Reconciliation Action Plan 2014 -2015 Contents From the Chief Executive 1 Our Vision for Reconciliation 3 Our Business 5 Our RAP 7 Relationships9 Respect11 Opportunities13 Tracking progress and reporting © 2014 Government of South Australia Department for Education and Child Development Published February 2014 Cover artwork based on an original painting by Cindy Bromley. 15 1 Department for Education and Child Development Reconciliation Action Plan 2014 - 2015 Our Reconciliation Action Plan is the statement of the DECD commitment to reconciliation. The RAP builds on the existing DECD Aboriginal Strategy 2013 – 2016 and outlines the actions the Department will take over the next two years to support the building of relationships, to acknowledge the valuable contribution of Aboriginal people to Australian society, and to maximize employment opportunities for Aboriginal people to participate in the economy. The DECD Reconciliation Action Plan identifies actions across four domains: Reconciliation is about the proper recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and • Relationships their contribution to Australian society both in • Respect the past and in the present. It involves building • Opportunities mutually respectful relationships between • Tracking progress and reporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, and all other Australians. The Department commits to these actions to Achieving reconciliation will require raising achieve their best and realise their full potential. the awareness and knowledge of Aboriginal It is the job of the Department for Education history and culture, and changing attitudes and Child Development to actively demonstrate that are often based upon myths and reconciliation. enable Aboriginal children and young people to misunderstandings. Reconciliation is about encouraging actions to bring about this change to build better relationships between all Australians and to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people. The Department for Education and Child Development commits to reconciliation and has a key role in making a positive difference Tony Harrison Chief Executive in the lives of Aboriginal people. Our work Department for Education and Child with all families and communities is pivotal Development to building understanding and respect for Aboriginal people, their culture and their values. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 3 Our Vision for Reconciliation The leadership and staff of the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) will work together through a strong cultural empathy to create a culture of reconciliation that will facilitate greater opportunities for all Aboriginal people to achieve, excel and reach their full potential. • interactions amongst and between Aboriginal people and other Australians in education sites and elsewhere, in person and by other means • their status as traditional custodians of the learning outcomes through literacy, numeracy and learning technologies • digital, as well as relevant and appropriate history relating to land, cultures, languages locations and families. Education has a critical role in professional commitment to: • a shared future in which all people are treated with respect and dignity • support and encourage educational opportunities to consult local Aboriginal communities, Elders and traditional custodians • ensure that all learners in care and at all stages of schooling undertake studies to celebrate, value and learn from and about Aboriginal peoples, including diversity of histories, cultures, languages, achievements and issues, both past and present • • incorporate Aboriginal perspectives throughout the curriculum Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 actively identify opportunities for the employment of Aboriginal people at all levels recognise our shared past, foster understanding and work together for promote the use of recommended resources including print, audio and land and recognises the impact of past supporting reconciliation and so we make our implement culturally appropriate strategies for Aboriginal learners to achieve equitable The Department acknowledges the strength, courage and survival of Aboriginal peoples, provide opportunities for positive • actively support and implement a range of strategies that value human rights and that counter institutional and personal racism across all cultures and nationalities. 5 Our Business The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) is committed to improvement in the education, safety and development outcomes of all children and young people, from birth through their transition to adulthood. Children and young people are at the centre of everything we do. • Lead and manage South Australia’s education system DECD manages South Australia’s public education system, with the goal of delivering world-class primary and secondary education in all areas of the curriculum. At the local level, we want every child to achieve their potential, and we see families as our partners to ensure each and every child leaves school with strong skills The department’s core purpose is to provide and a positive outlook. Public education early childhood development and wellbeing, will be there for every child, all of the time. and public education services, including some services previously delivered by Families SA Every week day, more than 180 000 children and SA Health via the women’s and children’s and young people across our State attend health network. public schools or early childhood settings. These preschools, children’s centres, primary Our key functions are to: • Oversee early childhood care and services for South Australian families DECD works with all families early in their journey to support parents and ensure the individual needs of each child are met. schools, secondary schools, area schools and special schools are located in the city and metropolitan areas, as well as in rural