Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender FARINÓS DASÍ, JOAQUÍN 10-27ª, C/ CREVILLENTE, 46022, VALENCIA, SPAIN +34 963864883, +34 963864237 Port.: +34 649207026 +34 963983054 [email protected] SPANISH 19.02.64 M Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer 30.10.2011 - to present Full Professor, Department of Geography and Inter-university Institute for Local Development (IIDL) RESEARCH AND HIGH EDUCATION TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN Type of business or sector HIGH EDUCATION Dates 1997 – 30.10.2011 Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography and Inter-university Institute for Local Development (IIDL) RESEARCH AND HIGH EDUCATION TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN HIGH EDUCATION 2008 - Current Occupation or position held RESPONSIBLE OF IIDL’s ‘TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE, SPATIAL PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT’ AREA. Main activities and responsibilities ORGANIZE TEAM, AGENDA AND ACTION PROGRAMME INSIDE IIDL ACTIVITIES FRAMEWORK Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Page 1/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN HIGH EDUCATION For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and adress of employer Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Page 2/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) 2010 - to present MEMBER OF ESPON PROGRAMME KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT ESPON PROJECTS IN PRIORITY 1 ESPON PROGRAMME 2008 - Current EXPERT EXTERNAL EVALUATOR EVALUATION OF RESEARCH PROJECTS PROPOSALS AGENCIA NACIONAL DE EVALUACIÓN Y PROSPECTIVA, MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y EDUCACIÓN. (EVALUATION AND PROSPECTIVE NATIONAL AGENCY, SPANISH MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION) RESEARCH 2008 - Current EXPERT EXTERNAL EVALUATOR EVALUATION OF PAPERS FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS (European Planning Studies, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, Revista de Estudios Regionales...) NOT RETRIBUTION SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Course 2007/2008 - Current Director of ‘Integrated Planning for Local Development’ Specialist Degree, in the context of the “Master on Cooperation for Development”, University of Valencia Official Graduate through IIDL. ACADEMIC DIRECTION AND MANAGEMENT. UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN HIGH EDUCATION 1991 – 1997 Lecturer, Department of Geography TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN HIGH EDUCATION 1993 – 1995 Consultant for Public Administration REPORTING, SERVICES CONTRACT GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF STUDIES AND PLANNING. PRESIDENCE REGIONAL MINISTRY, VALENCIAN AUTONOMOUS REGION GOVERNMENT PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1987 – 1991 Scholarship Holder, Department of Geography RESEARCH ACTIVITIES UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN HIGH EDUCATION For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered SEPTEMBER 1987- OCTOBER 1992 Ph. DOCTOR IN GEOGRAPHY SPATIAL PLANNING AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Name and type of organisation providing education and training UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA Level in national or international classification NATIONAL Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered SEPTEMBER 1981 – JUNE 1986 BACHELOR GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Name and type of organisation providing education and training UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA Level in national or international classification NATIONAL Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) SPANISH Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Listening European level (*) ENGLISH FRENCH CATALONIAN ITALIAN Speaking Reading Spoken interaction Writing Spoken production C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency B2 Vantage B2 Vantage B2 Vantage C2 Mastery C2 Mastery C2 Mastery C2 Mastery C2 Mastery B2 Vantage C1 Effective Operational Proficiency A2 Waystage A1 Breakthrough A1 Breakthrough (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competences Good communication skills and ability to adapt to multicultural environments through my professional experience. Organisational skills and competences Good organizational and management skills through my: experience in several international projects at Spanish, EU and Latin-American levels as Coordinator, Lead Partner and/or Partner task as director of specific official degrees on integrate planning for development responsibility as research area responsible in IIDL participation in Spanish Geographers Association Council (from 2003 to 2007) experience in organization of several international seminars and workshops experience in coordination of several editorial projects (books, journal special issues…) Technical skills and competences Page 3/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) Expert in Territorial and