Our Lady of Fátima Worship site Bensalem, Pennsylvania January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Sursum Corda + Lift Up Your Hearts A Post-Christmas Reflection I am sure that as of this reading all of the Christmas decorations are neatly packed away until next year. I am writing this message on our first snowy day of the season, January 6. In the old calendar, the sixth of January was known as Little Christmas. Not so “little”, I might remind you, for Eastern and Orthodox Christians. Anyway, what I am working up to say is that on New Year’s Night I went for a walk in our neighborhood at home and I was surprised that many had already pulled the plug on their Christmas displays. A noticeable darkness was all pervasive. Then other things began to surface in my mind. To some extent, even our Christmas Catholics seem to be dwindling. Our 4:00 P.M. Christmas Vigil Mass was standing room only but the 6:00 P.M. revealed many empty pews. The same trend applied to other Masses as well and in my conversations with other pastors and priests, they saw the same trend. As I was driving home on Christmas afternoon to visit with my family, I was saddened (I guess not surprised) to see sidewalk mechanics, here and there, busy at work. I couldn’t help but wonder – how could such a special day – “holy” for the believer – have so sadly slid from our collective consciousness! Christmas Day seems on its way of Sunday – to be just like any other day. The weekend before Christmas (December 20/21), I took a quick spin through a couple of our local big box stores. I did it out of curiosity. In my role as P.I., I discovered what I half expected to find – shelves already cleared of Christmas ornaments and other holiday bric-a-brac. If you needed an extra string of lights for your Christmas Tree, you might have been hard pressed to make a purchase. The edition of the newspaper for December 23 was already announcing postChristmas sales and discounts. I don’t mean to sound like I am ranting and raving, but I just wonder if all of the above is just another manifestation of our modern “hurry up” way of life. It seems that as we try to anticipate tomorrow, we fail to enjoy today. To quote a much-used phrase – we don’t take time to smell the roses and enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. One of the best parts of the Christmas Holidays for me (that is anytime between Thanksgiving and January 6) is the purposeful quiet recollection that I try to embrace. A quiet walk on Christmas night quiets the warrior within wanting to race on ahead. Advent moments can bring a quiet peace and an interior reverence for Emmanuel. My Ignatian examination of Conscience is telling me to hurry up and slow down and appreciate the presence of God who is so near. Today’s first reading at Mass ( for January 6) proclaims “God is love”. Love is like good wine. It is savored little by little. Love needs an open, patient and generous heart. Pax et Bonum + Peace and all that is Good. Monsignor Deliman Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you. — 1 Corinthians 6:19a Rev. Msgr. Edward M. Deliman, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Carbine, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Richard K. McFadden, Parochial Vicar Rev. Charles J. Ravert, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fidelis Weber, T.O.R., Weekend Assistant Rev. Thomas Gallagher, O.S.F.S., Weekend Ministry Deacon Louis Quaglia, Permanent Deacon Deacon Raymond N. Scipioni, Permanent Deacon Deacon Adolfo Crespo, Permanent Deacon Sister James Kathleen Cofer, I.H.M., Principal Sister Helene Thomas Connolly, I.H.M.Convent Superior Sister Sonia Avi, I.H.M., 215-638-3256 Faith Formation Director Parish Office 215-638-3625 Convent 215-639-0113 School 215-639-3456 Mass Schedule/ Horarios de la Santa Misa Saturday (Vigil Mass): Sunday: Eve of Holy Day: Holy Day: Monday: Tuesday-Friday: Saturday: 5:00 PM 6:30AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM & 12:00 Noon 5:30 PM 6:30, 8:00, 12:05 & 7:00 PM 6:45 AM, 7:00 PM 6:45 AM, 8:30 AM 8:00 AM Our Lady of Fatima Worship Site Masses Saturday ( Vigil Mass): Sunday: 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 12 Noon Spanish English Spanish Confession Schedule/Horario de Confesiones Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM Sacrament of Baptism Please make arrangements at least one month in advance in person with Father Charles. Sponsors for Baptism must be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. They need a certificate of eligibility from their own parish. Please call the Rectory for an interview with the Pastor. Bautizos Se arreglan directamente con el párroco con un mes de anticipación. Los padrinos tienen que ser Católicos practicantes. Si no son