CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC CHURCH November 16, 2014 | Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Patrick J. Mulcahy, Pastor [email protected] 482-3954 Deacon Wil Hollowell 482-3954 ext. 105 [email protected] Deacon Alan Pangilinan 482-3954 ext. 106 [email protected] Deacon Raul M. Millan 482-3954 ext. 301 [email protected] Blanca Garcia Business Manager 482-3954 ext. 202 [email protected] Rose Mackenzie Administrative Assistant 482-3954 ext. 101 [email protected] Patricia Piñal de Perez Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry 482-3954 ext. 302 [email protected] Helen Gomez Bilingual Secretary Bulletin/Website Editor 482-3954 ext. 102 [email protected] Mike Wickham Director of Religious Education 482-3953 [email protected] Peggy Tacchino +*5-)/'+*+0/&'*'./-4 482-3954 ext. 113 [email protected] Leanna Zarzar Prelle Preschool Director 482-3956 [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm For more information on our Church Schedules please see page 6 450 Corral Canyon Rd. Bonita, CA 91902 Office: (619) 482-3954 Fax: (619) 482-7236 Reflections, Announcements, News, Thoughts...the Pastor’s Rant Planning for Christmas Already? Christmas Outreach 2014 The Christmas Store VOLUNTEER SUNDAY IS HERE! THE GIVING TREE IS IN THE VESTIBULE! The holidays are right around the corner and plans are being made. We are thinking about schedules and HF5J9@D@5BG 56CIHC:Z79 D5FH=9G5B8 :5A=@M ;5H<9F=B;G 56CIH5@@ H<989H5=@G H<5H7CA9 K=H<79@96F5H=B;U 39@@CIF D5F=G<=G;9HH=B; F958MHCC395F9;9HH=B;F958M:CFCIF5BBI5@D5F=G<9B895JCFK<=7<9A6C8=9G the real meaning of Christmas. The Christmas Store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designate your gift to go directly to The Christmas Store. 4. BMCB9K<CKCF?G=BH<9F9H5=@=B8IGHFM5B875B<9@D;9H 8CB5H=CBG8=G7CIBHG:CFCIF DFC;F5A(9HIG?BCK/, 0<9F9=GGCAI7<HC8C5B8@=HH@9H=A9HC8C=HIH#C8K=@@<9@DIGHCA5?9<F=GHA5G6F=;<H9F :CF:5A=@=9G =BB998F=;<H<9F9=B/CIH<5M%75BBCHH<=B?C:569HH9F <F=GHA5G;=:HH<5BG99=B; 5GA=@9CB57<=@8YG:579 DIHH<9F96975IG9C:CIF9::CFHG,@95G97<97?H<96I@@9H=B!$3!!':CFF9;I@5FID85H9G5B8B998G%:MCI <5J95BMEI9GH=CBGD@95G975@@H<9D5F=G<C:Z79 THE GIVING TREE IS IN THE VESTIBULE NOW!!!!! Thanksgiving Day Mass & Blessing of the Table Bread Thursday November 27th 9:00am ,@95G9>C=BIG:CFCIFGD97=5@A5GGCB0<5B?G;=J=B; 5M5GK9H<5B?#C8:CF$=G56IB85BH6@9GG=B;G,@95G9 F9A9A69FCIFGD97=5@HF58=H=CBthe blessing of the table bread. This tradition invites us to bring to mass the 6F958K9K=@@G<5F95HH56@9@5H9F=BH<985M5G:5A=@M5B8:F=9B8G;5H<9FHC;9H<9F39K=@@D@579H<96F958G CB5H56@969:CF9 H<9 5@H5FHH<99B8C:H<9 A5GGK9 K=@@ 6@9GGH<96F958G5G5 DF5M9F C:6@9GG=B; :CFCIF :5A=@=9G0<97C@@97H=CB:CFH<=G85MK=@@69 8CB5H98=B=HG9BH=F9HMHCCIF D5F=G<Hands of Christ Ministry to GIDDCFH H<9=F 7<5F=H56@9 KCF?G C: G9FJ=79 HC H<9 DCCF ,@95G9 7CA9 5B8>C=BIG :CF H<=G KCB89F:I@ 85M C: 0<5B?G;=J=B;Please Note: there will be no 8:00am daily mass on this day only! $5J956@9GG985B8<C@MK99? %B<F=GHYG@CJ9 Fr. Pat Corpus Christi Church_______________________________________________________________P 3 Relationship Skills Workshop November 18 .96I=@8=B;0FIGH "CF%B:CFA5H=CB75@@ 957CB.5@D<5B8,9;;M/?=5BC ,<CB9CF !A5=@ FG?=5BC8=C79G9G8=9;CCF; DG?=5BC8=C79G9G8=9;CCF; +:Z79:CF)5FF=5;9 5B8"5A=@M(=:9 Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm Flower Class! ) 5 ? 9 M C I F C K B 0 < 5 B ? G ; = J = B ; 9BH9FD=979"F=85M*CJ9A69FGH:FCA DADA=BH<9,5F=G<$5@@ 0<9 7CGH =G K<=7< =B7@I89G materials. 4CI K=@@ 69 56@9 HC take your 79BH9FD=979 <CA9 4CI AIGH F9;=GH9F 6M 9A5=@=B; [email protected] 6M 0I9G85M *CJ9A69F H< %: MCI <5J9 5BM EI9GH=CBG D@95G9 75@@ /5B8F5 5H A Night in Bethlehem Take your family back in time, and have a blast as you do it. St. Pius X presents “ A night in Bethlehem”. ST. PIUS X PARISH CENTER Saturday, November 22 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tickets are on sale now-For further information call :.+!+2/-/5;9*;)':/545,G)+': +>: The Gospel of St. John 39K=@@7CB79BHF5H9CB5 K99?Bible Study Course on the Gospel of St. John, K<=7<=G H<9 ;CGD9@ K=H< H<9 ACGH images. F=B; MCIF 6=6@9G 5B8 BCH9 6CC?G K9 K=@@ 5@GC DFCJ=896=6@9G:CFH<CG9K<C8CBCH<5J9CB9 Instructed by Mike Wickham, =F97HCFC:.9@=;=CIG!8I75H=CB class will resume on Tuesday, November 18 at 9:00 am =BH<9!@=N569H</9HCB.CCA@C75H98=BH<9 /H0<CA5GEI=B5G9BH9F "CFACF9=B:CFA5H=CBD@95G975@@9LH No child-care provided / No pre-registration or fee / This will be the last session. Guadalupanos OF CORPUS CHRISTI Annual Christmas Posada (the re-enactment of Mary and Joseph looking for a room at the inn) ,5FH=7=D5H9 =B H<9 HF58=H=CB5@ <F=GHA5G ,CG585 H<9B 5:H9FK5F8G >C=B IG :CF )9L=75B <CH 7<C7C@5H9 DIB7< 5B8 )9L=75B GK99H 6F958 9 D5FH C: H<=G yearly tradition on December 5, 2014 at 6:00 pm Join us for a conversation about Faith, Christ and Our Lady of Guadalupe: 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm St. Therese Lisieux Room For more info call: Maria Elena Coronado at (619) 587-1358 or Edna Amrick at (619) 934-5531 or email us at: [email protected] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5<+3(+8 Seniors Wanted The Christmas Store 2014 Ages 4CIB;GH9F (95FB=B;0MD90CMG Girls 3 & up )=GG '=HHM GBI;;@M 8C@@G 8F9GG ID dolls, crafts, all types toys for girls. CMG ID Trucks, cars, motorized