convocatoria cuento 2015

Immaculate Conception Church
P.O. Box 1866 • 22 North 13th Street • Fort Smith, Arkansas 72902 • @IC_Church •
ICChurchFortSmith • Instagram: @icchurch
Sunday in
Welcome to our Parish!
October 12th, 2014
Pastor: Rev. John Antony
Assoc. Pastors: Rev. Andrew Hart
Rev. Pius Iwu
Deacons: Dc. Greg Pair
Dc. Aroldo Zacarías
Dc. César Villafranca
Dc. Charles Kuehl
Church Office...................................783-7963
I.C. School........................................783-6798
Msgr. Wm. Galvin Parish Center......783-7961
St. Anne’s Hall .................................783-0423
Fax Machine Number.......................783-7865
Cindy McNally, Parish
Business Manager…........................785-7970
Deacon Greg Pair, Director
of Lay Ministry..............................785-7972
Life Teen Youth Office.…….............783-2603
Spanish Office..................................785-7978
Religious Education..........................783-7497
RCIA Office .....................................783-7963
Marriage Advocate...........................783-7963
Short term prayers for the Prayer Chain
452-9464 or 452-8222
“The mission of Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church is to proclaim the gospel
message of Jesus through Word, Sacraments
and Works: to form our community in the
traditions and teachings of our Catholic faith, to
care for one another and the community at
large and to bring others to know Jesus by our
witness and example”.
Monday, October 13th
7:00 a.m. Rose Hassler †
Tuesday, October 14th
7:00 a.m. Dave Uerling †
5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel
Wednesday, October 15th
7:00 a.m. Deceased Members of
Meyers Family
Thursday, October 16th
7:00 a.m. Robert A. Beargie †
5:00 p.m. Confessions @ Chapel
6:00 p.m. Sp. Mass @ Chapel
Friday, October 17th
7:00 a.m. Renee Michaud †
10:00 a.m. Linda Winford †
Saturday, October 18th
7:00 a.m. Nyla Shepherd †
3:30 p.m. Confessions @ Church
5:00 p.m. Julia Dallas †
Sunday, October 19th
7:30 a.m. Lorene Komp †
9:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Leo’s
10:00 a.m. Int. of Parishioners
12:00 Noon W.M. Paino †
2:00 p.m. Bentura Lechuga
Vatrez †
5:00 p.m. Phillip Rogers †
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12th, 2014
I can do all things in him who strengthens me.
— Philippians 4:13
Come to the Feast
“On this mountain, the Lord of hosts / will provide for all peoples / a feast of rich food and
choice wines” (Isaiah 25:6). That’s what Isaiah tells us today. God is putting together a
huge party for “all peoples,” to “wipe away / the tears from every face” (Isaiah 25:8).
And what does Jesus tell us? The reign of God, he says, “may be
likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son” (Matthew
22:2). When the guests didn’t come, the king had his servants go
out “into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you
find” (Matthew 22:9). We are called to deliver that invitation.
One of the themes woven into today’s liturgy is that of divine
generosity. Asleep to reality, people often think they have “earned”
what they have. In our better moments, though, we know that all
our gifts—even the spiritual gifts—come through God’s generosity.
Our vocation is to invite people, to remind them the tickets aren’t
for sale. We can only show up and say thank you.
What is on our front cover?
Michael James Mette Concert! Sponsored by our
Spiritual Life Committee
After serving in the Air Force, Michael completed his degree in Theology and worked for
10 years in parish ministry. During this time, Michael felt increasingly called to focus on
beauty by sharing the Gospel through music. His album "Bring Forth the Light" (2012)
reflects a more mature view of the Catholic faith, exploring musical themes of human
love, life, and the afterlife. The music is brooding and spirited, full of lush guitars, piano,
and haunting vocals. Michael's music provides a backdrop for an encounter with the
Do you know about our Spiritual Life Committee?
The Spiritual Life Committee is comprised of individuals from the church family who
desire to bring God closer to our daily lives. The committee members are Donna Adams,
Tina Criswell, Christie Banning, Mary and Roger Miller,
Dc. Greg Pair and Loretta Collins.
Their goal is to find ways to lead us spiritually and also to show
us how to share our faith with others. Among other things, our
Spiritual Life Committee is often bringing in speakers,
sponsoring missions, organizing vigils, organizing movie
nights, replenishing our brochure stand with new materials,
and is now trying to bring in musicians to perform for all our
faith community. Our Spiritual Life Committee is always
looking for ways to help our parish grow spiritually.
