Training Catalog Catálogo De Los Seminarios October 1, 2014 – January 31, 2015 1 de Octubre, 2014 – 31 de Enero, 2015 Child Care Council of Suffolk, Inc. 60 Calvert Avenue Commack, NY 11725 Website: Table of Contents Page Number Section Directions to Our Offices 3 Scholarships to Help Pay for Training (EIP) Education Incentive Program 3 Noticias En Español 4 Online Courses 5 Special Provider Services 6 Specialized Courses 7 CDA 7 Videoconferences 8 Training Requirements 8 Workshop Policies 9 Collegiate Opportunities 9 Workshops in Commack 10 Clases En Español 14 Workshops in Riverhead 16 About the Workshop Leaders 17 Find our catalog online at: 2 DIRECTIONS CHILD CARE COUNCIL OF SUFFOLK Commack Phone: 631-462-0303 Riverhead Office: 631-905-0184 E-mail: [email protected] Commack Fax: 631-462-2017 Riverhead Fax: 631-208-3051 DRIVING DIRECTIONS To our Commack Location – 60 Calvert Avenue: Take L.I.E. (Exit 52 from West, Exit 53 from East) or Northern State Parkway (Exit 43) to Commack Road (Route 4). Go North on Commack Road to Jericho Turnpike (Route 25). Make Left on Jericho. Go about one mile to Calvert Avenue and make a left. (Hess gas station and Old Navy/Home Depot is on the right, Liberty Travel on the left). Take Calvert to the end into parking lot of Child Care Council (also Old Farms School). Follow signs for Child Care Council. To our Riverhead Location: 573 Roanoke Avenue: Take Long Island Expressway (I-495) to exit 72 (Route 25-Main Street). Make right turn on Route 25. Follow to Roanoke Avenue, (There is a large bank building on the right and a pizza place & luncheonette on the left). Make a left turn at the light and go just past the elementary school. The Child Care Council of Suffolk is in the back of the Grace Episcopal Church. Make left into parking lot and follow signs around the back of building to the Council. ****************************************************************************************************************** SCHOLARSHIPS TO HELP PAY FOR TRAINING EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM (EIP) Scholarship funding to participate in any training may be available through the Education Incentive Program (EIP). For more information, visit You may also contact EIP at 1-800-295-9616. HECTOR T. SAVASTANO SCHOLARSHIP FUND (Suffolk County Providers Only) The scholarship is available to Suffolk County educators who have been working in a regulated program for at least one year and plan on making early childhood education their career choice. The award may be used to pay for early childhood related college costs, CDA expenses, or a family provider seeking National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC) accreditation. For more information call Joan at 631-462-0303. 3 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL ATENCIÓN PROVEEDORES… ¿TIENEN UDS. DIRECCIÓN POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO? El Departamento del Recursos y Referencias está colectando direcciones de correo electrónico de todos los proveedores. Si prefieren comunicarse por medio de correo electrónico, por favor manden un mensaje electrónico a [email protected]. Esta es una manera excelente para nosotros mandarles referencias al igual de mantenerles informados sobre sucesos de actualidad aquí en el Council. Importante: Proveedores pueden conseguir las regulaciones del estado por el internet. El website es: Y marque donde dice “Español”. Información Sobre Entrenamientos en Español…. Página 14 El Child Care Council of Suffolk ofrece entrenamientos en español para asistir proveedores potenciales a cumplir la aplicación para registración. Además, ofrece clases para cumplir las 30 horas que necesitan para registración y renovación. Las clases que ofrece son: Entrenamiento de Ayuda Técnica para Proveedoras Potenciales Entrenamiento de Salud y Seguridad Entrenamiento para Administrar Medicina (MAT) Primeros Auxilios Resucitación Cardiopulmonar (RCP) Otros temas importantes en clases de dos horas o en serie Para más información llamen a Emily Torres al (631) 462-0303 ext. 120. BECAS El Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) ofrece una beca para proveedores que trabajan en un programa diurno registrado o licenciado con el Estado de Nueva York. Para obtener una aplicación llamen al 1-800-295-9616 y pregunten por el “EIP Scholarship” (hablan español). Si prefieren, pueden obtener la aplicación en el website: La beca existe para educación y entrenamiento para todos que son elegibles por asistencia financiera. 