Urban Governance, Spatial Planning (Inland, coastal and maritime interface), European spatial planning systems, European Regional and Cohesion Policy, European Institutions and Policies, Impact Assessment, Political Regional Geography, Local and Regional Development, and International Cooperation for Development For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 Computer skills and competences Other skills and competences Driving licence TYPING, MS OFFICE (WORD, EXCEL, PPT….), ADOBE ACROBAT, PHOTOSHOP... Empathy Category A and B (since 1984) Additional information ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN SEVERAL EU PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES (ESPON, INTERREGMED) AS LEAD PARTNER, PARTNER OR EXTERNAL EXPERT. Annexes List any items attached: 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 4/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) Research Projects and Contracts Relevant publications Conferences in Congresses, Courses and Seminars National and International Seminars Organisation For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 ANNEX 1: RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONTRACTS • ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL SOSTENIBLE EN ESPAÑA (CO-OPERATION STRATEGIES AND SUSTAINABLE SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT IN SPAIN). FEDER+ Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2003-2005). (Coordinat. Team) • ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL SOSTENIBLE EN EL ÁREA CENTRAL DEL ARCO MEDITERRÁNEO (CO-OPERATION STRATEGIES AND SUSTAINABLE SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT IN CENTRAL AREA OF SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN ARC). FEDER+ Span. Min. Science & Tech. (2003-2005). (Coordin. Team) • ESPON PROJECT 2.3.2: “GOVERNANCE OF TERRITORIAL AND URBAN POLICIES FROM EU TO LOCAL LEVEL”; 2004-2006. (Lead Partner). • ESPON PROJECT 2.3.1: “APPLICATION AND EFFECTS OF THE ESDP IN MEMBER STATES”; 2004-2006. (LEAD PARTNER: Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden). • ESPON PROJECT 2.4.2: “INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF TRANSNATIONAL AND NATIONAL TERRITORIES BASED ON ESPON RESULTS”; 2005-6. (LEAD PARTNER: BBR, Bonn, GE). • ELABORACIÓN DE PROPUESTAS DE CLASIFICACIÓN TERRITORIAL (NUTS 4) BASADA EN ESTADÍSTICAS (ELABORATION OF PROPOSALS FOR TERRITORIAL CLASSIFICATION –NUTS 4- BASED ON STATISTICS). VALENCIAN STATISTICS INSTITUTE (2006-2007). • FORMULACIÓN Y DISEÑO DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA REFERIDO A LA PLANIFICACIÓN Y GESTIÓN INTEGRAL DEL PATRIMONIO NATURAL Y CULTURAL (GIS FORMULATION AND DESSIGN FOR NATURAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT)”. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION SPANISH AGENCY (AECI), PROGRAMA IBEROAMÉRICA (2007-2008). • GOBERNANZA TERRITORIAL Y URBANA: HACIA UNA GESTIÓN PARTICIPADA DEL TERRITORIO, CON ESPECIAL ATENCIÓN A LA ÁREAS LITORALES (TERRITORIAL AND URBAN GOVERNANCE: THROUGH A PARTICIPATE TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT, WITH SPECIAL FOCUS IN COASTAL AREAS). 2007-2009. FEDER+ Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. (Main Researcher) • BASES, METODOS E INSTRUMENTOS PARA EL DESARROLLO Y LA COHESION TERRITORIALES: UN BALANCE A NIVEL ESPAÑOL Y DE LA UE (BASIS, METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT AND COHESION: A BALANCE AT SPANISH AND EUROPEAN LEVEL). 2007. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC). (Main Resercher). • OBSERVATORIO LATINOAMERICANO DE DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL SOSTENIBLE: HACIA UNA PROPUESTA DE PROCESO DE CONSTRUCCIÓN (TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT LATIN-AMERICAN OBSERVATORY: TO A PROPOSAL OF BUILDING UP PROCESS). INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT SPANISH AGENCY (AECID), PROGRAMA IBEROAMERICA (2009). (Main Resercher). • EUROPEAN SEAS AND TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS (ESATDOR) ESPONII PROJECT. 2010-2012. (LEAD PARTNER: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL) • EXTERNAL EXPERT IN INTERREG OTREMED (TERRITORIAL OBSEVATORY FOR MEDITERRANEAN REGIONS) PROJECT (DESIGNED BY ANDALUSIAN, MURCIAN AND VALENCIAN AUTONOMOUS SPANISH REGIONS). PARTNERS FROM 6 MS: FR, GR, IT, PT, SP AND SL. • EXTERNAL EXPERT CONTRACTED BY VALENCIAN FEDERATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND PROVINCES (FVMP) IN INTERREG INFLOWENCE (INNOVATION FLOWS, EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR THE CITY ECONOMY ) PROJECT. PARTNERS FROM 6 MS: FR, GR, IT, MALTA, SP AND SL. • EXTERNAL EXPERT CONTRACTED BY THE SPANISH ESPON FOCAL POINT (OBSERVATORIO DE LA SOSTENIBILIDAD EN ESPAÑA) FOR THE PRIORITY 4 ESPON PROJECT CADEC (CAPITALIATION AND DISSEMINATION OF ESPON CONCEPTS). PARTNERS FROM 7 COUNTRIES: BE, FR, IT, LT, NL, SK, SP. Page 5/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 ANNEX 2: PUBLICATIONS (RECENT, RELEVANT) & EDITORIAL PROJECTS CUCÓ, A.; ROMERO, J. & FARINÓS, J. (Eds.) (2002): La Organización