Título / Autor Clasificacion 500 Internet hints, tips, and techniques : the easy, all in one guide to those inside secrets for bl TK5105.875 I57 O5.37 Advanced courses of mathematical analysis I [ressource électronique] : proceedings of the first int QA300 A3.92 Advances in analysis : proceedings of the 4th International ISAAC Congress, York University, Toronto QA299.6 A3.92 Affordable exhibition design / Francesc Zamora Mola. T396.5 M6.42 Analytical mechanics / Grant R. Fowles QA807 F6.5 1977 Antenna theory : analysis and design / Constantine A. Balanis. TK7871.6 B3.53 2005 Aplicación básica del control estadístico a la calidad empresarial TS156 A6.5 Applications of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms / editors, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Gary B. QA402.5 A6.64 Applied electromagnetics and electromagnetic compatibility / Dipak L. Sengupta, Valdis V. Liepa. QC670 S4.63 Apuntes gráficos de resistencia de materiales / M. Ignacio Guerra. TA405 G8.37 Atomic and nuclear analytical methods : XRF, Mössbauer, XPS, NAA and ion-beam spectroscopic techniq QC454 A8 V4.75 Auto legends : classics of style and design / photography by Michel Zumbrunn ; text by Robert CumberTL15 Z8.52 Bases para la instalación y desarrollo de aseguramiento de calidad TS156 B3.73 Beer : tap into the art and science of brewing / by Charles Bamforth. TP577 B3.54 2002 Beyond beta : other continuous families of distributions with bounded support and applications / SamQA273.6 K6.72 Biomechanical engineering of textiles and clothing / edited by Y. Li and X-Q. Dai. TS1767 B5.65 Bombas de calor y energías renovables en edificios / autores Rey Martínez, F. J., Velasco Gómez, TJ262 R5.7 Borehole climatology : a new method on how to reconstruct climate / Louise Bodri and Vladimir Cermak QC884 B6.73 Broadband applications and the digital home / edited by John Turnbull and Simon Garrett. TK5103.4 B7.62 Building for air travel : architecture and design for commercial aviation / edited by John Zukowsky TL725.3 P5 B8.5 Business data communications and networking / Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis. TK5105 F5.77 2005 Cálculo : conceptos y contextos / James Stewart. QA303 S8.8348 Calculo aplicado : a administracion, economia, contaduria y ciencias sociales / Lawrence D. Hoffmann QA303 H6.38 1995 Cálculo aplicado : para administración, economía y ciencias sociales / Laurence D. Hoffmann, Gera QA303 H6.38 2006 Cálculo con geometría analítica / Earl W. Swokowski. QA303 S9.48 1989 Cálculo una variable / George B. Thomas jr. QA303 T4.28 2006 Cálculo y geometría analítica / George F. Simmons. QA303 S5.658 2002 Catalysis and electrocatalysis at nanoparticle surfaces / edited by Andrzej Wieckowski, Elena R. Sav QD505 C3.664 Ceramic processing / Mohamed N. Rahaman. TP807 R3.32 Ciencia e ingeniería de los materiales / Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phulé. TA403 A8.58 2004 Ciencia e ingeniería de materiales / William F. Smith, con la colaboracón de Javad Hashemi. TA403 S5.578 2004 Colección CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG Circuitos multietapa de transistores / Richard D. Thornton [et al.] TK7871.85 P8 $$ev.5 Citroën DS / Malcolm Bobbitt. TL215 C56 B6.3 Classical electrodynamics / John David Jackson QC631 J3 1998 Complementos de matemáticas Recurso electrónico Antonio Hervás Jorge, Rafael J. Villanueva Micó, QA3 H3.7 Composite repair : theory and design / Cong N. Duong and Chun Hui Wang. TA418.9 C6 D8.65 Compresion mecanica de vapor : tecnica innovadora para el ahorro de energía. TJ985 M5.53 Computer network time synchronization : the Network Time Protocol / David L. Mills. TK5105.5 M5.55 Computer networking : a top-down approach / James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross. TK5105.87 I57 K8.76 2010 Computer networking : a top-down approach / James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross. TK5105.875 I57 K8.76 2010 Computer networking illuminated / Diane Barrett, Todd King. TK5105.5 B3.65 Computer networks : a systems approach / Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie. TK5105.5 P4.73 2003 Computer networks and internets / Douglas E. Comer. TK5105.5 C6.43 2009 Concurrency : state models & Java programs / Jeff Magee & Jeff Kramer. QA76.642 M3.4 Constraint processing / Rina Dechter ; with contributions by David Cohen ... [et. al.]