Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti (1) y Robert Smith (2) (1) Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, USA (2) Dorset County Council, Dorchester, England Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center UNC Highway Safety Research Center 730 Airport Road CB #3430 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3430 USA Resumen / Abstract La capacidad de los niños para ir caminando o en bicicleta a la escuela es un indicador de lo amiga que es una comunidad de la movilidad a pie y en bicicleta. El año pasado, 21 países y 3,25 millones de niños y adultos participaron en el Día Internacional Caminando a la Escuela. Muchas comunidades han lanzado programas a largo plazo para obtener mejoras importantes. Los objetivos primarios se centran en proporcionar más seguridad a la movilidad a pie y en incrementar el volumen de ésta, que se produce tanto en el transporte como en la actividad física. Las listas de comprobación sobre los desplazamientos a pie y en bicicleta proporcionan a las comunidades herramientas y recursos para identificar problemas y posibles soluciones. G.B. dispone del programa actual más antiguo sobre caminando a la escuela, en el que participaron 12.000 escuelas en el año 2001. EE.UU. tiene menos programas (aproximadamente, 600 programas en 49 de 50 estados en 2001). Los programas EE.UU. están caracterizados por la diversidad del liderazgo y los objetivos localizados. El éxito en ambos países ha experimentado un aumento considerable respecto al número de participantes y a la transformación de las iniciativas en programas a largo plazo. En la actualidad, muchos programas están llegando a la madurez necesaria para plantearse cuestiones importantes. Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti and Robert Smith Ponencia / Paper Introduction Communities across the world are using a child’s ability to walk to school as a starting point for examining how safe and secure their communities are for all people on foot. Last year more than 3.25 million walkers in 21 countries participated in International Walk to School Day on October 2nd. The concept behind the day is for parents, children and community leaders to walk to school together with their eyes open--to celebrate the good things about the walk to school and to identify the impediments to walking and ways to fix them. Events ranged from the launch of a single "walking bus" route with perhaps 10 participants, to an organized walk involving up to 1,500 children, parents, teachers and community leaders. Children and adults use walkability checklists to identify specific problems and solutions. For many communities, the day is an anchor event for long-term programs to increase safe walking. Using different names and missions, communities work for and get new sidewalks, additional crossing guards, physical activity programs, reduced speeds around schools, among other things. What is behind this widespread interest in the walk to school and how are communities turning this into a movement for change? This paper examines the perspectives of Great Britain and the United States, the two countries who joined Canada in founding International Walk to School Day. Background on Walk to School Programs The first International Walk To School Day occurred in 2000 as a outgrowth of successful national events which had been held in the UK since 1994, and in Canada and the USA since 1997. Realising the advantages of working together, the individual country co-ordinators joined forces to create a global event promoting the importance of walking children to school. Not only does it raise worldwide awareness of child pedestrian issues, it provides a vast accessible network for the exchange of ideas and information among the participating countries. The actual day is the focus for raising global awareness but the initiative is year round. Coordinators in each community may choose to focus on a particular theme for their events, such as increasing health and physical activity, lessening pollution and congestion, learning safe pedestrian skills, highlighting inadequate pedestrian facilities or simply creating a stronger sense of community. Whatever the theme, everyone walks with one guiding principle - healthy people make healthy communities. An International web site, www.iwalktoschool.org, links all the co-ordinators, promotes and publicises the event, shares best practice and supports other global initiatives like Car Free Day. The web site facilitates the exchange of ideas, information and best practice and creates networking opportunities which would not otherwise have been possible. Multi-lingual translation of the site has encouraged more countries to participate. The regular use of teleconference facilities has enabled the working group to develop new ideas and methodologies, quickly and effectively. Sharing of downloadable free resources has enabled even small community groups to participate in a global initiative. Pilot projects are numerous. Walking buses are one innovation which has been mirrored worldwide. Children walk to school in supervised groups picking up pedestrians along the way, in order to reduce unnecessary car use. Schools get together in citywide collaborations to walk en masse to or from a central location. In recent years schools have been paired up with those in other countries and communicate via e-mail. The program is aimed at all parents of school-aged children, including those who already walk. Children who are driven can be dropped off at a central point and then walk to school in groups for 2 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti y Robert Smith the last part of the journey. Those who are unable to walk all the way to school are encouraged to walk around school playing fields as if they had walked to school. Families who regularly drive to school but live within reasonable walking distance and have adequate walking facilities are the main target group, however, school administrators, teachers, police, transportation officials and civic officials are all involved. One of the main goals is to raise awareness to all of the importance of walking and biking to school and to create safe and convenient