CATALOGO COPRIMOTO 2015 MOTORCYCLE COVER CATALOGUE 2015 Dal 1966 Spinelli è tra le società leader in Europa per la produzione di coperture protettive per il settore moto, auto e per l’industria. We have been a leading manufacturer of protective covers for the motorcycle, automotive and industrial sectors in Europe since 1966. Le nostre linee di prodotti outdoor e indoor vengono realizzate con materiali di eccellente qualità unendo strumenti altamente tecnologici a competenze artigianali. We offer a full range of outdoor and indoor covers created for different purposes by applying modern technological solutions and design expertise. Il nostro lavoro si basa sulla qualità delle materie prime, la cura dei dettagli e l’attenzione alle esigenze dei nostri Clienti. I nostri prodotti sanno proteggere oggetti perché le nostre idee sanno proteggere passioni. We carefully select high-quality materials to cater for our customers’ needs. At Spinelli, we are passionate about our covers. Made in Italy I prodotti Spinelli sono piena espressione del Made in Italy. La nostra sede è a Forlimpopoli (Emilia Romagna) dove si trova il nostro design & creativity center, lo stabilimento produttivo e il centro logistico per servire i nostri clienti in Europa, Medio Oriente e negli Stati Uniti. Our products are designed and manufactured in Italy. Our headquarters are in Forlimpopoli, in the heart of Italy, from where we operate our own design & creativity centre as well as the manufacturing and logistics for the European, Middle Eastern and U.S. markets. CATALOGO COPRIMOTO MOTORCYCLE COVER CATALOGUE Coprimoto universale Universal motorcycle covers Coprisella Protective scooter seat cover Copricasco Helmet storage bag Copriquad ATV cover Coprimoto d‘acqua Jet-ski cover 2 Bacall-Bacall Prestige Accessori Accessori INDICE CONTENTS Prodotti Products Guida ai materiali Guide to materials Guida ai prodotti Guide to products Bacall coprimoto universale Bacall universal motorcycle covers Accessori Accessories Copriquad ATV cover Coprimoto d‘acqua Jet-ski cover Confezioni Packaging 04 05 06 26 30 34 38 Ricerca taglie universali Search universal cover sizes Ricerca per tipologia di moto Search by motorcycle type Ricerca per modello Search by model 40 42 3 -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Non si sfrangia Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Semplice da cucire Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Protegge dalla polvere Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV Guida ai materiali Guide to materials TOP LINE 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C DuPontTM Tyvek® è un materiale tecnico performante. Leggerissimo e maneggevole, garantisce un’ottima protezione contro pioggia, inquinamento e raggi UV. DuPontTM Tyvek® è traspirante e resiste agli strappi e all’abrasione. Le coperture realizzate in DuPontTM Tyvek® rappresentano il top della gamma outdoor. DuPontTM Tyvek® is a high-performance synthetic material. It is lightweight, and easy to handle and store. DuPontTM Tyvek® is highly water-resistant and provides superior protection against environmental pollution and damaging UV rays. DuPontTM Tyvek® is exceptionally breathable, and tear- and abrasion-resistant. -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C 100% PE HD 60 g/m2 100% HD PE 60 g/m2 Bleu > Pantone 541 C CLASSIC LINE Garage 78,5% PVC-6,5% fiocco viscosa 15% poliestere 390 g/m2 78.5% PVC - 6.5% viscose flock 15% polyester 390 g/m2 California 90% PVC-10% poliestere 340 g/m 90% PVC-10% polyester 340 g/m2 2 Garage è una speciale foglia di PVC accoppiata a un morbido “tessuto non tessuto”. E’ al 100% impermeabile e offre un’ottima resistenza ai raggi UV. Essendo molto robusto e resistente allo strappo è perfettamente adatto alla produzione di coperture outdoor per tutto l’anno. Garage is a special PVC layer coupled with a soft, nonwoven lining. Garage is fully waterproof and provides excellent protection against damaging UV rays. Being highly tear-resistant, Garage is perfect for outdoor covers for all weather conditions throughout the year. California è una foglia di PVC accoppiata a un “tessuto non tessuto”. E’ al 100% impermeabile, morbido all’interno e protegge da tutti gli agenti atmosferici e dall’inquinamento. E’ una versione più leggera del Garage mantenendo le stesse caratteristiche di base con un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. California is a PVC layer treated against UV rays coupled with a soft non-woven lining. California is fully waterproof and provides excellent protection against the elements and harmful pollution. It is a lighter version of Garage maintaining the same basic features and is excellent value for money. BASIC LINE PVC PE 100% polietilene 60 μm (55 g/m2)-90 μm (85 g/m2) 100% polyethylene 60 μm (55 g/m2)-90 μm (85 g/m2) PVC 100% PVC 150 μm (210 g/m2)-180 μm (250 g/m2) 100% PVC 150 μm (weight 210 g/m2) 180 μm (weight 250 g/m2) PVC PE PE è un film di polietilene a bassa densità ad uso esterno. Offre una protezione di base contro gli agenti atmosferici, in particolare resiste molto bene a temperature basse fino a -50°C. Una soluzione economica per la stagione invernale. PE is a low-density polyethylene film designed for outdoor use. It provides good basic protection against environmental pollution and is highly resistant to low temperatures, down to -50°C. An economical solution for outdoor protection, especially in the winter season. PVC è un materiale plastico in foglia di cloruro di polivinile trattata anti-UV. Questo materiale funzionale ad uso esterno garantisce l’impermeabilità al 100%. Protegge il veicolo in tutte le condizioni meteorologiche. PVC is a plastic material made from a UV-stabilised polyvinyl chloride film. Designed for outdoor use, PVC covers are fully waterproof and offer good basic protection in all weather conditions. SOFT LINE Puff 100% polipropilene 60 g/m2 100% polypropylene 60 g/m2 Star 100% poliestere 220 g/m2 100% polyester 220 g/m2 SuperPuff 60% poliammide - 40% poliestere 175 g/m2 60% polyamide - 40% polyester 175 g/m2 4 STAR SUPERPUFF Puff è un “tessuto non tessuto” spunbonded leggero, poco ingombrante e resistente allo strappo. Una soluzione economica per chi cerca una protezione anti-polvere per il solo uso interno. Puff is a soft and light, spunbonded non-woven fabric for indoor use only. Puff covers are very handy and easy to store. An economical solution to protect vehicles against dust and dirt. Star è un tessuto indoor felpato, anti polvere e lavabile. Cade morbido e leggero. Essendo impenetrabile dalla polvere è perfettamente adatto per la creazione di coperture da interno. Star is a washable, soft and fleecy polyester fabric. Star covers adjust to fit your vehicle perfectly, and help to block dust and protect against other indoor hazards. SuperPuff è un tessuto indoor di alta qualità, antistatico, dall’aspetto elegante e ricercato. Si distingue per l’estrema morbidezza. Il lato interno del tessuto, ad effetto “felpato”, risulta estremamente soffice e piacevole al tatto. Il top della gamma da interno per gli appassionati del proprio veicolo. SuperPuff is a luxurious, antistatic fabric for indoor use. Its fleecy inner lining is extremely soft and nice to the touch. Covers made of this fabric will adjust to the contours of any vehicle. SuperPuff is our top indoor fabric and the choice of car/motorcycle enthusiasts. GIUDA AI MATERIALI / GUIDE TO MATERIALS GIUDA AI PRODOTTI / GUIDE TO PRODUCTS Guida ai prodotti Guide to products LINEE PRODOTTI Product line overview Le coperture outdoor disponibili nelle linee Top, Classic e Basic sono studiate per proteggere il veicolo in modo efficace da tutti gli agenti atmosferici: sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, polvere, sabbia e dallo sporco di piante ed uccelli. Sono adatte a tutte le stagioni e offrono differenti livelli di protezione contro questi elementi. Le coperture indoor della linea Soft sono dedicate a chi vuole coprire la moto nel garage. Vengono realizzate con dei tessuti impenetrabili dalla polvere per mantenere pulita la moto. Sono ideali per proteggere la moto durante la stagione invernale. Our Top, Classic and Basic outdoor cover lines protect your motorcycle efficiently against all environmental conditions, such as sunlight, rain, snow, frost, dust, sand, and dirt from trees and birds. They waterproof your bike and help to protect the mechanical components. Different levels of protection against specific elements are available. Our Soft Line indoor covers are designed for indoor use only. They are made of the best, fully breathable, dust-blocking materials. Perfect for storing your motorcycle during winter. LEGENDA ICONE Symbol key Impermeabile Waterproof Protegge dallo sporco Protects against dirt from birds and trees Resistente all’acqua Water-resistant Protegge dall’inquinamento Protects against pollution Resistente ai raggi UV UV-resistant Protegge dalla polvere Protects against dust -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Resistente al gelo Frost-resistant Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Morbido Molto resistente Lavabile a mano Resistente all’acqua Lavabile a mano Hand-washable 2 -70°C /+85°C Mantiene caratteristiche inalterate Technical features remain unaltered -70°C +85°C -70°C +85°C Traspirante Breathable -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C HDPE Riciclabile Recyclable 5 Coprimoto universale Universal motorcycle cover Bacall è personalizzabile Bacall can be customised 6 Il coprimoto universale che protegge la tua moto 365 giorni l’anno. The universal motorcycle cover that protects your motorcycle all year round. Contattaci Contact us on +39 0543.744.999 Designed and made in Italy Scopri la copertura che fa per te! Discover the cover to suit your needs! 7 Il coprimoto perfetto per i tuoi viaggi istockphoto © Pgiam The motorcycle cover perfect for travelling 8 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover TOP LINE 9 -70°C / +85°C Non si sfrangia Traspirante Coprimoto Motorcycle cover Semplice da cucire Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV TOP LINE Protegge dalla polvere 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C Bacall Top Line, la linea di coprimoto outdoor in DuPontTM Tyvek®, risponde efficacemente ad ogni esigenza di protezione: sole, pioggia, polvere, neve, inquinamento, sporco di alberi ed uccelli. Data la sua sorprendente leggerezza, questa copertura è perfetta per proteggere la moto durante viaggi e vacanze. Bacall Top Line motorcycle covers made of DuPontTM Tyvek® meet every need, providing effective protection against sunlight, water, dust, snow, environmental pollution, and dirt from birds and trees. Being extremely lightweight, the DupontTM Tyvek® cover is the ideal travel cover that you can take with you on a trip. 12 TAGLIE SIZES -70°C +85°C -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C Spinelli S.r.l. è licenziatario del Nord Africa e Medio Oriente. Spinelli S.r.l. is the per Europa, licensee for Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. and ® are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. © Copyright 2014 DuPont. All rights reserved. TM 10 BACALL COPRIMOTO UNIVERSALE BACALL UNIVERSAL MOTORCYCLE COVERS Bacall Top Line è resistente all’acqua ma traspirante, quindi non crea danni da ristagno di condensa alla vernice della moto. Può essere utilizzato anche sulla moto bagnata, purché pulita, senza correre alcun tipo di rischio. Riflettendo oltre l’80% dei raggi solari, in estate evita il surriscaldamento della sella e protegge le parti in plastica della moto. Robusto contro gli strappi ma leggero, è estremamente facile da utilizzare. COLORE COLOUR Bacall Top Line is water-resistant yet highly breathable, and prevents moisture build-up between the cover and the motorcycle. It can also be fitted on a wet, clean motorcycle without running the risk of damaging its paintwork. Reflecting more than 80% of the solar spectrum it prevents overheating of the seat during the sommer months and protects the motorcycle’s plastic parts. DuPontTM Tyvek® is tear and abrasion resistant, and extremely light and easy to handle. TRASPIRANTE / BREATHABLE Si può coprire la moto anche se bagnata! COLORE COLOUR You can cover your motorcycle even wet! IN DOTAZIONE / INCLUDED un sacco per riporre la copertura quando non è utilizzata. a storage bag for your cover. 