Yellen y Lagarde debaten sobre cómo prevenir la próxima crisis
November/Noviembre 2014
Vol. 25 - No. 11
Yellen y Lagarde debaten sobre cómo prevenir la próxima crisis
Por: Sandro Pozzi
La jefa del banco central dijo que la
desigualdad de ingresos y de riqueza, casi
"alcanzó su punto más alto en un siglo".
La presidenta de la Reserva Federal
Janet Yellense declaró el viernes "muy
preocupada" por el constante incremento
de las desigualdades en Estados Unidos.
En un discurso pronunciado en Boston
(Massachusetts, noreste), la jefa del
banco central dijo que la desigualdad de
ingresos y de riqueza, que "se incrementó
nuevamente durante la reactivación" de la
economía en Estados Unidos, casi "alcanzó
su punto más alto en un siglo".
"El incremento de las desigualdades
se reanudó durante la reactivación
económica" luego de la crisis financiera e
inmobiliaria de 2008, "cuando el mercado
financiero se recuperó, el incremento de
los salarios (...) fue bajo y el alza de los
precios de las viviendas no restableció el
patrimonio perdido por gran parte de los
hogares", declaró Yellen.
La jefa del banco central estadounidense
mencionó por otra parte que el fardo de la
deuda que los estudiantes contraen para
financiar sus estudios se cuadruplicó entre
2004 y 2014.
Desigualdades en EE.UU. son las mayores
en un siglo.
Janet Yellen y Christine Lagarde, cara
a cara. El momento de la conversación
entre las primeras damas del mundo de las
finanzas no puede ser más oportuno. La
presidenta de la Reserva Federal (Fed) se
topa con el dilema de qué hacer con los
tipos de interés en una situación de lento
crecimiento y con la inflación subiendo
de golpe. La directora gerente del Fondo
See DEBATEN on page 3
Are charter schools better?
By Carol Lloyd
Recent national studies found many
students in charter schools were
not performing as well as those in
neighborhood public schools now shows
that in a few states, charter schools are
improving in some areas, while losing
ground in others.
The study, by Stanford University
researchers at the Center for Research
on Education Outcomes, examined the
standardized test results of students
enrolled in charter schools in 25 states.
The charter school results were compared
with those of students with the same
demographics and academic profiles in
public schools that the charter students
would have otherwise attended.
The original study, conducted four years
ago, showed that only 17 percent of charter
Cuomo intenta de reparar la
relación con la comunidad
hispana un poco tarde
Por: Marcos Lebron
Búfalo, NY. - La campaña de reelección del
gobernador Andrew M. Cuomo se dirigió al
Caribe el viernes pasado, mientras trataba de
atraer los votos de los hispanos en el país,
haciendo un viaje simbólico, aunque breve,
a la República Dominicana y Puerto Rico.
Cuomo quedo impresionado por la grandeza
del Palacio Nacional en Santo Domingo,
en la República Dominicana y también
posó para unas fotos a lo largo de las calles
empedradas de la parte vieja de San Juan; y
explicó que su viaje fue como una "señal de
respeto" para los neoyorquinos hispanos.
"En muchos sentidos, cuando estoy en
Puerto Rico, siento que estoy en casa", dijo
más tarde en un hotel en el Viejo San Juan,
donde su campaña trabajaba en etiquetas
y los botones, y el recibió el respaldo del
El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Alejandro
García Padilla.
A medida que las elecciones del 04 de
noviembre se acercan, el foco de la campaña
See TARDE on page 3
In America, why the poor pay $4,158 for a
$1,500 ‘rent-to-own’ sofa
schools managed to raise student math test
scores above those of local public schools.
The new report said that 29 percent of
charter schools performed better in math
than local public schools.
And while the 2009 study showed 37
percent of charter schools were actually
providing a worse education than local
public schools, that figure declined to 31
Buffalo, NY. — The love seat and sofa that
Maria Rivera can’t quite afford ended up in
her Blackrock apartment because of the day
earlier this year when she and her family
walked into a Value City Furniture and
had no access to credit, no bank account
and little cash, but here was a place that
catered to exactly those kinds of customers.
Anything could be hers. The possibilities —
and the prices — were dizzying.
At Aaron’s, a used 32-gigabyte, early model
iPad costs $1,439.28, paid over 72 weeks.
An Acer laptop: $1,943.28, in 72 weekly
installments. A Maytag washer and dryer:
$1,999 over 100 weeks.
Rivera wanted a love seat-sofa combo, and
she knew it might rip her budget. But this,
she figured, was the cost of being out of
See CHARTER on page 3
options. “You don’t get something like that
just to put more burden on yourself,” Rivera
Five years into a national economic
recovery that has further strained the poor
working class, an entire industry has grown
See RENT-TO-OWN on page 3
Vote Mark Grisanti for New York State Senate • Vote John DelMonte and E. Janette Ogden for NYS Supreme Court
See page 4 for endorsements in Buffalo, Rochester and Dunkirk
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PHNews Endorses Candidates
for General Election
Buffalo News Page 4
Apple emite advertencia de
seguridad sobre iCloud
Tech & Science News Page 8
A Massage from the PR and
Hispanic Day Parade
Buffalo News Page 4
Latino Voters and the 2014
Midterm Elections
Rochester News Page 5
Andres “Andy” Herrera
Conozca su Gente Page 9
Tu defecto o tu don
Damaris Caceres Mercado
Tu Reflejo Page 8
Guapos y Guapas Talk a
Lung Cancer Survivor Urges
lot of Smack
Smokers To Quit for Their Families
La Iglesia En Acción Pg. 14 Salud Page 15
Se registra sismo en frontera de
Ecuador con Colombia
Mundo Latino Page 6
Elementary Students of the
Month in Dunkirk
Dunkirk News Page 7
Stars and other new movie
Entretenimiento Page 11
Sopes Mexicano
Receta Page 9
U.S. Stocks Decline, Dollar
Gains Amid Inflation Data
Business News Page 16
Regresa al cuadrilátero Luis
‘El Artesano’ Cruz
Sports News Page 17
Cuomo Attempts to mend
relationship with Hispanics a little
too late Editorial/ Letters Page 18
People First Not Politics!
Primero el Pueblo No la Política!
Vote the Independence line 11E
DEBATEN • from FRONT page
Monetario Internacional (FMI) le pide que sea clara y que piense en el resto del mundo.
Yellen intervino en un evento organizado por el FMI dedicado a la estabilidad financiera.
Acto seguido, mantuvo una discusión con Lagarde. Las dos ya coincidieron por primera
vez en la reunión del G20 en Australia. Wall Street no perdió ojo a este nuevo encuentro.
Arrancó el segundo semestre con el Dow Jones acariciando el nivel de los 17.000 puntos.
Sin embargo, se teme que con su laxitud la Fed esté dando un sustento artificial a los
mercados y creando burbujas.
Las dos mujeres más poderosas en la economía global dirigen instituciones opuestas,
aunque comparten un objetivo común: garantizar la estabilidad financiera. Es uno de los
pilares sobre los que se sustenta el mandato de la Fed, junto a la creación de empleo y
el crecimiento económico en un marco de estabilidad de precios. “Seamos realistas, no
volveremos a la situación previa a la crisis. La nueva normalidad será diferente”, advirtió
la jefa del FMI.
Christine Lagarde fue muy generosa en sus comentarios hacia Janet Yellen. “Tu energía,
visión y lucidez ayudan a dar claridad y orden a un mundo muy complejo”, le reconoció. Y
en un tono distendido le dijo que tienen más cosas en común que el “color del pelo”. “Nos
preocupa el desempleo y la firme determinación de prevenir una crisis futura”, señaló, a la
vez que destacó que creen en el consenso sobre la confrontación.
Más allá de los elogios personales y profesionales, Lagarde lleva tiempo pidiendo a Fed
que proceda con cuidado a la hora de retirar los estímulos. Se lo volvió a repetir. Su
temor es que cualquier movimiento en falso en el proceso de normalización de la política
monetaria en EE UU tenga un efecto perverso en los países emergentes, que son los que
hasta ahora tiraron de la economía global cuando el motor de las avanzadas gripó.
Yellen es conocida por ser una persona a la que le gusta escuchar, en esa búsqueda
constante del equilibrio. Estas conversaciones públicas las utiliza para reforzar el mensaje.
La Fed tiene en cuenta lo que le pide el FMI, pero deja claro que actúa basándose en los
intereses de su economía. El problema para Lagarde no es tanto lo que dice la presidenta
de la autoridad monetaria estadounidense, sino la confusión que crea la opinión de sus
Riesgo de volatilidad
La presidenta de la Fedexpuso en su intervención los límites a los que se enfrentan los
bancos centrales a la hora de manejar los instrumentos que tiene a su disposición para
promover la estabilidad financiera. Sí admitió que mantener los tipos de interés tan bajos
más tiempo del necesario puede llevar a la asunción de riesgos por parte de los actores del
mercado. También alertó a los inversores sobre la volatilidad futura de algunos activos,
como en el mercado de bonos corporativos o los préstamos apalancados.
Yellen habló de que está detentando que hay un incremento de la asunción del riesgo en
algunos puntos del sistema financiero. Pero están muy localizados y no le preocupan con
exceso. Por eso considera que en este momento no contempla desviarse de la estrategia
actual. En su opinión, es más práctico combatir los excesos del mercado por vía de la
supervisión y de más requisitos de capital a la banca. "Los tipos de interés no son la
primera línea de defensa", añadió.
La intervención de Janet Yellen se produjo en la víspera de conocerse el dato de paro de
junio, que se publica un día antes de lo previsto por la festividad el viernes del Día de la
Independencia en EE UU. El indicar de empleo en el sector privado sirvió de anticipo con
281.000 ocupados. La previsión es que se creen 215.000 empleos no agrícolas y que la
desocupación quede en el 6,3%, en línea con lo visto en meses pasados.
money than it did 20 years ago, a group increasingly likely to string together paychecks by
holding multiple part-time jobs with variable hours.
It’s a group whose jobs, not so long ago, were more secure and better-paying; they could
pay cash at Wal-Mart and had access to more affordable credit. But today, with the
excesses of the subprime boom leading conventional banks to stay away from low-income
borrowers, it can be their only option. Compared with pre-recession highs, the riskiest
borrowers have been all but cut off from access to big loans, like mortgages, experts say.
“Basically, the market pulled back from all low-income borrowers instead of trying to
figure out how to serve them,” said Michael Barr, a University of Michigan law professor
and author of “No Slack: The Financial Lives of Low-Income Americans.”
Read the rest of the article on our website at
TARDE • from FRONT page
de Cuomo ha parecido que salta de una casilla a otra en un formulario del censo. Ha
cortejado a las mujeres al viajar por el estado en un autobús llamado La Igualdad de la
Mujer; se dirigió a mujeres de la congregación de la raza negra en las iglesias; e hizo un
llamamiento a los votantes judíos al visitar Israel.
El viaje aquí estaba destinado a ayudar a mejorar la relación del señor Cuomo con los
hispanos, una relación que ha mostrado mucha inquietud lo largo de su primer mandato.
Los hispanos siguen estando frustrados hasta hace poco, el Sr. Cuomo había mostrado
poco interés en la presión por la aprobación de la Ley del Sueño, el desarrollo económico
tiene previsto abordar la pobreza en las comunidades hispanas y de las minorías en todo
el estado. Un informe del censo reciente indica que el 51% por ciento de los niños de las
minorías bajo la edad de 18 años en Nueva York vive en la pobreza, un fuerte aumento en
el reloj del Gobernador Cuomo.
Votantes hispanos representaron el 11 por ciento de la participación estatal en el 2010, de
acuerdo a una encuesta de salida realizada por Edison Investigación. Bruce N. Gyory, un
consultor político, prevé que su participación en el voto crecería en la próxima década a
cerca de 20 por ciento en todo el estado.
La encuesta de salida de hace cuatro años, encontró que tres de cada cinco votantes
hispanos se pusieron del lado de Cuomo. Encuestas realizadas este año han demostrado
que, entre los posibles votantes que se identifican como latinos, Cuomo tenía una pequeña
ventaja sobre su rival republicano, RobAstorino, el Ejecutivo del Condado de Westchester.
Sr. Astorino, quien habla español, ha hecho su propio esfuerzo para atraer a los votantes
hispanos. El viernes, él hizo una campaña con el senador estatal Rubén Díaz Sr., un
demócrata del Bronx que nació en Puerto Rico. Sr. Díaz, ministro democrático, ha
respaldado el Sr. Astorino.
Casi inmediatamente después de llegar a un evento para los hombres y mujeres de edad
avanzada en un salón de fiestas en el sur del Bronx, el Sr. Díaz puso al Sr. Astorino en el
centro de una sesión de Zumba pre-almuerzo que ya estaba en marcha.
"Está bien?", Le preguntó a la mujer a su lado cuando él comenzó a moverse. "Mientras
que el Gobernador Cuomo está disfrutando de sí mismo en la isla de Puerto Rico," Mr.
Astorino dijo a un reportero: "Yo estoy aquí en el sur del Bronx, hablando español,
hablando con los puertorriqueños que viven aquí."
En cuanto al señor Cuomo, comenzó su discurso en el hotel aquí diciendo: "Muchas
gracias", pero eso fue todo lo que dijo en español en el evento. Se quedó sin expresión con
las manos cruzadas cuando la gente hablaba español en torno a él.
Cuando se le preguntó lo que había logrado aquí algo que él no podría haber logrado
CHARTER • from FRONT page
visitando las comunidades hispanas en el país, el Sr. Cuomo dijo que a menudo pasa
tiempo con los dominicanos y puertorriqueños en Nueva York. "He estado haciendo esto
percent in the new report.
todos los días de mi vida, básicamente", dijo.
“At both ends of the quality curve, we see that the situation is getting better,” said
Líderes hispanos en Búfalo, Rochester y Dunkirk, NY expresaron su preocupación por
Margaret Raymond, the center’s director.
