Catholic Church of St. James 1071 Academy Drive Conway, SC 29526 Website: January 25, 2015 Liturgies Daily Liturgies Schedule listed inside Saturday 4:30pm & 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 9:30am 12:00pm Español St. James Mission Statement St. James is a Catholic Community of disciples of Jesus Christ that: • is centered in the Eucharist and nourished by Scripture and Tradition • invites and welcomes all • grows in unity, knowledge and faith • serves God and all people Phone: (843) 347-5168 Fax: (843) 347-1212 [email protected] Reconciliation Saturdays at 3:15pm-4:15pm Tuesdays at 7:00pm-7:45pm or on request anytime Misión de St. James St. James es una comunidad Católica de discipulos de Jesucristo que: • está centrada en la eucaristia y alimentada por la Escritura y Tradición • invita y da bienvenida a todos • crece en unidad, conocimiento y fé • sirve a Dios y todo el mundo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastoral Staff RCIA ................................................... Thursday, 7:00-9:00pm Fellowship Hour .................................. Sunday, 8:45-10:30am Adult Scripture Study ...................................... Sunday, 9:00am Blood Pressure Screening ............. 2nd Sunday of each month Eucharistic Adoration...... Mondays, 10am-3pm in the Chapel ..................................................... and 7:00pm-8:00pm Chapel Ladies Guild....................... 3rd Monday, 7:00pm (Sept.-June) Rosary ........................................................... Tuesday, 8:30am Knights of Columbus 4th Degree............ 4th Monday, 7:00pm Knights of Columbus ........................ 2nd Wednesday, 7:00pm Be Happy Today Group (AA) ......... Mon. & Thurs., 7-8:30pm Library & Resource Ctr ........... Open Weekly 9:00am-4:30pm Top of the Hill Gang .......... 2nd & 4th Wed. 10:00am-2:00pm Catholic Charities ........................................... 1-855-377-1357 Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services .. 843-853-2130 ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister ................ 800-921-8122 Safe Environment Coordinator ........................ Paulette Flench Pastor ........................................ Father Tim Lijewski, ext. 222 Medical Emergency Number—when you need a priest: ………………………………………………………….843-219-0125 Official Business Email: [email protected] Forwards Email: [email protected] Deacon ................................................................ Jeff Mevissen Executive Assistant.................................. Paula Loehr, ext. 221 Pastoral Associate/Coordinator of Religious Education ... ........................................................Paulette Flench, ext. 234 Hispanic Pastoral Associates……. Conchita Antunez, ext. 229 …………………………………….and Amalia García ext. 230 Youth Minister……………………John Paul Williams, ext. 235 Secretary……………………………..Kathy Caughey, ext. 224 Catechumenate Director . …………... Eleanor Fisher, ext. 227 Maintenance Director……………….……..Joe Sandoli, ext. 232 Director of Music ................................................. Peggy Kamp Parish Nurse ................................ ...Jean Witt, (843) 347-5118 Bulletin Articles: Items of communal interest must be at parish office no later than 12:00pm Monday. Organists................................Wendy Shelley, Bradley Hardee To email staff members, use first initial, last [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm Child Development Center: Michele Wolfe, Director (843) 347-KIDS (5437) Religious Education/Catecismo: Call office New Parishioners: Welcome! There are several ways you can register, please see the article inside for details. Altar Flowers: Call the office to arrange donations in memory of a loved one, or in honor of a special occasion. Religious Articles are available for purchase Monday-Friday, 9:00am3:00pm. Special orders are always welcome. Contact Rose Kepler at 2341956. Columbarium: Available to all registered Catholics of the Diocese. Call the church office for more information Infant Baptism: The Sacrament is normally celebrated during a Sunday Tree of