ST. MARK the EVANGELIST C ATH OL IC CH U RC H A S TEWARDSHIP P ARISH “United In One Spirit” October 19, 2014 Twenty Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time All Are Welcome! If you are a visitor, we hope you will find our bulletin to be a reflection of our vibrant, spirit filled parish, and that you will consider becoming a part of our growing family. God's amazing love for us calls for a great response, and so we have committed ourselves to be good stewards of all God’s many blessings. We offer ourselves in service within this parish and in our city and world. We invite you to discover and use your talents to serve God within our community! New Member Information You can become a member and learn about your new church community by attending a free Welcome Reception. “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, The first step in becoming a new and to God what belongs to God.” member is to register online at: Once you have registered online you will be invited to attend a Welcome KƵƌ DŝƐƐŝŽŶ ^ƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚ Reception hosted by Fr. David and dŚĞ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ŽĨ 'ŽĚ͕ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƌŝƐŚ ŽĨ ^ƚ͘ DĂƌŬ ƚŚĞ ǀĂŶŐĞůŝƐƚ ĂƚŚŽůŝĐ ŚƵƌĐŚ͕ ŝŶ Parish Staff. The next Welcome Receptions are: ƵŶŝŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƵƌ WĂƐƚŽƌ͕ ĂƌĞ ĐĞŶƚĞƌĞĚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ƵĐŚĂƌŝƐƚ ĂŶĚ ĂƌĞ Ă ǁĞůĐŽŵŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĚŝǀĞƌƐĞ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͘ tĞ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƉƌŽĐůĂŝŵ ƚŚĞ 'ŽŽĚ EĞǁƐ ŽĨ 'ŽĚ͛Ɛ KĐƚŽďĞƌ Ϯϱ͕ ϮϬϭϰ ĂĨƚĞƌ ϱ͗ϬϬ Ɖŵ DĂƐƐ͘ ůŽǀĞ ďLJ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ƐƉŝƌŝƚƵĂů ŐƌŽǁƚŚ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ƉĂƌŝƐŚ ĨĂŵŝůLJ͕ ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐŝŶŐ Ŷ ƐƉĂŹŽů KĐƚƵďƌĞ ϭϵ͕ ĚĞƐƉƵĞƐ ĂĐƚŝǀĞ ƉĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů ƐƚĞǁĂƌĚƐŚŝƉ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͘ ĚĞ ůĂ ŵŝƐĂ ĚĞ ϭϮ͗ϯϬ Ɖŵ Parish Schedule & Directory Parish Schedule & Mass Intentions Sunday Twentw-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Oct 19, 2014 Readings: Is 45:1,4-6; 1Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 7:30 AM RCIA Session (John 1 & 2) Boy Scouts - Christmas Wreaths Pre-Orders (Piazza) 8:30 AM Mass (Nellie Rugusai (d) by Carolyn Rawlins) 10:30 AM Mass (Matthew W. Riddell (d) by Hazel J. Rivera) 12:30 PM Mass (German E. Alvarez (d) by Amelia Alvarez) 1:30 PM Welcome Reception (Mark 1 & 2) 2:00 PM Cursillo Apostolic Hour (Chapel) 5:30 PM Mass (Adrian Ticzon (d) by Andy & Fely Ticzon) Monday Oct 20, 2014 Readings: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 9:00 AM Legion of Mary (Mark 1) 12:00 PM Mass (Luis Tirado (d) by Norma Flaquer) 6:00 PM Columbiettes Meeting (Music Room) 6:30 PM Lighthouse Parent's Orientation Meeting (Worship Area) 6:45 PM Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting (Conference Room) Tuesday Oct 21, 2014 Readings: Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38 8:30 AM Mass (Lori Kuczka (d) by Roger & Margaret Menke) 12:30 PM Small Christian Community (Mark 1) 6:30 PM Boy Scouts (Music Room) 7:00 PM EMHC - Spanish Mass (Conference Room) 7:30 PM Contemporary Music Rehearsal (Worship Area) Wednesday Oct 22, 2014 Readings: Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 8:30 AM Mass (Vocations) 10:30 AM Women's Spanish Bible Reflection (Mark 1) 11:30 AM Staff Meeting (John 1 & 2) 7:00 PM CRHP Women's Meeting (Matt 1 & 2) 7:00 PM SCC - 33 Days to Morning Glory (John 2) 7:30 PM Parish Choir (Music Room) 7:30 PM Spanish Bible Reflections (Mark 1 & 2) 9:30 PM Cantor Rehearsal (Music Room) To View the Online Calendar: To Make Room Scheduling Requests : [email protected] Thursday Readings: 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM Friday Readings: 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM Saturday