OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE OFICINA Catholic Community 11534 Gateway Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 Tel: 310-479-5111 Fax: 310-479-2513 Administrator: Rev. Joseph Q. Nguyen In Residence: Parish Secretary: Director of Stewardship: Dir. of Religious Ed.: Business Manager: Rev. Frederick Byaruhanga Melissa Flores Richard Powers Paola Torres Letty Viesca Ramos Parish E-mail: [email protected] Monday—Wednesday: 8:30am – 6pm (Closed 12:30-1:30) Thursday: 8:30am to 4:00pm (Closed 12:30-1:30) Friday: 8:30am to 12:30pm Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00pm (Closed 12:30-1:30) Sunday: 8:00am to 2:00pm MASSES/MISAS Saturday/Sábado 5:30 PM—Contemporary Choir Sunday/Domingo 8:00 AM — Cantor & Choir 10:00 AM—Family Mass 12:00 PM—Coro en español Weekdays/Semana 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES Saturdays at 4:30 PM / Sábados a las 4:30 PM A prayer for Families Oración para Familias God of all times and places, we ask you to hear our prayer and attend those who pray and hear it: For families who struggle to speak to one another in love For families who delight in being together Dios todopoderoso y eterno, pedimos que escuches nuestra oración y atiendas a las necesidades de tu pueblo: Pedimos por las familias que luchan para hablarse con amor Pedimos por las familias que gozan al estar juntos For families who find it hard to spend any time together Pedimos por las familias que les es difícil estar juntos For families who want to live with less in order that others might have more Pedimos por las familias que viven con menos para que otros tengan más For families who do not have enough to dress warmly or to go to bed without hunger Pedimos por las familias que no tienen lo suficiente para poder abrigarse o evitar acostarse con hambre For families who read your Word together Pedimos por las familias que leen tu Palabra For families who do not know you Pedimos por las familias que no te conocen For our family Pedimos por nuestra familia For the families in our parish Pedimos por las familias en nuestra parroquia For the families around the world Pedimos por todas las familias del mundo We pray that by following the example of the Holy Family we may live in mutual love and respect Que, al seguir el ejemplo de la Sagrada Familia, vivamos juntos en amor y respeto We ask this through Christ our Lord Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor Amen Amén Page Two St. Joan of Arc Parish December 28, 2014 welcome! Special Holiday Office Hours ♦ December 25-28: CLOSED ♦ December 29 & 30: Regular Office Hours ♦ December 31: Open 8:30am to 12:30pm ♦ January 1-4: CLOSED to St. Joan of Arc PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE CHANGES Parish Support (Collections) Envelopes Loose Total November 1 $ 423.00 $ 169.00 $ 592.00 November 2 8,137.00 1,265.00 9,402.00 November 9 7,764.00 986.00 8,750.00 November 16 6,196.00 964.00 7,160.00 November 23 6,031.00 1,105.00 7,136.00 November 30 6,107.00 1,215.00 7,322.00 $34,658.00 $5,704.00 $40,362.00 Total Our collection income for November reflects a 4.0% decrease compared to November 2013 which was $41,976.00 TOGETHER IN MISSION UPDATE Have you registered as a member? Being a registered member of St. Joan of Arc Parish gives you an official spiritual home. When you register, you become part of our parish family, and SJA becomes your home community for worship and celebration of the sacraments within the Body of Christ. Registering also allows us to get a better picture of who belongs to our Parish, allowing us to better serve our members. If you have recently moved into our area and have not registered yet, or if you’ve been coming here for years but still haven’t registered as a member, please stop by our Welcome Table located at the main doors of the church and pick up a form. Or you may go to the Parish Office during regular business hours and fill out the short form. If you don’t know whether or not you are registered, give us a call and we’ll look in our records. Rest assured, we keep all of your information confidential. As of December 12, 2014 Parish Goal: $44,317.30 Pledged: $40,547.40 Received: $40,077.40 Needed to make goal: $ 4,239.90 THANK YOU to everyone who made a donation to Together in Mission this past year. Your generosity has made it