. QA76.612 D4.33 Control of uncertain systems--modelling, approximation, and design : a workshop on the occasion of KQA402.3 C6.6 Control reconfiguration of dynamical systems : linear approaches and structural tests / Thomas Steff TJ213 S7.44 Cultura de calidad TS156 C8.5 Database principles : fundamentals of design, implementation, and management / Carlos Coronel, Steve QA76.9 D32 C6.76 2013 Database systems : the complete book / Hector Garcia Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullmen, Jennifer Widom. QA76.9 B3 G3.645 2009 De las bacterias al clima : un enfoque ecológico / Martha Signoret Poillon compiladora; Alfonso Esq QR100 D4.5 De las bacterias al clima : un enfoque ecológico / Martha Signoret Poillon compiladora; Alfonso Esq QR100 D4.5 Design and manufacture of textile composites / edited by A.C. Long. TS1445 D4.74 Designed for use : usable interfaces for applications and the web / Lukas Mathis. QA76.9 U83 M3.73 Designing Cisco network service architectures (ARCH) : foundation learning guide / John Tiso. TK5105.52 H6.7 2012 Designing for product sound quality / TS171.4 L9.67 Digital computation and numerical methods / [by] Raymond W. Southworth [and] Samuel L. Deleeuw TA345 S6 Digital electronics with VHDL, Quartus II version / William Kleitz. TK7868 D5 K5.555 Diseno de ingenieria mecanica / Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles R. Mischke TJ230 S5.8 1990 Diseno de maquinaria / Robert L. Norton TJ230 N6.38 2000 Ecosystem engineers : plants to protists / [editors] Kim Cuddington .... [et al.]. QH541 E2.56 El agua y la Ciudad de México : de Tenochtitlán a la megalópolis del siglo XXI / Jorge Legorreta. TD228 A1 L4.4 El desarrollo de habilidades para la resolucion de problemas en la ingenieria quimica TP168 D4.7 CG CG CG D CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG UAM CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG El sistema nervioso autónomo : un enfoque integral y dialéctico para el estudiante universitario / QP368 S5.67 Electrical properties of polymers / Tony Blythe, David Bloor. QD381.9 E38 B5.98 2005 Electricidad y magnetismo / Raymond A. Serway QC23 S4.78 1999 Electronica de potencia : circuitos, dispositivos y aplicaciones / Muhammad H. Rashid TK7881.15 R3.718 1993 Elementary wave optics / Robert H. Webb. QC403 W4.22 Elementos para el taller / Andres Ruíz Mijares. TJ1160 R8 1993 Embedded Linux primer : a practical, real-world approach / Christopher Hallinan. QA76.76 S57 H3.7265 2011 Emilio Rosenblueth : escritos selectos Q143 R66 E4.34 Energía solar fotovoltaica / Javier María Méndez Muñiz, Rafael Cuervo García, ECA Instituto de TK2960 M4.52 Essentials of physics / John D. Cutnell, Kenneth W. Johnson. QC21.3 C8.75 Estadística descriptiva con Microsoft Excel 2010 / Ursicino Carrascal Arraz. QA276.4 C3.76 Evaluación ambiental estratégica analítica : hacia una toma de decisiones sostenible / editores d TD194.6 E9.248 Exactly solvable models of biological invasion / Sergei V. Petrovskii and Bai-Lian Li. QH353 P4.77 Fisica / Robert Resnick, David Halliday, Kenneth S. Krane. QC21 R4.28 Fisica universitaria / Francis W. Sears [et al.] ; contribución de los autores A. Lewis Ford. QC21.2 S4.38 2004 v.1 Formación del conocimiento estratégico en una actividad de aprendizaje complejo : el diagnóstioc QH315 F6.75 Foundations of computational mathematics / edited by Ronald A. DeVore, Arieh Iserles, Endre Süli. QA297 F6.86 Foundations of photonic crystal fibres / Frédéric Zolla ... [et al.]