IndyGo Fares boletos de IndyGo How to Purchase & Information Cómo comprar e información general NewPricingEffectiveJan.1,2009 Fare Options Full Price Half Fare SingleRide* Viaje sencillo $1.75 $.85 DayPass* Pasediario $4.00 $2.00 10-Trip $17.50 $8.50 7-DayPass Pasepara7días $20.00 $10.00 31-DayPass Pasepara31días $60.00 $30.00 Flexible Services (Open Door) $3.50 na GreenLine $7.00 $3.50 SummerYouth $30.00 na Opciones de boleto Boleto entero Medio boleto *Ifyoupayonthebus,pleaseuseexactchange.~Siustedpaga después de abordar el autobús, por favor use el cambio justo. Childrenage5andunderrideforfreewithapayingpassenger (limittwo).~Losniñosde5añosymenoresde5viajangratis cuandoestánacompañadosporunpasajeroquepagasuboleto (límite de dos). Half Fare Eligibility Requisitos para el pago de medio boleto Persons65andolder,youth18andunderand personswithdisabilitiesmayapplyforanIndyGo HalfFareidentificationcardattheIndyGoCustomer ServiceCenter.Ifyouareeligibletopurchaseand useHalfFarepasses,pleasemakesureyouhave yourvalidIndyGoID,StudentID(K-12)orMedicare cardreadytoshowtoyouroperator. Las personas de 65 años o más, los jóvenes de 18 años o menos y las personas discapacitadas pueden solicitar una tarjeta de identificación para el pagodeMedioboletodeIndyGoenelCentropara atencióndelclientedeIndyGo.Losusuariosdel Medio boleto deben presentar su identificación de IndyGoolatarjetaválidadeMedicarealoperador delautobúsdeIndyGo.Losjóvenestambiénpueden usar una identificación para estudiantes válida. IndyGo Customer Service Center 34 N. Delaware Street 317.635.3344 or Relay Indiana: 711 (Indiana), 800.743.3333 (USA) 87 Eastside Circulator Effective February 13, 2011 A partir del 13 de febrero de 2011 Walk-in Hours ~ Horario: 8am – 6pm, M-F~de lunes a viernes 9am – noon (mediodía), Saturday ~ días sábados Phone Hours ~ Horario telefónico: 7am – 7pm, M-F ~ de lunes a viernes 9am – noon (mediodía), Saturday ~ días sábados Other Purchasing Options Otras opciones de compra • • IUPUICampusCenter ~ServicioparatarjetasenelCampusdeIUPUI • DNRCustomerServiceCenter (StateGovernmentCenterSouth)~ (CentrodeServiciosalClientedeDNR) Plan a trip! From: To: *Observed Holidays New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Saturday schedule) Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day *Celebración de días festivos Día de Año Nuevo Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. (horario de los sábados) Día de los caídos en la guerra Día de la Independencia Día de trabajo Día de acción de gracias Día de Navidad Also serving: Meijer,E.WashingtonSt. Wal-Mart,E.WashingtonSt. WashingtonSquareMall CherryTreePlaza IMPDTrainingAcademy WarrenTwp.GovernmentCenter JohnMarshallCommunitySchool Service Hours: Mon-Fri: 5:28 am – 9:56 pm Saturday: 6:15 am – 10:00 pm No Sunday or Holiday service For information, call Parainformaciónllameal 317.635.3344 Glendale Town Center 56th Michigan New York Ohio To wn Ce nt le r/ er Co m Br pt oa on d Ri 17 A pp le Co /C lle om ge p to /4 n 6tI-465 Shadeland h Co lle ge /3 0t h Ea st /M as sa ch Oh us io et /M ts er id ia n A C D E B Ke ss Gl en da le F G Emerson Arlington Shadeland ts et us Arlington ia id er as A Oh io /M st Ea