S A R A U T T S L R T I U F S C FE RE A I M • P E M M N L I I E C F ND A L IN ] 17tC TO B E O ] To d a h ri e s m a o t s l l A ~ n nta t te r s cue NN th ria L A U 4 1 0 –19 R 2 s l a s his t o L IA N R IFO S R E RIV CA , E ID GALA SPONSOR / PATROCINADOR GALA Special thanks to our AGSM interns for making our first annual film festival a success. agsm.ucr.edu cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE 3 Letter from our Founder Welcome to Cinema Culturas Film Fest–Inland Empire. Our inaugural theme “All Stories Matter” was inspired by the desire to highlight the collective presence of the Hispanic diaspora in the United States. To tell a story is always a wonderful challenge. The story comes to life when it is collective and stories begin to intertwine. This festival has come to fruition with the convergence of united efforts from academic institutions, government, enterprise, and artistic minds to create a new space for collaboration and dialogue between these many groups. Tonight, we celebrate the inauguration of the first Latin American film festival in the Inland Empire, showcasing the best of contemporary Mexican film and co-collaborations from around the world. In this celebration of the creativity, talent, and tenacity of Hispanics, as the Mexican essayist Octavio Paz would say, “Society communes with itself at the celebration,” shares with others, and sees its own reflection on the silver screen. These stories are in Spanish which threads together the heterogeneous stories of Latin American and Hispanic cultures. It is a true honor to have the General Consulate of Mexico in Los Angeles, the Consulate of Mexico in San Bernardino, and UC Mexus be part of this important event for the Hispanic community, especially the Mexican community. Thank you for being here on this night of celebration and community, Dr. Cony Martínez Founder and General Director Bienvenidos al Cinema Culturas Fim Fest Inland Empire. Nuestro tema inaugural, “Todas las historias cuentan”, surge del deseo de manifestar una presencia colectiva de los individuos que forman la llamada diáspora hispana en los Estados Unidos. En esta celebración de la creatividad, el talento y el espíritu de tenacidad del hispano, como diría el ensayista mexicano Octavio Paz, “la sociedad comulga consigo misma en la fiesta”, comparte con otros y se ve reflejada en la pantalla grande. El contar una historia siempre es un reto agradable y la historia se vuelve más dinámica y cobra vida cuando es colectiva y se van entrelazando otras historias. La realización de este festival es la convergencia de esfuerzos unidos, de instituciones académicas, gubernamentales, empresariales y artísticas para crear un nuevo espacio de convivencia y diálogo. Esta noche celebramos la inauguración del primer festival de cine latinoamericano en el Inland Empire, proyectando lo mejor del cine mexicano contemporáneo y coproducciones con otros países. Y las historias en la pantalla grande son en español, el hilo que teje todas las historias heterogéneas de las culturas latinoamericanas e hispanas. Es un verdadero honor contar con la colaboraciόn del Consulado General de México en Los Ángeles, Consulado de México en San Bernardino y UC Mexus en este evento importante para la comunidad hispana, especialmente la comunidad mexicana. Gracias por su presencia en esta noche de celebración y convivio, Dra. Cony Martínez Fundadora y Directora General 4 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com About the festival Cinema Culturas Film Fest / Inland Empire is an annual event committed to promoting the artistic, academic, and professional advancement of Hispanics and providing a forum for the richness and variety of all cultures, Spanish-speaking and non-Spanish speaking, in the Inland Empire and Southern California. Our project is unprecedented in the Inland Empire as it uses a celebration of the artistic visions of Mexican and Latino filmmakers to initiate fruitful dialogue among communities about the dynamics of living in the multicultural world of Southern California. We showcase award-winning contemporary Mexican films and co-productions with Latin American countries, the U.S., and Europe, providing a local forum with a global vision. The program will include feature-length films, documentaries, shorts, and animated films. Community components of CCFFIE are its Mini Cinema Culturas and annual student film competition showcasing the best films of local high school and college students and offering film workshops to local youth led by filmmakers, other industry professionals, and local academics. Film Fest Venues 2014 Advisory Board Friday, Oct. 17 / Viernes 17 de Oct. Fox Performing Arts Center 3801 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Carlos E. Cortés Dr. Ernest F. García Ilsa Garza-González Gloria Macías