possible for us to help the poorest parishes and parish schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. May God reward you for your kindness. Next weekend we Celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany Epiphany means manifestation. On this day, Jesus manifested himself to the whole world—to every culture and tradition—as the Christ. And so, we invite you and your family to dress or wear something that represents your ethnic heritage when you come to Mass next weekend. And plan to stay a bit later to enjoy coffee & donuts after Mass hosted by Citizens of the World Charter. Early Childhood Catechesis is for children between the ages of 3 and 6 Through story, song, prayer and other activities, children learn about the key points of that Sunday’s Gospel on a level that is both fun and captivating for them. Classes are on Sundays during the 10:00am Mass in the Preschool Stop by the office to pick up your 2015 Calendar! Donations for these calendars are very much appreciated. Thanks! Pagina Tres Parroquia de Sta. Juana de Arco 28 de diciembre de 2014 Bienvenidos! Horario de Oficina para los Días de Fiesta 28 de diciembre: CERRADO 29 y 30 de diciembre: Horario Regular 31 de diciembre: Abierto de 8:30am a 12:30pm 1 a 4 de enero: CERRADO FAVOR DE ANOTAR LOS CAMBIOS Manutención (Colectas) Sobres Suelto Total Noviembre 1 $ 423.00 $ 169.00 $ 592.00 Noviembre 2 8,137.00 1,265.00 9,402.00 Noviembre 9 7,764.00 986.00 8,750.00 Noviembre 16 6,196.00 964.00 7,160.00 Noviembre 23 6,031.00 1,105.00 7,136.00 Noviembre 30 6,107.00 1,215.00 7,322.00 $34,658.00 $5,704.00 $40,362.00 Total Nuestros ingresos de las colectas en noviembre reflejan una baja del 4.0% comparado con el 2013, que fue $41,976.00 Resumen de Unidos en Misión A partir del 12 de diciembre, 2014 Meta Parroquial: $44,317.30 Prometido: $40,547.40 Recibido: $40,077.40 Falta: $ 4,239.90 GRACIAS a todos los que hicieron una donación a Unidos en Misión este año pasado. Su generosidad ha hecho posible ayudar a las parroquias y las escuelas parroquiales más pobres de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Que Dios les recompense por su bondad. Los empleados de la Oficina Parroquial desean darles las “GRACIAS” a todos ustedes—nuestros maravillosos feligreses por su apoyo y amabilidad durante todo el año. Gracias en especial a los que se acordaron de nosotros durante la Navidad y a través del año al darnos tarjetas. Que Dios los bendiga con salud y felicidad en el Año Nuevo. ¿Se ha registrado como miembro? Ser un miembro registrado de Sta. Juana de Arco le da un hogar espiritual. Al registrarse, se hace parte de nuestra familia parroquial. La Parroquia Sta. Juana de Arco se convierte en su hogar de culto y el lugar de la celebración de los sacramentos del Cuerpo de Cristo. También, cuando se registra nos podemos dar una idea de quién son nuestros miembros, y nos permite servirles mejor. Si se acaba de mudar en el área y no se ha registrado, o si tiene años viniendo aquí pero nunca se registró, tenga la bondad de pasar a la oficina parroquial para completar la forma. Y si no está seguro si ya se registró, márquenos e investigaremos nuestro registro. Y no se preocupe –todo se mantiene confidencial. El Próximo Fin de Semana Celebramos la Epifanía (el Día de los Reyes) Epifanía significa manifestación. En este día, Jesús se manifestó al mundo entero—a toda cultura y tradición—como el Cristo. Así pues, le invitamos a usted y a su familia a vestirse o ponerse alguna prenda típica de su país de origen que representa su patrimonio étnico cuando venga a Misa el próximo domingo. Haga planes para quedarse un poco para disfrutar de la compañía de su familia parroquial. ¿Piensas casarte en Sta. Juana de Arco? Llama a la oficina parroquial al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha en que deseas celebrar el sacramento para hacer cita con el Padre Joseph. TENEMOS CALENDARIOS DEL 2015 Pase por la Oficina Parroquial para recoger uno. Le agradeceremos cualquier donación que pueda hacer. ¡Gracias! Page Four St. Joan of Arc Parish December 28, 2014 “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ” —St. Jerome Do you want to … ♦ Gain a fuller understanding of God’s Word? ♦ Receive a richer appreciation of our faith tradition? ♦ Grow in your relationship with Christ? ♦ Experience a fuller sense of Christian