Life: This is a great way to remember your loved ones or honor a Liturgy. Please call the office to register for the preparation process. special occasion. Donations start at $250. Contact the parish office for Marriage: By arrangement at least six months before the proposed wedding. details. Ministry to the Sick: Call to request visitation. Please let us know when Prayer Chain: If you have a special need we would like to help you pray loved ones are in the hospital. Simply call Anna Marie at 347-9295. JANUARY 25, 2015 THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES SUNDAY Youth Mass 9:30AM Mass Breakfast 10:00AM, Parish Hall Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Religious Education Classes Grades K-8 10:45AM-12:00PM, Classrooms Experience the Joy of Small Faith-Sharing 6:30PM, Chapel MONDAY Eucharistic Adoration Baptismal Preparation Class KofC 4th Degree 7:00PM-10:00PM, Founders Center Share your cultural heritage by bringing a dish representing your roots. Bring a CD of music people can dance to --salsa, polka, jazz, electric slide, waltz, etc. This will be a relaxing evening to share in the richness of our community. WE ARE SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Contact Paula at 347-5168 or by email at [email protected] if you want to help. CHANGE OF DATE FOR GRADES 6-8 RETREAT: The retreat for students in grades 6-8 who are preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion has been changed from Saturday, February 7, to SATURDAY, MARCH 7. Please mark your calendars. EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF SMALL FAITH-SHARING: If you are curious about what Small Faith-sharing Groups are like, we invite you to come to the chapel this Sunday, January 25, to observe a group in action, reading the upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings and discussing how they apply to our lives. After the session, if you have questions or decide you’d like to join a group, we can help you! We hope to see you, with no obligation, at 6:30PM– 8:00PM in the chapel. Questions? Call Paulette at 843-3475168. 2015 MISSION HONDURAS TEAM The following individuals will be representing the community of St. James in mission at Juticalpa, Honduras this June: Wendy Donellan, Sydni Donellan, Tim Loehr, Paula Loehr, Ezra Loehr, Taylor Monahan, Helen Tatarsky, Shirley Currie, Kathleen Kuhler, Fr. Tim, Sallie Walbourne, Maura Walbourne, Kaitlyn Fox, Robin Costanzo, Marian Mentavlos, Paul Fling, Laurie Videan, Pam Laquidara, and Nancy Hernandez. Please consider sponsoring one or more of the team members. Sponsorships start at $125 with no upper limit. We thank you for your prayers and support as we complete our fund raising and team building efforts during the next few months. 10:00AM-3:00PM, Chapel 6:00PM-8:00PM, Chapel 7:00PM, #7 7:00PM, Founders Center TUESDAY Confession Spanish Mass 7:00PM-7:45PM 8:00PM, Church WEDNESDAY Top of the Hill Gang 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Eucharistic Adoration 6:00PM-12:00AM, Chapel Middle School Youth Group 6:30PM, #11 THURSDAY RCIA Children and Teen Session RCIA Adult Session Choir 6:30PM-7:30PM 7:00PM, #7 7:00PM, Church FRIDAY Eucharistic Adoration 6:00PM-12:00AM, Chapel NEXT SATURDAY 6:00PM, every Saturday Everyone welcome! Life Teen Grade 9-12 7:00PM, #11 and Parish Hall Life Teen Mass NEXT SUNDAY Ticket Sales for Italian Feast after all Masses Breakfast 10:00AM, Parish Hall Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket First Communion Family Class I 10:45AM-12:00 Noon, Founders Center Religious Education Classes Grades K-8 10:45AM-12:00PM, Classrooms COMING EVENTS February 7 and 8, after all Masses, sponsored by the RE 7th Grade Class Newcomers Breakfast Reception Sunday, February 7, 10:30AM, Founders Center Ladies Guild Italian Feast Saturday, February 14, 6:00PM, Founders Center Ash Wednesday Masses Wednesday, February 18, 9:00AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:30PM and 8:00PM Spanish Bake Sale ST. JAMES CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER is offering a GREAT SPECIAL FOR NEW CHILDREN!! 