CIVIC ASSOCIATION NEWS Volume 7, Issue 3 Winter 2014-2015 Wheaton Walking Tour Finds Unsafe Conditions on Upper Georgia Avenue Community in Full Force at Fall Cleanup A blustery cold wind didn’t stop a determined group from investigating pedestrian dangers along Georgia Avenue the morning of November 14. Maryland State Delegate Al Carr, Maryland State Highway Association Engineer Anyesha Mookherjee, Wheaton Triangle redeveloper Stonebridge Associates’ planner Mark Allard, MCDOT Pedestrian Safety Coordinator Jeff Dunkel, and several dedicated MHCK Civic Association members proceeded south on foot examining the pedestrian experience for parents pushing strollers, anyone in a wheelchair, bicyclists; anyone not inside a vehicle. The group examined both sides of Georgia Avenue between Wheaton Metro and Plyers Mill Road. On October 4th, a dedicated and hard working group of neighbors and friends came together once again to tackle some of the trash and invasive plants plaguing McKenney HIlls Park. Twelve volunteers including local weed warriors, families, and the regulars who always come to show their support, put in 25 hours of service. Piles of invasive shrubs and vines were removed from areas near the playground. Multiple bags of trash and several bags of recycling were reclaimed from the woods and streams. Thanks to all who showed up, it makes a big difference when we work together. MHCK Parks and Plants Committee The group uncovered many issues along the route, including narrow sidewalks not built-to-code situated next to speeding traffic lanes, crosswalks missing across from the metro station, stretches lacking sidewalks entirely, “safety islands” that barely fit one person in the center of eight lanes of traffic, sight lines blocked by bus shelters and utility poles, and fire hydrants and utility poles in the center of sidewalks blocking safe passage for anyone not on foot. The group observed further dangerous conditions throughout Wheaton Mall’s parking lots. All agreed it was an eye-opening adventure, and to stay connected in order to continue meaningful discussions about improving conditions. By remaining engaged with the Maryland State Highway Administration, and working hand in hand with MCDOT, the utility companies, the Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee (WUDAC), and the Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board (MCCAB), our civic association aims to affect positive change. Karen Nozik MH-CK Community Member Save the Date! Sunday, January 25, 2015 Winter Blues Festival 2:30pm-5:30pm Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Community Meeting / Elections 7:00pm - Flora Singer Elementary Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Community Meeting / Social 7:00pm - Flora Singer Elementary President’s Corner Neighborhood Watch Holiday Greetings, all! Clocks changed, leaves dropped, and Buffalo residents wondering who amongst them antagonized Mother Nature so vehemently! In our neighborhood, it’s time for change of a different nature: this is my last post as President of the Civic Association. It’s been an incredibly swift passage of time, and I’m amazed and proud of all the results our Association members accomplished. Highlights include events ranging from the Winter Blues Fest, to the summer Block Party, and of course the excitement of the Halloween Party. As a small band of engaged citizens, we have affected safety enhancements within and around our neighborhood, helped open a new Park, and engaged local and State delegates to increase their awareness of the everyday travel hazards both in and out of our neighborhood. We recently learned from the police that an arrest was made following an armed robbery in the neighborhood. But thanks to the neighbor who was a victim, we learned about the initial incident the day it occurred. It’s not always easy to tell everyone in the neighborhood that you were a crime victim. However, doing so not only alerts neighbors but encourages others to self-report criminal or even suspicious activity. I hope the self-reporting continues. And now, we turn to you, dear reader, and ask for help: Please talk with neighbors and find a peer to step up with you to fill in positions that need filling. We need nominees for officers, volunteers for committees, and two candidates for chairing committees on presidential appointment. Without active participation growth in association events, we run the risk of stagnating, losing the momentum we have gained. In short - the Association needs YOU. I promise you’ll come away from the experience far more engaged with your neighbors on many levels, and you’ll feel better with each step made. You are the key to continuing the positive progress. We’re looking forward to working with you making MHCK a phenomenal place to live. Theft from vehicles continues to be the most frequent crime in the neighborhood. Police consider this a fairly low priority, and no longer even bother listing each incident separately. Therefore, it’s up to everyone to not only lock the vehicle, but to take anything you want to keep inside the house. That’s not a guarantee of anything, but given the choice of seeing an empty car or a car with a cellphone or iPOD, which one do you think a thief would choose? Larry Margasak Neighborhood Watch Chairman Bruce Cotting MH-CK Civic Association President For more information or to contact Bruce Cotting, please email [email protected] Becker Day Care We Keep the Fun in Learning (301) 649-2911 10211 Duvawn Place Silver Spring, MD [email protected] Over 90% of our “graduates” have gone on to Advanced Programs! 