ways to travel to school actively. Evaluations from country coordinators suggest big decreases in car use on the school run during and after the events. Awareness of the initiative is reported as particularly high amongst parents, pupils and community leaders. Regular monitoring of travel mode patterns reveal both a slowing down of the increase in car use and an increase in walking and cycling rates at schools where the project has been running for several years (Dorset County Council 2001). United Kingdom Experience For many parents, the car is becoming the main means of transporting their children to and from school. The proportion of journeys to school made by car in the UK for example, has almost doubled in 12 years and continues to rise. The causes are complex and inter-related. Rising levels of car ownership, more job opportunities for mothers with young children and a wider choice of schools are just some of the social factors. Combining journeys to work with the school run, inclement weather and time pressures with siblings at different schools, can be headed under the convenience and comfort factor. Increased fears about personal safety and increased traffic volumes cause road safety concerns and inadequate public transport provision and poor pedestrian and cyclist facilities in some areas also compound the problem. Parents naturally want to protect their children and their safety worries lead them to assume that the car is safer than walking. More cars mean more traffic congestion so fewer children are allowed to walk. A vicious circle then ensues. Local air quality, journey times and the competitiveness of local business all deteriorate. Children have even less opportunity to develop vital road skills under parental supervision and reduced levels of daily physical activity impact on their general health and well-being. Children will build up car dependency habits at a very early age, which will then be very difficult to change as they become independent young adults. Surveys suggest that most young children who are driven to school would prefer to walk or cycle instead (Dorset County Council 2001). It is, however, parents who generally make the final decision on how their young children get to school. In order for parents to consider walking as a viable form of transport it is vital that they are made aware of the positive benefits. It is this overarching aim to promote walking to school as an environmentally friendly, viable, safe, free, healthy alternative to the car, which underpins the Walk to School campaign. Local authorities have been promoting Walk To School events in the UK since 1994.The aim is to encourage driving parents to experience the benefits of accompanying their children to and from school on foot on a regular basis. It is not anti-car. It aims to promote walking as a realistic alternative to it. The "campaign" in the UK is organised and promoted jointly by the National Travelwise Association and The Pedestrians Association. Dorset County Council created a National Walk to School web site in 1999 in order to share experiences and ideas and promote best practice. Many events included famous sporting personalities as well as Chief Police Officers, Mayors and other civic dignitaries. Many events reported big increases in the numbers of walkers with some having 100% of the total school population taking part. Short-term evaluation suggests this increase in modal shift tails off after a few weeks, which is why the UK in particular, now organises both a Summer Walk To School Week and an Autumn Walk To School Week as well as supporting the International Day. There are proposals for a spring event as well. The International event is used as a key launchpad for other longer-term initiatives, especially safer routes to school projects. 3 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti and Robert Smith Sponsors have been quick to recognise the event's positive appeal, and with its extensive media coverage, are queuing up to support both local and national events. Public perception of the campaign is very positive and non-threatening. The carrots seem to outweigh the sticks - at least for the moment! Feedback also suggests that involving local decision makers in the events can have positive financial benefits in the form of additional funding for physical safer routes to school measures. Some lessons learned after 7 years of promoting walking to school: § Recognise the efforts being made at a local level and promote their successes to a global audience. § Use the walking to school theme to focus on a wider range of issues, enabling even the smallest community to feel they can make a difference. § Encourage schools to develop community supported School Travel Plans which focus on sustainable transport issues at a local level and set realistic, achievable targets for travel mode change. § Acknowledge the efforts of those who are already walking. Go for the "win-win" approach first - start with lots of incentives. Even a modicum of success can be used as a firm foundation for longer-term change. § Build in effective evaluation from the start. § Promote and publicise the successes. § Use the internet to widen the exposure of the initiative and to draw in new partners. Share best practice. § Make global publicity and promotional materials available for local customisation. § Be realistic with what can be achieved in both the long and short term. § Regular drip-feeding of the messages is better than one-off flash events. § Get local leaderships, planners, engineers and the local community as a whole to value walking. § Build on the successes of others, in partnership with them. § Collaborate - don't compete. United States experience The reasons for the increase in interest in walk to school programs in the United States are similar to those of the United Kingdom--the health of our children and our communities. In the United States, physical inactivity is one of our nation's greatest health threats. There is particular concern that youth in the US are developing sedentary habits that will persist into adulthood and accelerate the already dangerous rise in obesity and diabetes (National Center for Health Statistics 