Readings: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM Sunday Readings: 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM Oct 23, 2014 Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 SCC - 33 Days to Morning Glory (John 1 & 2) SMARTS Information Meeting (Mark 1 & 2) Mass (Rose G. & Abraham P. (d) by Antony & Alphy) Family Ministry (Music Room) Children's Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) Wedding Rehearsal (Worship Area) Financial Peace University (Luke 2) Spanish Capital Campaign Team (John 2) CRHP Men's Meeting (Matt 1 & 2) Novena to the Miraculous Medal (Chapel) Prayer and Life Workshop (Mark 1) Seasons of Hope (John 1) Spanish Children's Choir (Music Room) Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group (Chapel) Spanish Adult Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) Oct 24, 2014 Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59 Mass (Varghese Placka (d) by Philomina Joseph) SCC - 33 Days to Morning Glory (John 1 & 2) Wedding - Bride's Room (Mary 2 ) Wedding - Groom's Room (Mark 2) Wedding (Worship Area) Oct 25, 2014 Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 Prayer and Life Workshop in Spanish (Matthew 1) Mass (Terrance Fernandes (d) by Arlene Gomes & Fam) Welcome Reception (Worship Area) Filipino Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Oct 26, 2014 Ex 22:20-26; 1Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 RCIA Session (John 1 & 2) Mass (Mason Roller (d) by Tom & Ellie Crew) Mass (Cathy Prezioso (d) by Tom & Ellie Crew) Mass (Parishioners of St. Mark) Faith Formation Classes (All classrooms and Worship Area) 5:30 PM Mass (Olinda Ulloa (d) by Rafael Ulloa) 6:30 PM Lighthouse Sessions (All classrooms, Worship Area, Music Room & Youth Room) Mass Schedule Clergy Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM Sunday in Spanish: 12:30 PM Monday** & Thursday: Noon **Mondays that fall on a holiday: 8:30 AM Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:30AM Reconciliation Saturdays 4 PM - 4:45 PM (or by appt.) Sundays 11:30 AM-12:15PM (Spanish/English) Liturgy of the Hours and Rosary Every weekday half hour before Mass Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary Thursday 7:00 PM in Chapel Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon-Thu: 8:AM- 8:30PM, Fri: 8AM-Noon Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Wednesday of Month: 9 AM - 7:30 PM Followed by Benediction at 7:30 PM Ϯ Rev. David DeJulio, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Diego Ossa [email protected] Fr. Ed Lamp [email protected] Deacon Jose Moronta [email protected] Deacon Scott Paine [email protected] 813-421-4103 Altar Flowers Shirley & Herbert Rudder, In celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar for Masses, please contact: Luther 907-7746 x330 [email protected] Parish Office Information Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 AM - 5 PM Friday: 9 AM - Noon Phone: (813)907-7746 Fax: (813)907-7556 9724 Cross Creek Blvd Tampa, FL 33647. Website: Facebook: Email: [email protected] Bulletin Submissions You can find our bulletin submission guidelines online: Weekly deadline: Thursday by 5:00 pm Parish Schedule & Directory (Continued) Ministry Contacts Ministry Leader Email Adoration & Exposition Terry Bramel [email protected] Choir Altar Servers John Paul Cappa Nancy Larson [email protected] [email protected] Arts & Environment Karen Howell [email protected] Boy Scouts Building & Grounds Columbiettes Greeters Healing Hearts Bryan Noll Bill Pettit Terri Rayo Bob and Terri Rayo Daniel Mayorga Deacon Jose [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hospitality Jeanne Heintzel [email protected] Knights of Columbus K of C - 4th Degree Mike Delman Joe Moceri Christine Bonatakis & Karyn Colón Shirley Rudder Terry & Laura Lewis [email protected] [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers Little Disciples Legion of Mary Marriage Encounter Nursing Home Visits Tom & Ellie Crew Office Angels Yoceline Rincon Rolando Lopez/ Mary & Warren Dietz Parish Stewardship & Advisory Board RCIA Josh & Nora Paine [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Readers Respect Life Ministry St. Vincent De Paul Small Christian Communities Larry Jones [email protected] Mary Jane Reina [email protected] Pam Smith [email protected] Karen & Tony [email protected] Marsella Rosemarie Black S.M.A.R.T.S [email protected] & Gerry Hammill Sunshine Ministry Carol Paine [email protected] Tiny Treasures Janeen Schuh [email protected] Welcome Committee Mary Strickland [email protected] Ushers Joe Moceri [email protected] A complete list of ministries can be found online at: Need a helping hand? The Sunshine Ministry is a group of volunteers who provide home-cooked meals to parish families. If you know of a family or have a family member who has been in the hospital, had a new baby or has suffered an illness or a death in the family, we can help. Please call the church office: 907-7746. To request prayers please send an email to [email protected] Pray for Our Heroes If you have a family member or friend that is serving ~ in the military, please send an email with a photo to [email protected] :ĂŵĞƐ tŝůƐŽŶ * No Photo (pictured above) DŝƚĐŚĞůů ĚůĞƌ ƌŝĂŶ ƌƚŝĞŶĚĂ &ƌĂŶĐŽƐĐŽ ƌŽĐŚŽ hůŝŽ ƌŽĐŚŽ DŽƌŐĂŶ ŽƌƵƚLJ dĂŶLJĂ ƵĐŬůĞLJ ZŽŶ ĂƉƵƚŽ EĞĂů ŚĞƌĂŵŝĞ ZLJĂŶ ůŝƐƐĞƚ :ŽŶĂƚŚĂŶ :ĂŵĞƐ ƌƵnj :ŽƌŐĞ &ĂƌĐŚĂŬŚ ŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞƌ ͘ 'ĂƌĐŝĂ Ύ/ĂŶ 'ĂƌŝĂ ŶĚƌĞǁ 'ĞƉŚĂƌƚ <ĞǀŝŶ ,ŽǁĞůů <LJůĞ ,ŽǁĞůů ΎZLJĂŶ /ƌǁŝŶ DĂƌŬ <ŝĞǁĞŐ ΎƌLJĂŶ <ŽĞŚůĞƌ :ĞĨĨ >ĂƌĚŝnjĂďĂů EŝĐŬ >ĂƌĚŝnjĂďĂů ,ĂƌŽůĚ >Ă ZŽĐŬ zĞƌĂŶĚLJ DŽůŝŶĂ DĞƌƌŝĚŝƚŚ DŽƌƌŝƐŽŶ ƌĂŶĚŽŶ EŝĚĂƐŝŽ /ƐŵĂĞů ͘ KůŝǀŽͲ ůǀĂƌĞnj ŶƚŚŽŶLJ KƌĐĂũŽ ŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞƌ WĂƌŬĞƐ ŽƌLJ ^ŝŶŐůĞƚŽŶ :ƵƐƚŝŶ ^ŝŶŐůĞƚŽŶ DĂƵƌĂ ^ƚĞƉĂŶƐŬŝ EŝĐŚŽůĂƐ ^ƚŝĞŐůĞƌ ŶĂ DĂƌŝĂ sĂƌŐĂƐ ĂŵŝůŽ ŶĚƌĞƐ sĂƌŐĂƐ ŝƐŶĞLJ sĞůĞnj <ŚŝƌLJ tŚŝƚĞ :ĂŵĞƐ tŝůƐŽŶ ůĂŶ tŽŽĚĂƌĚ Please Pray For... Get Well Wishes: Benny Castillo, Madison and J.E. Giarrizzo, Bill & Jason, Ed Langlois, Lourdes Civil, Adrien Cabana, Tonja Roe, Mike Petrylka, Ron Kozlowski Jr., Dominic Cappas, Rich Larson, Michael Banks, John Vincennes, Matt Bunch, Jenny Minton, Deb McGee, Todd Dougherty, Violet Birkett, Teresa Brunetti, Mitchell Jordan, Joan Orzel, Nick Piscitelli and Celestino Guerrero KƵƌ ĞĂƌůLJ ĞƉĂƌƚĞĚ͗ Baby Eva Grace ϯ We Are A Stewardship Parish... 'ƌŽǁŝŶŐ ŝŶ &ĂŝƚŚ dŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ The essential work of the Holy Spirit is to "enable us to share in the very life of God himself" (Kreeft, The Holy Spirit: 7). There are many ways the Holy Spirit works to achieve this. Pope Francis has suggested three ways we will consider: newness, harmony, and mission. This week we will consider newness and harmony. When the Holy Spirit comes to us, we are changed if we allow the Spirit to work within us. We have already seen how the disciples were transformed at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them. St. Cyril of Alexandria observes that the Holy Spirit "transforms them that they begin to live a completely new kind of life" (Cyril of Alexandria, LOH vol 2: 991). Pope Francis gives us insight into what this new kind of life is. "The Holy Spirit teaches us to see with the eyes of Christ, to live life as Christ lived, to understand life as Christ understood it" " (Francis, General Audience, May 8, 2013). Allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us, changing and transforming us is not easy because we do not always like newness as Pope Francis observes. "Newness always makes us a bit fearful, because we feel more secure if we have everything under control, if we are the ones who build, programme and plan our lives in accordance with our own ideas, our own comfort, our own preferences. This is also the case when it comes to God. Often we follow him, we accept him, but only up to a certain point. It is hard to abandon ourselves to him with complete trust, allowing the Holy Spirit to be the soul and guide of our lives in our every decision. We fear that God may force us to strike out on new paths and leave behind our all too narrow, closed