2 HDPE BORDI ELASTICI ASOLE ELASTIC EDGES ELASTIC EYELETS 100% RICICLABILE 100% RECYCLABLE 11 Il coprimoto che protegge in tutte le condizioni istockphoto © Mari The all weather motorcycle cover 12 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover CLASSIC LINE 13 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover CLASSIC LINE Bacall Classic Line è la linea di coprimoto outdoor che offre una protezione completa contro sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio e polvere. • 100% impermeabile; • morbido tessuto non tessuto all’interno per proteggere la vernice da graffi e abrasioni; • resistente al calore: è possibile coprire la moto dopo pochi minuti dallo spegnimento. Bacall Classic Line motorcycle covers are for outdoor use and offer complete protection against sunlight, rain, snow, frost and dust. • 100% waterproof; • soft, non-woven inner layer to protect the surface against scratches and abrasions; • heat-resistant: allows use of cover only a few minutes after shutting off the motorcycle’s engine. 18 TAGLIE SIZES 14 GARAGE Bacall Classic Line Garage is 100% waterproof, soft inside, long-lasting, robust and tearresistant. The cover is made with a special PVC layer coupled with a soft, non-woven lining that protects your vehicle in all weather conditions throughout the year. BACALL COPRIMOTO UNIVERSALE BACALL UNIVERSAL MOTORCYCLE COVERS Bacall Classic Line Garage è la copertura impermeabile al 100%, morbida all’interno, durevole, molto robusta e resistente. Il materiale è composto da una speciale foglia di PCV accoppiata ad un morbido tessuto non tessuto all’interno. Protegge il veicolo tutto l’anno in tutte le condizioni. COLORI COLOURS CALIFORNIA Bacall Classic Line California mantiene le stesse caratteristiche della copertura outdoor Garage, ma è più leggera. E’ maneggevole e facile da mettere. Offre una protezione a 360 gradi per tutte le condizioni meteo - sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio - e contro l’inquinamento. E’ da anni affermata sul mercato per il suo eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo. Bacall Classic Line California maintains the same basic features as our covers in Garage, but is lighter. It’s easy to put on and take off, and offers full protection in all weather conditions, such as rain, dust, sunlight, snow and environmental pollution. Excellent value for money. COLORI COLOURS ASOLE BORDI ELASTICI ELASTIC EYELETS ELASTIC EDGES MORBIDO TESSUNO NON TESSUTO INTERNO SOFT NON-WOVEN LINING INSIDE 15 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover CLASSIC LINE -70°C +85°C -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C La copertura Bacall Prestige racchiude in un unico prodotto le qualità dell’impermeabilità e della traspirazione. I fianchi e parte del tetto sono realizzati in Garage, materiale al 100% impermeabile, morbido all’interno, durevole, molto robusto e resistente. Nella parte più alta della copertura è posizionato un rettangolo di tessuto DuPontTM Tyvek® da 180 g/m2 che rende la copertura traspirante e impedisce il ristagno di condensa. Bacall Prestige was launched to meet demand for a waterproof yet breathable cover. The sides and top of the cover are made of Garage, a material that is soft inside, long-lasting, robust and tear-resistant. A small rectangle of DuPontTM Tyvek® on the upper part of the cover allows evaporation of moisture. 10 TAGLIE SIZES TM and ® are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates. © Copyright 2014 DuPont. All rights reserved. 16 GARAGE + DUPONTTM TYVEK® This cover is sewn along the bottom and features an elasticised hem on the front and back, a fastening strap at the centre as well as a small belt and two eyelets to apply a safety lock on the front. BACALL COPRIMOTO UNIVERSALE BACALL UNIVERSAL MOTORCYCLE COVERS Bacall Prestige è interamente cucito lungo il bordo inferiore con aggiunta di un elastico nelle parti anteriori e posteriori. Al centro è provvisto di una cinghia per un efficace e facile fissaggio e, nella parte anteriore, dispone inoltre di cinghiette e occhielli per l’inserimento di un dispositivo antifurto. COLORI COLOURS DUPONTTM TYVEK® -70°C +85°C GARAGE -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C CINGHIA LOCK STRAP CINGHIA PER LUCCHETTO ANTI-THEFT BELT OCCHIELLO EYELET 17 Il coprimoto per tutte le tasche istockphoto © Black-White Basic protection for less money 18 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover BASIC LINE 19 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover BASIC LINE Bacall Basic Line è la linea di coprimoto outdoor che offre una protezione di base contro sole, pioggia, neve, giaccio e polvere. 100% impermeabile, aiuta a tenere pulito il veicolo. Bacall Basic Line è disponibile in due versioni: • Basic: con saldatura elettronica e due occhielli per l’ancoraggio; PVC PE PVC • Standard: con saldatura elettronica, cucitura lungo il bordo inferiore ed aggiunta di elastico nelle parti anteriore e posteriore. Sui fianchi il coprimoto è provvisto di due occhielli per un sicuro ancoraggio. Bacall Basic Line outdoor covers shield your motorcycle from bad weather, dirt and pollutants. 100% waterproof, it helps to keep your vehicle clean. Available in two different versions: • Basic: electro-welded, with two fastening eyelets; 8 TAGLIE SIZES 20 • Standard: electro-welded, with a full hem along the bottom and an elasticated strip on the front and back. Each side of the cover comes with a fastening eyelet for a snug fit. PE Bacall Basic Line PE is a fully waterproof outdoor cover made of a resistant, low-density polyethylene film. It provides effective protection against rain, snow, frost, smog, pollutants, and dirt from birds and trees. Highly resistant to low temperatures: down to -50°C. Perfect for cold weather. BACALL COPRIMOTO UNIVERSALE BACALL UNIVERSAL MOTORCYCLE COVERS Bacall Basic Line PE è una copertura perfettamente impermeabile, realizzata in un resistente film di polietilene. Offre un’efficace protezione contro pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, smog, inquinamento, polvere e sporco di piante ed uccelli. In particolare resiste molto bene a temperature basse: fino a -50°C ed è quindi molto adatta al periodo invernale. COLORE COLOUR PVC 0,15 - 0,18 Bacall Basic Line PVC è perfettamente impermeabile, essendo realizzato in un morbido ma resistente materiale plastico trattato anti-UV. Offre un’efficace protezione contro sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, smog, inquinamento, polvere e sporco di piante ed uccelli. Disponibile in due spessori. Bacall Basic Line PVC protects against weathering, dirt and pollutants. It is made of a soft and durable plastic film, which is UV-stabilised and 100% waterproof. It guarantees a good basic protection against sunlight, rain, snow, frost, smog, pollutants, and dirt from birds and trees. Available in two thicknesses. COLORE COLOUR 0,15 Versione con bordo cucito ed elastico PE e PVC 0,15-0,18. Versione con occhielli PE e PVC 0,15. Version with stitched hem and elastic band PE e PVC 0,15-0,18. Version with eyelets PE e PVC 0,15. BORDO CUCITO ED ELASTICO STICHED HEM AND ELASTIC BAND OCCHIELLO OCCHIELL0 EYELET EYELET 0,18 0,18 PE -50° 21 Il coprimoto indoor per gli amanti della propria moto istockphoto © MorePixels The indoor cover for motorcycle enthusiasts 22 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover SOFT LINE 23 Coprimoto Motorcycle cover SOFT LINE Bacall Softl Line è la linea di coprimoto indoor per proteggere la moto dalla polvere in ambienti chiusi. • Impenetrabile dalla polvere; • si adegua alla forma del veicolo e lo riveste perfettamente; STAR SUPERPUFF • realizzato con dei tessuti morbidi e di alta qualità che non graffiano la vernice. Bacall Soft Line indoor covers provide ideal protection for carport or garage use. • Highly dust-resistant; • snug fit that follows the contours of your vehicle; • high-quality, lightweight materials that are soft to the touch and protect the vehicle’s mechanical components and paintwork. 12 TAGLIE SIZES 24 PUFF Bacall Soft Line Puff keeps dust and dirt off your bike and prevents moisture build-up. Puff is a soft and light spun-bonded, non-woven fabric that won’t scratch your vehicle’s paintwork. An economic solution to protect your vehicle against dust and dirt. BACALL COPRIMOTO UNIVERSALE BACALL UNIVERSAL MOTORCYCLE COVERS Bacall Soft Line Puff è la soluzione ideale per proteggere la moto dalla polvere. Realizzata in polipropilene, la copertura rimane morbida e non graffia la vernice della moto. Una soluzione economica ma efficace per l’uso interno. COLORI COLOURS STAR Bacall Soft Line Star è la copertura indoor morbida e felpata, che si adatta bene al veicolo. Interamente realizzata in poliestere, è resistente e traspirante. Rappresenta un’elegante protezione contro la polvere, mantenendo pulita la moto in ambienti chiusi. Bacall Soft Line Star indoor covers are soft and fleecy inside. They follow the exact contours of the vehicle providing superior protection from dust. This woven cover is made of a durable polyester fabric that provides great indoor protection. COLORI COLOURS SUPERPUFF Bacall Soft Line SuperPuff si distingue per la sua estrema morbidezza e per la lucidità dei suoi colori. Grazie all’eleganza della sua linea e all’effetto estetico del tessuto è la copertura perfetta per tutti coloro che vogliono prendersi cura della propria moto. Bacall Soft Line SuperPuff is the people’s choice. Its elegant, antistatic, soft, bright and stretchy fabric provides protection against dust and adjusts perfectly to the contours of the vehicle. SuperPuff covers are the choice of motorcycle enthusiasts who want to take care of their bike. COLORI COLOURS 25 I migliori accessori per la tua moto istockphoto © sonsam The best accessories for your motorcycle 26 Accessories 27 Coprisella 3 TAGLIE SIZES Protective scooter seat cover Il coprisella Top Line è la copertura ideale per le selle di scooter e maxi scooter. Grazie alle straordinarie caratteristiche del DuPontTM Tyvek®, può essere utilizzato anche sulla sella bagnata, purché pulita. Resistente all’acqua ma traspirante riflette gran parte dei raggi solari. In estate mantiene sensibilmente più fresca la sella. Facile da riporre nel vano sottosella grazie all’ingombro minimo. -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Non si sfrangia Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Semplice da cucire Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Protegge dalla polvere Top Line scooter seat covers made of DuPontTM Tyvek® are the ideal protection for scooters’ and maxi-scooters’ seats. Water-resistant yet breathable, they can also be fitted on a wet (yet clean) seat. Reflecting more than 80% of the solar spectrum, they prevent overheating of the seat during the summer months. Easy to store under the scooter seat. COLORE COLOUR Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C GARAGE Il coprisella Classic Line Garage è impermeabile al 100% e protegge la sella da sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio e inquinamento. Classic Line scooter seat covers in Garage are fully waterproof outdoor covers. They provide effective protection for the scooter seat against sunlight, rain, snow, frost, smog, pollutants, and dirt from birds and trees. COLORE COLOUR PVC 0,15 Il coprisella Basic Line in PVC 0,15 per scooter e maxi scooter è perfettamente impermeabile e realizzato in un morbido ma resistente materiale plastico trattato anti-UV. Mantiene asciutta la sella in tutte le condizioni meteo. Basic Line scooter seat covers are fully waterproof and made from a soft and resistant, UV-stabilised PVC 0.15 plastic fabric. The covers keep your seat dry in all weather conditions. COLORE COLOUR IMPORTANTE / IMPORTANT NON guidare lo scooter quando il coprisella è montato! DO NOT FORGET to remove the seat cover before driving the scooter! 28 Taglia size Lunghezza x larghezza length x width M L XL 90 x 60 cm 107 x 60 cm 120 x 65 cm Copricasco Helmet storage bag -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Non si sfrangia Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Semplice da cucire Il copricasco Top Line è una custodia in DupontTM Tyvek® ad uso esterno per proteggere il casco da sole e pioggia. Il casco non si surriscalda, anche se lasciato fuori dalla sella. Protegge dalla polvere Leggero Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV COLORE COLOUR ACCESSORI / ACCESSORIES Top Line outdoor helmet covers made of DuPont™ Tyvek® protect your helmet from rain and sunlight, preventing overheating of the helmet even when it is kept out of the seat. 