Industrial communication solutions for Windows CPKSoft - Complete Drivers List (01/06/2015) CPKSoft Engineering Industrial communication drivers. cpksoftengineering cpksoftengineering@ phone: 54-911-45788354 1990-2013 1- X8705102 v10.0: IEC 870-5-102 REE-Compatible Protocol Driver 2- X8705ILS v10.0: ALSTOM ILSA Interface IEC 60870-5-103 Protocol Driver 3- XABBSRIO v10.0: ABB SRIO 500/1000M X3.28 Protocol Driver 4- XABF v10.0: Allen Bradley Full Duplex DF1 Protocol Driver 5- XABH v10.0: Allen Bradley Half Duplex Protocol Driver 6- XABSLC5 v10.0: Allen Bradley SLC-500 Full Duplex DF1 Protocol Driver 7- XACROMAG v10.0: Acromag Series 4600 I/O Processor Driver 8- XADAM v10.0: Advantech Adam Series 4000 Data Acquisition Modules Driver 9- XAFEISA v10.0: Afeisa Industrial Microcomputers Protocol Driver 10- XAIBUS v10.0: Yudian AI-BUS Protocol Driver 11- XAIJBUS v10.0: Yudian AIJBUS Protocol Driver 12- XALGODUE v10.0: Algodue UPM Series Universal Power Meters Driver 13- XALSTOM v10.0: Areva Alstom IEC 870 Courier Protocol Driver 14- XAND4325 v10.0: AND AD-4325V Weight Indicator Protocol Driver 15- XATOS v10.0: Atos PLC Driver for MPC-1600, MPC-2002 and MPC-4004 16- XBCOLMAN v10.0: Barber Colman model MAQ Temperature Controller Driver 17- XCAMMESA v10.0: Driver for collecting Cewe and ION meters in Cammesa format 18- XCATM5X v10.0: Caterpillar CCM/M5X Protocol Driver 19- XCEWE v10.0: Cewe Instruments Using IEC 1107 Data Protocol Driver 20- XCONDENS v10.0: System Electric Condensomatic CR-2000 Power Factor Controller Driver 21- XCOOPER v10.0: Cooper Power Systems Apparatus Controls Driver 22- XCORSAN v10.0: IG Instrumentos CORSAN RTU Protocol Driver 23- XCVENETA v10.0: ClimaVeneta CVM300-3000 Protocol Driver 24- XCVMBDM v10.0: Circutor CVM-BD Memory Download Protocol Driver 25- XCVMITF v10.0: Circutor CVM-ITF/CVM-R8C Controllers Protocol Driver 26- XCVMMEM v10.0: Circutor CVM-M Memory Peripheral Protocol Driver 27- XCVMMOD v10.0: Circutor CVM-BD-M Modbus RTU Protocol Driver 28- XCYBELEC v10.0: Cybelec DNC-20 Protocol Driver 29- XDANLOAD v10.0: Emerson Daniel DanLoad 6000 Electronic Preset Protocol Driver 30- XDIXELL v10.0: Dixell Displays and Controllers DixBus Protocol Driver 31- XDLXVIP v10.0: Algodue Elettronica DLX Controller for VIP D3 Driver 32- XDUCATI v10.0: Ducati Mach-Smart Analyzer Protocol Driver 33- XDX9100 v10.0: Johnson Controls Metasys DX9100 Protocol Driver 34- XELVIPD3 v10.0: ElControl Energy VIPD3-485 Protocol Driver 35- XELVIPEN v10.0: ElControl VIP Energy 485/ALM Protocol Driver 36- XEXEMYS v10.0: Exemys SSE232 Serial/Ethernet Converter I/O Driver 37- XFINS v10.0: Omron SYSMAC Host Link FINS Protocol Driver 38- XFINSTCP v10.0: Omron SYSMAC FINS over TCP Ethernet Protocol Driver 39- XFOX760 v10.0: Foxboro 760CNA/760CSA Single Station Micro Controllers Driver 40- XFOX761 v10.0: Foxboro 761CNA/761CSA Single Station Micro Controllers Driver 41- XFOX762 v10.0: Foxboro 762C/762CSA/743CB Micro Controllers Driver 42- XGATECIT v10.0: Gatecit Additive Injectors Driver 43- XGAVAZZI v10.0: Carlo GAVAZZI Instruments Protocol Driver 44- XGAVWM14 v10.0: Carlo Gavazzi WM14 and CPT Basic Serial Protocol Driver 45- XGEDFF v10.0: General Electric DFF Relay Protocol Driver 46- XGEF650 v10.0: GE F650 Digital Bay Controller Modbus RTU Protocol Driver 47- XGEFAN90 v10.0: GE Fanuc Series 90 SNP-X