Still, the report is likely to provide fodder for critics of charter schools, which are publicly el gobernador Cuomo que ha visitado la zona, pero no se ha reunido con la comunidad
financed but privately operated. More than two million students attend about 6,000 charter hispana en el Oeste del estado de Nueva York.
El Viaje del Sr. Cuomo fue corto: Voló en un avión privado a Santo Domingo el jueves por
schools in the United States.
la noche, y después de su parada aquí, regresó a Nueva York el viernes por la noche. Su
“Twenty years after the start of the charter school movement, even with all the private
agenda en la República Dominicana incluyó una reunión con el presidente Danilo Medina.
energy and public policy cheerleading it has engendered, students in charter schools
Más adelante en el día, él continuó hacia Puerto Rico, donde se reunió con el Sr. García
roughly perform the same as students in the rest of public education — not the leaps and
bounds that were promised,” Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation Padilla, y recogió un regalo de él: un bate de béisbol firmada por dos jubilados jugadores
de las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol de Puerto Rico, Roberto Alomar e Iván Rodríguez.
of Teachers, said in a statement.
El Sr. Cuomo luego se fue por el respaldo del Sr. García Padilla, que estaba a sólo unas
The study concluded that charter schools, which are typically given more freedom to
design curriculum and hire nonunion teachers than traditional public schools, range widely pocas cuadras de distancia. Había planeado caminar por el Viejo San Juan para llegar allí,
pero con la temperatura cercana a los 90 grados, fue llevado por automóvil por parte del
in quality from state to state.
camino. Él salió de su camioneta deportiva con las mangas recogidas de la camisa. El Sr.
While charter schools on average produced better results in states including Louisiana,
García Padilla hizo el papel de guía de turismo.
Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Tennessee, as well
as Washington, D.C., in some states, including Arizona, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Texas, the results were worse — in some cases, significantly worse.
RENT-TO-OWN • from FRONT page
around handing them a lifeline to the material rewards of middle-class life. Retailers in the
post-Great Recession years have become even more likely to work with customers who
don’t have the money upfront, instead offering a widening spectrum of payment plans that
ultimately cost far more and add to the burdens of life on the economy’s fringes.
The poor today can shop online, paying in installments, or walk into traditional retailers
such as Kmart that now offer in-store leasing. The most striking change in the world of
low-income commerce has been the proliferation of rent-to-own stores such as Aaron’s
which has been opening a new store every week.
In some ways, the business harkens back to the subprime boom of the early 2000s,
when lenders handed out loans to low-income borrowers with little credit history. But
while people in those days were charged perhaps an interest rate of 5 to 10 percent, at
rental centers the poor find themselves paying effective annual interest rates of more
than 100 percent. With business models such as “rent-to-own,” in which transactions are
categorized as leases, stores like Aaron’s and Rent A Center can avoid state usury laws and
other regulations.
And yet low-income Americans increasingly have few other places to turn.
“Congratulations, You are Pre-Approved,” Aaron’s and Rent A Center says on its Web site,
and the message plays to America’s bottom 40 percent. This is a group that makes less
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Noticias de Buffalo
Panorama Endorses Candidates for General Election
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Some disagree with our process. They wonder why we decide to endorse. How dare we
tell them how they should vote? Some look forward to the endorsement to see if they agree
with us and to read our reasons for the endorsement.
Most just want to know what lead us to the decision, who was involved in making it and
how thorough was the process?
Panorama Hispano News editorial board takes every endorsement very seriously. We
commit a great deal of time to the process, we discuss the merits of each and every
candidate and believe it is among the most important things we do each election.
We believe strongly that Panorama Hispano’s opinion helps and lead the community. We
believe we help start discussions, spur people to take action and help move the community
forward, whether you agree or disagree.
We don't expect nor do we want every person to agree with our endorsements. The
endorsements are made to create community discussions, to get people talking, to get
heated debates started and to help voters make decisions based on the issues and not the
commercials. An election should be much more than a popularity contest.
After reviewing the Candidates for Elective office for the November 4th General elections
the editorial board feels that the following candidates would serve our community the best.
We urge you to vote. Tu Voto es importante!
In Buffalowe endorse / En Búfalo endorsamos
United State Congress – Brian Higgins
Governor- Mario Cuomo
Lt. Governor- Kathy Huchul
Attorney General- Eric T. Schneiderman
State Comptroller – Dinapoli
Mark Grisanti - 60th Senate District
Elaine Altman - 61st Senate District
Timothy Kennedy - 63rd Senate District
Robin Schimminger- 140 Assembly District
Steve Meyers - 146 Assembly District
Christopher Jacobs- Erie County Clerk
John DelMonte- Supreme Court
E. Jeanette Ogen- Supreme Court
In Rochester
United States Congress- Louise Slaughter and James O’Donnell
Ted O’ Brian - 55th Senate District
Elaine Altman - 61st Senate District
Gary Pudup - 134 Assembly District
Peterson Vazquez - 138 Assembly District
Erick Nixon - 18 District Monroe County Legislator
Leslie Rivera - District Monroe County Legislator
Leslie Astacio-Rochester City Court
Dunkirk, NY
United State Congress – Marta Robertson
Wilfred Rosas- Councilman- at- Large
Sheriff Joseph Gerace
Family Court Judge, Sally Ajaroszynski
County Leg District 12, Beth A Kresge
150Th Assembly, Barrie E Yochim
Panorama Hispano
Panorama Hispano News‫‏‬
Managing Editor
Marcos Lebron
Art Director
Yuri Cisneros
Carlos DePonce
Rev. Justo González-Hernández
Marcos Lebron
Carlos Monserratte
For Advertisement Sales
[email protected]
(716) 228-7498
266 Elmwood Ave.
Suite 927
Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 228-7498
Panorama Hispano invita sus comentarios, favor de incluir su dirección y teléfono diurno para
verificación. Todas las cartas al Editor están sujetas a edición y corrección.
Los articulos y anuncios publicados aquí no pueden ser riempresos sin autorización escrita de
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por el mismo.
The articles and advertising contained in this publication may not be reprinted without written
permission of Panorama Hispano. The opinions given in this newspaper are not necessarily the
opinions of Panorama Hispano.
existed as this amazing group took center stage and with all their pride and excitement
they performed Vallenato music. MarCeZerrate-Sandel and Amor and Heritage Dance
Company danced during their great performance.
People were also working their way back into the park, since they knew Tony Vega would
be returning to do a photo opp with Tony’s event sponsor, GOYA Foods. The crowd lined
up outside of the Goya Foods Tent for a few hours and everyone had the chance to have
their picture taken with Tony Vega.
To close out the night we had a small tribute to recognize Jose “Cheo” Feliciano who
passed away earlier this year. The band “PULSE” took center stage and performed
Bachata and Merengue music with a twist. This new and fresh sound was great and the
audience was taken by their amazing sound.
But like all good things must come to an end, so did the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day
Parade for 2014. The Organization would like to thank the City of Buffalo, all our
sponsors and all those that helped make this happen. We would also like to thank all the
marchers and all the spectators that came out to support us.
The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY is always looking for dedicated
individuals that want to make a difference in their community. Working together we can
make these events happen. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in being a
part of this great organization or a sponsor. Email us at @ [email protected],
call us @ (716) 310-8644 or visit us @
Salsa for a Cure
Buffalo, N.Y. – Members of the Western New York community and The Hispanic Heritage
Council of Western New York, Inc. broke out their dancing shoes for Salsa for a Cure on
On September 6th, The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade celebrated its 13th Annual September 26, 2014.
parade and events. With the participation of well over 60 organizations marching, it was a The event, which took place at the PuchoOlivencia Community Center, celebrated
very exciting and successful year. Everyone was Hispanic on this day. You could hear the Hispanic Heritage Month and generated awareness and funds for cancer research at
crowd and see everyone “LevantandoTu Bandera” as they raised their flags with pride.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute. The evening allowed for guests to partake in salsa dance
At 1pm. as the Grand Marshal’s float with Augustine “Chito” Olivencia left the Buffalo
lessons and enjoy performances from Baila Salsa Dance Company and Sarah Haykel of
City Hall circle and approached Niagara St, you could hear music and D.J. Izzy on the
Body Centered Awareness through Dance & Life Coaching. Sol Y Sombra Quartet also
mic sounding awesome and getting the crowd all excited and involved in what was the
provided live music throughout the night for guests and dancers to enjoy.
biggest Pep Rally of all times. A Pep Rally that kept all spectators engaged and wanting
more. The community’s response was remarkable to say the least. Everyone came out
On Friday, October 17, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. members of The Hispanic Heritage Council of
to welcome us and held their country flag proudly as they represented one of the 22 Latin
Western New York, Inc. will present a check to Roswell Park Cancer Institute for $1,000.
American countries.
The Hispanic Heritage Council of WNY Inc. is a nonprofit organization that exists to
foster and inspire awareness, understanding, and appreciation of past, present, and future
By 3:30pm, LaSalle park started to get filled with the same spectators not only from
contributions of the Hispanic Community in Western New York. For more information,
Buffalo but also from Rochester, Pennsylvania, and Toronto Canada. Everyone was there visit, call 716-402-1HHC (716-402-1442) or email info@
to see the cultural performances and music from “Trio Los Arpegios” with the Mariachi
music and “ConjuntosEcosBorincanos” with Plena and MusicaTipica de Puerto Rico. But The mission of Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) is to understand, prevent and cure
as the night started to approach, there was no room to be seen at LaSalle Park, as fans of
cancer. Founded in 1898, RPCI is one of the first cancer centers in the country to be named
Tony Vega made their way into the park to see what ended up being, a great performance. a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center and remains the
Tony Vega with the assist of the great “Antonetti Orchestra” put on a show that was
only facility with this designation in Upstate New York. The Institute is a member of the
spectacular. Everyone was mesmerized as this performer who started his career years ago, prestigious National Comprehensive Cancer Network, an alliance of the nation’s leading
still had that same voice he had when he released his original songs like “Aparentemente” cancer centers; maintains affiliate sites; and is a partner in national and international
and “EsaMujer”. The crowd started to sing along and at some points Tony would put
collaborative programs. For more information, visit, call
the mic to the audience and you can hear as they sang along. The dance performance of
1-877-ASK-RPCI (1-877-275-7724) or email [email protected]. Follow Roswell
Calvin and Fanny from Baila Salsa Dance Company, alongside Tony was just stunning and Pak on Facebook or Twitter.
magical; it was a double treat. As Tony was ending the night with a final song, you could
still see the crowd excited, and by the look on their faces, Tony Vega did not disappoint his
fans. As he left the stage and came to the back to take pictures with some of his fans, you
could hear the crowd calling out TONY, TONY, TONY. Tony Vega turns to me and says,
“Tengoquesalir, mi gente me estanllamando”, (I have to go back out, my people are calling
for me). Tony made his way back out to the stage and gave a sign to the Orchestra to play
one last song. Everyone left there that night with smiles on their faces. Some reminiscing
into the early 90’s and others, just in awe of the overall performance.
A Massage from the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade
Back at LaSalle Park we started the day with a great DJ Battle. Later on we would
have a Colombian Group named “S Kalona” take the stage. I did not know this music
Noticias de Rochester
Latino Voters and the 2014 Midterm Elections
Geography, Close Races and Views of Social Issues
By Mark Hugo Lopez, Jens Manuel Krogstad, Eileen Patten and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera
A record 25.2 million Latinos are eligible to vote in the 2014 midterm elections, making
up, for the first time, 11% of all eligible voters nationwide. But despite a growing national
presence, in many states with close Senate and gubernatorial races this year, Latinos make
up a smaller share of eligible voters, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data by the
Pew Research Center.1
Since 2010, the number of Hispanic eligible voters has increased by 3.9 million. Their
share among eligible voters nationally is also on the rise, up from 10.1% in 2010 and 8.6%
in 2006 (Lopez, 2011), reflecting the relatively faster growth of the Hispanic electorate
compared with other groups.
Yet in the eight states with close Senate races,2 just 4.7% of eligible voters on average are
Latinos. Among those states, Latinos make up less than 5% of eligible voters in six. Only
in Colorado does the 14.2% Latino share among eligible voters exceed the 10.7% national
average. Kansas is the only other state where the Latino share among eligible voters
exceeds 5%.3 As a result, the impact of Latino voters in determining which party controls
the U.S. Senate may not be as large as might be expected given their growing electoral
and demographic presence nationwide. In other 2014 Senate races—none of which
are competitive—Latinos make up more than 10% of eligible voters in just three: New
Mexico, where Latinos make up 40.1% of eligible voters; Texas, where 27.4% of eligible
voters are Latino; and New Jersey, where Latinos make up 12.8% of eligible voters.
Eligible voters are U.S. citizen adults. Not all eligible voters are registered to vote, or
turn out to vote in an election. Nonetheless, the number of Hispanic eligible voters and
their share among a state’s eligible voters provides insight into the potential impact of the
Hispanic vote. So far that impact has been muted by the fact that Hispanic voter turnout
rates in midterm elections and presidential elections have lagged other racial and ethnic
groups (Krogstad, 2014). For example, in 2010, while 31.2% of Hispanic eligible voters
voted, 48.6% of white and 44.0% of black eligible voters turned out on Election Day.
In the case of this year’s 14 competitive House races, the share of eligible voters that are
Hispanic is, on average, 13.6%‎—slightly exceeding Hispanics’ 10.7% share nationwide.4
But this masks the large variability in the percentage of Hispanics across the competitive
Congressional districts. For example, in six districts, fewer than 5% of eligible voters are
Hispanic. At the other end of the spectrum, in Florida’s 26th Congressional district and
California’s 26th Congressional district, Hispanics make up 62% and 31% of eligible
voters, respectively. Fully 96% of Hispanic eligible voters, and 97% of all eligible voters,
live in districts without a close Congressional race.
