WELCOME To The Regional Parishes of Tacoma The Bulletin of Information and Activities The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 Your Pastoral Team: Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min. Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga PV Fr. J. Carlos Saenz PV Regional Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar 253-882-9943 206-375-9539 253-279-4158 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455 MABUHAY! Welcome! Chào Mừng Sacred Heart Parish 4520 McKinley Avenue Tacoma, WA 98404 (253) 472-7738 Masses / Misas Sunday 10:00am English Mon & Fri 8:00am English Dominical Español Sábado 7:00pm Domingo 8:00am y 12:00 Medodía Jueves 7:00pm Español Reconciliation / Confesiones During office hours only: Tue to Fri Make sure Fr. Kokol (Carlos) is in. Call office or him. No appointments! Afio mai! St. Ann Parish Hafa Adai! Shalom! Bienvenidos! St. John of the Woods Parish 7025 South Park Avenue 9903 24th Avenue East Tacoma, WA 98408 Tacoma (Midland), WA 98445 (253) 472-1360 (253) 537-8551 English Masses & Reconciliation English Masses & Reconciliation Reconciliation: Sat. 4:00pm Saturday at 5:00pm Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30pm Sunday at 9:30am Saturday at 5:30pm Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Thu) at 8:00am Sunday at 8:00am & 11:00am Tuesday Mass at 5:00pm Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Fri) at 9:30am Friday Mass at 7:00pm Vietnamese Mass: You can find more information and activities on the web at Reconciliation: Sun. 3:00pm www.trparishes.org Sunday at 4:00pm Pastor’s Letter Dear Parishioners: We congratulate all candidates and catechumens who have joined the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult (RCIA) program this year. We had the Rite of accepting them into the program (RCIA) last Sunday on the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. We also thank you for praying and supporting those families who are mourning for their loved ones who have passed away during the holiday season. It is very hard for these families and your prayers for them are very important (this is what our Faith Community can do to give them a little support). We had three Funeral Services last week after New Year’s Day. We welcome students from the Faith Formation back to their programs and we are ready for the Confirmation program at this time. We made an announcement at each Mass and the registration form is at the back of the Church and at the parish office. We thank Fathers Laga and Juan Carlos with the core team who are assisting us with this year’s program. We thank you for taking time to celebrate the Christmas Season by coming to daily Masses and to celebrate New Year’s Eve and Day with us and all different feasts day during this season. We join with the Universal Church to celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord this weekend and this marks the conclusion of the Christmas Season. We thank you for taking time to assist us with decorations for this season and we thank you for taking down all the decorations this weekend. Our regional parishes had beautiful decorations for all the Churches and it takes a lot of time to decorate and to take them down. We welcome the Missionary Worker from the Missionary of the Words religious order, who is back to assist Sacred Heart Parish for this New Year. We also welcome back Sister Mary Vu, who was away (for the Christmas break) visiting her mom and her sister in Houston, Texas. Father Juan Carlos left after the Feast of Holy Family (Sunday) to visit his family in Peru and he will return in February. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. We thank Fathers Richard Gallagher and Paul, who are assisting us while Father Juan Carlos is away. We deeply appreciate your financial support during the Christmas Season to support our parishes during the winter. It is hard for us with all the bills for the heating of all the buildings and all the extra expenses during the Holiday. We restored the dishwasher at the parish hall of St. John of the Woods’ Church. We had an inspection of the furnace system in the Church to check all the vaults and replaced those that do not work. We thank you for your continuing support in keeping all the doors closed and turning off all the lights, and heating after you have finished using the facility for various activities. We thank the liturgical ministers for assisting us with many different liturgies that we had. We thank the choir members who came to assist us with different Masses for Christmas, New Year and all the Holy Day of Obligation celebrations. We thank all the Priests, Deacon, and volunteers who assisted us with liturgy and worship. It was a joy for me to celebrate Mass with the Latino community at Sacred Heart’s Church for New Year’s Eve. We have four different languages we use regularly each week to serve our