. QC448 F6.8 Foundations of stress waves [Texte imprimé] / Wang Li-li (Li-Lih Wang) ; English translators [from QC191 W3.53 Fourier series / by Rajendra Bhatia. QA404 B4.7 FPGA 2008 [electronic resource] : Sixteenth ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable TK7895 G36 F6.42 From Paracelsus to Newton : magic and the making of modern science : The Eddington memorial lectures Q125 W4.36 Fundamentals of WiMAX : understanding broadband wireless networking / Jeffrey G. Andrews, Arunabha TK5103.2 G A5.454 Fundamentos de la ciencia e ingeniería de materiales / William F. Smith. TA403 S5.9848 2006 Fundamentos de mecanismos y maquinas para ingenieros / Roque Calero Perez, Jose Antonio Carta Gonzal TJ175 C3.43 Gear geometry and applied theory / Faydor L. Litvin, Alfonso Fuentes. TJ184 L5.85 2004 Geología aplicada a la ingeniería civil / Juan Manuel López Marinas. TA705 L6.65 2006 Geometric and algebraic topological methods in quantum mechanics / Givanni Giachette & Luigi Mangiar QC174.12 G5.22 Geometry and topology / Miles Reid, Balázs Szendrîoi. QA611.17 R4.53 Geotechnical risk in rock tunnels : selected papers from a course on Geotechnical Risk in Rock Tunne TA815 G4.67 Glossary of the petroleum industry : English-Spanish & Spanish-English. TN7865 G5.67 1996 Grasping reality : an interpretation-realistic epistemology / Hans Lenk. Q175.32 K4.5 L4.544 CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG UAM CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG C CG Guía de campo de autocad 2004 / Fernando Gómez Agudo. T385 G6.63 How to plan, contract, and build your own home / Richard M. Scutella, Dave Heberle ; illustrations b TH4815 S3.87 2005 ICFP '08 : proceedings of the 2008 SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming : VictQA76.62 A2.57 Imágenes y enseñanza de la física : una visión cognitiva [Archivo de ordenador] / Maria Rita Ote QC30 O8.36 In the tracks of the last steam trains / Cyril le Tourneur d'Ison. TJ603 T6.86 Industrial electronics / James A. Rehg, Glenn J. Sartori. TK7881 R4.55 Industrial engineering handbook / H.B. Maynard, editor-in-chief T56 l5 1963 Industrial engineering handbook / H.B. Maynard, editor-in-chief T56 l5 1971 Ingenieria ambiental fundamentos, entornos tecnologias y sistemas de gestion / Gerard Kiely TD146 K5.48 Instabilities, chaos and turbulence : an introduction to nonlinear dynamics and complex systems / Pa Q172.5 C4.5 M3.565 Internetworking with TCP/IP. / Douglas E. Comer. TK5105.585 C6.44 2006 Introduccion a la mecanica de fluidos / Robert W. Fox, Alan T. McDonald TA357 F6.98 1995 Introduccion a la quimica / Leo J. Malone QD31.2 M3.468 1999 Introducción al análisis gráfico de datos experimentales / Berta Oda Noda. QA276.3 O3.26 2005 Introduction to precise numerical methods / Oliver Aberth. QA76.9 M3.5 A2.465 2007 Introduction to the semantic web and semantic web services / Liyang Yu. TK5105.88815 Y8.5 Investigacion de operaciones : un enfoque fundamental / [por] James E. Shamblin [y] G.T. Stevens, Jr T57.6 S5.18 ISMM '07 [electronic resource] : proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Memory Managemen QA76.9 M4.55 ISMM'11 [Texte imprimé] : proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Memory Management, QA76.9 San M45 M4.4 Iterative algorithms for multilayer optimizing control / Mietek A. Brdys; Piotr Tatjewski. TS156.8 B7.5 Java Web development illuminated / Kai Qian [et al.]. QA76.73 J3.8 J3.785 Kurilpa Bridge / Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper ; editor, Debbie Bal. TG405 B4.24 La administración en la construcción de una casa-habitación : curso de actualización. TH438 A3.55b Lean combustion : technology and control / edited by Derek Dunn-Rankin. QD516 L4 Linear algebra : an introduction / Richard Bronson, Gabriel B. Costa. QA184.2 B7.66 2007 Liquid sloshing dynamics : theory and applications / Raouf A. Ibrahim. TA357.5 S57 I2.72 Managing engineering and technology : an introduction to management for engineers / Lucy C. Morse,TA190 D M6.76 2007 Manual de diseño de circuitos analógicos con amplificadores operacionales / José Maria Ferrero Co TK7874 F4.76 Manual de practicas de laboratorio : circuitos eléctricos III / Horacio Cristián Buitrón Sánchez TK454 B8.5 Manual de prácticas de laboratorio de geotecnia / Rene Domínguez Peña [et al.]. TA710.5 M2.56 Marine biology / Peter Castro, Michael E. Huber. QH91 C3.75 Marketing del diseño / Eduardo Viggiano. TS171 V5.43 CG CG CG CG CG CG C C CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG UAM CG CG CG CG CG UAM CG CG CG Matemáticas avanzadas para ingeniería / Erwin Kreyszig. TA330 K7.18 2000 Materiales plásticos, propiedades y aplicaciones / Irvin I. Rubin, ed. TP1130 H3.758 Mathematical modeling / Mark M. Meerschaert. QA401 M4.46 2007 Mecánica de fluidos / Merle C. Potter David C. Wiggert. TA357 P6.88 Mecánica de los fluidos / Victor L. Streeter. QA901 S8.68 Mecanica para ingenieros / R.C. Hibbeler TA350 H5.18 Métodos numéricos para ingenieros / Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale ; [traducción: Javier Enr TA345 Ch3.78 2007 MM & SEC'08 : proceedings of the Multimedia & Security Workshop 2008, Oxford, United Kingdom, Septem QA76.575 M8.58 Models of itinerant ordering in crystals : an introduction / by Jerzy Mizia and Grzegorz Górski. QD911 M5.94 Modern graphics communication / Frederick E. Giesecke ... [et al.]