www.StChristophers-az.org October 2014 Lantern! PARISH HAPPENINGS The Tween Scene In this Issue Parish Happenings 1 Fr. Peter’s Letter 2-7 Words from Senior Warden, Altar Guild 8 Altar Guild 8 Book Shelf 9 Men’s Club, ECW 9 Landscape Ministry, Christopher Singers 10 A Bit of Parish History 11 Birthdays, Anniversaries and Brief Calendar 12 St. Christopher’s Tweens have started their church school year with a very successful Bake Sale on Sunday October 5th. They all send a warm thank you to everyone who baked and everyone who purchased their yummy wares. Because of you the Tweens made $300.10 which more than covers the Christian Concert they’ll be attending in November. They will be using the excess money for outreach projects in the near future. Our Tweens will be assisting the Men’s Club monthly with the making and distributing of the lunch bags, to feed the homeless. They are so eager to make a difference in today’s world. Speaking of outreach, please plan on attending the Tweens sponsored Dessert Potluck on Saturday December 6th at 6:00 PM. Bring a dessert to share. The Tweens will provide coffee, tea, milk and ice cream. Your ticket price is a new unwrapped toy which will go to help make a special Christmas for a homeless child. We’ll share sweet treats together and sing some familiar Christmas songs! Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish Tithing… What is it and Why Does it Matter? Long ago in another church, I had a conversation with a parishioner who was concerned about whether or not she was considered a “member in good standing”. I reviewed the canonical definition with her, but she kept saying “I show up and give my tithe every week, that should be enough.” I was a little slow on the uptake, but finally figured out that she didn’t have a clue what it meant to tithe or how that fit into the big picture. That was also the start of a learning process for me. Few of us walk into a church knowing the difference between a tithe, a pledge, a donation and a plate offering. So, What is a Tithe? One textbook definition tells us that the word “tithe” comes from an Old English word: teogoþa, meaning "tenth". It’s a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government. Today, tithes are normally voluntary and paid monetarily, whereas tithes were historically required and paid “in kind”, such as agricultural products. Traditional Jewish law and practice has included various forms of tithing since ancient times. Orthodox Jews commonly practice ma'aser kesafim (tithing 10% of their income to charity). In modern Israel, Jews continue to follow the laws of agricultural tithing. In Christianity, the emphasis has shifted to the concept of "freewill offerings" as a means of supporting the church. Although, some churches today do insist on a full tithe as the standard of giving for all members. Biblical References to the Tithe: Examples include: Genesis 14:18-20 and Genesis 28:12-22 in the Old Testament; Tobit 1:6-8 in the Apocrypha; and Hebrews 7:1-10, which refers back to Melchizedek of the Old Testament. Generally speaking, the New Testament promotes giving, but does not insist on tithing. 2 Corinthians 9:7 talks about giving cheerfully; 2 Corinthians 8:12 encourages giving what you can afford; 1 Corinthians 16:1–2 discusses giving weekly; 1 Timothy 5:17–18 exhorts supporting the financial needs of Christian workers; Acts 11:29 promotes feeding the hungry wherever they may be; and James 1:27 states that pure religion is to help widows and orphans, which of course requires resources. What Does this Mean for Us? However you look at it, God calls us to give of our own free will to support the work of the church and to help bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth. To that end, I see the traditional 10% tithe as a standard to which we should all aspire. Tithing means giving of the first fruits of our life and labor. In this day and age, that may seem overwhelming! Consider a Leap of Faith, and commit to a true tithe, 10% of gross, right off the bat! For those who have done it, it has been an incredibly positive life changing experience. This is not to be entered into lightly, and must be preceded by considerable prayer and reflection. …and if you have a spouse or significant other – you’ve both got to be on board with it! Let’s Get Real! Few people are in a position to begin tithing from one day to the next, so the key is to make the commitment to wholeheartedly work toward that goal