discipulos: "Este es el Cordero de Dios". Y "los dos discipulos le oyeron decir esto, y siguieron a Jesus" (Juan 1 :3637). Uno era Andres, que luego va a ver a su hermano Sim6n y 10 trae a Jesus. Y Jesus Ie da un nombre nuevo, Cefas, es decir, Pedro 0 "piedra". Una vida nueva comienza para Andres y Sim6n, y probablemente para el otro discipu10 tambien, que posiblemente fuera Santiago 0 Juan (ambos eran pescadores con Pedro y Andres). A Jesus le quedaba claro que ellos buscaban algo: "l,Que buscan?" Ellos contestaron: "Maestro, l,donde vives?" implicando que conte star la pregunta de Jesus iba a tomar mas que unos pocos minutos. Jesus aprovecha la oportunidad inrnediatamente: "Vengan y 10 venin ... Y pasaron aquel dia con el" (Juan 1:38-39). Al regresar al tiempo ordinario, vocablo que viene del latin ordo ("numerado"), contamos las semanas con los numeros: segundo domingo, tercer domingo y asi sucesivamente. Pero el "tiempo ordinario" se vive en un mundo que Dios ha tocado con su gracia. Si ponemos atenci6n veremos que Dios continua viniendo a nuestra vida. Igual que Juan le sefiala a Jesus a los dos discipulos, el anciano sacerdote Eli ayuda a Samuel a entender que el Senor quiere entrar en la vida del muchacho y le aconseja responder: "Habla, Senor, que tu siervo escucha" (1 Samuel 3 :9). Nosotros nos llevamos unos a otros a Dios, a Jesucristo, cuando ponemos atenci6n a c6mo Dios esta obrando en medio de nosotros. Dios continua obrando a traves de nosotros y eso hace que el "tiempo ordinario" sea continuamente extraordinario. -James A. Wallace,C.Ss.R. Derechosdeautor© 2014, WorldLibraryPublications. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Once more we stand with John the Baptist and learn from what he does. Watching Jesus walk by, he says to two of his disciples, "Behold, the Lamb of God." And "the two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus" (John 1:36-37). One was Andrew, who, in turn, goes to his brother Simon and brings him to Jesus. And Jesus gives him a new name, Cephas, which means "rock." A new life begins for Andrew and Simon, and most likely for the other disciple as well, possibly either James or John (both were fishermen with Peter and Andrew). It was clear to Jesus that they were searching for something: "What are you looking for?" They answered, "Teacher, where are you staying?" implying that it was going to take more than a few minutes to answer that question. Jesus took them in immediately: "Come, and you will see ... And they stayed with him that day" (John 1:38-39). As we return to Ordinary Time, which comes from the Latin ordo ("numbered"), we count the weeks off by numbers: Second Sunday, Third Sunday, and so on. But "ordinary time" is lived in a world touched by God's grace. God continues to come into our lives, if we would notice. Like John pointing out Jesus to his two disciples, the old priest Eli helps Samuel to understand that the Lord is entering the boy's life and tells him to respond, "Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:9). We bring each other to God, to Jesus Christ, by being attentive to how God is at work among us. God continues to work through each of us, and that is what makes "ordinary time" continuously extraordinary. -James A. Wallace,C.Ss.R. Copyright© 2014, WorldLibraryPublications.Allrightsreserved. Vivamos la Palabra de Dios Nuestra oraci6n puede estar llena de palabras, verbalizando nuestros planes, nuestras necesidades y nuestros deseos. Podemos llevar a la oraci6n un sinfin de "ayudarne, ayudame, ayudame" 0 de "dame, dame, dame". Mejor trata de escuchar. Derechos de autor © 2014, . ••• Lunes: Martes: Miercoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sabado: Domingo: Living God's Word Our prayer can be full of words, giving voice to our plans, our needs, our desires. We can bring a lot of "help, help, help" or "gimme, gimme, gimme" to prayer. Try just listenCopyright © 2014, ing. World Library Publications Todos los derechos reservados. World Library Publications. All rights reserved . LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Heb 5:1-10; SaillO (109):1-4; Mc 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Sal111 (110):1-2,4-5,9, 10c; Mc 2:23-28 Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Salll0 (109):1-4; Mc 3:1-6 Heb 7:25 - 8:6; Sa140 (39):7-10, 17; Heb 8:6-13; Sal 85 (84):8, 10-14; Mc 3:13-19 Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Sal47 (46):2-3, 6-9; Mc 3:20-21 Jon 3:1-5,10; Sa125 (24):4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mc 1:14-20 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2,4-5,9, lOc; Mk2:23-28 Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Heb 7:25 - 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17;Mk 3:7-12, Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3,6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Sun. January 18 **CCE MiddlelHigh Students 9:30am, School ** Divine Mercy Chaplet; 2:30 pm in the Church **R C I A; 4:30pm, School Mon. January 19 ** Cursos de Apologetica 7:00 pm, School Rooms 8, 10, 11 & 12 Tue. January 20 **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School **Divine Mercy Eucharistic Apostles 7:00pm School Rooms 11& 12 Wed. January 21 **CCE Elementary Students; 6:00pm, School **Disciples in Mission; 7:00 pm, Parish Meeting Room Thurs. January 22 **St Luke School Mass 8:30am, Church **Legion of Maria; 7:00 pm, Salon de reuniones Sun. January 25 The knowledge of my own misery allows me, at the same time, to know the immensity of Your mercy. In my own interior life, I am looking with one eye at the abyss of my misery and base- : ness, and with the other, at the abyss of Your : o my Jesus, despite the deep night that is all around me and the dark clouds which hide the horizon, I know that the sun never goes out. 0 Lord, though I cannot comprehend; You and do not understand Your ways, I nonetheless trust in : Your mercy. (Diary of St. Faustina 56, 73) : Join the Saint Luke Divine Mercy Ministry Sunday, January 18th, in the church at 2:30 p.m. to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet .. Join the Eucharistic Apostles of the St. Luke Divine! Mercy Ministry on Tuesday, January 20th, from; 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Rooms 11 & 12 located in the: school. **Baptism Preparation Class; 1 pm, Church Clases de ApologHica Ellunes 19 de enero de 7- 9 pm en el salon 8, 10, 11 & 12. Apologetics Classes Monday, January 19th from 7 to 9 pm in room 8, 10,11 & 12. Pax Christi For a world free of nuclear weapons The role of the Church is to pray for peace, not to cajole God to save us from our own insane sinfulness but to make ourselves receptive to God's inbreaking in our lives and culture. Joan Chittister, OSB Por un mundo libre de armas nucleares El deber de la iglesia es orar por la paz, no de engatusar a Dios para que nos salve de nuestra maldad sino para abrirnos a la posibilidad que Dios entre in nuestras vidas y cultura. Joan Chittister, OSB Alcance Amoroso are now being taken for the next Sacrament of Baptism Celebration to be held on Sat- Registrations 7, 2015 at lOam. Baptism preparation class will be offered on Sunday, January 26th. de enero. Para mas informacion, favor de contactar la of icina parroquial . Last day to register is Friday, January 23rd. signed to assist persons who recently suffered the loss of a loved one. We want to support you in overcoming the pain, the agony and the grief caused by this loss. The group meets once a week (Wednesday 6:30-8:30 p.m.) for eight weeks in the parish meeting room. First Meeting will be on January 28th. For further information, please contact the parish urday, ~ Es un programa con duraci6n de ocho semanas, disefiado para asistir a toda persona que haya perdido recientemente a un ser querido a traves de la muerte. Nosotros queremos apoyarles en superar el dolor y la agonia que esta perdida causa. EI grupo se reunira una vez por semana (Mlercoles 6:30-8:30 p.m.) por ocho semanas consecutivas. La primera reunion se llevara a cabo el 28 February I Estamos registrando para los proximas celebracion de bautismos. La clase sera el domingo 25 de enero y los bautismos seran el sabado 7 de febrero 2015 alas lOam. Viernes, 