. --. T353 M6.44 2004 Modular mansions / Sheri Koones. TH1098 K6.8 Modular representation theory of finite groups : proceedings of a symposium held at the University o QA177 M6.38 MOST work measurement systems / Kjell B. Zandin. T60.2 Z3.62 2003 Multiparametric statistics / by Vadim I. Serdobolskii. QA278 S4.72 New millennium fibers / Tatsuya, Hongåu, Glyn O. Phillips and Machiko Takigami. TS1540 H6.86 NFPA pocket guide to fire alarm system installation / Merton W. Bunker, Jr., Richard J. Roux. TH9271 B8.54 2007 NFPA's illustrated dictionary of fire service terms / NFPA. TH9116 N4.7 Nonlinear dynamics of piecewise constant systems and implementation of piecewise constant arguments QA427 D3.5 Nonlinear dynamics of rotating shallow water : methods and advances / edited by V. Zeitlin. QA911 N6.5 Nonlinear ordinary differential equations : problems and solutions : a sourcebook for scientists and QA372 J6.73 Nuclear energy in the 21st century / Ian Hore-Lacy. TK1078 H6.7 Object-oriented and classical software engineering / Stephen R. Schach. QA76.758 S3.22 2005 Object-oriented design & patterns / Cay Horstmann. QA76.9 O35 H6.85 2006 On the systems formed by points regularly distributed on a plane or in space / M.A. Bravais ; transl QD911 B7.283 Operations management : an integrated approach / R. Dan Reid, Nada R. Sanders. TS155 R4.53 2005 Operations management for MBAs / Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer. TS155 M3.9 2007 Operations research : an introduction / Hamdy A. Taha T57.6 T3 1997 Parallel computational fluid dynamics : multidisciplinary applications : proceedings of the Parallel QA911 P3.72 2004 Particle accelerator physics I : basic principles and linear beam dynamics / Helmut Wiedemann. QC793.3 B4 W5.43 1999 Perry manual del ingeniero quimico / Robert H. Perry, Don W. Green, Jmaes O. Maloney TP151 Ch4.28 1996 PHP 4 : a través de ejemplos / Abraham Gutiérrez Rodríguez. QA76.73 P2.24 G8.85 Piscinas y spas : las últimas tendencias que marcan estilos / Alan E. Sanderfoot ; prólogo Jennife TH4763 S2.68 CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG C C CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG C CG CG Porches and sunrooms : planning and remodeling ideas / Roger German. TH3000 S85 G4.55 Prácticas de fundamentos para ADE en MATLAB 7 Recurso electrónico Macarena Boix García, Begoña Q C A303.5 D37 C3.57 Primer on flat rolling / by John G. Lenard. TS340 L4.556 Principios de circuitos eléctricos / Thomas L. Floyd ; traducción Rodolfo Navarro Salas. TK454 F5.868 2007 Principles and practice of automatic process control / Carlos A. Smith, Armando B. Corripio. TP155.75 S6.56 1997 Principles of computer networks and communications / M. Barry Dumas, Morris Schwartz. TK5105.5 D8.556 Proceedings of the 2008 CGO : the sixth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization QA76.76 G4.53 Procesos de manufactura / John Schey A. TS183 S3.378 2002 Process modelling and simulation with finite element methods / William B.J. Zimmerman. TS183 Z5.53 Product and furniture design / Rob Thompson, with the participation of Young-Yun Kim. TS183 T4.65 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015 : sector 1 Agroalimentario TP371.2 P7.65 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015 : sector 10 Materiales. TA403.6 P7.6 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015 : sector 3 Medio ambiente / TD194.68 M4 P7.65 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015 : sector 8 Diseño y Automatización. TA174 P7.67 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015 sector 2 Energía TJ163.25 M6 P7.674 Prospectiva tecnológica industrial de México 2002-2015. TP145 P7.67 Prototyping and low-volume production / Rob Thompson. TS1171.8 T4.65 Python programming