Readings for the Week
Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1;
Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48;
Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46
Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54
Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13;
Lk 12:1-7
Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Lk 10:1-9
Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10;
1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Ladies Auxiliary Silent Auction
Our Ladies Auxiliary Annual Bazaar will be on
November 1-2. If you have new or like new items that
you would like to donate for the Silent Auction, please
contact Sharon Siebenmorgen at 479-651-1992.
Do you have a Facebook
account? please search for
Immaculate Conception Ladies
Auxiliary and 'like' our page!
Men’s Club Raffle Winner
Congratulations to Arnulfo Manjarrez for
winning the tickets for the Razorbacks
games against Alabama and LSU.
Scripture Study:
Mary, Finding Favor with God
Discover how God’s work in Mary prepares our hearts
for God to work in us in an afternoon of reflection that
is open to all Catholic adults in the area.
Presentations by Cackie Upchurch and opportunities
for prayer and reflective discussion.
Saturday, November 8, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. at
St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers.
Free admission. Please e-mail
[email protected] or call the Church
Office 501-636-4020 to reserve your spot.
Long Term Prayer List. Olivia Neuman, Joe Mellott, Leon Beland, Mark Hubbard, Joanne Brandow, Cory Parker, Jack Borengasser, Regina Buergler,
Ivy Ruth Miller, Bill Rosendahl, Patricia Brown, Maria Zacarias, Fred Seiter, Brett Robinson, Nancy Weaver, Mark Nicholson, Janice Kaelin, Stephanie
Fudge, Judy Sosebee, Irene Belcher, Stacy Caldwell, Tom Hotz, Sr., Sally Johnston, Louis Ferrari, Marian Lindquist, Savannah Sosebee, Ruth Tinder,
Andrea Williams, Olivia Wilbanks, Betty Wasson, Vera Moreton, Catherine Cabrera, Ryan Gammon, Tina Wollek, Debbie Shownes, Olga Portillo, Carroll
Willey, Bonnie Thacker, Cathy Riggs, Don Shafer, John Armstrong, Mary Drake, Ron Udouj, Esther Lopez, Michael Kramer, Mackenzie Campbell, William
Millar, Robert Sanford, Leroy Peer, Virginia Olsson, Doug Brown, Charlie Aboloc, John Barnes, Jr., William Timothy Barry, John Gaffney, Anne Marie
Richards, Mary Memmolo, Evelyn Knis, Dottie Hunter, Marcie Beland, Harold Willie, Radley O’Neal, Jean Hendricks, Tina Mayfield, Katie Reith, Janet
Curry and family, Lenice Meyers, Kenneth Wille, Kyle Mann, Aiden Alder, Rosewitha Goodman, Anthony and Fran Schneider, Kim Borengasser, Rutilio
Marín, J. B. Meyers, Diane Hart, Mark Gabbard, Idris Marcotte, Fr. Blas Hernández, Linda Bordeaux, Mary Carolyn Borengasser, Amy Valley, Kelsey Parr,
Albert Burger, Thomas Huber, Nancy Cox, Jessica Wilson, Marina Martínez, Ryan Barbar, M. J. Tulbure, Liz Schneider, Carrie Gray, Dahilia Gray, Betty
Garth, Marilyn Branlett, Carlene Ewing, Troy Hatfield, Lola Hatfield, Paula Lloyd, Tami Casey, Mary Williams, Joe Buergler, Mel Dupire, Al Nolte, Tony
Scherrey, Catherine Englehart, Betty Chaney, Peggy Sutterfield, Radley O’Neal.
Sunday, October 12th: Blood Pressure Checks
10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Building
6:30 P.M. PRE Classes meet in St. Anne’s Bldg.
6:30 P.M. Study of “Acts” meets in Bishops’ Room
Monday, October 13th
6:00 P.M. Study of John meets in Green Room
6:30 P.M. “Amistad” Ladies Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall
6:30 P.M. Bingo Night in the Parish Center
7:00 P.M. Spanish Choir Practice meets in the Church
Tuesday, October 14th
10:00 A.M. Catholicism Bible Study meets in Common Room
12:30 P.M. 1 Corinthians Study meets in Common Room
3:30 P.M. Reading Program meets in St. Anne’s Bldg.
