Cómo Realizar el Arranque de una Planta de Procesos Aspectos referentes a Seguridad, Impacto Ambiental y Reducción de Problemas relacionados con los Equipos. Detección Efectiva de Fallas, Secuencia de “Commissioning”. Incluyendo Detección de fallas en el Arranque y Ejemplos con Casos Reales. Curso Intensivo de Cuatro días Quienes pueden asistir: Este curso ha sido diseñado y esta dirigido al personal técnico de niveles medio y alto involucrado en la ejecución de Proyectos y la preparación del Arranque de cualquier tipo de Planta de la industria de Procesos. Aunque en la actualidad, el Arranque de Plantas es diferente según el tipo de industria, los aspectos comunes incluidos en su preparación, suministrarán lecciones valiosas que serán de utilidad para: • Gerentes de Proyecto • Gerentes de Planta • Gerentes de Arranque, Gerentes de “Commissioning” • Expertos en Proceso y Especialistas en Equipos • Gerentes de Construcción/Capataces • Contratistas • Supervisores de Planta • Gerentes de Mantenimiento Se ha demostrado que los mayores beneficios, provienen de la aplicación durante todo el desarrollo del Proyecto, de ideas orientadas al Arranque - comenzando desde la Fase Conceptual. Durante el desarrollo de este curso se expondrán técnicas prácticas, ilustradas con discusiones y ejemplos, las cuales proveerán al participante del útil discernimiento, que le será de gran valor en cualquiera de las etapas de la ejecución de un Proyecto y sobre todo en la preparación para el Arranque. Objetivos del Adiestramiento: Luego de la culminación satisfactoria del curso, el participante será capaz de: • Entender las fuentes y los tipos de problemas asociados con el primer arranque de nuevas instalaciones o de aquellas que se han re-potenciado. • Anticipar y evitar impactos financieros, técnicos, operacionales y organizacionales en los arranques iniciales. Descripción del Curso: El Arranque inicial de una Planta, sin importar su tamaño, tipo, tecnología o industria, es una experiencia única que presenta ciertos problemas especiales. La falta de experiencia en el manejo de estos problemas, en la mayoría de los casos, ocasiona Arranques costosos y con retardo. Este curso proveerá al participante de los lineamientos que le permitirán realizar la preparación requerida para el logro de un Arranque de Planta exitoso. Y el primer paso hacia una apropiada preparación es el mantener durante todas las etapas del Proyecto un pensamiento orientado al Arranque - desde la Ingeniería hasta el “Commissioning”. Dentro del curso se incluirán los estimados de costos del Arranque, requerimientos de personal y los distintos recursos necesarios. Se definirá y se ilustrará el papel vital que juegan tanto el Gerente de Proyectos como el Personal de Planta. También se considerarán los eventos que no se habían previsto durante el Arranque, los cuales agregan condiciones peligrosas que requerirán de la preparación de un esfuerzo adicional para evitar incidentes de Seguridad. La detección de fallas realizada durante el Arranque, puede ser muy costosa y debe ser realizada de la forma más efectiva posible. La meta de la Detección de Fallas es la de minimizar el tiempo y el costo de ir desde el Arranque Inicial hasta Producción Total. Por ello durante los cuatro días de desarrollo del curso, se efectuará una revisión de las técnicas y se hará una discusión de numerosos ejemplos que le permitirán desarrollar destrezas en la Detección de Fallas. Para un mayor aprovechamiento, se agradecerá la interacción entre los participantes, ya que será la forma más significativa de aprovechar todo el rango de puntos de vistas y las experiencias acumuladas en sus respectivas carreras profesionales. Igualmente el planteamiento de preguntas a los Instructores, ya que ellos poseen dilatada experiencia en un amplio rango de unidades de proceso, dentro de las cuales podemos mencionar: las químicas, petroquímicas, las de operaciones de refinación, de manejo de materiales, procesamiento de minerales y de producción catalítica. Siempre y cuando exista el tiempo disponible, se discutirán los casos particulares que traigan los participantes. Contenido del Curso: Nota importante.... Todo el material del curso y las presentaciones que realizará el Instructor, serán en idioma ingles, sin embargo, las presentaciones previstas para Venezuela, contarán con personal y equipos de traducción simultánea. Primer día TERMINOS Y HERRAMIENTAS Introducción: • Objetivos • Arranque • Terminología • Evolución del Proyecto • Requerimientos para un Arranque exitoso • Cómo esta involucrado el personal de Planta. Problemas en el Arranque: • Problemas históricos y causas de las interrupciones • Fuente de los problemas: desde la iniciación hasta la culminación del