PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) 2015 PLAN GUIDE H5985_024-2015 Accepted Phoenix Advantage and Phoenix Advantage Select are Medicare Advantage HMO plans. We proudly serve Arizona residents in Coconino, Gila, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai counties, offering doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. Phoenix Advantage (HMO) Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) Call and learn more: (602) 824-3900 or toll free (888) 864-1114 TTY users call 1-800-842-4681 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week Join Us Online Online enrollment is safe and secure. ABOUT PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) Our Medicare-approved plans are based right here in Arizona. For a $0 monthly premium, we offer doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. Or pay a $39 monthly premium and get all this plus extras. OUR $39 PLAN OFFERS MORE THAN ORIGINAL MEDICARE •Open access to in-network specialists •Personalized medical management •Coverage for annual screenings •Diabetic monitoring supplies, therapeutic shoes and inserts •Nationwide emergency and urgent care coverage •Maximum Out of Pocket (MOOP) $4,500 •Vision benefit with low exam co-pay •Dental benefit up to $750 per year •OTC drug allowance up to $35 per quarter, restrictions may apply OUR MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES ARE HERE TO HELP Friendly and helpful member services representatives are available seven days a week. Our first priority is supporting our members and helping them manage their healthcare effectively. MEDICARE BASICS Medicare is health insurance for the following: • People 65 or older. • People under 65 with certain disabilities, restrictions may apply. • People of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant.) THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF MEDICARE The different parts of Medicare help cover specific services: MEDICARE PART A (Hospital Insurance) • Helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, and home health care. • Most people don’t have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while working in the United States. If you don’t automatically get premium-free Part A, you may still be able to enroll, and pay a premium. MEDICARE PART B (Medical Insurance) • Helps cover doctors’ and other health care providers’ services, outpatient care, durable medical equipment, and home health care. • Helps cover some preventive services. • Most people pay up to the standard monthly Medicare Part B premium. MEDICARE PART C (also known as Medicare Advantage) • Offers health plan options run by Medicare-approved private insurance companies. Medicare Advantage Plans are a way to get the benefits and services covered under Part A and Part B. Most Medicare Advantage Plans cover Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D). • Some Medicare Advantage Plans may include extra benefits for an extra cost. MEDICARE PART D (Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage) • Helps cover the cost of prescription drugs. • May help lower your prescription drug costs and help protect against higher costs. • Run by Medicare-approved private insurance companies. • Costs and benefits vary by plan. Information provided by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, LOW INCOME SUBSIDY (LIS) YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR EXTRA HELP If you meet certain income and resource requirements, you may qualify for Extra Help to help pay the costs of Medicare prescription drug coverage. You automatically qualify for Extra Help if you have Medicare and meet one of these conditions: • You have full Medicaid coverage, or • You get help from your state Medicaid program to pay your Part B premiums (in a Medicare Savings Program), or • You get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. APPLY FOR EXTRA HELP Apply online at or by calling Social Security toll free at 1‑800‑772‑1213, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. TTY users should call 1‑800‑325‑0778. Also you can call 1-800-MEDICARE (800) 633-4227). TTY users should call (877) 486-2048, 24 hours a day/7 days a week and visit to review “Programs for People with Limited Income and Resources” in the publication Medicare & You. PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) Covers all Original Medicare services and includes prescription drug coverage for a monthly premium of $0. Pay a $39 monthly premium and receive these services plus extras. (You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium.) PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) BENEFITS AT A GLANCE MedicareCovered Benefit Phoenix Advantage (HMO) Primary Care Provider (PCP) Office Visit $5 co-pay Specialist Office Visit $45 co-pay Inpatient Hospital Stay Plan Covers 90 days Each benefit period Days 1 - 6 $225 co-pay per day Days 7 - 90 $0 co-pay per day 60 lifetime reserve days, at $0 co-pay per day Urgently Needed Care $35 co-pay Emergency Care $0 to $65* co-pay Skilled Nursing Facility Care Up to 100 days per benefit period Days 1 - 20 $0 co-pay per day Days 21 - 100 $150 co-pay per day $0 co-pay X-rays X-Rays, $15 co-pay Diagnostic Procedures, Tests lab services, diagnostic procedures and tests *$0 co-pay If admitted within 24-hours for the same condition. PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) BENEFITS AT A GLANCE MedicareCovered Benefit Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) Primary Care Provider (PCP) Office Visit $0 co-pay Specialist Office Visit $40 co-pay Inpatient Hospital Stay Plan Covers 90 days Each benefit period Days 1 - 6 $175 co-pay per day Days 7 - 90 $0 co-pay per day 60 lifetime reserve days, at $0 co-pay per day Urgently Needed Care $35 co-pay Emergency Care $0 to $65* co-pay Skilled Nursing Facility Care Up to 100 days per benefit period Days 1 - 20 $0 co-pay per day Days 21 - 100 $100 co-pay per day $0 co-pay X-Rays, X-rays, lab services, Diagnostic diagnostic procedures Procedures, Tests and tests *$0 co-pay If admitted within 24-hours for the same condition. PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS AT A GLANCE Retail Pharmacy Tier Levels 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days Preferred Generics $3 co-pay $6 co-pay $9 co-pay Non-Preferred Generics $10 co-pay $20 co-pay $30 co-pay Preferred Brand $25 co-pay $50 co-pay $75 co-pay Non-Preferred Brand $75 co-pay $150 co-pay $225 co-pay Specialty Drugs 33% cost sharing for 30 days Not offered for 60 or 90 days Medicare Part B Drugs – 20% including co-insurance Chemotherapy Drugs Mail