23 de enero es el ultimo dia de registro. Loving Outreach Is an eight-week program de- office. National Catholic Schools Week 2015 will be observed in dioceses around the country January 25-31. This year's theme, "Catholic: Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service," focuses on the important academic, faith-building and societal contributions provided by a Catholic education. "Catholic schools are a vital aspect of the Church's mission to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so an important aspect of our own teaching mission," said Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha, Nebraska, chairman of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops I (USCCB) Committee on Education. "Pope Francis has reminded us that the New Evangelization is not precisely about what we do and, what programs we adopt; rather, it is about what God is doing, the graces we are being blessed with, and the Spirit that is always being poured-out over our ministry." 9 ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. Darlene D. Ruiz, from St. Luke Catholic School, in receiving the 2014 - 2015 Spirit Diocesan Award. ************************************************************************** Annual World Marriage Day will be celebrated on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle National Shrine. Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores will celebrate the Mass of thanksgiving for couples celebrating their wedding anniversary of 10,25,30,40,50,60 or more than 60 years in the year 2015. These couples, who bear witness to God's love through their love and commitment to each other, will receive a certificate signed by the Bishop in the mail on the week following the Mass. The Family Life Office sponsors this wonderful event yearly honoring married couples for their commitment to love and faithfulness in the Sacrament of Matrimony. To register for this event, call the Family Life Office at 784-5012 or 542-2501, ext. 412 as soon as possible. Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 4,2015. ************************************************************************** La Celebraclon Mundial del Matrimonio que se celebra anualmente se celebrara el dia sdbado, 7 de Febrero de 2015 alas 2:00 p.m. en la Basilica de Nuestra Senora de San Juan del Valle Santuario Nacional. El Reverendisimo Daniel E. Flores celebrara la Santa Misa de accion de gracias para todas aquellas parejas quienes celebran sus 10, 25,30,40,50, 60 0 mas de 60 aiios de casados en el ana 2015. Las parejas que se inscriban recibiran un certificado firmado por el Sefior Obispo por correo la semana despues de la Misa. Este gran evento auspiciado por la Oficina de Vida Familiar, permite que todas las parejas casadas sean reconocidas por su compromiso a amarse y ser fie1es uno al otro por medio del Sacramento del Matrimonio. Estos matrimonios son testigos vivientes al amor de Dios y sirven como gran ejemplo a toda la comunidad. Para inscribirse, favor de llamar 10 mas pronto posible a la Ofieina de Vida Familiar al: 2501, extension #412. EI ultimo dia para registrarse sera el miercoles, 4 de febrero del 2015. The DfOCe5e of Brownsville Family Life Office is offering "The :.\Iothes'/Daughter Program': that will take place at the Bishop Adolph Marx Conference Center in San Juan, Texas on Sunday. January 25.2015 from 1:30 p.m, - 5:30 p.m. In a loving and supportive atmosphere. this very special invitation is open to 10-12 year old girls and their moms in which both mother and daughter will be able to learn about Gods special gift of a girls' fertility and the wondrous beauty of God's plan for growing up and becoming a woman. Registration fee is $10.00 per family. Registration deadline is January 19,2015. For information and registration please contact the Family Life Office: i84-5012 or 542-2501 ext. 412. 