Proyecto • Cómo minimizar los problemas y las consecuencias. Discusión: • Problemas potenciales relacionados con tu Proyecto y su Arranque. Planificación del Arranque: • • Cuando iniciarla Cronogramas para el “Commissioning” y el Arranque • Herramientas de Planificación, Control y Listas de Verificación • Planes de Respuesta • Procedimientos y otros preparativos. Predicción de los Costos de Arranque: • Definición de los Costos de Arranque • Ejemplos históricos • Factores para la estimación de los costos de Arranque • Consideraciones para el presupuesto de Arranque • Costos del Arranque que son olvidados • Minimizando lo costos de Arranque Minimizando problemas con los Equipos: • • • • Revisión de las fuentes de problemas en Equipos Determinación de los Equipos críticos Entendiendo las fallas de los Equipos Precauciones que minimizan el impacto de las fallas de los Equipos. Segundo día GERENCIA Seguridad en el Arranque y aspectos Ambientales: • Reconociendo problemas únicos de Seguridad y de Ambiente, antes, durante y después del Arranque • Emergencias • Preparativos de Seguridad, Adiestramiento, Auditorias, HAZOP y otros métodos para minimizar riesgos • Discusión de aspectos Ambientales. Gerencia del Arranque: • Gerencia de los requerimientos correspondientes a cada uno de los eventos • Contratistas/Propietarios/Ingen ieros/Personal de Operaciones involucrados y sus responsabilidades • Tipos de organizaciones: para Proyectos y para su Arranque • El Gerente de Arranque y el Equipo de Arranque • Líneas de Responsabilidad / Niveles de Supervisión • Toma de decisiones • Coordinación de las Reuniones • Ajustes de las respuestas y de la delegación Equipo de Arranque: • Personal de Planta para el Arranque • Experiencia requerida • Ejemplo de conformación de un Equipo de Arranque • Efectos de la inexperiencia durante el Arranque • Compensando la inexperiencia • Programas de Adiestramiento. Liderazgo durante el Arranque: • Posiciones clave • Liderazgo balanceado • Moral y Espíritu de Equipo. Tecnología: • Fuentes de nueva tecnología y su impacto en el Arranque • Computadoras de Planta y la infraestructura de Información • Preparación del Laboratorio • Servicios Especializados • Papel de la Ingeniería de Procesos durante el Arranque. Discusión: • Tópicos seleccionados asociados con tu Proyecto y su Arranque • Ejercicio de planificación de un Arranque.. Tercer día EN EL CAMPO Inspección de la Construcción: • Porqué? • Quién? • Cómo? • Cuándo? • Estableciendo los Estándares de Calidad • Fuerza hombre para la Inspección y su adiestramiento • Técnicas de Inspección en Campo. Finalización de la Construccióncomienzo del Arranque: • Cronogramas de Construcción vs. Necesidades del Arranque • Finalización de la Construcción mediante Sistemas de Prueba • Arranque mediante Sistemas • Definición de los Sistemas • Traspaso de roles – La interfase entre la construcción y las operaciones. “Commissioning” – El corazón del Arranque: • Desarrollando la secuencia de “Commissioning” • Recursos requeridos y procedimientos • Técnicas de “Commissioning” y simulacros de operación • Preparación de la Instrumentación • Chequeo de los Lazos Discusión: • Ejemplo de situaciones durante el “Commissioning” y la Detección de Fallas. • Comunicación dentro del Equipo de Trabajo • Cooperación. Solución de problemas: • Encontrando soluciones • Probando una hipótesis • Evitando gastos “resolviendo” • Evitando ineficiencias “resolviendo” • Accediendo a las soluciones • Implementando cambios • Requerimientos de Ingeniería y estándares utilizados para los cambios a realizarse en el campo. Ejecución de las pruebas: • Preparación • Testificación • Garantías • Celebración. Operaciones de Arranque: • Ejecución de las actividades iniciales • Manteniendo los momentos anticipados • Logrando el éxito • Revisión. S it E e nv p íia ar la ec a e tu in s te co re le sa ga nt s e Cuarto día DETECCION DE FALLAS EN EL ARRANQUE Visión General: • Eventos • Consecuencias • Definición de las vías hacia el éxito. Retos: • Retos de Gerencia • Reconociendo los problemas • Trampas comunes en el Arranque • Fallas que suceden • Instrumentación • Razones de las fallas • Seguridad. Aspectos Técnicos: • Secretos de un profesional encargado de la Detección de Fallas • Mentiras, Asunciones y Lecturas de los Instrumentos • Respuestas en Retroceso • Respuestas Dinámica’ Recolección de Información Cero: • Fuentes de Datos y reconciliación • Historia vs. Histeria Los participantes deberán presentarse a las 7:30 a:m el primer día del curso. Sin embargo para el programa del curso se han previsto sesiones que duran todo el día, siguiendo un horario de 8:00 a:m a 5:00 p:m, con un receso de 15 minutos en la mañana, uno de 90 minutos al mediodía y uno de 15 minutos