2 FREE WEEKS for 2 and 3 year olds!! PLUS great discounts if you are a member of the church!! **That’s a savings of $270.00!!** Call us or stop by!! 843-347-5437 Don’t miss out on this GREAT DEAL!! Tell your friends!! THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORSHIP THIS WEEK January 24-February 1 Sat. Sat. 3:15pm-4:15pm Confession 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass + Dan Smith 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Helen Glassey Sun. 8:00am Mass + Joseph Murphy 9:30am Mass + Dan Smith Spanish 12:00pm Mass For the Parish Mon. 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass + Craig Harrison Tue. 8:30am Rosary 9:00am Mass + Victor Mojo 7:00pm-7:45pm Confession 8:00pm Spanish Mass No Intention Wed. 4:00pm Mass at Conway Manor + Rhetta Gilmore Thu. 8:30am Rosary 9:00am Mass + Betty Marronge Fri. No Mass Sat. 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass For the Parish 6:00pm Life Teen Mass +Anthony Georgiana Sun. 8:00am Mass Dios Padre Todopoderso 9:30am Mass + Richard Forcellanti Spanish 12:00pm Mass No Intention + symbol for deceased MASS AT COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY will be held today at 5:30PM, Lackey Chapel. Everyone welcome! OUR CONDOLENCES to Diane Hildebrand and family on the death of her mother, Caroline Ritzel, who died recently. Please keep them in your prayers. OFFERTORY: We thank everyone who gives so generously to our weekly collection. 2015 1162 Month: (3 Sundays) Year to Date: Offertory $10,561.38 Budget $10,384.66 Actuals Budget $39,379.52 $32,569.32 $326,464.38 $312,065.32 Variance +$176.72 Variance +$6,810.20 +$14,399.06 Amount needed to meet Budget for January Offertory: $42,954.00. OUR TITHE this week totals $1,056.61. We are giving $528.81 to the Youth Fund, and the balance to Olancho Aid. COLLECTION TODAY IS FOR THE CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA. Please mark your check or envelope for this collection and place it in the first basket along with your regular Sunday Offertory. Please be generous. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, WILL BE THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE FUND COLLECTION. Thank you for your continued support of this fund. Please be generous. This will be a second basket collection next weekend. NEWCOMERS BREAKFAST RECEPTION FOR ALL NEW PARISH MEMBERS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 10:30AM in the FOUNDERS CENTER Invitations will be sent in the mail to all newcomers and others who have registered since March 2014. If by error you do not get an invitation, please consider this your invitation. We look forward to seeing you there! COME WELCOME THE NEWCOMERS: All are invited to join us on Sunday, February 8, at 10:30AM in the Founders Center in welcoming the new parishioners that have registered in the several months. Let us all make the newcomers feel at home in their new parish community. Ministry leaders are encouraged to come introduce themselves! Breakfast will be provided by the Knights of Columbus. Please RSVP by calling the church office at 347 -5168. TIDY WHITEY UNDERWEAR DONATIONS Only one more week to remember to pick up those badly needed new underwear for adults. Your donations reach out to all parts of Horry County and also to Kingstree with the Felician Sisters. Your prayers and actions of faith in Christ reach so many and reach out so far from St. James. The light of Christ is very bright here at St. James. The Knights of Columbus thank you for your humble generosity. ST. JAMES YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAMS: Life Teen High School Program: Life Teen meets on Saturdays from 6:00-9:00PM Jan. 24th- LifeTeen resumes for New Year MYG Middle School Program: MYG meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30PM MYG January 21, 2015 We are always in need of chaperones to help with our youth programs, as well as people to make meals for our Saturday meetings. Please contact us (info below) if you’re interested in helping! ———————————————————————— Questions? Comments? Ideas? Want to help? Please contact JP Williams