Republicans currently hold 233 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and appear
unlikely to lose control of the House. Among this year’s 14 toss-up races, most incumbents
are Democrats.
In the 36 states with gubernatorial races this year, nine have close races.5 Just as with
competitive U.S. Senate races, Hispanics on average account for a smaller share of eligible
voters in these races than they do nationally. Overall, 7.9% of eligible voters in these
states are Hispanic, compared with a 10.7% share nationally. Among these states, three
have Hispanic eligible voter shares above 10% (Florida with 17.1%, Colorado with 14.2%
and Connecticut with 10.3%) and three have voter shares below 5% (Wisconsin 3.2%,
Michigan 2.9% and Maine 1.0%).
Lagging Latino Voter Participation in Midterm Elections
In each midterm election since 1974, the number of Latino voters reached a new record
high, largely reflecting the community’s fast population growth.6 However, the share of
those Latinos who actually vote on Election Day—the voter turnout rate—has lagged
significantly behind other racial and ethnic groups.
During the 2010 midterm election, a record 6.6 million Hispanics voted, representing a
turnout rate of 31.2%. But more than twice as many Hispanics—14.7 million—could have
voted but did not (Lopez, 2011). By comparison, voter turnout rates were higher among
blacks (44%) and whites (48.6%).
Low voter participation rates among Hispanics are due to many factors. First, the relative
youth of the Hispanic population may impact overall Hispanic voter turnout rates.
Young people turn out at rates lower than that of older eligible voters. This is true among
Hispanics (Lopez, 2011; Lopez and Gonzalez-Barrera, 2013) just as it is among other
racial and ethnic groups (CIRCLE, 2013).
For Hispanics, however, young people are a larger share of eligible voters than they
are among other groups. In 2014, 33% of Hispanic eligible voters are ages 18 to 29. By
comparison, among white eligible voters, 18% are in that age group. And, among blacks,
that share is 25%. Among Asians, 21% are between ages 18 and 29.
Hispanic youth will also be the main driver of growth in the number of Hispanic eligible
voters nationally in the coming decades. Currently, some 800,000 U.S. born Hispanics turn
18 each year, with one million or more expected to reach adulthood annually by 2024. And
by 2030, the number of Hispanic eligible voters is projected to top more than 40 million
(Taylor, Gonzalez-Barrera, Passel and Lopez, 2012).
Second, the political competitiveness of states where Latino voters live also is important in
determining Latino voter turnout rates. For example, California and Texas contain nearly
half (46.4%) of all Latino eligible voters, but neither has been a battleground state in
recent presidential elections. As a result, nearly half of Latino voters do not get the level of
attention from campaigns that Latino voters who live in battleground states receive. And
this year, neither state has a close Senate race.
Latino Public Opinion and 2014 State Ballot Initiatives
Voters in several states this year are facing state ballot initiatives on issues such as gun
control, marijuana legalization, abortion and the minimum wage. On some of these issues,
national Latino public opinion differs from that of the general U.S. public, but on others,
Latinos’ views are no different.
On the issue of gun control, Hispanic registered voters are more likely to support gun
control measures than all U.S. registered voters. About six-in-ten Hispanic registered
voters (62%) say controlling gun ownership is more important than protecting the right
of Americans to own guns, while 36% say the opposite. By comparison, 45% of all U.S.
registered voters favor controlling gun ownership while a 53% majority favors protecting
gun rights. Hispanics, overall, are less likely to be gun owners than the general U.S.
public—20% versus 34% (Morin, 2014). This year, voters in two states—Alabama and
Washington—are considering questions on gun ownership.7 Both are states where Latinos
are a relatively small share of eligible voters—1.6% and 6.1% respectively.
A measure to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes is on the ballot in Florida, a state
with the fifth-highest share (17.1%) of Hispanic eligible voters. Nationally, Hispanic
registered voters are split on the question of marijuana legalization—about half (49%) say
that marijuana should be made legal while a similar 48% share say it should not be made
legal. By comparison, among U.S. registered voters, the balance tilts toward legalizing
over not legalizing by a margin of 53% to 44% (Pew Research Center, 2014d).
The share of Hispanic registered voters (and all U.S. registered voters) that approves of
some legalization rises when both medicinal and recreational use are considered. For
example, 47% of Hispanic registered voters approve of legalization for only medicinal use
and 34% approve of legalization for recreational use. Combined, 81% approve of some
form of legalization.
Overall, Hispanics are less likely to say they have ever used marijuana than other
Americans. One-third (33%) of Hispanics say this compared with 50% of whites and 49%
of blacks (Pew Research Center, 2014b).
Measures that could restrict access to abortion services and certain birth control methods
are on the ballot in Colorado, North Dakota and Tennessee. In Colorado, Hispanics make
up 14.2% of eligible voters, compared with just 2% in Tennessee and 1.8% in North
Dakota. On abortion, Hispanic registered voters nationally are split on the issue—48%
say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 44% say it should be illegal in all
or most cases. Among all registered voters, the balance is tilted the other way as a larger
share thinks abortion should be legal than illegal (52% vs. 42%).8
Voters in Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota—states where Hispanics make up
a small share of eligible voters—will decide whether to raise the minimum wage in their
states. Hispanics, and all Americans, generally support an increase in the federal minimum
wage, with 84% of Hispanics in favor of raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to
$10.10 an hour, compared with 73% of all Americans.
At 54.1 million, Latinos are the nation’s largest minority group and growing fast (Brown,
2014). Latinos have also strongly supported Democratic presidential candidates in recent
elections, giving President Barack Obama 71% of their vote in 2012 compared with 27%
to Republican Mitt Romney (Lopez and Taylor, 2012). Latino registered voters also tend
to affiliate with the Democratic Party. In 2012, 70% of Latino registered voters said they
identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party (Lopez and Gonzalez-Barrera,
This report explores electoral participation trends among Hispanics in recent midterm
election cycles. It also provides a snapshot of the geography and demography of the
Hispanic vote in 2014, with a special focus on states and Congressional districts with
competitive races. Accompanying this report are state profiles of Hispanic eligible voters
in 42 states and the District of Columbia, each based on data from the 2012 American
Community Survey. Also accompanying this report are interactive maps and tables
showing key characteristics of Latino voters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia,
as well as in each of the nation’s 435 Congressional districts.
Among the report’s other findings:
Latino eligible voters in the Congressional districts:
The 66 Congressional districts with at least 100,000 Latino eligible voters contain
about half of all Latino eligible voters nationwide. In 49 of these districts, incumbents are
The 157 Congressional districts with at least 50,000 Latino eligible voters contain
about three-quarters of all Latino eligible voters nationwide. In 96 of these districts,
incumbents are Democrats.
The districts with the five highest Hispanic eligible voter shares are California’s
40th (77.6%), Texas’s 34th (76.6%), Texas’s 16th (73.5%), Texas’s 15th (71.4%) and
Texas’s 28th (66.6%).
Texas’s 16th district is the largest Congressional district by Latino eligible voter
population, with 313,000 Latino eligible voters.
Latino eligible voters in the states:
More than two-thirds of Hispanic eligible voters live in just six states—
California, Texas, Florida, New York, Arizona and Illinois.
At 40.1%, New Mexico has the highest Latino eligible voter share, followed by
Texas (27.4%), California (26.9%), Arizona (20.3%) and Florida (17.1%).
Since 2006, the number of Hispanic eligible voters has grown fastest in South
Carolina (up 126.2%), Tennessee (up 113.7%) and Alabama (up 110.5%).
The Demographics of Latino Eligible Voters
Three-quarters (74%) of Latino eligible voters are U.S. born and 26% are
immigrants who hold U.S. citizenship.
Some 17% of Hispanic eligible voters hold a bachelor’s degree or more.
By comparison, 33% of white, 20% of black and 48% of Asian eligible voters hold a
bachelor’s degree or more.
Among Hispanic eligible voters, 60% are of Mexican origin, 13% Puerto Rican
origin, 5% Cuban origin, 4% Dominican origin and 3% are of Salvadoran origin.
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Mundo Latino
Acusarán de fraude al exvicepresidente de la Junta de
Gobierno de la AEE
A José Pérez Canabal se le imputa también violar la Ley de Ética e intervención indebida.
Además, serán acusados el abogado Francisco Santos y el contable Roberto Torres Torres
( Puerto Rico)El Departamento de Justicia acusará hoy de fraude, violación a la Ley de
Ética e intervención indebida al exvicepresidente de la Junta de Gobierno de la Autoridad
de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), José Pérez Canabal.
También serán acusados el abogado Francisco Santos, y el contable y amigo de Pérez
Canabal, Roberto Torres Torres. A este último no le aplica la Ley de Ética porque no es ni
fue funcionario público.
“Sí, venimos para radicar las acusaciones por Ley de Ética e intervención indebida. Son 22
acusaciones”, dijo la fiscal Vilmary Rodríguez Pardo.
La fiscal arribó en dos guaguas, a eso de las 8:48 a.m., al Tribunal de Primera Instancia de
San Juan acompañada de su equipo de trabajo.
Rodríguez Pardo confirmó que todos los acusados están citados para comparecer hoy a la
sala de investigaciones del tribunal.
Poco después de la llegada del fiscal arribó también al tribunal Pérez Canabal acompañado
de familiares. No hizo comentarios cuando fue abordado por este diario. Minutos después
también llegó al tribunal Torres Torres junto a su abogado Pedro Santiago. “No tenemos
comentarios en este momento”, dijo el abogado cuando se le preguntó si Justicia le había
indicado por qué fue citado.
La fiscal Rodríguez Pardo confirmó que Santos aún es empleado de la AEE.
Pérez Canabal enfrenta cuatro acusaciones por intervención indebida, una de fraude y
cinco por violación a la Ley de Ética.
Torres Torres tiene un cargo por fraude y cuatro denuncias por intervención indebida.
Mientras que Santos afronta cuatro intervenciones indebida y un cargo por fraude.
“Son intervenciones en relación a la otorgación de contratos por energía renovable”, indicó
la fiscal a cargo del caso en compañía de su homólogo Edwin Ortiz Rivera III.
Rodríguez Pardo contestó en la afirmativa cuando se le preguntó si esos contratos eran
para empresas de Torres Torres.
Los imputados se encuentran en la Oficina de Servicios con Antelación al Juicio, trámite
de rigor previo a que un juez determine si encuentra causa o no.
Bajo la administración de Luis Fortuño, Pérez Canabal era vicepresidente de la Junta de
Gobierno de la AEE. Salió abruptamente de ese organismo en junio de 2012 en medio de
alegaciones de un supuesto conflicto de interés para beneficiar a su amigo Torres Torres.
El contable había logrado contrato con la AEE para producir energía renovable por un total
de $190.1 millones.
Cumbre Extraordinaria del ALBA acuerda plan de acción
contra ébola
LA HABANA, CUBA.- La Cumbre Extraordinaria de la Alianza Bolivariana para los
Pueblos de Nuestra América (ALBA) acordó hoy aquí un plan de acción para prevenir y
enfrentar la epidemia del ébola.
El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, leyó la declaración general (aprobada por
unanimidad) de la reunión, que duró solo dos horas y media y escuchó discursos de todos
los participantes.
En ese documento el bloque regional fundado por el ex presidente cubano Fidel Castro
y el fallecido líder venezolano Hugo Chávez en 2004 trazó las líneas de trabajo desde la
región para el combate contra lo que llamó "catástrofe humanitaria".
El gobernante cubano Raúl Castro, quien advirtió en su discurso de apertura la gravedad
de esta pandemia, clausuró la cita de los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno y representantes de
organismos de salud internacionales.
Los participantes acordaron establecer mecanismos para diagnosticar y aislar casos de
infección, diseñar y ejecutar campañas de educación pública, contribuir a la formación de
personal especializado en países del ALBA y del Caribe.
El plan de acción de 23 puntos dispuso también crear grupos para capacitación en temas
de bioseguridad y en uso de equipos ante casos sospechosos y confirmados.
La cita extraordinaria acordó realizar aquí el 29 y 30 de este mes una reunión de expertos
y especialistas para intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias, así como trazar un plan de
acción en cada una de las naciones que integran el ALBA.
Los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno aprobaron atender con prioridad las necesidades
especiales de los países del Caribe, que podrían beneficiarse de la cooperación para
prevenir y enfrentar el ébola que acuerden los países del ALBA.
Además, apoyar a las brigadas médicas voluntarias especializadas en el enfrentamiento a
desastres y grandes epidemias, del Contingente "Henry Reeve" de Cuba, que laboran en
países de África.
Establecer mecanismos nacionales para diagnosticar y aislar rápidamente los presuntos
casos de infección, y reforzar las medidas preventivas para la detección y mitigación de la
exposición a la infección del ébola.
Otro de los puntos es reforzar las medidas de vigilancia y control epidemiológico en las
fronteras, en particular en puertos y aeropuertos.
Fomentar la cooperación en la esfera del enfrentamiento y prevención del ébola con otros
países del Hemisferio a través de programas conjuntos.
El documento felicitó a Venezuela por la donación de cinco millones de dólares para
combatir el ébola, y que fueron entregados al secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban
Ki-moon, el pasado 16 de octubre.
También aprobó felicitar a Cuba y su pueblo por la demostración de solidaridad con los
países de África Occidental a través del envío de personal médico cubano.
Propusieron que la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC)
promueva esfuerzos regionales encaminados a prevenir y enfrentar la amenaza de la
epidemia del ébola.
Se registra sismo en frontera de Ecuador con Colombia
QUITO, ECUADOR.- Un sismo de 5.6 grados se registró en la región norte de Ecuador,
sin que por el momento haya informes de víctimas o daños.
El servicio sismológico de Estados Unidos corrigió su informe anterior de magnitud 6
y precisó que el temblor fue de 5.6, registrado a las 14:33 horas de Ecuador (14:33 hora
local). El epicentro, con una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, fue localizado tres kilómetros
al oeste de la población de San Gabriel, a unos 117 kilómetros al noreste de Quito.