items, sports balls, all types of toys for this age, #1 is soccer balls, #2 is basketballs, and #3 is footballs. Teen girls *5=@DC@=G<<5=F8FM9FG7IF@=B; =FCBG K5H7<9G [5H =FCBG ?B=H G75FJ9G ;@CJ9G<5HGH<=B;GHC?99DK5FA:IB handbags, cosmetic sets, alarm clocks & hair accessories. Teen boys Watches, hand held computer games, soccer balls, basketballs, knit scarves, <5HG H<=B;G HC ?99D K5FA 5@5FA clocks & fragrance. Games :CF GD97=Z75;9G6CMG;=F@G5B8:CF :5A=@=9G %: MCI 75B @C75H9 ;5A9G =B /D5B=G<H<5HKCI@869J9FM89G=F56@9 5G=7G 1B89FK95FGC7?GG@99DK95FK5FA 7@CH<=B; K9F9 ;CB9 5G GCCB 5G H<9M K9F9DIHCIH Women/Mom’s: Warm clothing, scarves, hats, makeup kits. Men/Dad’s: Warm clothing, scarves, hats, tools, cologne, shaving kits. Items that remained after the event: Barbie dolls. Things we ran LOW on last year Boys: 5;9GHFI7?G5B875FG Teen Girls:*5=@DC@=G<<5=F8FM9FG7IF@=B;=FCBGK5H7<9G K5FA=H9AG[5H=FCBG<5=F5779GGCF=9G Teen Boys$5B8<9@87CADIH9F;5A9GK5H7<9GACHCF=N98 ;5A9GK5FA=H9AG5B8:F5;F5B79 Top 4 age groups for girls boys 099B5;9FG 099B5;9FG MFG MFG MFGMFG MFG ,@95G9 H5?9H<9G9=H9AG=BHC7CBG=89F5H=CB K<9BMCI69;=B your early Christmas shopping. We thank you in advance. ?+'89'4*5<+8 Come join us for our monthly social and potluck luncheon at noon every Third Friday. The Over 50 Lunch Bunch We are here for you! Bingo D D Guest Speakers D Birthday Celebrations D Door Prizes Our Next Social and Potluck Luncheon will be on November 21st at Noon at St. Thomas Aquinas Center Main Course will be Turkey #;81+? 85</*+* Bring a side dish to share and stay for THE ANGEL TREE PROJECT %G5 <F=GHA5G +IHF957<HCprisoner’s children. 0<=G DFC>97H is sponsored by Corpus Christi Hands of Christ Ministry 9J9FM M95F0<9 B;9@ 0F99 5B8 ACF9 =B:CFA5H=CB K=@@ 69 coming soon. YOUNG ADULT meetings for ages (18-39 years of age) are on Thursdays :FCA DA DA "CF :IFH<9F =B:CFA5H=CB D@95G9 7CBH57H CF=B5A59 at [email protected] or at (619) 254-6529 RIDE TO MASS NEEDED $5B8G C: <F=GH )=B=GHFM =G =B need of drivers to transport our D5F=G<=CB9FG HC )5GG K<C5F9 IB56@9 HC 8F=J9 HC 7<IF7< H H<9 ACA9BHK9 <5J9CB9D9FGCBK<C 75B;CHC5A 5A CF 5A )5GG 5B8 @=J9G 56CIH 5 A=@9 :FCA 7<IF7<0<98F=J9FG FCH5H9 ACBH<@M%:=BH9F9GH98D@95G975@@ )=?9#@=9695H 586;9.8/9:/.;8).&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Love and Life In The Divine Plan: The Call to Parents W3<=@95@@A9A69FGC:H<9 :5A=@M5F9 75@@98HC@=J9CIHH<9:CIB85H=CB5@<F=GH=5BJ=FHI9G:5H<9FG 5B8ACH<9FG <5J9 5GD97=5@F9GDCBG=6=@=HM:CF :CGH9F=B;H<9G9 J=FHI9GK=H<=BH<9=F 7<=@8F9B0<9M 5F9 H<9 ZFGHHCDFC7@5=A H<9 :5=H<HCH<9=F7<=@8F9B0<9M5F9F9GDCBG=6@9:CFBIFHIF=B;H<9JC75H=CBC:957<7<=@8G<CK=B; 6M9L5AD@9<CKHC @=J9H<9A5FF=98@=:95B8H5?=B;GD97=5@75F9=:57<=@8A=;<H6975@@98HCDF=9GH<CC8CF7CBG97F5H98@=:9X To read the document go to <HHDKKKIG776CF;@CJ95B8@=:9. Office for Marriage and Family Life Beginning Experience Weekend-Widowed, divorced and separated persons ready to move beyond their grief are invited to attend a Beginning Experience weekend on December 5-7, 2014 at Vina de Lestonnac in Temecula, CA. A trained team of peers leads participants through a healing and growth experience. If you are willing to put your feelings of anger and despair behind you and desire new beginning this weekend may be for you. For further information call Linda (858) 335-0915 or Cathy (619) 222-9093. Parenting Workshop: Redirecting Children’s Behavior-A 6 week parenting workshop facilitated by Certified Parenting Instructor Alan Olson, Thursdays from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm continuing through November 20, 2014, will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, San Diego 92117. This class teaches skills that produce immediate results that enable your family life. Space is limited; preregistration is required. Cost is $25 for materials only. To register or for more information, contact Peggy Skiano at (858) 490-8295 or email [email protected] C ORPUS C HRISTI M INISTRIES Facilities/ Maintenance/ Special Events Sandra Alonso /D97=5@!J9BHGCCF8=B5HCFG5B8F57CFDIG7<F=GH=75H<C@=7CF; Don Beckman9LH "57=@=HM097<BC@C;M)5=BH9B5B79/ID9FJ=GCF David West9LH I=@8=B;)5=BH9B5B79 Music Ministry Peter Luciano9LH Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Saturday 5:00 pm Mass Adult Traditional Choir, Sunday 9:00 am Mass Adult Contemporary Choir, Sunday 10:30 am Mass +0*%"0(/+*/#),+--4*.#) (#0*"4,).. Carlos de Alba Hispanic Choir, Sunday 1:30 pm Mass +0/&+*/#),+--4&+'-0*"4,).. Associations and Groups HAS A PLACE FOR YOU Spirituality & Worship Ministry Altar Servers,5HF=7=5,=R5@89,9F9NUU Children’s LiturgM$C@@M(95BC!B;@=G<UUU Eucharistic Ministry,5HHM5ADCGUUUU Ministers of Hospitality0CBM!@9:5BH9UUU Ministers of the Word!GHF9@@5,5B;=@=B5BU Ministerio de Alabanza y Espiritualidad Eucharistia:)5FQ589&9GTG)=@@5B Liturgia Infantil:)5F=5/=@5<I5 Ministerio de la Palabra:)5BI9@979FF5 Monaguillos:,5HF=7=5,=R5@89,9F9N Ujier:@69FHC,CB79 Asociaciones y Grupos Apostolado de Maria en la Iglesia Domestica: @5B7529;5 Bautizos:Coordinadora: 79"9FF9F [email protected] ConsolaciónCoordinadora: Cecilia Morales Espiritualidad de la CruzF579@M@9>5B8F9 Eventos Especiales: /5B8F5@CBGC Adults and Seniors CH"5N=C CBB5/=AACBG Altar Guild/5B8F5@CBGC Baptism Coordinator79"9FF9F [email protected] Boy Scouts/7CIH)5GH9F&C<B 5AGHF5 Cub Scouts: I6)5GH9F)5F?979FF5 Guadalupanos de Corpus Christi: Compassionate Care Ministry )5F;5F9H)7(5I;<@=B )5F=5!