PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Angelo Te, x11 [email protected] Sat 1/17: *5:00pm *5:30pm *7:00pm Spanish Mass Sun 1/18: *8:30am *9:15am *10:30am *11:00am *11:45am *12:00pm *12:30pm Mass Sunday School & Parent Class Mass Spanish Choir Practice Middle School Youth Group “Putting an End to Racism” Series Spanish Mass Mon 1/19: *8:30am No Service Office Closed Tues 1/20: *8:30am *7:00pm Communion Service 1st Communion Classes-Span Wed 1/21: *8:30am *6:15pm *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm Mass Mass R.C.I.A. Knights of Columbus Eng. Choir Practice Couple’s Group Thur 1/22: *12:00pm *6:30pm *6:30pm *7:00pm Mass Holy Hour Choir Practice Escuela San Andres Women’s Group Fri 1/23: Parish Office Closed *8:30am Mass Sat 1/24: *5:00pm *6:30pm *7:00pm Sun 1/25: *8:30am *9:15am *10:30am *11:00am *11:45am *12:00pm *12:30pm Parochial Vicar Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Veronica Aguilar, x13 [email protected] Business Manager Linda Royal, x12 [email protected] Care Ministry Melanie van der Veen, x14 Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano Maria Solis, Director, x17 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Paulo Gomez, x20 Music Ministry Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sharon Grigar, x21 [email protected] Mass Spanish Youth Choir Practice Youth Ministry Sandy Martinez & Kim Petros, x16 [email protected] Receptionist Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 971-275-5256 Only for emergencies requiring an anointing (for example is someone is near death and requires anointing of the sick.) OFFICE HOURS Closed Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday IMPORTANT CRISIS NUMBERS Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611 Archdiocese Director of Child Protection (Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302 Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator: (Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013 Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350 Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 SafeNet (clergy abuse survivor’s alliance): 650-588-2665Clergy Abuse Survivor Advocate, Elizabeth Goeke, M.ED, [email protected], 503-502-4792 Mass Crab Feed Spanish Mass Mass Sunday School & Parent Class Mass Spanish Choir Practice Confirmation Class “Putting an End to Racism” Series Spanish Mass DEAR PARISHONER: We are in the process of updating our list of registered members of Ascension Catholic Church. We apologize for any inconvenience if you have already given us an update. Please call our office at (503) 256-3897 or email: [email protected] if you need to make changes or if you haven’t received your envelopes for this quarter. Thank you. January 18th, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reading I: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Gospel: John 1:35-42 Welcome to Ascension Parish! If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community, please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month. We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: January 25 th, 2015 Reading I: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day There will be no communion service that morning. Recent events remind Catholics of our commitment to engage in dialogue, not just with Muslims, but with all people of differing religious beliefs. In this 50th anniversary year of the Vatican II Declaration Nostra Aetate, we remember our call to “recognize, preserve and promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well as the socio-cultural values” found in other religions (Nostra Aetate, no. 2). In the wake of violence, Auxiliary Bishop Robert McElroy of San Francisco reminds us that “we continue to labor for greater understanding and mutual commitment to peace and religious freedom.” The Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs affirmed the teachings of Nostra Aetate in the document “Dialogue with Muslims,” released in August 2014. The bishops expressed their conviction that “encounter and dialogue with persons different than ourselves offers the best opportunity for fraternal growth, enrichment, witness, and ultimately peace.” As the world mourns violence under the guise of religious fundamentalism, it’s important to remember our teaching and recommit ourselves to the transforming power of dialogue and encounter. Secretariat