Harrison Martín R. Martínez Marielena Shorett Dr. Kendall Smith Saturday, Oct. 18 / Sábado 18 de Oct. AMC Theaters 3775 Tyler Ave., Riverside Dr. Cony Martínez, Executive Director Dr. Tomás Morales, Honorary Chair GALA COMMITTEE Brenda Lorenzi Marielena Shorett 2014 Team Sunday, Oct. 19 / Domingo 19 de Oct. Riverside City College Digital Library Auditorium, DL 121 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside Diana Myers Hyatt, Marketing Coordinator Ambar Hurtado, Public Relations and Community Liaison Juan Miguel Castro, Consultant cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE Opening Night Friday, October 17 / Viernes 17 de Octubre Fox Performing Arts Center, 3801 Mission Inn Ave. 6:30 pm Gala, Photography Exhibit: Saldivar: La mirada del cine 7:30 pm Welcome 7:35 pm Special performance by Symphonie Jeunnesse 7:45 pm Introduction to the film La Jaula de Oro by actress Karen Martínez, protagonist in the film LA JAULA DE ORO 5 LA JAULA DE ORO/THE GOLDEN DREAM Mexico / 2013 / 108 min. / Feature film Director: Diego Quemada-Díez In hopes of a better life, three young people undertake a harsh journey from the slums of Guatemala to the United States. On their way they encounter a series of adversities that teach them life lessons, survival skills and the power of friendship. The film swept Mexico’s Ariel Awards including best picture, best actor, best original screenplay and best cinematography. La Jaula de Oro narra la historia de unos jóvenes migrantes guatemaltecos y un joven indígena tzotzil en su viaje a los Estados Unidos. La película muestra de forma explícita la violencia cotidiana que viven los que intentan migrar al país norteamericano. También muestra el racismo que enfrentan los grupos indígenas. 6 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com Saturday, October 18 / Sábado 18 de Octubre AMC Theaters, 3775 Tyler Ave. Riverside 12 pm IMCINE Animated Shorts These award-winning shorts from the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE) explore themes of the basic human desires to belong, find happiness, and imagine without boundaries. LA NORIA LA NORIA / THE WATERWHEEL Mexico / 2012 / 7 min. Director: Karla Castañeda In a small town, time stops for a father who has lost his son. En un pequeño poblado el tiempo se detiene para un padre de familia que ha perdido a su hijo. UN OJO/ EYE Mexico / 2012 / 5 min. Director: Lorenza Manrique UN OJO All the smoke and unhealthy air makes Elio scratch his eyes. He accidently pulls out one eye, which rolls along the floor. Elio rescues it from the cat, which he sees with the eye he still has, and throws the other one to see what happens. De tanto humo y aire insano, Elio se rasca los ojos. Sin querer, se saca un ojo que rueda por el piso. Elio lo salva del gato, a quien mira con el ojo que aún tiene y lanza el otro a la aventura. cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE 7 UN DÍA EN FAMILIA/ FAMILY IN THE PARK Mexico / 2013 / 7 min. Director: Pedro “Zulu” González On a sunny day, a wrestler takes his family for a walk in the park. They happily stroll until it is time to go and the sad truth about the family is revealed. Es un domingo familiar cualquiera en el Bosque de Chapultepec. A “El Negro”, ni el paseo en lancha, ni la visita al zoológico parecen alegrarlo. Su apatía cambia con una pregunta que nos lleva a descubrir que el parque es un lugar donde la felicidad existe, aunque tiene su precio. LLUVIA EN LOS OJOS / RAIN IN YOUR EYES UN DÍA EN FAMILIA Mexico / 2013 / 7 min. Director: Rita Basulto Seven-year-old Sophia remembers the day she broke her arm in a chase through the woods, a story full of fantasies that conceal a heartbreaking moment in her life. Sofía es una niña de siete años, recuerda el día que se fracturó el brazo en una persecución por el bosque, una historia llena de fantasías que ocultan un momento desgarrador en la vida de Sofía. LLUVIA EN LOS OJOS IMCINE Animated Shorts 8 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com LAS TARDES DE TINTICO/ TINTICO’S AFTERNOONS Mexico / 2012 / 8 min. Director: Alejandro García Caballero LAS TARDES DE TINTICO Under the beautiful Quebrada cliff in Acapulco, a group of mosquitoes addicted to tropical music are desperately trying to bring happiness back into a rumba director´s life. Join us and come to enjoy great musical numbers superb talent and mucho sabor! Bajo la bella Quebrada de Acapulco, un grupo de mosquitos adictos a la música trata desesperadamente de devolverle la alegría a un viejo y famoso maestro de la rumba. ¡Pase a gozar de grandiosos números musicales, grandes talentos y mucho sabor! DEFECTUOSOS / DEFECTIVE Mexico / 2012 / 8 min. Directors: Gabriela Martínez Garza, Jon Fernández López An old puppet master gathers defective and abandoned dolls from the garbage bins. With great passion and dedication, he turns these characters into charming marionettes that now star in his theatrical performances on the streets, and again become toys cherished and applauded by all the children. Un viejo titiritero se dedica a recoger muñecos defectuosos, abandonados en los basureros. Con gran pasión y dedicación, convierte a estos personajes en simpáticas marionetas que ahora protagonizan su show teatral callejero y vuelven a ser juguetes apreciados y aplaudidos por todos los niños. DEFECTUOSOS cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE Documentaries Selected from IMCINE’s list of top ten documentaries for the year 2013, this collection of films celebrate the imagery and identity of Mexico. 