@9B5CFCB58C Hands of Christ Ministry CB97?A5B B9BIG=7@CI87CA !8B5AF=7? Holy Rosary Society(CF=9I9B75A=BC [email protected] Knights of Columbus#F5B8'B=;<H&=A$5F8M Marriage Encounter Ministerio de los Enfermos:97=@=5)CF5@9G Prayer Quilt Ministry and Corpus Christi Craft Group: 5FC@9$5A=@HCB Movimiento Regnum CristiCBGI9@C,=N5B Pro-life Representative)5F7="CL Quinceañeras: Patricia Piñal de Perez9LH Welcome Ministry&9BB=:9F25@9F= Servidores del Altar/5B8F5@CBGC RCIA Program#@9B85+Y#F58M [email protected] &&&&____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTRY SCHEDULES FOR NOVEMBER 22/23 SATURDAY, November 15 Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Nel Urbano B.2. Rosalinda Albrecht B.3. Bobby Imperial B.4. Joan Yngson B.5. Lois Blaskey B.6. Jerry Blaskey B.7. N/A C.1. Erika Pangilinan C.2. Emma Edquilang C.3. Thelma Guerina C.4. Josephine Chappel C.5. Marie West C.6. Michelle Bell C.7. Pricilla Francisco C.8. Charito C. Tatad C.9. Floro Tatad C.10. Albert Padilla C.11. Imelda Padilla C.12. Beth Atendido C.13. N/A EMMC: Bobby Imperial Ministers of the Word: R1:R. Ymzon, R2: V. Huscher Altar Servers:J. Montehermoso, J. Olsen, K. Olsen Ministers of Hospitality: L. Baldridge, R. Snider, S. Cloonan, G. Emerson, C. Hamilton, P.Bell Sacristan: Elena SUNDAY, November 16 7:30 am Mass Eucharistic Ministers:B.1. Glenda O’Grady B.2. Sonny Bautista B.3. Rita Caggiano B.4. Joey Boucree B.5. Paul Boucree B.6. Mary Ann Aceves B.7. N/A C.1. Pauline Adams C.2. Norma Gatpayat C.3. Marc Villaflor C.4. Rose Gonzalez C.5. Wilma Divinagracia C.6. Isabella Cazares C.7. Yvonne Mercado C.8. Fred De Alva C.9. Luisa De Alva C.10. Libby Ramos C.11. Sylvia Amposta C.12. Jun Amposta C.13. N/A EMMC: Pauline Adams Ministers of the Word: R1: L. Prado, R2: J. Mackenzie Altar Servers:J. Carlos, T. Campos, Jan. Carlos Ministers of Hospitality: F. Gonong, R. Mendoza, R. Llarenas, A. Gatpayat, F. DeAlva Sacristan:Tony Sunday 9:00 am Mass Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Jeanne Brunner B.2. Lynn Murphey B.3. Sonny Nguyen B.4. Theresa Vagnoni B.5. Pat Pauley B.6. Joy Bolor B.7. Carol Hammond C.1. Rose Mackenzie C.2. Anamaria Sanchez C.3. James Phillips C.4. Felicia Castellanos C.5. Crystal Monsale C.6. Lee Fitzgerald C.7. Maria Abarca C.8. Amy Tassiello C.9. Jeanne Ray C.10. Marilu Martinez-Jose C.11. Erlinda Banzon C.12. Celia Woerner C.13. Don Beckman EMMC: Don Beckman Back-Up EMMC: Anamaria Sanchez Ministers of the Word:R1: B. Fox R2: T. Elefante Altar Servers:J. Dulano, A. Lopez, E. Vagnoni Ministers of Hospitality: C. Delgado, T. Elefante, F. Santiago, T. Huynh, Ir. Ramos, Iv. Ramos Sacristan: Tony Sunday 10:30 am Mass Eucharistic Ministers:B.1. Linda Dail B.2. Vincent Dequito B.3. Aileen Dequito B.4. Oscar Paredes B.5. Patricia Paredes B.6. Victoria Rosas-Gutierrez B.7. Helen Gomez C.1. Carmen Siddens C.2. Laura Williams C.3. Claire Espiritu C.4. Fidel Santiago C.5. Sharon Lawson C.6. Diane Lopez C.7. Carolyn Gibbs C.8. Bea Bianes C.9. M. Patricia P. de Perez C.10. Fatima Larcome C.11. Lorna Hizon C.12. Cora Benitez C.13. Bernadette Reyes EMMC: Sharon Lawson Back-Up EMMC: M. Patricia P. de Perez Ministers of the Word: R1: L. Mucho R2: G. Andrews Altar Servers:H. Moore, R. Moore, C. Mara Ministers of Hospitality: J. Delamora, D. Garcia, W. Guzman, Jco. Aguinaldo, C. Hebron Sacristan: Mario Sunday 12:noon Mass Eucharistic Minister:B.1. Solita Kampley B.2. Benita Elefante B.3. Delia Ona B.4. Cora Jimenez B.5. Jocelyn Gamalinda B.6. Maria Silahua B.7. Anita VanBuskirk C.1. Available C.2. Lorena Sales C.3. Mario J. Sales C.4. Marianela Pazuelos C.5.Available C.6.Mary Anne Rivera C.7. Teresa Del Aguila C.8. Angelica Reynoso C.9. Pat Stanwood C.10. Rosie Ligon C.11.Ana Casillas C.12. Available C.13. Bernadette Jaccard EMMC: Solita Kampley Ministers of the Word: R1: S. Kampley, R2: S. Amposta Altar Servers: S. Kampley, J. Umali, T. Ortin Ministers of Hospitality: F. Bautista, J. Ona, G. Jimenez, D. Mariano, R. Ligon, R. Sampson, J. Ramos Sacristan: Mario Sunday 5:00 pm Mass Eucharistic Ministers: B.1. Genevieve Sy B.2. Flora Armenta B.3. Cynthia Stojeba B.4. Lito Yambao B.5. Liza Yambao B.6. Alfredo Borunda B.7. Linda Borunda C.1. Kathy Hibbard C.2. Jojo Sabino C.3. Peggy Tacchino C.4. Ann Sanvictores C.5. Ana Benitez C.6. Doug Sanvictores C.7. Chad Koster C.8. Sussie Pangcog Altar Servers:R. Sanvictores, D. Barrios, A. Sanchez Sacristan: Sussie PARISH INFORMATION 5:00 pm Mass Daily Mass (M-F) 8:00 am Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30,12Noon 1:30 pm (Spanish), 5:00 pm (English) Confessions Saturday at 4:00 pm Holy Days 6:30 pm Vigil (Evening before) 8:00 am & 6:30 pm (Feast Day) Holy Hour with Benediction Every Friday at 8:30 am-9:30 am Baptism Coordinator Ace Ferrer 370-8516 [email protected] 1st Sunday 3:30 pm (English) 2nd Sunday 3:30 pm (English) 3rd Sunday 3:30 pm (Spanish) 4th Sunday 3:30 pm (Bilingual) Pre-Baptismal Seminar Class November 12 next Seminar Beginning in December 2014 through November 2015, the English seminars will be given on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Spanish Seminar- 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm Marriages Please contact the church office at least nine months prior to intended weddings. Funerals Please contact the church office before making funeral arrangements with the mortuary. Please contact Margaret McLaughlin at 470-8340 or email: [email protected] En Español comuniquese con: Cecilia Morales (619) 421-6371 o (619) 726-0566 Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a family member are in the hospital or in need of the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the church office. R.C.I.A. If you are interested in becoming Catholic or in completing the Sacraments of Initiation, please contact Mike Wickham at 482-3953 or Glenda O’Grady at: [email protected] Corpus Christi Church ______________________________________________________________________P7 S U N D AY C O N T R I B U T I O N Sunday, November 9, 2014...................................$29,046.00 Building Fund ........................................................$4,631.00 Attendance: 4811 Total...........$33,677.00 Bereavement Ministry REST IN PEACE May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. 399GD97=5@@MDF5M:CFH<9GCI@C: Liborio Chamizo :5H<9FC: 5J=8<5A=NC Adolfo P. Jaramillo <IG65B8C:/CB=5&5F5A=@@C Elmer Keshka <IG65B8C:9HHM'9G<?5 Manuel Trinidad <IG65B8C:IFCF50F=B=858 PRAYER LIST FOR DEPLOYED MILITARY deployed throughout the world. PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, and bring them home safely. May their sacrifices bring about a lasting and just peace in those lands. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. USN ABF AA Terrence Alexander, MASN Timothy M. Alexander, Sgt. Kylie Pastor Bautista, PO2 Ryan E. Brink, ABHC Curtis Evans TAOE7 Eddie Gasmin PO Maria Gonzalez LT David Huscher SA Micahel Janecek CDR Ricardo Legaspi LTJG Andrew Legayada CTN1 Will Lucas PO3 M. Fabiola Martinez-Perez LT John Mercado LT Frank D. Miller SN Carlos Muñoz Capt. Dave Schlesinger USNS Rainier Shipmates PO3 Marisol Salazar SCPO Luis Samonte CPT Todd Tinsley SN Kevin Tolentino LCDR Alvin Villanueva LT Kevin Walter USMC USAF Cameron Byers Aaron Brown A1C Daryll Christopherson SRA Jaron Gamalinda TSgt. Frederick Garcia Martin Miguel C. Garcia SGT Patrick O’Carroll III T.Sgt. Darryl Lallana E3 Daniel Ramirez FCC Guillermo Pimentel USA SP4 Stewart Bruce Butler Eddie Ceseña, MP Sgt. Marcus Davis 5-+#'=-+110 E4 Andrew Joseph Dydasco E4 Douglas Eckhardt Sgt. Reginal Gonzalez PFC Christopher Higgins Sgt. Christopher Mattis PFC Michael Megow 1st LT Patrick R. Muldoon Sgt. Miguel A. Ortega Sgt. Daniel Perez-Alarcon Sgt. Michael Rodriguez GS12 Ben Toms Sgt. Jeff Tucker GSgt Patrick D. Butler LCPL Ricardo C. Gonzalez Heart of the Nation -My Sunday Mass -(TV Mass for the Homebound) Make Sundays more complete for someone you love who can’t get to church by sharing information about TV Mass for the Homebound. Sunday TV Mass 9:30 am MyTV13 XDTV cable channel 13 Check TV listings for broadcast/cable/satellite channels or (cable channel 19, Sunday 6:30 am) Note: TV Mass does not meet the Sunday Mass obligation for the faithful who are able to attend in person. ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY *CJ9A69F .5ACB5FIN *CJ9A69F (I=G&CF;9)5FA5B=@@C *CJ9A69F )MFB525@9F=5.9M9G BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP MEETING 0<9B9LHA99H=B;=GH<=G7CA=B; 0<IFG85M*CJ9A69F5H 5A=BH<9/H!@=N569H</9HCB.CCA %:MCIG<CI@8<5J9 5BMEI9GH=CBG D@95G9 7CBH57H)5F;5F9H )7(5I;<@=B9F95J9A9BHCCF8=B5HCF5H ALL SOULS DAY PHOTOS ,@95G9 7CA9HCH<9D5F=G<C:Z79 HCD=7? IDMCIF D<CHCGC: MCIF @CJ98 CB9G H<5H K9F9 D@5798 =B H<9 @@ /CI@G 5M .9A9A6F5B797C@@5;9 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]).The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. GET READY0<9 (9HH9FG C: ,5I@ HC H<9 0<9GG5@CB=5BG 5F9 5ACB;<=G95F@=9GHKF=H=B;G5B85F98F=J9B6M<=G69@=9:5B8 the belief of the entire early Christian community that the F9HIFBC:<F=GH K5G =AA=B9BH0<9F9:CF9HC89JCH9 H=A9CF 5HH9BH=CB HC5BMH<=B;9@G9 K5G :CC@=G< G H=A9 DFC;F9GG98 H<=G:9FJCF F97989856=H0C85MK9 A5M KCB89F K<9BK9 <95F H<9G9 F958=B;G 56CIH H<9 7CA=B; 9B8H=A9G =: K9 G<CI@8 H5?9 H<9A HC<95FH 3<5H G<CI@8 K9 8C K<9B K9 <95FH<5HH<985MC:H<9(CF8K=@@7CA9IDCBIG@=?95H<=9: 5H B=;<H 0<9GG5@CB=5BG C9G H<=G A95B K9 5F9 HC GHCD CIF @CB;F5B;9 ;C5@G9HH=B; ;9H F=8 C: CIF M95F@M calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college 98I75H=CB:IB8+:7CIFG9BCH3<5H=H8C9GA95B=GH<5HK9 need to change our lives, living like children of the light and =@@IA=B5H=B; H<9KCF@85FCIB8IGK=H<H<9@=;<HC:H<9;CGD9@ 0<9B CB H<5H 85M K<9B H<9 89H5=@G C: CIF 85=@M @=J=B; 697CA9 IB=ADCFH5BH K9 K=@@ 69 F958M HC :=B8 CIF D9579 and security in Christ Jesus.Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. P8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ confirmation Class time is 6:00 pm - 8: 00 pm (directly following the 5:00 pm Mass). NOVEMBER SUNDAYS- 2014 16- November COMBO CLASS (Confirmation 1 and 2) Chastity Talk and Concert-Guest Speaker/ Singer: Paul J. Kim 23 + 30 November NO Classes Happy Thanksgiving!! If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Tacchino at (619) 482-3954 ext. 113. CHILDREN’S LITURGY HELPERS Help share the gospel with little kids during Mass. Contact: Holly Leano at 619-370-2417 or email [email protected] to sign up for the English speaking Masses or Maria Silahua at 619-656-6222 or email [email protected] for the 1:30 Mass (you do not have to speak Spanish, just be willing to help with the kids--there is a great need for youth and adult helpers alike at the 1:30 Mass) BE PUT ON AN ON-CALL LIST K=H< H<9 2C@IBH99F CCF8=B5HCF 5H CFDIG <F=GH= !A5=@ /5B8F5 @CBGC 5H [email protected] K=H< your name, email address and phone number. When DFC>97HG5F=G9MCIK=@@69 7CBH57H98HC<9@D5B8=:MCI5F9 5J5=@56@9 MCI75B>IAD CB 6C5F8 5B8 95FB@CHGC: G9FJ=79 <CIFG Registration Calendar Grades K-8th 2014-2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CALENDAR 2014-2015 November 24-28 Thanksgiving Break December 15-18 Christmas Program Registration is now closed. If you have any questions, please call Mike Wickham, Director of Religious Education at (619) 482-3954 or email at [email protected] PRESCHOOL NOW ENROLLING Corpus Christi Preschool still has room for 2 & 3 year olds. Come on by to check out our awesome program. We accept children on or after they turn 2. And they DO NOT NEED TO BE POTTY TRAINED we will help with that. ENROLL NOW while spaces last! Contact Director Leanna Zarzar Prelle at (619 482-3956 ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES: YOUTH CHOIR CA9>C=BH<9 ,)4CIH<)5GG )IG=7 )=B=GHFM /<5F9H<9 #CC8 *9KG =B GCB; &C=B 5 :IB ;FCID C: G=B;9FG #9H community service hours for both school and 7CBZFA5H=CB)5?9B9K:F=9B8G Practice: ,) 69:CF9 )5GG =B H<9 )IG=7 .CCA =B H<9 <IF7<8=F97H@M:C@@CK=B;MCIK=@@G=B; =BH<97<C=F :CFH<9 ,))5GG *Looking for a drummer and other instrumentalists! USE YOUR TALENT Having only modest talent is no excuse for not using it. Think what the morning would be like if only talented birds sang! —Anonymous LIVING PRAYER Who prays as they ought will endeavor to live as they pray. -Anonymous Corpus Christi Preschool 480 Corral Canyon Road Bonita, CA 91902 LIC# 376700824 Monday-Friday 6:30AM to 6:00PM Director: Leanna Zarzar Prelle M.A.Ed. (619)482-3956 Part-Time 2 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM $355 per month 3 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM $435 per month 4 days 8:00 AM-12:00 PM$515 per month 5 days 8:00AM-12:00 PM$595 Monthly *Other hours can be arranged. Part-time is up to 4 hours Max. Full-Time 2 days 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM $500 per month 3 days 6:30 AM – 6:00 PM $655 per month 4 days 6:30 AM- 6:00 PM$755 per month 5 days 6:30AM-6:00 PM$855 Monthly *Children are considered full time if they are with us more than 4 hours. *Annual Registration/ Materials Fee: $150 or $200 per family *15% Tuition Discount for Siblings *10% Discount for Active Military, Police, Firefighters & Border Patrol *Serving 2-5 year olds (2 and 3year olds do not need to be potty trained) Reflexiones, Avisos, Noticias,Pensamientos... ¿Ya están haciendo planes para Navidad? Actividad de Navidad 2014 La Tienda de Navidad YA LLEGÓ EL DOMINGO DE VOLUNTARIOS EL ÁRBOL DE REGALOS ESTÁ EN EL VESTÍBULO (5GZ9GH5G9GHOBDCF@@9;5F M G99GHOB<57=9B8C@CG DF9D5F5H=JCG !GH5ACG D9BG5B8C9B@CG<CF5F=CGM @CG D@5B9G89 J=5>9Z9GH5G 9B @5CZ7=B5 M F9IB=CB9G :5A=@=5F9GHC8CG@CG89H5@@9GEI957CAD5R5B5 @579@96F57=SB,I9G6=9B BI9GHF5 D5FFCEI=5 H5A6=PB G9 9GHO DF9D5F5B8C *CG 9GH5ACG DF9D5F5B8CD5F5 BI9GHF5 @56CF D5FFCEI=5@ 5BI5@ EI9 9B7=9FF59@J9F8589FCG=;B=Z758C89@5*5J=858 La Tienda de Navidad 2014 1B5 J9NAOGG9FO 9@9G:I9FNC7CB>IBHC89 /5BBHCB=CBI9GHF5D5FFCEI=5<9FA5B5 9B*5H=CB5@=HMM89CFDIG <F=GH=BI9GHF5D5FFCEI=5 !AD9N5F9ACG 5 58EI=F=F F9;5@CG M AOG F9;5@CG D5F55MI85F 5@5G :5A=@=5GB979G=H585G 5 79@96F5F@5*5J=858,CB8F9ACGIB5WH=9B85X D5F5EI9@CGD58F9G899GH5G:5A=@=5GB979G=H585GDI985BG9@977=CB5F @CGF9;5@CGEI985FOB5GIG:5A=@=5F9G!GHCH9B8FO@I;5F@5G9A5B55BH9G89*5J=858,9FC8969ACG9AD9N5F7CB9@ DFC79GC89D@5B957=SB89G895<CF5 *!!/%0)+//141 7CBH=BI57=SBIB5@=GH589@H=DC895MI85EI9 B979G=H5ACG 1. !@OF6C@89F9;5@CG49GHO9B9@J9GHQ6I@C*979G=H5ACGF9;5@CG@@PJ9BG9IB58CGCAOG9GHF9@@5G!BHF9 AOGF9;5@CGF97=65ACG5AOG:5A=@=5GDC8F9ACG5MI85F 2. 2C@IBH5F=CG>SJ9B9G M A5MCF9GD5F5 5MI85FBCG 5 GCFH95F 7CADF5F 57CAC85FG9FJ=F7CBH57H5F ;9BH99H7 !( +)%*#+ !2+(1*0.%+/4((!#] 3. /9579DH5FOB8CB5H=JCG9B8=B9FCD5F59GH9DFC;F5A5!/,!\"%+,I989B=B8=75FEI9GI8CB5H=JCG95D5F5 la Tienda de Navidad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¡EL ÁRBOL DE REGALOS YA ESTÁ EN EL VESTÍBULO! Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias y bendición del pan para la cena Jueves 27 de noviembre a las 9:00 a. m. 7CADOR9BCG9B9GH5 )=G59GD97=5@89@ Q58977=SB89#F57=5G 5@85F@9 ;F57=5G5 =CG DCF H5BH5G 69B8=7=CB9G .97I9F89BBI9GHF5HF58=7=SB9GD97=5@la bendición del pan para la cena.!GH5HF58=7=SBBCG=BJ=H55HF59F5@5)=G59@ D5BEI9 7CAD5FH=F9ACG AOG H5F89 7CBBI9GHFCG :5A=@=5F9GM5A=;CG C@C75F9ACG HC8C 9@D5B 5BH9 9@ 5@H5F M 5@ 7CB7@I=F @5)=G5@C69B897=F9ACG7CBIB5CF57=SBD5F5 BI9GHF5G:5A=@=5G (5 7C@97H5 89 9GH98Q5G98CB5FO9BGI totalidad al ministerio Manos de Cristo 89BI9GHF5D5FFCEI=5D5F55DCM5F@5GC6F5G8975F=8589B:5JCF89@CGDC6F9G ,CF:5JCF57CADOR9BCG9B9GH9A5F5J=@@CGC Q58977=SB89#F57=5G. Favor de tomar nota: NO habrá Misa de 8:00 a. m. ese día únicamente. Que tengan una bonita semana de llena de bendiciones. Con el amor de Cristo, Padre Pat ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Conferencia Magna “El Adviento y