en la tarde. Director del Curso: Chris Wallsgrove ha trabajado como Ingeniero/Gerente de Arranque para algunos de los mayores Contratistas Internacionales y recientemente ha finalizado su asignación en el arranque de una instalación Petroquímica de rango mundial, ubicada en el Medio Oriente. Mr. Wallsgrove l se ha concentrado en los aspectos de Ingeniería relacionados con el Arranque de Plantas, incluyendo el diseño, planificación, adiestramiento, operaciones de Arranque y la detección de fallas. “El ha participado en el arranque de cinco Plantas de Etileno de rango mundial y más de diez Plantas mayores de Petróleo, Petroquímica y especialidades Químicas. Mr. Wallsgrove es miembro de la AIChE y ha presentado artículos técnicos, adiestramiento y detección de fallas a nivel mundial en el tema Arranque de Plantas y una amplia variedad de asuntos técnicos. Este evento es producido por: SIMPSA – (Sistemas Integrales para el Mejoramiento Profesional), S.A., R.I.F.: J-29492517-0. Calle Arismendi, # 20, Edf. DALY, Piso 3, Oficina 3-6, Sector Centro, Puerto La Cruz, Anzoátegui, 6023, Venezuela Teléfonos: +58 (281) 2656928, (281) 2673150, (281) 4197865, (416) 4460124, / Fax: +58 (281) 2651127. Correo electrónico: [email protected] Para información adicional sobre Adiestramiento de Ingeniería, visite la siguiente dirección Web: http://www.petrolero.net ATURES Client Site Courses Registration Form ATURES 3 Ways Register Try These Other To Courses Of Interest... Offering # 0811-210 Accreditations Process Plant Start-Up ALUE OF THE COURSE Accreditations Courses of Interest 10–13 November 2008 • Amsterdam, The Netherlands ClientPriority Site Courses Code: READING 520 COMMENDED (Please use this code when registering) FEATURES of registration and before expiration or regular tuition will apply. Group FEATURES Rate is for two or more enrollments registering at the same time, from the same company, for the same course. Multiple discounts not applicable. Job Title n TheCompany/Organization Practical Side... OURSE PRESENTERS $150.00 processing fee. Applicants may cancel up to two weeks prior to the course start date for a refund. If less than two weeks, a credit will be issued that can be used towards a future course up to one year from the date of issuance. No refunds or credit will be issued for RECOMMENDED READING those who do not attend the scheduled course and/or cancel less than two working days before the start date. Substitutions are permitted at any time. If for any reason, CfPA decides to cancel this course, are not responsible INCLUDE: for airfare, hotel or other costs FEATURES OFweTHE COURSE incurred by the registrant. Program content, schedule and instructors are subject to change without notice. Course Locations Reading MailingRecommended Address City Course Co-Directors Optional Reading Tel: Country Fax: Courses Text of Interest • Effective Project Management course id# 129 pleaseGeneral note… Information • Managing Multiple Projects in a Resource-Limited Environment course id# 1114 For those requiring visas, confirmation letters will not be sent until payment is received. Recommended Reading first day Tuition and Payment Methods Early Registration (Save $200) (Must register and pay by 15 September 2008) TE… second day Regular Registration Accreditations CCREDITATIONS Please note: English will be used in all lectures and course notes. $ 2600 / 2480* U.S. $ For our full terms and conditions, visit www.cfpa.com. (Group Rate) first daythird and fourth days second, (Group Rate) Tuition payable in US funds net of all charges includes luncheon, breaks and course notes. third day Payment is due prior to course start date. If payment has not been received two ATURES weeks before the course, a credit card will be required to guarantee admittance. * Group Rate is for two or more enrollments registering at the same time, from the same company, for the same course. fourth day ❏ Send Invoice (POs must be received in advance of course) ATURES Purchase Order # Purchase Order # tional❏fourth Checkday (payable in U.S. funds to The Center for Professional Advancement) Purchase Order # ALUE ❏ OF THETransfer COURSE Bank (Pay by Bank Transfer to Account No. (US$) at ABN-AMRO Bank N.V., Postbus 2078, 1000 CB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The course Offering # (above) and participant's name must be included on bank transfer.) ❏ Credit Card COMMENDED READING ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ American Express ❏ Discover Card # se schedule Online Training Now Available second dayourand A NEW way to first, experience accredited training, easily second third days access the knowledge you need through the Internet. For a list of upcoming courses visit