of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ANNUAL CRAB FEED FUNDRAISER Saturday, January 24, 2015. Doors open at 6:30pm. $30.00 per person. Purchase your tickets from a school parent or call Nancy Ryan at 503-349-7914 Wish list: dinner napkins, paper towels, 12 or 24 packs of Pepsi/Diet Pepsi, Coke/Diet Coke, Sprite/Diet Sprite, and 7-Up/Diet 7-Up. These items can be put in the barrel in the sub-vestibule. Any questions contact Nancy Ryan at 503-349-7914. Sat. January 17 All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión Sun. January 18 +Nancy Mather All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión Mon. January 19 Tues. January 20 Wed. January 21 Thurs. January 22 Fri. January 23 Sat. January 24 No Services Communion Service All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión Sun. January 25 All Parishioners All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión We will offer another series of Citizenship Classes. They will be held every Sunday in February from 2pm to 5pm. The cost is $20 per person for all 4 classes. Please register today in the vestibule, or call Sharon Grigar in the Parish Office. 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 6:15pm 8:30am 8:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm Offertory Collection Received-Annual Comparison Second week in January 2015: $ 11,463.89 Second week in January 2014: $ 7,605.53 : Melanie van der Veen & Peggy Farrell x14 CARE MINISTRY CALENDAR Tuesday, January 20 Communion Service at Cherrywood – 10:00am Praise and Prayer with June – 1:30pm Wednesday, January 21 Mass at Courtyard Plaza – 10:00am Thursday, January 22 Mass at Russellville – 1:30pm Friday, January 23 Mass at St. Andrew Chapel – 2:00pm PLEASE PRAY FOR: In thanks giving for the life of: Nancy Mather, sister of Sue Carter, and Salvador Rios, uncle of Ely Guerrero. In hospice: Dorothy Neelan Ill parishioners and family members: Allan Acker, Janet Adolf, Ana Angel, Delfina Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Ellie Mae Blackmon, June Burke, Sr. Carol Carter, Stan Clattenburg, Vi Costanzo, Kim Cox, Elvis Gutierrez Cuevas, Fatima Gutierrez Cuevas, Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree, Phillis Farrelly, Sara Flores, Victoria George, Madelyn Goucher, Rueben Guerrera, Paul Guerrero, Linda Heller, Alfredo Fuerte Hernandez, Chloe Hess, William Highfield, Ken Hobson, Zita Howell, Linda Johnson, Larry Laws, Patti Lind, Maureen Lundquist, Mary Marino, Dan McCormick, Bernie McDonnell, Jessenia Mendoza, Dorothy Neelan, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector Olave, Helen Orico, Ernesto Ortiz, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie, Helen Quirino, Nizha Rask, Ron Richard, Luis Rodriguez, Jose Salazar, Atanacia Salto Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Chiara Severino, Tim Smith, Dave Smith, Donald Southard, Carol Stenberg, Kathy Suter, Ed Trompke, Beth Traxler, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, Sr. Katie Wagner, and Suzanne Whitt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or prayers, please give us a call. The Latest From Your Pastoral Council Representatives: Xiomara Olvera, Christa Read, Cecelia Schnaidt, Eladio Ramirez, Matt LaMonaca, Teresa Carrasco, Gina Lundberg, Keith Bailey, and Luis Zafra. The Pastoral Council had a planning day in December to identify and set goals that we would like to accomplish as your Pastoral Council. Our priorities are centered around Word, Worship, Service, and Community. Please take a look at the bulletin board in the hallway to see more details about our day of planning along with all of the other projects that we are currently working on and planning for 2015. Wishing you all a Happy New Year! ~Your Pastoral Council Catholic Education As Catholics, we value Catholic education. We believe that parents are the primary educators of the faith for their children. The Church serves families by providing Catholic Christian Education in parishes and in Catholic Schools. We have many children enrolled in both our Spanish and English Religious Education Program here at Ascension Parish. We also have a number of parishioners whose children attend Catholic School. We applaud all of these families for making a daily effort to live their Baptismal Promise and raise their children in the Catholic Christian Faith. As parishioners, we also have made a promise