Territorial del Estado. España en Europa: un análisis comparado (‘Polity Systems. Spain in Europe: a comparated analysis’’), Valencia, Universidad de Valencia. DAVOUDI, S., FARINÓS, J., PAÜL, V., DE VRIES, A. (2009): El desarrollo territorial: entre la perspectiva ambiental, la cohesión social y el crecimiento económico (Territorial Development: between environmental perspective, social cohesion and economic growth). In FERIA, J.M., GARCÍA, A., OJEDA, J.F., Territorios, sociedades y políticas (pp. 199-238). Sevilla: UPO/AGE. FARINÓS, J. (Ed. and Coord.) (2011): De la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la Evaluación de Impacto Territorial. Reflexiones acerca de la tarea de evaluación (From Strategic Environmental Assessment to Territorial Impact Assessment: Reflections about evaluation practice). Valencia, PUV. FARINÓS, J. (2011). La Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, una nueva práctica de gobernanza y un paso adelante en materia de ’Spatial Planning’ (Integrated Coastal Zone Management, a new practice of goverance and a step forward in Spatial Planning). En FARINÓS, J. (Ed.), La gestión integrada de zonas costeras. ¿Algo más que una ordenación del litoral revisada? (pp. 13-32). Valencia: IIDL/Ser. Pub. de la U. de Valencia. Colección Desarrollo Territorial, 9. FARINÓS, J. (Ed.) (2011): La gestión integrada de zonas costeras. ¿Algo más que una ordenación del litoral revisada? (Integrated Zonal Coast Management. Anything else than a revised Coastal Spatial Planning?). Valencia. IIDL/Ser. Pub. de la U. de Valencia. Colección Desarrollo Territorial, 9. FARINÓS, J. (2010): Gobernanza para una renovada planificación territorial estratégica: Hacia la innovación socio-territorial (Governance to a renewed strategic spatial planning: to socio-territorial innovation). In MARTÍN, A., MERINERO, R. (Coord.), Planificación Estratégica Territorial: Estudios Metodológicos (pp. 87-113). Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía/U. de Jaén/Radeut. FARINÓS, J. (2010): Evolución de la idea y de las prácticas de ordenación del territorio a nivel de la Unión Europea. Su influencia para España (Evolution of idea and practices of Spatial Planning at EU level. Influences to Spain). In RODRÍGUEZ, R., Territorio: ordenar para competir (pp. 67-81). Oleiros (La Coruña): Netbiblo. FARINÓS, J. (2010): Revisando la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras (Reviewing Integrated Coastal Zone Management). En FARINÓS, J., CORTÉS, M.C. (Eds.), Revisando la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras (9 pp). Valencia: IIDL/ Geografía/ Universitat de València/ Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. CD. FARINÓS, J. (2009): Bases, métodos e instrumentos para el desarrollo y la cohesión territoriales. Diagnóstico y propuestas para el debate y la acción (Basis, methods and instruments to territorial development and cohesion. Diagnostic and proposals for debate and action). In FARINÓS, J., ROMERO, J., SALOM, J. (Coord.), Cohesión e inteligencia territorial. Dinámicas y procesos para una mejor planificación en la toma de decisiones (pp. 17-62). Valencia: IIDL/Ser. Pub. de la U. de Valencia. Colección Desarrollo Territorial, 7. FARINÓS, J. (2009): “Le défi, le besoin et le mythe de la participation à la planification du développement territorial durable: à la reserche d'une gouvernance territoriale efficace"(The challenge, need and myth of public participation for sustainable territorial development planning. Looking for an effective territorial governance). L’Information Géographique, special issue on ‘Non institutional actors of Planning’. Paris, Armand Colin. FARINÓS, J. (2009): “Lo scenario: governance territoriale dello svilupo in Europa” (The Scenario: Territorial Governance for Development in Europe), in GOVERNA, F.; JANIN RIVOLIN, U. & SANTANGELO, M. (Eds.) ‘La Construzione del territorio europeo. Svilupo, coesione, governance’ (Producing European Space. Development, Cohesion, Governance). Roma, Carocci Editore, Biblioteca di Testi e Studi 460, p.15-35. FARINÓS, J. (2009): Cooperación para la cohesión territorial: Una interpretación multinivel desde el SO Europeo (Cooperation to Territorial Cohesion: A multi-level intrepretation from the European SW). In BOSQUE, J., RODRÍGUEZ, V.M. (Ed.), La perspectiva geográfica ante los retos de la sociedad y el medio ambiente en el contexto ibérico (pp. 117-148). Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Colección Ponencias del XI Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Gobernanza territorial para el desarrollo sostenible: estado de la cuestión y agenda” (Territorial Governance for sustainable development: state of the art and agenda), in Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles nº 46, p. 5-9 ( FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Inteligencia para la gobernanza territorial” (Intelligence for Territorial Governance), in DE SOUZA A. y SIMANCAS, M. (coords.) Sociedad civil organizada y desarrollo sostenible (Organized Civil Society and Sustainable Development), Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, Gobierno de Canarias, Consejería de Presidencia, Justicia y Seguridad, pp. 19-33. Page 6/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 FARINÓS, J. (2007): “Planificación de infraestructuras y planificación territorial. Gobernanza y gestión de dinámicas multiescalares” (Infrastructure and Spatial Planning. Governance and management of multi-scale dynamics), Papers nº 44, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Regionals I Metropolitans, p. 32-43. FARINÓS, J. (2007): “Is the OMC –Open Method of Coordination- a way to improve governance in Europe? The OMC as practice for territorial Governance”, European Spatial Research & Policy 14(1), p. 85-98. FARINÓS, J. (2007): “Planificación de infraestructuras y planificación territorial. Gobernanza y gestión de dinámicas multiescalares” (Infrastructure and Spatial Planning. Governance and management of multi-scale dynamics), Papers nº 44, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans, p. 32-43. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “La Estrategia Territorial Europea en el nuevo paradigma de la territorialidad” (ESDP in the new ‘territorialité’ paradigm), in Camagni, R. and Tarroja, A. (Eds.) Estrategias Territoriales: una nueva cultura de la ordenación y desarrollo del territorio en Europa y Cataluña (Spatial Visions: a new culture for spatial development in Europe and Catalonia), Barcelona, Diputación de Barcelona, Colección ‘Territorio y Gobierno: Visiones’ nº 4, 43-68. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “Gobernanza territorial de ámbito metropolitano” (Territorial governance in metropolitan areas), in ‘Los procesos metropolitanos: materiales para una aproximación inicial’ (Metropolitan processes: materials for a preliminar approach), Sevilla, Centro de Estudios Andaluces, Junta de Andalucía, 155-166. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “The governance of territorial and urban policies in Europe”, in European Territorial Research in Progress. Conference Proceedings of the 1st ESPON Scientific Conference, Luxembourg, Printing Malmö AB, 101-114. FARINÓS, J. (2005): “La Cohesión Territorial: en busca de una mixtura entre competitividad, modelo social europeo, sostenibilidad y nuevas formas de gobernanza” (Territorial Cohesion: looking for a mix between competitiveness, European social model, sustainability and new governance), in ‘Políticas urbanas y territoriales en la Península Ibérica” (Urban and Territorial Policies in the Iberian Peninsula), 2 vols., Mérida, Gabinete de Iniciativas Transfronterizas, Consej. de Cultura, Junta de Extremadura, 63-80. FARINÓS, J. (2005): “Nuevas formas de gobernanza para el desarrollo sostenible en el espacio relacional” (New ways of governance to sustainable development in the relational space), Ería nº 67, 219-235. FARINÓS, J. (2005): Citizenship, in Caves, R.W. (Ed.) ‘Encyclopedia of the City’, London, Routledge. FARINÓS, J. (2005): Cultural Heritage,. in Caves, R.W. (Ed.) ‘Encyclopedia of the City’, London, Routledge. FARINÓS, J. (2005): Foreign Investment, in Caves, R.W. (Ed.) ‘Encyclopedia of the City’, London, Routledge. FARINÓS, J. (2005): Uneven Economic Development, in Caves, R.W. (Ed.) ‘Encyclopedia of the City’, London, Routledge. FARINÓS, J. (2004): “Challenges of multilevel governance for spatial planning between local and regional levels”, Quaderns de Política Econòmica, April-June, special issue ‘European Spatial Planning: A view from Spain, Farinós, J. y Romero, J. (Eds.) (Electronical Journal: FARINÓS, J. (2004): “La Estrategia Territorial Europea para el futuro” (ESDP for the future), in ROMERO, J. & FARINÓS, J. (Eds.), Ordenación del Territorio y Desarrollo Territorial. El gobierno del territorio en Europa: tradiciones, contextos, culturas y nuevas visiones (Spatial Planning and Spatial Development. Territorial Governance in Europe: traditions, contexts, cultures and new visions), Gijón, TREA, 45-73 FARINÓS, J. (2004): “La Ordenación del Territorio en Europa y su repercusión en el Arco Mediterráneo” (Spatial Planning in Europe and its impact on the Mediterranean Arc), in González-Varas, S. (Dr.) La Ordenación del Territorio en las Administraciones Públicas (Spatial Planning in Public Administrations), Valencia, Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 30-56. FARINÓS, J. (2004): “Challenges of multilevel governance for spatial planning between local and regional levels”, Quaderns de Política Econòmica nº 6, enero-abril, special issue “European Spatial Planning: A view from Spain”, Farinós, J. y Romero, J. (eds.), pp. 80-95. FARINÓS, J. (2003): “Análisis e implicaciones futuras de la Estrategia Territorial Europea”d (ESDP analysis and future implications), Revista de Estudios Europeos, vol. 34, pp. 17-40. FARINÓS, J. (2001): “Análisis geográfico regional y planificación territorial” (‘Geographical Regional Analysis and Spatial Planning’), Cuadernos de Geografía, 67/68, pp. 55-75. FARINÓS, J. (2001): “Políticas, Territorio y Geografía: La nueva visión del desarrollo territorial del espacio