4 ON LINE COURSES If you answer YES to these questions, then on line courses could work for you Do you have a computer readily available at work? Do you have a working email account and access to the Internet? Do you have Microsoft Word or Microsoft Works as a word processing program? Are you comfortable opening and sending email attachments? Free Mandated Reporter Training Online Classes are offered through OCFS at Other free online classes offered through the Early Childhood Education and Training Program at Check out the growing number of courses available. “COMBINATION” CLASSROOM/ONLINE Webinar Series We are now offering a “hybrid distance learning” alternative for family/group family child care providers. Take advantage of this combination classroom/webinar series where you can participate from the comfort of your home in addition to 2 class meetings in our Riverhead training room. You will complete 15.0 training hours. OCFS topics include 2) Nutrition and Health Needs of Children, 3) Program Development, 4) Safety and Security procedures, and 5) Business Management. Fee is $150 for members, $225 for non-members. Call or e-mail Joan for more information….462-0303, ext. 117 or [email protected] QualityStarsNY New York State is developing a quality rating system for all modalities of child care. In preparation, the Child Care Councils of Nassau and Suffolk are providing support towards that goal in the following ways: Informational Meetings Enhanced Professional Development Opportunities Accreditation Support Mentoring/Coaching Providers should check out for more information. 5 SPECIAL PROVIDER SERVICES INDIVIDUAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Need help figuring out how to get you and your staff the 30 hours of training required for licensing? Could your Family and/or Staff policies & procedures use a little revision? Any rooms need a little “tweaking” in order to work a little better? Need help with curriculum? Good News! Child Care Council staff can help you with these or other issues you may be struggling with…..for FREE! Set up a FREE one hour appointment. Call 631-462-0303, ask for Joan or, for Infant Toddler issues, ask for Colleen. HEALTH CARE PLANS Take the guesswork out of developing your Health Care Plan. The Child Care Councils’ Health Care Consultants will provide information, support and technical assistance to guide you in the development of your health care plan. Health Care Consultants are available to act as your Health Care Consultant of Record, to visit your site and to approve your Health Care Plan. Contact our Health Care Consultants, Helene Aronson, R.N. or Janet Bernstein, R.N. at 631-4620303. EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTORS’ GROUP Directors of early childhood programs are encouraged to take part in an ongoing series of informative gatherings to discuss research and advocacy for children. Training is from 10-11:30 AM, networking follows (bring lunch). Dates and topics are to be announced….make sure we have your updated e-mail address. FAMILY / GROUP FAMILY PROVIDER NETWORK MEETINGS Join other Family and Group Family providers to share and discuss important topics. Also, learn about membership in the National Association for Family Child Care. Please call Emily at 631-462-0303, if interested. RESOURCE LIBRARY Child Care Council members may borrow items from the following locations: Child Care Council in Commack and Child Care Council of Suffolk satellite office in Riverhead There are books & videos that contain information about child development, appropriate programming, children with special needs, etc. There are also toys, books, and other items for children. For an appointment to see the items in the resource library, call Emily at 631-462-0303, ext. for Commack location and Joan at 631-905-0184 for Riverhead location. Who we are… Recognizing the importance of the first three years of life, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services has funded an Infant Toddler Resource Center in each of their licensing regions. The Long Island Center is a collaborative project involving the Child Care Councils of Nassau and Suffolk. Long Island Infant Toddler Resource Center is designed to support child care providers working with children from birth to 36 months. For additional information or to set up an appointment, please contact Colleen or Emily in Suffolk County at 631-462-0303 or in Nassau County, contact Dawn or Lisa at 516-358-9250. 6 SPECIALIZED COURSES HEALTH AND SAFETY COMPETENCY TRAINING The Quality Child Care and Protection Act requires that all new Family and Group Family on-site providers complete competency-based health and safety training. The series of classes will be available during the day, evenings, and Saturdays. Classes are available in English and in Spanish. Participants must pass all competency areas to receive a registration/license. The 15-hour training will count towards the required 15 hours needed during the first six months for the registration/license period. Current providers may choose to include the classes as part of their 30 hours per licensing period of required training. Contact Stefanie at 631-462-0303 ext.136 for information or to register. 