to help support families in this important effort. Since Ascension Parish does not have a Catholic School on our premises, it is our obligation to pay a subsidy for each child who attends Catholic School. This subsidy offsets the subsidy they would have received if they attend a parish that does have a school on their premises. As Catholics, we are all called to encourage Catholic Faith Formation, whether it is through our own parish program or through a Catholic School. We want and need families here at Ascension Parish. The Crab Feed is our annual fundraiser that helps Ascension Parish raise money to pay the required Catholic School Subsidy for each child. Please be generous and volunteer, donate items and/or come to the CRAB FEED and have a great time! And, as always, keep our families in your prayers. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PLANT SALE Order forms will be available beginning the weekend of th th March 7 and 8 , and delivery of your plants will be nd rd May 2 and 3 . Thank you for supporting this fund raising event. ROMANTIC DINNER AND DANCE CELEBRATING VALENTINE’S DAY hosted by our Hispanic Ministry When: Friday, February 13 Place: Ascension Church – Tony Rinella Hall Cost: $40 per couple/$20pp. Includes: soup, entree, dessert, and beverage (pop, bottle of water, or one glass of wine.) Music with DJ. Contact: Luis Zafra at 503- 560-0609. Limited Seats. Tickets available after Mass this weekend. Adult Faith Formation Ascension Youth Ministry Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21 Come and learns something new: Putting an End to Racism Last Sunday we had the first showing in our series. Several points and questions were raised in the film: White Like Me”. Racism does exist. We haven’t ended racism; we just re-designed it. How do we confront the truth without being overwhelmed by it? Be color-conscious. See it and address it. Confront the truth. Ask tough, honest questions. Have an awareness of how our history has brought us where we are. Embrace a multi-racial America. Join us for another Video and Discussion: Race; The Power of an Illusion Sundays from noon to 1:15 January 18th and 25th St. Clare Room Women’s Group Gatherings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 7pm. Join us on Thursday, January 22 as we complete a video and discussion series by Fr. Robert Barron/Word on Fire: The New Evangelization Thank you Kym Cooke for providing refreshments. Men’s Group: Our men’s group meets the 2nd Saturday morning of each month at 8:30am. Next Meeting: February 14, 2015. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Prayer Circle: Did you know Ascension Parish has a prayer circle? As names are given to the parish to pray for, members of the prayer circle devote time in prayer for these requests. Would you like to be part of this prayer circle? Do you have a prayer request? If so, contact Sharon Grigar or Melanie van der Veen. Anyone interested in gathering monthly to pray the prayer requests together, please meet in the church after the 8:30am Morning Mass on the last Thursday of the month. Rosary: Did you know a group of parishioners gather on Tuesday mornings after the 8:30am Mass to pray the rosary together? You are invited to pray too! Book of Intentions: What is that red book that is presented at the altar at Mass along with communion to our homebound? It is our Book of Intentions. It is kept near the candles in the vestibule during the week, and you are encouraged to write a name or brief intention in this book, so that our community may pray for the person or intention. Sandy Martínez & Kim Petros 503-256-3897 x.16 or [email protected] Confirmation Prayer was the topic of conversation for our confirmation candidates last Sunday. Sandy discussed the importance of taking time for prayer, even if only for a few minutes a day. We reflected on our relationship with Jesus and the friendship we can build with him through prayer. Our confirmation retreat is scheduled for Monday, February 2nd from 5 to 9:30pm at Ascension. Dinner and snacks will be provided. This is a MANDATORY RETREAT. Please see Sandy or Kim if you are unable to attend the retreat. Our next confirmation class will be on Sunday, January 25th from 11:45 to 1:15pm in San Damiano Hall. High School Youth Group Our next youth group meeting will be on Sunday, February 1st from 11:45 to 1:15pm in San Damiano Hall. This will be a