2002; Rosenbloom et al 1999). Regular walking is an enjoyable, accessible and inexpensive activity for youngsters of practically any age and ability. Yet in the US our roadways are being designed to accommodate more and more cars, often unintentionally at the expense of walking. The dramatic increase in the use of automobiles to chauffeur children has led to a box mentality. Children go from the box of the house to the box of the car to the box of the school and back with little opportunity for independent movement. Walking to school appears to be an under-utilized opportunity with great potential for increasing routine physical activity among children. (Tudor-Locke et al 2001) Others suggest that children are beset by a "siege" mentality (Hillman 1999). This is likely due to the real and perceived threats to children walking and bicycling alone. One out of every seven people killed in traffic crashes in the United States is a pedestrian or bicyclist. Approximately 5,000 pedestrians a year are 4 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti y Robert Smith killed and another 80,000 are injured (US DOT 2001). However, at the same time over 250,000 deaths are related to physical inactivity (CDC 1996). We have been building a transportation world in which caregivers have to balance the short-term risks of injury as pedestrians against the longterm risks of sedentary lifestyles. A grass roots movement has begun in the US to change communities and it uses the walk to school as a coalescing force. Communities have cited walk to school as part of what became major initiatives to secure transportation funding, to change where schools are located, to create and to enforce codes to require sidewalks. Participation in the US tends to be at three levels of activity. At the beginning level are communities who conduct one-day Walk to School Events but go no further. The events often draw much media attention to walking issues and bring community leaders together but do not attempt to identify and change problems. At the second level, communities become involved in long-term programs with specific goals. These include promoting safety by teaching children the skills to walk safely; identifying safe routes to school; fighting the obesity epidemic by encouraging physical activity through walking; raising awareness of how walkable a community is and identifying improvements to make; and reducing traffic congestion and speeds, particularly around schools. At the third level are communites who are ready to make permanent change and "institutionalize" walking, by incorporating it into civic culture, decision-making and the personal habits of citizens. Safe Routes to School programs are gaining support in the United States and are an excellent example of this type of change. Neighborhood groups, engineers and planners, community leaders and, in many cases, state transportation departments are working together to provide safe routes to school. Examples of community accomplishments include: § In New London, Connecticut, a city Traffic Safety Committee was formed after Walk to School Day. § Walk to School organizers in Ocala, Florida built a pedestrian obstacle course and asked children to demonstrate the safest response to each hazard as they walked to school. § Houston, Texas used Walk to School Day to kick off the Children's Safety Zone, an area in an urban, Spanish-speaking district that will receive intense educational effort about pedestrian safety for two years. § In Madison, Wisconsin, the SAFE KIDS coalition worked with local traffic officers to get speed boards posted around schools. For the entire week of the event, officers ticketed school zone speeders. § Students in Tecumseh, Nebraska, started a six-week walking program with a goal of walking the equivalent of walking to the 2002 Winter Olympics (931 miles). § In Gilbert, South Carolina, children did not live close enough to walk to school, so organizers promoted walking around the school and in the community. § In the village of Kailua, Hawaii, students, who had previously had to travel a circuitous 8 mile route along congested roadways to get to school, received a new pedestrian route, a path the links four schools and several neighborhoods. § After the mayor of Nashville, Tennessee participated in Walk to School Day; he designated several million dollars for new sidewalks around schools. § Oakland, California translated walkability checklists into several languages and used survey results to determine where to fix sidewalks and hire more crossing guards. § City officials in Hyrum, Utah used walkability checklist results to prioritize how money from a state pedestrian facility improvement grant was used. In the United States, who champions the event/program varies greatly from community to community and this self-selection process is a strength of the program. The leadership role is not 5 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti and Robert Smith determined by the positions people hold but rather the commitment they have for the issues. Events are led by mayors, city council members, police and fire departments, hospitals, health departments, SAFE KIDS coalitions, elementary school teachers, physical education teachers, school principals, parent-teacher organizations, bicycle coalitions, fitness councils, and even college students. Just as leadership is individual to the community so is the mission behind the walk. Improving safety and increasing physical activity are the missions most often cited by coordinators. However, the specific goals within those missions vary greatly. Safety may mean everything from teaching pedestrian skills to children to an enforcement program to slow drivers around schools and in neighborhoods. Walking checklists A common element in many programs is the use of checklists to identify community problems. Several years ago, the United States Department of Transportation funded the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center to develop an assessment tool for communities to use to determine how safe and easy it is to take a walk with a child. A panel of experts on safety, access, health and environmental issues determined the components