St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish 1421 New Road, Northfield, New Jersey Parish Office: 609-646-5611 Parish Office Fax: 609-484-8345 Religious Education Office: 609-484-0249 * [email protected] Reverend Jason T. Rocks, Pastor Reverend Armando Rodriguez Montoya, Parochial Vicar Mr. George Del Rossi, Permanent Deacon Mr. Luis Correa, Permanent Deacon Sr. Helen Lodge, OSF, Pastoral Associate Miss Mildred DiCicco, Religious Coordinator (609) 484 0249 Sheila Naticchione, Business Manager Claudia A. Costa, Parish Secretary Bettie Timm, Director of Music Ministry Jeff Young, Director of Youth Ministry Trustees: George Hornberger and Blanca Ruiz Parish Finance Council Chairperson: Anthony Mazzeo OUR MISSION We, the members of the diverse community of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, united by one faith, inspired by the Word and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, will bear witness to the contemporary pastoral challenges identified in the Pastoral Priorities of our Diocese. Trusting that our efforts will address the needs of those with whom we interact, we will increase the levels of worship and witness in the New Parish. MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY MASSES 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish WEEKDAYS 8:30 AM Monday thru Friday FRIDAYS: 7:00 PM Spanish SEE WITH THE EYES OF CHRIST Saturday, January 10 4:30PM James Malia r/b Wife, Lena Sunday January 11 8:00 AM Jean Palmieri r/b Stellitano Family 9:30 AM Mildred DiMeo r/b Ken & Nancysara Norton A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to the faith community of St. Gianna to join us in worship in praise of Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come every weekend and we welcome all of our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally. 11:00 AM Michael Schurman r/b Al & Donna Albertson 1:00 PM Juan Amaro, Sr. r/b Su Esposa Monday January 12 8:30 AM Jose V. Paradela r/b Maravic Paradela Tuesday January 13 8:30 AM Gloria Bornako r/b Karen Stiles Wednesday January 14 8:30 AM Anna Cherivtch r/b Gloria Kelly Thursday January 15 8:30 AM James T. Pontari r/b Family Friday January 16 8:30 AM 7:00 PM Katheryn Campbell r/b Sally Oshman Mass in Spanish Saturday January 17 4:30PM Rev. Richard J. Lodge r/b Naticchione Family Sunday January 18 8:00 AM Evelyn McGunnigle r/b John Taylor 9:30 AM Frannie Calabrese r/b Ken & Nancysara Norton 11:00 AM Patricia Rich r/b Tim & Stephanie Cavacini 1:00 PM Mass in Spanish 2-636 T RIGHT TO LIFE MARCH WASHINGTON , DC THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 ransportation by bus will be available for those who wish to participate in the March. The bus will leave the (vacant) Genuardi's Parking Lot on Fire Road, Egg Harbor Twp., at 7:00AM. The cost for the 53 seat modern bus with bathroom is free. Make reservations early to ensure seating on bus. If you are interested please call TOM DRIMKARD at 408-0299. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TODAY A Word from Fr. Rocks. . . S t. Luke mentions that on the eighth day Jesus was circumcised, "and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb" (Lk 2:21). Circumcision is the "mark" of the covenant which God had made with Abraham. This covenant with Abraham is found in Genesis chapter 17. God promises to make Abraham the father of many nations and lengthens the name of Abraham. Those who are circumcised are members of the household of Abraham and those who are not are cast out of the house of Abraham, meaning that the bonds of the covenant are stronger than those of familial-blood ties. Jesus' circumcision manifests that He is to fulfill the covenant made with Abraham. That through him the promise of being a father of many nations will be fulfilled. This is usually considered the first time Jesus sheds his blood, foreshadowing that his is the blood of a new and everlasting covenant. We share in the new covenant by being baptized, confirmed and participating in the Eucharist. At baptism we begin to partake in the covenant, one that, like circumcision, is to be visible in our flesh; meaning how we live. Baptism also unites us to one another in a bond stronger than that of familialblood ties. We become members of the Church, made up of people of every race and tongue, which is God's family on earth. Pope Benedict XVI stated the parish was a family of families which is "able to share with each other, not only the joys but the inevitable difficulties of initiating family life." As a family we are guided by the words of St. Paul to the Galatians that we help "bear one another's burdens" (Gal. 6:2). These burdens come in every shape and size: financial, spiritual, corporal. Yet, we will not know the burdens our brothers and sisters have unless we know them. May each of us strive to be hospitable and generous. This will allow our parish be a place where the bonds of charity grow ever stronger. As the bonds of charity between each of us grows stronger, we will each be transformed by that charity, allowing the new covenant to be seen in our flesh. We will become living signs, drawing others to Christ Jesus, drawing others to become living members of the household of God. “Life is Always Worth Living, Even When Seriously Ill.” Pope Francis A s Mary and Joseph carried and protected their precious gift of the Savior of the world, the Christ Child, let us also journey through this new Christian year as protectors of God’s gift of unborn children carried in their mother’s womb, and of the disabled and elderly threatened by euthanasia. We will then be also bearers of Christ to the world. 