NOMINATIONS – CLASS OF 2015 ASALH EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Candidates are nominated for membership in the Executive Council and for the following Executive Officers of the Association: President, Vice President for Membership, Secretary, and Treasurer. For members of the class of 2015, we are seeking candidates with specific expertise in Marketing, Public Relations and Development; an Accountant, an Archivist, an Attorney; and Scholars willing to work on the Association’s publications. DOROTHY BAILEY 2527 Afton Street, Temple Hills, Maryland 20749, Telephone: 301-630-3049Cell: 240-304-6769 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: MNCPPC – Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County, MD. Professional Background: Government Administrator, Legislator, Commissioner Educational Background: B.A., North Carolina Central University; Graduate Studies, University of Maryland Major Accomplishments: Founder and Chair of two non-profits; Five years of leadership in the legislative branch of government; Gladys Noon Spellman Award for Excellence in Prince George’s County Government; Named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the area’s most powerful women. Playwright and Author Previous Service to ASALH: President and Founding member of Truth branch of ASALH, Prince George’s County, Md.; Appointed to the Executive Council; Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: As a member of the Executive Council, I plan to work with the membership committee to enhance the membership drive efforts and to assist with developing strategies to increase membership at the branch and institutional levels. My previous experiences in elected government have provided me with the leadership and interpersonal skills which I can use to accomplish these goals. As a member of Leadership Greater Washington, I believe that I can marshal regionally available human and capital resources to enhance The Association’s mission. SHEILA FLEMMING-HUNTER 8937 Dexter Road, Cordova, TN 38016 Telephone: Home: 901-752-0133 Cell: 901-871-2813 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: The Black Rose Foundation for Children, Inc. Professional Background: Founder/President, The Black Rose Foundation for Children; Owner, Operator, Immeasurable Favor, LLC; Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rust College; Senior Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, Le Moyne-Owen College; Dean of School of Social Sciences and Professor of History, Bethune-Cookman College. Educational Background: B.A. Bethune-Cookman College; M.A. Atlanta University; Ph.D. Howard University. Major Accomplishments: Established a foundation for children and a healthcare business; Served as mentor, professor and administrator for thirty-eight years in higher education; Published works on women in history; Worked in development and leadership of ASALH. Previous Service to ASALH: Life Member and Heritage Guardian; Current chairperson of the Centennial Committee; Chairperson of the Development Committee, 2007 to 2010; National President, 2004-2007; Member, Woodson House Committee, 2006-present; Member, Executive Council, 2007 to present. 1 What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: My work with ASALH over these past twenty-five years has always been motivated by a genuine desire to secure the legacy of Carter G. Woodson in all its many facets: This includes his name as an iconic brand in the minds and intellect of the American people and the world; financial stability for the ASALH; and, the completion and maintenance of the Carter G. Woodson National Historic Site as a part of the National Park Service system. I would like to focus this final term of service to ASALH on the centennial activities that I hope will add ASALH to 21 st century non-profit professional organizations that will be financially secure for generations. LIONEL KIMBLE Address: 4315 S. Vernon, Chicago, IL 60653 Telephone: Home: 773-451-0868 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Chicago State University Professional Background: Associate Professor of History Cell: 773-495-1125 Educational Background: Ph.D., University of Iowa. Major Accomplishments: Articles on African Americans in post-World War 11 Chicago in various journals; Member, Executive Board, Labor and Working Class Association; Member, Organization of American Historians, Chair, HugginsQuarles Dissertation Award Committee. Previous Service to ASALH: Member for 14 years; President, Chicago Branch,; Member, Program Committee; Member Centennial Celebration Steering Committee. What I hope to accomplish as an office of ASALH: If elected to the Executive Council, I would welcome the opportunity to take a larger and more active role in advancing the digital distribution of ASALH’s publications and do my best to attract and motivate a new generation of scholars willing to help ASALH grow. I would also continue the work of planning for the centennial celebration. As president of the Chicago branch, we are well underway in our planning a significant event in the birthplace of The Association. As an executive Council member, I would work as a conduit between the members in Chicago, the Executive Director and President, and others within ASALH to make the Chicago celebration a national event. KENYA KING Address: 1839 Central Park Loop, Morrow, Georgia Telephone: Cell: 404-509-7607 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Atlanta