parishioners within our regional parishes. We have Masses in English, Samoan, Spanish, and Vietnamese and other languages when it is needed. We thank you for your continuing support so we are able to evangelize the Gospel in different languages and reach out to different cultures who live in our regional parishes. We thank the leadership from different groups for working with each other and coordinating the use of the facility; and for treating each other with respect and care, which makes me very happy to see the parish fulfilling the mission that we all hope for. We thank the implementation core team who assist us with publishing the information on the Member Engagement (ME25) survey composing of 25 questions (for the Gallup’s study) about our regional parishes and their recommendation within the last few months in the bulletin. We are very pleased with the information that we are sharing with you. We also thank the core team for working with the different ministries of the parish for their quarterly report on what they are doing. We thank you for your commitment to the stewardship/sacrificial giving to assist the parish. We also thank you for your end of the year giving (you made for the end of 2014) to support our parishes. You are cordially invited to volunteer to support the parish with your time and talent for this New Year. We started 2015 with much hope and expectation to have different programs to assist those in need. Your time and your talent are important to make it happen. When you are giving what you have to serve God’s people, you will always find joy, peace and happiness in what you have given. The parishes need your help and you will find a true home where you can fully participate in the areas you are interested in and also feel more at home with others. We thank the parish leadership from each parish for coming back to their regular monthly meeting. I hope that you are reading their meeting minutes that they have posted at the back of the church or on the parish website. I will summarize the important project or the point that we are discussing from different meetings to share with you on my bulletin letter. Again, Happy New Year to you and to your family! May we have a New Year with Peace, Love, Hope and Happiness throughout the year! Sincerely Yours in Christ, Our website: www.trparishes.org Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min., Pastor Please remember your parish in your Will. Community Center Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455 PRIESTS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min., Pastor (253) 882-9943 [email protected] Fr. J. Carlos Saenz, Parochial Vicar, (253) 279- 4158 [email protected] Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga, Parochial Vicar (206) 375-9539 [email protected] Para información en Español vea las páginas 8-9 CONFESSIONS: on weekends before each scheduled mass or by appointment CONFIRMATION: Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga (206) 375-9539 or [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and BAPTISM: Sr. Theresa Nguyen (253) 592-2541; [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR & CONTACTS: Sr. Theresa Nguyen - (253) 592-2541 or [email protected] ACCOUNTANT: Anna Nichols (360) 789-1896 [email protected] MAINTENANCE: Don McMakin (253) 590-6824 [email protected] OUTREACH/ HOME BOUND MINISTRY: Sr. Mary Van Vu (253) 592-2455 - [email protected] MARRIAGE PREP/ANNULMENTS: Deacon Mike Teskey (253) 474-6559 WEDDINGS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen —Arrangement should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance. RCIA (Rite Christian Initiation for Adults) Baptism Preparation Class in January, 2015 Class will be offered for parents and godparents who RCIA/RCIC is the process by which people be- have new born babies and children under 7 years old. Class on come members of the Roman Catholic Church. Saturday, January 10th from 10:00 a.m -12:00 noon at St. Ann’s Classes at 6:30PM at the School building. Library. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541. Journey of Conversion in Mind, Heart & Spirit. Jan. 12: Sacraments of Service: Matrimony Jan. 19: No class -Martin Luther King Day Jan. 26: Morality Sacrament of Confirmation The RCIA process has four steps: Pre-Catechumenate: a time of asking questions and making inquires. Catechumenate: a time of spiritual and continued growth. Enlightenment/Purification: a time, during Lent, spent in preparation to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil, on Holy Saturday. Mystagogy: a time of reaching out to others and living our faith experiences in our parish community. Religious Education and RCIC Our Confirmation classes on Sunday evening from 6-8PM begin tonight January 11th. We still accept registration forms. Confirmation Day will be May 20, 2015. Please pray for these students. We thank the teachers for