9 symbolic and iconic images from Mexican cinematography, along with commentaries from the greatest directors of photography today. Ellos construyen mitos, iluminan pasiones, y prácticamente nunca hablan. En este documental son ellos los que con sus palabras completarán el mundo iconográfico de una de las leyendas más grandes que el cine ha conocido. Esta será una inmersión en las imágenes más simbólicas y claves de las películas mexicanas fotografiadas por Gabriel Figueroa, acompañadas por las voces de los cine fotógrafos más importantes de la actualidad. 3 pm ATEMPA - SUEÑOS A ORILLAS DEL RÍO / ATEMPA - DREAMS BY THE RIVER MIRADAS MÚLTIPLES 1 pm MIRADAS MÚLTIPLES — LA MÁQUINA LOCA / COLLECTIVE VISIONS — THE CRAZY MACHINE Mexico / 2012 / 90 min. Director Emilio Maillé They build myths, light passions, and practically never speak. This film is about images in film and the people who create them, focusing on the great Mexican cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa. This film immerses the viewer into some of the most Zapoteco and Spanish w/ English subtitles Followed by Q&A with Director Edson Caballero Mexico / 2013 / 85 min. Tino dreams of becoming a “Muxe Queen”. Though born into a male body, as Tino enters adolescence, she begins to dress as a woman and embrace her femininity, all while struggling to resolve a difficult childhood and overcome poverty. Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe”, a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture. This film is a portrait of San Blas Atempa, a “magical town” lost in the Saturday, October 18 / Sábado 18 de Octubre AMC Theaters, 3775 Tyler Ave. Riverside 10 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com wild heel of Mexico, whose inhabitants seek a free and diverse society dominated by femininity. Siendo un niño muxe, u homosexual zapoteco, Tino asume el rol de mujer para llegar a la adolescencia, solucionar su economía y su pasado (pese a las carencias sociales), y alcanzar su sueño de ser quinceañera y reina muxe. Este es un viaje íntimo a las entrañas de un pueblo mágico del istmo de Tehuantepec, perdido en el talón salvaje de México, donde impera la feminidad, señoras valientes y hombres vestidos de mujer. 5 pm LA REVOLUCIÓN DE LOS ALCATRACES / EUFROSINA´S REVOLUTION ATEMPA LA REVOLUCIÓN DE LOS ALCATRACES Mexico / 2012 / 80 min. Director Luciana Kaplan The personal journey and social awakening of Eufrosina, a native of Santa María Quiegolani, an indigenous community in the Sierra Sur mountain range in Oaxaca, Mexico. After being denied the right to be mayor of her community, she begins to fight for gender equality in indigenous communities, questioning their customs and traditions, and challenging their leaders, against the backdrop of the political changes in Oaxaca in 2010. A Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, nativa de Santa María Quiegolani, una comunidad indígena situada en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca, le es negado el derecho de ser Presidenta Municipal de su comunidad, sólo por ser mujer. Esto la incita a luchar por conseguir la igualdad de género en las comunidades indígenas, cuestionando los “usos y costumbres” y retando a los caciques de la zona. Este movimiento llevado a cabo en medio de los cambios políticos que en 2010 sucedieron en Oaxaca. cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE 11 Urban Life in Contemporary Mexico The following feature film tells the stories of urban life in contemporary Mexico, and the dreams and desires that arise in the quest to rediscover the self in a new urban reality. 