3-636 T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all expectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born. All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further information. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mother: Katie Gerace Figlus. P lease let us keep in our prayers those who are not having an easy time these days, especially those who are in hospitals and those who are terminally ill. T Lifelong Faith Formation News Millie DiCicco, Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] - (609) 484-0249 Religious Education Office Winter Hours Mondays 9:00AM to 7:00PM Tuesdays - 9:00AM to 12:30PM Date To Remember No Class on January 19, 2015 (Martin Luther King Day Celebration). Sacramental Preparation Please send to the Religious Ed office your Baptismal Certificates, if you have not already sent it to the office. If you have not sent in your Baptismal Certificates, you have chosen not to receive the Sacrament. ST. GIANNA PRAYER NETWORK here are over 40 people who have volunteered and are available to pray for anyone with a special need. Just call ONE of the numbers listed below to activate the St. Gianna prayer Network, and you will be remembered in prayer for 30 days. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 1:30PM (for those who have chosen this date) Parents Please take your child to the church and go to the confessionals so that your child is able to be aware of set up of the confessional. 609-646-0806 -609-646-7472 609-385-5408 (Spanish) G oing through a tough time--emotionally or spiritually? Struggling with a crisis in life? Or simply feeling down? Consider letting a Stephen Minister help. A Stephen Minister is a member of our congregation who is trained to listen, care, encourage, pray, and walk alongside you during difficult times. It’s confidential, free, and very helpful. Please call our Stephen Minister Leader, Carolyn Johnson Peterson at 609-335. Catechist is needed for 4:00PM and 6:30PM classes. If you are interested please contact the Religious office (609)484-0249. Thank you! L ooking for a place to get good coffee, delicious doughnuts, friendly hospitality and warm fellowship after Mass? Well, our Parish will host “Coffee and Doughnuts,” in the Gathering Area of the church, after all Masses on Sunday, February 8, 2015. Please bring your family and join us. Everyone is welcome!! 4-636 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD CHILD ASSAULT PREVENTION SESSIONS T he Office of Child and Youth Protection is announcing CAP sessions. CAP is the safe environment training program for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the diocese is that adults will attend CAP once every five years. F irst Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Isaiah tells of the Lord’s Servant, who will be inconspicuous, but will not rest until justice is established. The Lord then tells his servant that he was formed to be “a light for the nations.” S econd Reading: Acts 10:34-38 Peter speaks to a group of pagans for the first time. He explains to them that any person who follows God’s will is acceptable to God, regardless of nationality. G ospel: Mark 1:7-11 John the Baptist had claimed one would come far more powerful than himself, one who would baptize with the Holy Spirit rather than water. When Jesus came to John and was baptized, the Spirit descended on him and a voice said, “You are my beloved Son. On you my favor rests.” W Stewardship Reflection Stewards Put God First e are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things should be our top priority as His Stewards. CAP 1 teaches attendees to recognize child abuse and neglect and how to report to the proper authorities. CAP 2 is NO More Bullies, No More Victims and is a workshop on bullying awareness and bullying prevention. Cyber bullying is also addressed. Both sessions are 90 minutes. CAP 3 is called Cyber-Empowerment and is a workshop which promotes adults understanding of cyber activity of youth while teaching them realistic ways to help children keep their own rights and guard the rights of others in the cyber-sphere. Each presentation is 90 minutes. Adults who are new employees or volunteers should attend CAP 1 before attending CAP 2 or CAP 3. The following sessions will be offered in January: Monday, January 12, 2015, 7:00PM Christ the Good Shepherd, Vineland Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 7:00PM Our Lady of Angels, Cape May Court House Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 7:00Pm Saint Simon Stock, Berlin To attend one of these classes, please call the CAP registration line in the Office of Child and Youth Protection at (856) 583-6165 or email [email protected] to register. In case of inclement weather please call the location directly. 