Reportes de radio de Ecuador señalan que también fue sentido en muchas poblaciones de
las provincias de Carchi, en Ecuador, y Nariño, en Colombia, en plena frontera binacional.
El Instituto Geofísico de Ecuador destacó que tras el sismo se han registrado dos réplicas
de 4.6 grados y de 4.4 grados.
El policía Darwin Conde, del servicio de atención ciudadano de San Gabriel, señaló que
"por acá sentimos bien fuerte y largo el sismo, pero gracias a Dios no tenemos daños
mayores ni víctimas. Estamos asustados, pero bien. No tengo informes de daños en casas".
El temblor afectó con fuerza a la ciudad colombiana de Cumbal, cuyo secretario de
gobierno, José Diomedes Guaspezán, señaló que "fue fuerte, pero afortunadamente no
tengo reportes por el momento de muertos y heridos. Sí afectó a varias viviendas viejas,
(y) estamos haciendo un barrido en este momento, para ver cuántas fueron afectadas".
Añadió que "vamos a convocar al comité de emergencia". Cumbal, un municipio de 36
mil personas dedicado principalmente a la ganadería, está muy cerca de la frontera con
Las autoridades ecuatorianas aún no han informado de daños o víctimas de esta serie de
La ONU exhorta a Venezuela para liberar a dirigente
GINEGRA, SUIZA.- El Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos
Humanos, ZeidRa'ad Al Hussein, expresó su preocupación sobre la continua detención del
dirigente opositor venezolano Leopoldo López y demandó al gobierno su liberación.
El mes pasado, el Grupo de Trabajo sobre detención arbitraria expresó su opinión de que
el arresto de López, así como el de Daniel Ceballos, exalcalde de San Cristóbal, fueron
arbitrarios y urgió al gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro a sacarlos de la cárcel.
"Exhorto a las autoridades venezolanas a actuar de acuerdo a las opiniones del Grupo de
Trabajo (de la ONU) y a liberar inmediatamente a los señores López y Ceballos, y a todos
aquellos detenidos por ejercer su legítimo derecho a expresarse y protestar pacíficamente",
expresó Zeid en un comunicado.
"También instó a las autoridades a asegurar que se garantice el debido proceso en todos los
juicios, en conformidad con los estándares internacionales", subrayó.
De igual forma, abogó por la liberación de más de 69 personas arrestadas durante las
protestas públicas que tuvieron lugar durante varios meses en Venezuela, a partir de
febrero de este año.
"La prolongada y arbitraria detención de opositores políticos y manifestantes en
Venezuela está causando cada vez más preocupación a nivel internacional", señaló el Alto
"Esta situación sólo exacerba la tensión en el país", valoró.
De acuerdo con información recibida por la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la ONU,
más de tres mil 300 personas, entre ellos menores de edad, fueron detenidas por períodos
breves entre febrero y junio, además fueron reportados más de 150 casos de malos tratos,
entre ellos varios de tortura.
Al menos 43 personas murieron durante las protestas, entre ellos un fiscal y nueve
efectivos de los cuerpos de seguridad. Periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos
también han denunciado amenazas, ataques e intimidación, refirió Zeid.
El viernes pasado el Alto Comisionado se reunió con la esposa de Leopoldo López, Lilian
Tintori, para discutir la situación de todos los detenidos y sus familias.
Zeid deploró las reiteradas denuncias de ataques e intimidación dirigidos a quienes
trabajan en defensa de los derechos humanos en Venezuela y exhortó a que se les permita
proseguir con su trabajo y hacerse oír sin temores por su seguridad.
"Mi oficina está extremadamente preocupada por la situación actual, y continuaremos
siguiéndola de cerca", advirtió el Alto Comisionado.
Noticias de Dunkirk
Elementary Students of the Month in Dunkirk
Pictured are those selected as Student of the Month for Dunkirk School 3: Front row:
Makayla Brock, Brayden Jaquith, Darieliz Dejesus, IleyshaAlmestica, Naomi SotoRobles, Damarielys Cruz, and Analiz Rivera. Middle row: Jamaladie Pacheco, LynnMarie Contraras, Gregory Orcutt, AmarieahArdillo, Liz Ramos, LisbellAndino-Robles,
Adrianna Tenamore and Nelani Gonzalez. Top row: Quanyay Thomas, Sherlyane Lopez,
Risel Alfaro, Samantha Baez, Onaidelys Morales, QuanteerNeallard, Alexis Wicks and
Kanushka Rivera.
Remember to Vote November 4th. Polls open from 6am-9pm
Endorsed Candidate:
Wilfred Rosas-Councilman At Large
Martha Robertson- United States Congress
Barrie Yochim-New York State Assembly
Sally Jaroszynki- Family Court Judge
Fredonia Saxophone Ensemble "Adolphe Sax Bicentennial
The Fredonia Saxophone Ensemble will celebrate the 200th birthday of Adolphe Sax with
a concert of works by Bach, Kastner, Dankner, Dvorak, Matitia and more. Members of
the University Chorus will join us for a special performance of Bach's Opening Chorus
to the Cantata BWV 99. Saxophone alumni will participate in a joint performance of a
special arrangement made for the occasion of Lauridsen's "O Magnum Mysterium." All
local saxophonists are welcome to join onstage for the final selections on the program (for
details, email Dr. Zumwalt at [email protected]). Free.
Pilgrim St Luke/
El Nuevo Camino
Thursday, November 06, 2014
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mason Hall Rosch Recital Hall –Fredonia State College
Fredonia Latin Jazz Ensemble
Friday, November 14, 2014
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mason Hall Rosch Recital Hall- Fredonia State College
Fredonia Jazz Workshop presents: Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Thursday, November 20, 2014
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mason Hall Diers Recital Hall- Fredonia State College
Space Rental:
for weddings, birthdays,
family gatherings or meetings
City still under HUD review
While the city of Dunkirk and the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development
have reached a settlement over discrepancies about the city's use of Community
Development Block Grant funds, it doesn't mean HUD officials have lost their way to
Wedding Chapel:
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On Monday, CDBG Program Coordinator Nicole Waite told the Common Council
Economic Development Committee that a meeting last week with HUD representatives
LambrosTouris and Jill Casey was held. Waite said the pair, along with city officials, were
deciding what from the list of suspect activities that were funded and scheduled to be
repaid would be removed from the list as part of the settlement that allowed CDBG funds
used for paving in designated areas to be applied to offset what HUD said the city owed.
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Technology & Science
Apple emite advertencia de seguridad sobre iCloud
Claves de acceso estarían en peligro
SAN FRANCISCO— Apple emitió el martes una nueva advertencia de seguridad a
usuarios de su servicio iCloud de almacenamiento en línea entre reportes de un esfuerzo
común para robar claves de acceso y otros datos por parte de personas que usan el popular
servicio en China.
"Sabemos de ataques organizados intermitentes a la red que usan certificados dudosos
para obtener información del usuario, y tomamos esto muy en serio ", dijo la compañía en
un mensaje colocado en portal de apoyo técnico. El mensaje indica que los servidores de
Apple no han corrido peligro.
El aviso de Apple no menciona a China ni ofrece detalles sobre los ataques, pero varios
medios de noticias reportaron el martes que algunos usuarios de internet en China
han comenzado a ver advertencias que indican que han sido desviados a un portal no
autorizado cuando intentaron ingresar a sus cuentas de iCloud.
Ese tipo de desvío podría permitir a una tercera persona copiar y robar las contraseñas que
ingresan los usuarios cuando piensan que están ingresando al servicio de Apple. Piratas
cibernéticos podrían usar entonces esas claves de acceso para recopilar otra información
de las cuentas de usuarios.
Activistas chinos culparon de los ataques al gobierno de su país, según reportes de prensa
y el sitio activista chino, el cual sugirió que la campaña fue incitada por
el hecho de que Apple comenzó recientemente a vender en China sus modelos nuevos
de iPhone, el iPhone 6 y 6 Plus. Los nuevos teléfonos tienen un programa que mejoró
aspectos de codificación para proteger datos de usuarios de Apple.
Apple, con sede en Cupertino, California, dijo en el aviso que los ataques no han afectado
a usuarios que ingresan a iCloud desde sus iPhone o iPad, o en sus computadoras Mac
que usan el sistema operativo Mac más reciente y el buscador Safari de Apple. Pero la
compañía sugiere que los usuarios deben verificar que están conectando a un servidor
legítimo de iCloud utilizando los aspectos de seguridad de Safari y otros buscadores
como Firefox y Chrome, de Google. Los buscadores mostrarán un mensaje que advierte
a los usuarios cuando están conectando a un sitio que no tiene un certificado digital que
verifique que es auténtico.
"Si los usuarios reciben una advertencia de certificado inválido en su buscador al visitar , deben poner atención a la advertencia y no proseguir", dijo Apple en el aviso.
Parece que los ataques no estuvieron relacionados a un hecho ocurrido el mes pasado en
el que piratas robaron fotos de desnudos de las cuentas de iCloud de varias celebridades
de Estados Unidos. En un caso, Apple dijo que su investigación llegó a la conclusión que
los piratas cibernéticos habían obtenido las contraseñas de los usuarios a través de los
llamados "ataques por engaño" o adivinando las respuestas a preguntas de seguridad para
permitir el acceso. La compañía dijo que en ese caso no fueron violados sus servidores.
Facebook avisará si estás a salvo tras una catástrofe
Presenta nueva herramienta que envía notificaciones a tus seres queridos
La red social Facebook anunció ayer que lanzará una nueva función para que sus usuarios
puedan avisar a sus seres queridos que se encuentran a salvo tras una catástrofe.
La herramienta, reportó el portal tecnológico TheVerge, funcionará enviando una
notificación a los dispositivos que se encuentren cerca del área afectada. Si un usuario de
Facebook se encuentra bien, solo tiene que presionar el botón de “Estoy a salvo” y una
notificación aparecerá tanto en los dispositivos como en la página de entrada de la red
La herramienta de “Safety Check” también combina los “check-ins” para permitirle al
usuario verificar un área en particular para asegurarse de que sus seres queridos están bien.
Mark Zuckerberg, el creador de Facebook, presentó ayer su nuevo producto en Japón, que
todavía se recupera del tsunami del 2011 que afectó a más de 12 millones de personas.
Tu defecto o tu don
Tu Reflejo
Por: Damaris Caceres Mercado
Hola mis compañeros latinos en ésta gran nación llena de oportunidades para los de gran
empeño, perseverancia, y gran sed de triunfo. Como cada mes, y mediante éste periódico,
cuyos propietarios me abrieron sus puertas, quiero compartir con ustedes una experiencia
vivida llena de sabiduría para el alma. Ésta vez, sucedió poco antes de viajar para ésta
nación. En mi isla Puerto Rico, mientras cenaba junto a mi esposo José Ángel Crespo
platicábamos acerca de cómo había pasado nuestro día, haciendo diligencias y demás. La
conversación se tornó muy interesante cuando en un momento dado, comenzamos a hablar
sobre algunos dones que poseo y de los cuales no me gusta hablar, ya que podrían tildarme
por loca.
Él, muy acertadamente me dijo; "A Albert Einstein lo creían loco; también a Charles
Darwin, a Leonardo Da Vinci".
Al escucharlo no dije nada. Permanecí pensativa por momentos. ¡Tenía razón! A esas
personas en algún momento, nos revela la historia que fueron tildados de 'locos'. A pesar
de todo, se convirtieron en inventores indispensables que contribuyeron al crecimiento
intelectual aún en nuestra sociedad actual. La cuestión fue que uno de los mencionados
también fue Beethoven. El más impresionante de todos en mi opinión.
¿Por qué fue el más impresionante para mí? Porque fue un genio tocando el piano y
componiendo sus propias notas musicales sorprendentes; ¡A pesar de ser sordo! ¡Eso fue
precisamente lo que lo sobresaltó de los demás! ¡Su "defecto" fue lo que lo hizo grande!
¡Su "defecto" fue lo que lo destacó de los demás!
Cualquier persona puede ser capaz de tomar clases de piano y aprender; sí. ¡Hasta los
ciegos! Pero, ¿podrá alguna persona tocar el piano y componer aquellas extraordinarias
notas musicales solamente dejándose llevar por las vibraciones del piano? No lo creo.
Indudablemente ese hombre tenía un gran don. Aquello NO era un "defecto". Aquello era
un don.
Eso me hizo comprender que no debemos quejarnos por nuestros "supuestos defectos",
pues ellos mismos pueden convertirse en nuestras virtudes. En nuestros dones.
Tampoco debemos criticar los "defectos" de los demás porque precisamente lo que
critiquemos de otro, puede ser lo que convierta a ése alguien en un ser más talentoso,
especial y sobresaliente que nosotros.
Debemos agradecer el tener "defectos" pues gracias a ellos somos únicos, valiosos y
muchas veces inolvidables.
Interactivo•Actualizado • Videos•Imagenes•Links 800.777.3921 716.829.7600
Hombre paralizado logra caminar para su boda
MattFicarra ha estado paralizado del pecho hacia abajo desde que sufrió un accidente hace
tres años, pero esto no lo detuvo a la hora de caminar hacia el altar.
Ficarra pudo pararse y caminar durante la ceremonia de su boda en Syracuse, New
York, este sábado, con la ayuda de un artefacto robótico llamado Ekso. El hombre dioi
al periódico Syracus Post-Standard que viajaba todas las semanas a Pennsylvania desde
abril para practicar con el aparato.
El hombre sufrió la parálisis tras fracturarse el cuello en un accidente en un bote en el
2011. El sábado se casó con JordanBasile y mañana, lunes, partirá para su luna de miel en Jamaica.
A proud
yellow ribbon
school awarded
friendly status
Google ofrece música según nuestro estado de ánimo
Google ofrecerá un servicio de música que tratará de anticipar los cambios de estado de
ánimo de sus suscriptores para poder competir con Pandora, Spotify y otros servicios de
música por internet.