of the tool. A checklist was designed to enable a parent or other adult to determine the quality of the overall walk and to single out specific problems such as inadequate facilities, poor behavior by motorists or environmental impediments. The tool includes short and long-term actions for the problems identified. Many communities have used the checklists as part of walk to school programs. By including local government leaders, children, parents and the media in the walks, the events were able to both assess the problems and to initiate the process for creating change. The walking checklist asks the users to identify a destination for walking. Often the checklist is used as part of walk to school day and the school is the destination selected. Along the walk, the user is prompted to address five questions: § Did you have room to walk? This question addresses whether there were sidewalks or paths and were they in disrepair or blocked. § Was it easy to cross streets? For this question the user is asked to observe intersections. Was the road too wide, did traffic signals not give enough time, were there no signals? § Did drivers behave well? Behaviors to watch for include backing out of driveways without looking, not yielding to pedestrians, and driving too fast. § Was it easy to follow safety rules? For this question the users are asked to observe their own behaviors. Did they cross at crosswalks, walk facing traffic, cross with the light? § Was your walk pleasant? This question recognizes the importance of a route being inviting to a walker. Were there pleasant things like trees, flowers, good lighting or unpleasant things like trash, scary dogs, or the general feeling of being unsafe? Each question covers a facet of what makes an area walkable. Each question gets a score from 1 to 6, with 1 being awful and 6 being excellent. Then the scores for all 5 questions are added together to get an overall score. For high scores, 26 to 30, the checklist suggests that the users celebrate because they have great places for walking. This is important because often places that 6 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti y Robert Smith are great for walking go unnoticed and underused. If a route gets a low score, then the individual question scores allows the user to better identify the problem. For example, if question 3, did drivers behave well, had a low score, then the user would be directed to two tiers of recommendations. One tier is for short-term suggestions such as asking the police department to conduct enforcement programs. The other tier is for initiatives that take more time such as the placement of traffic calming devices along the roads where drivers are speeding. One of the issues the checklist helps to address is poor communication that sometimes occurs between the citizen advocate and the transportation engineer. Checklist users are encouraged to contact the community officials who deal with the specific problems. They are reminded to present the problem not a solution. For example, suppose someone does not identify the problem but rather asks for a solution such as four-way stop signs. The issue becomes stop signs when actually there may be other more promising treatments to try. The checklist is being incorporated into an on-line information system at the web site www.walkinginfo.org. The system will automatically tally the results and provide the user a menu of resources including background information on the issue and potential solutions, studies and illustrative photographic images pulled from a visual library. Bicycling checklist A bicycling checklist was developed in 2001 to serve as a companion tool to the walkability checklist. This tool enables cyclists to assess conditions encountered, such as roadway, path and intersection features, traffic threats and environmental factors, and provides immediate and longterm actions similar to the walkability checklist. The bicycling checklist prompts the user to answer seven questions: § Did you have a place to bicycle safely? This question divided into two situations: bicycling on the road and sharing space with motor vehicles and bicycling on an off-road path or trail where motor vehicles are not allowed. § How was the surface you rode on? Here the checklist user observes for potholes, dangerous drain grates or other surface problems that could cause a cyclist to lose balance. § How were the intersections you rode through? This question addresses whether the signal changes for a bicycle and whether there is a safe route through the intersection for a bicyclist. § Did drivers behave well? The checklist user is asked to notice such things as whether vehicles travel too fast and did they cut the cyclist off or pass the cyclist too closely. § Was it easy to use your bike? This question is about secure places to leave a bike, the ability to take a bike on mass transit and other convenience factors. § What did you do to make your ride safer? This question asks the cyclist to evaluate his/her own behavior regarding using safety equipment and following the rules of the road. § Tell us about yourself. The skill level of the cyclist affects the way he/she will evaluate some of the previous questions and needs to be taken into consideration 7 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti and Robert Smith Results In both the UK and the USA, walk to school initiatives have grown dramatically in size. Having started in the UK with just a few hundred children in a handful of schools as a pilot project in 1994, more than 12,000 schools participated in the UK in 2001. In the USA, two schools walked in 1997 and by 2001, 600,000 walkers in 49 of the 50 states participated. Other measures of success should be based on outcomes including long-term behavioral changes by pedestrians and motorists and environmental improvements, such as increased installation of sidewalks and safer street crossings. Questions to answer include: What percentage of events become long-term programs; are they accomplishing their goals; are places becoming safer for walking and are more people walking? The ultimate outcome measure for success of the program would be the increase in the number of children