Shadeland n ch sa h 0t 510a 540a 610a 640a 710a 740a 810a 840a 910a 940a 1010a 1040a 1110a 1140a 1210p 1240p 110p 140p 210p 240p 310p 340p 410p 440p 510p 540p 610p 640p 710p 740p 805p 835p 915p 1000p 1030p Franklin /3 /M /4 ge lle C B /C le pp ge lle Co D oa d Br E on 6tI-465 Shadeland h pt om er pt m Co Ri r/ le Ke ss F 17 A on nt Ce n To w da en Gl G 10th Lashorasdellegadasonaproximadasy pueden variar debido a las condiciones de la vía o del tráfico. Washington Downtown Transfers Co Dean le Rural Emerson Sherman Fa Dr. A J Brown Alabama East Emerson Sherman 5 d or Bi nf ek Pk wy Su the rlan d ll C re Pennsylvania Delaware Senate Capitol University Franklin nf or d Bi Rural iso nv ille Illinois Meridian College Riverside Belmont 5 455a 504a 525a 534a 555a 604a 625a 634a 655a 704a 725a 734a 755a 804a 825a 834a 855a 904a 924a 934a e 954a 1004a Pik n o 1024a t 1034a dle n 1054a 1104a Pe 1124a 1134a 1154a 1204p 1224p 1234p 1254p 104p 124p 134p 154p 204p 224p 234p 254p 304p 324p 334p 354p 404p 424p 434p 454p 504p 524p 534p 554p 604p 624p 634p 654p 704p 724p 734p 750p 759p 820p 829p 901p 910p 942p 955p 1016p 1025p 1 Busqueelitinerarioparaeldíadelasemanay laorientaciónhaciadondeplaneatrasladarse. 2 Busqueelintervalodetiempomáscercanoa 38th suorigenydestino.Losintervalosdetiempo estánilustradosenelmapadelaruta.Puede haberparadasdeautobúsentrelosintervalos Selected Trips de tiempo. 30th Connecting Route 3 Leahaciaabajolacolumnaparaverlashoras Time enlascualesunrecorridoespecíficollegará Point aunintervalodetiempodado.Lealashoras enformahorizontalhacialaderechaparaver 21st dondeelrecorridollegaaotrasparadascon intervalosdetiempo.Unguión(-)indicaque 16th el recorrido no presta servicio al área de ese intervalo de tiempo. Emerson Compton All Knollton Kessler Blvd. Concord Warman Dean Rural Keystone nv ille eld stfi We Central Keystone Grandview All iso Pk wy rlan d ek the Su Fa ll C re College Alabama East Delaware Senate Capitol University Belmont I-46 Illinois Meridian Pennsylvania Kessler Blvd. Concord Warman Rural A B E Knollton D C Riverside Dr. A J Brown r/ E. je ei M B B E D r/ E. W as W hi as ng hi ng to n to n Sq W as ua hi re ng M to al n/ l Po Po st st /4 2n d 42 nd /M itt ho W ef as er hi ng to n Sq M ei ua je re r/ E. M al W l as hi ng to n W as W hi Guion as ng hi ng to n to n Sq W as ua hi Cooperre ng M to al n/ l Po Po st st /4 2n d Grandview 42 nd /M itt ho W ef as er hi ng W e to stfield n S M ei Central qu je ar r/ e E. M al Compton W l as hi ng to n COLLEGE Cooper How to Purchase & Information Cómo comprar e información general Downtown – Glendale Town Center 17A via Kessler Holt Fall Creek Effective October 10, 2010 A partir del 10 de octubre de 2010 Holt 62nd 17 Polco G 19 26 56th IndyGo Customer Service Center 34 N. Delaware Street 317.635.3344 or Relay Indiana: 711 (Indiana), 800.743.3333 (USA) Guion Walk-in Hours ~ Horario: 8am – 6pm, M-F~de lunes a viernes 9am – noon (mediodía), Saturday ~ días sábados Polco Phone Hours ~ Horario telefónico: 7am – 7pm, M-F ~ de lunes a viernes 9am 46th – noon (mediodía), Saturday ~ días sábados Georgetown Other Purchasing Options Otras opciones de compra Main Kessler 26 se Georgetown 26 Glendale