and selfish horizons in order to become open to his own" (Francis, Homily: Solemnity of Pentecost. May 19, 2013). The work of the Holy Sprit brings harmony. Each of us is different and we have different gifts but we are called to use them to work together in harmony and not in competition with one another. We could compare the Holy Spirit to the conductor of an orchestra who enables each different musician and instrument to work together in harmony to produce a beautiful symphony. As Pope Francis points out: "Only the Spirit can awaken diversity, plurality and multiplicity, while at the same time building unity. Here too, when we are the ones who try to create diversity and close ourselves up in what makes us different and other, we bring division. When we are the ones who want to build unity in accordance with our human plans, we end up creating uniformity, standardization. But if instead we let ourselves be guided by the Spirit, richness, variety and diversity never become a source of conflict, because he impels us to experience variety within the communion of the Church .So let us ask ourselves: Am I open to the harmony of the Holy Spirit, overcoming every form of exclusivity?" (Francis, Homily: Solemnity of Pentecost. May 19, 2013). -Kevin J. Fritz “If you help someone to the top of the mountain, you reach the peak also.” Stewardship Reflection on This Sunday’s Readings As indicated many times previously in these reflections, it is difficult to reflect comprehensively on the totality of the readings for a particular Sunday, and it is often more effective to focus our thoughts on something smaller, although significant. Saint Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, our second reading, offers one of those insights. Most scholars believe that the letter to the people of Thessalonica, Greece (the Thessalonians) was perhaps the first of the many letters Paul wrote. Note that in his opening greeting, Paul makes it from not just himself, but from Silvanus and Timothy as well. As successful as Paul was as an evangelist and an apostle, he recognized early on that it was not something he could do or accomplish alone. In addition to God’s help, St. Paul gathered a team around him, which he used and empowered in many ways. Sometimes each of us may think we are more efficient operating alone. Stewardship on the other hand calls us to see that we are part of a community, and that community can accomplish more as a group than any one of us can individually. That is the strength of community stewardship, a faith-filled people working hand in hand to build the Kingdom of God. There is a Tibetan proverb which states, “If you help someone to the top of the mountain, you reach the peak also.” ϰ Join our 900+ Facebook Fans at: Giving: Stewardship of Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life Sacrificial Giving Summary For September 28, 2014 In gratitude for the gifts we receive from God, the people of St. Mark have made a joyful return to the Lord for our mission and ministries Offertory: $22,418 Online (Included in Offertory): $6,670 St. Vincent de Paul: $873 Building Fund (2nd collection): $5,510 APA: $2,826 Children’s Rock: $130 You are helping to continue to carry out Christ’s mission and ministry in our parish. Thanks for Giving First Fruits and Taking a Step in Faith!! 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal OUR WEEKLY PRAYER / ORACIÓN SEMANAL “Lord, each day let me give to You what belongs to You.” “Señor, cada día permite que te entregue lo que te pertenece.” _______________________________________________________ THE FIRST SIGN - PRAYER Dynamic Catholics have a daily commitment to prayer, a routine. The Classroom of Silence Clarity emerges from silence. You know this instinc- Thank you to all the parishioners who are helping us toward our tively. If you are taking a road trip with a car full of people parish's 2014 APA responsibility of $270,576. and you get lost, what does the driver ask everyone We need everyone's participation and everyone's support