www.cfpa.com/onlinetraining. Exp. Date ATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: Cardholder Name h day se note… This course has been approved by the General Information AACE International Certification Board/The Association for Total Cost Management for fourthschedule day 2.4 credits toward meeting the continuing course education requirements for recertification as a Certified Engineer/Certified Cost Consultant. optional please fourth day note… Signature PLEASE NOTE… Including Start-Up Troubleshooting and Real Case Examples texts first day Course Topics firstInclude: day second day ■ Minimizing Equipment Problems Safety and Environmental Issues ■ Effective Troubleshooting second dayfirst day ■ Commissioning Sequence optional day day third dayfirstsecond John Butler second, third fourth day Process Engineering Consultant firstand dayfourth days fourth day course schedule and Chris Wallsgrove Manager, Process Engineering first, second and third days Middough Inc. optional fourth day second day fifth dayfifth first day optional day fifthtext day second day second day (optional) day The Center forfourth Professional day third Advancement optional fourth day texts course schedule Europe Office: Oudezijds Voorburgwal 316A, 1012 GM Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: +31.20.638.28.06 • Fax: 31.20.620.21.36 optional fourth day E-mail: [email protected] third day (optional) fourth day optionalnote… fifth day field trip please optional U.S.A. Headquarters: P.O. Box 7077, East Brunswick, NJ 08816-7077 Phone: 732.238.1600 • Fax: 732.238.9113 included throughout E-mail: [email protected] fourth day (optional) OURSE PRESENTERS ID 561 Texts Co-Directed by: The Centerthird for Professional Advancement day has been approved as an Authorized Provider Client Site Courses by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), first day 8405 Greensboro Drive, Suite 800, McLean, fourth day VA 22102. In obtaining this approval, The Center for Professional TryhasThese Other Courses Of Interest... Advancement demonstrated that it complies with the ANSI/IACET Standards which are widely recognized as standards of goodsecond practice day internationally. As a result of their Authorized Provider membership status, The Center for Professional Advancement is authorized to offer IACET CEUs for programs that qualify under the Courses ofitsInterest ANSI/IACET Standards. third day day third Process Plant Start-Up third dayfourth day optional Optional Readingsecond day Accreditations 2800 / $2680* U.S. $ Course Schedule course id# 1954 course location. If confirmation is not received two weeks prior to the course please contact us. ❏ Supervisor Colleague ❏ ❏Website Passed On ❏ Other ❏ Other Course Co-Directors course schedule • Commissioning, Qualification and day Validation optional first receive written confirmation including detailed information regarding COURSE PRESENTERS How did you learn about this course? 10–13 November Course Locations2008 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Since our founding in 1967, we have successfully trained nearly a half Director Site Courses million people worldwideClient inCourse topics ranging from basic and introductory concepts to new advances and cutting-edge technology, and current U.S. and European regulations. CfPA courses are offered in a variety of formats – Public offering, Client Site and Online – to fit you or your Try These Other Courses Of Interest... Additional Faculty company’s training needs. Confirmation Letters: Before each course begins, all registrants will E-mail Address Course Schedule Texts first day The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA) is the largest accredited technical training organization in the world with a curriculum Course Accreditations of approximately 350 short coursesLocation in 18 industries including Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Medical Device, Chemical, Cosmetics, Food and more. VALUE Cancellations/Substitutions: OF THE COURSE All cancellations are subject to a Department/Mail Code ❏ Direct Mail General Information Discounts/Rates: Early registration discount requires payment at time Dr./Mr./Ms. Surname Given Name Client Site Courses ATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: Postal Code • Log on to www.cfpa.com • Fax to: +31.20.620.21.36 • Mail: The Center for Professional Advancement (CfPA) ACCREDITATIONS Oudezijds Voorburgwal 316A 1012 GM Amsterdam, The Netherlands $200 The Practical Register by 15 SeptOnand SAVE Side... Who We Are fifth day fifth day optional www.cfpa.com C8-088 text fifthfourth day (optional) third day day fourth day optional first day Client Site Courses Who Should Attend ASE NOTE… course schedule Accreditations