2 ¡Bienvenido a Noticias de MH-CK en Español! Informe del Comité de Vigilancia Investigando Condiciones Inseguras Entre Estación del Metro Georgia Avenue y la Calle Plyers Mill. Recientemente nos enteramos de parte de la policía sobre el arresto que se realizó tras un robo a mano armada en el vecindario. Pero gracias a la vecina que fue la víctima, aprendimos sobre el incidente inicial el día que ocurrió. No siempre es fácil hacerle saber al vecindario que fuiste víctima de un crimen. Sin embargo, haciéndolo así no sólo alerta a los vecinos, sino alienta a otros a reportar cualquier actividad criminal o incluso sospechosa. Espero que el auto-reporte continúe. Un fuerte y frío viento invernal no fue suficiente para detener a un pequeño pero determinado grupo a investigar condiciones peligrosas para los peatones en la parte alta de Avenida Georgia la mañana del 14 de noviembre. Dirigido por el recién electo Delegado del Estado de Maryland, Al Carr, la Ingeniera de Carreteras del Estado de Maryland, Anaesha Mookherjee, el Planificador de Stonebridge Associates , Mark Allard, (la empresa que está re-desarrollando el Tríangulo de Wheaton), el Coordinador de Seguridad Peatonal de MCDOT, Jeff Dunkel y varios miembros dedicados de la Asociación Cívica de MH-CK. El grupo observó las condiciones peligrosas para los peatones, padres empujando cochecitos, personas en silla de ruedas, ciclistas y básicamente cualquier persona que no está dentro de un vehículo; caminaron en ambos lados de la Avenida Georgia desde la estación de Metro de Wheaton a Plyers Mill Road. El robo de vehículos sigue siendo el delito más frecuente en el vecindario. La Policía considera esto una prioridad relativamente baja y ya no se molesta en reportar cada incidente por separado. Por lo tanto, es de parte de nosotros no sólo de cerrar el vehículo, pero tomar lo que desea mantener dentro de la casa. Eso no es garantía de nada, pero teniendo en cuenta la opción de ver un auto vacío o uno con un teléfono móvil o un iPOD, ¿cuál crees que elegiría un ladrón? Larry Margasak Director del Comité de Vigilancia del Vecindario Entre los detalles que el grupo descubrió a lo largo de la ruta: estrechas aceras no construidas a código situadas al lado de los carriles de tráfico rápido; no hay pasos peatonales justo enfrente de la estación de metro; no hay aceras; “Islas de seguridad” que apenas cabe a una persona en el centro de ocho carriles de tráfico; líneas de visión bloqueadas por estaciones de espera y postes de utilidades. Así que si estás en una silla de ruedas, en bicicleta o empujando un cochecito, no hay espacio para uso general alrededor en las aceras porque están bloqueadas por hidrantes de fuego y postes de alambrado no hay otra forma de pasar sino aventurarte a al tráfico. Resultados de la Encuesta del Tráfico a er Discutido en a Reunión del 27 Enero 2015 ¿Está reteniendo la respiración para enterarse de los resultados de la encuesta de tráfico que circularon temprano este otoño en la lista de MH-CK-serv? Si es así, por favor marque en su calendario la reunión de la Asociación MH-CK el martes 27 de enero 2015 en la Escuela Primaria Flora Singer a las 7pm. Ahí podremos ver de cerca lo que nuestros vecinos piensan son las mayores preocupaciones de tráfico y sus enfoques para resolverlos. Más de 100 personas participaron en esta encuesta (no científica), y se están identificando las “áreas calientes” de tráfico en nuestro vecindario. El grupo observó además las condiciones peligrosas que existen a lo largo del estacionamiento del Centro Comercial de Wheaton. Todos acordaron que es una situación difícil que requiere pronta y significante atención a fin de mejorar las condiciones existentes. Nuestra Asociación Cívica se compromete a trabajar mano a mano con todos a fin de conseguir una adecuada resolución. Hay dos invitados confirmados hasta el momento, el Ingeniero de Tráfico de DOT del Condado de Montgomery, Seifu Kerse y el delegado del Estado de Maryland, Jeff Waldstreicher, quienes estarán presentes para escuchar y responder preguntas ahora que comenzamos a lidiar con esta situación. Esto será una gran oportunidad de expresar nuestras inquietudes directamente a quienes toman las decisiones y que pueden ayudarnos hacia una solución. ¡Damos la bienvenida a su participación y esperamos verlos ahí! Karen Nozik 3 A Spook-tacular Day: MHCK Annual Halloween Party + Parade September Block Party Fun in the Rain and Sun On October 25, the children (and adults) of McKenny Hills-Carroll Knolls neighborhood