6:30 P.M. Spanish School of Leaders meet in Green Room
7:00 P.M. Life Teen Band practice in the Church
7:00 P.M. English RCIA meets in Parish Center
7:00 P.M. Spanish RICA meets in St. Anne’s Hall
Wednesday, October 15th
9:00 A.M. Ladies Auxiliary meet in St. Anne’s Hall
10:00 A.M. “Momnipotent” meets in Common Room
6:30 P.M. Confirmation/PRE Classes meet in St. Anne’s Bldg.
6:30 P.M. English Choir practice in the Church
Thursday, October 16th
6:00 P.M. Mary, Blessed Mother Study meets in Bishops’ Rm.
7:00 P.M. Sp. Choir (2 pm Mass) meets in the Church
7:00 P.M. Sp. PG Leaders meet in St. Anne’s Hall
Friday, October 17th
6:00 A.M. Men of Faith meets in St. Anne’s Hall
7:00 P.M. Sp. Committee Meeting in Common Room
7:00 P.M. Sp. Prayer Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall
Saturday, October 18th
8:00 A.M. Sp. Transforming Force Retreat in St. Anne’s Hall
9:00 A.M. English Baptism Class meets in Bishops’ Room
11:00 A.M. Spanish Baptisms in the Chapel
4:00 P.M. Nuevo Amanecer 18+ meets in St. Anne’s Bldg.
4:00 P.M. F.N. 14-17 meets in Common Room
7:00 P.M. Spanish Prayer Group meets in St. Anne’s Hall
Sunday, October 19th
10:00 A.M. Babysitting during Mass in St. Anne’s Building
6:30 P.M. PRE Classes meet in St. Anne’s Bldg.
6:30 P.M. Study of “Acts” meets in Bishops’ Room
Perpetual Adoration Chapel in St. Boniface
The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, for Prayers and Adoration. We are in need of
volunteers willing to join the adorers group. Please call
Rudy and Dorothy Gramlich at 452-7595 or
John and Joyce Becker at 783-8569 if you
are interested.
Adorers are needed for Tuesday 3:00 am,
Friday 10:00 am and 3:00 pm and
Saturday 1:00 am.
Pictorial Directory Pictures
Pictures are ready!!
Counting Sheep
If you had your picture taken in the
past photo sessions and asked for
your picture to be sent to the
Church Office please come by the
office to pick them up. They are
looking good!
When at night you cannot sleep, talk to the
Shepherd and stop counting sheep.
Calling all Life Teen Parents! 4:12@IC Parent Life is coming!
River Valley Life Teen is excited to implement a new program JUST FOR PARENTS
called 4:12@IC Parent Life. This semester is called "The Summit" and it is all
about the Mass. We will meet at 6:30 at 4:12@IC. We will be learning the same
material as the teens, but it will be geared towards us as parents. Our 3rd night will
end with worship and adoration with the teens. The material will be presented by
parents, for parents, and will include time for small group discussion, interaction with
other parents, and reflection. There is no charge to attend, and babysitting is provided
for young children. (You will need to RSVP for babysitting!)
Please mark your calendars and help us
spread the word!
Sunday, October 19- Beyond Storytime- How do
we hear God during & outside of Mass
Registrations are now being accepted for Search #135, a retreat to help juniors and
seniors in high school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with
Christ, and find support in living out their faith. It will be held at St. John Center, Little
Rock, December 12 – 14. The fee is $120. For more information and
registration forms visit our website at:
documents/search135.pdf. Scholarship applications may be found at
the following link:
New Youth Group for 7th and 8th Graders at 4:12 @I!
We will meet on Sundays from 3:30-4:30pm in the
worship side of the 4:12 @IC Youth Center. The dates
October 26th
November 9th and 23rd
December 7th
St. Scholastica Retreats
Abbot Jerome Kodell, OSB, is leading a weekend retreat at St. Scholastica Retreat
Center November 14-16: “Walking With Jesus to the Heavenly Jerusalem” The
Scriptures and Christian spiritual classics will provide guidance for this journey of
moving through darkness and suffering into light and transformation. Cost: $175.00.
Commuter $120.00 A $50.00 non-refundable deposit is needed at the time of
registration. Lodging and 5 meals are included in the price.
For more information, or to register, call 479.783.1135 or
visit by October 30.