la Virgen Maria con Monseñor Diego Monroy en la Iglesia Católica Corpus Christi Lunes, 1 de Diciembre, 2014 Conferencia a las 6:30 pm Para información, comuniquese con Patricia Piñal (619) 482-3954 Hora Santa “ Paloma Santa, Soplo Divino, desciendo a ti, alma sedienta; te busco...llamo a tu puerta... ¿ Estáis agobiada por el peso de tu cruz? I Vengan a Mi, Yo os consolaré; Mi Corazón Traspasado y el Corazón de mi Madre os sostienen. Hostia Santa venid adoradle, bendición recibas, ¡ El Rosario desgranan por ti ! Te espero pequeño (a) mío (a) TE AMO: JESUS Todos los Jueves de 9:00 am - 10:00 am Iglesia Católica Corpus Christi (Capilla de la Sagrada Familia) 450 Corral Canyon Rd, Bonita, CA 91902 II Aniversario Hora Santa Martes, 2 de Diciembre, 2014 Iglesia Corpus Christi 9:00 am Celebración Eucarística Celebrada por Rev. Patrick J. Mulcahy y >)35549+B58/+-55485? '3 Hora Santa II Aniversario Arreglo de Flores! $5;5 GIDFCD=C5FF9;@C89:@CF9G D5F59@ 79BHFC89GI A9G5D5F59@ Q589#F57=5G2=9FB9G89*CJ=9A6F9 89 DA DA 9B 9@ 9BHFC ,5FFCEI=5@ /5B 0CA5GEI=BC!@7CGHC9G89EI9=B7@IM9HC8C@CG A5H9F=5@9G0=9B9EI9=BG7F=6=FG9DCF7CFF9C9@97HFCB=7C 9A5=@5 [email protected] 5BH9G 89@ 89 *CJ=9A6F9,5F5A5MCF=B:CFA57=SB7CAIB=75H97CB/5B8F55@ BAUTIZOS Para coordinar un bautizo en Español, por favor comuniquese con Ace Ferrer al 370-8516 o por correo electronico al [email protected] Horarios de Clases Pre-Bautismales Clases Pre-bautismales en Español (2do Jueves) de cada mes de 7:30 pm-9:00 pm La siguiente clase será el 11 de Diciembre ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA -I=9F9GG569F 7CACD=9BG5 =CGG=GH9 5 @5G7@5G9G89=6@=59B9@/5@SB/H!@=N569H< BB /9HCB 9B 9@ DF=A9F D=GC 89@ /5@SB ,5FFCEI=5@ 89 DA 5 DA ,5F5 A5MCF =B:CFA57=SB 7CAIB=EI9G9 7CB (ID=H5 C &CG9 (I=G /5B8CJ5@ 5@ "97<5G899GHI8=CG@CG2=9FB9G 89*CJ=9A6F9 89 =7=9A6F9 1 6 D E N OV I E M B R E 2 0 1 4 CALENDARIO MINISTRO DE EUCARISTIA DOMINGO, 23 de Noviembre 1:30 pm Ministro de Eucaristía: C1: J. Ramirez, C2: N. Ramirez, C3: O. Ramirez, C4: L. Razo, C5: M. Ruvalcaba, C6: M. Solís, C7: G. Stone, C8: L. Avalos, C9: M. Avalos, C10: M. Becerra, C11: D. Bayon, C12: M. Bayon, C13: A. Becerra B1: C. Uriarte, B2: J. Uriarte, B3: D. Vargas, B4: E. Vargas, B5: B. Vega, B6: E. Villalba, B7: M. Zavala Proclamadores: P1: I. Vazquez P2: P. Paredes Monaguillos: LAS POSADAS Parroquia de Corpus Christi Viernes, 12 de Diciembre, 2014 Mañanitas 6:00 am (Misa 6:30 am) Recepción despues de la misa en el Salon Parroquial Tomás Aquinas Animamos a los niños a vestirse como San Juan y a las niñas de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Tienda Navideña 2014 Cuando empiecen a comprar para la Tienda Navideña, estos artículos fueron los mas deseables.. Niños edades 2-4 : juguetes de enseño Niñas edades 3 o mayor : Miss Kitty, muñequitas para vestir, manualidades, todo tipo de juguetes para niñas. Niños edades 5 o mayor : Camionsitos, carritos, juguetes motorizados, pelotas deportivos; pelotas d e f ú t b o l soccer, pelotas de baloncesto, pelotas de fútbol Americano. Jovencitas edades de 13-19 : Esmalte para uñas, secadora para cabello, rizador eléctrico, relojes, planchadora para cabello, bufandas, guantes, gorritas, artículos de invierno, bolsas, cosméticos, reloj con alarma y accesorios para el cabello. Jovencitos edades de 13-19 : relojes, juegos computarizados, pelotas de fútbol Mexicano, pelotas para baloncesto, bufandas, gorritas & artículos de invierno, reloj con alarma, y fragancias. Juegos: !&7&1&8 *)&)*8*85*(.G(&83.C48&8$&2'.A3 148 juegos deseables son los juegos en Español para la comunidad habla Hispana. Básicos: Los primeros artículos que se agotaron a ponerse en las mesas fueron: ropa interior, calcetines, pijamas, y ropa de invierno. Damas/Mamás: Ropa de invierno, bufandas, gorritas, maquillaje. Caballeros/Papás: Ropa de invierno, bufandas , herramienta, fragancias, kit para afeitarse. Necesitamos Personas de habla hispana para la Tienda Navideña Compradores Personales comuniquese con Glenda OʼGrady al: [email protected] Apostolado de Maria en la Iglesia Domestica- Somos un grupo Mariano de Corpus Christi que promueve el rezo del Santo Rosario en las Familias llevando, a los hogares, La imagen de los Dulces Corazones Jesus y Maria. Cuando rezamos el rosario con las familias, dejamos la imagen por una semana.Te gustaría participar en esta devoción o formar parte de este grupo? Para concertar una visita de Nuestra JORNADA PARA PROCLAMADORES “Vayan por todo el mundo, anuncien la buena noticia a toda la creación.” Esta Jornada es para promover el Ministerio de la Proclamación de la Palabra y !BHF9;5F 9@ A9BG5>9 89 Jesús la Buena Nueva 89G5@J57=SB5HC85@5;9BH9 22 de Noviembre de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm. ,5F5 A5MCF =B:CFA57=SB7CAIB=EI9G97CB)5BI9@979FF55@ !"#$!%&'!() La Asociación Nacional Pro-superación Espiritual y PersonalDFCAI9J9@5GID9F57=SB=BH9;F5@89@5D9FGCB5 65G585 9B @5 7CBJ=77=SB 89 EI9 GS@C EI=9B 89G5FFC@@5 continuamente todo su potencial humano puede ser constructor, en su familia y en su comunidad, de un AIB8C BI9JC M A9>CF .9IB9H9 7CB BCGCHF5G @CG &I9J9G 5A5A9B9@/5@SB,5FFCEI=5@/5BHC0CAOG EI=BC9B9@5I@5/H5)5FM)5;85@9B99BCFDIG<F=GH= ,5F5A5MCF=B:CFA57=SB7CAIB=75H97CB%JCBB9,=B9855@ C F D C F 7 C F F 9 C 9 @ 9 7 H F C B = 7 C [email protected] PARRO QUIA C O RP US C H RISTI Confirmacion !