421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church December 21, 2014 Page Two CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK CODE: (PC) Parish Center (CH) Church (NH) Nursing Home (OP) Out of Parish (PG) Parish Grounds (RE) Rectory SATURDAY - December 20 8:30 AM Thomas Dennelly † VIGIL: Fourth Sunday of Advent 5:00 PM Raymond Plakstis † 7:30 PM Oscar Flores † Juana Morales † (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - December 21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Fiorenza & Napolitano Families 8:30 AM (Korean Language) 10:15 AM Santo Sampino † 12:15 PM Anna, Bernardo & Lillian Ann Frisone † 3:00 PM (Korean Community) MONDAY - December 22 8:00 AM Festus Eze TUESDAY - December 23 8:00 AM Paul Kim † WEDNESDAY - December 24 8:00 AM Judith Hickey † VIGIL: Christmas Eve 5:00 PM In Thanksgiving Eze Family 7:30 PM Clara de del Carpio † (Spanish Language) 9:00 PM (Korean Language) 12:00 AM Thomas Buzek † THURSDAY - December 25 - The Nativity of the Lord 7:30 AM In Thanksgiving 10:15 AM John D. & Eelen P. Smaidjas † 12:15 PM Modesta A. Guillen † 3:00 PM (Korean Language) FRIDAY - December 26 8:00 AM Alexander Wesey † SATURDAY - December 27 8:30 AM Judith Hickey † VIGIL: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 5:00 PM Edward Olson † 7:30 PM Luis Felipe Rodriguez † Dylan Perez (Spanish Language) SUNDAY - December 28 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7:30 AM Frank Cawley † 8:30 AM (Korean Language) 10:15 AM Anne Galvin † 12:15 PM Maria Leitner 3:00 PM (Korean Community) Sanctuary Light is offered this week in loving memory of Anna, Bernardo & Lillian Ann Frisone Requested by Marco Frisone Sunday 9:30 AM December 21 Korean Community (9:30AM-4PM) (PC) Monday 8:00 PM December 22 AA Weekly Meeting (PC) Tuesday 8:30 AM 7:00 PM December 23 Miraculous Medal Novena Charismatic Prayer Group (CH) (PC) Wednesday December 24 Thursday December 25 A Merry & Blessed Christmas Friday December 26 Saturday 7:30 AM 4:00 PM December 27 Saturday Morning Prayer Group Confessions (CH) (CH) Sunday 9:30 AM December 28 Korean Community (9:30AM-4PM) (PC) Bread & Wine is offered this week in loving memory of Louise Mary White Requested by Tanda Lerner Sacred Heart Rose is offered this week in loving memory of Clara de del Carpio Requested by Boobie & Mary Ellen Hicks Blessed Mother Rose is offered this week in loving memory of Lisa Boza Requested by Boobie & Mary Ellen Hicks Altar Rose is offered this week in loving memory of Maria Lucia & Giuseppe Strignano Requested by Marco Frisone 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church Fourth Sunday of Advent Page Three St. Vincent de Paul Society - Outreach Office Next Food Pantry: December 27th 9:30AM-11AM Imagine how Mary felt at the birth of Jesus: excited, awed, frightened. Deep faith was her light in the darkness, for Jesus was born during the night of the year when darkness is the longest. In faith is found the real, lasting, and deep joy of Christmas. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring Christmas to the hearts of the poor, by assisting 70 families, providing food, Christmas gifts and holiday food. Thanks you for supporting the Giving Tree. A very Merry Christmas to all! Liturgies The Nativity of the Lord ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24th 5:00PM (English Language) 7:30PM (Spanish Language) 9:00PM (Korean Language) 11:30PM Singing of Carols in the Church 12:00AM Midnight Mass (English Language) Christmas Day Thursday, December 25th 7:30AM (English Language) 10:15AM (English Language) 12:15PM (English Language) 3:00PM (Korean Language) To the St. Aloysius Parish Family, May the peace of Christ bless you and your loved ones during this season of His Holy Birth and throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas! Msgr. Brendan P. Riordan Pastor Our Religious Education class will not resume until January 6th and 7th. Our Pre-Kindergarten will not resume until January 5th. We wish to extend our very best Christmas and New Year's wishes to the many people who help the children of our parish. From Mrs. Leo and Miss Brenda who work so well every day with the little ones in our Pre-K classroom to the Catechists who come every week to teach their classes in Religious Ed., to the class moms who are baking cupcakes or serving pizza or making phone calls or trafficking the children in and out each week, to the Family Mass readers who help each week in the sacristy, to Mary who types our letters, takes your messages and somehow gets it all into the computer system, to Judy who plays the right songs for us at the Family