europeo” (Policies, Territory and Geography: The new vision of European spatial development), conference paper in Actas del XVII Congreso de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles: Forma y Función del Territorio en el nuevo siglo, Oviedo, Associacion of Spanish Geographers (AGE)/Universidad de Oviedo/Asociación de Geógrafos de Asturias, pp. 307-311. Page 7/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 FARINÓS, J. (2001): “¿Qué nueva política regional para el 4º período de programación? Implicaciones con la ETE y las nuevas formas de gobernanza” (Which new regional policy for the 4th period of progammation? ESDP and New Governance implications, paper for the XXVII Meeting of Spanish Regional Science Association, Cambios regionales en la U.E. y nuevos retos territoriales, Madrid, del 28 al 30 de noviembre, 24 pp. FARINÓS, J. & BOIRA, J.V. (2008): “Escenarios, Visiones Estratégicas y el Debate Metropolitano” (Scenarios, Strategic Visions and Metropolitan Debate). Report to Regional Galician Ministry of Presidency and Eixo Atlantic Secretariat. Santiago de Compostela. 59 p. FARINÓS, J., CORTÉS, M.C. (Eds.) (2010): Revisando la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras (Revisiting Integrated Coastal Zones). Valencia: IIDL/ Geografía/ Universitat de València/ Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. CD. FARINÓS, J.; OLCINA, J. et al. (2005): “Planes Estratégicos Territoriales de carácter supramunicipal” (Supra-municipalities Territorial Strategic Plans); in ROMERO, J. y FARINÓS, J. (Eds.) (2005): “Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible en España: Estrategias de cooperación” (Territorial Sustainable Development in Spain: Strategies of Territorial Cooperation), ‘Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles’ nº 39, special issue, 117-149. FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (2008): “La gobernanza como método para encarar los nuevos grandes retos territoriales y urbanos” (Introduction: Governance as method to face new big territorial and urban challenges), in Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles nº 46, p. 5-9. ( FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (2007): “El gobierno del desarrollo territorial sostenible. A modo de presentación” (Governance of Sustainable Spatial Development. A kind of introduction) in FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (Eds.), p. 11-18. FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (Eds.) (2007): “Territorialidad y buen gobierno para el desarrollo sostenible. Nuevos principios y nuevas políticas en el espacio europeo” (Territoriality and governance for sustainable spatial development. New principles and new policies in the European space), Valencia, Publicacions de la Univ. de València / Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local, Colección ‘Desarrollo Territorial’ nº 2. FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (Eds.) (2004): Quaderns de Política Econòmica, April-June, special issue “European Spatial Planning: A view from Spain”. (Available in: FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (2003): “Cohesión Territorial desde el ámbito local” (Territorial Cohesion from local scale), Banco de Buenas Prácticas en Geografía II: Desarrollo Local, Colegio de Geógrafos, pp. 5-7. Available in FARINÓS, J. & ROMERO, J. (2003): “Política Territorial y Gobierno del Territorio” (Spatial policy and territorial governance), in Michavila, F. (coord.) El futuro de los valencianos. Estrategias y políticas, Valencia, Fundació Societat i Progrés, pp. 453-469. FARINÓS, J., ROMERO, J., SALOM, J. (Eds.) (2009): Cohesión e inteligencia territorial. Dinámicas y procesos para una mejor planificación y toma de decisiones. (Territorial Cohesion and intelligence. Dynamics and processes to a better planning and decision making). Valencia: IIDL/PUV. Colección Desarrollo Territorial, 7 FARINÓS, J., ROMERO, J. & SÁNCHEZ, I. (2005): “Structural problems for the renewal of planning styles: The case of Spain”, en: U. Janin Rivolin y A. Faludi (Eds.) ‘Southern Perspectives on European Planning’, Special Issue, European Planning Studies, 13 (2), p. 217- 235. FARINÓS, J. & RUIZ-CÓRDOBA, M.P. (2011): De la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la Evaluación Territorial ¿Camino de ida y vuelta? (From Environmental Strategic Assessment to Territorial Evaluation. A way to go and be back?). In Farinós, J. (Ed. & Coord.) De la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la Evaluación de Impacto Territorial. Reflexiones acerca de la tarea de evaluación. Valencia, PUV, p. 17-33. FARINÓS, J. y SÁNCHEZ, J.V. (2009): Cambios recientes en los instrumentos de política territorial en la Comunidad Valenciana. Límites al renovado papel del paisaje, de la evaluación y de la participación en la Ordenación del Territorio (Recent changes in spatial policy instruments in Valencian Auntonomous Region. Limits to renewed role of landscape, of evaluation and participation in Spatial Planning). Cuadernos de Geografía, 87. 