and start moving toward it. Don’t dawdle, don’t delay, start down the path and begin that journey. There are many ways to do that – here are some suggestions: Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish cont. Use the “One-Step Up” Approach that the stewardship committee will present again this year. It will move you in the right direction in manageable increments. It is great to have something that is achievable, although it may be challenging, particularly on fixed incomes. Create Your Own path, and begin by figuring out where you are as a starting point that will consistently move you toward a true tithe. That approach appeals to the engineering side of my mind. I like tangible, measurable goals. First take stock of where you are when you begin. Think of it in terms of several levels of real-life situations in increasing order: Disposable Income – is what you have left after all bills, taxes and living essentials are paid. Realistically, that’s where most people start out in their giving. These are the leftovers over which we have immediate control, our discretionary spending. Are you giving 10% of that? If not, move as quickly as you can to where you are giving 10%. God’s work deserves far more than the leftovers, and getting to that 10% of Disposable Income is a milestone that enables you to move into the next phase. Net Income – is what gets deposited in the bank after the government takes its manifold cuts – for those still working, it is “take home pay”. Start building incrementally toward giving 10% of your net income. You may find that the 10% of Disposable Income that you finally reached only amounts to one or two percent of your net income. Don’t get discouraged! Each step up becomes more meaningful, and now you are placing your gifts to God’s work on at least an equal footing with all the other necessary and essential expenditures of life. Once you’ve raised your level of giving to 10% of net income, you’ve reached another milestone and are ready to move into the big leagues. Gross Income –is the sum of all you receive before taxes – very likely an amount you will never physically see because deductions are made before that income ever hits the bank – but it is real, and it is the basis for a true tithe, as you work toward giving the first fruits of all that you receive. Again, you may find that the percentage of Net Income that you have been giving now amounts to a much smaller percentage of your Gross Income. Same advice – don’t despair, keep increasing it incrementally, and you will eventually reach 10% of Gross Income and a true tithe! It may take years, but it is a journey well worth undertaking – one that will enable you to reap rewards beyond measure. Placing God first is life-changing, reorders your priorities, and brings a real sense of purpose that is too often missing when we place everything else above God and offer only the leftovers. Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish cont. Going Above and Beyond – people who have settled into a true tithe often find that they want to do even more – what seemed impossible at the outset has become the norm, and gratitude to God for all the blessings of this life flourishes. What About Other Charities and Organizations that do God’s Work? Do my Contributions there Count Toward Tithing? Some of my colleagues would say “no” – that a true tithe means 10% of Gross Income to your home church, period. I tend to look at it from a broader perspective, recognizing that one’s home church is not the only place that we can support the spreading of the Gospel in our broken world in tangible ways. Contributions to church-related organizations like Episcopal Community Services, Episcopal Relief and Development, United Thank Offering and a myriad of others not necessarily limited to the Episcopal Church are all part of it. Keep in mind that not every charity, non-profit and philanthropic organization, no matter how worthy, is in the business of spreading the Gospel and doing God’s work. By all means contribute to those that touch your heart – but don’t let that detract from your support of the church at large. Finally, Maintain Balance. This has been all about working our way through the financial challenges of tithing – but stewardship is an aggregate of the Time, Talent and Treasure that we contribute to God’s work. When the treasure is simply not there, perhaps we can give more of our time and talent. It all works together for good! With