Community? Then we want you! Join us in an informal setting as we make real connections between our faith and our every day lives. The Little Rock Scripture Study is an adult bible study that provides a rich spiritual learning experience through prayer, personal study and reflection. The Study is held on Saturday mornings in the Youth Room at 10:30. The dates for 2015 are: January 17 February 7 and 21 March 7 and 21 April 18 May 2 and 16 For more information leave a message for Sister Kathleen Daly at the Parish Office. Or come to one of the sessions! Let the Word of God influence your busy life! HAVE YOU REMEMBERED YOUR PARISH IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST? For further information, please contact H. Richard Closson, Director, Trust and Estate Programs (213) 637-7472 / [email protected] or visit Our correct legal title is: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole for the benefit of: ST. JOAN OF ARC PARISH The parish office staff would like to say “THANK YOU” to all of you—our wonderful parishioners—for your support and kindness throughout the year. Thanks especially to those who have remembered us with cards and/or gifts at Christmas and through the year. May God bless you with health and happiness in the New Year. The Diaconate Forma on Office will be hos ng an informa onal mee ng for all men who are interested in finding out more about becoming a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members of the Archdiocesan Diaconate Forma on Office will be present to explain the role of the deacon in the Church, to explain the Diaconate Forma on Program, and to answer any ques ons that par cipants might have. Men must be between the ages of 30 and 60 years to enter the forma on program. It is important for men who are married to a end with their wives. The next informa on mee ng will be held on Sunday, January 18, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at St. John Chrysostum Parish in Inglewood. For further informa on, please contact Ms. Claudia A. Or z at (213) 637-7383 Pagina Cinco Parroquia de Sta. Juana de Arco Catequesis de la Comunidad Entera ¿Te gustaría leer la Biblia con otros católicos de tu comunidad? Entonces ... Te invitamos a un Crecimiento Los lunes a las 7:30pm en el Upper Room Trae tu Biblia Católica - si no tienes una, tenemos algunas de venta. Para más información, marca 310 479 5111. Si desea que pidamos por algún ser amado enfermo o fallecido en Misa, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial (310.479.5111) o enviarnos un email a [email protected] antes del viernes. Gracias CCE Reflexión de la Semana El tema para el evangelio de esta semana es “Los Reyes Magos encuentran al Rey nacido” Las preguntas para el evangelio del próximo domingo son: Adultos: ¿Cómo refleja mi vida una búsqueda verdadera y paciente del Señor? ¿Qué sacrificios estoy haciendo en mi búsqueda del Señor? Niños: ¿En dónde puedo buscar a Jesús y encontrarlo? HONRARÁS A TU PADRE Y A TU MADRE Ministerio al Enfermo Sta. Juana de Arco tiene un maravilloso y compasivo equipo de Ministros de Eucaristía al Enfermo y Confinado en Casa. Si conoce a alguien que esté enfermo o no puede ir a Misa pero desea recibir la Santa Comunión, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial y organizaremos una visita de uno de nuestros ministros. Si su pariente o amigo desea recibir el Sacramento de los Enfermos, arreglaremos una visita por un sacerdote. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Durante siglos, en el continente latinoamericano, el respeto a los ancianos ha sido la base social que nutre nuestras culturas. Lamentablemente este respeto empieza a desvanecerse por la invasión de una mentalidad occidental que valora sólo la juventud. A nuestro alrededor hay muchos de nuestros mayores menospreciados y olvidados por su avanzada edad y fragilidad. A su vez, vemos muchos niños vagabundeando y mal formándose por la falta de supervisión adulta. Es necesario que estos ancianos y niños se encuentren y se bendigan mutuamente. San Lucas (2:22-40) recuerda dos bellos momentos en la infancia de Jesucristo: la bendición del anciano Simeón y el encuentro con Ana, la profetisa. Estos dos ancianos piadosos frecuentaban al templo de Jerusalén con la esperanza de ver al Mesías. Me imagino que José y María se sorprendieron mucho cuando se les acercaron estos dos viejitos. Pero la santa pareja no les negó su niñito a los brazos de estos dos ancianos. El niño les alegró la vida y ellos glorificaron a Dios. La bendición que le dieron a Jesús lo acompañó toda su vida. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. 28 de diciembre de 2014 Todos sabemos que uno de los mandamientos de Dios –el cuarto, para más señas– nos ordena “Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre”. Todos sabemos que honrar a nuestros padres (a aquel y a aquella que nos amaron antes de conocernos y que nos siguen amando después de conocernos, lo cual tiene más chiste) es agradable a Dios. Pero lo que quizá no todos sabíamos es qué tan agradable le es a Dios el cumplimiento de este precepto del decálogo, hasta que escuchamos la primera lectura de hoy, en la que se explica la recompensa que le está prometida al que lo cumpla. En beneficio de aquellos que llegaron un poco tarde a Misa o que por la mala acústica de su iglesia no oyeron bien la lectura, hagamos un breve resumen de ella: El que honra a su padre, queda limpio de pecado El que respeta a su madre, acumula tesoros. Quien honra a sus padres, encontrará alegría en sus hijos El que enaltece a sus padres no quedará en el olvido y se tomará a cuenta de nuestros pecados Nada más pero nada menos. Y eso es, Palabra de Dios HA RECORDADO A SU PARROQUIA EN SU TESTAMENTO? Para más información, llame a H. Richard Closson, el Director de Programas de Bienes y Fidecomisos para la Arquidiócesis al (213) 637-7472. O visite el sitio web en Nuestro titulo legal es: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole for the benefit of St. Joan of Arc Church Page Six St. Joan of Arc Parish SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES Scripture Readings for January 4, 2015 Epiphany of the Lord First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Isaiah predicts the grandeur of Jerusalem restored and rebuilt. He sees Israel rising as a shining light to nations and their rulers. Not only will the Israelites return to Jerusalem from exile, but Gentiles will come, bearing gold and frankincense and proclaiming the glory of the Lord. Second Reading: Ephesians 32:3a, 5-6 St. Paul proclaims the Gentiles as coheirs with the Jews, members of the same body and copartners in the promise of Jesus Christ. Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 When Herod heard of the Magi seeking the newborn king of the Jews, he sent for the Magi and asked them to let him know when they found him, so that he too could do him homage. The Magi found Jesus and presented him with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by a different way. Reflection: ∗ Has there ever been a time in your life that you had an epiphany -- where you came from darkness into light? What was the new insight or revelation that came upon you? What in your life changed because of it? December 28, 2014 Whole Community Catechesis The theme for next Sunday’s Gospel is “The Magi found the Newborn King” The reflection questions for the week are: Adults: How does my life reflect a true and pa ent search for the Lord? What sacrifices am I ready to make to pursue this search for the Lord? Kids: Where can I look for Jesus and find him? Mass Intentions for the Week Intenciones de Misas de la Semana Monday, December 29, 2014 8:00 AM – Stephanie Uyeda + Tuesday, December 30, 2014 8:00 AM – Bob & Inez Post + Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:00 AM – Juanita Perez + Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:00 AM – Edna Kelly + Friday, January 2, 2015 8:00 AM – Raymond Westermayer + ∗ Like the Magi, how do you search for Christ? Who are the people and what are the events in your life that have guided you in your search for Christ? Saturday, January 3, 2015 8:00 AM – Jose & Enriquetta Jimenez + 5:30 PM – Bartolo Carrillo + ∗ What are the treasures you bring to the newborn king and what are the treasures you tend to withhold from him? ∗ Serving others can call attention to you or can be an act of homage to God. What makes the difference? What helps you make service a true homage to the Lord? Sunday, January 4, 2015 8:00 AM – SJA Parishioners 10:00 AM – Floyd Lee Brooks + 12:00 PM – Ministerio Salvando las Familias ∗ Isaiah’s images of light gave hope to the Babylonian exiles. In