2014/2015 DATES: 10/15 (5 – 10 pm), 10/17 (5 – 10 pm), & Oct 18 (9 – 4:30pm); 11/17 & 11/20 (9:30-6:30pm); 12/18 & 12/19 (9:30-6:30pm); 1/29 & 1/30 (9:30-6:30pm); En Español, Commack ( Viernes, 05 de diciembre, 2014 9:30 a.m.– 6:30 p.m. y Sábado, 06 de diciembre, 2014 9:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.) llame Emily al 631-462-0303 ext. 120 MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION TRAINING Child care programs that opt to administer medications are required to have a Health Care Consultant of Record who must review and approve the child care program’s health care plan. The complete revised Health & Infection Control Regulations may be found on the OCFS website: or for more information call 1-800-295-9616. The Child Care Council is offering certified MAT training and is able to assist you with your health care plan. Call one of our Health Care Consultants, Helene Aronson, R.N. or Janet Bernstein, R.N. at 631-462-0303. 2014/2015 DATES: 10/22 & 10/23 (9:30–2:30pm); 11/12 & 11/13 (9:30–2:30pm); 11/21 (5:30–10:00pm) & 11/22 (10am – 4pm); 12/10 & 12/11 (9:30–2:30pm); 12/10 & 12/11 (5:30–10:00pm) CDA PREPARATION COURSE / CDA RENEWAL Child Care Council’s Child Development Associate (CDA) Preparation classes provide the 120 hours of formal instruction & the required observation necessary to apply for a CDA. All required topic areas for NYSOCFS are covered during the 120 hours of training. The next class starts in September. For more information call Stefanie at 631-462-0303 ext. 136. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS (CEU) A CEU is a Continuing Education Unit. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours so each one hour of a workshop is equal to .1 CEU. For example: One 2-hour workshop would be equal to .20 CEU. CEUs are cumulative credits. CDA credential renewals require that Child Development Associates take training classes that issue CEU’s. Other programs also require obtaining CEU’s. To award CEU’s for training, the Child Care Council hires presenters with specific competence and knowledge and keeps accurate records for attendance. People wishing to obtain CEUs for training must attend the full period of the workshop, and must complete an evaluation at the end of training. Child Development Associate All training can be used for CDA renewal with Continuing Education Units noted. The CDA Funcional follows: 1. Planning a safe, healthy learning environment 2. Advancing children’s physical and intellectual competence 3. Supporting children’s social and emotional development 4. Building productive relationships with families 5. Managing an effective program 6. Maintaining a commitment to professionalism 7. Observing and recording children’s behavior 8. Understanding principles of child development and learning Areas are as All trainings at Child Care Council of Suffolk, Inc. are aligned with NYS Early Learning Guidelines. 7 VIDEOCONFERENCES SUNY videoconferences are offered at these locations: Commack West Babylon Child Care Council of Suffolk Our Lady of Grace Child Care Center Stony Brook Stony Brook Child Care Services The videoconferences run from 6:45 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. on the date outlined below: (Not all sites will be available for all videoconferences. Please be sure to check the confirmation letter from SUNY) Videoconferences will start promptly at 6:45 p.m. The doors will close and there will be no admittance after 6:45 p.m. Sign-in will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. You will receive an enrollment form from SUNY in the mail. In order to be registered you must mail or fax the form back to SUNY in Albany. PLEASE NOTE: The Child Care Council cannot receive registrations for the Videoconferences. You must contact the Professional Development Program at 1-888-399-0549, or register online at Dates: October 23, November 20 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ENFORCING THE TRAINING REQUIREMENT Training and education have a measurable, positive effect on the quality of child care provided. This is why training is so important to a child care program and the children and families it serves. The Division of Child Care Services will no longer place a one year limitation on programs deficient in training hours but will instead recommend the denial of renewal. Once denied, the program will be expected to work with the Regional Office and the Bureau of Child Care Enforcement to resolve this matter. NYS OCFS REQUIRED