A partir del martes, el servicio All Access, que cuesta $10 por mes, hará sugerencias
basadas en conjeturas fundadas sobre el estado de ánimo del suscriptor y sus probables
actividades en determinados momentos del día o la semana.
Por ejemplo, un suscriptor que entra al servicio a través de su smartphone un lunes por
la mañana encontrará música apropiada para el viaje al trabajo, para ir a gimnasio o
motivarse para iniciar la semana laboral. En cambio, al entrar a la app el lunes por la
noche podría encontrar música para acompañar la cena, estudiar o distenderse.
Seis mezclas distintas creadas para distintos estados de ánimo y actividades —con títulos
como "Saltar de la cama" o "La hora de la soledad"— aparecerán automáticamente en las
pantallas de los suscriptores de AllAcces en Estados Unidos y Canadá. La música solo se
escuchará si el usuario opta por ella. La función no estará disponible de inmediato en los
43 países restantes donde se vende All Access.
La música ambiental estará ajustada a los gustos del usuario, de manera que un suscriptor
que se ha declarado amante del rock y no del country recibirá en su servicio a los Rolling
Stones cantando "MonkeyMan", pero no "DeadFlowers".
Los suscriptores podrán pedir listas diseñadas para actividades tales como dormir la siesta
o asear la casa.
El intento de responder a los estados de ánimo refleja la importancia creciente de
satisfacer el gusto y el estilo de vida de cada suscriptor. Hacer la recomendación correcta
se vuelve crucial ahora que Google, Pandora y Spotify tienen los derechos a la misma
música en general.
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Conozca su Gente
Receta del Mes
Sopes Mexicano
Andres “Andy” Herrera
Dr. Miguel Antonio Díaz
Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Andres “Andy” Herrera has been in the field of education for over
20 years. He first worked in Bilingual and Migrant education for the Kalamazoo Public Schools
in Michigan. During his time there, Andy helped an immeasurable number of families settle
into the area and to enroll their children in school. He went on to serve as Assistant Director of
Admissions and Director of Multicultural programs at Mount Wachusett Community College,
in Gardner, Massachusetts. Eventually, he made the move to Erie, PA to serve in Penn State
Erie, The Behrend College as Director of Educational Equity and Diversity Programs for the
last few years. In this role, Andy oversees services and academic progress of minority students,
international students, students with disabilities, and other groups. “I love higher education,” says
Andy, “there’s nothing like the innovation, creativity, and energy of a college setting.” “It is also
quite fulfilling to be able to guide and impact young people’s lives in a positive way and help them
build a better future.”
Andy also helps promote cultural awareness on campus through various forms of programming.
One of these efforts is called the Rhythms of Life Series. This cultural performance series brings
to campus a great number of artists—from singers and dancers, to theatre acts. Performances are
free and open to the public (visit the series web site at
“The goal is to expose our students to various forms of folklore and culture through performance
arts” Andy explains.
Andy also serves as advisor to a number of student organizations on campus, including the
Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS). Andy’s goal as advisor is to “guide, motivate,
and support students as they fulfill the mission of their organizations and develop leadership
Andy finds time to dedicate some effort towards helping the community. He has done volunteer
work at Erie’s City Mission, Habitat for Humanity, and other organizations.
He enjoys time with his family and rooting for the Penn State Nittany Lions on Saturday during
college football games.
Due to his dedication and effort in his professional career, Andy has been presented with a number
of awards. Some of these include PSU Erie’s Best Student Organization Advisor Award in 2004
and 2006, Penn State system-wide Vice President Award for Outstanding Program, and Most
Influential Advisor by the Multi-Cultural Council, among others. He completed an Associate’s
Degree in Liberal Arts at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish
Literature and History from Western Michigan University and a Master’s degree in Education
Law from Nova Southeastern University. He also completed a certificate in Leadership from Penn
State’s Management Institute.
If you would like to say “Hola” to Andy, he welcomes and invites everyone to check his office’s
web site at where you will find his contact information.
18oz. (1 package) Sopes
20oz (1 can) Refried Beans with Chorizo
15oz Crema (sour cream)
16oz Granulated QuesoCotija
7oz Salsa Casera
2 cups lettuce, chopped
¼ cup olive Oil
Salsa Picante(Hot Sauce), to taste
To Prepare:
Add 2 tbsp. of the corn oil to a pan. Put 3 or 4 of the Sopes in the pan and let fry for
about 2-3 minutes per side. Continue this process until all of your sopes is lightly fried,
adding more oil as needed. Heat the beans as instructed to do on the can instructions.
Spread a good amount of beans on the top of the sope, add a bit of cheese then lettuce,
sour cream, and salsa to the top and enjoy. If you like your food with a kick, add serve
with hot sauce or sliced jalapeño peppers.
Serves 4-6
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Lancaster Small Animal Hospital
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(716) 681-3033
Nov 7th. 2014 - Big Hero 6 – Grandes Heroes
Pont (Carell) se mueva hacia su finca y entrenar para los
Juegos Olímpicos de Seúl 1988. Desesperado por ganar el
respeto de su madre de desaprobación, du Pont comienza
"entrenar" a un equipo deportivo de clase mundial y, en el
proceso, atrae a Marcos en hábitos peligrosos, se rompe la
confianza y lo lleva a una espiral autodestructiva.
El afamado cantante de música bachata Romeo Santos
participará en la película ‘AngryBirds‘.
Nov 21, 2014
TheHungerGames; Mockingjay - Los juegos del
hambre; Sinsajo.
Set in a fictional metropolis called San Fransokyo, a
young robotics prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his
robot Baymax uncover a criminal plot and pull together a
team of inexperienced crime-fighters, including Wasabi,
Honey Lemon, GoGoTomago, and Fred to solve the
mystery surrounding the crime. an action-packed comedyadventure about the special bond that develops between
Baymax , a plus-sized inflatable robot , and prodigy Hiro
Hamada. When a devastating event befalls the city of San
Fransokyo and catapults Hiro into the midst of danger, he
turns to Baymax and his close friends adrenaline junkie Go
GoTomago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon
andfanboy. Determined to uncover the mystery, Hiro
transforms his friends into a band of high-tech heroes called
Big Hero 6.
Situado en una metrópolis de ficción llamado San
Fransokyo, un joven prodigio de la robótica llamado
Hiro Hamada y su robot Baymax a descubrir una trama
criminal y forma a un equipo de personal de lucha contra
la delincuencia sin experiencia, incluyendo Wasabi, miel
y limón, GoGoTomago, y Fred a resolver el misterio que
rodea el crimen. una comedia de aventuras repleto de acción
sobre el vínculo especial que se desarrolla entre Baymax, un
robot inflable más de tamaño, y el prodigio Hiro Hamada.
Cuando un acontecimiento devastador acontece la ciudad
de San Fransokyo y catapulta a Hiro en medio del peligro,
se vuelve hacia Baymax y sus íntimos amigos adrenalina
junkieGoGoTomago, neatnikWasabi, genio de la química de
la miel de limón y fanboy. Decidido a descubrir el misterio,
Hiro transforma sus amigos en un grupo de héroes de alta
tecnología llamado Big Héroe 6.
Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the
games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin
and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her
wings as she fights to save Peeta and a nation moved by her
KatnissEverdeen es en el Distrito 13 después de que
ella rompe los juegos de siempre. Bajo el liderazgo del
Presidente de la moneda y el consejo de sus amigos de
confianza, Katniss extiende sus alas como ella lucha para
salvar a Peeta y una nación movidos por su coraje
Teatro- Theater
Nov 7-9 2014. Mamma Mia!! en SHEA’S Buffalo.
Musica- Music
Flor Pálida
Nov 14, 2014.
Tells the story of Olympic Gold Medal-winning wrestler
Mark Schultz (Tatum), who sees a way out from the shadow
of his more celebrated wrestling brother Dave (Ruffalo)
and a life of poverty when he is summoned by eccentric
multi-millionaire John du Pont (Carell) to move onto his
estate and train for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Desperate to
gain the respect of his disapproving mother, du Pont begins
"coaching" a world-class athletic team and, in the process,
lures Mark into dangerous habits, breaks his confidence and
drives him into a self-destructive spiral.
Cuenta la historia del luchador olímpico ganador de la
medalla de oro de Mark Schultz (Tatum), que ve una
manera de salir de la sombra de su más célebre de lucha
hermano de Dave (Ruffalo) y una vida de pobreza, cuando
es convocado por el excéntrico multimillonario John du
Romeo Santos debutará en el cine de animación al
realizar la voz de uno de los personajes de apoyo en la
película AngryBirds,la primera entrega de este popular
juego protagonizado por pájaros y cerditos.Esta será
la segunda vez que Santos se involucre en la industria
cinematográfica: la primera fue con VinDiesel para
Fast&Furious 7, película que llegará a las salas el 3 de
abril de 2015.AngryBirds se convirtió en furor desde que
se comercializó por primera vez en 2009: fue descargado
en más de 1700 millones de veces. Sus creadores querían
adaptar el producto para la pantalla grande desde 2011.
Romeo Santos debut in the animated film voice to perform
one of the supporting characters in film Angry Birds, the
first installment of this popular game starring birds and
pigs. This will be the second time that Santos was involved
in the film industry: the first was with Vin Diesel Fast &
Furious 7 movie hit theaters on April 3, 2015 Angry Birds
became the rage since it was marketed first time in 2009: it
was downloaded over 1.7 billion times. Its creators wanted
to adapt the product to the big screen since 2011.
Mark Anthony Presento su material más reciente con un
video con la canción Flor Pálida. Protagonizado por su
actual pareja Shannon de Lima, Marc Anthony presentó
‘Flor Pálida’ es el tercer sencillo de su más reciente
trabajo discográfico Marc Anthony 3.0 y en la producción
se ve a un Marc Anthony en su papel como compositor
escribiendo una canción a su novia, interpretada por su
actual pareja, la venezolana Shannon de Lima.
Marc Anthony presents his latest video with the song
Flower Pale material. Starring his current partner Shannon
de Lima Marc Anthony presented 'Pale Flower' is the third
single from his latest album Marc Anthony 3.0 and the
production is a Marc Anthony in his role as a composer
writing a song to his girlfriend performed by his current
partner, Shannon de Lima Venezuela.
Mamma Mia! es un musical basado en las canciones del
grupo sueco ABBA con libreto escrito por la dramaturga
británica Catherine Johnson, inspirándose en la película de
1968 Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell. El título del espectáculo
está tomado de uno de los mayores éxitos de la banda,
"Mamma Mia", publicado en 1975. BjörnUlvaeus y Benny
Andersson, miembros de ABBA y autores de las canciones,
han estado involucrados en el proyecto desde sus inicios,
mientras que Anni-FridLyngstad, una de las vocalistas,
Mamma Mia! is a jukebox musical written by British
playwright Catherine Johnson, based on the songs of
ABBA, composed by Benny Andersson and BjörnUlvaeus,
former members of the band. The title of the musical is
taken from the group's 1975 chart-topper "Mamma Mia".
Ulvaeus and Andersson, who composed the original music
for ABBA, were involved in the development of the show
from the beginning. Anni-FridLyngstad has been involved
financially in the production and she has also been present
at many of the premieres around the world.
PA N O R A M A !
H I S P A N O Grow
Reach the Growing
Hispanic Community!
es For Advertising call us at:
(716) 228-7498 or
Email us at: [email protected]
Visit us online at:
Serving: Buffalo, Rochester, Dunkirk NY.
And Erie, Pennsylvania
Panorama Hispano News The Voice of the Hispanic Community
in WNY and Erie, PA.
Niagara Family Dental
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Para información, citas o referidos llame:
(716) 884-0888
Join The Lake Shore Behavioral Health Team!
We hire professional social workers (LMSW/LCSW), mental health counselors (LMHC),
substance abuse counselors (CASAC), psychiatrists, registered nurses (RN) and
vocational counselors as well as administrative staff and case managers.
Bilingual individuals encouraged to apply.
To view our open positions and apply online visit:
Announcing our 2014-2015 Season
VOCES LATINAS Reading Series
Main Productions
Yo Soy Latina
by Linda Nieves-Powell
Directed by Victoria Pérez
September 21, 2014
by Marco Antonio Rodriguez
Directed by Victoria Pérez
November 13-16, 2014 (in Spanish)
Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue
by Quiara Alegria Hudes
Directed by Scott Behrend
January 25, 2015
One-Act Play Festival
June 11-14, 2015
La Edad de laCiruela
by Aristides Várgas
Directed by Sheila M López
March15, 2015 (in Spanish)
In residence at:
Road Less Traveled Theater
639 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
[email protected]
Rated “A-Superior” by the Niagara County Bar Association
Rated “Well Qualified” by the Panorama Hispano News
Rated “Highly Qualified” by the Western New York Chapter of the
New York State Women' Bar Assn.
Endorsed by: Niagara County Building and Construction Trades Council
WNY Area Labor Federation
UAW Region 9 - CAP Council
CWA - WNY Regional Council
Niagara-Orleans Central Labor Council
The Good Government Club of Western New York
8th Judicial Dist. Nominating Convention-Democratic
8th Judicial Dist. Nominating Convention-Working Families
“I'm prepared to take my experience as a trial attorney to the other side of the
bench and serve our community as one of your Supreme Court Judges with
dignity and respect.”
“Estoy preparado para llevar a mi experiencia como abogado litigante en el
otro lado del banco y servir a nuestra comunidad como uno de sus Jueces de la
Corte Suprema con dignidad y respeto.”
-John J. DelMonte
Paid for by DelMonte for Supreme Court Justice
To all our neighbors, community at
large, on behalf of the Hispanic
Heritage Council of WNY,
we would like to thank you all for
your unwavering support during
Hispanic Heritage Month and
throughout the year.