volunteering to teach the students. Thank you parents for encouraging your young people and making sure they are at class on time. Confirmation Class on Sundays from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at School Building. Jan. 11th: Introduction/Parents and Candidates Jan. 18th: The Sacrament of Confirmation affirms our commitment to the Church. St. John of the Woods: Sundays from 9:40 am to 10:45 am. St. Ann’s Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Meeting with the Pastor, Fr. Tuan Father Tuan will be holding interviews in February with children and their parents. He will be checking to see if they can make the Sign of the Cross correctly, if they have memorized the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be to the Father, and the Act of Contrition. Parents please help your children to study these prayers at home. Thank you for the help you give your children. 2 YOU ARE INVITED COME JOIN US Starting 7 Jan 2015 Adult Catechism Classes St. Ann Parish Wednesdays at 6:30pm to 7:25 at Milner Center-Library This is your opportunity to turn to Christ and learn more about your Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For more information contact Monty at (253) 304-4473 Regional Center Our Treasured Tradition . . . Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (In Church Only) Catholic Social Issues ST. ANN: 8:30am - 7:00pm Thursdays 5pm - 7pm Tuesdays Divine Mercy & Mass (Samoan Comm.) 7:00pm Fridays Mass (Vietnamese Language) by Barbara & Clarence Leingang ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS: 10:00am - Noon Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm - Mondays SACRED HEART: 9:00AM-6:30PM Every Thursday 8:30am - Noon Every first Friday Mass Schedule for January at Nursing Homes Date th Thurs, Jan 15 Time Nursing Home 10:00 am King’s Manor St. Ann’s Seniors Club You are invited to attend the monthly Mass and Anointing of the Sick celebrated at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, January 16th. Following Mass, St. Ann’s Seniors will attend a luncheon in the Parish Hall followed by their monthly meeting. You are all welcome to come. Archdiocesan Priesthood The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches in depth about social issues as they pertain to the Church and her members. The Glossary of the Catechism defines these social issues in three perspectives. Catholics should take time to study the Catechism and learn from it. 1. Social Justice: The respect for the human person and the rights which flow from human dignity and guarantee it. Society must provide the conditions that allow people to obtain what is their due, according to their nature and vocation. (CCC1928, 1931) 2. Social sin: “ The effect of sin over time can affect society and its institutions to create “structures of sin” known as “social sin.” (CCC1869) 3. Social teaching: The teaching or social doctrine of the Church on the truth of revelation concerning human dignity, human solidarity, and the principles of justice and peace; this includes the moral judgments about economic and social matters. (CCC2419-2422) The Church has received from the gospel the full revelation of the truth about man. Therefore the Church teaches man about the demands of justice and peace that conforms to what God has revealed. It should be noted that the social doctrine of the Church was not truly developed until the 19th century when the modern industrial society was “born.” The development of the doctrine on economic and social matters by the Church fulfilled the true meaning of Her Tradition. The Church’s social teachings provide criteria for judgment, reflection, and guidelines for action. Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church Prayer of the Faithful ~ January 11th, 2015 Discernment Night Date: January 22, 2015 Time: 7:15 pm and are open to all men ages 15 to 40 Place: St. Joseph Hall, 602 S 34th Street, Tacoma, WA 98418. We will be meeting in the Church basement. Contact Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, 206-382-4880, [email protected]. Supper for our Priests Priests would like to say thank you to those who have been making meals for them every Thursday. The number of priests are three. They would appreciate your care and generosity. If you are interested, please call Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541. Meals could be bought around 3:30-4pm to the St. Ann’s Rectory. Please join Archbishop J. Peter Sartain at the Mass for Life on Tuesday, January 21, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Marcus Pavilion, Saint Martin's University, Lacey. For more information, visit www.seattlearchdiocese.org/cff/resources.aspx. For parents facing challenging pregnancies: may the Lord grant us the courage to walk with them, assist them, and invite them to put their trust in God; we pray to the Lord:Respect Life"It is God who gives life. Let