Daily World Newspaper Professional Background: Experienced Journalist and Marketing/Public Relations Manager Educational Background: B.A., Georgia State University; M.P.A. ( Master of Public Administration), Valdosta State University. Major Accomplishments: Only Atlanta journalist to land one-on-one interview with Senior White House Advisor, Valerie Jarrett during visit for the 2012 MLK Commemoration at Ebenezer Baptist Church. Previous Service to ASALH: New Member What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: I will use my professional writing skills to contribute to ASALH’s scholarly publications, as well as utilize my expertise in marketing and public relations to enhance ASALH’s unique brand and tell its compelling story. EDNA GREENE MEDFORD 4601 Holmehurst Way, Bowie, Maryland Telephone: Home: 301-805-5196Cell: 301-807-6093 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Howard University 2 Professional Background: Professor and Chair, Department of History, Howard University; Director Historical Component, New York’s African Burial Ground Project; Board of Directors Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation, Ulysees S. Grant Association, Lincoln Studies Center (Knox College), Abraham Lincoln Institute, Borders Group, Inc.; Ford Theater Advisory Council; Washington History Magazine Advisory Board. Educational Background: B.S., Hampton Institute; M.A., University of Illinois, Urbana; Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park. Major Accomplishments: Twenty-five plus years of university teaching; Numerous scholarly articles and book chapters on African American history, primarily in the 19th century; Co-authored The Emancipation Proclamation: Three Views (2006); Organized major historical conferences at Howard University; Many awards, including Order of Lincoln, Alumni Award, Charles City County, Virginia Public Schools. Previous Service to ASALH: When I was a graduate student at the University of Illinois, I served as Vice-President of the local branch. Since then, I have attended conferences and chaired panels. I have used personal funds to facilitate the attendance of graduate students at conferences. I have also agreed to serve on the ASALH Speakers’ Bureau. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: My personal and professional goals support the ASALH mission. I have spent much of my life attempting to strengthen my knowledge of African American history and culture and sharing what I have learned with the Howard community and beyond. It is my hope to expand that effort by providing service to ASALH and working on The Association’s publications. ANNETTE PALMER 2124 Gatewood Place, Silver Spring, MD 20903 Telephone: Home: 301-434-0943 Cell: 301/807-9376 E-mail address: [email protected] Current Employer: Morgan State University Professional Background: Chairperson, Department of History and Geography, Graduate Program in Museum Studies, Morgan State University; Humanities Administrator, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C. Educational Background: B.A., Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada; M.A., Ph.D., Fordham University, New York. Major Accomplishments: Publications on Black Soldiers in World War 11 in several international journals; Board Member, Reginald Lewis Museum of African American History and Culture, Baltimore, MD. Previous Service to ASALH: Life member, Heritage Guardian; Chairperson, Nominating Council, 2010 to present; National Treasurer, 2006-2009; Member, Audit and Finance Committee, 2006-2009; Member, Housing Committee, 2006-2009; Member, Executive Council 2005-2006; Consultant to NEH Summer Seminar, The Middle Passage, 1996. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: I hope to work with others to ensure that the dream of our founder, Carter G. Woodson is realized and that the history of African Americans, and indeed of Africans in the Diaspora, will become part of our common memory. The work of promoting the mission and vision of ASALH becomes especially important to me as we prepare to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of The Association’s founding. I also hope to recruit and serve with people of goodwill with deep pockets, and those possessing appropriate skills who will enable The Association to function well and become financially independent. As a teacher and administrator, I will continue to encourage my students and peers to continue to write for and read The Association’s publications and to participate in activities which generate interest in the teaching and learning of our history. PAULA MARIE SENIORS 101 Stewart Circle B, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Telephone: Cell: 609-672-0791 Office: 540-231-7205 3 E-mail address: [email protected] Current Employer: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Professional Background: Assistant Professor, History, African American Studies; Educational Background: B.F.A., City College of New York; M.A., (Music) New York University; M.A, (Ethnic Studies) University of California, San Diego; Ph.D., University of California, San Diego. Major Accomplishments: Winner of the Letitia Woods Brown Memorial Prize, The Association of Black Women Historians, for Beyond Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Culture of Uplift, Identity, and Politics in Black Musical Theater (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 2009). Previous