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C PUFF-SUPERPUFF Il copricasco Soft Line è una custodia morbida e delicata per proteggere il casco dalla polvere. Protegge inoltre la visiera da graffi. Disponibile in due materiali: Puff e SuperPuff. The Soft Line helmet cover is a soft case that protects your helmet from dust, and the visor from scratches. It is available in Puff and SuperPuff. COLORE PUFF PUFF COLOUR COLORE SUPERPUFF SUPERPUFF COLOUR SUPERPUFF 29 La copertura perfetta per il tuo quad istockphoto © HStarr The perfect ATV protection 30 Copriquad ATV cover 31 Copriquad ATV cover Mantieni il tuo quad pulito e pronto per partire con i copriquad Spinelli! Le coperture disponibili nelle linee Top, Classic e Basic offrono una protezione completa contro sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, polvere, sabbia, sporco di piante ed uccelli. Proteggono la superficie del mezzo da eventuali danni meccanici come, ad esempio, graffi e abrasioni. Keep your ATV clean and ready to ride at all times with Spinelli’s ATV covers! Top Line, Classic Line and Basic Line covers offer full protection in all weather conditions and against factors such as sunlight, rain, snow, dust, and dirt from birds and trees, and protect the surface against scratches and abrasions. 3 TAGLIE SIZES 32 La copertura Top Line risponde efficacemente ad ogni esigenza di protezione: acqua, polvere, sole, neve, inquinamento e sporco di alberi ed uccelli. E’ resistente all’acqua, traspirante e non crea danni da ristagno di condensa alla vernice del mezzo. Può essere utilizzata anche sul quad bagnato, purché pulito. Robusta contro gli strappi ma leggera, è estremamente facile da utilizzare. COLORI COLOURS In dotazione un sacco per riporre la copertura quando non è utilizzata. Included a storage bag for your cover. -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Non si sfrangia Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Semplice da cucire Top Line covers made of DuPontTM Tyvek® meet every need, providing effective protection against water, dust, sunlight, snow, environmental pollution, and dirt from birds and trees. The Top Line ATV cover is water-resistant yet highly breathable and prevents moisture build-up between the cover and the ATV. It can also be fitted on a wet (yet clean) vehicle without running the risk of damaging its paintwork. DuPontTM Tyvek® is tear and abrasionresistant, and extremely light and easy to handle. Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Protegge dalla polvere Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C GARAGE-CALIFORNIA Le coperture Classic Line per quad/ATV disponibili in Garage e California, sono impermeabili al 100%, durevoli e resistenti. Offrono una protezione completa in tutte le condizioni meteo durante tutto l’anno. La copertura per quad/ATV in Garage rispetto a quella in California è più pesante, notevolmente robusta e resistente agli strappi. Classic Line ATV covers available in two materials (Garage and California) are fully waterproof, strong and resistant. The covers offer full protection all year round. The ATV Garage cover is heavier than the California version, making it particularly tear-resistant and heavy-duty. COLORI GARAGE GARAGE COLOURS COLORI CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA COLOURS PVC 0,18 Le coperture Basic Line covers per esterno sono perfettamente impermeabili e realizzate in un morbido e resistente materiale plastico trattato antiUV. Forniscono protezione di base efficace contro pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, smog, inquinamento, polvere e sporco di piante ed uccelli. Il materiale presenta una particolare lavorazione in superficie (goffratura di raso) dal piacevole impatto estetico. Basic Line ATV outdoor covers are fully waterproof and made from a soft and resistant, UV-stabilised PVC plastic fabric. They provide effective basic protection against rain, snow, frost, smog, pollutants, and dirt from birds and trees. The PVC material is a satin-effect embossed fabric with an appealing design. COLORI COLOURS Taglia size Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza length x width x heigth S M L 180 x 100 x 105 cm 210 x 120 x 120 cm 270 x 120 x 120 cm 33 COPRIQUAD / ATV COVER -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C La copertura per il rimessaggio istockphoto © MrPants The storage cover 34 Coprimoto d’acqua Jet-ski cover 35 Coprimoto d’acqua Jet-ski cover Le coperture per moto d’acqua Spinelli rappresentano la protezione ideale per il rimessaggio a terra per tutti i tipi di moto d’acqua. Proteggono da pioggia, polvere, sole, neve, inquinamento e sporco di alberi ed uccelli. Disponibili in quattro taglie universali nelle linee Top, Classic e Nautica, possono altresì essere realizzate su misura per le moto d’acqua dei grandi marchi come Kawasaki, Sea Doo e Yamaha (su richiesta). Spinelli’s jet-ski covers are the best protection for all kinds of jet-ski when stored. Our covers offer protection from factors such as rain, dust, sunlight, snow, environmental pollution, and dirt from birds and trees. Top, Classic and Nautic Line covers are available in four universal sizes, and can be tailored to your specific watercraft’s make, model and year (e.g. Kawasaki, Sea Doo, Yamaha, etc.) on request. In dotazione un sacco per riporre la copertura quando non è utilizzata. 4 TAGLIE SIZES Copertura su misura per jet-ski Kawasaki Ultra 300 LX Custom fit cover for jet-ski Kawasaki Ultra 300 LX 36 Included a storage bag for your cover. La copertura Top Line per moto d’acqua in DupontTM Tyvek® è fatta per il rimessaggio a terra della moto d’acqua. Il materiale testato in acqua marina è altamente resistente all’acqua e traspirante, quindi non si forma la muffa tra la copertura e la moto d’acqua. Può essere utilizzata anche sulla moto d’acqua bagnata, purché pulita. Riflettendo gran parte dei raggi solari, in estate previene il surriscaldamento del veicolo. -70°C / +85°C Traspirante Non si sfrangia Facile da montare Facile da dipingere Semplice da cucire Top Line jet-ski covers made of DupontTM Tyvek® are designed to be used when storing your watercraft. The material is seawater-resistant and highly water-resistant yet breathable, thus preventing moisture build-up between the cover and the watercraft. It can also be fitted on a wet (yet clean) jet-ski without running the risk of damaging the paintwork and body components. Reflecting more than 80% of the solar spectrum, it prevents overheating of the watercraft during the summer months. Mantiene più fresco l’abitacolo Leggero Protegge dalla polvere Protegge dall’inquinamento Protegge dallo sporco degli uccelli e degli alberi Riciclabile Morbido Molto resistente Resistente ai raggi UV COLORI COLOURS 2 HDPE Lavabile a mano -70°C /+85°C -70°C +85°C IT Resistente all’acqua -70°C +85°C Impostasi sul mercato per la sua elevata qualità, la nostra copertura per moto d’acqua Classic Line Garage offre una protezione completa contro sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, polvere, sabbia, sporco di piante ed uccelli. Inoltre, essendo notevolmente robusta, protegge la superficie del veicolo da eventuali danni meccanici come, ad esempio, graffi e abrasioni. Essendo saldata elettronicamente, la copertura garantisce un’impermeabilità assoluta. Grazie al suo morbido “tessuto non tessuto” in poliestere e fiocco di viscosa, la vernice della moto d’acqua viene protetta con estrema delicatezza. Resistente ai raggi UV. GARAGE Thanks to its superior quality, the Classic Line Garage jet-ski cover ensures maximum protection against sunlight, rain, snow, frost, dust, sand, and dirt from birds and trees. This particularly resistant cover protects your jet-ski against mechanical damage, such as scratches and grazes. This electrically joined cover is fully waterproof. Its non-woven interior lining made from polyester and viscose flock is soft and resistant, and gently covers the paintwork. La versione in California ha le stesse caratteristiche della copertura Garage ma è più leggera. The California cover maintains the same characteristics as the Garage cover, but is lighter. COLORI COLOURS POLYMAR® NAUTICA* La copertura Marine Line in Polymar® nautica è fatta specificatamente per il rimessaggio a terra e in acqua della moto d’acqua. Il materiale è resistente all’acqua marina e nello stesso momento altamente resistente ai raggi UV. Offre una protezione efficace contro sole, pioggia, neve, ghiaccio, polvere, sabbia, sporco di piante ed uccelli. Il materiale è trattato anti-muffa ed è facile da pulire. Nautic Line jet-ski covers made of Polymar® nautica are designed to be used when storing your watercraft at marinas or other locations near water. The material is seawater-resistant and adequately protects your watercraft from bad weather or strong sunshine. The special fungicide finish prevents mold stains and mildew. The high quality coating is very resistant against seawater and seagull droppings. The special coating and paint make the cover very easy to clean. *Polymar® nautica è un materiale di Mehler Technologies GmbH Polymar® nautica is a material of Mehler Technologies GmbH COLORI COLOURS Taglia size Lunghezza x larghezza x altezza length x width x heigth S M L XL 230 x 75 x 74 cm 280 x 113 x 105 cm 310 x 120 x 105 cm 335 x 125 x 116 cm 37 COPRIMOTO D’ACQUA / JET-SKI COVER -70°C -70°C /+85°C +85°C Confezioni Packaging Tutti i prodotti Spinelli prevedono un imballo standard, a seconda della linea e del materiale. Inoltre, su richiesta del cliente, sono disponibili degli imballi non standard per i prodotti a catalogo nonché la possibilità di sviluppare un packaging interamente personalizzato. Each Spinelli product is provided with a standard packaging, depending on the line and the material. Additional packaging for our standard products are available on request. Spinelli can also develop custom packaging according to customers’ requests. SCATOLA IN CARTONE / CARTON BOX Imballo standard per / Standard packaging for: Bacall® Garage Bacall® California SACCO IN CALIFORNIA O GARAGE / CALIFORNIA OR GARAGE BAG Imballo standard per / Standard packaging for: Copriquad California / ATV cover California Copriquad Garage / ATV cover Garage Coprimoto d’acqua California / Jet-ski California Coprimoto d’acqua Garage / Jet-ski Garage Disponibile su richiesta per / Available on request for: Bacall® California Bacall® Garage SACCO IN STAR O SUPERPUFF / STAR OR SUPERPUFF BAG Imballo standard per / Standard packaging for: Bacall® Star Bacall® SuperPuff 38 SPORTINA POLIETILENE / POLYBAG Imballo standard per / Standard packaging for: Bacall® PE Bacall® PVC 0,15 Bacall® PVC 0,18 Bacall® Puff Copriquad DuPont™Tyvek®/ ATV cover DuPont™Tyvek® Copriquad PVC 0,18 / ATV cover PVC 0,18 Coprimoto d’acqua DuPont™Tyvek®/ Jet-ski cover DuPont™Tyvek® Accessori / Accessories Disponibile su richiesta per / Available on request for: Bacall® DuPont™Tyvek® Bacall® California Bacall® Garage Bacall® Prestige Bacall® Star Bacall® SuperPuff DOPPIO BLISTER / DOUBLE BLISTER CONFEZIONI / PACKAGING Disponibile su richiesta per / Available on request for: Bacall® DuPont™Tyvek® Bacall® California Bacall® Star Bacall® SuperPuff Bacall® PE Bacall® PVC 0,15 Bacall® PVC 0,18 Bacall® Puff Copriquad DuPont™Tyvek®/ ATV cover DuPont™Tyvek® Coprimoto d’acqua DuPont™Tyvek®/ Jet-ski cover DuPont™Tyvek® BUSTA CON MANIGLIA E CERNIERA / BAG WITH HANDLE AND ZIP Imballo standard per / Standard packaging for: Bacall® DuPont™Tyvek® Bacall® Prestige Disponibile su richiesta per / Available on request for: Bacall® California Bacall® Garage Bacall® Star Bacall® Puff Bacall® PE Bacall® PVC 0,15 Bacall® PVC 0,18 39 Ricerca taglie universali Search universal cover sizes RICERCA PER TIPOLOGIA MOTO Search by motorcycle type Lettura della tabella How to search your model Linee Lines TOP LINE SOFT LINE Taglia Size S SS S1 Tipologia moto Motorcycle type S S SS g S1 4,70 m (S) 5,30 m (SS) 5,20 m (S1) 2,70 m (S) 2,95 m (SS) 3,30 m (S1) Misure Measures e d Tipologia moto Motorcycle type Taglia Size TOP LINE SOFT LINE Taglia Size S SS S1 S2 S3 small M MS M1 M2 medium L large XL extra large Sidecar 40 Tipologia moto Motorcycle type S S S2 gS3 M c M M1 SS S1 e d M M1 M M2 f M3 4,70 m (S) 5,30 m (SS) 5,20 m (S1) 5,20 m (S2) 4,70 m (S3) 2,70 m (S) 2,95 m (SS) 3,30 m (S1) 3,80 m (S2) 3,80 m (S3) 5,70 m (M) 5,60 m (MS) 6,45 m (M1) 6,45 m (M2) 2,90 m (M) 3,10 m (MS) 3,40 m (M1) 3,90 m (M2) 6,40 m 3,50 m 6,80 m 3,72 m MS d f CLASSIC LINE BASIC LINE Taglia Size Tipologia moto Motorcycle type A° 4,20 m 2,74 m A1 4,40 m 3,26 m 4,60 m 3,70 m 4,40 m 2,70 m Modelli A B C c/bauletto A B C models w/rear case 5,20 m 3,26 m Mod. A B C