walking to school (and walking trips by all pedestrians) and a reduction in pedestrian crashes and injuries as a result of the creation of safer walking environments. In the United States, programs have just begun to reach the maturity to allow for such evaluation. We do know of exceptional efforts, such as the work in California that has culminated in the passage of a law that earmarks transportation funding for improving routes to school (www.baypeds.org/saferoutes.html). Are programs creating safer environments? Yes, but we just do not know to what extent yet. Are more children and others walking? That needs to be carefully studied. In the United States better exposure data for walking is needed so that evaluations can be conducted to identify if children who participate in these programs are increasing their walking to school. And if so, is this activity increasing their physical activity levels or is it a substitute for another form of activity, such as after school play with friends? It is important that the energy and enthusiasm communities are expending for these initiatives be given direction that is based on scientific evaluation. The future The International Walk to School committee will continue to work in partnership to provide a vast accessible network for the exchange of ideas and information. It will continue to draw the attention of public decision-makers and the media to sustainable transport issues and to widen community involvement in order to foster positive long-term change. Today's children are tomorrow's decision makers. Today's child car passengers are tomorrow's car drivers. References Smith, R. 2001. Travel mode surveys 1999-2001. Dorchester: Dorset County Council. National Center for Health Statistics 2002. Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents: United States, 1999. Hyattsville: NCHS. Rosenbloom, AL; Joe, JR; Young, RS; Winter, WE. 1999. Emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes in youth. Diabetes care, 22, 345-354. Tudor-Locke, C; Ainsworth, BE;Popkin, BM. 2001. Active commuting to school; an overlooked source of children's physical activity? Sports medicine, 31 (5), 309-313. Hillman, M. 1999. The impact of transport policy on children's development. In: Canterbury Safe Routes to Schools Seminar, Christ Church 29 May 1999. US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2001. Traffic Safety Facts 2000. Washington, DC: NHTSA. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1996) Physical activity and health: a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: CDC. 8 Cómo nos llevan los niños hacia comunidades más sanas y seguras. Children leading the way to safer, healthier communities. Lauren Marchetti y Robert Smith CURRICULUM VITAE Lauren Marchetti es subdirectora del Centro de Información para Peatones y Ciclistas del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Seguridad Vial de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte. Su trabajo se ha centrado en el diseño y la evaluación de programas destinados a reducir las lesiones y los fallecimientos relacionados con los vehículos de motor, incluida la disuasión de la conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol y el aumento de la utilización de los cinturones de seguridad y los asientos de seguridad para niños. Gran parte de su trabajo reciente se ha centrado en conjuntar a las comunidades sanitaria y de seguridad para fomentar una movilidad a pie segura. Es miembro fundador de Walkable America; organizadora del Día Caminando a la Escuela en los EE.UU. y ha colaborado en la creación del primer Día Internacional Caminando a la Escuela. Robert Smith en la actualidad, Robert Smith es Director de Educación sobre Seguridad Vial, Formación y Publicidad en el Ayuntamiento del Condado de Dorset del Sudoeste de Inglaterra. Anteriormente, fue profesor de enseñanza primaria y dedicó gran parte de los últimos 10 años a la promoción de iniciativas sostenibles para los desplazamientos escolares a nivel local, nacional e internacional. Colabora en el proyecto nacional de G.B. Caminando a la Escuela desde 1995 y es miembro del grupo de trabajo que coordina la campaña en G.B. Creó la página web nacional Caminando a la Escuela y propuso la idea de un evento internacional Caminando a la Escuela, que se puso en marcha en el año 2000. Actualmente, preside el Grupo de Trabajo Internacional Caminando a la Escuela, compuesto por activistas medioambientales, de educación, seguridad, salud y transporte de diversos países. Es autor de varios recursos educativos que vinculan los temas de transporte sostenible al plan de estudios escolar. Lauren Marchetti is the deputy director for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center of the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center. Her work has focused on designing and evaluating programs to reduce motor-vehicle-related deaths and injuries, including deterring drinking driving and increasing child safety seat and seat belt use. Much of her recent work has focused on bringing the health and safety communities together to promote safe walking. She is a founding member of the Partnership for a Walkable America; an organizer of Walk to School Day in the US, and helped launch the first International Walk to School Day. Robert Smith is currently the Head of Road Safety Education, Training and Publicity at Dorset County Council in South West England. He is a former primary school teacher who has spent much of the past 10 years promoting sustainable school travel initiatives at local, national and international level. He has been involved in the UK's National Walk To School project since 1995 and is a member of the working group which co-ordinates the campaign in the UK. He created the National Walk To School website and proposed the idea of an International Walk To School event, which was launched in 2000. He currently chairs the International Walk To School Working Group, which comprises transport, health, safety, education and environmental activists from several countries. He is the author of several teaching resources linking sustainable transport issues into the school curriculum. 9
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