Service to ASALH: Member, Undergraduate Essay Contest Committee (2010); Chaired panels at ASALH conferences 2009, 2011; Speaker and Workshop Leader, Youth Day, ASALH Annual Conference 2011, Richmond, Virginia, What I hope to accomplish as a member of ASALH: I am committed to promoting the mission of The Association, attending meetings, and participating in committee work. The skill sets that I can offer the Council included working as an archivist, working on ASALH’s publications, and in any other capacity that the Council might need. CORPORATE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBER: GINA PAIGE Address: c/o African Ancestry, 817 Silver Spring Avenue, Ste 303, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Telephone: Cell: 202-439-0641 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: African Ancestry Professional Background: President and Cofounder, African; President, GPG Strategic Resources; Product Manager, Colgate-Palmolive; Product Manager, Sara Lee Bakery Educational Background: B.A. Stanford University, California; MBA (Marketing), University of Michigan. Major Accomplishments: Pioneer of the use of Genetic Ancestry tracing for people of African descent; Increased Genetic Literacy of the African American community. Previous Service to ASALH: Partnership with Wells Fargo to commit $11m donation based on revenue share; Member, Luncheon Committee; donation of product for Annual Luncheon give-away; Participated in past annual conferences. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: I hope to identify and attract corporate Board participation and to strengthen ASALH’s marketing efforts. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS SECRETARY: ZENDE CLARK Address: 187 South 7th Street, Newark, New Jersey 07103 Telephone: Home: 973-621-6967 Cell: 973-220-8561 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Hillside Board of Education Educational Background: B.A., M.A., Kean University, NJ; M.A.(Leadership and Administration), The College of New Jersey; Ph.D. (in progress), Fordham University, NY. Major Accomplishments: Grant Writer: garnered over $1 million dollars in competitive grants for school district; Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 1992, 1996, 1997. 4 Previous Service to ASALH: I currently serve as the National Secretary for The Organization responsible for providing and maintaining the minutes. Committee service includes the Nominating Committee, Strategic Planning and Governance Committee; As Hoc Organizational Assessment Committee, and the Executive Committee. I am a Life Member, a contributor to the Annual Fund, a contributor to the Centennial Fund and a supporter of the Woodson’s Appeal project. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: I have served on the Executive Council as a member and officer. In the position of secretary, it is my intent to ensure that the minutes of all Association meetings are documented and maintained. I will continue to support the Executive Council in the work that it establishes for the Council and all members. It is my hope to broaden the membership of The Association to include more public school educators and to continue to support the dissemination of the Black History Month Kits. As an educator in an urban school district, I am uniquely aware of the void of quality materials about our history in public schools. I will continue to market the use of our materials as tools to support the infusion of African American History into the public school curriculum. TREASURER: TROY THORNTON 65 Thompson Street, #2, New York, NY 10012 Telephone: Home: 212-431-6786 Cell: 917-519-7777 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Professional Background: Twenty years of Asset Management Sales at Federated Investors, Bankers Trust & Goldman Sachs & Co. Currently, Managing Director of Public Fund Sales at Goldman, Sachs & Co. Educational Background: B.A., The Pennsylvania State University Major Accomplishments: Balancing a challenging work schedule with being a successful husband and father of three. What I hope to accomplish as an Officer of ASALH: Continue to establish prudent fiscal guidance for ASALH and to spread greater stewardship for the financial health of The Association to all members of the Executive Council and to the greater membership, when appropriate. VICE PRESIDENT FOR MEMBERSHIP: JANET SIMS-WOOD 2102 Keating Street, Temple Hills, MD 20748 Telephone: Home: 301-894-2267 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Prince George’s Community College, Largo, MD. Professional Background: Assistant Chief Librarian, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (Retired), Howard University; Former Faculty, University of Maryland African American Studies department; Consultant to several agencies, including Carlson Publishing, Time-Life Books, Addy Doll and books project, and WETA Public Television; Oral historian; Bibliographer and Indexer. Educational Background: BS, North Carolina Central University; M.L.S. in Library Science, University of Maryland, Ph.D., Union Institute. Major Accomplishments: Founding Associate Editor of Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women; Member, Maryland Humanities Council Speaker’s Bureau; Over 15 publications (books, chapters in books, newsletter, journal and newspaper articles) in African American history; Served on the editorial board of the HU Archives Net (online journal published by