Board Members
Michelle Agosto, Tamara Alsace, Luis E. Chiesa,
Aileen González-Martí, Gilbert Hernández,
Casimiro Rodríguez Sr., Evelyn Rosario, María Rosario Cala,
John Sanabria, Dinorah E. Santos, Miguel Santos,
Esmeralda Sierra, Maritza Vega, Daniel Vélez
Arnold Zelman – Legal Counsel
• Neveras
• Estufas
• Lavadoras
• Secadoras
319 Hampshire St.
su voucher
de Serivicios
Welcome Home
Veterans Day Parade
Saturday, November 8, 2014
11 a.m.
Begins at Delaware Ave and Edward,
ends at City Hall
Bilingual Receptionist
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. is seeking to hire a full-time bilingual receptionist
for its Buffalo location. The receptionist will be responsible for greeting clients,
answering the telephone, directing calls, and backing up secretarial staff. Bilingual
(English/Spanish) required.
Pleasant voice and manner on telephone, ability to remain calm and courteous under
pressure, interest in serving low income population, human services experience
preferred, knowledge of the geographic neighborhoods in Erie County and services
of various governmental and community agencies, Associates or Bachelors degree ,
Spanish speaking/writing required, minimum 3 years experience required. $21,027
to $34,788. Excellent benefits.
NLS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, women, persons with disabilities,
gay, lesbian, and transgender are all welcome and encouraged to apply.
Please send resume and references to (no phone calls please):
Sandra Fudala, Office Manager
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
237 Main Street, Suite 400, Buffalo, New York 14203
[email protected]
For more information call 862-8753
Groups interested in marching, e-mail [email protected]
Please use “VETERANS” as the subject
Guapos y GuapasTalk a lot of Smack.
La Iglesia en Accion
By: The Reverend Justo González, II, M.Div., M.S.S.A, M.A.P.M.
Guapos y guapas talk a lot of smack. They talk about everything you’ve done. They
criticize your coming and going. They make sure to let everyone know how wrong you
are, what a bad person you are and point out every flaw about you and others. Of course,
they never talk about their issues and the shadow sides of their lives.
They problem with these folks is that EVERYTHING is said behind your back or mine.
Besides they are “good God fearing Christians”. We all know that as Christians and
Latin@s we are polite and would never say anything to your face. Oh no, good God
fearing people talk smack behind your back never to your face. To speak about another
behind their back is morally and ethically acceptable to some. I don’t buy it. It’s an
immature response to life’s issues. Time to grow up, mi gente.
I think it rather cowardly to talk about others behind their back when biblically we are
called to address things one on one with our brothers and sisters (Matthew 18:15-16). We
may differ in how we respond to things but dialogue gets us closer to meeting each other
with dignity and respect at the table of encounter.
The question then is who is my brother and sister? Indeed, when Cain murdered his
brother Abel and God calls him out he resorts to being guapo and talking with an attitude.
The murderer, Abel, says to God, “Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:8-10)
Cain put his guapo and attitudinal foot in his BIG boca. The whole point is that we are our
brothers and sisters keepers. We are intimately connected to each other and that in spite
of being guapo or guapa we need each other. Those foolish people who think they are
islands unto themselves are simply living a delusional fantasy. Whether mighty or strong
they will learn that we are connected to each other. Life will teach us all this lesson with
time. ¡Somosfamiliaaunque no lo creemos!
Are we not murders too, at times? Haven’t we been the ones who have taken it upon
ourselves to murder the reputation and credibility of others? Haven’t we questioned the
decisions of others to the point of being nasty and minding their business rather than our
own? Haven’t we taken shots at those we don’t like? Are not we the ones who plant seeds
of uncertainty and provide the fertilizer necessary for doubt and hated to take hold?
Of course, most of us will say, “no, not me. Yo soy buenagente.” Somehow we have
been able to deceive ourselves of the harm we do to others and ourselves when we don’t
engage with the person/s we have issues with in life. We become self-righteous. “They
are responsible.” “You made me do it!” “Él o ella me lo hizo y me las tiene que pagar.”
We allow our anger to take root within ourselves and then go into nasty mode. We then
begin to destroy others rather than looking inward. If we dared to look inward we
would be able to see the root of the pain and anger within. We could begin to see more
clearly what the real issues are and address them with those identified as “the culprits”.
However, many say, “you make me feel mad” or “you did this to me”. The reality is that
NO ONE can make us feel anything. You have to give them YOUR power to do so and
even then YOU feel what YOU choose. You can’t make anyone feel mad. They get mad.
You can’t make anyone sad. Individuals decide that themselves. And, yes, of course there
is always an exception. The point is that we have POWER and if we claim our power we
will be in control of our own lives rather than allowing others to push some buttons and
get the response that they desire. In essence, we give them control and power over us by
our response. Let NO ONE claim your power. It’s yours.
In other words, guapo y guapa deal with your own stuff. Admit that you are hurting and
look at the pains of the past that have made you the man or woman that you are today.
Deal with it in healthy ways. Find your healing and people who will work with you to
deal with your anger or pain in ways that bring life giving energy to you and others. If you
do then you’ll be less likely to feel the need to mind the business of others or enjoy the
twisted “fun” of messing with the lives of others.
Why not seek right relationships with others? To be “good” one with the other it takes
courage. It’s scary and difficult to go to someone and say, “I need to talk to you” and then
speak your truth. Some will be able to listen and engage. Others will not be able to do so
and will get angry and lash out. The response of the other is not the most important aspect
of the engagement. It will not feel good to be rejected or to have another lash out.
However, the power of engaging another is that YOU claim YOUR POWER. Whether
they listen or not you have chosen to be an adult with an adult response of self-reflection,
dialogue and engagement. This allow YOU to take control of your life.
Some things in life are not about others but rather about ourselves. Just remember hate
is easy and forgiveness takes a lot of work. You have choices in life. You can choose to
be a healthy individual and engage others RESPECTFULLY even when they cause hurt.
Likewise, you can choose to shut down, go to war and destroy the other with your tongue,
your actions and your backbiting spirit. Who will you choose to be?
The Reverend Justo González, II, is the Pastor of El Nuevo Camino United Church of
Christ. You can reach him at [email protected]. Spanish Services are at 11:45 a.m.
weekly and English services are at 10:00 a.m. Join us.
Pope Francis plays long game to reform Catholic Church
After winning praise around the world for his fresh and open style, the honeymoon period
seems to be over for Pope Francis.
A tumultuous two-week Vatican synod exposed polarisation in the Catholic Church
over his push to reform its traditional approach to sexual morality by becoming more
welcoming to gays and easing restrictions on divorced and remarried Catholics.
A Jesuit unafraid of frank debate, Francis has set off a clash of opinions not seen since the
reformist Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965. Rather than impose his views as a pope
can, he has chosen the difficult path to reform by opting to have his bishops freely discuss
Catholic teaching on sex.
The pope won a standing ovation from almost 200 bishops at the synod's close on
Saturday and general support for his reform drive. But a vocal minority, backed by what
one cardinal called a "massive wave of attacks" on the pope from traditionalist media,
emerged to block some of the reform proposals.
The synod will meet again in October 2015 to make its final recommendations to the
pope. In the meantime, he is counting on discussions among Catholics to increase support
for reforms. His critics say they will use the time to rally against them.
"The pope has put his authority on the line," said French Vatican expert Jean-Marie
Guenois, author of the new book Jusqu'ou ira Francois? (How Far Will Francis Go?). "If
he fails to find a solution, it will be his failure."
Massimo Faggioli, a church historian at Saint Thomas University in Minnesota, saw
"different Catholic cultures" emerging and said keeping them together "is going to be the
biggest gamble for Francis in the next 12 months.
"It could become more difficult for him to speak to all Catholics," he said, adding some
conservatives nostalgic for his more doctrinaire predecessors John Paul and Benedict "will
think he should leave right away".
The bishops are meant to continue discussions with clergy and laity in their dioceses before
the second synod meets. Francis said the process would allow ideas to "mature," without
saying exactly what he wanted to see emerge from the process.
The challenge will be to find a consensus among mostly westerners open to changing
lifestyles and traditionalists. The latter are especially strong in Africa where the Church is
growing, homosexuality is seen as taboo and polygamy rather than divorce or cohabitation
is the main problem for Catholic marriage.
"What the Catholic Church is trying to do is a sociological adventure," Munich Cardinal
Reinhard Marx, a senior advisor to Francis, said during the synod.
"Finding a common language on such existential themes as sexuality and marriage in
Africa, Asia, Manhattan and (the Roman district of) Trastevere is actually not possible," he
When Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected pope in March 2013, his fellow cardinals
gave him a clear mandate to clean up the Vatican's murky finances, reorganise the Curia
bureaucracy and deal with the crisis of priests sexually abusing minors.
But the former archbishop of Buenos Aires had even wider ambitions, including a less
imperial papacy and more mercy for the divorced, gays or unmarried couples living
together despite the Church's traditional disapproval.
"Who am I to judge?" he said of gay Catholics in July 2013, comments that clearly
signalled the new tone at the Vatican, even though he declared he would not change ageold doctrines.
An unprecedented global survey Francis ordered last year showed widespread
disagreement with Church teaching on sex, especially among the young in western
The frank survey became the basis for debate at the synods, whereas previous synods had
been carefully managed affairs with little real debate.
After his election last year, many Catholic traditionalists argued Francis' papacy was a
continuation of Benedict's. Among their proofs was his opposition to far-reaching reforms
such as ordaining women priests or approving of abortion.
But as preparations for the synod progressed, they saw his open approach resembled that
of the 1960's Council, known among Catholics as "Vatican II", which they blame for
many modern problems in the Church. John Paul and Benedict spent years redefining the
Council's legacy in a more conservative way.
They began to organise.
Five cardinals, including Francis's own doctrinal watchdog Gerhard Mueller, published
a book arguing that easing a ban on divorced and remarried Catholics receiving the
sacraments was impossible because Jesus himself condemned divorce.
During the synod, arch-conservative Catholics, many from the United States and Africa,
complained the meeting was stage-managed to approve liberal reforms. U.S. Cardinal
Raymond Burke, the Vatican's top judge, accused the pope of harming the Church.
When an interim text said the Church should welcome gays and accept homosexuality,
they had the English translation watered down even though the Italian original remained
the official one.
In the end, the bishops agreed to almost all the synod proposals except three dealing with
gays and divorced Catholics, even though they had been toned down from the interim text.
Francis unexpectedly left the three rejected paragraphs in the final document and published
the usually secret vote totals to show they fell just short of the two-thirds majority needed
to be accepted, thereby ensuring they would stay in the debate and have a chance of
approval by the next synod.
Despite his deft bending of the rules, it is not clear exactly how much reform Francis wants
or what he will decide.
Predicting outcomes is further complicated by the fact that not all delegates to the next
synod will be the same as the first.
Francis ended the synod with a moving address warning traditionalists against "hostile
inflexibility" and liberals against a destructive "do-gooder" approach.
Ute Eberl, a German family counsellor attending the synod, said the session aimed to get
the Church "out of its comfort zone ... to hear about real life for families around the world".
After hearing the pope's final address to the bishops and their five-minute standing ovation
in response, she said: "Pope Francis's plan is working."
Lung Cancer Survivor Urges Smokers To Quit for Their Families
November is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Quitting smoking to protect the health of those around you is an important act of love.
That’s the message lung cancer survivor Helen Gonzalez hopes people hear when they
learn about her story.
“I never smoked a day in my life,” says Gonzalez, a 31-year employee for the County of
Erie Division of Information and Support Services. “But I was diagnosed with lung cancer
in December of 2005. I was exposed to secondhand smoke while I was growing up, and
when I was married. My father, uncles, and ex-husband all smoked in the house and in our
cars. Even when we had gatherings in the house for special occasions, everyone smoked.”
Lung cancer rates are directly related to cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke
exposure. At present, about 20% of Western New Yorkers actively smoke. Despite
advances in early detection and treatment, lung cancer remains a deadly disease, especially
for members of minority populations, primarily due to late detection.
“I was shocked and in disbelief when I first received the news that I had lung cancer,” says
Gonzalez. Fortunately, Gonzalez’ disease was detected early and she credits her survival to
the quick response and treatment provided by the Roswell Park Thoracic Center. “My faith
in God, along with a strong family, a great group of friends, and phenomenal doctors all
pulled me through during a very difficult time of my life.”
Today, Gonzalez participates in clinical research studies to help further understanding of
lung cancer, and urges smokers to think of the effect their smoking is having on loved
ones, and to quit for the sake of their children and other family members who may be
exposed to harmful secondhand smoke.
Roswell Park’s Lung Cancer Early Detection Clinic focuses on screening people at high
risk for lung cancer. If you are concerned that you may be at high risk for lung cancer, call
1-877-ASK-RPCI (1-877-275-7724) and ask about Roswell Park’s Lung Cancer Screening
Tratable la depresión mayor
La depresión, como condición de salud mental y en cuanto a los síntomas se refiere, se
mueve en un amplio abanico o espectro.
Uno de los pocos estudios hechos sobre la prevalencia de la depresión en la isla se llevó
a cabo en el 1987. Entre otras cosas, estos estudios se consideran costosos y trabajosos,
por lo que se utilizan los estudios hechos en Estados Unidos porque la prevalencia en el
continente de la depresión es muy similar a la isla.
La depresión, como condición de salud mental y en cuanto a los síntomas se refiere, se
mueve en un amplio abanico o espectro que oscila desde un episodio de respuesta de ajuste
con depresión para un 25 % de la población hasta un episodio de depresión mayor que
afecta del 5 al 10 % de la totalidad de la población.
Entre medio de estos extremos se encuentran situaciones que provocan depresión tales
como cuando una persona pierde su trabajo con estresores adicionales como lo es el no
poder pagar sus obligaciones económicas. Sin embargo, la persona continúa buscando un
empleo y, al no resolver la situación, podría llegar hasta un episodio de depresión mayor.