This week we want to thank Alice Traynor, Maggie Mellot,
Pamela Rosales and Sandy Nunez for helping young people
going through RCIA this year.
Thank you for everything you do for our parish!
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children (RCIA)
If you, or some one you know, might be interested in finding out more about this
process, please call Surennah Werley at (479) 783-7497 ([email protected]) or
Peggy Brandebura at (479) 785-7973 ([email protected]).
Weekly classes meet every Tuesday at 7:00 pm in Galvin Parish Center.
Catholic adults seeking the Sacrament of First Communion and/
or Confirmation: If you are a Catholic adult (18 years of age or
older) who has never received either of these sacraments and would
like to be receive them, please call Surennah Werley at (479)-7837497. Weekly classes meet every Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. in the
Galvin Parish Center
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Please join our school and parish community to pray for vocations from
our parish. We invite families to meet in the Chapel on Friday afternoon
from 3:30 to 3:45 pm to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
For more information, please contact Allison Montiel at 832-549-0977
Religious Education
Dear IC Parishioners,
Psalm 139 has long been one that stirs my heart. Especially, “My
soul also you knew full well; nor was my frame unknown to you
When I was made in secret, when I was fashioned in the depths of
the earth.”
Having grown up feeling very invisible and somehow set apart,
encountering this passage was powerful. My heart instinctively
reacts joyfully to the passage to this day. Knowing that God himself
has always known me is something I am compelled to ponder.
Already this year it has happened on many occasions that my
conversation with students has been a reflection of this truth. In that
same psalm we also read, “Truly you have formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb. I give you thanks that I am
fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.” There is
nothing about me that God does not know. There is nowhere I have
been (or will go) that He is not present. There is not a decision I
make that is hidden from His knowledge. The fact that I exist was His
choice. It is His gift to me. The circumstances of life can certainly
interfere with my ability to focus on his great love for me. My choices
don’t always reflect the gratitude I have.
Good and gracious God, as I ponder the enormity of your love for
me, I pray that your love and mercy will lead me to become the
daughter you created me to be. I desire above all to reflect the
wonder of your works out to others so that their faith might increase.
Your Servant in Christ,
Mrs. Surennah Werley
Director of Religious Education
Virtus Training Sessions
Every volunteer (including Ministers at Mass) and
employee in Immaculate Conception Church and School, that has
any contact with children, is required by our Diocese to participate in
this program.
The next opportunity for this training is:
Sunday, November 9th at 1:30pm in the
Common Room (English)
Saturday, December 6th at 9:00am in the
Bishop’s Room (English)
Please contact the Surennah Werley at 783-7497
if you plan to attend.
Baptism Preparation Session (English)
Parents and Godparents planning to have a child
under the age of 7 baptized into the Catholic Faith
are required to attend a session which is intended
to help them better understand the responsibilities
toward the child’s upbringing in the faith community.
The next session will be held on:
Saturday, October 18th at 9:00am in the Bishop’s Room
If you plan to attend please contact Surennah Werley by email
[email protected] or phone 479-783-7497
Holy Souls Commemoration
It will take place on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 pm in Calvary
Cemetery and 3:30 pm at Holy Cross Cemetery. This action is and has
been throughout the history of our Church, one of the greatest signs of our
belief in the power of prayers for our relatives and friends who passed on
before us. Please note: We request that you do not park in Calvary
Cemetery when you come for All Souls Commemoration. If
you have an elderly or infirm person to bring, we ask that
you drive the person into the cemetery and then park the
car outside of the cemetery. There will be a second
collection for Calvary Cemetery on the weekend of
November 1st and 2nd for the upkeep of the Cemetery.
Flu Clinic at IC School
Mercy Hospital will sponsor a drive-thru flu shot clinic on
Monday, October 13. Flu shots will be available from 7:309:30 am in the school parking lot on the corner of So. 14th
and A Streets. The clinic is free and open to the parish,
school, and local community.
Altar of the Dead
The Hispanic Ministry is asking all the parishioners to bring a picture of a
loved one to be put on the Altar of the Dead for the All Souls celebration.
Please write your contact information on the back of the picture so we can
return it when we take down the altar. You can bring
your pictures to the Church Office or leave them at the
Sacristy. The altar will be at the church from
October 30th to November 24th. For more
information, contact Ana Garcia at the Church Office.