texts Optional Reading Course Director ACCREDITATIONS Accreditations Accreditations Plant Start-Up Accreditations ACCREDITATIONS Accreditations On The PracticalProcess Side... VALUE OF THE COURSE This course is designed for Senior and mid-level technical people involved in project execution preparation for plant start-up in first day andObjectives Learning any process industry. While the actual start-ups may differ by Client Site Courses industry, the commonalities in preparation provide valuable Course lessons for people such as the following: secondCourse day Description • Project Managers Site Courses • PlantClient Managers • Start-up manager, Commissioning Manager • Process experts, Equipment specialists • Construction Managers/Foremen third dayWho We Are nd day • Contractors On The Practical Side... • Plant Supervisors • Maintenance Manager Try These Other Courses Of Interest... FEATURES day Offering# 0811-210 first day LocationsFEATURES second first dayday FEATURES Course Co-Directors first day Courseoptional Co-Directors Courses of Interest John Butler has over forty years of experience managing the effective design and operation of process plants, including all second, third and fourth days firs Course Schedule phases of process engineering from concept development to Client Si General Information hands-on start-up and troubleshooting. Mr. Butler has been responsible for a number of technology-driven world-scale hydrocarbon processing projects from beginning to successful seco first, second and third Texts Trydays These start-up. Several of these projects set records for minimum timeOther C from feedstock-in to on-spec product, then went on to exceptional on-stream time in the initial production run. He is Past Chairman of the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division of the American Institute of thir optional fourth day PLEASE NOTE… Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and has organized programming, Courses o chaired symposia, and presented papers on start-up, training, and technical subjects at several local and national meetings of AIChE Should Attend and other prestigiousWho technical groups. 10–13 November 2008 • Amsterdam, The Netherlands first day COURSE OUTLINE Additional FacultyFEATURES Client Site Courses RECOMMENDED READING Client Site Courses Start-up Management: Management Accred Resource needs and procedures; second Client Site Courses firstmock dayday FEATURES and requirements timeline; Contractor/owner/ Text Commissioning Trytechniques; These Other Courses Ofoperations Interest... FEATURES OF THE COURSE Instrument preparation; engineering/operations involvement andINCLUDE: Loop checking responsibilities; Types of project and startup organizations; The start-up manager Discussion: Troubleshooting or third dayday On The Practical Side... thirdTHE day please note… second second day VALUE OF COURSE Terms and Tools and the start-up team; Decision making; commissioning example situation Courses of Interest VALUE OF THE COURSE COURSE PRESENTERS Course Schedule Meeting coordination; Fine tuning of 08:30–17:00: organizational responses and delegation Introduction: Objectives; Start-up fourth day fourtharises day from the application of these start-up fourth day fourIn texts courseforschedule Start-up Staffing: Plant staffing startday The greatest benefit course schedule Terminology; Project thirdevolution; day third day General Course Location Course Locations RECOMMENDED General Information READING oriented ideas throughout Chris Wallsgrove is Manager of the Process Engineering group Course Locationsa project, beginning at the conceptual Texts Requirements RECOMMENDED READING up; Experience requirements; HiddenReading for start-up success; Recommended phase. The practical techniques, illustrated by example and with Middough Inc., an engineering and consulting company in people shortages; Staff buildup example; Plant personnel involvement Start-Up Trouble Shooting discussion, provide useful insights that are valuable at any stage Mount Laurel, NJ, USA. He has concentrated on the startup Accred Effects of inexperience on start-up; Who Should Attend Accreditations Accreditations ACCREDITATIONS Learning Objectives Start-up Problems: Historical problems 08:30–15:30: and preparation for start-up. optional fourth day fifth day related includingfifth design, optional fourth day first aspects day of engineering, day h dayof the project execution optional dayplanning, training, fourth day fourth day Course Co-Directors Compensating for inexperience;first Training Course Director FEATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: and causes of outages; Problem sources Course Co-Directors Overview: Timelines; Consequences; initial