us respect and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother's womb." ~ Pope Francis Come out on Tuesday, January 20th to the Mass for Life - 9:30 AM, Marcus Pavilion at St. Martin's University in Lacey with Archbishop Sartain, and then to the March for Life - Noon at the State Capitol in Olympia. We gather on the Capitol Campus to show that the Culture of life brings hope. You are needed in Olympia! Bring a friend. We bring a message of hope as we come to witness that all life is sacred and worthy of all protection under the law. Year of Consecrated Life October 1, 2014 (www.usccb.org) “Our brothers and sisters in Christ living consecrated lives make great contributions to our society through a vast number of ministries,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of USCCB. “They teach in our schools, take care of the poor and the sick and bring compassion and the love of Christ to those shunned by society; others lead lives of prayer in contemplation for the world.” 3 Regional Center God Gives it All and then Calls Us to Share St. Ann Total Needed for Budget: $380,000 Pledges to Date: $ 218,508 Families Pledged: 276 St. John of the Woods Total Needed for Budget: $265,000 Pledges to Date: $ 200,254 Families Pledged: 164 Sacred Heart Total Needed for Budget: $300,000 Pledges to Date: $ 10,259 Families Pledged: 298 We deeply appreciate you for returning your commitment card to support our parishes with your financial support. We thank you for responding to the parish and supporting her mission. We thank the Stewardship Committee for assisting us in promoting it for this year. If you have not returned a card as of yet, please prayerfully consider how God would have you support the ministries at your parish. Sharing the Good News from our Regional Survey! On February 22-23 of this year, we conducted our first Regional Parish/Gallup Survey of Member Engagement and now the results are in. We are sharing with you how good our soil is at Regional Parishes of Tacoma in ongoing weekly bulletins for producing the “fruits of the Spirit” here in our parish community. Gallup Survey Question EO 21 I am a person who is spiritually committed. % of Regional Parishes of Tacoma community members who strongly agree 46% % of Catholic parish members who Gallup Survey Question % of Regional Parishes of Tacoma community members who % of Catholic parish members who strongly agree EO 22 strongly agree strongly agree 42% Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the way things are going in my personal life. 46% 38% The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invites input from Asian and pacific Island Catholics and those who serve in ministry to them! Your responses will help shape a National Pastoral Plan. http://bit.ly/NSAPICUS . The questionnaire should only take about 15 minutes to complete, and your responses are anonymous. Thank you for your participation! Do You Feel Disillusioned with your Marriage? Do you think you have to settle for a lackluster ? Think again! You can gain new insight into your marriage and rekindle the warmth you once felt. The Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) program has helped tens of thousands of marriages worldwide. Your marriage could be next! For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning January 23-25, 2015 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com We join with the Universal Church to celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord this weekend and this marks the conclusion of the Christmas Season. We thank you for taking time to assist us with decorations for this season and we thank you for taking down all the decorations this weekend. Our regional parishes had beautiful decorations for all the Churches and it takes a lot of time to decorate and to take them down. We appreciate your help. 4 ST. ANN PARISH (253) 472-1360 Fax (253) 475-6335 Parish Secretary: Carmen Lozano Ext. 100 Pastoral Assist., Vietnamese Contact: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 Samoan Contact: Filipo Faleono 253-229-6279 Pastoral Council: Cathy Bunger (253) 472-6355 Liturgy Ministry: Emma Caintic (253) 752 4378 Finance Council: Bob Richardson (253) 922-2412 St. Vincent DePaul: Richard McMakin (253) 468-9841 Mission Statement: We, parishioners of St Ann Parish, are a Catholic faith community in the south end of Tacoma who proclaim the Gospels and embrace our many cultures and the gifts we share. We come together as one faith community to celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We are grateful to those who built this place of worship with faith, sacrifice and sanctified it with their many years of devotion. We remain focused on our Roman Catholic traditions and promote an environment of hope, where all can grow into the likeness of Christ. Monstrance for Vocations We will be having two Monstrance for Vocation services on: January 22nd and January 29th at St. Ann's at 6:00 p.m. Those are the days we will have the Monstrance from the Archdiocese. We will have Adoration all day on those Thursdays from 9am to 6pm followed by Vespers, Prayers for Vocations, and Benediction. Stewardship In Our Parish Facilities Recently we’ve had to make some maintenance investments in our church heating system. In November we had to add some air vents on the air handler for the north side of the church. We needed to do this because the heat was not working on the north side of the church due to its being vapor locked. This cost us approximately $2,000.00. Also in November, we had to replace the fill valve for the boiler in the church so that the boiler would not operate dry and an air valve in the school to stop a water leak, These two items cost us $1,700.00. We now need to repair the compression tank for the church boiler, and replace a shut off valve for the compression tank. This will cost us another $2,700.00 plus tax. As you can see, it is very expensive to maintain our facilities as this is just a few examples of our costs. Thank you for your continuing support of our parish and its facilities. December 21st— $5,655.00 December 24th & 25th—$3,135.00 (Sunday Envelope Contributions) Christmas Eve and Day: $4,904.00 December 27th & 28th $3,547.00 Thank you to all who contributed you remain in our prayers of thanksgiving. St. Ann Seniors Will host their January meeting on Thursday, January 15th at 11:00 a.m. With Mass followed by lunch at AAA Chinese Buffet, 10310 S. Tacoma, Way, Lakewood. For directions please call 253-983-8833.For more information please call Kathi. BUNCO PRAYERS… We pray for those who are sick or recovering from surgery, Yvonne Boukal Janet Curtright Kathleen Genge Ernest Haywood Jackie Lane Donna Majeres Neagle Fam. Anthony Palomo Bob Richardson Jerry Rochefort Virginia Wooten God Gives it All Then Calls Us to Share Bob Bockman Sr. Charlotte DiStefano Ed Glass Virginia Haywood Michelle Lane Terry Mathern Susitina Nielsen Teresita Palomo Thad Richardson Charles Salle Alisa Wooten Robert Colombini Joshua Gallagher George Harmon Jr. Doug Herzog Samantha Lawrence Wesley McMakin John Nolte Dale Philips Valerie Rochefort Georgia Williams Joan Woodring Eternal Rest.— We pray for the fullness of eternal life for Merle Weber and Richard Seeberger, who died recently. Our prayers and sympathy are with their families. Come, join us for a night of fun and games! Friday, January 16th at 6:00 P.M. We will have a potluck dinner, then play BUNCO at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We loved to have you join us. Confirmation Registration Baptized parishioners between the ages of 16 to 18 are invited to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes will be begin in January on Sundays at 6:00pm at St. Ann School Building. Registration forms are in the South Vestibule of the Church. Please fill in and bring to your parish office including a copy of your Baptismal Certificate and Confirmation fee. 5 This week in our Parish January 12th, 2015 Monday: 6:30 p.m. Samoan/ Choir Church 6:30 p.m. RCIASchool Tuesday: 8: a.m. Mass 10:00 a.m. SVDP-M.C. 5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy/Church 6:00 p.m. Mass-Samoan 7:00 p.m. Samoan Comm.-Hall Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir—Church 6:30 p.m. CCD-School Building 6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation/M Thursday: 8 a.m. Mass Adoration after Mass until 7 p.m. 10:00 a.m. SVDP-M.C. 11:00 a.m. Seniors Mass 6:30 p.m. Liturgy MTG-M.C. Friday—No A.M. Mass 9:00 a.. SVDP Meeting-Hall 5:30 p.m. Outreach-Chapel 6:00 p.m. Confessions 7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass-CH 7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Choir: M.C. 7:00 p.m. BUNCO-Hall Saturday 4:00 p.m. Confessions-Church 5:00 p.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. Samoan Choir-Church Sunday: 9:30 a. m. —Mass Coffee & Donuts after Mass/Hall 11:00 a.m. Vietnamese Comm/Sch. 4:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass Snoqualmie Casino Everyone is invited to join the Seniors for a day of fun at the Snoqualmie Casino. January 22nd ,February 12th and March 12th. For further information please call Rita at 253-537-2977. ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS PARISH Parish Secretary: Susan Teskey (253) 537-8551 Fax (253) 537-0459 Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 (Tuesday & Friday) Parish Pastoral Council: James Hardesty (253) 539-5952 Liturgy Ministry: Joan O’Shea (253) 531-5159 Finance Council :Doug Franklin (253) 922-3847 Lazarus Commission: Natalie Vieira (253) 537-4877 Facilities Council: Richard Severson (253) 531-6006 Music Ministry: Nancy Burkholder (253) 537-9283 Bible for Adults: Brenda Kelly (253) 922-6569 Stewardship Commission: Tom & Marge Berntsen (253) 840-2088 Youth ministry: Jacob Hayden (253) 537-8551 or [email protected] Mission Statement: St. John of the Woods is a rural Catholic community centered in Jesus Christ, growing in faith and sharing the Word of God through the Eucharist and our Sacraments. We are a welcoming parish of active, involved people of all ages and cultures, serving families and recognizing the gifts that each person brings. Ministry Contacts: Sacristans Donna Severson 531-6006 Lectors Brenda Kelly 922-6569 Eucharistic Ministers Debbie Sanders 472-1590 Music Nancy Burkholder 537-9283 Altar Servers Joan O”Shea 531-5159 Ushers Bill Butschky 691-4473 Church Decorators Pat Kowalchuk 537-4077 Lazarus Committee Natalie Vieira 537-4877 Finance Council Doug Franklin 922-3847 Pastoral Council Jim Hardesty 539-5952 Facilities Committee Dick Severson 531-6006 Stewardship Sharon Murphy 472-5856 Funeral Receptions Karen Knobbe 535-2745 Children’s Faith Formation Sr. Theresa 592-2541 Adult Bible Study Brenda Kelly 922-6569 Homebound outreach Sr. Mary 592-2455 Monthly Breakfast Tom Cruz 297-0274 Senior Lunch Karen Knobbe 535-2745 Coffee Hour Brenda Kelly 922-6569 Mother’s Group Amber Goldade 537-9694 Weekly Calendar January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord MONDAY January 12: NO MASS Bible Study—1pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration—7pm-9pm TUESDAY January 13: Mass 9:30am Bible Study—7pm WEDNESDAY January 14: Mass 9:30am Adoration—10am Choir—6:30pm THURSDAY January 15 NO MASS American Heritage Girls—6pm FRIDAY January 16: Mass 9:00am Home School PE—10am SATURDAY January 17: Confessions 4:30pm Mass 5:30pm Youth Group—6:45pm Sunday January 18: Masses 8:00am & 11:00am Prayers for our Sick Ann Gannon Alice Doidge Brandon Clarno Larry Tally Jazzmyne Forsman June Dye Esther Wilder Theresa Riendeau Steven Borris Isaiah Williams Dan & Susan Kitaji Jan Gratzer Hilde Salzburn Wanda Swanson MaryAnn Straling Beckett Eells Robert Taitano Richard Coleman Lil Copeland Joe Devish Dec. 14, 2014 total $4,999.91 Dec. 21, 2014 total $7,111.52 Dec. 28, 2014 total $4,455.50 Jan. 4, 2015 Envelopes 115 @$5,049.00 + $584.00 loose = total $5,633.00 Thanks for your continuing support. In Military Service: SPC-Sean Gilson Cody Matheason Coffee Hour after 11am Mass Altar Server Corner Cincture is White January 10th & 11th 5:30pm: Joan 8:00am: Gary & Kirby 11:00am: Nae’Ana, Ryan & Serena Please welcome Tracy Hammerschmith and Reveka Rojas to this ministry. Tracy will serve at 5:30pm and Revekah at 8:00am. Thanks to them for answering the call and sharing their time and talent. May God blessed you in your ministry, Joan O’Shea Questions contact me at 253-531-5159 or [email protected] Come join us for a great lunch and fun with other parishioner and friends Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, we would to have more people join us! So mark your calendars and COME! Volunteers Needed: If you are new to the parish of St. John of the Woods and you would like to get involved. There are volunteer sheet in the vestibule of the church, fill it out and place it in the collection. We invite you to please prayerfully consider becoming active in the parish. Hall Dishwasher: "We would like to thank Tom Dolan, Richard Morris & Bob Jahn for their expert ability on this project. They worked on it both Friday and Saturday and it is now ready for use". We will have the sales rep. come out and advise us Wednesday. Wanted: There is a basket in the church entrance for last Palms Sunday’s Palms to be dropped off so that they can be burned and used for Ash Wednesday this year. Thank you. 6 Stewardship corner Well , here we are another year has come to a close, but before we close 2014 totally I would like to thank Fr. Tuan, Sr. Mary, Sr. Theresa, Dixie Knoll and Tyla Halmrast-Bourne for hosting the Christmas Party at Sacred Heart parish for the homebound parishioners. Also the Eucharist ministries who visit the homebound were also invited to attend. It was a wonderful gathering, Dixie and Twyla made delicious soaps. There was also eggrolls, chicken and marvelous desserts. The tables were decorated so beautifully and little Christmas baskets with all kinds of “goodies” adorned each setting. Fr. Tuan was in charge of the gift giving. What a fun time he had distributing all the gifts. Christmas Songs were song and everyone enjoyed coming together as a family of friends. The homebound so not get much of an opportunity to take part in the “Christmas Spirit” but this particular day they enjoyed the friendship and love that was very apparent at this gathering! Time—Talent—Treasure Stewardship Commission New Year Prayer Lord Jesus Christ as we begin this year may we renew our faith and spread the Gospel as we live our daily lives. Help us to live each day with grace and joy and to share our faith with everyone around us. Inspire us to renew our own commitment to Christ and the Catholic Church and call us to conversion of life through Your saving love. We ask this through You, our Lord Jesus Christ the One Savior of the world. Amen. SACRED HEART PARISH e-mail: [email protected] Tel. (253) 472-7738 Fax (253) 475-0071 STAFF / PERSONAL: PASTOR / PARROCO...............