at [email protected]! SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 2014 Church in Africa $1,374.68 2013 $1,276.00 Human Development $1,576.00 $1,225.00 Retirement for Religious $2,143.00 $2,018.00 Mission Sunday $1,970.82 $1,720.25 Seminary $1,679.00 $1,591.00 Fax (843)347-1212 Website: THE PRAYER LIST: Please pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of parishioners and friends who are ill: Dorothy “Dottie” Winters, Jane Caughey, Katie Marie Kislow, Giovino D’Aurora, Bill Squatriglia, Janet Snow, Skip Embessi, Margaret Campbell, Karla Johnson, Kris Sterton, Rose Nowicki, Darlene Hill, George Williams, Sr., James Dolan, Cookie (Arline) Elston, Mark Muttilainen, Beth Fultineer, Bernadette Larson, Charles and Ida Mellor, Brendan Horstman, Mary Berdan, Amy Ayers, Mary Bland, Eric Hagan, Jim Beardsley, Richard Duffany, Chip Beverly, Richard Budlemer, JoAnn Monteleone, Marie Bousquet, Ruby Todd, Jack McClain, Caroline Dall, Lois Ringkamp, Paul DiAngelantonio, Marti Petti, Nancy Schwindinger, Jerry Stevens, Mary Jo DeSalse, Fran Riccio, Jackie Andrews, Shirley Brennan, Davin Sullins, Patricia Scerba, Harriet Carroll, Christina Powell, Grace Contino, Judy Moyer, Shawn Ison, Michael Schroder, and Pam Schafer. (See the book in the gathering space for additional names.) COLLECTION OF OLD PALMS: Ash Wednesday is February 18 this year. Bring your old palms to church and put them in the containers in the gathering space anytime between January 26 and February 8. The palms will be burned and the ashes used on Ash Wednesday. SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 1-2 LENTEN PARISH MISSION Popular guest singer and speaker, Al Barbarino, will be our mission leader. His focus will be “Living as Christians/ Catholics in Today’s Secularized World-Do You Text God?” Al is a Lay Franciscan who sings spiritual/ inspirational songs to share the message that God loves us. Mark your calendars now for Sunday, March 1, 4:00PM and your choice of times on Monday, March 2: 10:30AM or 6:30PM. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM AT ST. JAMES St. James is committed to ensuring a safe environment for our children and for upholding the “National Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” as established by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). All adults who work with children must: Attend the “Protecting God’s Children Program Be screened by Law Enforcement Adhere to the DOC Code of Conduct (a copy is available in the church office) Read and sign the DOC Sexual Abuse Policy and Procedures (a copy is available in the church office) For more information on how to report an allegation of abuse, go to and click on ‘Sexual Abuse Policies and Procedures” on the left side bar. Then click on “How to Report an Allegation of Sexual Misconduct by Church Personnel.” St. James Safe Environment Coordinator: Paulette Flench, 347-5168 Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services: (843) 853-2130, ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance: Louisa Storen: 1-800-9218122. E-Mail: [email protected] Become a Member of St. James Parish! It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. We invite all newcomers and those who attend Mass at St. James on a regular basis to become registered members as soon as possible. You can register in a few different ways: By picking up a registration form in the Literature Rack in the gathering space. By stopping by the office during business hours, Monday -Friday, 8:45AM to 4:30PM. By calling the office at 347-5168 during business hours to request a registration form be mailed to you. Visit our website and download the form. If you are moving or returning, please let us know so we can maintain accurate records. THE ITALIAN FEAST Sponsored by the Ladies Guild Saturday, February 14, 6:00PM, Founders Center The Italian menu is offered for only $14 per adult and $5/children under 12. Tickets will be available next weekend after all Masses. Some take out will be available. Contact Loretta Voghel at 236-3004 or [email protected] for more information ONLINE GIVING NOW AVAILABLE Manage your giving online You can now manage your giving online! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps: 1. Visit the church website at 2. Click on the [online giving] button just beside the address block in our header, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. For access to our mobile site, use the QR code. 2015 TAX LETTERS have been mailed. If you did not receive a letter and would like to receive one, or if you received a letter and have any questions, please call Paula at 347-5168. THANK YOU: The seventh grade students thank you for your support of The Remembrance Tree fundraiser. The proceeds help pay for the Junior High Rally trip next November. The ornaments are on top of the religious goods cabinet. Please find the ones you purchased and take them home as a lasting remembrance of your loved Sharron Wojciechowski for her donation in memory of Caroline Ritzel. Most Reverend Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone requests your presence at the Guatemalan Gala for the benefit of the clinic in San Pedro! Join us for an evening of music and mingling, dinner and learning more about the Diocese of Charleston's missionary work in Guatemala. THE DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON ANNIVERSARY FAMILY LIFE OFFICE IS SPONSORING THE MARRIAGE CELEBRATION MASS with Most Reverend Robert Guglielmone, February, 15, 2015, at St. Peter Church in Columbia, SC at 3:00PM. There is a form on the or FamilyLife@catholic or call 803 547 5063. When: Saturday, February 28, 2015 at 6:30PM Where: Blessed Sacrament Church 5 Saint Teresa Dr., Charleston, SC 29407 Dress: Cocktail Attire To Purchase Tickets: Contact Teresa Garcia 843.531.5540 | [email protected] Or visit our website: GEORGE WEIGEL, A TV COMMENTATOR, COLUMNIST, AND BIOGRAPHER OF ST. JOHN PAUL II will be presenting "Why John Paul II is a Saint: The Family and Religious Freedom" on February 13, 2015, from 7:00PM-9:00PM at The Harbour Club, 35 Prioleau St., Charleston as a fund raiser for SC families with difficult pregnancies. Tickets are $50.00 per person, $75.00 per couple. For more information or to register please email Michael Acquilano at [email protected] or call the Family Life Office at 843-547-5063. SAVE THE DATE The Ancient Order of Hibernians present An Afternoon of Irish Entertainment Starring Seamus Kennedy Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Comedian, All-Round Entertainer! Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Center Sunday, February 22, 2015 3:00PM Donation $20.00 Tickets available at the OLSS Ticket Office after weekend Masses or from: Don Dunphy 910-575-1259; Flynn's Irish Tavern 843-249-6533; Matthew Tully 843-497-4741; Bill Toomey 843-249-3599. THE NEXT RACHEL'S VINEYARD RETREAT will be in the Columbia area, March 13-15, 2015.The retreat is very helpful in sorting out feelings and thoughts about an abortion experience so that healing can occur. For more information, Call Christy 803-554-6088 or Kathy 803-546-6010 or [email protected] The retreat is confidential and non-judgmental, This is the time. ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS, CT.#2356, will hold their annual Luncheon/Fashion Show, Saturday, February 21, 2015, 11:00AM-3:00PM, at Kimbel’sWachesaw Plantation. The theme for the event is “Fun with Fashions” with styles by Chico’s-Market Commons. Tickets are $30.00, and may be obtained by calling Sandy Hein at 6503932, or the church office 651-3737. This event is our main fund raiser, and benefits various local and national service organizations, such as, Help 4 Kids, Toomey’s Kids, Jason’s House, Relay 4 Life, and other charities. Come join us for a very pleasant time. * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * COLECTA: Damos gracias a todos los generosamente en nuestra colecta semanal. 2015 1162 Month: (3 Sundays) Year to Date: Offertory $10,536.38 que Budget aportan Variance $10,384.66 +$151.72 Actuals Budget $39,354.52 $32,569.32 +$6,785.20 Variance $326,439.38 $312,065.32 +$14374.06 Amount needed to meet Budget for January Offertory: $42,954.00. LA SEGUNDA COLECTA ESTE DOMINGO SERÁ PARA ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON LA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA CATÓLICA. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a este fondo. Por favor sean generosos. LA SEGUNDA COLECTA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 1 DE FEBRERO será para El Fondo de Mantenimiento y Mejoramiento de las propiedades de nuestra iglesia. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a este fondo. Por favor sean generosos. PROGRAMAS DE LA PASTORAL JUVENIL DE JAMES: Programa de Secundaria Life Teen : Los sábados de 6:00-9:00PM Enero 24th- LifeTeen Comenzando el Año Nuevo Programa de la Escuela Intermedia MYG: MYG se reúne los miércoles de 6: 30-8:30PM MYG Comienza el 28 de enero 2015 Estamos siempre en la necesidad de chaperones para ayudar con nuestros programas para jóvenes, también necesitamos personas que preparen las comidas para nuestras reuniones de los sábados. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros (información abajo) si usted está interesado en ayudar! ----------------------————————— ¿Preguntas? ¿Comentarios? ¿Ideas? ¿Quieres ayudar? Por favor, póngase en contacto con John Paul Williams en [email protected]! PROGRAMA DE LUGAR SEGURO EN ST. JAMES La Parroquia de St. James está comprometida para asegurar un medio ambiente seguro para nuestro niños y apoyar el “Decreto Nacional para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes” establecido por la Conferencia Católica de Obispos de Estados Unidos.(USCCB). Todos los Adultos que trabajen con niños deberán de: ·Asistir al Programa de “Protegiendo los Niños de Dios” ·Ser checado por la autoridad policial ·Apegarse al DOC Codigo de Conducta (una copia está disponible en el tablero de boletines que se encuentra en el pasillo principal) ·Leer y firmar el DOC de Abuso Sexual Politica y Procedimiento (una copia está disponible en el tablero de boletines que se encuentra en el pasillo principal) Para reportar un problema de abuso, ir a Haga clic en Servicios de Protección de Niño que se encuentra en la parte inferior, después prosiga haciendo clic en Cómo Reportar que se encuentra la derecha. St. James Safe Environment Coordinator: Paulette Flench, 347-5168 Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services: (843) 853-2130, ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance: Louisa Storen:1-800-921-8122. DONACIONES DE ENERO BLANCO: ¿Se acuerdan de los artículos blancos para nuestros hermanos y hermanas? Los básicos son muy importantes en la vida de todo mundo. Ropa interior nuevos para hombre y mujer, Camisetas, brasieres y calcetines. No hacen mucha falta para quienes contamos con varios pares de ellos en nuestras comodas. Pero este simple regalo es un envio de Dios condo no existe ni una comoda o una comoda vacia. ¡Solo tenemos una semana más! Por favor traigan sus donaciones esta semana. Pónganlas en la caja que se encuentra afuera de la iglesia. COLECTA DE LAS PALMAS DEL DOMINGO DE RAMOS DEL AÑO PASADO: Para el Miércoles de Ceniza de 18 de Febero. Traiga sus palmas del año pasado a la Iglesia para ser quemadas y lpreparar las cenizas que serán usadas el Miércoles de Ceniza. Habrán cajas afuera de la Iglesia para que las pongan. Gracias. ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto en la capilla Virgen de Guadalupe Lunes de 10:00AM – 3:00PM y 6:00PM –12:00PM Miércoles 6:00PM – 12:00PM Viernes 6:00PM – 12:00PM Ven y pasa un tiempo de adoración con Jesús Sacramentado. ¡Te está esperando! Si quieres comprometerte con una hora de adoración comunícate con Amalia García o Conchita Antúnez. LECTURAS PARA ESTA SEMANA III Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario Domingo: Jan 3, 1-5, 10; Sal 24; 1 Cor 7, 29-31; Mc 1, 14-20 Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos Lunes: 2 Tim 1, 1-8; Sal 95; Mc 3, 22-30 Cantemos la grandeza del Señor Martes: Heb 10, 1-10; Sal 39; Mc 3, 31-35 Aquí estory, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad Miércoles: Heb 10, 11-18; Sal 109; Mc 4, 1-20 Tú eres sacerdote para siempre Jueves: Heb 10, 19-25; Sal 23; Mc 4, 21-25 