as we to do? Turn off the radio and be quiet. Why? When currently have an outstanding balance of $161,207 which needs you need laser clarity you want silence. to be paid by the end of the year. Lots of people who work listening to music turn the music off when they really need to concentrate on Please consider a pledge of $100 ($25.00 per month through the something. Why? Clarity emerges from silence. remainder of the year) or a one-time gift. Know that no gift is too And people who live with high levels of passion and small to make a difference! purpose are not afraid of spending some time alone in silence to work out who they are, what they are To Give: Use the APA envelopes included in your monthly here for, and what matters most. envelope mailing. Be sure to note APA - St, Mark Tampa on your In this way it seems that God is always saying to me, checks and/or your envelopes. “Come to the quiet.” May God continue to bless you, all the wonderful parishioners of The world is noisy and distracting. It is in the silence that we find God and our true self. our parish, and our Diocesan faith community! Excerpt from the book: The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly. Reproduced with permission. APA Goal 2014 $270,576 Pledged to date $116,349 Cash collected $109,369 Remaining Balance to Goal $161,207 Please Use Amazon online through our website for your ordering needs so as to help our church. For Suggestions to the Advisory Board: A Stewardship Prayer Dear Lord: I pray that You give me the wisdom to guide me on this faith journey of stewardship. Help me to understand that everything I have is a gift from You. Open up my heart and my mind so that I may use these marvelous gifts to give back to You here on Earth. I pray Lord that You welcome me into Your kingdom at the end of my life and that You are pleased with what I have done with all Your gifts. Amen ϱ Capital Campaign Team Message Christmas is coming... A Chapel Chair or Brick inscribed with Love to a family member would make a wonderful and lasting gift! Chapel Chairs $500 Bricks $500 Pavers $5,000 Pews $10,000 Or A Mosaic on our Embrace The Cross Inscriptions Plaques Available on Pews! A sample is in our Narthex and pictured to the right. Pews can be memorialized for a $10,000 pledge (Ex. $167 per month over 60 months). Plaques will have inscription space for two lines of 30 characters each. These are just some of the many Memorial Items available for your pledge to help us pay off the mortgage of our new church. To select a location for your pew, or for more information please contact Valerie at 813-508-2735 or [email protected]. Embrace The Cross Notice The Difference? Our Embrace The Cross in the left picture shows our progress with the mosaics filling up the Cross. While a lot of progress has been made, we see in the picture on the right side that we have much more space to fill. The base of our Cross is reserved for our children and their families who are the future of our church. With the new school year upon us, now is a good time to buy one or more mosaics. Please stop by or call the parish office or contact Valerie at 813-508-2735 for help or information. The cost for each 2” x 2” mosaic is $25.00. Multiples may be purchased to have a larger presentation. ϲ All money goes to the Building Fund of our new church. Capital Campaign Team Message !!!!! URGENT NEED !!!!!! LIMITED TIME OPPORTUNITY THROUGH OCTOBER 31st HELP FURNISH OUR NEW CHURCH Inscribed Chairs Inscribed Bricks $500 In order for us to order the 260 chairs needed for our Daily Chapel and Sanctuary Choir Area, we must ORDER them by October 31st. We hope this special lower pricing will enable all to find a way to help us in this urgent need to raise what is needed to open our new church in 185 days with chairs in our Daily Chapel and Choir Area (and NOT folding chairs!!). This is a wonderful opportunity to memorialize yourself, your family or honor a loved one! The chairs and bricks will connect you and your family to your church home in a special way for