Job Opening at St. Joseph’s Church in Conway
Adult Faith Formation and Family Life Director: Full-time position
developing and implementing programs for our adult faith community,
promoting events for families, and serving as staff liaison to all such
programs. Position requires a strong Catholic faith, leadership/
organizational skills, and a passion for evangelization and
discipleship. College diploma or equivalent work experience
required. Resumes accepted by either mail or e-mail until
October 31st. Send to St Joseph Catholic Church, 1115
College Ave., Conway Arkansas 72032. or email:
[email protected]. Please no phone inquiries.
Experience the Olivetan Benedictine Life
The Olivetan Benedictine Sisters in Jonesboro AR invite you to come and
experience their life. November 21-23, 2014 @ Holy Angels Convent,
1699 CR 766, Jonesboro, AR 72403. To register, contact Sister Mary
Clare at 870-273-6872 or [email protected]
The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children
and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by Clerics,
Church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the Vicar General for the
Diocese of Little Rock at (501)664-0340 ext. #361, and the State of Arkansas
Hotline for crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964. For pastoral assistance
please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Little Rock,
Drs. George and Sherry Simon at (501)766- 6001. Diocesan Offices, 2500 No.
Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.
Last Sunday
YTD Weekly
Contributions Income Budget
Over (Short)
Sunday Collections
Building Repair Fund
Total Attendance: 2037 Envelopes sent: 983 Total Envelopes Used: 404 Electronic Giving: 182
St. Leo’s, Hartford: $ 286.00
28 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de Octubre de 2014
Todo lo puedo unido a aquél me da fuerza.
— Filipenses 4:13
Vengan a la Fiesta
“El Señor de los Ejércitos preparará para todos los pueblos en este cerro, una
comida con jugosos asados y buenos vinos” (Isaías 25:6). Esto es lo que Isaías
nos dice hoy. Dios está organizando una inmensa fiesta para “todos los
pueblos”, para “enjugar las lágrimas de todos los rostros”.
¿Y qué es lo que Jesús nos dice? “El reino de Dios”, él dice, es como “lo que le
sucedió a un rey que celebró las bodas de su hijo” (Mateo 22:2). Cuando los
invitados no acudieron, el rey mandó a sus sirvientes a que fueran “a las
esquinas de las calles y conviden a la boda a todos los que encuentren” (Mateo
22:9). Nosotros somos llamados a distribuir esta invitación.
Uno de los temas entrelazado con la liturgia de hoy es el referente a la
generosidad divina. Ausente de la realidad, la gente a menudo asume que ha
“ganado” lo que tiene. En nuestros mejores momentos, sin embargo, somos
conscientes de que todos nuestros dones, incluyendo los espirituales,
provienen de la generosidad de Dios.
Nuestra misión es invitar a la gente,
recordarles que las entradas no están a
la venta. Lo único que podemos hacer
es acudir y dar las gracias.
Lecturas de la Semana
Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-32
Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45, 47-48; Lc 11:37-41
Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-46
Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Lc 11:47-54
Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lc 12:1-7
Sábado: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9
Domingo: Is 45:1, 4-6; Sal 96 (95):1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Tes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21
Programa de Lectura de
Hermanas de la Misericordia
Invitamos a todos los estudiantes de 3ro y 4to grado de
escuela pública que necesiten mejorar su lectura a que asistan
a un taller de lectura. En este taller contarán con el apoyo de
un tutor que les ayudará a avanzar en su nivel de lectura.
Las sesiones se llevan a acabo en el
Salón Santa Anna todos los martes del
año escolar de 3:30 pm a 4:45 pm.
Para mayor información, comunícate con
Mariella Araujo al 479-785-7978.
Esquema para rezar el Santo Rosario
Octubre 19 Golla Galván
Octubre 26 María Mendoza
Si deseas rezar el Rosario en los próximos meses
llama a Mariella Araujo al (479)785-7978.
Vacuna contra la Gripe en la Escuela I.C.
El Hospital Mercy patrocinará una clínica de vacunas contra la
gripe el Lunes 13 de Octubre. Las vacunas estarán disponibles
de 7:30- 9:30 am en el estacionamiento
de la Escuela de la Inmaculada
¡Las vacunas son gratis y para todos!