Busquemos a Dios, nuestro Señor Viernes: Heb 10, 32-39; Sal 36; Mc 4, 26-34 La salvación del justo es el Señor Sábado: Heb 11, 1-2, 8-19; Lc 1; Mc 4, 35-41 Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel Próximo Domingo: Duet 18, 15-20; Sal 94; 1 Cor 7, 32-35; Mc 1, 21-28 Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES ESTE DOMINGO 10:00AM Venta de desayuno y comida 10:45AM – 12:00PM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 10:50AM Clase de inglés 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa Cada fin de semana colecta de comida para los necesitados, por favor deposite sus donaciones en la canasta de comida en el Centro Fundadores Comparta su herencia cultural trayendo un platillo por familia que represente sus raíces. Traigan también un CD de música para que las personas puedan bailar— salsa, polca, jazz, vals, etc. Esta será una hermosa tarde para compartir la riqueza de nuestra comunidad. ¡Los esperamos! BUSCAMOS VOLUNTARIOS Si te gustaría ayudar contacte a Amalia o Conchita en 347-5168 Ext. 230 o por correo electrónico en [email protected] o [email protected]. BAUTISMO: Las próximas fechas de preparación para el sacramento del bautismo de los niños serán el sábado 7, 10, y 14 de Febrero a las 6:00PM. Se les pide a los padres de los niños, que antes de asistir a la preparación se registren con Conchita Antúnez, traer el acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a), buscar padrinos que hayan celebrado sus sacramentos, que comulguen con frecuencia y que ayuden a sus hijos a vivir su nueva vida cristiana. COMITÉ GUADALUPANO: ¿Te gustaría ser un voluntario dentro del Comité Guadalupano? Necesitamos personas que generosamente quieran compartir su tiempo, sus dones y talentos en este comité. Si quiere ser parte de este comité comuníquese a la oficina del ministerio hispano (843) 3475168 Ext. 229. Sigamos honrando a nuestra hermosa Madre que siempre está con nosotros. PREPARACIÓN PARA EL SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todas las parejas que desean celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Se requiere que inicien su proceso de preparación 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda, para más información comuníquense con Conchita Antúnez o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (843) 347- 5168 Ext. 229. ESTE LUNES 10:00AM – 3:00PM y 6:00PM – 12:00PM Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento 7:30PM Grupo de matrimonios ESTE MARTES 6:30PM Clase de inglés 6:30 PM RICA y sacramento de adultos – Salón #7 7:00PM Confesiones 7:30PM Rosario en comunidad 8:00PM Celebración de la Palabra ESTE MIÉRCOLES 6:00PM – 12:00PM Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento 6:30PM Grupo de jóvenes Middle School grados del 6 – 8 Salón #11 8:00PM Práctica del ministerio de música ESTE JUEVES 6:30PM Catequesis suplementaria ESTE VIERNES 6:00PM – 12:00PM Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento ESTE SÁBADO 6:00PM Misa de jóvenes 7:00PM Grupo juvenil High School grados del 9-12 Salón #11 PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 10:00AM Venta de desayuno y comida 10:45AM Educación Religiosa/Catequesis 1ra. Clase Familiar para la Primera Comunión, grados 2-5 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM Celebración de la Santa Misa MISAS Y CONFESIONES: Todos los martes hay confesiones en español a la 7:00PM, Rosario en comunidad 7:30PM y la Misa a las 8:00PM. Los domingos 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad y la Misa a las 12:00PM. Si quiere hacer una cita para confesarse o recibir una ayuda espiritual del sacerdote llame a la oficina de la parroquia o a la oficina del ministerio hispano. ROSARIO EN FAMILIA: Si quiere recibir la visita de la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar y rezar el rosario en familia, puede inscribirse con Bernardino Reyes y Gelacia Zacarías coordinadores del rosario en familia. Los domingos y martes media hora antes de la Misa rezamos el Santo Rosario en comunidad. LA FAMILIA QUE REZA UNIDA PERMANECE UNIDA.
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