……….......................Ext. 103 Fr. Tuan V. Nguyen PAROCHIAL VICAR / VICARIO PARROQUIA..............Ext. 107 Fr. Juan Carlos Saenz PARISH SECRETARY / SECRETARIA...……...............Ext. 100 Luz M. Paredes Lazarus Ministry …………... …………..253 - 474 - 2414 Chuck Ross St. Vincent De Paul …………………….. 253 - 474 - 7195 Claudia K. Ehreth MISSIONERIES………………………………………EXT 109 EDIBERO LUNA web: trparishes.org MISSION STATEMENT We are a people of God unified in his love. As Roman Catholic Community, we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings and our Sacred Catholic Tradition. Our devotion to the Lord comes from the Liturgy, the Sacraments and multiethnic people who embrace our community and welcome all newcomers. We foster the unique expressions of each culture and honor the gifts they bring. Through our commitment to Christ’s Commandments, we provide an environment that will foster spiritual growth and reflect Jesus’ love for all in our community . Parish calendar Rosary 30 minutes before Mass A VOTIVE LIGHT FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED. Richard Seeberger May his faithful soul rest in peace. Amen To the Seeberger Family contact services ANOINTING OF THE SICK / OUTREACH MINISTRY TO THE HOMEBOUND Altar Society Meeting: Monday January 12, 2015 Rosary at 12 :00 noon with brown bag lunch to follow. Coffee will be provided . Everyone is welcome Financial Council Meeting 6:00 pm Rectory dinning room Pastoral Council 7:00 pm Hall HONOR THE LORD WITH YOUR WEALTH, WITH FRUTS OF ALL YOUR PRODUCE. Prov- If you know in advance the date of surgery, a procedure, other reason for hospitalization, or know someone who would like to be visited, needs some assistance , or like communion brought to them please contact Sr. Mary Vu (253) 592-2455. SAN VINCEN DE PAUL Answering phone calls Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 am only Offering only food vouchers 253—472 - 7738 ext. 104 San Vincent De Paul January 28, 3:00 pm Important decisions needed Please try to attend Monday, January 12 8:00 am Mass Tuesday, January 13 Choir Practice 7:00 pm Thursday January 15 9:00 to 6:30 Exposition of the blessed Sacrament Friday January 16 8:00 am Mass Sunday, January 18 10:00 am Mass 11am Coffee Hour REMINDER: Reconciliation held after each Mass Stewardship In Our Parish For December 28, 2014 $4,685.00 January 4 2015 $ 4,104.50 Thank you for your Mass Intentions Onosai Aulava, Kathy Bailey, Ruth Bones, Billy Bones, Josie Bigler, Chris Bilyeu, Louis Castrilli, Katherine Carson, Juana Freeman, Ben Freudenstein, Ernesto Fuentes, JoAnn Garner, Alice Ginther, Claire M. Hickey, Diene Holby, Helen Horak, Joshua Horak, Brenda Hurtado, Pam Knoll, Veronica Maltatti, Dianne Martin, Janet Miller, M. Ester Morales, JoAnn Paul, Sharon Penhale, Ashley Remigton, Theresa Rotter, Sherry Simpson, Robert Stets, pray for those in need of prayer, all the sick and homebound members of our faith community, For our military: All men and women in Iraq and other parts of the world and their families. For those who have died: Our prayers and sympathy are with the families. Eternal Rest Granted to them rest in Peace. 7 el bautismo del señor 11 de enero de 2015 De nuestro Párroco Felicitamos a los candidatos y catecúmenos que participaran en el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana par adultos en este Nuevo año, Tuvimos el rito de aceptación de este programa (RCIA) el pasado domingo de Epifanía del Señor. También agradezco por las oraciones de apoyo a los familiares que están de duelo por seres queridos que fallecieron durante las fiestas de navidad, es una etapa muy difícil para los familiares pero las oraciones de son muy importantes (esta clase de apoyo que podemos ofrecer como comunidad de fe) hemos tenido tres funerales la semana pasada iniciando el año. Damos la bienvenida a los estudiantes del programa de formación de fe, así como también nos estamos preparando para el programa de las confirmaciones; las registraciones ya están listas en la oficina para los que deseen participar en este programa. Le agradecemos a padre Laga y al Padre Juan Carlos junto con el equipo que estarán coordinando las confirmaciones. Gracias por hacer tiempo para participar en las celebraciones de la Eucaristía en las fiestas de Adviento y Navidad y por la decoración dentro del Templo y por quitar toda la decoración, se que toma mucho tiempo y trabajo gracias una vez más a todos los voluntarios. Gracias a todos los ministros que de una u otra forma participaron en cada una de las celebraciones durante Adviento y navidad, fue un gozo para mí poder celebrar Misa con la comunidad el fin de año, es una oportunidad muy grande