Cómo se manifiesta
En los adultos, la sintomatología incluye tristeza, lloroso y no quiere abandonar la cama.
Estos síntomas deben manifestarse por al menos todos los días durante dos semanas para
ser considerados expresiones de un episodio de depresión mayor.
Los niños y los adolescentes se manifiestan irritados, sacan malas notas en la escuela,
“todo les apesta” y lo catalogan de “porquería”. Los niños se muestran irritables. En ese
sector de la población, los síntomas, al igual que en el adulto, pueden durar durante dos
semanas todos los días, pero si es un caso severo una semana todos los días sería suficiente
para acudir a buscar ayuda de un profesional en la conducta.
En el caso de las personas de la tercera edad, los síntomas incluyen: tristeza, dejadez,
desánimo pero si hay problemas de memoria, demencia del tipo Alzheimer pudiera haber
problemas de conducta como en el caso de los niños que incluyen irritabilidad, entre otros.
Con frecuencia, se escucha decir que, en algunos casos, durante la vejez se produce una
especie de regresión a la niñez exhibiéndose una conducta poco madura.
Más frecuente en el joven adulto
La depresión mayor es mas común entre las edades de 20 a 35 años, lo que se conoce como
la adultez joven. Para ello, existen varias razones que incluyen el desarrollo del cerebro
hasta los 20 a 21 años. Al concluir el proceso de desarrollo del cerebro las personas se
ven obligadas a tomar una serie de decisiones fundamentales en su vida. En ese proceso
también pueden ocurrir distintas manifestaciones de trastornos psiquiátricos que pueden
presentar síntomas de depresión mayor. Hay que recordar que durante este período de vida
(de 20 35) la persona toma muchas decisiones importantes relacionadas con los estudios,
el trabajo, cambios en el estatus civil; en fin, es el período de culminación de una etapa en
el proceso de madurar.
Otras causas de la depresión
En el caso de los niños, las situaciones que pueden provocar la depresión mayor incluyen:
problemas entre los padres, separación y divorcio, así como las disputas relacionadas con
la custodia. En fin, algún evento que ocurra en el ambiente familiar que les impacte y
afecte su estabilidad.
En cuanto a los adolescentes, los eventos relacionados con sus pares tienen un peso muy
importante. Situaciones como problemas interpersonales que involucren a sus amistades,
pareja y “bulling” que no se canalizan adecuadamente pueden ocasionar depresión mayor
en este sector de la población. Los padres deben estar pendientes a un inexplicable
descenso en el aprovechamiento académico.
Por su parte, en los adultos mayores, a veces el origen de la depresión mayor puede
ser biológico porque el cerebro va perdiendo capacidad de conestarse efectivamente
ocasionando en algunos casos problemas de memoria que afectan su autoestima (como
piensan acerca de si mismos). En esta etapa de la vida, por lo regular, se han retirado del
trabajo y se sienten que pierden funcionalidad y mas aun pierden el sentido de la vida.
Aunque se suele pensar en el psiquiatra y psicólogo como los profesionales de la conducta
humana como los especialistas para diagnosticar la depresión muchos médicos primarios,
internistas, de familia y generalistas se han adiestrado para identificar los síntomas de la
depresión. Además se ha identificado una relación entre la enfermedad física y la depresión
Aries: Estás en una etapa de cierta incertidumbre, pero no debes
perder la calma. Tu esfuerzo dará frutos.
Tauro: No te preocupes tanto por asuntos de dinero, ten calma.
Un amigo de confianza te dará la mano.
Géminis: Toma aire, relájate y continúa con el camino trazado. Una
persona del sexo opuesto suspira por ti.
Cáncer: Busca ser más creativo y adáptate a los cambios. No
permitas que terceros se metan en tu vida.
Leo: Día positivo para realizar cosas que has dejado a mitad de
camino. Recuperas algo valioso para ti.
Virgo: Si te dejas vencer por el pesimismo, podrías tomar malas
decisiones. Mantén la armonía en el hogar.
Libra: Analiza bien tus sentimientos y decide si te conviene seguir
con esa persona. Cumple lo que prometes.
Escorpio: Te sientes bien al lado de tu pareja, un buen detalle es
útil para romper la monotonía.
Sagitario: Una persona especial espera la oportunidad de
acercarse a ti. Tu esfuerzo será recompensado.
Capricornio: Muestra confianza en las cosas que haces, solo así
alcanzarás tus metas. Tu familia te apoya.
Acuario: Darás un gran salto profesional y personal que te traerá
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porque ésta complica el manejo de las condiciones físicas. Por ejemplo, cuando se trata
el manejo del dolor hay que tener en cuenta el hallazgo de que las personas con depresión
perciben más dolor que quienes no la tengan. También las personas que sufren un infarto al
miocardio al estar deprimidas tienen más riesgos de sufrir complicaciones que aquellas que
no la padezcan.
Lo más importante para el diagnóstico de la depresión es la disfunción. El nivel de
disfunción dependerá del estado de desarrollo de la condición. Por ejemplo, una persona
que deja de limpiar su casa, cuidar de los hijos, asistir al trabajo o la escuela, de compartir
con sus amistades y familiares, manifiesta una necesidad de tratamiento. Cuando la tristeza
y la falta de motivación afecta el diario vivir de una persona, algo está ocurriendo que
necesita tratamiento.
La combinación de medicamentos y terapia es la alternativa idónea para tratar la depresión
aún cuando hay personas tratadas únicamente con medicamentos. Sin embargo, ello solo(el
tratamiento con medicamentos) no ayuda a todo el mundo.
En el caso de la terapia se ha encontrado que la más efectiva es la terapia cognoscitiva
conductual porque ayuda a la persona a identificar la relación entre sus pensamientos,
sus emociones y su conducta. Entre los profesionales adiestrados para administrar este
tipo de terapia se encuentran los psiquiatras, los psicólogos, los trabajadores sociales y los
consejeros profesionales.
Ralph M. Mohr
Arthur O. Eve Jr.
La Elección General se llevará a cabo en el condado de
Erie, el Martes, Noviembre 4, 2014 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Lugares específicos tendrán papeleta e información en la
ubicación de votación llame al 858-8891.
Key Inequality Measure The Highest Since The Great Depression
European stocks advanced for a second day as stimulus bets outweighed some corporate
earnings that missed estimates. The benchmark measure rallied 2.1 percent yesterday as
You know inequality is getting bad when it's making a Swiss bank uncomfortable.
The ratio of wealth to household income in the U.S., a measure of inequality, is the highest the European Central Bank was said to buy covered bonds and Reuters reported that the
it has been since just before the Great Depression, Credit Suisse noted in a 64-page report central bank is considering corporate-debt purchases.
ECB Purchases
on global wealth released on Monday. The bank also warned that this was not good news
The ECB bought Spanish covered bonds in a third day of asset purchases today, according
for the health of the economy:
to people familiar with the matter. It added to French and Portuguese securities it bought
"This is a worrying signal given that abnormally high wealth income ratios have always
this week, said the people, who asked not to be identified as they’re not authorized to talk
signaled recession in the past," the bank wrote.
about it. The central bank will reveal the amount of debt purchased on Oct. 27.
Meanwhile, the richest 1 percent in the world own 48 percent of all the world's wealth,
“The ECB buying bonds is just speculation, but investors are thinking there’s no smoke
according to Credit Suisse -- a worrying signal for the global economy.
Because wealth is a big pile of money that has been built up over the years, and income is without fire, so the sentiment is better,” said Christian Stocker, a strategist at UniCredit
Bank AG in Munich.
a much smaller annual flow of new money, this ratio is always pretty high: Going back to
Among stocks moving today, ABB Ltd. rose 2.5 percent after reporting third-quarter profit
1900, wealth has always been at least four times as high as disposable income.
that exceeded analysts’ estimates. GlaxoSmithKline Plc advanced 3.5 percent after posting
But sometimes the country's wealth stockpile surges to even greater heights. Right before
better-than-forecast profit. British American Tobacco Plc helped push a gauge of personal
the Great Depression, there was seven times as much wealth in the country as disposable
income. Right before the dot-com and housing bubbles burst, there was six times as much and household-goods stocks lower after saying cigarette shipments fell further in the first
nine months of the year.
wealth as income.
Greece’s 10-year yield fell 35 basis points to 7.36 percent and Portugal’s rate slid nine
See a pattern there? This ratio tends to get out of whack when bubbles of one sort or
basis points to 3.31 percent.
another have been built up, This typically ends badly, very badly.
Dollar, Bonds
Today the ratio is higher than at the peak of the dot-com and housing bubbles. So, yikes.
Treasuries (USGG10YR) reversed gains after the price report before trading little changed.
This time could always be different, of course. You could argue that there's no bubble
Bonds have stabilized after concerns that Europe may tip into recession drove 10-year
today that's nearly as ridiculous and dire as the dot-com or housing bubbles. Most of the
yields down to 1.86 percent last week, the lowest level in since May 2013.
wealth build-up of recent years has been due to the stock market soaring to record highs.
There is at least some justification for record-high stock prices, given that corporate profits The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index, which measures the greenback against a basket of 10
major counterparts, rose 0.2 percent. The gauge lost 1.4 percent in the past two weeks as
are at record highs, too.
traders pushed back expectations for interest-rate increases.
Then again, the stock market that has been inflated at least partly by historic levels of
Federal Reserve stimulus. And corporate profits are at record highs at least partly because The euro fell 0.4 percent to $1.2660 after earlier gaining as much as 0.2 percent. It slid
companies are being so stingy with workers: Wages have been flat throughout the recovery 0.7 percent yesterday, the biggest decline since Oct. 14. The yen decreased 0.2 percent to
107.18 per dollar, posting a five-day drop for the first time since Sept. 12.
and for the past few decades, really, when you adjust for inflation.
The MSCI Emerging Markets Index rose 0.5 percent for a fourth day of gains, heading for
Whether we get a recession this time or not, this news is at least a sign that French
the longest streak in almost two months. Benchmark gauges in Hong Kong, South Korea
economist Thomas Piketty is on to something when he warns that wealth tends to grow
and Taiwan climbed more than 1 percent.
more quickly than income, leading to dangerous imbalances.
Commodity Moves
The Bloomberg Commodity Index dropped 0.7 percent after rallying 0.7 percent yesterday.
U.S. Stocks Decline, Dollar Gains Amid Inflation Data
Coffee futures lost 4.3 percent and silver sank 2.1 percent.
U.S. stocks dropped after four days of gains, while the dollar advanced as the cost of living WTI crude for December delivery fell 2.4 percent to $80.52 a barrel, the lowest settlement
in America unexpectedly rose. Oil sank to a two-year low after an inventory report and
for front-month futures since June 28, 2012, after the report showing stockpiles climbed
gold fell the most in two weeks.
7.11 million barrels in the week ended Oct. 17. Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index lost 0.3 percent at 3:19 p.m. in New York after its
expected a gain of 3 million.
biggest rally in a year yesterday. Boeing Co. (BA) plunged 4 percent to drag the Dow
Zinc prices rose the most in two months as inventories dropped to the lowest since August.
Jones Industrial Average lower. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index rose 0.7 percent to cap its
The metal for delivery in three months climbed 2.2 percent to settle at $2,259.50 a ton in
best two-day rally in 15 months. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index rose 0.3 percent.
London, the biggest gain since Aug. 20. Yesterday, the metal touched $2,166, the lowest
Gold slid 0.7 percent to $1,242.50 an ounce, while crude lost 2.4 percent as commodities
since June 25.
The S&P 500 surged 2 percent yesterday to cap a 4.2 percent rally over four days. The U.S.
consumer price index added 0.1 percent in September. West Texas Intermediate crude fell
after an Energy Information Administration report showed U.S. inventories increased more
than forecast last week. Canada’s Parliament has been locked down after a gunman was
shot by police in the national legislature and a soldier was shot at a war memorial nearby.
“The market is driven primarily by trader and investor emotion and sentiment,” Michael
James, a Los Angeles-based managing director of equity trading at Wedbush Securities
Inc., said in a phone interview. “All that’s going to remain consistent in the short term is
that volatility is going to continue and that you’re going to have significant swings just
based on trader sentiment, without any specific data points.”
Related: Why the Stock Market Rally Is Bad News
The Chicago Board Options Volatility Index advanced 10 percent to 17.68 today. The VIX
(VIX) had plunged 39 percent in the previous four days.
Canada Stocks
Canadian stocks tumbled 1.3 percent for the first retreat in five days, as the downtown core
in Ottawa remained in lockdown as police investigate “multiple suspects” and the central
bank said the economy won’t reach full output until the second half of 2016. Energy and
materials producers led declines as oil and metals prices tumbled.
The S&P 500 had extended its advance this week amid better-than-estimated corporate
earnings and speculation the European Central Bank would boost stimulus. Concern that a
slowdown in global growth would hurt the world’s largest economy just as the Fed winds
down its bond purchases had erased as much as $2.1 trillion in U.S. equity values.
“If anything the shootings are a short-term excuse to sell,” James W. Gaul, a portfolio
manager at Boston Advisors LLC, which oversees about $2.9 billion, said by phone.
“We’ve had a really, really sharp rally lately. We’re up just under 7 percent from the
trading low on Oct. 15. That’s a sharp rally in a short period of time and this could be some
short-term profit-taking.”
Earnings Reports
Investors also watched corporate reports today. About 79 percent of S&P 500 companies
that have posted quarterly earnings this season have topped analysts’ estimates for profit,
while 63 percent beat sales projections, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
Yahoo! Inc. and Broadcom Corp. rallied today after reporting sales that beat forecasts.
Biogen Idec Inc., the world’s biggest maker of multiple sclerosis treatments, slid 5.3
percent as sales of its top drug, Tecfidera, missed analyst estimates.
“Right now, we’re looking at earnings being the driving force of this market,” Randy
Bateman, the chief investment officer of Huntington Asset Advisors, which manages about
$3.5 billion, said by phone. “There will be winners and losers.”
