¿Te has preguntado cómo reciclar el aceite y filtros de motor, gratis? Traiga su aceite de motor y filtros usados a cualquiera de nuestros centros de recolección ¡GRATIS! (Cada local acepta hasta 5 galones. Llame antes de llevarlo para a asegurarse que los tanques no estén llenos.) EW / HUNTERS POINT / VIS BAYVIEW VISITACION VALLEY ABC Auto Parts 1650 Davidson @ Rankin 826-8476 illy Auto Parts O’Reilly 35 53 Bayshore Bays Ba yshore ys hore ho e @ Oakdale Oakdale 353 695-0882 eilly Auto Parts O’Reilly 25 500 0 San San Bruno Bru r no no @ Fel FFelton e ton el 2500 656-0696 SF Recycling ng g&D Di Disposal isp is ispo po osa s l 501 501 Tunnel 50 Tu un nne n l @ Recycle Re e Rd Rd 330-1405 17 1 798 8 Ocean O Occea cea ce an n @ Alemany Ale ema many ny 1798 5 84-4719 584-4719 XCELSIO IOR R / IN ING GLLES G SIDE ID DE EXCELSIOR INGLESIDE 76 Auto Care e MISSION / BERN RN NAL AL H EIGH EI G TS S/P O RE OT RE ERO RO RO BERNAL HEIGHTS POTRERO O’Reilly Auto Parts 3146 314 46 Mission Missi ission n@P reci re cita a 3146 Precita 8 26-37 826-3773 Oil Changer 19 98 Valencia Val a en enci cia a @ Dubo D Du ubo boce occe e 198 Duboce 4 87-1 487-1740 SF Auto Repair 61 6 11 Florida Florid Flo Fl da St St @ 1 18t 8 h St 8t S 611 18th 2 85-8 285-8588 68 682-9177 SUNSET R illy Auto Parts O’Reilly 21 150 0 TTaraval ara ar avval va all @ 32nd 32n nd A ve e---2150 Ave-- te Lube Pennzoil 10 Minute 19t 9tth h Ave Ave e@N orie or iega ga 1799 19th Noriega 66 664-5823 Precise Auto Chevron Ave e@O rte ega 1890 19th Ave Ortega 7 731-2733 San Francisco Honda A @ Irving Irving 1259 9th Ave 682-2900 Sunset 76 4th St 1700 Noriega @ 24th 753-9635 RMA MA AN S WHARF RUSSIAN HILL / NOB HILL / FISHERMAN’S an Ness Nes esss @ Ja JJackson ackkso s Jiffy Lube 2030 V Van 0 LLarkin arkin ar kkiin @ Bu Bush ssh h Mark Morris Tires 1200 avven enwo worth wo th S effferso on Fisherman’s Wharf Leavenworth Stt @ Jefferson 2950 29 950 50 H yde yd de @ JJe eff ffer errso s n Hyde Street Harbor Hyde Jefferson (M Mar arin ine ne Fuel Fuel e D ock)) (Marine Dock) 922-7258 6 367 33 673-3441 3555-3 3 355-3760 355 35 55-3 355-3760 TS S / PACIFIC IC HEIGHTS / JAPAN IC PA TO TOWN WN LAUREL HEIGHTS JAPANTOWN g ts Chev vron on o n 25 500 C Cal alif ifo orni nia a @ Stenier Sten St en nie ier Pacific Heights Chevron 2500 California 56756 7-11 7113 11 36 3 6 567-1136 OW H OW OLLLO O LOW W MARINA / C COW HOLLOW nci cisc sco co Ho H ond nda da 10 098 LLombard om mba ard rd @ FFillmore ilillm llm mo e mor San Francisco Honda 1098 FFrancisco ran anci cisc sco Ma sc arina rina a M arin na Bl Blvd vd @ Buc vd ucha uc ha ana n n San Fr Marina Marina Buchanan 34 466-74 740 00 00 346-7400 35 555-37 376 6 355-3760 ICH CH HMO MOND ND D RICHMOND rre est st e stone Firestone fy LLube ub be e Jiffy Re eilllyy A uto ut oP Pa art rts O’Reilly Auto Parts 2 80 8 00 Ge G aryy @ Wo W od o d 2800 Geary Wood 6 09 99 Ge eary @ 25th hA ve 6099 Geary Ave 3 85 55 Ge G ear aryy @ 3rd Av ar A ve 3855 Geary Ave VIIC C EN NT TER ER / SOM MA / HAIG HA GHT A ASH SH HBU B RY Y CIVIC CENTER SOMA HAIGHT ASHBURY stro st ro S ro trree eet C Ch hevvro ro ron on 2 399 Ma Mark rkket e S Ca o Ca Castro Street Chevron 2399 Market Stt @ Castro esttone ne 1 501 Mi 501 50 Miss ssio ss io on @ 11 1th t St Firestone 1501 Mission 11th Ca an H He e en nry’s nr nry’ 3 00 7 00 th h Stt @ Fo Fols ols lsom o om Oil C Can Henry’s 300 7th Folsom TTune-up une ne 1 17 75 Fe FFellllll @ D ivvisid issider id de o Qualityy Tu 1175 Divisidero an nN Nes esss @ M Ma a arket San Francisco Honda 10 S S. V Van Ness Market hS B Br rya y nt S St Mercedes Benz of SF 500 8th Stt @ Brya Bryant m@1 1 h St 1t S Mercedes Benz of SF 1480 Folsom 11th 56 677-33 331 1 567-3311 75075 0-02 023 3 750-0233 66866 8-52 52 2 668-5241 6 62 1-2 12 621-2570 62 62114 621-4650 55255 2--5 552-5400 62662 6-6 -6 626-6446 44144 1 1441-2000 6 67 7 673-1700 673-1700 Llame al 330-1405 y haga una cita para que le recojan el aceite a domicilio. 430-10052421 Para más información por favor visite: SFEnvironment.org/aceite Financiado por una beca del CA Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).
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