Safe Environment presentation discussing physical, emotional and behavioral boundaries in regards to sexual abuse. Youth Mass Thanks to all our young people who helped with our January Youth Mass! It was a wonderful celebration! Please touch base with Sandy or Kim if you would like to be trained in the various ministries such as choir, lector, hospitality, altar server and Eucharistic minister. Our next Youth Mass is on Sunday, February 8th at 10:30am. Social Concerns Ministry Our mission is to inspire and support our parish in living out our baptismal call, integrating Catholic Social Teaching in our community and promoting the dignity of life. The Traveling Crib Let’s continue to support the “Traveling Crib”. Pregnancy Support Services is a program of Catholic Charities which provides pregnant women with free professional counseling, baby and maternity supplies, priority placement in a residential maternity home, a match with a “Mom’s Helping Moms” mentor, and “Between Us” healthy relationship workshops, all funded completely through donations. SECOND COLLECTION. Today, we will take up the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media. Please be generous in this week’s collection and support this important work. Remember, half of your donation stays in our archdiocese to support local communication needs. The CCC is how we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness. 18 DE ENERO DEL 2015 Segundo Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario Misa en Español CENA DE CANGREJO PROXIMO SABADO 24 de enero del 2015. Las puertas se abren a las 6:30pm. El costo del boleto es de únicamente $30 e incluye todo lo que quieras comer. Sábado - 7:00pm Domingo - 12:30pm Bebidas y refrescos estarán a la venta el día de la cena por un costo adicional. Misa Bilingüe Para más información o si desea ayudar como voluntario el día de la cena comunícate con la señora Nancy Smith al 503-349-7914. Miércoles - 6:15pm Horario de Oficina De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm ¡Te esperamos! (503) 256 3897 Confesiones: Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm Escuela San Andrés-Clases de Evangelización: Jueves - 7pm. Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm. Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm. Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm. CENA ROMANTICA CELEBRANDO EL DIA DEL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD Fecha: Viernes, febrero 13 Lugar: Salón Tony Rinella Hall Costo: $40 por pareja/$20 por persona Incluye: sopa, plato fuerte, postre, bebida (puedes escoger entre un refresco, una botella de agua, o una copa de vino). DJ en vivo. ¡NOTA IMPORTANTE! ESTIMADO FELIGRÉS Estamos actualizando nuestra lista de miembros registrados en nuestra Parroquia de la Ascensión. Si ya está registrado disculpe el inconveniente. Si necesita hacer algún cambio favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial en horarios de oficina o mandar un correo electrónico a: [email protected] Lamentablemente mucha correspondencia se nos está devolviendo haciendo que nuestros costos postales aumenten sin ser necesarios. Por esta razón es muy importante que su información este al corriente si no será removido permanentemente de nuestro sistema de registros. Gracias. "CUPO LIMITADO" Personas mayores de 21 años solamente. “NO NIÑOS” Para más información llamar a Luis Zafra al 503-560-0609. REFUGIO DE LA ASCENSION abrirá sus puertas a familias sin hogar la semana del 8 de febrero. Apúntate en la cartulina localizada en el vestíbulo de la iglesia para ayudar. Gracias. BAUTIZOS Los próximos bautizos serán el 7 de febrero a las 10:30am. Si están interesados en bautizar para esa fecha por favor de registrarse con tiempo, puede llamar o venir durante las horas de oficina de lunes a jueves de 9:00am a 3:00pm, recuerde que los viernes está cerrado. Promotores de la Salud & OHSU Los Promotores de la salud y el equipo de estudiantes del hospital OHSU, los invitan a tomar una clase sobre la Educación de la Toma de Presión. El sábado 24 de enero de las 10:00am hasta las 12:00pm. Esta clase está abierta para toda la comunidad de la parroquia que esté interesada en aprender como tomarse la presión, y hablar de las consecuencias de la presión alta y baja y darles consejos para evitar esta enfermedad. CLASES DE CIUDADANIA AQUÍ EN LA ASCENSION Se ofrecerán Clases de Ciudadanía todos los domingos