Protocol Driver 48- XGEMLINK v10.0: General Electric M-LINK Protocol Driver 49- XGLOBALW v10.0: Global Weighing MP 30 Protocol Driver 50- XHART v10.0: Rosemount Hart Revision 4 Field Communications Protocol 51- XHITACHE v10.0: Hitachi PLCs EB/EC/EM-II Series Protocol Driver 52- XHITACHH v10.0: Hitachi PLC Serie H Protocol Driver 53- XHITAS10 v10.0: Hitachi HIDIC S10 Alpha PLC H-7338 Protocol Driver 54- XIDECM3 v10.0: Idec Izumi Micro3 Programmable Controller Protocol Driver 55- XIDECONC v10.0: Idec Open Net Controller Protocol Driver 56- XIEARING v10.0: IEA Single-Loop Controllers Driver 57- XIGDL2CH v10.0: IG Instrumentos DataLogger 2 Channels Download Driver page 1/3 Industrial communication solutions for Windows CPKSoft Engineering Industrial communication drivers. cpksoftengineering cpksoftengineering@ phone: 54-911-45788354 58- XIGEVAPO v10.0: IG Instrumentos Evaporimeter Driver 59- XIGPL100 v10.0: IG Instrumentos DataLogger 1 Channel Pluviometer Driver 60- XINTERGY v10.0: Swichtec SM20/Sm50 Intergy Mini Power Driver 61- XIONDRLR v10.0: ION Protocol Read Data Recorder Log Records Driver 62- XIZUMFA3 v10.0: Izumi FA-3S/FA2-5M Communication Protocol Driver 63- XIZUMIFA v10.0: Izumi FA-1/1J/2/2J Peer to Peer Protocol Driver 64- XIZUMINT v10.0: Izumi FA-1/1J/2/2J Network Protocol Driver 65- XKMOELLR v10.0: Klockner Moeller PLC SUCOM1 Protocol Driver 66- XKOYO305 v10.0: Koyo DL305 PLC Family Communications Driver 67- XKOYO405 v10.0: Koyo DL405 PLC Family Communications Driver 68- XLENNOX v10.0: Lennox IMC System Bus Protocol Driver 69- XLI4278 v10.0: Motorola LI-4278 BarCode Reader Serial Driver 70- XLOGNET v10.0: Tecnotrol LogicNET Communication Protocol Driver 71- XMCCDAQ v10.0: Measurement Computing CB Modules Driver 72- XMELSECA v10.0: Mitsubishi Melsec-Q A-Compatible Protocol Driver 73- XMICRAP v10.0: Ditel Micra-P Kosmos Series ISO-1745 Protocol Driver 74- XMITSUFX v10.0: Mitsubishi PLC FX Series Protocol Driver 75- XMODBTCP v10.0: Modbus TCP Protocol Driver 76- XMODBUSA v10.0: Modbus ASCII Protocol Driver 77- XMODBUSB v10.0: Modbus RTU/JBus Protocol Driver 78- XMP12XMB v10.0: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC MiCOM P120/P121/P122/P123 Relays Modbus TCP Protocol Driver 79- XMP12YMB v10.0: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC MiCOM P125/P126/P127 Relays Modbus TCP Protocol Driver 80- XN2 v10.0: Johnson Controls N2 Master Protocol Driver 81- XNAIS v10.0: NAIS Matsushita MEWTOCOL-COM Protocol Driver 82- XND601X v10.0: ADLink Technology NuDAM-601X Analog Input Modules Driver 83- XOMRON v10.0: Omron SYSMAC Host Link C-Mode Protocol Driver 84- XOPTOMUX v10.0: Opto22 I/O Optomux Modules Protocol Driver 85- XPOW3300 v10.0: Power Measurement 3300 ACM Protocol Driver 86- XPOW3710 v10.0: Power Measurement 3710 ACM Protocol Driver 87- XPOW3720 v10.0: Power Measurement 3720 ACM Protocol Driver 88- XPOW6200 v10.0: Power Measurement 6200 ION Protocol Driver 89- XPOW7300 v10.0: Power Measurement 7300/7330 ION Protocol Driver 90- XPROT200 v10.0: ABB Procontic T-200 Protocol Driver 91- XREDLION v10.0: Red Lion Counters Protocol Driver 92- XREU523 v10.0: ABB REU-523 SPABus Communication Protocol Driver 93- XROC300 v10.0: Fisher Controls ROC300 Protocol Communications Driver 94- XS5CP521 v10.0: Siemens S5-90U/95U/100U With CP-521 Protocol Driver 95- XS5CP524 v10.0: Siemens S5-115U/135U/150U With CP-524/525 Protocol Driver 96- XS7MPI v10.0: Siemens S7-300/400 MPI Protocol Serial Link Driver 97- XS7MPITP v10.0: Siemens S7-300/400 MPI Protocol ISO over TCP Driver 98- XS7PPI v10.0: Siemens S7-200 Advanced PPI Protocol Driver 99- XSAIADAT v10.0: Saia PCD3 Series S-BUS DATA MODE Network Protocol Driver 100- XSAIAPCD v10.0: Saia PCD Series Point to Point Protocol Driver 101- XSAIASS0 v10.0: Saia PCD Series S-BUS SS0 Network Protocol Driver 102- XSAMCPU2 v10.0: Samsung FARA PLC CPU Port Protocol Driver 103- XSAMSECT v10.0: Samsung SECTOCOL-COM/N70/N700 Protocol Driver 104- XSCD80 v10.0: Caipe SCD 80 Programmable Controller Driver 105- XSEP540D v10.0: Schneider Electric MICOM P540D Family Courier Protocol Driver 106- XSEMP63X v10.0: SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC MiCOM P63x Relays 870-5-ILS Protocol Driver 107- XSHISD20 v10.0: Shimaden SD20 Series Digital Indicator Driver 108- XSHISR50 v10.0: Shimaden SR50 Series Digital Controller Driver 109- XSIM4100 v10.0: Simplex 4100 Fire Alarm Family Protocol Driver 110- XSIXNET v10.0: SixNet GTU Protocol Driver 111- XSPABUS v10.0: ABB SPA-bus Communication Protocol Driver 112- XSQUARED v10.0: Square-D SY/MAX Point-to-Point Communications Protocol Driver 113- XSUCOMA v10.0: Klockner-Moeller SUCOM-A Marker-Access Protocol Driver 114- XSUNWAYS v10.0: SUNWAYS AC NT Inverter Protocol Driver 115- XSYLVAC v10.0: Sylvac Measuring Instruments Duplex Protocol Driver 116- XTIS305 v10.0: Texas Instruments TI-305 PLC Series Protocol Driver 117- XTIS405 v10.0: Texas Instruments TI-405 PLC Series Protocol Driver 1990-2013 page 2/3 Industrial communication solutions for Windows 118- XTIS505 v10.0: Texas Instruments TI-505 PLC Series NITP Protocol Driver 119- XTIS505T v10.0: Texas Instruments TI-505 PLC Series TBP Protocol Driver 120- XTWIDOS v10.0: Schneider Electric Telemecanique Twido PLC Serial Driver 121- XTWIDOT v10.0: Schneider Electric Telemecanique Twido PLC TCP Driver 122- XTSXNANO v10.0: Telemecanique TSX Nano Modbus Protocol Driver 123- XTXM v10.0: IG Instrumentos TECPET/MNT Level Gauges Driver 124- XU9G500 v10.0: Honeywell UDC9000 via Gateway 500 Read Driver 125- XUDC3000 v10.0: Honeywell UDC 3000 Universal Digital Controllers Driver 126- XUDC9000 v10.0: Honeywell UDC9000 Controllers DMCS/Transparent Protocol Driver 127- XUMC600 v10.0: Umc600 Weight Indicator Protocol Driver 128- XUMG503 v10.0: Janitza Electronic UMG-503 Modbus RTU Protocol Driver 129- XVERIS80 v10.0: VERIS INDUSTRIES Enercept H8035/36 Modbus RTU/TCP Protocol Driver 130- XVILTER v10.0: Vilter Compressors Protocol Driver 131- XWIMPACC v10.0: Westinghouse IMPACC System Communications Protocol Driver 132- XWITNET v10.0: WIT-NET TRSII v4.7 Protocol Driver 133- XYOKOUT v10.0: Yokowaga UT35/UT15/UM05 Controller Interface Driver 134- XYOKUT37 v10.0: Yokogawa UT37/UT38 Controller Interface Driver 135- XYUYAO v10.0: Yuyao Changjiang Temperature Meters Protocol Driver 136- XZET173X v10.0: Zetron M173X Controller Communications Driver 137- XZETMODB v10.0: Zetron M1708/1716 Modbus Protocol Driver 138- XZETRON v10.0: Zetron M1700 Controller Communications Driver CPKSoft Engineering Industrial communication drivers. cpksoftengineering cpksoftengineering@ phone: 54-911-45788354 1990-2013 page 3/3
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