@$CF5F=C897@5G9GGCB896:00 pm - 8:00 pm inmediatamente despues de la Misa 89@5GDA P .1 2 Calendario de Catecismo 2014-2015 24-28 de Noviembre vacaciones del Día de Gracias (Thanksgiving) 15-18 de Noviembre Programa Navideño Las Inscripciones han cerrado. /= H=9B9 7I5@EI=9F DF9;IBH5 LOS DOMINGOS EN NOVIEMBRE DCF :5JCF 7CAIB=EI9G9 7CB)=?9 3=7?<5A =F97HCF 89 @5 89*CJ=9A6F9Clase Combinación !8I757=SB .9@=;=CG5 5@ C DCF 7CFF9C9 5 (Confirmación 1 y 2) charla de castidad y [email protected] C 7CB ,5HF=7=5 ,=R5@ 89 CF58CF=BJ=H58C89CB7=9FHC5BH5BH9 ,9 F 9 N 5 @ 9 L H C D C F 7 C F F 9 C 9 5 ,5I@&'=A [email protected] ,5F5 =B:CFA9G C DF9;IBH5G DCF :5JCF 7CAIB=EI9G9 7CB ,9;;M 0577<=BC5@9LH PRESCHOOL LITURGIA DE LOS NIÑOS- (9G =BJ=H5ACG 5 5MI85F @CG CA=B;CG 8IF5BH9 @5 )=G5 89 DA 9B 9GD5RC@ 7CB @5 (=HIF;=5 89 @CG *=RCG /= IGH98 DI989 G9F JC@IBH5F=C DCF IB5 <CF5 DCF :5JCF 7CAIB=EI9G9 7CB ,5HF=7=5 ,=R5@ C7CB)5F=5/=@5<I5 CORO DE JOVENES .9IB9H9 9 =B;F9G5 5@ Ministerio de Música 89&SJ9B9G 89 @5 )=G5 89 @5G DA @CG 8CA=B;CG =J=9FH9H97CBIB;FIDC8975BH5BH9G Recibe horas comunitarios D5F5 5A65G 9G7I9@5G HI 9G7I9@5 M D5F5 @5G 7@5G9G 89 CBZFA57=SB M has amistades nuevas. Practica: DA 5BH9G 89 @5 )=G5 9B9@7I5FHC 89ATG=759B@5 =;@9G=589GDI9G =FOB5 75BH5F 9B 9@ 7CFC D5F5 @5 )=G5 89 DA 6IG75ACG baterista y otro tipo de instrumentista. NOCHE DE LA JUVENTUD en la PARROQUIA DE CORPUS CHRISTI se reúnen cada Miércoles a las 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Se invita a todos los estudiantes de la prepa. Para mas información comunicate con Peggy al 482-3954 ext. 113 Guadalupanos de Corpus Christi Únase con nosotros y converse sobre la Fé, Cristo y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: los 2do Jueves de cada mes a las 7:30 pm en el salón St. Therese of Lisieux. Para mayor información por favor comuniquese con Maria Elena Coronado al (619) 587-1358 o [email protected] o con Edna Amrick al (619) 934-5531 o por correo-electronico-: [email protected] ESTAMOS ACEPTANDO INSCRIPCIONES El Pre-escolar de Corpus Christi todavía :/+4+ );65 6'8' 4/B59'9 *+ ? 'B59 *+ +*'*)+6:'3594/B59'9*+5*+96;+97;+);362'4 'B59 *+ +*'* ? NO ES NECESARIO QUE LOS NIÑOS/AS ESTÉN ENTRENADOS PARA IR AL BAÑO. 595:8592+'?;*'8+359)54+95 INSCRÍBASE HOY! se recomienda inscribirse lo más pronto posible ya que el cupo está limitado. Comuníquese con la Directora Leanna Zarzar Prelle al (619) 482-3956 Corpus Christi Preschool 450 Corral Canyon Road, Bonita, CA 91902 LIC# 376700824 Monday-Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM Director: Leanna Zarzar Prelle M.A.Ed. (619) 482-3956 Tiempo Parcial 8Q5G),) DCFA9G 8Q5G),) DCFA9G 8Q5G),) DCFA9G 8Q5G),) A9BGI5@ *Se puede hacer otros arreglos de horarios. Tiempo parcial es hasta 4 horas máximo. Tiempo Completo 8Q5),) DCFA9G 8Q5G)V,) DCFA9G 8Q5G),) DCFA9G 8Q5G),) mes *Los niños se consideran de tiempo completo si están con nosotros mas de 4 horas. * %BG7F=D7=SBBI5@CGHC)5H9F=5@CDCF:5A=@=5 * 8989G7I9BHCD5F5@5%BG7F=D7=SB89@CG<9FA5BCG89@ estudiante * 8989G7I9BHCD5F59@)=@=H5F7H=JC,C@=7Q5CA69FCM D5F5@CG+:=7=5@9G89@5,5HFI@@5"FCBH9F=N5 * 5B8CG9FJ=7=C5B=RCG5G895RCGNO es Necesario para que los niños/as de 2 y 3 años de edad estén entrenados para ir al baño) Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. It’s our differences that make us great. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Sabrina R. Dixon, Agent Call Yanira Hernandez Bus: 619-336-4936 800.231.0805 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months We Donate $100.00 to CORPUS CHRISTI When You* Get Through Us *Friends and Family Too CHIEF SATELLITE, LLC 261 Broadway • Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: 619.339.0619 • [email protected] Must comply with all of DIRECTV’s applicable rules and regulations. 004985 Corpus Christi Church (C) Se Ha bla Es pañol For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 “Elite Computers” FRESH GRILL EXPRESS We Buy, Sell & Trade New & Refurbished Computer Equipment 2326 Proctor Valley Road, Suite 102 Chula Vista 656-6606 Catering For All Occasions: TACOS • TORTAS Contact Andrew San Miguel HEC’S Construction & 24/7 Plumbing Service CUSTOM • BATH KITCHEN REMODELING Affordable Prices • Free Estimates Hector Peña (619) 946-7378 (619) 666-6095 10% Discount to Parishioners Con. Lic. B-C36-670846 619.253.9417 Set Up & Serve On Site Grilling 15% OFF for BANKRUPTCY / BANCARROTA Grand Opening LAW OFFICES OF CYNTHIA ENCISO Exp.10/31/14 ATTORNEY AT LAW WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES FREE CONSULTATION - SE HABLA ESPAÑOL • BAPTISM • FIRST COMMUNION • QUINCEAÑERA • WEDDING • SPECIAL OCCASION $699.00+ FILING FEE Mon-Sat 10am-7pm • Sunday 10am-5pm [email protected] 693 Palomar St., Suite 14 Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 422-5650 [email protected] Keep Keep your car. your Trade in your loan. car. Trade Pedro Tamayo, Agent Refinancing with us could save you hundreds.* Before high car payments get you down, give us an Lic. # 0G61425 opportunity to help bring them down – with great your loan. 2425 National City Blvd. in rates and no closing costs or hidden fees. National City, CA 91950 Bus 619-717-8077 Bus 760-571-2638 GET TO A BETTER STATE.