784-5012 0 542- 1, It's Important. Abortion has been legal for 42 years, Children need life-long families, An increasing number of states are considering legalizing doctor-assisted suicide, Men, women and children QF@ syfferlng In m variety of ways and need our prayers, 2, Ihllt] lillO-old trlldltlon. Forconturl06, Catholics have made th0 commitment to pmy for nine days for speclal Intentlona. This III a way to practica parlOVClrllnCCl,setting Mlde time each day to apllnd with God, 3, It'll "unforgottable." You can download and print the prayers for each dllY or, so that you don't forget to partlolpate, you can sign up to receive them dally through emalls, text messages, or an app, 4, It raises awareness. Does the world know that so many of us value and respect every human life from conception to natural death? You can share the intentions on social media and even download a special Facebook cover photo and profile picture to spread the word, 5. It unites us with other participants. One mark of the Catholic Church is its universality. This is an opportunity to gather in prayer '} rv- YbUaM thousands of othor Catholics acrossthe country: "'1 ;. 9 Days for Life Is a focused period of prayer, penance and pilgrimage set aside to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (tI", Supreme Court case which legalized abortion during all 9 months of pregnancy). with thousands During this time, aU are invited to participate by taking part in local events and by joining together with thousands of It unites us with those suffering. Prayer is a way to recognize our solidarity with those who are suffering. We are called to support one another in prayer and in action. 7. It is spiritually enriching, 9 Days for Life will not only send out prayer intentions for each day, but also short reflections, actions, and articles. Nine days later you'll be more informed about issues related to valuing all human life. 8, It calls us to action. Different actions are suggested each day as a way of offering reparation for the ways our country has not respected God's gift of life, Additionally, the novena may end after 9 days, but the need to protect life never will. Throughout these 9 days you may find a specific aspect or stage of life that you feel c!lli@d 10 ptlrtieul!ll'ly advoc!'lte lor. t), It wI!! blll§!! UI! f'il@mliltTItJl:lfth!li Whl.'ltElV@FWI:!glv!:! to Qed, H@ I;liv§§ bl:l(;lK ie YI! Ii hUfldftld:feld, !:\y eff€lflnl;l Fllml tli!yla !if pfl:lYl:lf Ie Him, WI:!srI:! Flgl ellly sllewifllj Fillfllg Wf'lFKtlil1lullh u§ In tl'!€lIiVI!!§ ef f'lHlef§, WI!!!J1'Il!(;lfj@l'Iifllj gUf hl!!!!lFt§te ftl§l!!iV€l Hi!!! IgV@ilI'\d Ilf!J§@ in §Yf §wFllivl:lil i!§ w@li, Catholics across the country in prayer for a new intention each of the 9 days. Sign up now &. pnrtlcl~'lateJanllOry 17-25, (If you're getting stalted after January 17, It's okayl) Visit ,'.ii," "to dOWI1IQ,1d0 free applor YOllr AllfjfOlel(It 1f'l110tl§ or to sliJl1l1fl fllI' Ofillyilmfil!s (If till(! l\1@g§a~!!s ((It t!!XI m:1AVE!\(lIlIlOOO), PrlNnble vil~ieJ!19 of @~§Itd~y'§ Iltmitmt M@fil§\'l3Vml~bi@ all m@w§iJ§i\;;, Can you tako [lUfflF,le Mtil ",,1111'0, '600S a~lI\" invltad"s 11participnF fi~I~I!\md{! a fi~mslooal"s y Ilm\\tl('ttl\ti@fi <!rlleitlrl ft miles dt! tlatlllilltl5 tlft !mlo til pnr% P\!f \1M mll!va ;'11_iOO ootlfi dlft (I@ I~I1fJV~na, 2, =1 una trlldlclon mllonarlo. Durante !Jlglos, lOG c£lt611coll Ot! han comprometldo Il razar durante nueve dlas POl' intencionGs especlales. Esta as una manara de practical' Is persevsrancla, reservando tlempo cada dla para pasarlo eon Dios. 3. Es "Inolvidable". Las oraciones para cada dla se pueden bajar e imprimir 0, para que no te olvides de participar, te puedes suscribir para recibirlas diariamente por correo electr6nico, mensajes de texto 0 una aphcecion. 4, Forma conclenela. <'.,Sabeel mundo que muchlsimos de nosotros valoramos y respetamos cada vida humana desde la concepci6n hasta la muerte natural? Puedes compartir las intenciones en 105 madios socialas e incluso bajar una foto de portada y una foto de perfil especiales para Facabook para difundir el mensaje. 5, J ~§ imp!lrtlll1t1~. ~lllbert(j Nos una con otros partlclpanta&. Una caracterfslica dela Igle- sia Cal6lica es au unlvarsatldad, Esta es una oportunldad para unlree en or8cl6n con miles de personas con un mismo prop6Stto, G, Nos uno con La oraclcn es una manera de 10& que syfrnn, Estamos IlarT\odCi!