5-636 O ur Parish community extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Alice Hulse. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Stewardship Report O December 24 (Christmas Eve) & December 25 (Christmas Day): $36,152 December 27 & 28: $9,046 n behalf of all the members of our Parish we thank you for continuing to live faithful Stewardship and for using your Sunday envelopes. Our ability to prosper and grow as a parish is attributed to the sacrifices of our parishioners and all who visited with us during the Christmas season. Our parish is blessed to have been given so much and we thank you for the sacrifices that you made. May God bless your generous hearts. S 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS tarting January 26, 2015 your 2014 Contribution Statement can be picked up at the Parish office during office hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-4:00 PM). We will appreciate you calling in advance so it can be prepared for you. Thank you for your cooperation. I n order to keep our records up to date and also stop the mailing of contribution envelopes during the winter months, note that we would appreciate hearing from parishioners who are summer residents in our parish before they move away. Thank for your cooperation. S aint Gianna’s Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are readily available to bring Communion to the homes of the sick on a schedule agreeable to the sick person. If you or someone that you know is a shut-in and would like to receive the sacraments, please let us know by contacting the Parish office. F amily and friends for whose intentions the Mass is being offered are invited to bring up the Offertory Gifts at the Mass. Before the liturgy begins, please indicate your intention by entering your name on the 3-ring binder, which is located at the main door near the sacristy. P Gift Card Program lease remember that there is a very easy way to help Catholic School Education financially and it does not cost you one cent. You can do so by purchasing ShopRite gift cards from us before you shop. Gift cards can be purchased every Sunday after the 8:00AM Mass. Your support will be greatly appreciated. O Prince of Peace, we humbly ask Your protection for all our men and women in the military service. Give them courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil. Protect them and bring them home safely. Amen 6-636 JANUARY 11, 2015 O SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:30 PM thru 4:15 PM. Anytime by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish office. Parents and Godparents must attend Baptism Preparation Class. I The role of a sponsor is primarily a spiritual role to model a Christian life for the child. Therefore, anyone requesting a certificate must be a registered, participating member of St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, a practicing Catholic in good standing (not living in violation of the Church laws), at least 16 years of age and have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist). Please call the Parish office for an appointment. ur Parish family congratulates Stephanie Corcoran who gave birth to baby girl, Molly Reese. Congratulations to her family and friends on this blessed occasion. f you wish to sign up to have the traveling Blessed Mother statue in your home for a week, please contact Terri Clark at (609) 641-4245 or Rosemarie O’Dowd (609) 641-4869. Statue Visitation Schedule January 2015 January 6: Rosalie Gawronski January 13: Francine Andrews January 17: Bill & Dolores Gannon January 27: Marie Edwards REQUESTS FOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered parishioners who wish to marry at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish should contact the pastor during office hours before making any other arrangements one year in advance. Call the Parish office to schedule an appointment. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Please call the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Mildred DiCicco at 484-0249. Loaves & Fishes Project f you would like to be part of this wonderful giving project, please remember: our parish collects non-perishable food for Catholic Charities in Atlantic City the first Sunday of every month. Please bring your donations and place them in the plastic containers located in the church’s Gathering Area. Thank you! I Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration Raffle Winners 1st Price $500 VISA Gift Certificate Yorleny Berrio Ticket #180 Next Collection Day Sunday, February 1, 2015 2nd Price $300 WAWA Certificate Mercedes Valerio Ticket #722 2015 Valentine’s Day Social Saturday, February 14, 2015 7:00-9:30PM Family Memorial Center 3rd Price IPad Deacon Luis Correa Ticket #559 Thank you for your support and participation. Congratulation to the lucky winners!! 