c/bauletto+parabrezza alto A B C mod. w/rear case+high windscreen 5,20 m 3,70 m 3,80 m 2,74 m 5,30 m 3,44 m 5,30 m 2,95 m E° 5,60 m 3,44 m ES**° 5,60 m 3,10 m 6,45 m 6,45 m 6,45 m 3,44 m 3,90 m 3,90 m F 5,20 m 3,44 m G 6,00 m 3,50 m H**° 6,80 m 3,72 m Modelli A B C c/parabrezza alto A B C models w/high windscreen A3**° c B d B1**° e e B2** f C g D° DS**° RICERCA PER TIPOLOGIA DI MOTO / SEARCH BY MOTORCYCLE TYPE h d E1**° E2**° E3* d E1=modelli D E c/bauletto E1=D E models w/rear case E2=mod. D E c/bauletto+parabrezza alto E2=D E mod. w/rear case+high windscreen e Sidecar* * Disponibile solo in qualità Garage e California * Available only in Garage and California ° Disponibile anche in qualità Prestige ° Available also in Prestige ** Disponibile solo in qualità Garage, California e PVC 0,18 ** Available only in Garage, California and PVC 0,18 41 Taglie universali Bacall Bacall universal cover sizes ® ® RICERCA PER MODELLO Search by model Lettura della tabella How to search your model Marca moto Motorcycle brand Adiva TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® SOFT LINE senza accessori without accessories Modello Model Modello moto Motorcycle model Puff - Star - SuperPuff parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen AD 125 M M1 M2 AD 200 M M1 M2 Prodotto non disponibile o sconsigliato per il modello di moto Product non available or not recommended for the model Bacall è personalizzabile Bacall can be customised Contattaci Contact us on +39 0543.744.999 42 Linee e materiali Lines and materials Varianti modello Model types Taglie divise per linea Sizes per product line Adiva Modello Model AD 125 AD 200 AD Cabrio AD2/200 AD3/300 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 Adly Modello Model AS 50 Coguar 50 - 125 GTA 50 - 125 GTC (Nifty 50) RT 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 C C C A B parabrezza alto e bauletto Aeon Modello Model ELITE URBAN TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E E parabrezza alto e bauletto Aprilia Atlantic 300S Caponord 1200 - 1200 Travel Pack Dorsoduro 1200 - 1200 ATC Dorsoduro 750 Dorsoduro Factory Mana 850 - 850 GT ABS MXV 4.5-4.6 PEGASO 650 TRAIL RS 50-50 Replica-125 RS4 50-125 RST 1000 FUTURA RSV4 Factory APRC-SE-R RX 50-125 RXV 4.5-5.5 Scarabeo 100 - 100 4 T Scarabeo 250ie-250 GT Scarabeo 300 S DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M M MS M SS MS MS S SS MS SS SS MS S M M parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S3 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 S3 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E E E F E DS F ES B DS ES DS F F A1 E E PVC 0,18 parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case A3 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 A3 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE E E E F E D F E B D E D F F A1 E E 43 Modello Model Scarabeo 400ie - 500ie Scarabeo 50 4T - 50 Street Shiver 750 - 750 GT Sport City 50 4T-50 Street Sportcity Cube 125 - 200 - 300 Sportcity One 125 - Street 125 Sportcity Street 300 SR 50 Motard 2t SR 50 Street SR 50R - 50R Factory SR MAX 125 - 300 SR Motard 125 SRV 850 SX 50-125 SXV 4.5-5.5 Tuono 1000R - 1000 R Factory Tuono VAR 1000 - VAR 1000 APRC TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S MS S M S S S S S M M M MS MS SS SS S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E A1 ES C D A1 A1 A A A E D E F F DS DS parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 0 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E A1 E C D A1 A1 A A A E D E F F D D Aspes Modello Model Perseo Hybrid 50 Vega Hybrid 50-125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 S2 D A A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 D A parabrezza alto e bauletto Aspess Power Modello Model Alien 50 2T ARM 125 -150 F6 125 - 150 LF 250 - 400 LF 250 GY 7 M96 125 CR - SM M96 250 CR - SM Navigator 125 - 250 Puma 250 Urban 50 2T Voyager 125 -Voyager 250 - 250i - 300i TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M M MS MS M M M M Atala Modelli Models Axy Modelli Models 44 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories D E D E E F F E E E E parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories D E D E E F F E E E E Azel Modelli Models Bajaj Modelli Models Benelli Modello Model BN 600R - 600GT - 302 BX 449 Cross BX 505 Enduro BX 570 Motard Caffè Nero 125 - 150 - 250 Caffè Racer 899 - 1130 Century Racer 899 - 1130 Macis 125-150 Pepe 50 2T-50 2T Classic-50 LX QuattronoveX 50 TNT R-R160-899-899S-899T TNT Sport Evo-Titanium Tornado Tre 1130-Tre 1130 K Tre 1130 K Amazonas Tre 899 K Velvet 125-150-250 X 125-150 Zenzero 350 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S3 S3 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 MS MS MS MS MS SS M M S S MS SS MS MS MS S S M S3 S3 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 senza accessori without accessories ES F F F ES DS D D A1 B ES DS ES ES ES A1 A E PVC 0,18 parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case A3 A3 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 A3 A3 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E F F F E D D D A1 B E D E E E A1 A E Beta Alp 125 - 200 - 4.0 Ark Air Cooled 50 Ark LC-LC RR Evo 125 2T Evo 250 2T - 250 4T Evo 290 2T Evo 300 2T - 300 4T Evo 80 Evo 80 Junior M4 Minicross R 10-R 12 Minicross R 125 4T-R 150 4T Minitrial RE 125 4T RR Enduro 125 - 125 LC RR Enduro 350 RR Enduro 400 - 450 - 498 RR Enduro 50 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS S S SS SS SS SS SS S MS S SS S SS MS MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories F C A F F F F F B F B F B F F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE F C A F F F F F B F B F B F F F F F 45 TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model RR Enduro 50 Factory RR Enduro 50 Racing RR Enduro 50 Standard RR Enduro 520 4T RR Motard 125 - 125 LC RR Motard 50 RR Motard 50 Standard - Track Urban 125 - 125 Special Urban 200 - 200 Special senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS MS MS MS SS SS SS SS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F F F F F F bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F Bimota TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model DB 10 Motard DB 11 DB 5 R - RE - S - Desiderio DB 6 Delirio - S Delirio DB 6 R Delirio - RE Delirio DB 7 - DB 7 Oronero DB 8-DB 8 SP DB 9 Brivido - Brivido S DB 9 Brivido Carbon - S Carbon Tesi 2D - 3D - 3D E senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D D D D D D BMW Modello Model C 600 Sport C 650 GT C Evolution F 650 GS - 650 GS 30 Years F 700 GS - 800GS F 800 GS 30 Years F 800 GS Adventure F 800 GT F 800 R - F 800 S - F 800 ST G 450 X G 650 GS Sertao G 650 Xchallenge - Xcountry - Xmoto HP2 Megamoto - Sport HP4 K 1200 GS - 1200 GS Adventure K 1200 LT - 1600 LT K 1200 R - 1300 R - 1300 S K 1300 GT K 1600 GT R 1200 GS R 1200 GS ADVENTURE R 1200 GS Triple Black 46 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M M MS MS MS MS M MS MS MS MS MS SS M XL MS L M MS M MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E E E F F F F E ES F F ES ES DS E H ES G E ES E F parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 H E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E E F F F F E E F F E E D E E G E E E F TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model senza accessori without accessories R 1200 R R 1200 R Classic R 1200 RT R 1200 S R NINE T S 1000 RR - S 1000 R MS M MS MS M SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen ES E ES ES E DS bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories E E E E E D Borile Modello Model B450 Scrambler Bastard 450 Multiuso TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS SS MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F DS F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories F D F Boss Hoss Modello Model BHC-3 ZZ4 LS3 SS BHC-3 ZZ4 SS BHC-3 ZZ4 STANDARD BHC-3 ZZ4 STANDARD LS3 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen XL XL XL XL bauletto with rear case XL XL XL XL with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories XL XL XL XL H H H H parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case H H H H PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories H H H H Buell 1125 R-1125 CR Lighting City XB9 SX Lighting XB12Ss - XB12Scg Lighting XB12Sx Ulysses XB12X Ulysses XB12XT DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS M MS M bauletto with rear case M1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 M2 senza accessori without accessories DS DS DS D F E parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 E2 senza accessori without accessories RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE D D D D F E Bultaco Modelli Models 47 Cagiva Modello Model Mito 525SP Raptor 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories D D CCM Modello Model Dual Sport Motard 404 - 644 Dual Sport Trail 404 - 644 FT35S R30 - R30 Carbon - R35 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS MS MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories F F F F Centoallora Modello Model Kawasaki VN 900 Classic Sidecar LML Star De Luxe 150 Sidecar Moto Guzzi V7 Classic 750 Sidecar Triumph Bonneville Sidecar Vespa GTV/GTS Sidecar TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen SC SC SC SC SC senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories SC SC SC SC SC CF Moto Modelli Models CH Racing Modelli Models CMC Modello Model Regolarità 50 48 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories bauletto with rear case senza accessori without accessories SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen F parabrezza alto with high windscreen B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F CPI Modello Model Supermoto 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 senza accessori without accessories F CR&S Modello Model DUU Conlatusa 5-6 DUU Deperlù 5-6 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen ES ES PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories E E Dado Motors Modello Model DD 125 T11 - T18 - T19 DD 125 T25 - T25 L.E. DD 150 T1 - T9 - T18 DD 250 T ZN 50 QT - QT L.E. - QT 15A TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories bauletto with rear case M2 S2 M2 M2 S2 E A E E A senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S M M S S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 M1 M1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 E1 B1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 E2 E2 B2 E A E E A parabrezza alto e bauletto Daelim TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case A A A A E DS A1 D A A3 A3 A3 A3 parabrezza alto with high windscreen A-Four 50 Besbi 125 Bonita 50 Delfino 125 Dynastar 125 - 250 Roadsport 125-250 S1 125 - B-Bone 125 S3 125 - Advance 250 S-FIVE 50 S S S S M SS S M S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 S2 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 B2 senza accessori without accessories A A A A E D A D A RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model senza accessori without accessories Dazon Modelli Models 49 Derbi Modello Model Atlantis 50 2T-50 4T Boulevard 50 2T-125 4T Cross City 125 GP1 LC 50 - 125 - 250 GPR 125 4T 4V GPR 50 2T Mulhacen 125-Café 125 Mulhacen 659 Café Mulhacen 659 Café Angel Nieto Rambla 125 - 250 - 300ie Senda DRD 125 4T 4V R - SM Senda DRD Evo 50 SM Senda DRD Pro 50 R - Pro 50 SM Senda DRD Racing 50 R - 50 SM Senda DRD Racing X-treme 50 R - SM Sonar 50 2T-125 4T Variant Sport 50 2T-125 4T TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S S SS S SS S MS MS MS M MS MS SS MS SS M S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen A A1 F A1 D B ES ES ES D F F F F F D A1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories A A1 F A1 D B E E E D F F F F F D A1 Dnepr Modelli Models Ducati Modello Model 848 1198 - 1198 R Corse - 1198 SP 1198 S - 1198 S Corse 1199 Panigale - Panigale S 1199 Panigale S Tricolore 848 Evo - 848 Evo Corse SE 899 Panigale Diavel Diavel AMG - Diavel Carbon GT 1000 Hypermotard 1100 Evo - Evo SP Hypermotard 796 Hyperstrada Monster 1100 - 1100 EVO Monster 1100 S Monster 1200 Monster 696 - 796 - 821 Multistrada 1200 T Multistrada 1200 Multistrada 1200 S Sport - Touring Multistrada 1200 S Sport Pikes Peak Streetfighter - Streetfighter S Streetfighter 848 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS SS SS SS SS SS SS M M M MS MS MS SS SS SS SS MS MS MS MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories DS DS DS DS DS DS DS E E D F F F DS DS DS DS ES ES ES ES ES ES parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D D D E E D F F F D D D D E E E E E E EPC Modelli Models Erik Buell Racing TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model 1190 RS-RX-SX senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories D Etropolis Modelli Models Fantic Motor Caballero 125 Motard Aircooled Caballero 125 Regolarità Caballero 125 Regolarità Aircooled Caballero 125 Regolarità Competizione Caballero 125 Regolarità Competizione Racing Caballero 200 Motard Competizione Caballero 200 Regolarità Competizione Caballero 200 Regolarità Competizione Racing Caballero 50 Motard Competizione Caballero 50 Regolarità Caballero 50 Regolarità Competizione Caballero 50 Regolarità Competizione Racing Caballero Motard 50 - 125 Caballero TF 250 ES Regolarità Scuderia Caballero TX 180 E Regolarità Caballero TX 180 ER Regolarità Competizione Caballero TX 180 ES Regolarità Scuderia Caballero TX 180 SM Motard Caballero TX 180 SMR Motard Competizione Caballero TZ 125 CS Cross Scuderia Caballero TZ 125 E Regolarità Competizione Caballero TZ 125 ES Regolarità Scuderia Caballero TZ 125 SM Motard Competizione Caballero TZ 170 E Regolarità Caballero TZ 170 ER Regolarità Competizione Caballero TZ 170 SM Motard Caballero TZ 170 SMR Motard Competizione Caballero TZ 200 ER Regolarità Competizione Caballero TZ 200 SMR Motard Competizione Caballero TZ 250 ES - 300 ES Caballero TZ 250 ES Regolarità Scuderia Caballero TZ 300 ES Regolarità Scuderia DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE 51 Gamax Modelli Models Garelli Modello Model Flexi 50 4T - 125 4T Gsp 50 Tiesse 50 R - Four Xò 125ie -150ie Xò 200ie Xò 50 2T - 50 4T TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S S S M M S S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 S2 C A1 A1 E D A1 A3 A3 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 B2 C A1 A1 E D A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Gas Gas Modello Model EC 125 H - H Six Days EC 250 H EC 250 H 4T - 4T Suomi EC 250 H Cervantes Replica EC 250 H Racing EC 250 H Six Days EC 250 H Standard EC 300 H EC 300 H Nambotin Replica EC 300 H Racing EC 300 H Six Days EC 300 H Standard EC 300 H Suomy EC 450 H 4T EC 50 Halley 125 2T H - 125 2T SM H Pampera 125 TX 125 Randonnè TX PRO H Standard 250 - 280 - 300 TX PRO Racing 125 - 280 - 300 TX PRO Raga Replica 250 - 280 - 300 TXT 50 Rookie H TXT Cadet 75 TXT PRO 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS MS SS SS SS MS SS SS SS SS SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Generic Modello Model Cracker 50 Defender 50 Epico 50 52 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 A1 A1 A1 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 A1 A1 A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model Ideo 50 Jump 50 Onyx 50 Pandora 50 Race 2 50 - 125 Roc 50 Sirion 50 - 125 Soho 125 - 150 Toxic 50 Trigger 50 SM - 50 SM Competition - 125 SM Trigger 50 X - X Competition Versus 125 Vertigo 50 - 125 Worx 125 Xor 125 - 125 Stroke Xor 2 50 Xor 50 - 50 Competition - 50 Stroke Zion 125 - 150 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S S S S S S S S S M M S S M S S S M S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 A A A1 A A1 A A A1 A D D A A D A A A D A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 A A A1 A A1 A A A1 A D D A A D A A A D parabrezza alto e bauletto Ghezzi & Brian Modello Model Furia Replica Sport Monza 1000 V-Twin Motard TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 DS DS E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 D D E parabrezza alto e bauletto Gilera Fuoco 500ie GP 800 Nexus 125ie - 300ie - 500ie Runner 50 SP - 125 ST - 200 ST Stalker 50 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M S S S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 E E E A1 A parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 E E E A1 A parabrezza alto e bauletto Green Motors Modello Model Must 125 - 150 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories bauletto with rear case M2 D senza accessori without accessories M parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 D parabrezza alto e bauletto 53 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE Harley Davidson Modello Model 1200 Sportster Roadster CVO Limited - Road King - Breakout Dyna Fat Bob CVO - FXDF Dyna LowRider Dyna Street Bob FXFB Dyna Super Glide Custom FXDC Dyna Switchback FLD Dyna Wide Glide FXDWG Night Rod Special Night Rod Special VRSCDX Roadster 883 Softail Blackline FXS Softail Breakout Softail Convertible CVO FLSTSE Softail Cross Bones FLSTSB Softail Deluxe FLSTN Softail Fat Boy FLSTF - FLSTFB Softail Heritage Classic FLSTC Softail Rocker C FXCWC Softail Slim FLS Sportster X 883N Iron - 883 R Sportster XL 1200C Custom Sportster XL 1200N Nightster Sportster XL 1200V Seventy-Two Sportster XL 1200X Forty-Eight Sportster XL 883 custom Sportster XL 883 Low - SuperLow Sportster XR 1200 - 1200X Touring Electra Glide Classic FLHTC Touring Electra Glide Standard FLHT Abs Touring Electra Glide Ultra Classic FLHTCU Touring Electra Glide Ultra Limited FLHTK Touring Road Glide FLHX Touring Road King Classic FLHRC Touring Street Glide CVO FLHXSE Touring Street Glide FLHX Touring Ultra Classic Electra Glide CVO FLHTCUSE Touring Ultra Electra Glide Abs FLHTCU Trike Tri Glide V-ROD 10th Anniversary Edition VRSCDX ANV V-ROD ABS VRSCAW V-ROD Muscle VRSCF TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M L M L L M L XL L L M L L L M L L XL L L M M M M M M M M XL XL XL XL XL XL L XL L XL XL L L L bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL XL XL XL XL M1 XL M1 XL XL M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL XL XL XL XL XL M2 XL M2 XL XL M2 M2 M2 E G E G G E G H G G E G G G E G G H G G E E E E E E E E H H H H H H G H G H H G G G parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H H H H H E1 H E1 H H E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 H E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 H E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 H H H H H H E2 H E2 H H E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E G E G G E G G G E G G G E G G G G E E E E E E E E G G G G G HDM Modello Model Coupè 300 HDM H2O Coupè A-Style 125 - 151 Coupè HDM R16 125 - 151 H64 HDM R16 125 - 151 OXI 250 HDM Speedy 50 HDM - Sweet Years - A Style 54 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M M S M S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 S2 M2 S2 E E E A1 E C parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 B2 E E E A1 E C parabrezza alto e bauletto Headbanger Modello Model Foxy Lady Gypsy Soul High Flyin Hollister Summertime Woodstock Boogie TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 E E E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E E E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto HM 230F Easy Enduro - Easy Motard 230F Easy Trail - Easy Trail ID City 125 - 250 CRE 125R CRE 450R - 450X CRE Baja 50 - 50 RR - 125 RR 2T CRE Baja F125X 4T - F125X RR 4T CRE F125X Six Competition 4T CRE F250R - 250X CRE F300X CRE F490X CRE F500R - F500X CRE Six Competition 50 - 125 2T CRF 150R - 250R - 450R CRM 125 Derapage Competition 2T CRM 125 Derapage RR 2T CRM 50 Derapage - Derapage RR CRM 50 Derapage Competition CRM F125X Derapage CRM F125X Derapage Competition 4T CRM F125X Derapage RR 4T CRM F450R - F450X CRM F500R - F500X Locusta 125 - 200 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS SS MS MS MS SS SS SS MS MS MS MS SS SS SS SS SS SS MS SS SS MS MS MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Honda Modello Model CB 1100 - 110 EX CB1300S ABS CB500 F - 650 F CB600F Hornet CBF 1000F - 1000ST CBF 125 - 125 R CBF 250R CBF 600N - 600S CBR 1000R - Barracuda LE- Extreme TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M MS M SS M M SS M M parabrezza alto with high windscreen S1 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S2 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E ES D DS E D DS E E parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E D D E D D E E 55 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model CBR 1000RR Fireblade CBR 1000RR Fireblade C CBR 500 R CBR 600F 2010 CBR 600RR - 600RR C CBR 650 F CRF 150R - 250R - 450R CRF 250 M Crosstourer CTX 700 DCT - 1300 DN-01 GL1800 Gold Wing GOLD WING F6B GOLD WING F6C Integra ABS DCT LEAD 100 MSX 125 NC 700S - 700S DCT NC 700X - 700X DCT NC 750S - 750X NM4 Vultus NSC 50R NT700V Deauville PCX 125 PS 125i - 150i SH 125i Special - 125 Sporty SH 150i Special - 150i Sporty SH 300 - 300i - 300i Sporty SH 300 Special - 300 Sporty SH Mode 125 Silver Wing 600 ST 1300 Pan-European SW T400 - T600 S-Wing 125 - 150 VFR 800F - 1200F - 1200F DCT VFR 800X Crossrunner ABS VFR1200XC Crosstourer VFR1200XC Crosstourer DCT VISION 50 14'' - 110 VT 750 S VT1300CX VT750 Shadow VT750 Shadow Spirit - Black Spirit XL 700V Transalp - Transalp ABS XL Varadero 125V - 1000V ZOOMER 50 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS SS SS SS SS MS M M MS XL XL L M S M M M M L S M S S M M M M S M M M M MS MS MS MS S M XL L L M M S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 XL M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 XL XL M2 M2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 M2 XL M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories DS DS DS DS DS DS F F E E ES H H G E A D E E E G A1 E A1 A1 D D D D A1 E E E D ES ES ES ES A1 E H G G E E A parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 H E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 H H E2 E2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 H E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D D F F E E E G E A D E E E G A E A1 A1 D D D D A E E E D E E E E A1 E G G E E A Honda Dall’ara Modello Model XR 125 R Enduro - SM Supermotard XR 250 R Enduro - SM Supermotard XR 400 R Enduro - SM Supermotard XR 650 R Enduro - SM Supermotard 56 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories bauletto with rear case senza accessori without accessories SS MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen B1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F F F F HP Power Modello Model Tin 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S3 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 C A3 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 C parabrezza alto e bauletto Hupper Modello Model Challenge 150 Kyalami 125 Montclair 125 - 150 Montecarlo - Montecarlo Sport Ouragan 50 Santo Domingo 125 - 150 Scugnizzo 50 Slalom 50 Sultano 150 Tomcat 50 Twenty9 - Twenty9 Sport Yatagan 250 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S M S S M S S M S S M S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 M2 D A1 E A1 A1 E C C E B B E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 E2 D A1 E A1 A1 E C C E B B E parabrezza alto e bauletto Husaberg FE 250 - 350 - 390 FE 450 - 501 - 570 FS 570 FX 450 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS MS MS bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 F F F F parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 F F F F parabrezza alto e bauletto Husqvarna Modello Model CR 50 - 125 FE 250 - 350 - 450 - 501 Nuda 900 - 900R SM 50 - 450R - 450RR - 510R SMR 449 - 511 - 630 SMS 125 - 630 SMS4 125 TC 250 - 449 - 450 TE 125 TE 250 TE 250ie -250 Meo Replica TE 310 TE 449 - 450 - 450ie TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories MS M MS MS MS MS MS MS MS S MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 senza accessori without accessories F E F F F F F F F B F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 senza accessori without accessories F E F F F F F F F B F F F 57 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model TE 510 TE 511 TE 630 - 631 WR 125 - 250 - 300 WRE 125 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS MS MS MS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F F bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F Hyosung Modello Model Aquila GV 125 - 125 Classic Aquila GV 250 - 650 Aquila GV 650 Limited Edition Comet GT 125 - 125 R Comet GT 250 - 250R Comet GT 650 - 650 R GD KARION RT 125 MS3 Standard 125 - De-Luxe 250 RX 125 SM ST 7 - ST7 Deluxe TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M L SS SS SS SS M M MS L bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen E E G DS DS DS DS D E F G PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E G D D D D D E F G Indian Modello Model Chief Classic - Vintage - Chieftain Roadmaster Scout TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen XL XL M bauletto with rear case