and remote areas. Collectively these education and care settings are known as ‘sites’ – there are about 1 000 sites in the State. We partner with the Australian Government There are around 13 500 teachers and as well as the community sector and local early childhood educators employed by the government to integrate all services, with department to guide learning and development. a relentless focus on providing high quality teaching and learning. Curriculum describes the core knowledge, understanding, skills and capabilities students • Provide services that benefit children should learn as they progress through school. and families Educators use curriculum to plan student DECD oversees the provision of local family learning, monitor and assess student progress, day care, preschool education, children’s report student progress to parents and support centres, out of school hours care programs student wellbeing. plus health and wellbeing services for families. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 South Australian schools use the South Australian Curriculum, Standards and Accountability Framework (SACSA) and are progressively implementing the Australian Curriculum which is a national curriculum that sets out the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities important for all Australian students. By working together more closely with families, we know we can provide better support to families so that every child can grow, learn and develop, and lead rich fulfilling and productive lives. We have a special focus on ensuring our most vulnerable children and young people are supported to stay engaged as learners. “I migrated from India in 2008 and whilst completing my year 12 research topic ‘the educational rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ I came across many things about the outcomes for Aboriginal students that surprised me. The one clear message that came out of my research was RECONCILIATION. If we are to close the gap between non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal students we must first reconcile with each other and understand each individual person and their culture. My message to all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students is that improvement can be made if we first begin to understand each other properly and respect all cultures. Reconciliation is the key.” In 2013 Namrata Suthar, a Year 12 student at Roma Mitchell Secondary College wrote to the Hon. Jennifer Rankine, Minister for Education and Child Development, seeking information about education outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 7 Our RAP There is a positive role that each and every DECD employee can play to contribute toward reconciliation. There is also a positive role for the Department in supporting the wider community to develop their understanding of the unique role of Aboriginal Australians in the history of this country and in contemporary society, and to build support for reconciliation. Our RAP builds on the DECD Strategic Plan The Department for Education and Child Development is committed to helping improve the lives of Aboriginal South Australians through care, education and training. The disparity in educational and life outcomes currently experienced by Aboriginal South Australians is well recognised. Quality teaching and learning is vital to This Reconciliation Action Plan focuses on the steps the department will take over the next two years to deliver the government’s policies and programs to better engage with Aboriginal Australians, and brings together the key initiatives the department will undertake to actively support reconciliation as a means of improving the outcomes of Aboriginal people. The Department recognises that true reconciliation will only exist when every Aboriginal child or young person, and every Aboriginal employee has the opportunity to reach their full potential and enjoy the same opportunities and quality of life that all South Australians expect. The RAP aims to help to build trust, effective relationships and a sense of belonging and identity for Aboriginal people. It also aims to foster and express respect for the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional owners and their cultures. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 2012 – 2015 which entails four strategic directions: • Every child achieves their potential Children and young people are at the centre of all that we do and we will work to ensure positive outcomes for all young South Australians. • Excellence in education and care the success of our young people, and we recognise the expertise of our professionals in the field. • Connect with communities High performing schools engage with families and the wider community to build local care and education communities where parents have a say in the education of their children. • A successful and sustainable organisation An effective education and care system that is responsive to the needs of students and the workforce. The RAP incorporates the Families SA vision of a future where children, young people and families are safe, supported and connected to the future. The RAP was developed through consultation with the South Australian Aboriginal Advisory Committee through a process determined by the South Australian Government Chief Executives Group on Aboriginal Affairs. 