operations and troubleshooting. He has participated in the FEATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: programs Optional Reading PLEASE NOTE… from project inception to completion; How startup of five world-scale ethylene plants and more than ten other Roadmap for success Start-up Leadership: Key positions; to minimize problems and consequences major petroleum, petrochemical and chemical plants worldwide.Client In Learning Objectives Client Site Courses Challenges: Management challenge; FEATURES Si Courseprecommissioning Description Balanced leadership; Morale and team day textAdditional Faculty texts day 2006 he wasday responsible forfifth and Discussion: problems associated second second onal fourth day day third day optionalPotential fourth COURSE PRESENTERS Course Schedule Recognizing problems; Common start-up spirit commissioning management for a first-of-a-kind petrochemical unit COURSE PRESENTERS Course Schedule with your project and its start-up pitfalls; Failure will happen; Upon completion of this course, you will texts be able to: in the Middle East. He is a member of the AIChE, ICHE (UK) andAccred Technology: New technology sources and Who Should Attend ACCREDITATIONS Start-up Planning: When to start; Accreditations Instrumentation; ReasonsAccreditations for failure; ACS and has presented technical papers around theTry world on Other C impact on start-up; Plant computers and • Understand the sources and Description types of problems associated with Client Site Courses Course FEATURES These commissioning and start-up schedules; WhoofWe Are Safety course schedule second dayof(optional) technical subjects. course schedule schedule Recommended Reading startup, thirdtraining day and a varietyfourth third daythird daycourse day first-time start-ups new or Text revamped facilities Texts information infrastructure; Laboratory Planning tools, controls and checklists; Technical issues: Secrets of a Recommended Reading preparation; Specialist Texts first day services; Process first day first day Reaction plans; Procedures and other • Anticipate and avoid financial, technical, operational and professional troubleshooter; Lies, Learning Objectives Client Site Courses FEATURES Client Si engineering role in start-up preparation organizational impacts of initial start-ups assumptions, and instrument readings; On The PracticalDiscussion: Side... Selected topics associated Courses o VALUE OF THE COURSE Who We Are Course Location Start-up prediction: Definition of please note… day (optional) Reverse note… responses; Dynamic response; please note… please note… fourth day fourth day schedule se schedule third optionalplease fourth day course cost schedule course Optional Reading PLEASE NOTE… with your project and its start-up; Start-up optional first day start-up cost; Historical Examples; Start-up Optional Reading ASE NOTE… Zero second day second day planning exercisesecond day This course will be held at the NH Amsterdam Centre Client Site Courses cost estimation factors; Start-up budget Course Description FEATURES TryHotel. TheseTheOther C Information gathering: Data sources and hotel is holding a limited block of rooms at a reduced rate for considerations; Forgotten start-up costs; General In Course Location Course Locations RECOMMENDED READING reconciliation; History vs hysteria; Course course participants. obtain theDirector preferred rate, you must inform optional fourth day (optional) text text texts course schedule optional fourthToday fifth day se note… included throughout Minimizing start-up cost fifth day please note… please note… The initial start-up of any plant, irrespective of size, type, Teamwork; Communication; Cooperation the hotel that you are registering for this course. To ensure second, third and fourth days third that dayposes some third day third day technology or industry, is a unique experience Minimizing equipment problems: Review accommodations, reservations must be made at least four weeks Solving problems: solutions; Courses o VALUE OFFinding THE COURSE We Arein dealing with these special problems. Lack ofWho experience of equipment problem sources; On The Practical Side... prior to the course. Testing of hypothesis; Avoiding expensive Course Co-Directors FEATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: problems has frequentlyCourse resulted Director in prolonged and costly startIn The Field Additional Faculty Understand equipment failure; Precautions “fixes”; Avoiding ineffective optional first day (optional) tuition day first day texttext onal fifth day fifth dayfirst fourth day NHtexts Amsterdam Centre Hotel first day“fixes”; f text the events of start-up. to minimize the impact of equipment ay ups, caused by inadequate