del mes de febrero de las 2pm a las 5pm. El costo es de $20 por persona por las 4 clases. Registrarse con Sharon Grigar en la oficina parroquial. Ministerio de Jóvenes: Sandy Martínez y Kim Petros 503-256-3897, ext.16 [email protected] FERIA DE SALUD, DOMINGO 15 DE FEBRERO. Los Promotores de Salud y el hospital del OHSU los invitan a participar en la Feria de Salud que se llevara a cabo el 15 de febrero después de la Misa de 12:30pm. Habrá diferentes organizaciones para dar información sobre lo siguiente: Salud Mental, Nutrición, Alta presión, diabetes, educación dental, educación de los azucares, educación del alzhéimer. Habrá servicio dental bajo la licencia del hospital OHSU. Los alumnos del hospital OHSU trabajaran con el Ministerio de Promotores de Salud. Ellos estarán ofreciendo un servicio dental para 8 personas el cupo es limitado únicamente para 8 personas las primeras que se registren serán atendidas. Para más información puede llamar a Pedro Sandoval al 503-421-8204 o Pedro Alvarado al 503-960-7012. Confirmación La oración fue el tema de este pasado domingo. Sandy hablo sobre la importancia de tomarse un tiempo para rezar, aunque sea por unos pocos minutos al día. Reflexionamos en nuestra relación con Jesús y la amistad que podemos construir con él por medio de la oración. El retiro de Confirmación será el lunes 2 de febrero de las 5pm a las 9:30pm aquí en la Ascensión. Se servirá cena y aperitivos. Este retiro es OBLIGATORIO. Comunícate con Sandy o con Kim si por alguna razón no podrás asistir a este retiro. El domingo 25 de enero será nuestra próxima clase de confirmación de las 11:45 a la 1:15pm en el salón San Damiano. Grupo de Jóvenes en la Preparatoria Ministerio de Preocupaciones Sociales Continuemos apoyando La Cuna Viajera, que se encuentra aquí en nuestra parroquia durante este mes. Sigue depositando tus donaciones de artículos para bebe y de maternidad dentro de la cuna. Este es un programa del Departamento de Maternidad de Caridades Católicas. Al donar estas ayudando a futuras mamás enfrentando embarazos no deseados que han decidido decir si a la bendición de ser madres y a dar a luz a una nueva vida. COMPARACIÓN DE LA COLECTA DOMINICAL Segunda semana de enero del 2015: $ 11,463.89 Segunda semana de enero del 2014: $ 7,605.53 Próxima reunión: el 1 de febrero de las 11:45 a la 1:15pm en el salón San Damiano. Tocaremos el tema del Abuso Sexual. Habrá una presentación sobre “Un Ambiente Sano” donde se discutirán los límites emocionales, físicos y de conducta en relación con el abuso sexual. Misa de Jóvenes Gracias a todos los jóvenes quienes ayudaron en la Misa de Jóvenes este mes de enero. Comunícate con Kim o con Sandy si deseas participar en alguno de los varios ministerios, como el de música, ser lector, ayudar con la hospitalidad, ser acolito y ministro de Eucaristía. Nuestra próxima Misa de Jóvenes será el domingo 8 de febrero a las 10:30am. LO MAS RECIENTE DE PARTE DE EL CONSEJO PASTORAL Representantes: Xiomara Olvera, Christa Read, Cecelia Schnaidt, Eladio Ramírez, Matt LaMonaca, Teresa Carrasco, Gina Lundberg, Keith Bailey, y Luis Zafra. SEGUNDA COLECTA ESTE FIN DE SEMANA Hoy realizaremos la Colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación (CCC). Esta colecta comunica el Evangelio a través de actividades en los medios sociales católicos y enriquece nuestra fe a través de la televisión, la radio, y la prensa escrita. Por favor, sean generosos en la colecta de esta semana y den su apoyo a esta importante labor. Recuerden que la mitad de sus donaciones permanece en nuestra arquidiócesis para financiar las necesidades locales en el campo de la comunicación. A través de la CCC es como compartimos nuestra experiencia de fe, veneración y testimonio. El Consejo Pastoral tuvo su día de planeación el pasado mes de diciembre donde se identificaron y se fijaron metas que nosotros, el Consejo Pastoral, deseamos lograr. Nuestras prioridades se centraron en la Palabra, la Veneración, el Servicio y la Comunidad. Por favor, les pedimos que tomen un poco de su tiempo para leer el pizarrón en el pasillo localizado por las oficinas parroquiales para leer todos los detalles de este día de planeación, así como también podrán encontrar información sobre los proyectos en los cuales estamos trabajando y planeando para el 2015. Les deseamos a todos un Feliz Año, ~El Consejo Pastoral
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