9 Relationships The outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people are greatly improved when schools, preschools and care settings establish partnerships and connections with Aboriginal families and communities. There are strong links between the academic success of Aboriginal children and young people, positive cultural identity and culturally supportive school environments. Action Responsibility Timeline Target Increased emphasis on positive communication between preschools, schools and families to celebrate achievement and success and build confidence in both students and families. Office for Children and Young People Executive Director June 2014 Establish Aboriginal Community Voice forums September 2014, March 2015 & September 2015 Aboriginal Community Voice forums to be held at least twice per year DECD sites plan a series of events across the year to actively support reconciliation, with a celebration of those events occurring during Reconciliation Week. Office for Education Schools and Preschools Chief Education Officer February 2014 & February 2015 A calendar of reconciliation events is prepared and communicated to all staff. May 27 to July 3 2014 & 2015 National Reconciliation Week is celebrated in DECD schools, preschools and care settings A DECD RAP Committee will be established Senior Executive Group April 2014 The DECD RAP Committee is established with Terms of Reference developed that identify connections to key stakeholders, including the DPC SA Aboriginal Advisory Committee, the SA Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Body and Reconciliation SA. DECD schools and early childhood settings are encouraged to develop a RAP using the Reconciliation Australia School RAP template. Office for Education Schools and Pre schools Chief Education Officer From 27 May 2014 onwards The RAP outlines the actions and the respective responsibilities of each party and the ways in which they will work together to support reconciliation and to build a culture of mutual respect, and has been developed through negotiation with the school community, the Aboriginal community and the wider community. Student, Aboriginal and Family Services Executive Director DECD RAP Committee At least one internal event is held at DECD offices to celebrate National Reconciliation Week School and early childhood RAPs inform individual site improvement plans and are published on school websites. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 Aboriginal children and young people, employees and communities are empowered through the promotion of their identity, culture and leadership in curriculum delivery Office for Education Schools and Preschools Chief Education Officer Reconciliation School Activities and Forums Office for Education Schools and Preschools Chief Education Officer By December 2014 & December 2015 December 2015 Schools work with Aboriginal communities and wider school communities to identify ways in which schools can support, value and promote Aboriginal cultures, histories and identity, including the teaching of Aboriginal histories and language. DECD contribution to South Australian Strategic Plan reporting against Target 27 is completed and information included in the DECD Annual report By December 2014 & December 2015 DECD schools and preschools engage in activities and forums throughout the year to promote, progress and celebrate reconciliation including participation in national Reconciliation Week activities and the Reconciliation SA Schools’ Congress. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 11 Respect Strong cultural and linguistic identity, and the active recognition and validation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages underpin reconciliation. Action Responsibility Timeline Performance indicator Aboriginal people are involved in the design and delivery of Aboriginal Cultural Studies in the curriculum Office for Children and Young People Student, Aboriginal and Family Services Executive Director By December 2015 Employment of Aboriginal Culture and Language Instructors to support Aboriginal people’s participation in the design and delivery of the Aboriginal Cultural Studies R-10 resource. Embed protocols regarding Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country across DECD DECD Senior Executive Group June 2014 Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols provided to all DECD staff, available on DECD website. DECD is committed to a quality public education system which supports Reconciliation, fosters cultural and linguistic diversity and is free of all forms of racial prejudice, discrimination and harassment Office of Strategy and Performance Executive Director Aboriginal perspectives are embedded in curriculum delivery throughout the year Office for Education Teaching and Learning Services Executive Director By December 2015 Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols is practiced by DECD sites. By March 2014 June 2014 The DECD Countering Racism Policy and Guidelines is reviewed to incorporate the objectives of the National Anti-Racism Strategy. A communication strategy to all employees and school and preschool communities provides information about the DECD Countering Racism Policy. By December 2014 & December 2015 Sustained, high-quality professional development for leaders, teachers and other relevant staff in the implementation of the Early years learning framework and Australian Curriculum, with a focus on respect for the diversity of Aboriginal histories and cultures, both traditional and contemporary, in South Australia. Office for Children and Young People Chief Executive Reconciliation Awards. Office of the Chief Executive National Reconciliation Week 2014 & 2015 (27 May to 3 June) The two highest ATAR achieving Aboriginal students are presented with the CE Reconciliation awards. Promotion of the Australian Institute of Teaching & School Leadership professional learning units. Office for Education Teaching and Learning Services Executive Director By December 2015 Promote the content for professional learning units to support teachers in meeting focus areas 1.4 and 2.4 of the Australian professional Standards for teachers, developed by AITSL. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 DECD employees are encouraged to access targeted cultural competence training as identified in the SA Government’s Cultural Inclusion Policy. DECD sites and employees are provided the opportunity to engage with Aboriginal culture and communities to celebrate NAIDOC Week. Office for Children and Young People Student, Aboriginal and Family Services Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 Education providers participating in professional learning to teachers to ensure high levels of cultural and linguistic understanding and competencies to inform curriculum delivery. Principals and teachers undertake professional development in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education including culture and language training. June 2014 & June 2015 NAIDOC Week activities are promoted to DECD employees and sites NAIDOC Week 2014 (6 – 13 July) & 2015 (5 -12 July) Aboriginal employees of DECD are able to attend NAIDOC Week activities Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 13 Opportunities By providing employment opportunities and pathways for Aboriginal people, DECD can develop a greater understanding of Aboriginal peoples and cultures whilst building the diversity of our workforce Action Responsibility Timeline Measurement Attract, retain and support the career aspirations of Aboriginal employees to make progress towards achieving at least 2% representation across all classifications, consistent with Target 53 of South Australia’s Strategic Plan. Office for Resources, Operations and Assurance – Human Resources and Workforce Development Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 The SA Strategic Plan Target 53 of 2% representation across all classifications is achieved by DECD. Providing personalised support, quality career advice and role modeling for Aboriginal young people to promote the full range of career pathways in the department Office for Resources, Operations and Assurance – Human Resources and Workforce Development Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 DECD teaching scholarships, traineeships and career pathways are promoted to Aboriginal secondary students and their families, and to Aboriginal undergraduates and TAFE students considering a career in education and result in Aboriginal young people entering education, training and employment opportunities in DECD. Support the career aspirations of Aboriginal community education officers and Aboriginal early childhood workers, school services officers and Public Sector Act employees. Office for Resources, Operations and Assurance – Human Resources and Workforce Development Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 Existing Aboriginal employees are encouraged and supported to access pathways to undertake higher education or vocational studies to support their career aspirations. Facilitate access to leadership opportunities for Aboriginal employees, including the provision of and two leadership scholarships annually to release Aboriginal teachers to work with outstanding leaders in preschools and schools. Office of Resources, Operations and Assurance – Human Resources and Workforce Development Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 Information is provided to Aboriginal employees about access to promotional opportunities through the leadership register. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 By December 2014 & December 2015 June 2014 & June 2015 Aboriginal community education officers progress through classification levels. Aboriginal employees are employed across all classification levels as reported in the Workforce summary profile provided annually to the DECD Aboriginal Employment Reference Group. Recognising and celebrating the achievements of Aboriginal employees. Office of Resources, Operations and Assurance Human Resources and Workforce Development Executive Director By December 2014 & December 2015 DECD award ceremonies and forums occur at the state and local level to acknowledge and celebrate the achievement of Aboriginal employees selected to scholarship and leadership initiatives, and on completion of training programs and traineeships. Work through the Senior Officers Group on Aboriginal Affairs and the Chief Executives Group on Aboriginal Affairs to develop a government procurement policy that increases opportunities for Aboriginal businesses. Office of Resources, Operations and Assurance Chief Operating Officer By June 2014 Pending development, an agency specific implementation plan is developed to support policy implementation. By December 2015 June 2014 DECD works with Industry to partner with Aboriginal owned businesses in tendering and sub-contracting arrangements in order to build capacity. An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier list is developed and promoted through DECD. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 15 Tracking progress and reporting The monitoring of progress against actions identified in this RAP will be the responsibility of the DECD RAP Committee. Outcomes of the DECD 2014 – 2015 Reconciliation Action Plan will be reported in the DECD Annual Report. Action Responsibility Timeline Measurement The DECD RAP committee monitors the progress of the RAP actions. DECD Senior Executive Quarterly 2014 & 2015 The DECD RAP committee meets regularly to monitor progress and reporting requirements. Report achievements, challenges and learnings to Reconciliation Australia for inclusion in the Annual Impact Measurement Report. Office for Strategy and Performance Executive Director December 2014 & December 2015 Complete and submit the RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia annually. The implementation and progress of the RAP is published on the DECD website. Office for Strategy and Performance Executive Director January 2015 & January 2016 RAP progress and achievement is reported in the DECD Annual Report. The DECD RAP will be refreshed. Senior Executive Group RAP progress and achievement is reported to the South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Body. Reconciliation Action Plan 2014-2015 By December 2015 Outcomes and key learning from the RAP are reviewed and provide direction to future RAP development.
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