*8 3ptiYSITl08 Untilt it otl'l'l5 con Qraclonel1 y IIccion!l8, F()etH'lOO€lI' 7, " tow mlnutel each day to pray for IIfo? i!§ Il:ltllil dl:l§d§ hiiHl!'!42 1i11t:l§.L(j§ Flil1t:l§ flEl!;lIgi!~F1 idf1fi f~milill j:lflfR teall III Viall, UFI CFiiclllnl1l numaro dl! i'fllt!;tdom eCll'loidllf~fI lagllH~IlF I'll 8uieidio IlllilliJdo eer m0dicOII, Hombflll!!, myjlilfll8 y nino!! sufrM de diver flS maneras y necelll!M nuemms omelonss, -'ue: IllJlilS pw' hi VieJ..o OSU~ 1'",,1000 eet'ltmdo an I~ oracltlrl, la IlIlftitMlllfi y 131l1lftl{J~ftMI6ft dat'lleMo a eeftlliNflOtilt III ~!iIv;;tMrlo 0" nil!' V/l. Wad" (lll esse tm In COfIf! Suprollill qUfi 1"91111.0fll aoorlo (JUffiliifi tes 9 1li0Sf)~ del Omlllll1l2o), {t 1, ) ien; IT" Y mll"s de otros entolic05 en tado eI paiS! of people for a united, prayerful purpose. 6. e, 1011 quo aufroll. nuootra solld!lrldad con Enriquftolt 01 OlIpirltu. I} Din per 13Vid3 anviarlllntonclonH dtl omeion panl cads din y lnmbl@FII'Il!flllxlence. acetones 'I oFtlcule!! bmvo!!, NYI.M) dlllf~ dllllpUGIioalnrn!l m91llnforrtllldo sobrll eeme v!!lornr lod!! vida hLlm~nll, NOlil lIomll I) IlIlIoclon. se lIuljiliren difofl.nloli aeelenee pare cftdn dla como una manerl! de ofrecer repnfOcl6n por las maneras en que nuestro pals no respata 61 don de 10 vida qua nos regala Dlos, Aslmismo, la novena puede termlnar despues de 9 dlas, pere la necesldad de preteger la vida nunca terrnina. Durante estes 9 dias, podrlas encontrar un aspeeto especffico 0 una etapa de la vida a la que te sientas lIamado a defender de manera particular. Vi~itn pntl1 OOjar ul1illlPli<:aelofi fllll!UIIiI pnta ill andmtd 0 If'hQf,{!, I) P<lrtl OIuscribitto a 100 mooS<\J~n i)l!\()trOOloos d!Mo~ " mIlI\Slljos 00 IDxto (oovla sms 0 90lAS aI55000), 9. [Nos bendeclral Recuerda que cuando Ie damos a Dios, EI nos devueive at ciento por uno. AI ofrecerte nueve dlas de oracicn permitimos que nos utilice para obrar en la vida de otras personas, y abrirnos nuestro coraz6n para recibir su amor y gracia en nuestra propta vida tambien. lPuedes dedicar unos minutos cada dia para rezar por fa vida? Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick parishioners and friends under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Amen. Ricardo Aguilar, Joel Alanis, Patricia Avila, Felix Campirano, Guillermo C. Cantu, Laura Cantu, Albert F. Castro, Joyce Champion, Margarita Correa, Anne Coisrnan, Enrique De La Cruz; Guillermo De Los Santos, Ruben Delgado, Nancy Delaney, Maria Donnell, Hayden Elfrank, Lou Eymard, Charles Fredieu, Cecilia Garcia, Clemente Garda, Maggie Garoa, Rachel Garcia, Roel Garda, Rosa Garda, Virginia & Hector Garcia, Ketta Garcia, Yolanda Garcia, Anwar Garza, Claudia Garza, Juan Hector Garza, Juanita de Jesus Garza, Ma Dolores Garza, Juan Andres Garza, Tom Goforth, Alvaro Gomez, Betty Gomez, Cristiina Gomez, I1iana Gomez, Elsa Gonzaga, Bruno Gonzalez, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joe Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Maria N. Guajardo, Paula Guerra, Elisa Gunnoe, Omar Gutierrez, Chris Harrison, Alfredo Hernandez, Baby Sanitago Herrera, Veronica Houk, Arnulfo Huerta, Peggy Jankovich, Joseph Lapinski, Mrs. Guadalupe Leal, Concepcion Marroquin Lerma, Linda Lind, Ramon Longoria, Beatrice Lopez, Diana M. Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Maria C. Martinez, Yolanda P. Martinez, Delia Mata, Beth McFarland, Daniel Medrano, Ninfa Middleton, Sister Gloria Morales; Ana Moreno, Rodolfo Morin, Jose Moya, Amado Olivarez, Oscar Oropeza, Maria Ortado; Jose P. Palacios, Enrique Ramirez III, Mary Lou Ramirez, Michaela Ramos, Emma Rivera, Ninfa Rivera, Lucy Robles, Elizabeth Ann Rocha, Deacon Arturo Rodriguez; Ruben Rodriguez, Enrique Ruiz, Ricardo Sanchez, Martha San Miguel, Esperanza Santiago, Maria Elena Silva, Patsy Solien, Alicia Soto, Josefina Soto, Sande Tetreau, Andres Torres, Victor Valenzuela, Amanda Vallejo, Carol Vallejo, Laura Vasquez, AI Wright, Frank Ybarra, Olivia Zapata, Maria Zamarripa; Hector V. 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