7:10 pm PARAÍSO Mexico / 2012 / 105 min. Director Mariana Chenillo Carmen and Alfredo live a happy life in the suburbs surrounded by friends and family. After Alfredo’s promotion, they move away to Mexico City where they immediately feel the social pressure of being overweight in a bustling metropolis of beautiful people. Taking the initiative, Carmen convinces her husband to join her in losing weight, but their relationship is put to the test when Alfredo’s program yields far better results. Carmen y Alfredo son novios desde la secundaria. Para su boda, Carmen decide ponerse a dieta, pidiendo ayuda a Alfredo. Mientras PARAISO él siga cenando pizza, ella nunca podrá adelgazar. Alfredo comienza por solidaridad, descubre que perder peso no es difícil y que disfruta hacer ejercicio. Alfredo baja más de cuarenta kilos y Carmen, nada: una situación que pone en riesgo el equilibrio perfecto. Saturday, October 18 / Sábado 18 de Octubre AMC Theaters, 3775 Tyler Ave. Riverside 12 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com Sunday, October 19 / Domingo 19 de Octubre Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside Digital Library Auditorium, DL 121 ALL SUNDAY EVENTS ARE FREE 12 pm SCREENING OF STUDENT FILM COMPETITION WINNERS High school and college students were invited to submit their creative projects. Latin American culture celebrates Día de los Muertos as a continuation of life, a celebration of life. Our 2014 theme is Día de los vivos/ Day of the Living. Followed by Q&A with student filmmakers. cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE 12:30 pm Mini Cinema Culturas A forum of the film festival dedicated to showcasing on the big screen the creative and artistic expressions of Hispanic children of the Inland Empire. Un foro dentro del marco del festival dedicado a celebrar en la pantalla grande expresiones creativas y artísticas de los niños hispanos del Inland Empire. ALL STORIES MATTER 13 ALL STORIES MATTER: HISTORIAS FROM THE INLAND EMPIRE / TODAS LAS HISTORIAS CUENTAN: HISTORIAS DEL INLAND EMPIRE Mexico-USA / 2014 / 15 min. All Stories Matter explores stories of the Inland Empire from its youth and older generation with art, poetry, and community sharing. This collaboration is between Mini Cinema Culturas, Cal State San Bernardino’s Students and Coyotes: Instruction in Poetry and Prose (SCIPP) program, and Casa Blanca Home of Neighborly Service. This documentary captures the candid moments of its protagonists, young and old, as they tell their stories and share their artistic expressions. Todas las Historias Cuentan narra las historias de los niños y personas de la tercera edad a través del arte, poesía y convivio comunitario. Este proyecto es una colaboración entre Mini Cinema Culturas, Cal State San Bernardino’s Students and Coyotes: Instruction in Poetry and Prose (SCIPP) programa y Casa Blanca Home of Neighborly Service. Este documental capta los momentos cándidos de sus protagonistas, jóvenes y mayores, al contar sus historias y compartir sus expresiones artísticas. 14 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com Charla con el director Ricardo Arnaiz y productor Alex Torres de EL Americano. Arnaiz y Torres nos hablarán sobre el proceso creativo de esta película, primera coproducción en 3-D, de México y Estados Unidos, la cual se estranará en el 2015. 1 pm THE CREATIVE PROCESS: 3-D ANIMATION / EL PROCESO CREATIVO DE LA PELÍCULA ANIMADA EN 3-D EL AMERICANO A talk with Director Ricardo Arnaiz and Producer Alex Torres of the animated film El Americano, the first major 3-D animated co-production between Mexico and the U.S., to be released in 2015. Arnaiz and Torres will lead a discussion on the creative process. We encourage students of film to attend this special engagement with a sneak preview of the film. The talk will be followed by Arnaiz’s family animation Nikté. Ricardo Arnaiz: Producer and Director Shortly after graduating with a degree in Graphic Design, Arnaiz founded his own animation company, Animex Productions in Puebla, Mexico in 2000. Since then, they have created their own animation process with HP and Toon Boom Technologies, and developed and produced many original projects. “Roncho” (2002) was his most important animated TV project, which was sold to the U.S. cable channel Locomotion and then to eight other countries. Shortly thereafter, Arnaiz started creating films, including the unfinished project “Maya: The First Great Story” — more than 20 minutes of animation and a trailer are on YouTube. cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE Alex Flores: Producer Since 2002, Flores has worked with Shoreline Entertainment on several films including the animated movie Nikté. He is currently finishing postproduction for the first MexicoU.S. co-production in animation — El Americano, with an all-star cast including Edward James Olmos, Rico Rodriguez, Lisa Kudrow and Paul Rodriguez. El Americano will have a “day in, day out” theatrical release in the U.S. and Mexico in 2015, both in Spanish and English. 