Masses, to Geri who schedules the space that we need in the church or the school building and who puts our messages in the bulletin each week, to Msgr. Placa who writes the dismissal blessing each week for our Family Mass, to Jose and Freddie and the Public School students who keep our classrooms and boards nice and clean each week, to Jack who takes care of any building problems that we have, to those of you who notice what we do, who give any of us a pat on the back once in awhile, who support us with financial assistance through the collection or who pray for our programs to be a success. And to our Pastor, Msgr. Riordan who is always there to support our every move. To those who help us actively or silently, we thank you. We pray for you and we wish you a Blessed Christmas Season. May your new year ahead be filled with God's grace and peace. Know that you are appreciated! 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church December 21, 2014 STEWARDSHIP A WAY OF LIFE Our goal for financial solvency is $8,000 per week. Please help us make and maintain this goal. WEEKLY OFFERING AND ATTENDANCE TOTALS FOR DECEMBER 14TH/DECEMBER 15TH WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING. For your continued generosity to St. Aloysius Parish of your time, talent and treasure, especially in these difficult economic times– I offer my deepest appreciation, May God reward your generosity a hundredfold! Msgr. Brendan Riordan PLEASE PRAY FOR… Page Four Saturday, December 27th 5:00PM - M. DelPonte, M. Reed, S. Snorteland Sunday, December 28th 7:30AM - M. & P. Franzoni 10:15AM - T. Buttaro, T. Aita, T. Kiernan 12:15PM - J. Neubert, L. Rovegno, F. Prisco Saturday, December 27th 5:00PM - K. Scanlan Sunday, December 28th 7:30AM - A. Gotta 10:15AM - M. Corno 12:15PM - Sr. Francis All our SICK AND HOMEBOUND especially, Alfredo Alvaro, Hans Berglund, Peter Bernatovich, Bruce Brown, Mirtha de Chahud, John Cossman, Anthony Dombroski, Tom Farley, Lillian Fernandez, Karla Guerra, Trevor Hassett, Henry Hess, Sophie Hogan, Agnes Howard, Stephen Kennedy, Baby John Paul, Rosemarie Kokis, Polly Kovner, Saturday, December 27th 5:00PM - J. & T. Arias, J. Ciciliato Sunday, December 28th 7:30AM 10:15AM - K. & K. Tan, G. Lee 12:15PM - D. Perez, A. Baklajian, J. Buttaro Are you having difficulty getting into the “Christmas Spirit”? Judi LaRocca, Ann NotarFrancesco, Do you feel burdened? Angry? Resentful? Nicholas Pedone, Dylan Perez, Baby Jace Quinn, Would you like your soul to have a “clean slate”? Rosa Pauca Quiroz, Yolanda Rivera, John Russo, Then, “Come Home” this Advent to the Sacraments! Justin Seims, Ida Tesoriero, Terence Ullrich, Joan Viard, Helen Werner, Ricardo Wilson & Andrew Wykowski And for all our FAITHFUL DEPARTED. When the circumstances change for someone listed above or they return to better health, a family member or friend should notify the Rectory. Experience God’s love and mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Feel more fully a sense of Peace, Hope and Joy this Christmas. Do not be afraid if it has been awhile since your last Confession; our priests are here to help you. God’s invitation to “Come Home” for Advent promises that you will HELP CLEAN AND DECORATE OUR CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS!! Volunteers are needed to clean and decorate the Church for Christmas on Monday, December 22nd from 4PM-7PM. Volunteer for just an hour or two...the more the merrier!! If you can help, please call the Rectory and leave your name, telephone number and the time that you are available to help. find that inner joy and peace of this miraculous season. God’s Mercy and Forgiveness It’s yours for the asking. Come join us for this special Advent opportunity. Opportunities for this Sacrament are: Monday, December 22nd After the 8AM Mass 7:30PM to 8:30PM Tuesday, December 23rd After the 8:00AM Mass 7:30PM to 8:30PM 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church December 21, 2014 Page Five Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This past year I found myself twice in the Holy Land, first in my role as a member of the Board of Catholic Near East Welfare and second as part of a Pilgrimage of Prayer for Peace by eighteen United States bishops. Both visits brought home to me in a vivid way what all of us see and hear in the media: the land made holy by the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is anything but a land of peace, joy and fraternal love. If we were to stop there it would be very difficult to be hopeful. Yet we know that the Feast we celebrate on December 25th is the very reason why the worrisome