joined together to celebrate Halloween! Thirty children ranging from newborn to ten years old were in attendance dressed as ghosts, goblins, pirates, bunnies, Princess Leia from Star Wars and there was even Bob the Builder with his own homemade bulldozer! The rain couldn’t stop the community block party as fearless members set up the stage, moon bounce, grill, and tables as the rain had its last hurrah of the afternoon. Early arrivers enjoyed soap bubbles that bounced off of or sat unpopped on the wet streets. As the community started to realize that the rain stopped and the party had already started, we had an almost typical turnout as 100+ neighbors joined in the various art, music, activities, and great food. Kudos to all of the musicians, cooks, volunteers, and participants who made the block party another great community event. Adults and children enjoyed making Fall and Halloween themed door decorations for the residence of our neighboring Apex nursing home. The parade kicked off with a bang of children running from McKenney Hills Park eager to give the residents their homemade creations. Little ones stayed behind and continued to play dressed in their Halloween attire. A special thanks to everyone who contributed Halloween and spooky themed snacks, and to Stacy Miller for coordinating the event. 4 Traffic Survey Results to Be Discussed at January 27, 2015 Civic Association Meeting A Webpage for Local Environment Topics Are you holding your breath to learn results from the traffic survey that circulated earlier this fall on the MH-CK list-serve? If so, mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 27, and plan to join us at Flora Singer Elementary School at 7 pm for a closer look at what you and your neighbors think are the biggest traffic concerns and your favored approaches to solving them. Over 100 of you took the (non-scientific) poll, and a consensus is now emerging showing where the traffic hotspots are in the neighborhood. What would you like to see in an online community resource dedicated to environmental issues of local interest? The purpose of this article is to gauge interest and solicit ideas. Our perception is that the page should focus on environmental or ecological aspects of specific interest to our community. Possible topics could include identifying invasive plants on your property that affect the health of surrounding woodlands; promoting the use of host and nectar plants to form corridors for pollinators; sharing seeds and plants; managing stormwater with rain gardens and rain barrels, assessing which trees and shrubs are most beneficial to birds and other wildlife. Two confirmed guests so far, Montgomery County DOT Traffic engineer, Seifu Kerse, and Maryland State Delegate, Jeff Waldstreicher, will be on hand to listen and answer questions as we begin to grapple with the traffic issues. This will be a terrific opportunity to voice your concerns directly to decision-makers who can help to guide us towards action. We welcome your involvement and hope to see you there! Should we catalog the health of the Chesapeake storm drains? How about compiling a listing of large mature trees that represent the local tree canopy? Are you interested in creating content for these articles? Please email [email protected]. SUPPORT THE MH-CK CIVIC ASSOCIATION Paying dues allows you to become a voting member of the MH-CK Civic Association. All residents of the community (both owners and renters) are eligible to become voting members. These dues go towards fun, year-round neighborhood events and activities and the quarterly newsletter. Membership dues are also payable through PayPal! Visit for more details. Thank you for your continued support! Name: _____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email:______________________________________ Check for e-delivery of newsletter. I would like to volunteer! Please detach this portion of the form and return it along with a check for $12. Please make checks payable to McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association. McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association P.O. Box 393, Kensington, MD 20895 5 Contribute to Your Community Today! Treasurer’s Report Contributing your time, skills, and energy can help make our neighborhood a vibrant and inviting place. Please volunteer to help make this community even better! It has been a busy autumn for the neighborhood. The sun came out in time for a great Block Party in September, with great music by our neighbors, Sachin Shah manning the grill, and the annual bounce house arranged by Susan Heavey. We also had a great turnout for the Halloween Party and Parade, expertly arranged by Stacy Miller. “Thank You!” to our volunteers who make those events happen, and an additional thanks to all for the donations and annual dues payments that provide funding for moon bounces, piñatas, and the facility rental for the upcoming Blues Fest in January. LEADERSHIP! Elections held every January fill the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Interested