2 pm MINI CINEMA CULTURAS PRESENTS NIKTÉ Mexico / 2009 / 94 min. / Animation / In Spanish only. Director: Ricardo Arnaiz Nikté is an animated adventure comedy film, produced by Animex Producciones. It stars the voices of Sherlyn as the title character, Pierre Angelo, Pedro Armendáriz Jr, Alex Lora, Jorge Arvizu, and Regina Torné. Nikté is a cheerful and mischievous 11-year-old who dreams of becoming someone important and to achieve it, poses as a princess announced in a prophecy. What she doesn’t know is that she has much more to offer and is headed for great adventures, even travel back to the times of the 15 NIKTÉ Olmec. Through a path of learning, friendship and fellowship, Nikté realizes that to be the biggest, you have to be the smallest first. Nikté es una niña huérfana de carácter muy difícil que desea ser importante y, para lograrlo, engaña a su pueblo haciéndose pasar por la princesa anunciada en una profecía. Lo que no sabe es que esto exigirá mucho más de lo que ella puede ofrecer y que para cumplirla vivirá muchas aventuras, donde aprenderá que para ser. el más grande, primero hay que ser el más pequeño. Sunday, October 19 / Domingo 19 de Octubre Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside Digital Library Auditorium, DL 121 16 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE • cinemaculturas.com 4 pm Cornerstones of Southern California / Legados del Sur de California In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, these documentaries depict the legacy of Hispanics in Southern California. Built upon family and community, these pioneers set the infrastructure for the growth of commerce in the region. Director Ricardo Villarreal and Writer Alejandro Morales will be present for Q&A after the films. En honor al Mes de la Herencia Hispana, proyectaremos estos documentales que narran historias sobre el legado de los hispanos en el Sur de California. Los hispanos pioneros del Sur de California, motivados por el sentido de importancia de la familia y comunidad, establecieron la infraestructura que posibilitó el crecimiento y desarrollo del comercio en la región. THE DOMINGUEZ USA / 2010 / 55 min. Director: Ricardo Villarreal This documentary reveals the story of one family who helped shape the history of Los Angeles and California. Since 1784 to the present, the Dominguez family has been part of the most important chapters in the history of Los Angeles and California. Dynamic and full of rich historical facts, this documentary combines never-before-seen interviews with historians, community leaders and Dominguez family descendants. The Dominguez legacy remains strong today and proves that if an individual can affect the course of history, we all can do something to make this world a better place. The Dominguez (Los Domínguez) es un documental revelador que narra cómo una familia cambió la historia de Los Ángeles y California. Desde 1784, la familia Domínguez ha sido parte instrumental de los capítulos más importantes en la historia de Los Ángeles y California. Dinámico y lleno de enriquecedores datos históricos, este documental incluye entrevistas nunca antes vistas con historiadores, líderes de la comunidad y descendientes de la familia cinemaculturas.com • 1st ANNUAL CINEMA CULTURAS FILM FESTIVAL / INLAND EMPIRE Domínguez. Hoy en día el legado de los Domínguez continúa siendo una sólida referencia y comprueba que si un individuo pudo afectar el curso de la historia, todos podemos hacer algo para hacer de nuestro mundo un mejor lugar para vivir. THE BRICK PEOPLE US / 2012 / 29 min. Director: Mike Kirsch Writer: Alejandro Morales The Brick People chronicles the story and legacy of the Mexican immigrants who came to work at Simons Brickyard #3 in Los Angeles during the early part of the 20th century. At one time it was the largest brickyard in the world, shipping as many as one million bricks each day. The bricks they made literally built Los Angeles and the surrounding Southern California area. The Brick People narra las crόnicas de la historia y legado de migrantes mexicanos que trabajaron en la ladrillera Simons Brickyard #3 en Los Ángeles a principios del siglo XX. Fue una de las compañías más grandes del mundo, produciendo más de un millόn de ladrillos por día. Estos ladrillos fueron los cimientos de lo que es ahora la ciudad de Los Ángeles y sus alrededores. Special Thanks to: Jhoann Acosta-Idda Angel Baby, DJ Beverly Arias Alex Avila Terry Ballman Frank Blanquet Phillip Brezine Nicolas Cano, El Fortín Sandra Castro Alfredo Cruz Juan Delgado Rebecca Díaz Daniel Díaz Reyes Generation Now María LaBarrie Dina Mouris Mary Pasilla Priscilla Rivera Michele Tacchia Jesse Valenzuela Frances Vásquez Lilian Vásquez Ken Vincent 17 COLLABORATORS / COLABORADORES COLLABORATORS / COLABORADORES BRONZE SPONSORS / PATROCINADOR BRONCE BRONZE SPONSORS / PATROCINADOR BRONCE GOLD SPONSORS / PATROCINADOR ORO GOLD SPONSORS / PATROCINADOR ORO OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR PATROCINADOR OFICIAL, TELECOMUNICACIONES Y MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN
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