Every Blessing, Fr. Peter+ ******************* El diezmo... ¿Qué es y Por Qué Importa? Hace mucho tiempo, en otra iglesia, tuve una conversación con una parroquiana que estaba preocupada por si ella se consideraba "miembro de pleno derecho". Revisé la definición canónica con ella, pero ella seguía diciendo "vengo y doy mi diezmo cada semana, eso debería ser suficiente." Por fin me di cuenta dado cuenta de que ella no tenía ni idea lo que significaba que era un diezmo o que significaba. Ese fue también el inicio de un proceso de aprendizaje para mí. Pocos de nosotros entramos en una iglesia conociendo la diferencia entre un diezmo, un compromiso, una donación y una ofrenda en la placa. Entonces, ¿Qué es un diezmo? Una definición es que significa "décimo". Es un una décima parte de algo, pagada como una contribución a una organización religiosa o impuesto obligatorio a un gobierno. Hoy en día, los diezmos normalmente son voluntarios y pagados monetariamente, pero los diezmos fueron históricamente obligados y pagados "en especie", como con productos agrícolas. La ley y la práctica judía tradicional han incluido diversas formas de diezmo desde la antigüedad. Judíos ortodoxos comúnmente practican Kesafim ma'aser (un diezmo de 10% de sus ingresos a la caridad). En el Israel moderno, judíos continúan siguiendo las leyes del diezmo agrícola. En el cristianismo, el énfasis se ha convertido al concepto de "ofrendas voluntarias" como el medio de apoyar a la iglesia. Pero hay algunas iglesias hoy en día que insisten en un diezmo completo como la norma de dar para todos sus miembros. Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish cont. Referencias Bíblicas al Diezmo: Ejemplos incluyen: Génesis 14: 18-20 y Génesis 28: 12-22 en el Antiguo Testamento; Tobít 1: 6-8 en los libros apócrifos; y Hebreos 7: 1-10, que se refiere a Melquisedec del Antiguo Testamento. En términos generales, el Nuevo Testamento promueve donación, pero no insiste en el diezmo. 2 Corintios 9: 7 habla sobre el dar con alegría; 2 Corintios 8:12 alienta dando lo que uno puede dar; 1 Corintios 16: 1-2 discute dando semanalmente; 1 Timoteo 5: 17-18 exhorta a apoyar las necesidades financieras de los obreros cristianos; Hechos 11:29 promueve alimentar a los hambrientos dondequiera que se encuentren; y Santiago 1:27 dice que la religión pura es ayudar a las viudas y los huérfanos, que por supuesto requiere de recursos. ¿Qué Significa Esto Para Nosotros? No obstante como se ve, Dios nos llama a dar de nuestra propia voluntad para apoyar las obras de la iglesia y para ayudar a realizar el Reino de Dios en la Tierra. Con ese fin, veo el diezmo tradicional de 10% como una norma a la que todos debemos aspirar. El diezmo significa dar los primeros frutos de nuestra vida y labor. En este día y edad, ¡eso puede parecer abrumador! Considere la Posibilidad de un Salto de Fe, y comprometerse a un verdadero diezmo, el 10% de su Ingreso Bruto, ¡desde el principio! Para aquellos que lo han hecho, ha sido una experiencia que cambia la vida increíblemente positivamente. Esto no es algo que se puede tomar ligeramente, y debe ser precedido por considerable oración y reflexión. ... Y si usted tiene un cónyuge u otro significativo – ¡ambos tienen que ser de acuerdo con él! ¡Seamos Realistas! Pocas personas están en posición de comenzar a dar el verdadero diezmo de un día al otro, así que la clave es hacer el compromiso de trabajar de todo corazón hacia esa meta y empezar a avanzar hacia ella. No pierde tiempo, no se demore, comience en el camino y empiece ese viaje. Hay muchas maneras de hacerlo - he aquí algunas sugerencias: Utilice el Método de " un Paso Adelante" que el comité de mayordomía presentará otra vez este año. Esto lo llevará en la dirección correcta en incrementos manejables. Es bueno tener algo que es posible lograr, aunque pueda ser un reto, especialmente con ingresos fijos. Crea Su Propio Camino, y comience averiguando donde usted está como punto de partida para sistemáticamente avanzar hacia un verdadero diezmo. Ese enfoque apela a la parte de ingeniería de mi mente. Me gustan metas tangibles y cuantificables. Primero haga cuenta de dónde se encuentra al empezar. Piense en ello en términos de varios niveles de situaciones en la vida real en orden creciente: Ingreso Disponible - es lo que te queda después de pagar todas las facturas, los impuestos y esenciales de vida. Siendo realistas, eso es donde la mayoría de la gente empieza a cabo en sus donaciones. Estas son las sobras sobre cual tenemos control inmediato, nuestros gastos discrecionales. ¿Estás dando el 10% de eso? Si no, mueva tan rápido como pueda para llegar a dar los 10%. La obra de Dios merece mucho más que las sobras, y llegar al dar 10% de los Ingresos Disponibles es un hito que nos permite pasar a la siguiente fase. Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish cont. Ingreso Disponible - es lo que te queda después de pagar todas las facturas, los impuestos y esenciales de vida. Siendo realistas, eso es donde la mayoría de la gente empieza a cabo en sus donaciones. Estas son las sobras sobre cual tenemos control inmediato, nuestros gastos discrecionales. ¿Estás dando el 10% de eso? Si no, mueva tan rápido como pueda para llegar a dar los 10%. La obra de Dios merece mucho más que las sobras, y llegar al dar 10% de los Ingresos Disponibles es un hito que nos permite pasar a la siguiente fase. Ingreso Neto - es lo que se deposita en el banco después de que el gobierno toma su parte - para los que siguen trabajando, es su "Pago después de impuestos". Comience a aumentar incrementalmente hacia dar el 10% de sus Ingresos Netos. Talvez encontrará que el 10% de los Ingresos Disponibles que finalmente llegó a dar sólo equivale uno o dos por ciento de su ingreso neto. ¡No se desanime! Cada paso se vuelve más significativo, y ahora están poniendo sus dones para la obra de Dios por lo menos en igualdad con todos los demás gastos necesarios y esenciales de la vida. Una vez que usted ha incrementado su nivel de dar al 10% de los ingresos netos, usted ha alcanzado otro hito y está listo para pasar a las grandes ligas. Ingreso Bruto -es la suma de todo lo que uno recibe, antes de impuestos - muy probable mente una cantidad que usted nunca va a ver físicamente debido a que las deduccio nes se hacen antes de que los ingresos llegan banco - pero es real, y es la base para un verdadero diezmo, mientras usted trabaja hacia el dar los primeros frutos de todo lo que usted recibe. Una vez más, es posible que el porcentaje de los ingresos netos que ha estado dando ahora es un porcentaje mucho menor de su ingreso bruto. El mismo consejo - no se desespere, mantenga aumentándolo gradualmente, y usted eventualmente alcanzará el 10% de los Ingresos Brutos ¡y un verdadero diezmo! Puede tomar años, pero es un viaje que bien vale la pena - uno que le permitirá cosechar recompensas más allá de medida. Colocando a Dios primero es un cambio de vida, reordena sus prioridades, y trae un verdadero sentido de propósito que está muy a menudo ausente cuando ponemos todo lo demás por encima de Dios y le ofrecemos sólo las sobras. Pasando la Meta y Más Allá - personas que han establecido un verdadero diezmo frequentemente quieren hacer aún más - lo que parecía imposible al principio se ha convertido en la norma, y la gratitud a Dios por todas las bendiciones de esta vida florece. Fr. Peter’s Letter to Parish cont. ¿Qué Pasa con Otras Organizaciones Benéficas y Organizaciones que Hacen la Obra de Dios? ¿Mis Contribuciones no Cuentan para el Diezmo? Algunos de mis colegas dirían "no" - que un verdadero diezmo significa dar 10% del Ingreso Bruto a su parroquia, y punto. Me inclino a verlo desde una perspectiva más amplia, reconociendo que la parroquia local no es el único lugar en que podemos apoyar el anuncio del Evangelio en nuestro mundo quebrantado de manera tangible. Contribuciones a organizaciones relacionadas con las iglesias como Servicios Comunitarios Episcopales (Episcopal Community Services), Ayuda y Desarrollo Episcopal (Episcopal Relief and Development), Ofrenda de Gracias Unida (United Thank Offering) y una miríada de otros no necesariamente limitadas a la Iglesia Episcopal, son parte de todo esto. Tenga en cuenta que no toda organización benéfica, sin fines de lucro u organización filantrópica, no importa cuán digna, está en el negocio de propagar el Evangelio y hacer la obra de Dios. Por supuesto contribuye a los que tocan su corazón - pero no al detrimento de su apoyo de la iglesia en general. Finalmente, Mantenga el Balance. Todo esto ha sido sobre nuestra forma de manejar a través de los desafíos financieros de diezmo - pero mayordomía es un agregado del Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro que contribuimos a la obra de Dios. Cuando el tesoro simplemente no existe, tal vez podemos dar más de nuestro tiempo y talento. ¡Todo trabaja en conjunto para el bien! Con toda bendición, Padre Pedro + Prayer Shawl