XL XL M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories XL XL M2 H H E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case H H E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories H H E2 E parabrezza alto e bauletto Isomoto Modello Model Anniversary Competizione TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 C A A3 A3 B1 B1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 C A parabrezza alto e bauletto Italjet Modello Model Marco Polo 400 58 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S M S3 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 M2 A1 E A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 E2 A1 E parabrezza alto e bauletto TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model SX1 Torpedo 125 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A1 A1 A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A1 A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Italmoto Modello Model S Classic 50 - 125 - 150 S Sport 50 - 125 - 150 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A1 A1 A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A A parabrezza alto e bauletto Jaling Modelli Models Jawa Modelli Models Kawasaki D-Tracker 125 ER-6F ER-6N J300 - J300 Special Edition KLX 125 - 250 - 450 - 450R KX 250 - 450F KX 65 - 85A - 85B KX-F 250 - 450 Ninja 250R - 300 - ZX-6R Ninja ZX-10R Versys 1000 - 1000 Grand Tourer Versys 650 VN 1700 Voyager Custom VN 2000 VN 900 Classic - Classic Special VN 900 Custom VN1700 Classic VN1700 Classic Tourer VN1700 Voyager W800 Z750 - Z750R - Z800 - Z1000 - Z1000SX ZZR1400 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS SS SS M SS MS S MS SS MS M SS XL XL L L XL XL XL M SS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL M1 M1 XL XL XL M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 S2 M2 XL XL M2 M2 XL XL XL M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories F DS DS E F F C F DS ES E DS H H G G H H H E DS ES parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H E1 E1 H H H E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 B2 E2 H H E2 E2 H H H E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories F D D E F F C F D E E D RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE G G E D E 59 Keeway Modello Model Blackster Cruiser 250 EFI F-Act 50 - 50 Evo Sport F-Act 50 Racing Goccia 50 - 50 2T Hurricane 50 Index 350 EFI Logik 125 - 150 - 200i Outlook 125 - 125 Sport - 150 Outlook 150 4T - 150 Sport 4T Outlook DR 125 4T - 125 Sport 4T Pixel 50 RKW 125 RY6 50 2T RY8 Racing Silver Blade Super Light 125 - 125 Limited Super Light 150 Zahara 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen L L S S S S M M M M M S M S S M M M S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 G G A B A1 C E D D D D A D B A E E E A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 G G A B A1 C E D D D D A D B A E E E A parabrezza alto e bauletto KL Modello Model KXE 250 F - 450 F TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 senza accessori without accessories F KTM Modello Model 1190 Adventure - Adventure R 125 Duke 1290 Super Duke R 200 Duke 350 SX-F 390 Duke 690 Duke 690 Enduro R - SMC R 990 Adventure - Adventure R 990 SM-T ABS 990 Super Duke R 990 Supermoto R EXC 125 - 125 Six Days EXC 125 - 200 - 250 - 300 - 350 EXC 400 - 450 - 500 - 530 EXC Six Days 125 - 350 - 450 - 500 EXC-E 250 - 300 60 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M SS MS M MS MS MS M M M MS M MS MS MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E DS ES E F ES ES E E E ES E F F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E D E E F E E E E E E E F F F F F Modello Model EXC-E Six Days 250 - 300 EXC-F 250 - 250 Six Days Freeride 350 LC4 690 Duke - Duke R LC4 690 Enduro - Enduro R LC4 690 SMC LC4 690 Supermoto - Supermoto R LC8 990 Adventure LC8 990 Adventure Dakar LC8 990 Super Duke LC8 990 Super Duke R LC8 990 Supermoto IE - R RC 125 - 390 RC8 1190 - 1190R - 1190R Track SMR 450 SX 125 - 150 - 250 SX 50-125 SX F 250 SX-F 250 Musquin SX-F 250 Roczen Replica SX-F 350 SX-F 350 Cairoli SX-F 350 Cairoli Replica SX-F 450 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS MS M MS MS MS SS MS MS MS M SS SS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F E F F F F F ES ES E DS DS F F F F F F F F F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories F F F E F F F F F E E E D D F F F F F F F F F F Kymco Agility 125 R 16 - 125 RS Agility 125 R12 Agility 150 R 16 - 200i R 16 Agility 50 2T R16 - 50 4T R 16 Agility 50 Carry - 125 Carry Agility 50 R10 Agility 50 R12 - 50 4T R12 Agility 50 RS - RS Naked Agility Carry 50 Compagno 50i - 110i Dink 125 - 125 DD - 200i DD Dink 50 - 200 Downtown 125I - 200i - 300i G-Dink 125i - 300i K-PIPE 125 K-XCT 125i K-XCT 300i Like 125 - 150 Like 50 2T - 50 4T - 200i - 200i LX Like 50LX - 50 2T - 50 4T - 200i Movie S 150i My Road 700i People 50 - 125 People GTI 125 - 200 - 300 - 300i People One 125i People S 125 - 125 DD People S 200i - 200i DD DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M S M M M S S S S S M S M M M M M S S S S L S M S M M parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 M2 S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 S2 M2 M2 D B D D D B B A1 C C D A1 E E D D D B A1 A1 C G A1 E C D D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 E2 B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 B2 E2 E2 D B D D D B B A1 C C D A1 E E D D D B A1 A1 C G A1 E C D D parabrezza alto e bauletto RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE 61 TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model People S 300i People S 50 2T - 50 4T Quannon 125 Quannon 125 Naked Sento 50 Super 8 50 2T Super 8 50 4T - 125 - 150 Venox 250i Xciting 300i - 500i Xciting R 300i - 500i senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M S M S M M M S3 S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 S2 M2 S2 M2 M2 M2 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories E D E D A D A1 E E E parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 B2 E2 E2 E2 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories E D E D A D A1 E E E Lambretta Modello Model Lambretta LN 125 - 125 Bicolore Lambretta LN 151 - 151 Bicolore TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A1 A1 A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A1 A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Laverda Modelli Models Lingben TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model 125 T-13 150 T-12 Madrid 150 T-9 Wien 50 QT-16 Dublin 50 QT-2 50 QT-21 50 QT-35 Wien 50 QT-38 Prague - 125 T-38 Prague 50 QT-39 Berlin - 125 T-39 Berlin Milan 50 Moscow 50 Rome 125 - 150 senza accessori without accessories M M S S S S S S S S S M parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 D D A1 C A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 C E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 D D A1 C A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 C E parabrezza alto e bauletto Linhai TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model Drive In 125 - 150 Eggu 125 Main Street 300 Prince 50 62 senza accessori without accessories M S M S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case M1 S1 M1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 M2 S2 E A E C parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 E2 B2 E A E C parabrezza alto e bauletto LML Modello Model Star 2T 125 - 150 Star 4T 125 - 150 - 200 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A A A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A A parabrezza alto e bauletto M.C.Canziani Modelli Models Magni TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE Modello Model senza accessori without accessories Australia 98 Giappone 52 Sfida 1000 4V Sfida 1100 IE Biposto Sport 1200 S SS SS SS SS SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS DS DS DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D Maico Modello Model Maicore 300 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M bauletto with rear case M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E parabrezza alto e bauletto Modello Model Blog 125 ie - 160 ie Centro 125 4T - 125 4T SL Centro 160 4T Centro 160 4T SL Centro 50 4T - 50 4t SL Ciack Master 50 4T DVD 50 F10 Jet Line F10 Jet Line Tribal Madison 3 125 - 250 Password 250 Phantom F12-R 50 AC - AC Tribal Phantom F12-R 50 AC Ducati Corse SBK Phantom F12-R 50 LC Phantom F12-R 50 LC Fantasy Phantom F12-R 50 LC Tribal TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M SS M S S S S S M M S S S S S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories E D DS D A1 A1 C C C D E B B A A A parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories E D D D A1 A1 C C C D E B B A A A 63 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Malaguti TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model SpiderMax RS 500 - GT 500 X3M Enduro 125 - X3N Motard 125 XSM Supermotard XTM Enduro - Enduro Special senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M MS SS SS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen E F F F bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories E F F F Mash Modello Model Café Racer Fifty Pro Scrambler Seventy - Seventy Five - Seventy Five Vintage Two Fifty TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M M bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 D D D D D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 D D D D D parabrezza alto e bauletto MBK Modello Model X-Limit Enduro - X-Limit SM TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 senza accessori without accessories F MH Modello Model Furia Max K.S. Furia Max SM K.S. Kn1 125 Liquido A.E. Mh7 125 Aria A.E. Rx 50R A.E. - 125R A.E. RYZ A.E. Blak Line - SM - Urban Bike RYZ K.S. - Pro Racing K.S. TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S SS SS M SS SS SS S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen A1 F DS D DS F F A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories A1 F D D D F F Millepercento Modello Model Alba BB1 64 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS M parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 DS E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 D E parabrezza alto e bauletto Mondial Modelli Models Montesa Modello Model Cota 4RT Standard - Cota Repsol TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 senza accessori without accessories F Moto Bellini Modello Model B-1 B-2 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A A1 A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Moto Guzzi 1200 Sport 8V 1200 Sport Corsa 8V Bellagio Bellagio 940 Aquila Nera Breva 1200 Breva 750 - 850 - 1000 California 1100 Aquila Nera California 1100 Vintage California 1400 °Anniversario California 1400 Custom California 1400 Touring California Classic Griso 1200 8V - 1200 8V S.E. Griso 850 - 1100 4V MGS-01 Corsa Nevada 750 Nevada 750 Anniversario Nevada 750 Aquila Nera Norge 1200 GT 8V Norge 1200 GT Confort - GTL - T Norge 850 Stelvio 1200 4V - 4V NTX - 8V NTX V7 Classic - Cafe Classic V7 Racer -Special - Stone DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories MS MS M M MS M L L L XL XL L M MS SS M M M L M M M M MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL XL M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories ES ES E E ES E G G G H H G E ES DS E E E G E E E E ES parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 H H E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E E E G G G RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE G E E D E E E G E E E E E 65 Moto Martin Modello Model TIR TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S3 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 C A3 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 C parabrezza alto e bauletto Moto Morini Modello Model 9 1/2 11,5 1200 Sport Corsaro 1200 - Veloce - Avio Granpasso - Granpasso H83 Rebello 1200 Scrambler TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS MS SS MS SS M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories S2 DS DS ES DS ES DS D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 D D E D E D D parabrezza alto e bauletto Moto Rumi Modello Model Mangusta 400 Pantera 600 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 D E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 D E parabrezza alto e bauletto Moto Zeta Modelli Models Motobi Modello Model Misano Pesaro TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS S S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 F A1 