7-636 DOMINGO 11 DE ENERO, 2015 S i usted visita semanalmente Santa Gianna y aún no se ha registrado formalmente en la parroquia, por favor hágalo. Las planillas de registración son VERDES y están ubicadas al costado de las puertas de la iglesia. El proceso de registración es simple, confidencial y muy importante para la administración de nuestra parroquia y para servir mejor a nuestra comunidad. VIERNES 7:00 PM DOMINGOS 1:00 PM VIERNES Desde las 6:00 hasta las 6:45PM DOMINGOS Desde las 12 del mediodia hasta las 12:45 de la tarde. Para confesarse fuera de los horarios sugeridos por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial. Acompáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario. Nos encontramos todos los Viernes, en la iglesia, media hora antes (6:30 de la tarde) del comienzo de la Misa. Grupo de Oración Parroquial de Santa Gianna Atención Comunidad!! E l Grupo de Oración de nuestra parroquia se reune todos los martes de 7:00 a 8:00 PM en la iglesia. Invite a sus familiares y amigos y únase a nuestra oración. Todos son bienvenidos!! U S i usted desea bautizar a su niña/niño por favor comuníquese con la oficina parroquial para recibir información a cerca de los requisitos necesarios y para hacer una cita con Padre Rodriguez Montoya quien está a cargo de los bautismos y de las Clases de Preparación para recibir este sacramento. Las clases se llevan a cabo el SEGUNDO JUEVES de cada mes. S Santa Gianna Red de Oración anta Gianna Red de Oración es un ministerio que está compuesto de voluntarios cuya misión es simplemente rezar por aquellas personas que tienen necesidades especiales (espirituales, monetarias, físicas o familiares). Las intenciones solicitadas se mantienen en la Red de Oración durante 30 días. Si usted necesita “oraciones” o desea participar en la Red de Oración de nuestra parroquia rezando por las necesidades de otras personas por favor comuníquese al: (609)646-0806 - (609)646-7472 (Inglés) (609)-385-5408 (Español) Denuncie el Abuso Sexual n número telefónico gratuito e independiente ha sido establecido por la Diócesis de Camden para ayudar a las personas a denunciar casos de abusos sexuales por sacerdotes, diáconos, religiosos, empleados y/o voluntarios. Las llamadas son manejadas por un trabajador social clínico licenciado. De acuerdo a la ley del estado, los abusos de menores son reportados al la División de Protección de la Infancia y la Permanencia y a la policía. Para más información o para obtener servicios de consejería y apoyo, llame al: 1-800-964-6588. 8-636 S an Lucas menciona que el niño Jesús fue circuncidado a los ocho días de haber nacido, “a los ocho días circuncidaron al niño, y le pusieron por nombre Jesús, el mismo nombre que el ángel le había dicho a María antes que ella estuviera en cinta” (Lk 2:21). Circuncisión es la “señal” de la alianza que hizo Dios con Abram. La alianza se puede encontrar en el libro Génesis, capítulo 17. Dios le promete a Abram que él será el padre de muchas naciones y alargó su nombre, Abraham. Aquellos que son circuncidados serán miembros de la casa de Abraham pero aquellos que no lo sean, serán echados fuera de la casa de Abraham, significando con estas palabras que los lazos de la alianza son más fuertes que los lazos de sangre. La circuncisión de Jesús pone de manifiesto que en Él se cumplía la alianza hecha a Abraham y que a través de él se cumplía la promesa de que Abraham sería el padre de muchas naciones. La circuncisión es considerada usualmente como la primera vez en que Jesús derrama su sangre, presagiando que su sangre es la sangre de una alianza nueva y eterna. Al ser bautizados, confirmados y al participar en la Eucaristía, también nosotros compartimos de la nueva alianza. Lo comenzamos a hacer en el bautismo, que, como la circuncisión, tiene que ser visible en nuestra carne; es decir, en nuestra forma de vivir. El Bautismo también nos une unos a otros con un lazo más fuerte que los lazos de sangre. Somos miembros de la Iglesia, compuesta por personas de distintas razas y lenguas, la familia de Dios en la tierra. El Papa Benedicto XVI dijo que una parroquia es la familia de familias, capaz de compartir con los demás no solo las alegrías sino también las dificultades inevitables que acompañan el iniciar de una nueva familia. Como familia tienen que guiarnos las palabras de San Pablo a los Gálatas “ayúdense entre sí a soportar las dificultades” (Gal 6:2). Esas que llegan en todas las formas y tamaños: dificultades financieras, espirituales, corporales. Sin embargo, sin conocer a nuestros hermanos no podemos conocer de sus dificultades. Tratemos de ser hospitalarios y generosos. Esto ayudará para que nuestra parroquia sea un lugar donde los lazos de caridad crezcan fuertemente, y cada uno de nosotros se transforme por esa caridad, permitiendo que la nueva alianza sea vista a través de nuestra vida. De esta manera, nos convertiremos en signos vivos, atrayendo a otras personas a Cristo Jesús, y guiándolas a convertirse en miembros vivos de la casa de Dios. S Marcha Anual Por La Vida - Washington, DC - Jueves 22 de Enero, 2015 e está programando un viaje en autobús para aquella personas que quieran participar en la Marcha Por La Vida que se realizará el día jueves 22 de enero en Washington, DC. El autobús saldrá del estacionamiento del supermercado Genuardi’s (que está actualmente vacante) a las 7:00AM. El costo es gratuito. Si usted desea participar en la Marcha y recibir más información por favor comuníquese con el señor Tom Drimkard al 609-408-0299. 