Town Center hu Main d ac e • Pik on • IUPUICampusCenter let nd Pe Campus de IUPUI ~38th Servicio para tarjetas en el • DNRCustomerServiceCenter (State Government Center South) ~ (Centro de Servicios al Cliente de DNR) tts A 46th ss Lynhurst 38th 30th Ma Lynhurst 30th Selected Trips A Connecting Route Also serving: Murat Centre Mass Avenue Arts District Broad Ripple Village Broad Ripple Park Broad Ripple High School Bishop Chatard High School Cultural Trail Glendale Town Center C Time Point Plan a trip! 21st je 21st Connects with: Near Eastside Orbiter. For information about this service, call 317.633.8210 or visit B tts From: 10 Maryland To: d tts se hu ac ss Ma 10th Vermont A 25th Nowlan B se Washington a hu ian Rockville Ind 16th 10th 16th Service Hours: Mon – Fri: 4:48 am – 10:30 pm Saturday: 6:05 am – 10:30 pm Sunday & Holidays: 7:04 am – 9:20 pm ei 10th kwy 10th For information, call Para información llame al er P 16th 5 ac 317.635.3344 Jr. e Riv Washington King 22nd 21st York COLLEGE M How to Purchase & Information Cómo comprar e información general ML Whit 30th C re ek 62nd Downtown – Glendale Town Center 17A via Kessler Dr. ll C ville sell 34th 448a 517a 547a 615a 645a 715a 745a 815a 845a 916a 946a 1016a 1046a 1116a 1146a 1216p 1246p 116p 146p 216p 246p 316p 346p 416p 446p 516p 546p 616p 646p 716p 742p 812p 853p 935p 1009p 5 e ett Fa rds Cos 38th 2 30 29th Burdsal 46th 56th — — — 505a 510a — 533a — 538a 603a 608a — 631a — 636a 703a 46th 708a — 731a — 736a 803a 808a — 831a — 836a 903a 909a — 932a — 937a 1003a 1009a — 1032a 38th — 1037a 1103a 1109a — 1132a — 1137a 1203p 1209p — s t 1232p —uset 1237p h ac 103p ass109p — M 132p — 137p 203p 30th 209p — 232p — 237p 303p 309p — 332p — 337p 403p 409p — 432p — 437p 503p 509p — 532p — 537p 604p 21st 609p — 632p — 637p 704p 709p — 730p 16th — 734p 801p 805p — 841p — 845p 923p — 927p 10th 958p 1002p — I-46 fay wfo D 4 26 3 Inbound (Entrada) n higa Mic La 30th Cra 46th 39 34th Fall Creek Fall Creek 2 52nd 5 I-6 I-65 G 19 26 Effective October 10, 2010 A partir del 10 de octubre de 2010 17 town Glendale Town Center M al centro de Kessler Bishop Chatard High School 19 38th Kessler A IndyGo Customer Service Center 34 N. Delaware Street 317.635.3344 or Relay Indiana: 711 (Indiana), 800.743.3333 (USA) George a laz eP Pik Rural Lunes a viernes 162nd G 19 26 Broad Ripple High School 26 19 Keystone 26 Broad Ripple F 51st 46th nv ille Downtown Transfers 17A 56th s para leer un itinerario Washington New York E 18 62nd Dean Guía paso por paso Michigan All iso Shadeland Maryland nf or d 10th 10th 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bi I-465 A 5 Arrival 16th times are approximate and may vary due to road and traffic conditions. d Nowlan Ohio Washington Sherman tts se hu ac ss 510a 540a 610a 640a 710a 740a 810a 840a 910a 940a 1010a 1040a 1110a 1140a 1210p 1240p 110p 140p 210p 240p 310p 340p 410p 440p 510p 540p 610p 640p 710p 740p 805p 835p 915p 1000p 1030p I-46 25th Ma 455a 504a 525a 534a 555a 604a 625a 634a 655a 704a 725a 734a 755a 804a 825a 834a 855a 904a 924a 934a 954a 1004a ike P 1024a ton 1034a dle n e 1054a 1104a P 1124a 1134a 1154a 1204p 1224p 1234p 1254p 104p 124p 134p 154p 204p 224p 234p 254p 304p 324p 334p 354p 404p 424p 434p 454p 504p 524p 534p 554p 604p 624p 634p 654p 704p 724p 734p 750p 759p 820p 829p 901p 910p 942p 955p 1016p 1025p Emerson King Rockville 34th 30th 5 Arlington 38th 16th 448a 517a 547a 615a 645a 715a 745a 815a 845a 916a 946a 1016a 1046a 1116a 1146a 1216p 1246p 116p 146p 216p 246p 316p 346p 416p 446p 516p 546p 616p 646p 716p 742p 812p 853p 935p 1009p 1 Findthescheduleforthedayoftheweek andthedirection you plan to travel. 