TRAINING TOPICS The New York State Office of Children & Family Services’ regulations require directors, employees and volunteers who have regular and sustained contact with children must complete a minimum of (thirty) 30 hours every two years. Fifteen (15) hours of training must be completed during the first six months of a program’s initial registration/license or a new employee’s first six months of employment. Training must address the following topics (9) areas included: 1. Principles of childhood development, including appropriate supervision of children, meeting the needs of children enrolled in the program with physical or emotional challenges and behavior management and discipline; 2. Nutrition and health needs of children; 3. Child day care program development; 4. Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff; 5. Business record maintenance & management; 6. Child abuse & maltreatment identification & prevention; 7. Statutes & regulations pertaining to child day care; 8. Statutes & regulations pertaining to child abuse & maltreatment; 9. Education and information on the identification, diagnosis and prevention of shaken baby syndrome We encourage you to use the NYS Core Body of Knowledge to plan your professional development. The CBK Competency Areas are: 1. Child Growth and Development 5. Health, Safety, and Nutrition 2. Family and Community Relationships 6. Professionalism and Leadership 3. Observation and Assessment 7. Administration and Management 4. Environment and Curriculum Learn more at 8 WORKSHOP POLICIES Participants are responsible for maintaining their individual file of training certificates. Upon request providers may access information about training taken at each Council. There is a $10 fee for duplicate certificates. Training is offered at two different locations, Commack & Riverhead. Before you register, check for location of workshops. REGISTRATION POLICY Advance registration and pre-payment are required to enroll in a training class at the location where you wish to attend. PLEASE FILL OUT A SEPARATE ENROLLMENT FORM FOR EACH PERSON and keep a copy for your records. No confirmation will be sent. Council members should include a photocopy of their membership card. TIME: Workshop class times are noted in the descriptions and no one will be admitted 10 minutes after the beginning of class. This will be strictly enforced. FEES: Enrollment forms list the cost of webinars series, comprehensive courses & individual workshops. REFUNDS: Are given ONLY if a class is cancelled by the Child Care Council. CHILDREN: In order for our providers to receive the maximum benefit of workshops, children are not permitted to attend. COLLEGIATE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES The Child Care Council offers many opportunities on Long Island for professional development for Family/Group Family providers, Center and School Age staff, parents and community members. However, individuals who would like to take college courses have many opportunities to do so on Long Island. If you are eligible, EIP funds may be available for college courses that cover related OCFS training topics. Some of the available options: COMMUNITY COLLEGES Both Nassau and Suffolk Counties have community colleges that are part of the SUNY system. In Nassau, the campus is located in Garden City 516-572 -7501. In Suffolk, there are three campuses: Grant (Brentwood) 631-851-6718; Ammerman (Selden) 631-451-4000; and Eastern (Riverhead) 631-548-2500. FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES St. Joseph’s College: for information contact Eileen Kelly (631)687-5100 Adelphi University: for information call (516)877-3412 C.W.Post: for information call (516)299-2000 Dowling College: for information contact Peter Franzese (800) DOWLING Empire State College: for information contact Baraka Corely (516)876-4068 9 WORKSHOPS IN COMMACK October 1, 2014-January 31, 2015 Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, NY 11725 Phone: 631-462-0303 Day/Time Course Title/Description/Leader Member Non Member Topics Wed, Oct 15 Wed, Nov 5 Wed, Nov 19 Wed, Dec 3 Mon, Dec 15 Wed, Jan 7 Wed, Jan 21 Wed, Jan 28 6:30-8:30 pm (BBO series) Babysitter to Business Owner for FDC/GFDC Providers Do you have the feeling that people think you are “just a babysitter”? You are NOT a babysitter, you are a Professional! This series will help improve the professionalism of FDC/GFDC providers. Each class will build on the previous one. Leader: Jackie Zaita $175 $215 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff; Business record maintenance & management Wed, Oct 15 6:30-8:30 pm (CCC) Professionalism: I Am An Early Childhood Educator! Teaching young children is a job that requires awareness of how children develop, an ability to problem solve and a love and dedication of serving children and families. In this workshop you will learn that early quality care makes a huge difference in the lives of children and what you do every day matters. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Oct 15 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) Professionalism- I am an Early Childhood Educator! Teaching young children is a job that requires awareness of how children develop, an ability to problem solve and a love and dedication of serving children and families. In this workshop you will learn that early quality care makes a huge difference in the lives of children and what you do every day matters. This class appropriate for CCC as well. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Mon, Oct 20 Mon, Nov 3 Mon, Nov 17 Mon, Dec 1 Mon, Dec 15 6:30-8:30 pm (I/T series) Babies in the Rain A new Infant Toddler training series based on the book Babies in the Rain written by Jeff Johnson. Participants will learn how to build strong emotional environments, nurture meaningful relationships and promote developmentally appropriate learning opportunities for Infants and Toddlers. Sign up for this book study and receive... 10 hours of high quality training in various NYS OCFS topics A copy of the book Babies In The Rain by Jeff Johnson Optional on-site technical assistance with the Infant Toddler Specialist Leader: Colleen Farrell $100 $140 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff 10 WORKSHOPS IN COMMACK October 1, 2014-January 31, 2015 Day/Time Course Title/Description/Leader Member Non Member Topics Tue, Oct 28 6:30-9:30 pm Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Oct 29 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Thu, Oct 30 10:00-1:00 pm (FOR DIRECTORS ONLY) Using the ECERS-R for Program Self-Assessment FOR DIRECTORS ONLY: An overview of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale for use with the staff as a selfassessment tool for the quality improvement. A copy of the ECERS-R will be given. Leader: Joan Rocchetta $45 $90 Child care program development Wed, Nov 5 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) Stop! Look! Listen!- Do Your Contracts and Policies Work? In this training you will learn the key elements that should be in your contract and policies. You will learn how to review and enforce your current policies and when you should be making changes and exceptions to your rules. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff; Business record maintenance & management Thu, Nov 13 6:30-9:30 pm Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Thu, Nov 13 6:30-8:30 pm Child Abuse/Maltreatment/Shaken Baby Everything you wanted to know about procedures related to the identification, documentation & prevention of child abuse & maltreatment; includes shaken baby syndrome. Leader: Johanna Green $30 $70 Child abuse and maltreatment identification & prevention; Statutes & regulations pertaining to child day care; Statutes & regulations pertaining to child abuse & maltreatment; Identification & Education Pertaining to Shaken Baby Syndrome Wed, Nov 19 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) What goes into an effective Parent Handbook Take the next step; you have created a contract and policies for your program, now let’s customize a parent handbook that is effective. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff; Business record maintenance & management 11 WORKSHOPS IN COMMACK October 1, 2014-January 31, 2015 Day/Time Course Title/Description/Leader Member Non Member Topics Tue, Nov 25 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures Mon, Dec 1 Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures Mon, Dec 8 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures Mon, Dec 15 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) Money Making Tips & Record Keeping Basics Family child care is a special profession for those who love young children. As a professional child care provider, you must balance the skills required to care for children with those required to operate your business. In this training you will improve your professional skills and learn how to keep accurate records that will benefit your business. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Business record maintenance & management Mon, Jan 5 6:30-9:30 pm Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures Wed, Jan 7 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) Curriculum- What Does It Mean & Why Do I Need It? Having a curriculum is essential for guiding children through all those early milestones. You need it as much as the children do! Have no fear- help is near! Being professional means understanding the “Why” behind everything you do in your business. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development Wed, Jan 21 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) How to Incorporate Standards In to Your Everyday Curriculum What you decide to do and say every day matters. We will use the State Guidelines as a guide to support you as a professional. They will help you give children your best and a strong foundation for learning the rest of their lives. This class is appropriate for CCC as well. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development 12 WORKSHOPS IN COMMACK October 1, 2014-January 31, 2015 Day/Time Course Title/Description/Leader Member Non Member Wed, Jan 21 6:30-8:30 pm (CCC) Professionalism: How To Incorporate Standards Into Your Everyday Curriculum What you decide to do and say every day matters. We will use the State Guidelines as a guide to support you as a professional. They will help you give children your best and a strong foundation for learning the rest of their lives. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child day care program development Mon, Jan 26 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Jan 28 6:30-8:30 pm (FDC/GFDC BBO) Working TogetherEngaging Families in Their Child’s Learning Having an open, honest flow of communication between you and parents will be the glue that holds your partnership together. This workshop invites participants to explore ways to involve families in their child’s ongoing learning. You will learn how to create a welcoming environment where all families feel that they belong. This class is appropriate for CCC as well. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Jan 28 6:30-8:30 pm (CCC) Professionalism: Working TogetherEngaging Families In Their Child’s Learning Having an open, honest flow of communication between you and parents will be the glue that holds your partnership together. This workshop invites participants to explore ways to involve families in their child’s ongoing learning. You will learn how to create a welcoming environment where all families feel that they belong. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff 13 Topics CLASES EN ESPAÑOL 1 de Octubre, 2014 – 31 de Enero, 2015 Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, NY 11725 Phone: 631-462-0303 Clase Dia/Horas Titulo / Descripción / Profesora Precio de Miembro Si No Es Miembro Precio OCFS Tópicas de Capacitación jue, oct 30 vie, nov 21 mié, dic 10 mié, ene 14 6:30-8:30 pm (FOL series) Fundamentos del Apredizaje (Foundations of Learning) Esta serie le ayudará a construir un programa que responda a las necesidades, intereses y capacidades de todos los niños bajo su cuidado. Leader: Emily Torres $100 $140 Principios de desarrollo de la niñez; Desarrollo del programa de cuidado de infantil diurno jue, oct 30 6:30-8:30 pm (FOL) La Formación De Su Área De Bloques (Forming your Block Area) En este taller aprenderás como configurar para jugar con bloques, materiales apropiados para el desarrollo de juegos con bloques y como jugar con bloques apoya el desarrollo de cerebro. Leader: Emily Torres $30 $70 Principios de desarrollo de la niñez; Desarrollo del programa de cuidado de infantil diurno mié, nov 12 6:30-8:30 pm (FOL) El Desarrollo De Su Área De Lectura (Developing Your Reading Area) En este taller vamos a discutir cómo crear un rincón acogedor donde los niños pueden relajarse, descomprimir y calmarse. También vamos a discutir cómo rincones acogedores soportan la alfabetización, el lenguaje, y habilidades de pensamiento crítico. Leader: Emily Torres $30 $70 Principios de desarrollo de la niñez; Desarrollo del programa de cuidado de infantil diurno jue, nov 20 6:30-9:30 pm Resucitacion Cardio Pulmonar (RCP) (CPR) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad lun, nov 24 6:30-9:30 pm Primeros Auxilios (First Aid) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad jue, dic 4 6:30-9:30 pm Resucitacion Cardio Pulmonar (RCP) (CPR) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad 14 CLASES EN ESPAÑOL 1 de Octubre, 2014 – 31 de Enero, 2015 Clase Dia/Horas Titulo / Descripción / Profesora Precio de Miembro Si No Es Miembro Precio OCFS Tópicas de Capacitación mié, dic 10 6:30-8:30 pm (FOL) La Configuración De Su Área Dramático (Enhancing The Dramatic Play Area) En este taller vamos a hablar de la importancia del juego dramático y cómo se promueve el lenguaje, desarrollo social, emocional y de rol. Leader: Emily Torres $30 $70 Principios de desarrollo de la niñez; Desarrollo del programa de cuidado de infantil diurno jue, dic 11 6:30-9:30 pm Primeros Auxilios (First Aid) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad mié, ene 14 6:30-8:30 pm (FOL) Ideas Para Crear Tu Área