9-636 ARMANDO CON EL PADRE ARMANDO De luchadores, reyes, profetas y sacerdotes A l comentar el bautismo de Jesús hay una hermosa reflexión que dice que Jesús entró a las aguas totalmente limpio, pero que salió de ellas cargando con todos los pecados del mundo; esto es, con todas las inmundicias ¿Nos damos cuenta de lo atrevida que suena esta frase? Todavía en las oraciones de la liturgia de hoy se afirma que Jesús es quien ha purificado las aguas. En otras palabras, celebramos que las aguas con que bautiza la Iglesia son aguas sagradas, santificadas anteriormente por el bautismo de Jesús. La versión del evangelio según San Marcos dice: "Apenas (Jesús) salió del agua, vio rasgarse el cielo y al Espíritu bajar hacia él como una paloma. Se oyó una voz del cielo: Tú eres mi Hijo amado, mi preferido." Esto significa para quienes recibimos las aguas en esa celebración dos cosas. La primera, que el Espíritu Santo habita en quienes son bautizados. A Jesús el Espíritu Santo lo condujo y lo inspiró durante toda su vida terrena. Él se dejó conducir y provocaba en todo su actuar que el Espíritu Santo actuara en Él. Los bautizados también poseemos el Espíritu Santo desde el día de nuestro bautismo, no solamente los grupos llamados de renovación carismática, ni los que se dicen o se creen "iluminados." Todo bautizado posee al Espíritu Santo; cosa aparte es reflexionar si el Espíritu Santo posee a todo bautizado, porque ocurre que como muchas veces al ignorar el valor de nuestro bautismo, no nos dejamos conducir por este Espíritu y lo sofocamos con nuestra indiferencia, con nuestra falta de piedad, con nuestros pecados. La otra nota es que Jesús recién bautizado y con la posesión del Espíritu Santo, fue reconocido como "Hijo amado," como "predilecto." Este mismo reconocimiento se pronuncia también en el bautismo de cada persona. Dios Padre reconoce en cada bautizado a un hijo amado y predilecto. Por tanto, sería tonto que si somos hijos amados y predilectos nos comportemos como esclavos ignorantes y sin educación. Ahora bien, en el rito de nuestro bautismo intervienen además otros signos físicos de mucha importancia, como son dos aceites: el primero se untaba en todo el cuerpo de los bautizados. Imaginemos el cuerpo de un luchador untado de aceite, lo difícil que ha de ser para el contrincante aplicarle una llave o capturarlo. Entre mayor aceite, más difícil será para el enemigo atraparlo. Pues el bautizado es untado con un poco de aceite en el pecho para significar esa lucha contra Satanás y contra el mal. Este aceite nos dispone para no ser capturados por Satanás ni sus tramposos engaños. El segundo aceite es deliciosamente perfumado; si alguna vez tienen oportunidad, pídanle al sacerdote que se los muestre y huélanlo. Pues este segundo aceite es llamado el Santo Crisma (que significa "Cristo"), y es puesto en la cabeza del nuevo Hijo de Dios, reconociéndolo como un nuevo sacerdote, como un nuevo profeta y como un nuevo rey. Ahora, ¿No es verdad que estos tres personajes son de altísima dignidad y respeto? Es un aceite real, por eso su fragancia. Por eso es importante que usted que lee estas palabras, recuerde que si ha recibido el bautismo... ¡Con toda seguridad es sacerdote, profeta y rey! Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Ganadores de la Rifa 1er Premio $500 VISA Card: Yorleny Berrio (Ticket #180) 2do Premio $300 WAWA Card: Mercedes Valerio (Ticket #722) 3rd Premio IPad: Deácono Luis Correa (Ticket #559) Gracias a toda la comunidad por su participación y apoyo. Felicitaciones a los flamantes ganadores!! 10-636 Adams-Perfect Funeral Homes, Inc. Alicia C. Petrilli Alejandra L. Marenco 1650 NEW ROAD, NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 • 5 NORTH SECOND STREET, PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 BUENA VISTA SEGURO (609) 641-0065 “A Family Business That Cares” David G. UmphleĴ N.J. Lic. No. 4465 Serving All Of Atlantic County David N. Blyler, Jr., Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 3945 Seguro Personal • Comerical y de Médico • Seguro de Vida 332 Tilton Road 609-646-1000 Ste. 201 • P.O. 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Our Sisters live at the site in separate quarters and are dedicated to serving the elderly. Villa Raffaella is a different kind of assisted care community because we believe in the God-given dignity of all men and women. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Our Lady’s MULTI-CARE CENTER OPERATED BY THE DIOCESE OF CAMDEN SUB-ACUTE & LONG TERM NURSING CARE 1100 CLEMATIS AVE., PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 609-646-2450 For some it’s a business. 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