BlackRock Inc. Chief Executive Officer Laurence D. Fink said yesterday the selloff last
week in U.S. equity markets “weeded out the excesses,” making stocks a good investment
for those who aren’t going to sell their positions soon.
Market Correction
“As a long-term investor, yes, I’d be buying equities,” Fink said yesterday in an interview
with Bloomberg Television’s Erik Schatzker. “This is just a market correction, and we need
market corrections to clean the market out.”
His remarks were echoed by billionaire hedge-fund managers Dan Loeb. Loeb, who runs
Third Point LLC, told investors in a letter yesterday that “going forward, we expect that
the U.S. will remain the best place to invest” and that “markets will resume an overall
upward trajectory in the U.S. through year-end.”
Regresa al cuadrilátero Luis ‘El Artesano’ Cruz
nivel de
Texas deja libre a Alex Ríos
Reduzca su
factura de
El púgil puertorriqueño formará parte del cartel Noche de campeones DirecTV del
próximo 14 de noviembre
El púgil puertorriqueño Luis ‘El Artesano’ Cruz se unió al grupo de boxeadores que
formarán parte del cartel Noche de campeones DirecTV que se llevará a cabo el próximo
14 de noviembre en el Coliseo Roberto Clemente de San Juan.
‘El Artesano’, quien recientemente firmó con Al Haymon, intentará recuperar su lugar
entre los principales prospectos del mundo y volverá a pelear ante su gente luego de tres
años de ausencia.
“Por razones ajenas a mi voluntad, no pude hacer mi regreso en la pasada cartelera de
Universal Promotions. Dios sabe porque hace las cosas, ahora estaremos en un escenario
más grande y eso me motiva más”, expresó el púgil de 28 años de edad.
Cruz no se ve acción en Puerto Rico desde abril de 2011, cuando derrotó al mexicano
Martín Osorio en Bayamón. En su último compromiso en el ensogado sufrió una
controversial derrota ante el mexicano Joaquín Chávez en un combate efectuado en Washington.
La cartelera tendrá en el turno estelar una eliminatoria mundial de la Federación
Internacional de Boxeo en las 130 libras, esto cuando se enfrenten José ‘Sniper’ Pedraza y
el primer clasificado, Michael Farenas.
El jugador boricua fue adquirido por los Vigilantes en agosto de 2013
Arlington, Texas — El jardinero puertorriqueño Alex Ríos se convertirá en agente libre
después de la Serie Mundial.
Los Vigilantes de Texas rechazaron una opción por $14 millones para 2015, y en cambio
pagarán a Ríos la cláusula de rescisión de dos millones. Tras la decisión, todavía pueden
renegociar un nuevo contrato con el guardabosque para que vuelva la próxima temporada.
Ríos fue adquirido de los Medias Blancas en agosto de 2013, después que el entonces
toletero de Texas, Nelson Cruz, fue suspendido por los últimos 50 partidos de la temporada
por dopaje.
Ríos bateó .280 con cuatro jonrones y 54 remolcadas en 131 partidos en 2014. No jugó
después del 4 de septiembre por un esguince de tobillo y una infección en un pulgar.
La rescisión del contrato pone fin al acuerdo por seis años que Ríos firmó con Toronto en
2008. El boricua ganó $13 millones con Texas este año.
Boxeador ataca referí luego de combate
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El boxeador juvenil croata VidoLoncar ha sido suspendido de por vida y se encuentra
en un calabozo policial tras agredir de forma brutal a un árbitro polaco durante el
Campeonato Europeo Juvenil de Zagreb, informaron hoy los medios croatas.
Contrariado por la decisión del árbitro de dar la victoria al púgil lituano AlgirdasBaniulis
en un combate, el boxeador croata la emprendió a golpes con el colegiado, incluso cuando
éste se encontraba ya en el suelo.
Baniulis abandonó el cuadrilátero cuando Loncar comenzó a golpear al árbitro y sólo la
intervención de personal federativo, que sacó de la pista al juvenil arrastrándolo de una
pierna, puso fin a la agresión.
El arbitro polaco MaciejDziurgot sufrió contusiones graves y se encuentra hospitalizado,
mientras que la policía detuvo al agresor.
La Federación Croata de Boxeo, en una sesión de emergencia, ha suspendido de por vida a
Loncar, y a sus entrenadores de forma temporal, hasta que se esclarezcan los hechos.
"Esto es lo peor que ha podido pasarnos. Es una verg enza para Zagreb y Croacia, y el
deporte del boxeo ha sufrido un gran perjuicio", declaró hoy el secretario general de la
federación, MarkoMarovic, según recoge la agencia croata Hina.
"Todo el esfuerzo que hemos invertido en organizar este campeonato y en levantar la
imagen del boxeo croata se han destruido en pocos segundos", lamentó.
La federación publicó hoy un comunicado en el que pide disculpas a todos los que se
hayan sentido perjudicados por las acciones antideportivas de Loncar, incluyendo la
familia del árbitro, la ciudad de Zagreb, el Ministerio de Deportes croata, y la federación
de boxeo europea y mundial, entre otros.
Heisman Watch: Mariota and Prescott keep it a two-player race
It's no coincidence that the leading contenders for the Heisman Trophy — Dak Prescott and Marcus
Mariota — play for two of the nation's leading championship contenders, Mississippi State and
Oregon. It's been said, of course, that the Heisman does lean toward the best offensive player on the
nation's best team.
Yet only two winners since 2005 have taken home the Heisman and lifted the national championship
trophy: Cam Newton in 2010 and Jameis Winston a season ago.
At the same time, two Heisman winners — Ohio State's Troy Smith in 2006 and Oklahoma's Sam
Bradford in 2008 — have taken home the individual hardware but lost to the same team, Florida, in
the national title game.
Prescott and Mariota will look to join the club, along with Notre Dame's Everett Golson,
Mississippi's Bo Wallace and a number of other contenders — perhaps even Winston himself, who
remains a distinct long shot but delivered under bright lights during Saturday's win against the
Fighting Irish.
Does a trophy contender have what it takes to win in Manhattan in December and in Dallas in
Con mejoras de energía GRATIS para su hogar
Demandan a Mayweather y a Showtime
Dos boxeadores aseguran que nunca aceptaron ser parte de una pelea de entrenamiento
LAS VEGAS — Dos boxeadores de Las Vegas demandaron a Floyd Mayweather Jr. y a
los productores de un programa de televisión alegando que nunca aceptaron ser parte de
una pelea de entrenamiento que fue descrita como una batalla que duraría hasta que alguno
tirara la toalla.
HashimRahman Jr. y su hermano menor SharifRahman, ambos hijos del excampeón
del peso completo HasimRahman, acusan a Showtime Networks y a Mayweather de
enriquecerse a costa de ambos.
La demanda civil radicada el jueves en Nevada pide una compensación que no se
especifica, pero mayor a $10,000, de parte de la cadena de televisión y de Mayweather,
considerado como el mejor púgil del mundo.
El abogado de Mayweather, Mark Tratos, rehusó comentar. Showtime tampoco comentó
de inmediato.
La demanda también acusa a Mayweather de mentir en su testimonio del 23 de septiembre
ante la Comisión Atlética de Nevada sobre el programa "All Access" (Acceso Total)
grabado en su gimnasio.
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Amor Militarista
Por: Carlos Monserratte
Los gobiernos latinos o hispanos siempre han contado históricamente con la figura militar
como referente de cambio, buscando en este sistema una estabilidad que no encuentran
en el ciudadano que no porta uniforme ¿Quizás dicho uniforme transfiere una falsa y
romántica sensación de estabilidad?
Una de las razones de vida de los militares siempre ha sido cumplir órdenes, lo cual
genera un grado de confianza y sensación de seguridad. Remembranzas de generaciones
pasadas que nos ilustran con sus anécdotas y vivencias relatan un universo que muchas
veces es tan incompresible como un cuento de hadas. En estas fábulas los narradores
hablan de cómo en su juventud los regímenes militaristas y dictatoriales por definición,
tenían a los respectivos países en orden y floreciendo como árbol en primavera, al parecer
el invierno no tenía espacio.
Tal ilusión adquirió cierta veracidad, desde el punto de vista arquitectónico dado a que la
infraestructura en lo que respecta a las construcciones latinoamericanas se desarrollaron
durante periodos dictatoriales de la región, al igual que la opresión y el pensamiento
utópico de las tendencias posteriores al mayo francés en 1968.
El verano del amor, la guerra en Vietnam y la postura hippie en contra de las acciones
bélicas hizo que la política cambiase de perspectiva, cambiando la imagen personal,
mostrando más relajados a los principales actores políticos, que en su momento se alejaron
de los estándares previos que eran rígidos, inalcanzables y siempre relacionados con las
fuerzas armadas de sus respectivos países.
Esta fijación de los pueblos latinoamericanos con la figura que representa el militar ha
sido siempre contraproducente, ¿Por qué? La historia no nos muestra una razón clara, pero
algo que es cierto, es que la figura militar desde los inicios se ha caracterizado por recibir
órdenes y llevarlas a término cabalmente, sin necesidad de dar una propuesta participativa
y democrática.
Entonces ¿Es sano ese pensamiento que hace creer que la figura militar puede sobrellevar
las necesidades de un país y su gente? Es una pregunta que nos hace reflexionar y pensar
en el futuro de toda américa latina, especialmente en aquellos países en los cuales se
están viviendo cambios sociales dramáticos, no está el volver a depender en un uniforme
como medio regulatorio el cual no necesariamente implica el bien de las comunidades.
Los cambios sociales necesitan de la participación de sus habitantes, de la madurez y
conciencia ciudadana.
Rico, Roberto Alomar and Ivan Rodriguez.
Mr. Cuomo then left for the endorsement with Mr. García Padilla, which was only a few
blocks away. He had planned to walk through Old San Juan to get there, but with the
temperature approaching 90 degrees, he was driven part of the way.
He emerged from his sport utility vehicle in shirt sleeves. Mr. García Padilla played the
role of tour guide, and Mr. Cuomo stopped for a few pictures with people, including
several visitors from New York, as well as a groom-to-be. “Any second thoughts?” Mr.
Cuomo asked, offering to stow the man away in his car and allow him to escape.
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Cuomo Attempts to mend relationship with Hispanics a little
too late
Buffalo, NY. — Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s re-election campaign headed to the Caribbean
last Friday, as he tried to attract votes from Hispanics at home by making a symbolic, if
brief, trip to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
Mr. Cuomo seemed expressed ah at the grandeur of the Palacio Nacional in Santo
Domingo, in the Dominican Republic and posed for pictures along the cobblestone streets
of the Old San Juan section; and explained his trip as a “sign of respect” for Hispanic New
“In many ways, when I’m in Puerto Rico, I feel that I’m at home,” he said later at a hotel
in Old San Juan, where his campaign made stickers and buttons available, and he received
the endorsement of Puerto Rico’s governor, Alejandro García Padilla.
As the Nov. 4 election approaches, the focus of Mr. Cuomo’s campaign has seemed to
jump from one checkbox to another on a census form. He has courted women by traveling
the state on a bus called the Women’s Equality Express; addressed black congregants at
churches; and appealed to Jewish voters by visiting Israel.
The trip here was meant to help improve Mr. Cuomo’s rapport with Hispanics, a
relationship that has shown much uneasiness throughout his first term. Hispanics continue
to be frustrated that until recently, Mr. Cuomo had displayed little interest in pushing for
passage of the Dream Act, economic development plans to address poverty in the Hispanic
and minority communities across the state. A recent census report indicates that 51%
percent of minority children under the age of 18 in New York live in poverty, a sharp rise
under Governor Cuomo’s watch.
Hispanic voters represented 11 percent of the statewide turnout in 2010, according to an
exit poll conducted by Edison Research. Bruce N. Gyory, a political consultant, projected
that their share of the vote would grow over the next decade to close to 20 percent
The exit poll four years ago found that three out of five Hispanic voters sided with Mr.
Cuomo. Polls conducted this year have shown that, among likely voters who identify
themselves as Latino, Mr. Cuomo had a small lead over his Republican opponent, Rob
Astorino, the Westchester County executive.
Mr. Astorino, who speaks Spanish, has made his own effort to appeal to Hispanic voters.
On Friday, he campaigned with State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., a Bronx Democrat who was
born in Puerto Rico. Mr. Diaz, a democratic minister, has endorsed Mr. Astorino.
Almost immediately after arriving at an event for elderly men and women at a catering
hall in the South Bronx, Mr. Diaz pulled Mr. Astorino into the center of a pre-lunch
Zumba session that was already underway.
“Estoybien?” he asked the woman next to him as he began to move. “While Governor
Cuomo is enjoying himself on the island of Puerto Rico,” Mr. Astorino told a reporter,
“I’m here in the South Bronx, speaking Spanish, talking to Puerto Ricans who live here.”
As for Mr. Cuomo, he began his remarks at the hotel here by saying “Muchas gracias,” but
that was about all he said in Spanish at the event. He stood expressionless with his hands
clasped when people spoke Spanish around him.
Asked what he had accomplished here that he could not have accomplished by visiting
Hispanic communities at home, Mr. Cuomo said that he often spent time with Dominicans
and Puerto Ricans back in New York. “I’ve been doing that every day of my life,
basically,” he said.
Hispanic leaders in Buffalo, Rochester and Dunkirk, NY expressed concerns about Cuomo
who has visited the area but has not once met with the Hispanic Community in upstate
New York.
Mr. Cuomo’s trip was short: He flew on a private plane to Santo Domingo on Thursday
night, and after his stop here, returned to New York on Friday night. His agenda in the
Dominican Republic included a meeting with President Danilo Medina. Later in the day,
he continued on to Puerto Rico, where he met with Mr. García Padilla, and collected a gift
from him: a baseball bat signed by two retired Major League Baseball players from Puerto
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