Ministry Team It’s that time of year again when the ladies of this ministry team come together on the third Wednesday of month to work on our shawls, preemie baby blankets and caps. Our gathering time is 10:00 AM in Middleton Hall. Bring whatever you’re working on and share a special hour of sisterhood. We have lots of beautiful yarn on hand to choose from for your next project. Blessing of the Animals - Just a few A few Words from our Senior Warden For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. - Matthew 18:20 We are gathering more often this month in large and small groups: for adult Bible studies, blessing of the animals, a parish forum, stewardship, tai chi as well as for our regular Sunday fellowship and ministry meetings. Think about how you feel connected at St. Christopher’s and let God show you additional connections. He often surprises us. The Altar Guild continues its work behind the scenes throughout the year attempting to keep expenses down and setting the altar with love for Sundays, Wednesday, Holy Days, baptisms, weddings and memorials. Many thanks go out to our Guild members: Mary Wissler, Marj Kassien, Eva Quiles, Martha Pulsford, Luz Salinas, Ivon Millan, Anna Van Scoter, Jane and George Meyers, Beth Mayhew, Betty Roddy and Doris Schoeben. In His Peace, Beth Unas palabras de nuestro Guardián Mayor Unas palabras de la Guardián Mayor Porque donde están dos o tres congregados en mi nombre, allí estoy yo en medio de ellos. - Mateo 18:20 Nos reunimos más a menudo este mes en grupos grandes y pequeños: los estudios bíblicos para adultos, la bendición de los animales, un foro parroquial, la mayordomía, tai chi, y por supuesto en nuestras reuniones regulares dominicales de compañerismo y las de ministerios. Piense en cómo se siente conectado en San Cristóbal y deje que Dios le muestre las conexiones adicionales. A menudo Dios nos sorprende. En la paz del Señor, Beth Your donations for this ongoing ministry—oil, fresh flowers, wine and linens are much appreciated. They become another ministry of participation and worship. We welcome you to join us in the ongoing cycle of the church calendar and be blessed with the fellowship of those who prepare the Lord’s Table for a most magnificent feast. For more information, call Beth Mayhew (623-974-9114) or Doris Schoeben (623-972-527). Blessings to All T We continue to have good sales in the bookstore. We have had a few $100 days lately and when you consider how inexpensive our books are, that’s a lot of books! Our cookbook section is at its lowest so if you have cookbooks that you are no longer using, please donate them. The bookstore has never had expenses so we count on you to provide what we sell. Our friends in the community have also been very generous in donating materials for the bookstore. We have a whole table of VHS movies and they have been selling well. The audio books have also been very popular. The craft books have been moved into the non fiction section to make room for our tall paper backs. Ron Dow has been coming in on Saturday mornings to sell books and this has been a giant help. Amy Schultz has agreed to work over our Children’s book section. We hope to get it more age related organized. Barbara and I generally work on sorting and rearranging on Tuesday mornings so feel free to stop in and check out the material. We continue our no cost magazine table. It has proved to be very popular. If you have magazines to donate, bring them in and leave them on the table. Take any you would like to have. As always, leave the money in the Book Banks. Charlotte & Barbara he Men's Club will be meeting Saturday October 18, 8:00am in the Parish Hall. We will begin with Morning Prayer followed by breakfast. After a short meeting we will be making sandwiches for the lunches to be delivered on Sunday October 19. Tweens will be there at 9:00am to help. ECW ECW will be meeting Saturday October 11 in Middleton hall. Kerry Jo Hanstein, President of the Nation Chapter, will be with us to talk about the luncheon in March. We also need to make our final plans for Consecration Sunday, November 9. I’m hoping for a large turnout. If you can’t stay for the whole meeting, come and stay as long as you can. Jean Liversidge MARK YOUR CALENDERS! Thankful Feast, Parish Celebration and Fellowship Thursday, November 27, 2014 Service 11:00am Feast 12:00pm Christopher Singers! Landscape Ministry Join them at Lucy’s Place on Tuesday, October 21, 11:00am . Benevilla Lucy Anne's