generations to come. Payments are needed ASAP for this special limited time opportunity and the entire $500 must be collected in full by December 31st. Plaques (for chairs) and engravings (for bricks) will be ordered in bulk. Please contact Val ASAP at 813-508-2735 or anyone staffing our new Welcome Desk in the Narthex before or after each Mass to order your chair or brick to help us open the doors of our new church on March 28th with the furniture needed for our Daily Chapel and Choir Areas! ϳ Faith Formation News & Events LITTLE DISCIPLES and FUN & FAITH CHILDCARE Little Disciples (for ages 4-7) meets once a month during the 10:30 am Sunday Mass (see schedule below). Childcare is available for children 3 and under in the Fun and Faith Childcare Center in Mary 1 on this and all other Sundays of the month. All children must be registered ahead of time (please contact [email protected] if you haven't already registered) and parents must sign-in on the way into Mass. Here are the dates the Little Disciples will meet: 2014 November 2 December 7 (note, 3rd Sunday of the month) 2015 January 11 (note, 2nd Sunday February 1 March 1 April 19 (note, 3rd Sunday) OPENING IN OUR FUN & FAITH CHILDCARE CENTER "We are blessed that our parish continues to grow, but with growth also comes the challenge to meet the needs of our community. Our childcare ministry, Fun & Faith Childcare Center, is in need of additional staff in order to continue offering said services. If you are interested in applying for a childcare position or need more information, please contact Martha Gaska at (813) 907-7746 Ext. 308 or via email at [email protected]. The Lord will bless you abundantly." BECOMING CATHOLIC Are you - or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Do you attend Mass with a Catholic family member or friend and wonder what is going on? Do you have questions about why we do the things we do? STEWARDSHIP REQUEST We are in need of Financial Planning Experts who can volunteer their time to provide advisement only seminars for our parishioners re: legacy/planned giving & tax saving strategies. If interested, please contact Valerie at [email protected]. “A CRUCIAL CATCH DAY” Moffitt is teaming with the NFL and the American Cancer Society for “A Crucial Catch Day” to celebrate health and fight breast cancer. A free educational luncheon, featuring health exhibits will take place on Saturday, October 25th, starting at 10:30 a.m. at Moffitt’s Vincent A. Stabile Research Building. The event is free. To participate, you must preregister by calling 1-888-MOFFITT, and select option 5 or email [email protected]. Sacramental Preparation Baptism Brochures, forms, and sponsor letters can be found online at:\baptism. Please call 907-7746 to sign up for required pre-baptism classes. Marriage Couples planning their marriage should call 813-907-7746 ext. 308 at least six months prior to their wedding date in order to complete their pre-marital assessment, discernment, and marriage preparation enrichment. For info go to: RCIA Adults, older children, or teens who have not been baptized, or have been baptized in another Christian community, who desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, should please contact the Faith Formation office at ext. 308. More info is available at: First Communion & Confirmation Adults who have been baptized, but have not received their First Communion and/or Confirmation, should call Faith Formation at ext. 308. Children and Teens: Students must attend two consecutive years. Preparation in the parish is necessary for the sacraments (even for those at parochial schools). Brochures and forms can be picked up at the Faith Formation ϴ Office, or downloaded from the web site. Parish Faith Sharing, News & Events ATTENTION : UPDATE NEEDED My Own Church St. Mark the Evangelist has a new parishioner database, called My Own Church, for our members to update their information! Please visit and click on “Our Parish Family”. Under this tab, select “Become a Member”, and create an account. Then, the