45-63, Universitat de València, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Valencia PLAZA, J.I.; ROMERO, J. & FARINÓS, J. (2003): “Nueva cultura y gobierno del territorio en Europa” (New territorial culture and territorial governance in Europe), ‘Ería’, nº 61, pp. 227-249. ROMERO, J., FARINÓS, J. (2011): Redescubriendo la gobernanza más allá del buen gobierno. Democracia como base, desarrollo territorial como resultado (Re-disconvering governance so far than right government. Democracy as basis, territorial development as result). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 56. 295-319, Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Murcia ROMERO, J. y FARINÓS, J. (Eds.) (2006): Gobernanza Territorial en España. Claroscuros de un proceso a partir del estudio de casos (Territorial Governance; clair-obscures from case studies), Valencia, Publicacions de la Universitat de València / Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local, Colección ‘Desarrollo Territorial’ nº 1. Page 8/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 ROMERO, J. y FARINÓS, J. (Eds.) (2005): “Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible en España: Estrategias de cooperación” (Territorial Sustainable Development in Spain: Strategies of Territorial Cooperation), ‘Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles’ nº 39, special issue. ROMERO, J. & FARINÓS, J. (Eds.) (2004): Ordenación del Territorio y Desarrollo Territorial. El gobierno del territorio en Europa: tradiciones, contextos, culturas y nuevas visiones, (Spatial Planning and Spatial Development. Territorial Governance in Europe: traditions, contexts, cultures and new visions), Gijón, TREA. ROMERO, J.; FARINÓS, J. & SÁNCHEZ, J.V. (2008): “Análisis de fórmulas innovadoras de gobernanza territorial aplicadas a la Comunidad Valenciana” (Analysis of territorial governance innovative formulas applied to Valencian Autonomous Region). Report to Regional Valencian Ministry of Environment, Water, Urbanism and Housing, in the context of the ‘Valencian Spatial Vision’ elaboration. Valencia, IIDL. 164 p. Page 9/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 ANNEX 3: CONGRESSES, COURSES AND SEMINARS (RECENT, RELEVANT) DAVOUDI, S.; FARINÓS, J.; PAÜL, V. y VRIES, A. de (2007): “Desarrollo territorial sostenible a partir de la cohesión territorial: entre el crecimiento económico, la cohesión social y la sostenibilidad medioambiental” (Sustainable Territorial Development through territorial cohesion: between economic growth, social cohesion and environmental sustainability), ponence nº 2 in the XX Congress of Spanish Geographers, Sevilla 23-28th October 2007. FARINÓS, J. (2010): "Adaptación al cambio climático desde la planificación territorial de áreas costeras" (Adaptation to Climate Change from coastal areas spatial planning). XII Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía. Associaçao Potuguesa de Geógrafos, Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Universidade do Porto, Porto 6-9 th October. FARINÓS, J. (2010): La gobernanza en España: realidad y perspectivas (Governance in Spain: reality and perspectives). VI Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio. FUNDICOT. Pamplona 27-29 th October. FARINÓS, J. (2009): “La idea de Cohesión Territorial en la U.E. ¿Qué ‘Libro Verde’, Por qué, Cómo y Para qué?” (Territorial Cohesion in the EU: Which Green Book, Why, How and For What?). Forum on Territorial Cohesion, Diversity and Development. Reflections on Territorial Cohesion Green Book. Sevilla, International University of Andalucia, 26-27 th January. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Les polítiques europees: Diagnosi, estratègies, objectius i programes” (European Policies: Diagnosis, Strategies, Objectives and Programmes). Territorial Development. Geography in Spatial Plannning and Environment Management PhD Courses. Girona, University of Girona, 29th Mars. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Incorporando la Agenda Territorial por las Regiones: Inteligencia Territorial para la Cohesión” (Developing Territorial Agenda by the Regions: Territorial Intelligence for Cohesion). INTERREG III Programme, Project ‘Progesdec ESDP Steps’ 2nd Transnational Seminar. Madrid, 1st April 2008. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Gobernanza en la Estrategia Territorial Europea” (Governance in ESDP), Salta, Universidad Católica de Salta, Argentina, 5 th May. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Organización Territorial del Estado y Planificación Territorial” (Polity and Spatial Planning). LEMIT-La Plata Days, La Plata, Argentina, 6 th May. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Infraestructuras y Planificación Territorial. Del Plan al Proyecto. Gobernanza y Gestión de Dinámicas Multiescalares” (Infrastructures and Spatial Planning. From Plan to Projects. Governance and Management of Multi-scalar Dynamics). Airport Municipalities International Seminar, CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, 5-6th June. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “Inteligencia territorial, redes de ciudades y gobernanza horizontal” (Territorial Intelligence, City Networks and Horizontal Governance). Seminar on ‘Methodology for Territorial Strategic Planning’. Urban and Territorial Strategic Development Andalusian Network (RADEUT)/General Directorate of Local Administration Andalusian Regional Government/ University of Jaen. Puente Genil, Córdoba, 28-29th October. FARINÓS, J. (2008): “European Regional Policy and its impacts in Spain”. Conference for Chinese delegation. GTZ-GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tecnische Zusammenarbeit; Sino-German Economic & Structural Reform Programme – Valencia, IIDL, 28th November. FARINÓS, J. (2007): “ESPON 2006: UN BALANCE PARA ESPAÑA” (ESPON 2006: A balance for Spain), conference to the working day organized by the Spanish ECP, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 5th March. FARINÓS, J. (2007):”Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning: Understandings, Relations and (un)Practices across EU”, in 3rd GAME (Geographical Analysis and Modeling for evolving Europe Project meeting), Friday, May 4th 2007, University Paris 1 - UMR Geographie-cité - 3rd floor, 13, rue du Four, 75006. Organized by Professor Céline Rozenblat, Université de Lausanne, Institut de Géographie, Faculté des Géosciences. FARINÓS, J. (2007): “Gobernanza territorial y urbana en el espacio europeo. Caracterización del S.O. europeo” (Territorial and Urban Governance in the European space. Characterization of SW Europe), conference in the International Seminar “A Territorial Agenda for Europe. A Mediterranean Vision”, Valencia, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, 18-20th July. FARINÓS, J. (2007): “European Regions Spatial Planning Observatories Network?” INTERREG III PROGESDEC ReplaN Project. ReplaN Final Conference, Grottaferrata (Roma), 9th November. Page 10/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 FARINÓS, J. (2007): “El reto de una planificación territorial efectiva para poder afrontar los grandes desafíos territoriales en Europa” (The Challenge of an effective spatial planning to face territorial challenges in Europe), conference presented to the 1st Round Table: ‘Big Territorial Challenges in Europe’, Vth International Congress on Spatial Planning (CIOT), Málaga 22-24th November. FARINÓS, J. (2006): ‘Relations between Lisbon Strategy, Territorial Cohesion and Governance. A new triangle for EU’, conference in the Scientific Workshop “The territorial dimension of the Lisbon/Gothenburg Strategy”, Rome, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 9 January, Organized by ESPON Project 3.3 Lead Partner. FARINÓS, J. (2006): Potential influence/ perspectives of influence of governance processes on the spatial development in Southern Europe, conference to the ESPON Contact Point (ECP) Transnational Seminar Activirty organized by the Spanish ECP: Critical dimensions for a territorial sustainable management in Southern Europe: Trends, Situation and future prespectives , Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 11-12th May. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “El giro territorial de las políticas: la gobernanza como método” (Territorial focus of policies: governance as method), conference in the Workshop ‘Toma de decisiones en la gestión sostenible del Territorio’ (Decision Making in Management for Sustainable Development), LABEIN, Bilbao, 5th July. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “La red ESPON y el espacio Mediterráneo” (ESPON and Mediterranean Area), conference in ‘Jornada sobre ordenación e información territorial. La Región de Murcia en el Marco Europeo’ (Congress on spatial planning and territorial information. Murcia Autonomour Region in the European Context), Murcia, Spain, 2nd October. FARINÓS, J. (2006): “Elementos para una Estrategia de Cohesión Territorial” (Issues to a Territorial Cohesion Strategy), conference in the Seminar ‘Los cambios y las estrategias territoriales’ (Changes and spatial visions), Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, 7th November. FARINÓS, J. (2005): “Open Method of Coordination in Territorial Governance”, in Workshop concerning options for the application of the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) in European spatial development, Bonn, BBR, 2nd September. FARINÓS, J. (2005): “Territorial Governance in South-East Countries”, conference to SEEP SEMINAR towards an Enlarged SE Europe, Athens, 16-17th October. FARINÓS, J. (2005): “Planificación estratégica territorial de ámbito provincial e insular en España: diagnóstico y propuestas” (Strategic Territorial Planning at provincial and island level in Spain: diagnostic and proposals), conference to 'I Jornadas sobre planificación estratégica y concertación municipal en el ámbito provincial e insular’ (First meeting on strategic planning and municipal agreements at provincial and insular level). Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) (Spanish Federation of Muncipalities and Provinces), Madrid, 27-28th October. FARINÓS, J. & MILDER, J. (2005): “Governance for Spatial Development”, paper to XXXI Reunión de Estudios Regionales (AECR): ‘’El Estado Autonómico a debate: eficiencia, eficacia y solidaridad” (Debate on Autonomous State in Spain: efficiency, effectiveness and solidarity), Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 17-18th November. ProgSesion.asp?id=13 FARINÓS, J. & PAREJO, T. (2004): “Building Politics through Policies: Guiding Trends (Legitimately?) from EU Level”, paper to “ECPR Workshop on “European Spatial Politics or Spatial Policy for Europe”, Uppsala, Sweden, 14-18 April. uppsala/ws14/Farinos.pdf FARINÓS, J. & PAYÀ, M. (2005): “Cooperación territorial transfronteriza y cohesión territorial. España y Portugal ante la Futura Política Regional Europea” (Cross-border territorial cooperation and territorial cohesion. Spain and Portugal in the face of the future European Regional Policy), paper to 10th Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía: ‘La Geografía Ibérica en el contexto europeo’ (Iberian Geography in the European Context), Eje Temático A: Nuevas estrategias y reorganización territorial en una Europa ampliada (Axis A: New strategies and territorial re-organization in an enlarge EU). Évora, Portugal, 22-24th September. FARINÓS, J. & PAYÀ, M. (2004): “El papel de la cooperación interregional y transfronteriza como instrumento de equilibrio territorial” (Interegional and crossborder cooperation as instrument for territorial balance), paper to XXX Reunión de Estudios Regionales (AECR): ‘La Política Regional en la encrucijada’ (Regional Policy in the cross-roads), Barcelona 18-19 November. http://www. FARINÓS, J. & SANTANGELO, M. (2005): “Territorial Governance as key issue for territorial cohesion”, conference to Internation Congress ‘Coesione Territoriale e Sviluppo Sostenibile in Europa: Convergenza e Competitività’, Benevento, Italy, 6-7th October. ( ETeCoSD/prima.htm) Page 11/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 ANNEX 4: ORGANISATION OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SEMINARS 2011: 'Spatial Development, Cohesion and Governance', through German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), to 'Chinese State Information Centre'. Valencia, 3rd August. 2011: "Nuevas prácticas de planificación participada para los nuevos retos ambientales, económicos y territoriales" (New Participed Planning Practices to new environmental, economic and territorial challenges). Valencia 13-14 th June. 2010: "Hacia una gestión participada del territorio. Paisaje, gobernanza territorial y urbana. ¿Cómo hacerla efectiva?" (To a participative territorial management. Landscape, urban and territorial governance. How to do it effective?). Valencia 28-30 th September. 2010: "De la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la Evaluación de Impacto Territorial" (From Strategic Environmental Assessment to Territorial Impact Assessment). Valencia 28-29th January. 2008: “Cohesión a través de la Cooperación Territorial en la Unión Europea: Redes de intercambio de experiencia, conocimiento y capacidades en materia de Desarrollo Territorial y Urbano entre Portugal y España” (Cohesion through Territorial Cooperation in EU: Networks for Exchange of Experience, Knowledge and Capacities between Portugal and Spain). Work Session in ‘XI Iberian Colloquium of Geography’. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 1-4 October 2008 (Chairman: Antonio Serraro, former Spanish Secretariat of State on Spatial Development; with the participation of Joao Ferrao, Portuguese Secretariat of State). 2007: “Bases, Métodos e Instrumentos para el Desarrollo y la Cohesión Territoriales: Un balance a nivel español, europeo e iberoamericano” (Basis, Methods and Instruments for Territorial Development and Cohesion: A balance at Spanish, European and Latin-American level). International Seminar. Valencia, 12-14th December, IIDL and Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. 2007: “Una Agenda Territorial para Europa. Una visión Mediterránea” (A Territorial Agenda for Europe: A Mediterranean Vision). Valencia, 18-20th July, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. 2005: “Gobernanza del Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible: Estado de la cuestión en Europa y en España” (Governance for Territorial Sustainable Development: State of the art in Europe and Spain). International Seminar. Valencia, 14-16th September, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. 2003: “El gobierno de los territorios” (Territorial Governance). International Seminar. Valencia, 15-19th September, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. 2003: “Experiencias de cooperación territorial en España: balance provisional y análisis crítico” (Territorial Cooperation Experiences in Spain: provisional balance and critical review). National Research Coordinated Project Workshop. Valencia, 18-20th September, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Page 12/12 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628
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