por las diferentes culturas que tenemos en las tres parroquias. Nos unimos a la celebración Universal del Bautismo del Señor con esto concluye la época de navidad. Damos la bienvenida a los nuevos Misioneros que estarán con nosotros ayudando con el trabajo Litúrgico en nuestra Parroquia ellos son, Víctor García, Ediberto Luna, Henry Veliz y Luis Navarro, también damos la bienvenida a la hermana Mary Vu que se encontraba visitando a sus familiares en Texas, Padre Juan Carlos se encuentra de visita a su familia en el Perú y estará de regreso a final de mes por favor pónganlo a él y su familia en sus oraciones; mientras tendremos a Padre Richard Gallagher y Padre Paul Koening con nosotros ellos estarán confesando los días jueves y sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm Agradecemos la ayuda financiera que recibimos en la estación de la navidad esto nos ayudara con los gastos de invierno, pues es la época más difícil porque los edificios ya tienen sus años, también quiero aprovechar para pedirles que antes de salir para sus casas cuando tengan algún evento aquí, mantengan las puertas cerradas para que no se salga la calefacción esto ayuda a bajar los gastos de gas, así como también recordar de apagar las luces antes de salir. Quiero agradecerles a todos los que solicitan el uso de uno de nuestros edificios, por comprender las limitaciones que tenemos por el momento, por tratarse con respeto, esto hace que el trabajo se pueda disfrutar y así poder cumplir la misión que se nos ha encomendado. Un agradecimiento especial por el compromiso en la corresponsabilidad 2015 continuo xinvitando a compartir sus talentos para esta nuevo año y gracias por la ayuda que nos dieron en 2014 cuando ayudas sirviendo a los hijos de Dios encontraras gozo, paz y felicidad, hay muchos programas en los que tu puedes ayudar. Gracias a los líderes de cada parroquia por asistir mensualmente a las reuniones, espero hayan leído las minutas que se han estado enviando antes de cada reunión Una vez más, Feliz Año Nuevo a ti y tu familia! Que podamos tener un nuevo ano lleno de paz, amor, y esperanza y felicidad por el resto del año! Atentamente de ustedes en Cristo, Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min. Pastor ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Todos los Jueves de 9AM a 6:30 PM y el primer Viernes de mes 9AM a 12 pm Grupo de Adoracion Nocturna solo para mujeres Tiene Adoracion al Santisimo los segundos viernes de cada mes PARA CONFESIONES MISAS / ESPAÑOL Jueves 7:00PM Sábado 7:00PM Domingo 8am y 12 medio dia Movimiento Sacerdotal Mariano invita a resar el Rosario todos los Miercoles 6:00 PM EN EL TEMPLO En Inglés: Domingos 10 :00 am Lunes y Viernes 8AM SACARAN AGUA CON ALEGRIA DE LAS VERTIENTES DE LA SALVACION Colecta 28 de Diciembre 2014 $ 4, 685.00 4 de Enero 2015 $ 4, 104.00 NO NECESITA HACER CITA. Llame a la oficina y pregunte por el padre 8 Lecturas Dominicales Is 42: 1-4,6-7; Hch 10: 34-38 Mc 1: 7-11 Lunes 12 de Enero Heb 1: 1-6; Mc 1: 14-20 Martes 13 de Enero Heb 2: 5-12; Mc 1: 21-28 Miércoles 14 de Enero Heb 2: 14-18; Mc 1: 29-39 Jueves 15 de Enero Heb 3: 7-14; Mc 1: 40-45 Viernes 16 de Enero Heb 4: 1-5, 11; Mc 2: 1-12 Sábado 17 de Enero Heb 4: 12-16; Mc 2: 13-17 INFORMACION COMUNITARIA Nuestra Página Regional Web: trparishes.org actividades parroquiales Clases de confirmaciones para jovenes Sabados de 1:00 pm Clases del programa de RICA Lunes 7:00 pm y Sabados 1:00 pm Clases de confirmacion para adultos Miercoles 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracion el Buen Pastor Viernes 6:30—9:00 pm Platicas Pre-Bautismales Salon Parroquial 31 de Enero 1:00 a 5:00 pm Catequesis - Sabados 8:00 a 10:00 am 10:30 am a 12:30 Necesita la visita de un sacerdote, o que le lleven la communion a su casa o al hospital? por favor llame a: oficina 253 - 472-7738 Misioneros 253- 304- 6738 Luz Paredes 253– 468– 0258 REUNION: Consejo Financiero 6:00 pm en la Oficina Consejo Pastoral 7:00 pm en el salon Parroquial 14 de Enero 2015 Coordinadores por favor no falten!! TE ESPERAMOS!! Coordinadora de Liturgia/Español Herlinda Martin Coordinador de Catequesis María Ester Morales Coordinadora de procesos de Matrimonio/Español Gloria Gómez en la Extensión 105 Deje mensaje y su número de teléfono. en la oficina de la parroquia coordinador de Bautismos: Salvador Delgadillo Coordinador de Confirmaciones Manuel Morales Coordinador de Quinceañera: Brenda Heredia Pastoral Juvenil Luis Garcia LECTORES: Sabado 17 8:00 am 12:00 medio dia 1a Lec. Christian L. Christian Lopez Gloria Fuerte 2a Lec. Brenda Elida Hurd Lucia N. Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristia: Pan Caliz ACOLITOS: Jueves 15 - Miguel, Trisha, Marcos Sabado 17 - Andrea, Abigail, Alejandro Domingo 18 8:00 am Eduardo, Samantha, Efrain 10:00 am Christian V., Lizbeth, Diana 12:00 Miguel G. Trisha, Alejandra 9
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