information will be sent to us in order to keep our records current and you’ll be able to update all of your information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and church ministry membership at any time. You’ll be able to view the St. Mark pictorial directory and upload your favorite photo or family photo and chose whether you want that photo (or other information) to be visible to other members; or you can choose to keep the information private and available only to church administrators. You’ll be able to update your preferences and availability and see a calendar of when you’re scheduled for your particular ministries. Please remember to update My Own Church soon! With your updated information, we’ll be able to contact you if we need to and you’ll be able to view and / or update your own contact information, ministry schedule and giving history at your own convenience. THERE IS A FORM OF PRAYER THAT WILL WORK BETTER FOR YOU Do you want to discover which one is it? Each person has a unique personality and there is a form of prayer that works best with it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know which model of spirituality fits your specific mind structure and personality? Wait for more information about this important event that will be offered only at St. Mark on November 10th 6:30pm - 8:30pm - SAVE THE DATE! Traveling Chalice By taking the Traveling Chalice home for a week, you are not only praying for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life but you are also praying for your vocation to married life, as parents or single life. Please sign up to take the Traveling Chalice home with you. You can sign up online at the St. Mark website under Vocations or by calling Stephanie Baldau at 813-527-4246 Attention St. Mark Altar Servers, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Please advise your liturgical ministry coordinators of any changes to your contact information to keep our parish data base updated. The fourth quarter liturgical schedule for 2014 (October 4 through December 21) is available for downloading on the St. Mark web site If you do not have computer access, there are hard copies on the shelf in the back sacristy. Please see Luther Ferris if you need a copy. Arrive early – at least 20 minutes before mass begins. Get a substitute if you cannot serve at your assigned mass. Thank you for your dedication and service to make our liturgies prayerful and engaging for our St. Mark parish family. MUSIC LIBRARIANS - ADULT CHOIR - AUDIO / VISUAL TECHs MUSIC LIBRARIANS - we are still in need of people willing to help us file all the various choir and congregational music, especially now that the choirs are back in session. email [email protected] for inquiries. ADULT CHOIR - we are always looking for more sopranos, altos, and especially tenors and basses. if you have musical ability, our schedule is flexible. email [email protected] for inquiries! AV TECKYs - as our new church building goes up, we are anticipating the need for students and adults interested in operating the technical Audio-Visual equipment for the microphones and video panels, the latter of which will post the worship aid and prayers on large signs in conjunction with the music at Mass. we will provide the training on both our present and new equipment. looking for individuals who are adept with technical aspects of ipads, and sound mixer boards. email [email protected] for inquiries ϵ Parish Faith Sharing, News & Events (Continued) Food Pantry Needs Your Help! Next weekend: Box of Spaghetti Tues., Oct. 21, 2014 Bus Trip to Tampa Bay History Center Cost: $20 includes entrance fee, bus & tip. Leave St. Mark's at 10:00AM Contact: Bonnie Hammill at [email protected] or 949-3344 Just look for the Little Red Wagon on the Piazza before all Masses. Thank you for your continued support of our food pantry! If you would like to volunteer to help distribute food at the SVDP food pantry please go to this web page to check the schedule for Vacant dates: Then send an email to: [email