Moorland Spingarn Research Center, Howard University); Dissertation Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities (1993); Lorraine A. Williams Leadership Award from The Association for Black Women Historians (2005). Previous Service to ASALH: Life Member and Contributor to the Annual Fund; National Vice-President for Membership 2003-2006, 2009-2012; Chair, Membership Committee; Member, Nominating Committee; Member, Centennial Committee; Member, Executive Committee; Member, Organizational Assessment Committee; Former Member, Constitutional Committee; Served two terms as National Secretary; Served as Treasurer, Associated Publishers; Chair, Academic Program 5 Committee (2001), Co-chair of the 2003 Black History Learning Resource Manual; Served on the Editorial Board of the Black History Bulletin; Former Secretary of the Bethel Dukes Branch; Current President of the Bethel Dukes Branch. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: I have worked with the ASALH administration and Executive Council, serving on various committees and working to help promote the mission and vision of founder, Carter G. Woodson as we move toward our centennial anniversary in 2015. As National Vice President for Membership and Chair of the Membership Committee (two terms), I have worked to help increase branches and institutional, life and general memberships throughout the country. The Membership Committee continues to work to revitalize lost branches and add new branches, especially campus branches. I have also worked to enhance the governance of branches so that their activities are in compliance with the mission/vision of ASALH. We continue to update Standard Operating Procedures documents for branches and the branch reporting documents (activities/financial reports). I work with the Membership Committee co-chair to conduct a Branch Workshop at each conference to keep branches informed of ASALH activities and their obligations as branches. We give branch awards for outstanding services in their communities in promoting the history of people of African descent. PRESIDENT: DARYL MICHAEL SCOTT 13800 Carlene Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Telephone: Home: 301-574-1476 Cell: 202-210-2524 E-mail Address: [email protected] Current Employer: Howard University Professional Background: Professional Historian Educational Background: Ph.D., Stanford University, CA. Major Accomplishment: 1998 James Rawley Prize from the Organization of American Historians for the Best Book in Race Relations History. Previous Service to ASALH: Member, Executive Council 2003-2008; Vice President for Programs, 2005-2008; Founder and Editor of the Woodson Review, ASALH’S Annual Theme Magazine; Editor of Carter G. Woodson’s Appeal and The Miseducation of the Negro; established The ASALH Press, the ASALH Store; and the on-line conference submission website; Chair of the Q Street Headquarters Committee; Founder and Co-Editor of ASALH’s newest scholarly publication: Fire!!!: The Multimedia Journal of Black Studies. What I hope to accomplish as an officer of ASALH: Since joining the board in 2003, I have had three central goals: To reform the board so that it expands beyond the academy, to modernize our programs for the digital age, and to celebrate a centennial befitting of our role as the organization that laid the cultural and intellectual foundation of a self-affirming people, a people who embraced their past to make a brighter future. As the digital revolution continues both inside and outside the academy, the struggle for financial viability remains constant, and the only certainty is that scholarship will be sustainable when it is accessible to and appreciated by the public. The academy alone will not sustain us. With the exception of the golden age of Black Studies in the 1970’s this is how it has always been for Woodson’s Association and why our founder created Negro History Week. He understood that black people would appreciate and support the knowledge that The Association offered. Thus as we move toward a new century of service, we must redouble our efforts to become a “more perfect” nexus between the academy and the public through the use of new media. 6 2012 ELECTION INSTRUCTIONS July 18th, 2012 1. You may vote for the candidates listed on the ballot OR you may write in the names of the candidates of your choice. 2. You may submit recommendations for one (1) or more proposed Corporate Candidates. Please submit recommendations for Corporate Candidates in a SEPARATE ENVELOPE and mail the name and contact information along with your name to ASALH , 2225 Georgia Avenue, Suite 331, Washington, DC 20059 or email them to [email protected]. 3. Seal the provided self-addressed envelope marked “Ballot”, place a stamp on the envelope, and mail to the ASALH Headquarters. 4. Do not place any additional materials in the self-addressed envelope with the ballot. 5. All ballots MUST be mailed in the enclosed self-addressed envelope marked “Ballot.” 6. ALL BALLOTS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY AUGUST 24th, 2012. 7. BALLOTS POSTMARKED AFTER AUGUST 24th, 2012 WILL NOT BE COUNTED. ASALH’S future depends on leaders with specific expertise or significant experience in Human Resources, Accounting, Marketing, Technology/Digitization, Fundraising, an Attorney, a Parliamentarian, and Scholars willing to work on the Association’s publications. 7
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