* CALL ME TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION. WWW.ENCISOLAW.COM 629 THIRD AVE., SUITE G CELL: (619) 600-7288 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 OFFICE: (619) 422-1755 Gaeta’s Tree Service Specializing in Palm Trimming Tree Trimming Hillside & Yard Cleaning Stump Removal & More Atanacio Gaeta Lic# 048097-05 (619) 217-0622 1303063 10/13 004985 Corpus Christi Church (B) State Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, IL FREE ESTIMATES For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 Pre-Need Arrangement is an act of love No Interest Budget Plan/Up to 5 years to pay Mario De Blasio - Executive Director Call 264-3127 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Irene Malabanan-Ting, D.M.D. General • Cosmetic • Orthodontic Dentistry 2452 FENTON ST., BLDG. C-204, CHULA VISTA, CA 91914 TELEPHONE (619) 397-7162 FAX (619) 397-7164 $50 OFF INITIAL HORMONE CONSULTATION OR CUSTOMIZED WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM Dental Expressions of Eastlake General & Cosmetic Dentistry Marites L. Sotto, DDS 2452 Fenton St. C-205 Chula Vista, CA 91914 619-421-4521 Anita Ong-Vanbuskirk Jerry Aguinaldo, MBA Broker-Associate Realtor® Unit Manager / Parishioner Community Service Cell: (619) 742-4545 WEST DRE Lic# 00624394 Marie “Bee” Aguinaldo RN, BSN Realtor Serving Families for Over 15 Years ® Cell: (619) 889-8080 (619) 395-0757 DRE Lic# 00587955 E-mail: [email protected] 3838 Bonita Road Bonita, CA 91902 FD#1371 PIANO LESSONS by Gloria Yturralde FRANCISCO MONDRAGÓN, DDS general dentistry 180 Otay Lakes Road Suite 206 l Bonita CA 91902 Affordable Piano Lessons All Ages Cecile C. Macatangay, DMD Theory ~ Technique ~ Sight Reading Over 40 yrs. Piano Experience T: 619.475.8222 Bilingual ~ Spanish F: 619.773.7757 David Camara 591 C Street • Chula Vista, CA 91910 619-409-9069 • fax: 619-409-9569 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 9am-4pm • Sunday 10am-4 pm (619) 770-9180 [email protected] WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping phone: (619) 421-2828 under an ADVERTISED blanket and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas Has Been Serving the Community bathes in an ADVERTISED shower for over 9 yrs. on an ADVERTISED mattress Village Walk Medical Center 890 Eastlake Parkway, Ste. 201 Chula Vista, CA 91914 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? 004985 Corpus Christi Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 15 5:00 pm Thanksgiving MAM#5@@5F8C Sunday, November 16 7:30 am † FCH<9F'B=;<H"F98'BC@@ M'B=;<HC:C@IA6IG 9:00 am 7:00 am $=GD5B=7)5FF=5;9!B7CIBH9F 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Vigil Mass † )9@97=C/5@J58CF By Aurora Tbay 10:30 am †Maria Casimira Castillo M!89@A=F5#CA9N"5A=@M 12:00 pm †/C@9858)!BF=EI9N M.C69FHC!GD9F5BN5"=@CA9BC 1:30 pm † Jose Maldonado M97=@=5)CF5@9G 5:00 pm † (M8=525@9B7=5;I9FC M.CG95B55; Monday, November 17 8:00 am † !GD9F5BN5&5MA945D M45D5DI@CB;"5A=@M 7:30 am (=HIF;MC:H<9$CIF<5D9@ 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am .CG5FM 4:30pm& 6:00pm: Religious Education 6:00 pm 5A/IB85M<C=F,F57H=79 6:00 pm I6/7CIHG 6:30 pm RCIA 7:00pm 5A/IB85M<C=F,F57H=79 7:00 pm CM/7CIHG 6:00 PM Confirmation 1 & 2 Combo Class Tuesday, November 18 Wednesday, November 19 8:00 am † &I5B5 9@=5.I=N M 9@=5)=F5B85 8:00 am † !89B Y/CIN5 M)9B9G9G"5A=@M 7:30 am (=HIF;MC:H<9$CIF<5D9@ 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am ,F5M9FHC+(,9FD9HI5@$9@D [email protected]:C@@CK=B;DF5M9F 9:00 am =6@9/HI8MHC85M 4:30 pm & 6:00 pm Religious Education 7:30 pm Marriage & Family Life Relationships course-(Aquinas Center) 7:30 pm #FIDCCBGC@57=CB/DB 7:30 pm DCGHC@58C89@5FIN 7:30 am (=HIF;MC:H<9$CIF<5D9@ 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am [email protected] 10:00 am .9;BIA<F=GH=)99H=B; 10:00 am DCGHC@58C89@5FIN $C@M$CIF8CF5H=CB 11:00 am DCGHC@58C89@5FIN)99H=B; 4:30 pm & 6:00 pm Religious Education 6:00 pm 4CIH<#FCID 7:30 pm 4CIH<*=;<H 7:30 pm 'B=;<HGC:C@IA6IG)99H=B; Friday, November 21 8:00 am † .9B5HC(IA65 M,5N&C9M#IH=9FF9N 7:30 am (=HIF;MC:H<9$CIF<5D9@ 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am 8CF5H=CB$CF5/5BH5 9:30 am 9B98=7H=CB 10:00 am DCGHC@58C89)5F=5 10:00 am DCGHC@58C89@5FIN 12: noon Senior Luncheon READINGS FOR THE WEEK Thursday, November 20 8:00 am Communion Service 7:30 am (=HIF;MC:H<9$CIF<5D9@ 8:00 am CAAIB=CB/9FJ=79 8:30 am [email protected] 9:00 am $CF5/5BH58CF5H=CB 10:00 am 9F95J9A9BH)=B=GHFM 10:30 am */,.9;BIA<F=GH= 10:30 am !BG5MC&CFB585 =C79G5B5 4:30 pm & 6:00 pm Religious Education 7:30 pm 4CIB;8I@HG#5H<9F=B;5B8 $C@M$CIF Saturday, November 22 5:00 pm † $9BFM(I75G M/H9D<9B&I8=9$9=B9A5B 8:00 am =C79G5B.9HF95H/D5B=G< 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Vigil Mass )CB85M.J,G(? 0I9G85M.J,G(? 398B9G85M.J,G6(? 0<IFG85M.J,G656(? "F=85M.J,G (? /5HIF85M.J,G6(? /IB85M!N,G CF)H ULTREYA GROUPS We are the Friday Cursillo Team From Corpus Christi Filipino Cursillo, San Diego 6:30 pm-7:00 pm: Devotion to Mary & Divine Mercy 7:00 pm-8:30 pm: Group Reunion Team sharing Contact: Marie “Bee” Aguinaldo at (619) 889-8080 or Tony Espinueva at (619) 841-8226 Last Fridays of each month-Ultreya Celebration for Friday Team (TBA on residence)
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