De Arte (Ideas For Creating Your Art Area) En este taller vamos a hablar de la importancia de tener el arte accesible a los niños pequeños usted experimentara con materiales sucios, con el dibujo y la pintura. Vamos a discutir como el arte diaria apoya el desarrollo del Nino. Prepárese a ensuciarse. Leader: Emily Torres $30 $70 Principios de desarrollo de la niñez; Desarrollo del programa de cuidado de infantil diurno jue, ene 15 6:30-9:30 pm Resucitacion Cardio Pulmonar (RCP) (CPR) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. (National Safety Council cards will be mailed) Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad jue, ene 22 6:30-9:30 pm Primeros Auxilios (First Aid) Participantes reciben una tarjeta de National Safety Council por correo. (National Safety Council cards will be mailed) Leader: Julio Rodriguez $45 $90 Necesidades de nutrición y salud de los niños; Procedimientos de seguridad 15 WORKSHOPS IN RIVERHEAD October 1, 2014-January 31, 2015 Child Care Council of Suffolk (Behind) Grace Episcopal Church 573 Roanoke Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901 Phone: 631-462-0303 (See page 3 for directions) Day/Time Course Title/Description/Leader Member Non Member Topics Mon, Oct 27 6:30-8:30 pm New Regulations for Family/Group Family Let’s explore the new regulations! This training is for Family and Group Family providers who want to learn more about the new regulations. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Child care program development; Statutes & regulations pertaining to child day care Thu, Nov 6 6:30-9:30 pm Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Nov 26 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Dec 3 6:30-8:30 pm Art & Creativity in ECE Participate in open-ended art activities & use for documentation of learning Leader: Joan Rocchetta $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Mon, Jan 12 6:30-9:30 pm Infant/Child/Adult CPR National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Jan 14 6:30-8:30 pm Working Together- Engaging Families in Their Child’s Learning Having an open, honest flow of communication between you and parents will be the glue that holds your partnership together. This workshop invites participants to explore ways to involve families in their child’s ongoing learning. You will learn how to create a welcoming environment where all families feel that they belong. This class is appropriate for CCC as well. Leader: Jackie Zaita $30 $70 Principles of childhood development; Child care program development; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff Wed, Jan 28 6:30-9:30 pm Pediatric First Aid National Safety Council cards will be mailed. Leader: Carol Hawat $45 $90 Nutrition & health needs of children; Safety & security procedures, including communication between parents & staff 16 WORKSHOP LEADERS Colleen Farrell has a Bachelor’s Degree of the Arts of Communication and Early Childhood and has experience as a Director of a Child Care Center. She is the Infant Toddler Specialist at the Council. Johanna Green has a B.A. in Sociology and is the former Director of Bellport Day Care Center. She is a High/Scope, CDA, and Health & Safety Trainer. Carol Hawat is a professional Advanced Life Support EMS provider & an instructor for Have Dummy Will Travel, Inc. Joan Rocchetta is the Director of Educational Services at the Child Care Council and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Suffolk Community College. She has a B.S. and M.A. in Education. Her experience includes Special Education teacher in Middle Country Public Schools, FDC and GFDC provider, endorsed High/Scope trainer, and Director of a campus child care center. Julio Rodriguez is a dental assistant and a multilingual instructor for Have Dummy Will Travel, Inc. Julio speaks fluent English, Spanish and Portuguese. Emily Torres is currently the Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist at the Child Care Council of Suffolk. She has a B.S. in Education & is working towards a M.S. in Early Childhood Studies. Emily’s experience includes lead teacher in various centers as well as substitute teacher for the Brentwood School District. Jackie Zaita Jackie Zaita has a BS in Special Education/Elementary Education. She has over 12 years of experience working in a NAEYC accredited child care program serving children ages 6 weeks – 5 years old. Jackie was the former Director at Imagine Early Learning Centers where she began her career as a preschool teacher. She also taught CDA and provided training and mentoring for her staff to meet the NYSOCFS and NAEYC training requirements. 17 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, New York 11725 18
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