de la Iglesia de Fátima hay que traer comprobante de su propio párroco. Sacrament of Matrimony Necessary preparations require that arrangements be made at least six months before the date of the wedding. It will be expected that couples attend the sessions of the Archdiocesan Sacramental Preparation Program for Marriage. Sacramento de Matrimonio Hay que arreglarlo con seis meses de anticipación y participar en el programa de preparación matrimonial. Parish Religious Education Programs Children (OLF): Classes for public school students, grades 1 through 8. Classes on Wednesday, 6:45 to 8:00 PM from September through May. Adults: R.C.I.A. Classes on Monday, 7:45 to 9:00 PM. Parish Religious Education Programs Children (SCB): Classes for public school students, grades 1 through 8. Classes on Monday, 6:45 to 8:00 PM from September through May. Catequesis para Niños Clases para niños entre 1˚ y 8˚ grados desde Septiembre hasta Mayo. Rectory Calls Except for emergencies, Rectory business should be conducted by phone or visit between 9:00 AM and noon and 1:00 pm and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Horas de Oficina Excepto los casos de emergencia, deben hacer todo en la rectoría entre 9:00 AM y mediodía o entre la 1:00 PM y 5:00 PM de lunes a viernes. January 18, 2015 SATURDAY January 17 5:00 PM Helen DeMeo 7:00 PM (OLF) SUNDAY January 18 6:30 Theresa Krotowski 8:30 Mary A. Risoli 10:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Frank Hughes 12:00 (OLF) Carmen Montoya-Por-Salud MONDAY January 19—Weekday/Green 6:45 Theresa Krotowski 7:00 PM Shane Montgomery TUESDAY January 20—Saint Fabian/Red 6:45 Special Intention 8:30 Mary & James J. Clement WEDNESDAY January 21—St. Agnes/Red 6:45 James Mulholland 8:30 Joseph Rossi THURSDAY January 22—Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children/White 6:45 Rev. Henry J. Brown, C.S.sp & Holy Ghost Fathers 8:30 M/M Cesare A. Sicilia & Family FRIDAY January 23—St. Vincent/Red 6:45 M/M Cesare A. Sicilia & Family 8:30 Tricia Salmon (Living) SATURDAY January 24—St. Francis deSales/White 8:00 John Szatkowski 5:00 PM Lawrence-n-Madeline Lucillo 7:00 PM (OLF) SUNDAY January 25 6:30 Tricia Salmon (Living) 8:30 Horace Fuller 10:00 People of the Parish 12:00 Daniel & Ethel Flynn 12:00 (OLF) Abraham Morales ALTAR SOCIETY (January 23): Jerry Kueny, Catherine Page Three Sanctuary Lamp burns the week of January 18 in loving memory of Daniel & Ethel Flynn The sanctuary lamp burns in the church as a reminder of Jesus’ presence in the tabernacle and as a sign of our continued prayers. Altar Candles St. Joseph Candles Sanctuary Candles We will continue offering our candles at OLF through St. Charles Borromeo, just go to SCB and make the offering. Perpetual Adoration We are in need of someone to keep Our Lord Company, the hours needed are listed in Our Lady of Fatima Chapel. Please call Dot Kochis (215) 639-5106. We are also in need of persons to keep Our Lord Company at Saint Charles Adoration Chapel on Tuesdays. If you can help in any way, please call the Religious Education Office at 215-638-3625. Please Remember Our Sick and Deceased Once again, we ask that you keep in mind all our sick friends from our parish in need of our prayers and moral support through the week ahead, especially Anna Krumm, Patty Thierjung, Kazimierz Kijek, Patty Werner, Kevin McCullough, Deborah Lacktman, Missy Lackey, Nancy Quinn, Jackie Scheidel, Lee Hornung We also pray that those who have died will dwell forever in the Kingdom of heaven, especially Sister Maria Manuel Collins, Ann Magill, Theresa Krotowski, Henry Hirschman, Catherine Zweircan, Sally Craig, Vera Kay Barnard, Pat Maguire HELP FOR THE NEEDY: Containers are at the doors of the church for donations of nonperishable items. MARKET DAY: New order forms can be picked up at the doors of the church, scrip office, rectory and main office to be returned by February 3. The pick up date is Monday, February 9, 4:30 to 6:00 PM. Thank you! SAINT CHARLES EMERGENCY FUND: Next weekend, January 24 and 25, the money in our poor boxes will be designated to assist parish families who are suddenly faced with loss and hardship. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Men’s Prayer Group ...will meet for the first time on Tuesday, January 27 in the school library at 7:00 P.M. There is no agenda. Bring your Bible. At this gathering, the group will decide on frequency of meeting, day, hour, etc. Page Four Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monthly Fifty-Fifty A monthly 50-50 will begin in January 2015. Each month, you will receive 3 tickets with your monthly envelopes. The tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. Simply fill out the tickets and enclose your payment and drop your tickets in the Sunday collection. The drawing will be the Monday after the last Sunday of the month. Thank you for your support. Feed the Hungry Supply a casserole once a month (third Tuesday) to Saint John’s Hospice. The next pick up will be January 20. If you are able to supply a casserole to Saint John’s Hospice in January, please call 215-244-0347. HELP NEEDED Our Altar Society is in need of persons to help clean our sanctuary on Friday mornings. We are still in need of help for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Friday of the month, so that we may have three persons scheduled each week. Please call the Office of Religious Education if you are able to help in this special ministry. Save the Date! Saint Charles Home and School Association presents the 3rd Annual Coach Bag Bingo on Friday, April 17 at the Maltese Room. Tickets will go on sale for the event in early March. Saint Charles Women’s Club The Women’s Club is sponsoring the following trips: Newport by the Sea, 5/4-6/15—Cost is $439. Glenn Miller Orchestra Show & Lunch, 10/8/15— Cost is $98. Call Barbara (215-639-9486) or Rita (215-632-6139). Confirmation Parent Meeting for Students at Saint Charles School and CCD Program A mandatory meeting for parents of candidates for Confirmation will be held on Wednesday, January 21, at 7:00 PM in the auditorium. The Norms for Sponsors will also be discussed. The Confirmation Retreat will take place at the Katharine Drexel Shrine on Monday, February 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The date of Confirmation has been scheduled for Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 2:00 PM Mass. Our celebrant will be Bishop Joseph Martino. No student can be advanced to reception of the sacraments without the participation of parents. Upcoming Events 01/21 02/12 02/13 04/19 Confirmation Parent Meeting, 7 PM Sacrament of First Reconciliation, 7 PM Ash Wednesday Confirmation, 2 PM Mass BINGO FACILATOR NEEDED Bingo Facilitator needed Charles Borromeo Parish. at Saint Our two very faithful Bingo facilitators, Butch and Jane Kolla, are looking to step down for some well deserved rest. Diocesan Collection The Catholic Relief Service collection will be taken up next weekend, January 24 and 25. Parish Men’s Malvern Retreat Weekend Sometimes the frantic pace of life can leave us little time to deal with the things of real value in our lives, like our relationship with God, our spouse, our family and outselves. We invite you to join the men in the parish for a retreat the weekend of January 30 to February 1, 2015. Call Frank Kelly at 215-639-1510 for information. We are looking for a replacement. What would be good is if we had several replacements to lighten the load and spread the work around a bit. If you would be interested, please contact Monsignor Deliman at 215-6383625. The job comes with a job description and a modest stipend. Page Five Sursum Corda + Levantemos el corazón Una reflexión después de la Navidad Estoy seguro de que a partir de esta lectura todas las decoraciones de Navidad están cuidadosamente guardadas hasta el próximo año. Estoy escribiendo este mensaje en nuestro primer día de nieve del 2015, el 6 de enero. En el antiguo calendario, el seis de enero era conocido como Pequeña Navidad. No tan "pequeña", podría recordarle que, para los cristianos ortodoxos y orientales. De todos modos, lo que les quiero decir es que en la noche de Año Nuevo me fui a dar un paseo en nuestro vecindario y me quede sorprendido al ver que muchos ya habían retirado la corriente eléctrica a todos los adornos de luces de la Navidad. Una oscuridad notable era omnipresente. Luego otras cosas empezaron a surgir en mi mente. Hasta cierto punto, incluso nuestros católicos la Navidad parecen estar disminuyendo. Para Nuestra Misa de Vigilia a las 4:00 PM había algunas personas de pie, pero en la Misa de las 6:00 PM había muchos bancos vacíos. La misma tendencia se aplica a otras misas, así como en mis conversaciones con otros pastores y sacerdotes, que vieron la misma tendencia. Cuando me dirigía a casa en la tarde de Navidad para visitar a mi familia, me entristecí (supongo que no les sorprende) ver la mecánica en la acera, aquí y allá, ocupados en el trabajo. Yo no podía dejar de preguntarme - ¿cómo podría un día tan especial - "santo" para el creyente - ser deslizado tan tristemente de nuestra conciencia colectiva? El Día de Navidad parece ser como cualquier otro día. El fin de semana antes de Navidad (diciembre 20/21), me di una vuelta rápida a través de un par de nuestras grandes tiendas locales. Lo hice por curiosidad. En mi papel como PI, descubrí lo que medio esperaba encontrar - estantes ya vacíos sin adornos de Navidad. Si usted necesita luces adicionales para su árbol de Navidad, puede haberse visto presionados para hacer