Capilla de Adoración en San Bonifacio
Esta capilla es compartida con todos los feligreses Católicos en
Fort Smith y sus alrededores. Necesitamos voluntarios que
estén dispuestos a unirse al grupo de adoradores. Por favor
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
La Virgen María tiene siglos de estar apareciéndose a los cristianos. Aún antes comuníquense con Rudy y Dorothy Gramlich al 452-7595 o con
John y Joyce Becker al 783-8569 si están interesados.
de que fuese asunta al cielo, ella ya se le había aparecido al apóstol Santiago
Necesitamos adoradores para el
en Zaragoza, España. Según una antigua leyenda, Santiago llegó a tierra
Martes 3:00 am, Viernes 10:00 am y 3:00 pm
española en el año 40 para predicar el Evangelio. Tuvo poco éxito y
y Sábado 1:00 am.
desanimado pensaba sacudirse de los pies el polvo de aquella tierra y buscar
La Capilla está ubicada en el lado Oeste de la
convertir otras gentes. Mientras estaba en oración, María, la madre de Jesús, se
Oficina Parroquial de San Bonifacio.
le apareció con palabras de consuelo, ánimo y un pequeño obsequio. Le dio una
imagen de ella misma sobre un pilar y con el Niño Jesús en brazos.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
En esa tierra ella pidió la construcción de un
Si tu, o alguien que tu conoces, estás interesado/a en saber más
templo donde ella misma sería altar para la gloria
acerca de este proceso, por favor contacta a Surennah Werley at
de Dios. Santiago mismo construyó la primera
479-783-7497 ([email protected]) o Peggy Brandebura
iglesia donde hoy se encuentra una gran basílica
al 479-785-7973 ([email protected]).
en honor de Nuestra Señora del Pilar. En el siglo
Nos reunimos cada Martes a las 7:00 P.M. en el Salón Santa
XVIII, el Papa Clemente XII declaró el 12 de
Anna ¡Las sesiones son en Español!
octubre como su fiesta en memoria de la llegada
Adultos Católicos en busca del
de los europeos al continente americano. De
Sacramento de Confirmación
María vienen los principios del Día de la Raza.
Si eres un adulto Católico (mayor de 18
años) y nunca has recibido el Sacramento
de Confirmación y te gustaría confirmarte,
Programa de Contribuciones Automáticas
por favor llama a Surennah Werley al 479
Por medio de este programa te ofrecemos una manera más de
contribuir al trabajo de Dios en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada
Nos reunimos todos los Martes a las
Concepción aún cuando estés de vacaciones, en caso de
7:00 P.M. en el Salón Santa Anna
enfermedad o que por alguna causa no puedas asistir a Misa. Para
¡Las clases son en Español!
más información comunícate a la Oficina Parroquial.
Fuerza Transformadora: Retiro para Mujeres
Este 31 de Octubre, Fuerza Transformadora
invita a todas las mujeres mayores de 18
años a un mini retiro en el Salón Santa
Anna. Para mayores informes, por favor
contacta a Yaneli Mota (479)739-6329.
¡El retiro es gratuito!
¿Qué está en la portada?
Concierto de Michael James Mette Concert!
Patrocinado por el Comité de Vida Espiritual
Después de su servicio en la Fuerza Aérea, Michael completó su Carrera
en Teología y trabajó 10 años en el ministerio parroquial. Durante este
tiempo, Michael sintió el llamado de enfocarse en la belleza compartiendo
el Evangelio a través de la música. Su álbum, “Llevar la luz hacia
Altar de Muertos
adelante” (Bring forth the light) del 2012, refleja una vista más madura de la
El Ministerio Hispano está pidiendo a todos los feligreses que traigan fe Católica, con temas musicales que exploran el amor humano, la vida y el
una fotografía de un ser querido para colocarlo en el Altar de
después de la vida. Su música es inquietante y espiritual, llena de guitarras
Muertos para la Celebración del Día de Muertos. Por favor, escriban exuberantes, piano y voces inolvidables. La música de Michael provee el
su información de contacto al reverse de la foto para poder
telón de fondo para el encuentro con lo divino.
entregárselas cuando quitemos el altar. Pueden dejar sus fotografías ¿Sabías que?
en las cajas ubicadas en la Oficina
¿Sabías que en la Inmaculada Concepción tenemos
Parroquial y en la Sacristía. El altar
un sitio web completamente en Español?
estará puesto del 30 de Octubre al 24
de Noviembre.