community members are invited to shadow the current 2014 officers as understudies for future officer positions. Board committees also need fresh ideas from new contributors. EVENTS! The programs that bring neighbors together need volunteers to organize them. Assisting with just one event a year will help us continue our community traditions: • Winter Blues Fest • Spring / Fall Park Cleanup • Community-Wide Yard Sale • Block Parties INITIATIVES! Ongoing programs to improve our community—from web/newsletter communications, to traffic measures, to welcome signs—require just a couple of hours a month from volunteers. By contributing a small amount of time, you can help make a big impact! We currently have about $1200 in the bank to support this newsletter and other activities in the neighborhood. The Association is run completely by neighborhood volunteers, writing and distributing the newsletter, advocating for you on pedestrian safety and local parks, and planning fun events. We hope these activities make our neighborhood feel closer. We also hope you can help, either by volunteering your time (as much or as little as you like), and/or paying your dues. To begin or renew membership that supports Civic Association activities, please pay your $12 dues online at Checks post-mailed to us are also still accepted (payment to “McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association”): McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association P.O. Box 393 Kensington, MD 20895 CONTACT US! Email [email protected] or call 202-MHCK-1-CA. Subscribe for E-Delivery! To receive e-delivery only, please send the following information to [email protected]: Name | Address, with closest cross-street E-mail address | Telephone number Please e-mail any questions or requests for current membership status to [email protected]. Elizabeth Managan MH-CK Civic Association Treasurer For more information, please contact [email protected] Thank you for your support of the MH-CK newsletter! 6 Winter 2014-2015 CA Calendar of Events Date Sunday, January 25, 2015 – 2:30 – 5:30 PM Event Winter Blues Festival Capital View/Homewood Recreation Center Community Meeting and Elections, Flora Singer ES Community Meeting and Social, Flora Singer ES McKenney Hills Park Clean-Up Tuesday, January 27, 2015 – 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 24, 2015 – 7:00 PM Saturday, April 18, 2015 – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM 2014-2015 Calendario de Actividades Date Domingo, Enero 25, 2015, 2:30-5:30pm Event Festival Invernal de Blues Capital View/Homewood Rec. Center Reunión Asociación Cívica y Elecciones Escuela Elemental Flora Singer Reunión Asociación Cívica, Escuela Elemental Flora Singer Limpieza del Parque McKenney Hills Martes, Enero 27, 2015 – 7:00 PM Martes, Marzo 24, 2015 – 7:00 PM Sábado, Abril 18, 2015 – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Michele Bruggeman REALTOR | LEED AP Homes Licensed in Maryland and DC Real Living At Home 4600 N. Park Avenue # 100 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Office: (301) 652-0643 Cell & Text: (202) 491-2494 Broker: 202-518-8781 Email: [email protected] Website: Long & Foster 20 Chevy Chase Circle, NW | Washington, DC 20015 C: 202-427-3993 | O: 202-363-9700 [email protected] Bruce Cotting Realtor, Partner Associate Your Neighborhood Realtor 7 Contribute to Your Community Today! Contributing your time, skills, and energy can help make our neighborhood a vibrant and inviting place. Please volunteer to help make this community even better! LEADERSHIP! Elections held every January fill the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Interested community members are invited to shadow the current and upcoming 2015 officers as understudies for future officer positions.Board committees also need fresh ideas from new contributors. EVENTS! The programs that bring neighbors together need volunteers to organize them. Assisting with just one event a year will help us continue our community traditions: • Winter Blues Fest • Community-Wide Yard Sale • Spring / Fall Park Cleanup • Block Parties INITIATIVES! Ongoing programs to improve our community—from web/newsletter communications, to traffic measures, to welcome signs—require just a couple of hours a month from volunteers. By contributing a small amount of time, you can help make a big impact! CONTACT US! Email [email protected] or call 202-MHCK-1-CA. T 301.565.0300 F 301.585.6794 FOR ALL YOUR QUALITY PRINTING NEEDS ❖ ❖ ❖ 10528 Detrick Avenue Kensington, Maryland 20895 TEL: (301) 933-2990 • FAX: (301) 933-2867 Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday Letterhead • Envelopes • Brochures • Business Cards • Desktop Publishing 2700 BARKER STREET, SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 Invitations • NCR Carbonless Forms • Rolodex Cards • Catalogues • Letterpress Offset Printing • Short Run 4 Color • Graphic Design • Reports Newsletters • Flyers • Computer Forms • Pocket Folders • Labels
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