una compra. La edición del periódico de 23 de diciembre ya estaba anunciando ventas post-Navidad y descuentos. Yo no quiero sonar como que estoy despotricando, pero me pregunto si todo lo anterior es sólo otra manifestación de nuestra forma moderna "prisa" de la vida. Parece que a medida que tratamos de anticipar el mañana, no somos capaces de disfrutar el hoy. Para citar del aroma del café reciuna frase muy utilizada - no nos del aroma del café reciuna frase muy utilizada - no nos tomamos el tiempo para oler las rosas y disfrutar én hecho. Una de las mejores partes de las vacaciones de Navidad para mí (es decir en cualquier momento entre Acción de Gracias y 6 de enero) es el recogimiento silencioso con propósito que trato de abrazar. Un paseo tranquilo en la noche de Navidad calma el guerrero que tenemos dentro de querer correr en adelante. Momentos de Adviento pueden traer una paz tranquila y una reverencia interior hacia Emmanuel. Mi examen ignaciano de conciencia me dice que me diera prisa y frenara y apreciara la presencia de Dios, que está tan cerca. Primera lectura de hoy en la Misa (6 de enero) proclama "Dios es amor". El amor es como el buen vino. Se saborea poco a poco. El amor necesita un corazón abierto, paciente y generoso. Pax et Bonum + Paz y todo lo que es bueno. Monseñor Deliman Clases Para Los Adultos Sobre Los Sacramentos de Iniciación—Bautismo, Confirmación, Penitencia, Eucaristía Adult Classes for Baptism, Confirmation, Penance and Holy Eucharist Se comenzará el lunes, 5 de enero a las 7:00 P.M. Si Ud. es un adulto que necesita uno de los sacramentos, favor de avisar el Padre Deliman, la Hna. Sonia o El Diacono Adolfo. Pre-Cana Classes Christ the King Parish offers a Pre-Cana program for engaged couples on Friday evening, January 30, and Saturday, January 31, at Christ the King Convent, Morrell Park. The program is open to Christ the King couples and engaged couples from neighboring parishes. For information, contact Rich Green at [email protected]. Page Six Saint Charles Borromeo Parish Our Lady of Fatima Worship Site Parish Pastoral Council (It was suggested at last Sunday’s Town Hall Meeting to identify members of the PPC. Their names are below but we did not feel free to make public phone numbers or emails. Members can be contacted via the rectory at 215-638-2625. If you wish to speak to any Council member, please call, leave your name and contact and the office will forward your information.) Rev. Msgr. Edward Deliman Rev. Richard McFadden Rev. Charles Ravert Sr. Sonia Avi Sr. James Kathleen Cofer Deacon Adolfo Crespo Mary Bauman, Kevin Bender, Scott Bostic, Lisa Brennan, Stephanie Caro, Jerry Capie. Patrick Crisostomo, Araceli Cruz, Jose Cruz, Mary DeLorenzo, Phil Indelicato, Noel Jimenez, Lorraine Kirby , Lois Kirgan, Patricia Latch, Kevin McDermott, Juan Pablo Navarro , Marian Quaglia, Mat Roberto, Mary Salmon, Kathy Smith, Bernadette Stahlnecker, Joseph Trucks. Saint Charles Borromeo School News Congratulations to the following 8th grade students who received scholarships: Neumann Scholarship— Thomas Barrett, Michael Topley; Nazareth H.S. Academy—Shannon Bankard, Mary-Kate Concio, Devyn Dydak, Gabby Polidoro; Father Judge H.S.— Mark Igoe, Alex Pastuszak, Michael Topley; Conwell Egan H.S.—Matthew Dalesandro; Archbishop Ryan H.S.—Thomas Barrett, Matthew Dalesandro, Alex Pastuszak, Shannon Bankard, Melodey Falkenstein, Jordan Grillo; Holy Ghost Prep—Richard DeStefano, Nicholas Polidoro; Little Flower H.S.—Sara Talamona; Archbishop Wood H.S.—Grant Delia; Roman Catholic H.S.—Matthew Dalesandro, Timothy Donovan, Michael Topley. We are proud of these students and wish them the best of luck in high school! Parish Groups and Organizations (At Last weeks’ Town Hall Meeting, it was suggested that a list of combined Parish Organizations be published in the bulletin. They are offered here with the hope that we got them all. The list was reviewed by different staff members. If we missed an organization, mea culpa.) * indicates a group that had presence in both sites before merger Adoration of Blessed Sacrament * Al-Anon Alcoholics Anonymous * AA in Spanish Altar Servers * Altar Society Bingo Scouts * CYO C.A.R.E.S. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist * ESL Lectors * Legion of Mary Life in the Spirit Food Cupboard * St. John’s Hospice Casseroles Home & School Sunday Hospitality Pre-Jordan * Music Ministry * Prayer Group (Eng & Span) Pro-Life * CCD/PREP * RCIA * (Eng & Span) Special Needs Basketball Ushers * Women’s Club 215-639-3130 Family Owned & Operated Since 1898 Deli • Hot & Cold Sandwiches Retail • Wholesale • Catering Baking on Site FUNERAL HOME 854 Bristol Pike (Route 13) • Bensalem, PA 19020 Richard J. Fluehr Richard J. 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