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 F A parabrezza alto e bauletto Motor Hispania Modello Model KN1 - KN2 MH7 RX SUPER RACING 50 RYZ SM URBAN 50 66 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories SS SS S SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories DS DS B F parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories D D B F Motor Union Modello Model Cross 50 Doggy 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 B C A3 A3 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B C parabrezza alto e bauletto Motron Modelli Models MV AGUSTA Modello Model Brutale 1078 Rr Brutale 1090 - 1090 R - 1090 RR Brutale 675 - 675 EAS Brutale 800 Brutale 900 - 989 R - 990 R Brutale Dragster F3 675 - 675 EAS - Serie Oro F4 - F4 1000 - 1000R - 1000 RR F4 1078 RR 312 F4 1078 RR 312 1+1 F4 R - F4 RR Rivale TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories bauletto with rear case senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D D D D D D D D NCR 848 Leggera - Leggera 1200 Mike Hailwood Tt Millona One Shot - Milona R - S New Blue DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS DS DS DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories D D D D D Nipponia Modello Model Arte 125 - 150 Vorrei 125 - 150 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 D E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 D E parabrezza alto e bauletto 67 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE Norton Modello Model Commando 961 Cafe Racer Commando 961 Se - Sport TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories D D NOX Modello Model Duel 125 Sm Kle 50 SM - 50 TT TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 B1 senza accessori without accessories F F Ossa Modello Model TR280i TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 senza accessori without accessories F OTR Modelli Models Ouroboros TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE Modello Model senza accessori without accessories Zaeta 530 DT - 530 DE SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 DS parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 D parabrezza alto e bauletto Overbikes Modello Model B-Tre 50 - 125 B-Uno 50 Thor 68 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S S S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M2 S2 S2 D C A1 A3 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 B2 D C A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Pagsta Modello Model Choppa Regal Rapor Mini TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M bauletto with rear case S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories S2 S2 D D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 D D parabrezza alto e bauletto Parvisa TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model Cargò 50 - 125 FOX 50 Myspace 125 - 150 Splinter 50 Vittoria 50 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 A1 C A1 A A1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A C A A A parabrezza alto e bauletto Paton TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model BL3 R - BM3 R S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories D D Peda Moto Air 50 Captain 125 - 151 Fire 50 H2O 50 Scuola 50 Speedfire 50 Speedy 50 2T - 50 4T Star 250 Via 50 Wind 50 - 125 DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 A1 E A1 A1 A1 A1 C D A1 D A3 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S M S S S S S M S M S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 A E A A1 A1 A1 C D A1 D parabrezza alto e bauletto RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE 69 Peugeot Modello Model Blaster 50 Ice Blade - RS 12 Citystar 125 - 200 E-Vivacity Geo 250 RS Premium - 400 RS Geopolis 125 Urban Geopolis 250 Premium - Urban Geopolis 300 Premium Geopolis 300 RS Premium Geopolis 300 Style Geopolis 400 Premium Geopolis 400 RS Premium Geopolis 400 Urban Geopolis 500 Premium Geopolis Premium Evo 125 - 125 RS Jet C-Tech - Darkside - Ice Blade Kisbee 50 4T - RS 50 4T Ludix 2 Elegance Ludix 2 One Monoposto - Biposto Ludix 2 Trend LXR 125 - 200 Metropolis New Geopolis 300 NK7 Power Up Satelis 125 Compressor Premium Satelis 125 Premium Black Sat Satelis 125 Premium Evo Satelis 125 Premium White Sat Satelis 125 Rs Premium Satelis 125 Rs Premium Evo Satelis 125 Urban Satelis Premium 250 - 400 - 500 Satelis RS Premium 250 - 400 - 500 Satelis Urban 250 - 400 - 500 Speedfight 3 50 4T - Aria - Liquido Speedfight 3 Rs 50 Aria - Liquido Speedfight 3 Team Aria - Liquido Streetzone Sum Up 125 Tkr 50 - 50 12'' Tweet 125 - 125 RS Tweet 150 - 150 RS Tweet 50 - 50 RS V-Clic 50 Vivacity 125 Vivacity 50 2T - 4T Vivacity 50 4T Sixties XPS Top Road Power Up XPS Track Power Up Enduro XR7 Power Up 70 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S M M M M M M M M M M M M M S S S S S M M M SS M M M M M M M M M M S S S S S S M M M S M S S SS SS S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen C D D E E E E E E E E E E E A1 A A C C D E E DS E E E E E E E E E E A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A D D D C D C C F F B A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories C D D E E E E E E E E E E E A1 A A C C D E E D E E E E E E E E E E A1 A1 A1 A A1 A D D D C D C C F F B PGO Modello Model G-Max 50 - 125 Ligero 50 - 125 Pmx 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 A1 C C A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 A1 C C parabrezza alto e bauletto Piaggio Beverly 125ie - 300 ie Beverly Cruiser 500ie Beverly Cruiser 500ie 10 Anniversario Beverly Sport Touring 350ie Beverly Tourer 125 Beverly Tourer 300ie - 400ie Carnaby 125 - 200 Carnaby Cruiser 300Ie Fly 50 2T - 50 4T - 125 -150 Liberty 125 Liberty 125 3V Full Optional Liberty 150 3V Full Optional Liberty 50 2T - 2T Teens - 4T Liberty Elle 50 4T - 125 Liberty S 50 2T - 50 4T MP3 125 Hybrid MP3 300 Hybrid - Hybrid ERL MP3 300 Lt Business MP3 300ie - 300ie LT - RST MP3 300ie Sport MP3 300ie Touring - Touring LT MP3 400ie MP3 400ie LT - Sport - Touring MP3 500 LT Business MP3 500ie Business - Business LT MP3 500ie Sport - Sport LT MP3 Lt 250ie MP3 Yourban 125ie - 300ie - 300ie LT NRG Power 50 DD Typhoon 50 - 50 2T - 125 X10 125 - 350 X10 Executive 125 - 350 - 500 X7 125 - 200ie X7 EVO 125ie - 300ie Xevo 400ie Zip 50 2T - 50 4T - 50 SP DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M M M M M M M S S S S S S S M M M M M M M M M M M M M S S M M M M M S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 E E E E E E D D B A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 E E E E E E E E E E E E D A A E E E E E C parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 E E E E E E D D B A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 E E E E E E E E E E E E D A A E E E E E C parabrezza alto e bauletto RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE 71 Polini Modello Model XP4 Off Road 125 XP4 Street 50 - 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 B1 senza accessori without accessories F F Puma Automotive Modello Model Energy 125 - 250 Falcon CR 450 Melody 125 - 150 Nuvola 50 Olimpia 250 Portery 50 - 125 Rottaler 250 Cross T-Rex 50 - 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M MS M S M S SS S S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 S2 M2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories D F E A D A1 F A parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 B2 E2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories D F E A D A1 F A Quadro Modello Model 350D TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen L bauletto with rear case M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 G parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 G parabrezza alto e bauletto Quantya Modello Model Evo1-Strada - Track TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 senza accessori without accessories F Renault Modelli Models Rieju Modello Model Marathon 125 Marathon 125 Motard - Pro Motard Marathon 125 Pro - Pro Competizione 72 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories MS MS MS parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories F F F Modello Model Marathon 250 R - 450 R MRT 50 - 50 Pro MRT 50 Motard - Pro Motard MRT 50 Pro Competizione NKD 125 (RS2 Naked 125) NKD 50 (R2S Naked 50) RS2 125 - 125 Pro RS2 50 Matrix FR - 50 Pro RS3 50 - 125 RS3 naked 50 - 125 Tango 125 - 125 Pro Tango 250 - Dual - Road - Off Road Tango 50 - 50 Motard Tangoo! 50 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS SS S S S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 senza accessori without accessories F F F A B B DS DS DS DS F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 senza accessori without accessories F F F A B B D D D D F F F F Roxon Modelli Models Royal Enfield Modello Model Bullet 350 STD K/S Bullet Classic 500 ES 5 sp Bullet Electra EFI 500 DLX Bullet Electra EFI 500 Scrambler Bullet Electra EFI 500 STD Nuova Bullet Classic EFI 500 Army Nuova Bullet Classic EFI 500 STD TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M M M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 E E E E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E E E E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto Modelli Models Samurai Choppers Modello Model TYPE 5 - Type 7 - Type 8 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E parabrezza alto e bauletto 73 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Sachs Scorpa Modello Model SR 125 R - 125 R Long Ride SR 280 R - 280 R Long Ride SY 250 FR T-Ride 250 F TY 125 FR TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS MS MS MS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F F F F F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F Sherco Modello Model SE 2.5i F - 2.5i FR SE 250i - 250i R SE 3.0i F - 3.0i FR SE 300i - 300i R SE 4.5i F - 4.5i FR - 450i R SE 5.1i F - 5.1i FR - 510i R SE 50 - 125 SM Black Panther 450 - 510i SM Black Panther 50 - 125 ST 1.25 - 2.5 - 2.9 ST Cabestany Replica SU 50 - 50 Access TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M M M M M M M M SS bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen E E E E E E E E E E E F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E E E E E E E E F Siamoto Modelli Models Skyteam Modello Model BUBBLY 50 ST 50 - 125 T-Rex 50 - 125 V-Raptor 125 - 250 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S S S M S3 S3 S3 Solex Modelli Models 74 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 S2 S2 M2 C C A D A3 A3 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 E2 C C A D parabrezza alto e bauletto Steed Modello Model Bee 50 4T - 125 Ghibli 250 Mistral 125 - 151 Q-Wind 250 Snake 125 - 150 Storm 50 2T - 50 4T - 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S M M M S S S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 B E E E A1 A1 A3 parabrezza alto e bauletto A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B E E E A1 A1 parabrezza alto e bauletto Super Motor Compani Modello Model Pin Super 25 - 50 - 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 A1 A1 A3 A3 B1 B1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S3 S3 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 A A parabrezza alto e bauletto Suzuki Bandit 650S Bandit GS 1250 S Abs Traveller Bandit GSF 1250 - 1250 S Bandit GSF 650 Bandit GSF 650 S Traveller Burgman 125 - 125 G Burgman 200 - 200G Burgman 200 Executive Burgman 400 Burgman 400 ABS Comfort Edition Burgman 400 Winter Edition Burgman 600 Executive DR 125 SM Gladius SFV 650 GSR 600 - Iron - Yoshimura GSR 700 - 750 GSR2 600 GSX 1300 B-King GSX 1300R Hayabusa GSX 650F - 1250F Traveller GSX-R 1000 GSX-R 1000 Anniversary Edition GSX-R 1000 Yoshimura GSX-R 1000/Z GSX-R 600 - 750 - 750 Yoshimura GZ125 Inazuma 250 Intruder C 800 Intruder M 800 - M 800 R RM 125 - 250 RM 85 - 85 L DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M M M M M M M M M M M M MS MS SS SS SS MS MS MS SS SS SS SS SS M MS XL XL MS S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL M1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 XL XL S2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E E E E E E E E E F ES DS DS DS ES ES ES DS DS DS DS DS E ES H H F B parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H E1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E E E E E E E E E F E D D D E E E D D D D D E E RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE H H B2 F B 75 Modello Model RMX 450Z RM-Z 250 - 450 Sixteen 125 - 250 Van Van 125 V-Strom DL 650 - 650 Traveller TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen MS MS M