order – 3-month prescription for the price of 2.5 month retail prescription PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS AT A GLANCE (CONTINUED) Coverage Gap – During the coverage gap, you pay 45% of the cost for brand name drugs. The plan also covers Tier 1 preferred generic drugs during the coverage gap, both via retail and mail order. Cost for these drugs is the lower of the following: 30-day supply - $3 or 65% of the costs 60-day supply - $6 or 65% of the costs 90-day supply - $9 or 65% of the costs For all other generic drugs, you pay 65% of the costs and the plan pays the rest. You continue paying the discounted price for brand name drugs and no more than the amounts listed above for generic drugs until your yearly out-of-pocket payments reach a maximum of $4,700. Catastrophic Coverage – After your total yearly out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,700, you pay the greater of 5% co-insurance, or $2.65 for generic drugs (including brand drugs treated as generic) and a $6.60 co-pay for all other drugs. PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) OUT-OF-NETWORK PHARMACY OUT-OF-NETWORK COVERAGE GAP COSTS GENERIC DRUGS You will be reimbursed up to 35% of the plan’s allowable cost for generic drugs purchased out of network until your total yearly out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,700. BRAND DRUGS You will be reimbursed up to 55% of the plans allowable cost for brand name drugs purchased out-of-network until your total yearly out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,700. OUT-OF-NETWORK CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE COSTS After your total yearly out-of-pocket drug costs reach $4,700, you will be reimbursed for drugs purchased out-of-network up to the plan’s cost of the drug minus your cost share, which is the greater of 5% coinsurance, or $2.65 co-pay for generic drugs, including brand drugs treated as generic. For all other drugs, your co-pay is $6.60 Traveling the U.S.? Phoenix Advantage (HMO) and Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) offer nationwide in-network prescription drug coverage. PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) OFFER DIABETIC PROGRAMS AND SUPPLIES AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU: DIABETES PROGRAMS AND SUPPLIES Original Medicare Phoenix Advantage (HMO) and Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) 20% coinsurance $0 co-pay for diabetes self-management training 20% coinsurance $0 co-pay for diabetes monitoring supplies 20% coinsurance $0 co-pay for therapeutic shoes and inserts MORE PHOENIX ADVANTAGE (HMO) AND PHOENIX ADVANTAGE SELECT (HMO) EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST! HOME HEALTH VISITS* $0 co-pay for Medicare-covered visits including medically-necessary intermittent skilled nursing care, home health aide services and rehabilitation services. OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH* $40 co-pay each Medicare-covered visit, including: •Individual Therapy •Psychiatrist (Individual) •Group Therapy •Psychiatrist (Group Therapy) •0% or 20% co-pay for Medicarecovered partial hospitalization program services *Authorization rules may apply GOOD HEALTH BEGINS WITH PREVENTIVE CARE Phoenix Advantage (HMO) and Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) members receive all these preventive services at no extra cost to them: Abdominal Aortic Screening Mammogram Bone Mass Measurement Medical Nutritional Therapy Services Cardiovascular Screening Annual Wellness Visits Cervical and Vaginal Screening Pneumococcal Vaccine PAP Test and Pelvic Exam Prostate Cancer Screening Colorectal Cancer Screening Smoking Cessation Diabetes Screening “Welcome to Medicare” Physical Exam HIV Screening Educational/ Health Newsletters Influenza & Hepatitis B Vaccine 24-hour Nurse Advice Line WHEN CAN YOU ENROLL? INITIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD (IEP) Your IEP begins three months before the month you get Medicare, during the month you get Medicare and ends three months after the month you get Medicare. ANNUAL ELECTION PERIOD (AEP) You may join or switch from your current plan during the Annual Election Period that begins October 15 and ends December 7 annually. SPECIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD (SEP) A Special Enrollment Period allows you to change your Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug coverage when certain events happen in your life, For example: you move out of your plan’s service area or leave coverage from your employer or union. There are many situations that qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period. For more SEP information, call Medicare at (1‑800‑633‑4227) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 1‑877‑486‑2048. Or visit Medicare online at JOIN US $0/39 PREMIUM WITH EXTRAS YOU CAN’T GET FROM ORIGINAL MEDICARE! Contact Phoenix Advantage (HMO) and Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) Today! By Phone (602) 824-3900 or Toll Free (888) 864-1114 TTY users call 1-800-842-4681 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week Online Visit us at to learn more or enroll online NOTES ENROLL ONLINE! Visit our website at to complete and submit your 2015 enrollment application online. CALL TO ENROLL Phoenix Advantage (HMO) Phoenix Advantage Select (HMO) (602) 824-3900 or Toll Free (888) 864-1114 TTY users call 1-800-842-4681 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week Phoenix Health Plans is an HMO and HMO SNP plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Arizona Medicaid program. Enrollment in Phoenix Health Plans depends on contract renewal. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B Premium. The benefit information provided is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan. Limitations, co-payments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, premium and/ or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. For more information, contact the plan. Please contact our Member Services number at (602) 824-3900 or (888) 864-1114 for additional information. (TTY users should call (800) 842-4681). Hours are seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.This information is available for free in other languages. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros lenguajes. Por favor llame a servicio al miembro al (888) 864-1114 para información adicional. (Usuarios de TTY llamar al (800) 842-4681). Horario es siete días a la semana de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m.
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