Place 16752 N Greasewood St Surprise, AZ Grand to Thompson Ranch Rd, Thompson Ranch Rd to Paradise, turn left , to Greaswood Ave, turn left to Benevilla Will you notice we have had some major trimming done this past week or so. We are trying diligently to reduce the woody-ness of many of our older bushes and trees. There is risk involved with this approach but we are hopeful it will be effective. Plants will be planted to the left of the front door of church very soon with appealing results. “St Christopher’s acts as God’s hands and feet to minister to His children and share the Good News.” Ministry Fair October 26, 2014, after Both Services, see all that St. Christopher's is doing . Although 4 small plants were added in front of our Chapel, the bunnies discovered one of them and it will not last. The others should fare very well. Our flowering plum along 103rd Avenue was diseased and in the slow process of dying. It has been removed and another donated (free!) palm tree has been planted near that site. The relatively new Sissoo tree, which broke during one of our recent storms has been replaced with a Jacaranda tree which we expect to bring us a beautiful show of lavender flowers in the Spring and shade as the years go by. We appreciate all donations and suggestions to the Landscape Ministries. Find you niche at St. Christopher’s. Bonnie Franco A Bit of Parish History 1961-1963 Early in 1961 a few Episcopalians gathered in the home of Rev. and Mrs. John Hamilton to start an Episcopalian mission for Youngtown and Sun City. The Rt. Rev. Arthur B. Kinsolving, Bishop of Arizona, attended. On Passion Sunday, March 19, 1961, the first service was held in the Youngtown Community House. The name St. Christopher’s was suggested by the Rev. Harold Adams, a retired priest from Maine. In choosing the name St. Christopher’s, this congregation has chosen a name memorable to Christian tradition. To be the bearer of the Gospel of God’s redemption of mankind in Christ Jesus—as St. Christopher symbolically was the “bearer of the burdens of Christ”, is both a demanding and a humbling role. The first part-time Vicar was Fr. Harry G. Secker, who held the first service on November 15, 1961. During the next two years, services were held in various recreational centers. In 1962 our church property was purchased from then Youngtown Land and Development Company (Del Webb) 1963-1964 The Rev. Howard W. Blackburn came to serve as the first full-time Vicar in August , 1963. On February 15, 1964 ground breaking was held with the Rt. Rev. Joseph M. Harte, new Bishop of Arizona, officiating. On April 4, 1964 the Cornerstone was laid by Bishop Harte. The building was completed on July 25, 1964. The first service in the new church was held on October 4, 1964; the Dedication by Bishop Harte was held on November 8, 1964. Stay Tuned there will be More! OCTOBER OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES Julian Cortez Elliot October 2 George and Jane Meyers October 18 Barbara Welsh October 3 Rev. & Mrs. Ed Griswold October 31 Carolyn Bellerive October 4 Enrique Sanchez October 5 Margie Kassien October 6 Jim Handley October 8 Marinell Eron October 9 Edwin Griswold October 14 Mary Duvall October 30 Trunk or Treat Trunk or Treat will be held this year on Sunday November 2nd which is the Sunday closest to Halloween, during the children’s Sunday School hour 10:30 to 11:30 AM. All children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to church and bring their trick or treat bags. Car owners are encouraged to decorate their car trunks for a “best decorated trunk” contest judged by the Sunday School children. This is such a fun way for everyone to safely participate in an old time tradition. The children get treats and the adults get no tricks! Brief Calendar Men’s Bible Study – Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM – Bible Workshop Program Sunday School – Sunday, at 10:30 AM in 2nd Floor above Narthex Women’s Bible Study – Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM – series on David Men’s Club Morning Prayer with Breakfast– Saturday, Oct. 18 8:00AM Parish Hall ECW Women’s Club Meeting –Saturday, Oct. 11 at 10:00 AM -12:00pm Parish Hall Super Staff Meeting – Tuesday, Oc. 14 at 9:30 AM in Middleton Hall Vestry Meeting – Monday Oct. 27 at 7:00 PM in Middleton Hall Ministry Fair-Sunday Oct. 26 Check out our full online calendar at http://stchristophers-az.org/
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