what ways has Christ been a light for you? In what ways is Christ a light to the nations? ∗ Do you believe that God’s revelation is meant for all people? In what ways might you forget this truth and treat some people or groups as outsiders? ∗ How will you love and serve God and one another this week? For example, reach out with an act of kindness to someone from another faith, culture or race. If you would like us to include a loved one in our prayers, please call the parish office (310.479.5111) or send us an email with the name to [email protected] Remember in your prayers all in our parish who are sick, especially: Joey Lopez, Mariana Reyes, Donna Adalin, Adela Carpio, Diana Koslowski, Ligia Silva, Maria Casillas Nuño, Rhey Olmedo, Linda Connor, Elizabeth Ramos, Mary Durkee, Mary Polzer, Harry McDonald, Fr. Tomas Elis, Ted Sorensen, Pat Salamunovich, Ignacio Ramos, Don Renner Please remember in your prayers all who have died especially Jesus Arroyo, Basil & Flory Grancea, and their families as they go through this time of bereavement Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Gates, Kingsley & Gates Moeller Murphy Funeral Directors R&D Plumbing & Rooter, Inc. Proudly serving the Westside Community for 80 years Offering Cremation, Traditional & Celebration of Life Services 1925 Arizona Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 395-9988 Lic. FD-451 Don Antonio’s Restaurant BEST WESTERN ROYAL PALACE INN 12607 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 10% Parishioners Discount Delgado Family (310) 915-1530 * $1,000 Donation to St. Joan of Arc (Paid at the Close of Escrow) Ron Wynn believes in supporting the local community and is honored to be a new supporter for St. Joan of Arc. Call Ron for a Free, No Obligation Market Analysis 310-477-9966 Mexican Food & Seafood 479-9270 • 477-5673 11755 Pico Bl. Lic#C36-765862 Ron Wynn offers full color, website marketing and additional marketing strategies to guarantee maximum exposure and top dollar. s Search active listings & recent solds at 10% Parishioner Discount 2528 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Just South of Pico 3 Diamond AAA Rating Deluxe Rooms & Suites • Heated Pool & Spa Tel. No. (310) 477-9066 913078 St Joan of Arc Church s Special reports for Buyers and Sellers at s 50 most asked legal and tax questions (Q&A) at s Real Estate news and market trends at *Donation offer must be acknowledged at the initial listing agreement. Not honored in conjunction with any other discounts or promotions. RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 This Week at St. Joan’s Monday, December 29: 6:00 PM: Legion of Mary in PK 7:00 PM: AA in PH 7:30 PM: Roach in SJA Tuesday, December 30: 6:30 PM: Grupo de Oración in PK Wednesday, December 31: 12:30 PM: OFFICE CLOSES Thursday, January 1: OFFICE CLOSED Friday, January 2: OFFICE CLOSED Saturday, January 3: OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 AM: Maintenance in PH 4:30 PM: Confessions Sunday, January 4: OFFICE CLOSED 47 Seasoning 48 Teeny 51 Birthmark 54 "Gone With the Wind" actress 57 Grow older 59 First son of Cain 62 Heron 64 Daniel was thrown into the ___s' den 66 Hand lotion brand 68 Polish 69 Hairdo 70 Take by force 71 Sandwich fish 72 Thick soup 73 Dallas denizen 74 Heavenly light DOWN ACROSS 1 Baby powder 5 Christ 10 Book after Gospels 14 Afloat 15 Concerning 16 Harp 17 Look over 18 Saying 19 Computer "button" 20 Types 22 Dardic language 24 Type of partnership 25 Tiny island 27 Musical "slow" 29 Spooky 32 Jewish scripture 35 Neither's partner 38 Picnic pest 39 Shrew 40 We wish you ______! (3 words) 44 Braves 45 Cereal 46 To be 1 Undertaking 2 Computer code for characters 3 Tends 4 Holiday decoration 5 Marmalade 6 Son of Seth 7 Eve's son 8 To that time 9 Flint 10 Boxer Muhammad 11 Stage background curtain 12 Ride a horse 13 Mail 21 Meet 23 Those who are opposed 26 Serving dishes 28 Wrongdoing 30 Business title ending 31 Basic beliefs 33 Seaweed substance 34 Nylons 35 Nothing 36 Bode 37 Smelt (2 wds.) 39 Essential 41 Stand up 42 Put through a hole 43 Cram 49 Downwind 50 Christmas decorations 52 Complete 53 Drink excessively 55 Crack filling 56 Dye 57 Alack's partner 58 Item under the tree 60 Point 61 Zeus' wife 63 Eye liquid 65 Today 67 Licensed practical nurse
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