M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 F F D E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 F F D E E parabrezza alto e bauletto SYM Modello Model Citycom 300 CBS DD 50 2T Fiddle II 50 - 125 I Fiddle III HD 125 evo disk HD 200 f.i. evo - evo disk HD2 125 - 200 Jet 4T - Jet 125 4T Jet Euro X 50 2T Jet Sport X 50 SR 2T Joymax 2012 Joyride 125 evo Joyride 200 f.i. evo Maxsym Mio 50 - 100 SB250 Ni - Wolf SB250 Ni Symphony 50 DK - 125 DK Symphony DK 150 Symphony SR 50 - 125 - 150 Symply 2 50s 4T - 125 VS 125 - 150 X-Prò 125 X-Prò 50 XS 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M S S S M M M S S S M M M M S M S M M S S S S M S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 E C A1 A1 D D D A1 B B E E D E C D A1 D D A1 B A A1 D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E C A1 A D D D A1 B B E E D E C D A1 D D A1 B A A D parabrezza alto e bauletto Tauris Modello Model Avenida 125 4T Brio 50 4T Capri 50 2T - 50 4T - 125 4T Cubana 50 2T - 50 4T - 125 4T Fiera 50 2T - 125 4T Fiera Xtreme 50 2T - 125 4T Fuego 50 2T Samba 50 2T 76 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M S S S M M S S parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 E C A1 A1 D D B B parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E C A1 A1 D D B B parabrezza alto e bauletto Terramodena Modello Model 198 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 senza accessori without accessories F TGB Modello Model BULL&T New - RS - RR Express 50 - 125 Hawk 50 TAPO 50 X Motion 125 - 250 - 300 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S1 S S M S3 S1 S2 S3 S3 S1 S1 M1 S2 S2 M2 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen PVC 0,18 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case B B1 B A E A3 A3 A3 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B1 B2 B B1 B1 E1 B2 B2 E2 B A E parabrezza alto e bauletto TM EN 125 - 144 EN 250 - 250Fi - 250 Fi ES EN 300 EN 450 F ES - 450 Fi ES EN 530 F ES MX 125 - 144 MX 250 - 250 Fi MX 300 MX 450 F - 450 Fi - 530 F MX 85 - 85 jr SMM 125 - 125 Black Dream SMM 450 F ES - F Black Dream ES SMM 530 F Black Dream ES SMR 125 SMR 450 F ES - 530 F ES SMX 450 Fi - 450 F Competition SMX 530 F - 660 F Competition DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS MS MS SS SS MS MS S SS MS MS SS MS MS MS S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F B F F F F F F F parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 senza accessori without accessories F F F F F F F F F B F F F F F F F TNT Modello Model City 50 - 125 Grido Roma Scooter 8 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 S2 A A1 A A1 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A A parabrezza alto e bauletto 77 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE Tomos TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model Classic XL Flexer 45 Nitro 50 - 125 Racing 45 Standard XL DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 A A A1 A A A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A A A A parabrezza alto e bauletto Traveler TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 Modello Model senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case TRAVELER 50-125-151 S S3 S1 S2 A1 A3 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 A parabrezza alto e bauletto Triumph Modello Model Bonneville Bonneville T100 Bonneville S. McQueen Edition Bonneville SE Daytona 675 - 675 R Rocket III Roadster Rocket III Touring Scrambler Speed Triple Speed Triple R Speedmaster Sprint GT Sprint ST Street Triple - Street Triple R Thruxton - Thruxton SE Thunderbird Thunderbird Storm Tiger - Tiger SE - Tiger Sport Tiger 800 - 800 XC Tiger Explorer Trophy 1200 ABS TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M SS XL XL M SS M L MS SS SS SS M L MS MS M M UBI Motorbike Modelli Models 78 bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M2 M2 M2 M2 XL XL S2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E DS H H D DS D G ES DS DS DS E G ES ES E E parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E2 E2 E2 E2 H H B2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories E E E E D D D D G E D D D E G E E E E Ural Modello Model UH 750 RANGER SIDE UH 750 RETRO’ SIDE UH 750 RETRO’ SOLO UH 750 SPORTSMAN SIDE UH 750 TOURIST SIDE UH 750 TOURIST SOLO TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SC SC M SC SC L bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M2 M1 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SC SC E SC SC G PVC 0,18 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E1 E2 E E1 E2 G bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto Valenti Racing Modello Model RME - RME Race RM-Z 250 ER - 450 ER SM - SM 450 X TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto Vectrix Modello Model VX-1 Li electric VX-1+ Li eletric VX-2 electric VX-3+ Li electric TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen M M M M bauletto with rear case M1 M1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 M2 M2 M2 E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 E2 E2 E2 E E E E parabrezza alto e bauletto Vertemati Vespa Modello Model 946 GTS 125ie Super - Super Sport GTS 250ie GTS 300ie Super - Super Sport GTS Touring 300ie GTV 250ie GTV 300ie Via Montenapoleone GTV 300ie Vie della Moda LX 125 LX 125 3V - 3V Touring LX 125ie - 125ie Touring LX 150 LX 150 3V - 3V Touring TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 A A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A A A A A A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S S S S S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A A A A A parabrezza alto e bauletto 79 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modelli Models Modello Model LX 150ie - 150ie Touring LX 50 2T - 50 4T 4V LX 50 Touring 2T - 4T 4V LXV 125ie - 125ie Vie della Moda Primavera dal 2104 50 - 125 - 150 PX 125 - 150 S 125 S 125 3V - 125 3V Sport S 125ie - 125 ie College S 150 S 150 3V - 150 3V Sport S 150ie - 150ie College S 50 2T - 50 2T College S 50 4T 4V S 50 Sport 2T - S 50 Sport 4T 4V Sprint dal 2013 50 - 125 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 A C C A A1 A A A A A A A A A A A1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 A C C A A A A A A A A A A A A A parabrezza alto e bauletto Victory Modello Model Arlen Ness Vision Boardwalk Cory Ness Cross Country Cory Ness Jackpot Cross Country - Tour - 8 Ball Cross Roads - Hard Bags - Soft Bags Hammer - Hammer 8 Ball - S Jackpot Judge Kingpin - Kingpin 8 Ball MAGNUM Vegas - Vegas 8 Ball - High Ball - Jackpot Vision 8 Ball - Vision Tour - Vision Tour Zach Ness Vegas TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories XL L XL L XL XL M L M L S L XL L parabrezza alto with high windscreen Voxan Modelli Models 80 with rear case and high windscreen XL M1 XL M1 XL XL M1 M1 M1 M1 XL M2 XL M2 XL XL M2 M2 M2 M2 M1 XL M1 M2 XL M2 S3 VOR Modelli Models bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto senza accessori without accessories H G H G H H E G E G C G H G parabrezza alto with high windscreen PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen H E1 H E1 H H E1 E1 E1 E1 H E2 H E2 H H E2 E2 E2 E2 E1 H E1 E2 H E2 A3 senza accessori without accessories G G E G E G C G G Vyrus Modello Model 984 C3 2V Vyrus 986 M2 Vyrus 987 C3 4V TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS SS SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 M1 M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS DS DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 E1 E1 senza accessori without accessories D D D Wakan Modello Model Roadster 100 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen M1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen DS PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen E1 senza accessori without accessories D WDM Modello Model Flying Stone Holiday Modena TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S S S S3 S3 S3 S1 S1 S1 PVC 0,18 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen bauletto with rear case S2 S2 S2 A C A A3 A3 A3 B1 B1 B1 parabrezza alto e bauletto PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories B2 B2 B2 A C A parabrezza alto e bauletto WRM 450 MX1 - 450 SM DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen SS bauletto with rear case parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S1 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen F PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B1 senza accessori without accessories F WT Motors Modello Model Atene 125 - 152 Bilbao 50 Bomber 125 Bomber 151 Hollywood 125 Hollywood 50 Miami 250 Miami 250 Gran Monovolume TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories M S S M M S M M parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case M1 S1 S1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 S2 M2 M2 E B C D D A1 E D parabrezza alto e bauletto parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case E1 B1 B1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 with rear case and high windscreen senza accessori without accessories E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E B C D D A1 E D parabrezza alto e bauletto 81 RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modello Model TOP LINE Yamaha Modello Model Aerox R - Aerox R Naked Aerox Race Replica BW's BW'S 125 BW's Naked - BW's Original Cygnus X 125 D'Elight DT 50R - 50 X Fazer8 FJR 1300 - 1300 A - 1300 AS FZ 6 S2 - FZ6 Fazer 2 FZ1 - FZ1 Fazer FZ1 - FZ1 Fazer - Fazer GT FZ8 Giggle 50 JogR Majesty 125 - S 125 Majesty 400 MT 01 - MT 01 SP MT 03 - 07 - 09 - 125 Neo's - Neo's 4T PW50 R 125 R1 R6 SR 400 TDM 900 TMAX - TMAX 2011 TMAX Tech Max - White Max Tricity TZR 50 - TZR 50 Replica Vity - Vity 125 Vity 125 Vmax Why WR 125 BY MOTORBIKE WR 125 R - 125 X WR 250 F - 450 F WR 250 F BY MOTORBIKE WR 250 X - 450 F X City 125 - 250 X MAS 250 - 250 Sport X MAX 125 - 400 Xenter 125 - 150 XJ6 XJ6 Diversion - Diversion F XJR1300 XT 1200Z Super Ténéré XT 1200Z Super Ténéré Worldcrosser XT 660 X - 660 R - 660R Ténéré XT 660Z Ténéré XV 1900A Casual Full Dress XV 1900A Midnight Star XV 950 - 950 R XVS 950A Midnight Star XVS1300A Midnight Star XVS1900A Midnight Star 82 TOP LINE DuPontTM Tyvek® CLASSIC LINE Garage - California SOFT LINE Puff - Star - SuperPuff BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen S S S S S S S SS MS MS SS MS MS MS S S M M MS SS S S SS SS SS SS MS M M M MS S S L S MS MS MS MS MS M M M M MS MS MS M M MS M XL XL M L L L S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 bauletto with rear case S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 S1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 XL XL M1 M1 M1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 S2 S2 S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 S2 M2 S2 M2 M2 M2 S2 M2 M2 M2 XL XL M2 M2 M2 M2 senza accessori without accessories parabrezza alto with high windscreen C C C A1 C A1 A1 F ES ES DS ES ES ES A1 C D E ES DS A B DS DS DS DS ES E E E ES B B G A1 F F F F F E E E D ES ES ES E E F E H H E G G G A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 PVC 0,18 bauletto with rear case B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 B1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 H H E1 E1 E1 E1 PE - PVC 0,15 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 B2 B2 B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 B2 E2 B2 E2 E2 E2 B2 E2 E2 E2 H H E2 E2 E2 E2 senza accessori without accessories C C C A1 C A1 A F E E D E E E A1 C D E E D A B D D D D E E E E E B B G A1 F F F F F E E E D E E E E E F E E G G G TOP LINE SOFT LINE Modello Model YBR 125 - 250 YZ 125 - 250 - 250 F - 450 F YZ 450 SM YZ85 LW YZF-R1 YZF-R125 YZF-R125 Team Yamaha Race Replica YZF-R6 senza accessori without accessories M MS MS S SS SS SS SS parabrezza alto with high windscreen S3 DuPontTM Tyvek® Puff - Star - SuperPuff bauletto with rear case S1 M1 M1 S1 M1 M1 S1 M1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen S2 CLASSIC LINE Garage - California PVC 0,18 BASIC LINE senza accessori without accessories D F F B DS DS DS DS parabrezza alto with high windscreen A3 bauletto with rear case B1 E1 E1 B1 E1 E1 B1 E1 parabrezza alto e bauletto with rear case and high windscreen B2 PE - PVC 0,15 senza accessori without accessories D F F B D D D D Zundapp RICERCA PER MODELLO / SEARCH BY MODEL Modelli Models 83 Note Notes 84 Spinelli S.r.l. Via Berlinguer, 35 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC) Italy t.+39.0543.744999 f.+39.0543.745607
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