in context / Bradley N. Miller, David L. Ranum. QA76.73 P9.8 M5.536 Quantum information and complexity : proceedings of the Meijo Winter School 2003 : Meijo University, QA76.889 I5.73 Quantum mechanics in nonlinear systems / Pang Xiao-Feng, Feng Yuan-Ping. QC20.7 N6 P3.53 Química analítica / Duglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West. QD75.2 S5.68 1989 Quimica analitica moderna / David Harvey QD75.2 H3.748 Química física / Gordon W. Barrow. QD453 B4.28 1972 Química inorgánica / Catherine E. Housecroft, Alan G. Sharpe ; Traducción Pilar Gil Ruiz ; Revisi QD151.3 H6.878 2006 Radiation detection and measurement / Glenn F. Knoll. QC787 C6 K5.6 2010 Radio e información : elementos para el análisis de los mensajes radiofónicos / Rodrigo Fidel Rod TK6561 R6.37 Rational points on curves over finite fields : theory and applications / Harald Niederreiter, Chaopi QA565 N5.43 Représentations l-modulaires d'un groupe réductif p-adique avec l [différent de] p / Marie-France QA174.2 V5.46 Rocas ornamentales : identificación, usos, geología, asociaciones históricas / Monica T. Price. TN950 P7.528 SBCCI2008 [electronic resource] : 21st Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design : Gramado TK7874 S9 2008 Security strategies in linux platforms and applications / Michael Jang. QA76.76 S5.7 J3.485 Sistemas de mantenimiento : planeacion y control / Salih O. Duffaa, A. Raouf, John Dixon Campell. TS192 D7.468 CG D CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG Stochastic approximation / M. T. Wasan. QA273 W3.8 Study guide for regression analysis. QA278.2 F7.44 Superconductivity / Charles P. Poole, Jr., Horacio A. Farach, Richard J. Creswick. QC611.92 P6.6 Symposiums on seismic and shock loading glued laminated and other constructions / American societyTH5 f A4.37 1956 System engineering management / Benjamin S. Blanchard. TA168 B5.35 2004 Systems, controls, embedded systems, energy, and machines / edited by Richard C. Dorf. TK1001 S8.74 2006 Tecnicas discretas en ingenieria de sistemas : transformada geometrica ordinaria / Francisco J. Jauf TA168 J3.9 Tecnologia del concreto / Adam M. Neville TA439 N4.88 Teoria de maquinas y mecanismos / Joseph Edward Shigley, John Joseph Uicker TJ145 S4.48 Teoria elemental de estructuras / Yuan-Yu Hsieh TA645 H8.18 Teoria y problemas de geometria diferencial / Martin M Lipschutz QA641 L5.18 Termodinamica / Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles TJ265 C4.58 1996 Termodinámica irreversibles extendida / Leopoldo García-Colín S. QC174 G3.728 The complete Pro Tools handbook : Pro Tools/HD, Pro Tools/24 mix, Pro Tools LE for home, project, anTK7881.4 V3.54 The congruences of a finite lattice [Texte imprimé] : a proof-by-picture approach / George Grätzer QA171.5 G7.27 The craft of research / Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. Q180.55 M4 B6.7 2003 The deformation and processing of structural materials electronic resource / edited by Z. Xiao Guo. TA417.6 D4.26 The illustrated dictionary of electronics / Rfus P. Turner, Stan Gibilisco TK7804 T8.7 1991 The robot builder's cookbook / Owen Bishop. TJ211 B5.73 The winemakers' essential phrasebook / James March ... [et al.]. TP546 W5.7 Theory of elasticity / Horst Leipholz QA931 L4 Thin film micro-optics : new frontiers of spatio-temporal beam shaping / Ruediger Grunwald. QC176.83 G7.85 Travelling waves and periodic oscillations in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices / Alexander Pankov. QC176.8 L3 P3.55 Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions / Ramona Vogt. QC794.8 H4 V6.47 VEE '07 : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments : San QA76.9 V5 V4.32 2007 VEE '08 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments : Sea QA76.9 V5 V4.3 2008 Viento y arquitectura : el viento como factor de diseño arquitectónico / José Roberto García Ch TA654.5 G3.72 Visual Basic.NET : the programming language / Richard Schlesinger. QA76.73 B3 S3.44 WiSec'08 : proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security : Alexandria, VirginTK5103.2 A3.954 CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG C CG C CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG CG
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