Para más información, contacta a
Mariella Araujo o a Ana García en la
Por años, varias mujeres han propuesto que encontremos una manera de
Oficina Parroquial.
reunirnos semanalmente en las tardes para compartir nuestros talentos,
Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios
recetas, culturas, idiomas y corazones. Tenemos al maravilloso grupo de
Como católicos estamos invitados a “venir a la fiesta” en momentos las Damas Auxiliadoras que se reúnen los Miércoles en las mañanas y por
significantes de nuestra vida. Los bautismos, las primeras
ende, muchas no podemos asistir. Así que hemos creado un grupo similar
comuniones, los matrimonios, las ordenaciones y las exequias
que se reúne los Lunes de 6:00 a 8:00 pm en el Salón Santa Anna. Si
normalmente se celebran dentro de la celebración de la Eucaristía.
estás interesada en tejer, hacer joyería, hacer Rosarios,
La ropa que nos ponemos —desde la vestidura bautismal hasta el
bordar y en compartir tu cultura, ¡ven y únete a nosotros!
sudario, desde el sofisticado atuendo de bodas hasta las sencillas
Ven cuando puedas y por el tiempo que puedas.
albas blancas— refleja nuestro compromiso bautismal de ser fieles a Los fondos que recaudamos los utilizamos para alimentar
Cristo hasta que lleguemos al banquete celestial que nuestras
familias necesitadas de la parroquia, especialmente en
celebraciones eucarísticas anticipan. Todos están invitados al
Acción de Gracias y Navidad.
banquete. Todos están invitados a revestirse de Cristo. No todos
¡Ayúdanos a Alimentar al Hambriento!
responden a la invitación.
A menudo se ha hecho la pregunta de lo qué pasaría si una mañana Estamos pidiendo a nuestras familias de IC que
traigan alimentos no-perecederos cada
de domingo, mientras oramos como siempre lo hacemos para que
Domingo y que los pongan en los contenedores
Cristo vuelva de nuevo, él se presentara ante nosotros. ¿Iríamos a
que se encuentran en las puertas de la iglesia.
su fiesta? ¿O acaso preferiríamos nuestra pequeña reunión privada
alimentos se irán a la Clearing House
en vez de la enorme multitud de personas que en realidad no
de Fort Smith.
queremos conocer? ¿Nos encontraría con la vestidura de la fidelidad
que se nos dio en el Bautismo? ¿Dónde estaríamos en “ese día”?
Esta semana queremos reconocer a Alice Traynor,
Nuevo Grupo de Jóvenes para 7mo y 8vo Grado
Maggie Mellot, Pamela Rosales and Sandy Nunez por
en 4:12@IC!
ayudar a los jóvenes que están en RICA este año.
Nos reuniremos los Domingos de 3:30 a 4:30 pm en
¡Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen por nuestra
Salón de Alabanza del Centro Juvenil 4:12@IC.
Las fechas son:
Octubre 26
¡La campaña anual de CASA está aquí!
Noviembre 9 y 23
Por favor considera convertirte en un colaborador mensual
Diciembre 7
de CASA. Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia justo aquí en
casa. Entrega tu Ofrenda/Promesa a CASA en los sobres
Directorio Fotográfico
proporcionados o visítenos en nuestro sito oficial de la Red
¡Las fotografías ya están listas! Si te tomaste las
fotos y pediste que te las enviaran aquí a la
La meta de nuestra parroquia es de $60,814
iglesia, por favor pasa a recogerlas en horas de
Para más información, por favor llama a Ana
A LOS NIÑOS Y JOVENES. Si estás enterado de algún abuso o has sido
García al 479-785-7982
abusado por clérigos, voluntarios o funcionarios de la Iglesia, por favor
Vivamos la Palabra de Dios
contacte al Vicario General de la Diócesis de Little Rock al: (501) 664En el curso de las semanas anteriores las Escrituras nos han
0340, Ext. 361, y a la Línea de Ayuda del Estado de Arkansas para
brindado un festín de imágenes de la abundante misericordia de
crímenes contra niños al 1800-482-5964. Para asistencia pastoral, por
Dios. La imagen del banquete celestial de hoy completa la
favor contacta a la Coordinadora de Asistencia para Víctimas de la
descripción de la generosidad de Dios y vuelve nuestra atención
Diócesis de Little Rock con los Dres. George y Sherry Simon al 501)766hacia nuestra respuesta a la generosa invitación de Dios.
6001 Oficinas Diocesanas 2500 North Tyler St. Little Rock, Ar 72207.
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