preparation for first, second and third days first day first day Assessing solutions; Implementing 08:30–17:00: fourth day Stadhouderskade 7 fourth day fourth day This course provides guidance for the necessary preparation failures changes; Engineering requirements and General In Course Location Course Locations 1054 ES Amsterdam, The Netherlands RECOMMENDED READING Construction inspection: Why? Who? required to achieve a successful plant start-up. Start-up oriented standards for fieldPRESENTERS changes Phone: +31/20/685.13.51 Text How? When? Establishing quality COURSE Faculty Course Schedule thinking at all stages ofAdditional the project from engineering to day in proper preparation. second day course schedule Accreditations second day (optional) onal first day Fax: +31/20/685.16.11 second day se tuition Who Should Attend standards; Inspection manpower and Performance testing: commissioning issecond the first step nd day optional fourth day second day secondPreparation; day optional fourth day optional daytechniques; training; Field fourth inspection Witnesses; Guarantees; Celebration The course includes estimating costs, people Course Co-Directors Coursestart-up Director FEATURES OF THE COURSE INCLUDE: Inspection authority and communication Start-up Operations: Performing the initial requirements and resources. It defines and illustrates the vital role Management please note… Recommended Text Texts Construction completion-the beginning start-up forward Reading of project management and plant personnel. Unanticipated events third day third day please note… third dayLearning (optional)Objectives activities; Maintaining Client Site t third day 08:30–17:00: Construction schedules vs of start-up: day during start-up, along with inherently hazardous course schedule momentum; Achieving success; Review third day third day third day texts conditions require Start-up Safety and Environmental Course Schedule start-up needs; Construction completion extra preparation effortAdditional to avoid safety incidents. COURSE PRESENTERS Faculty Process Plant Start-up may be customized to your situation and is unique safety and issues: Recognizing by test systems; Start-up by systems; please note… course Troubleshooting performed during the start-up can be very Optional Reading PLEASE NOTE… an excellent basis for schedule team-building orientation at the beginning of Order and emphasis of environmental problems, Systems definition; Punch listing;dayCourse Client Site staff Courses fourth before, day during optional day fourth day fourth (optional) fourth day fo Description as possible. The goal a new project fifth or prior to mobilizing to the field for an on-going h day expensive and must be done as effectively optional fifth day day Safety day to and after start-up;fourth Emergencies; Handoverschedule – The interface between course schedule course topics mayfourth change of troubleshooting is to minimize the timecourse and costschedule of going from project. preparation, training, audits, HAZOP and Texts construction and operations initial start-up to full production.Text The fourth day will provide a accommodateRecommended new materialReading For further information, course and schedule other methods to texts minimize risk; firstplease day contact Client Site Programs: review of techniques discussion of numerous examples to Commissioning – the heart of Start-up: Direct Dial (USA) +1/732.238.1600, ext.Side... 4549; optional fourth optional first day fifth day fifth day (optional) On The Practical Discussion of environmental issues day or meet participant needs. optional fourth day Who We Are develop troubleshooting skills. Developing the commissioning sequence; nal fourth day fifth day se schedule second day (optional) optional fourth day PLEASE NOTE… texts second day course schedule or fax +1/732.238.9113; or E-mail [email protected]. please note… please note… first day texts Optional Reading Course Location text © The Center for Professional Advancement 2008 please note… Participant interaction is welcome and is the best means to take please note… advantage of the range viewpoints and experience. The faculty firstofday has extensive start-uptext experience in a wide range of processing units including chemical, petrochemical, and refining operations, optional fifth day including material handling, mineral processing and catalyst course schedule production. Individual situations second day may be discussed as time allows. 08:00: Registration third day first day text www.cfpa.com second day course schedule Course Director second day f third day se Course Locationsthird day fourth day Course Co-Directors course schedule optional fourth day
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