facts of today’s world are not the end of the story. They are the context into which the Lord enters in order to reverse the spiral of violence and death and to found a new order, “the new heaven and the new earth” that are the fruit of the Son of God Who came into the world to reveal God’s plan of salvation. He is the true history of humanity because He alone is the Word through whom the world and human life are created. And that Word, the eternal Son of the Father, becomes flesh so that we might be saved from all the darknesses that lie hidden in human hearts. He is the true light that dispels the darkness. He is the one sure hope of the world. And He comes to become part of the human condition so that He and He alone can reverse the destiny of humankind by giving us a new destiny, life in Him, life in the Spirit which is the gift of God’s love. This Christmas I greet you all in the light of that love that came into the world that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. This Christmas I invite you all to join with me in a pilgrimage of the heart to that very place where Mary brought forth Jesus into a world that so needs the gift of divine life that He is and so yearns for the peace that only He can give. My prayer for each of you and all of you is that we might let Him transform any of the darknesses that control our lives and endow us with the newness of life that His birth has made possible. May the light of His life shine on us all, without exception. May the example of Mary and Joseph be the model for all our families. And may we be found with the shepherds adoring the Prince of Peace while angels sing and all the world rejoice for Unto us a Son is given, unto us a child is born and He is Savior, Mighty God, Prince of Peace. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre 421 St. Aloysius R. C. Church December 21, 2014 Page Six Navidad 2014 Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Durante este año me he encontrado dos veces en Tierra Santa. La primera vez como miembro de la junta Católica del Cercano Oriente y Bienestar y la segunda vez como parte de los 18 Obispos de los Estados Unidos en una Peregrinación de Oración por la paz. Ambas visitas han centrado en mí de manera viva lo que todos nosotros vemos y oímos a través de los medios de comunicación: la tierra santificada por el nacimiento, vida, muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor y Salvador es cualquier cosa menos tierra de paz, gozo y caridad fraternal. Si tuviéramos que detenernos ahí sería muy difícil poder mantener la esperanza. Sin embargo, sabemos que la fiesta que celebramos el 25 de diciembre es la razón por lo que los hechos preocupantes del mundo de hoy no son el final de la historia. Ellos son el contexto en el que el Señor entra a fin de revertir el espiral de violencia y muerte y fundar un nuevo orden, “cielos nuevos y tierra nueva” que son el fruto del Hijo de Dios que vino al mundo para revelar el plan de salvación de Dios. Él es la verdadera historia de la humanidad, porque solo Él es la Palabra a través de los cuales se crean el mundo y la vida humana. Y esa Palabra, el Hijo eterno del Padre, se hace carne para que podamos ser salvador de las tinieblas que se esconden en los corazones humanos. Él es la luz verdadera que disipa la oscuridad. Él es la única esperanza segura del mundo. Y Él viene a ser parte de la condición humana, pues Él y solo Él puede revertir el destino de la humanidad, dándonos un nuevo destino, la vida en Él, la vida en el Espíritu, que es el don del amor de Dios. Esta Navidad saludo a todos a la luz de ese amor que vino al mundo la primera Navidad en un establo de Belén. Esta Navidad les invito a todos a unirse conmigo en una peregrinación del corazón a ese mismo lugar donde María dio a luz a Jesús a un mundo que tanto necesita el regalo de la vida divina que Él es y que añora por la paz que solo Él puede dar. Mi oración por cada uno de ustedes y por todos ustedes es que podamos dejar que Él transforme cualquiera de las tinieblas que controlan nuestras vidas y nos dote con la novedad de vida que su nacimiento ha hecho posible. Que la Luz de su vida brille sobre todos nosotros, sin excepción. Que el ejemplo de María y José sea el modelo para todas nuestras familias. Y que nos encuentre con los pastores adorando al Príncipe de la Paz, mientras los ángeles cantan y el mundo entero se regocija pues A nosotros se nos ha dado un Hijo, a nosotros nace un niño y es el Salvador, Dios Omnipotente, Príncipe de Paz. Fielmente suyos en Cristo, Obispo de Rockville Centre
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