2 Findthetimepointsnearestyourorigin 38th anddestination.Timepointsareshown ontheroutemap.Busstopsmaybe between timepoints. Selected Trips 3 Read downward in a column to see times 30th Connecting Route whenatripwillbeatagiventimepoint. Time Readthetimesacrosstotherighttosee Point whenthetripreachesothertimepoints.A dash(—)denotesthattripdoesnotserve 21st theareaofthattimepoint. Shadeland ML 708a 808a 908a 39 1009a 34th 1109a 4 1209p 2 30 C 109p 209p 309p 22nd 409p 21st 509p 609p 5 709p 808p 10 908p B Vermont 1000p 3 46th Franklin 643a 647a 702a 743a 747a 802a 843a 847a 902a 38th I-65 943a 947a 1003a 1043a 1047a 1103a 1143a 1147a 1203p 1243p 1247p 29th103p 143p 147p 203p Fa ll C Burdsal 243p 247p 303p re ek 343p 347p 403p 443p 447p 503p 543pWhite 547p 603p Rive r Pk wy 643p 647p 703p 743p 747p 802p Ind ian a 843p 847p 902p 938p 942p 954p Dr. 627a 727a 827a 927a 1027a 1127a 30th 1227p 127p 227p 327p 427p 527p 627p 10th 727p 827p 926p Jr. 615aPlaza 621a e Pik 715a 721a 815a 821a 915a 921a 1015a 1021a 1115a 1121a 1215p 1221p 115p 121p 215p 221p 315p 321p Cra wfo 415p 421p rds ville 515p 521p 615p 621p 715p 721p 815p 821p Cos sell 915p 920p 56th — — — 505a 510a — 533a — 538a 603a 608a — 631a — 636a 703a 46th 708a — 731a — 736a 803a 808a — 831a — 836a 903a 909a — 932a — 937a 1003a 1009a — 1032a 38th — 1037a 1103a 1109a — 1132a — 1137a 1203p 1209p — tts e 1232p —us 1237p h ac 103p ass109p — M 132p — 137p 203p 30th 209p — 232p — 237p 303p 309p — 332p — 337p 403p 409p — 432p — 437p 503p 509p — 532p — 537p 604p 21st 609p — 632p — 637p 704p 709p — 730p 16th — 734p 801p 805p — 841p — 845p 923p — 927p 10th 958p 1002p — Rural n higa 610a 709a 809a 909a 1009a 1109a 1209p 109p 209p 309p 409p 509p 609p 709p 809p 909p 956p 2 Inbound (Entrada) Mic 604a 703a 803a 903a 1003a 1103a 1203p 103p 203p 303p 403p 503p 603p 703p 803p 903p 951p tte ye 548a 647a 747a 847a 947a 1047a 1147a 1247p 147p 247p 347p 447p 547p 647p 747p 847p 941p fa La 544a 643a 743a 843a 943a 1043a 1143a 1243p 143p 243p 343p 443p 543p 643p 743p 843p 937p 5 528a 627a 727a 827a 927a 1027a 1127a 1227p 127p 227p 327p 427p 527p 627p 727p 827p 925p I-6 — 621a 721a 821a 921a 1021a 1121a 1221p 121p 221p 321p 421p 521p 621p 721p 821p 920p 46th D 19 Glendale Town Center 52nd 19 Fall Creek Kessler 26 M To Downtown G 19 26 Bishop Chatard High School 51st Monday - Friday 162nd Emerson town 56th 26 George Clockwise(Circularaladerecha) — 615a 715a 815a 915a 1015a 1115a 1215p 115p 215p 315p 415p 515p 615p 715p 815p 915p astep-by-stepguide Broad Ripple High School F Rural 17A 46th Reading a Schedule 26 Broad Ripple E 18 62nd one Clockwise Dean Clockwise Shadeland Saturday I-465 Monday - Friday 1 1 1 1 1 1 s
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