protected] with the Vacant date(s) you would like to volunteer on. FYI...the nearest SVDP Thrift Store is at 12310 N. Nebraska Ave in Tampa and the phone # is: (813)977-7057. HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLES HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLES: The start of the Holiday Hectic Wed., Oct. 22, 2014 Season is staring us in the face. The best way to get ready for it is Bowling at Royal Lanes at 11:00AM. to take a weekend for you and your loved one to get away for just Contacts: Roger or Margaret Menke @ the two of you. Together in love, you can handle anything and then 866-1434 or make beautiful memories. Come join us at the Franciscan Center [email protected] on the next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend and rediscover the Joy, Thurs., Oct. 23, 2014 Romance and Passion that belongs in your marriage. The last Marriage Loyless Funeral Home Informational Encounter weekend in this diocese for this year takes place on Nov. 14-16 at Seminar the Franciscan Center in Tampa. Contact 813 270-7832 or apply on-line at Will be held at St. Mark's at 10:00AM . Apply early as space is limited at the Franciscan Contact: Bonnie Hammill at Center. Be sure to ask about the reduced application fee. [email protected] or 949-3344 Florida Respect Life Conference Sun., Oct. 26, 2014 Hudson Dinner Theatre - "Kiss Me Kate" Sign up Oct. Meeting - $43 - Driver: $4 On Friday, October 24 and Saturday, October 25, the Diocese is hosting the Meet at Sam's Club at 10:30 AM. Con- 2014 State Respect Life Conference, themed “Masterpieces of God's Creation,” at the Bethany Retreat Center in Lutz. tact: Marlene Lawson at 991-4445 Optional Friday afternoon pre-conference event focused on post-abortion Mon., Oct. 27, 2014 healing. Conference begins at 6:00 p.m. with Mass celebrated by Mass for Thomas F. Cannella at Bishop Estévez of St. Augustine. 12:00PM requested by SMARTS. Topics by this year's guest speakers include IVF, adoption, death row, human Tues., Oct. 28, 2014 trafficking, and more. Our own Bishop Lynch will celebrate a vigil Mass on Card Social at St. Mark's 11:30 -3 PM. Saturday. Register today, space is limited! Cards start at 11:30 Sharp - No sooner. Snacks provided. Questions contact: Maryann Powanda at 727-687-9674 or [email protected] or Marie Miller at 843-0049 or [email protected] Wed., Nov. 5, 2014 Bowling at Royal Lanes at 11:00AM. Contacts: Roger or Margaret Menke @ 866-1434 or [email protected] Has abortion left you feeling empty and alone? Rachel's Vineyard retreats are available for any man or woman who has struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. This healing weekend is for married couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings of aborted children, and medical professionals who have been involved with abortion. If you are searching for peace and inner healing from an abortion Fri., Nov. 7, 2014 experience, this retreat is for you. Register now for our Nov. 14-16th retreat in First Friday Mass at 8:30 AM - Breakfast Tampa Bay. Limited number of registrations accepted -deadline is Nov. 3rd. follows (Optional) Contact Fred Hendel Call 813-924-4173 or e-mail [email protected] Retreat and registration 782-1687 or [email protected] are strictly confidential. For more information please visit the website at Stewardship is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and ϭϬ receives God's gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and Neighbor. Parish Faith Sharing, News & Events Save the date - Dec. 5th, 6:30 - 11:00pm Parish Christmas Party at Hunter’s Green C.C. Tickets on sale next weekend at the Welcome Desk $35.00 each Boy Scout Troop 148 Holiday Wreath Sale The St. Mark’s Boy Scout troop will have a table outside of the front of the church to take orders for holiday wreaths before and after services Oct 11-12 and 18-19. Three different styles are available with delivery during the second week of December. Payment is due at the time of the order and proceeds raised will be split between the troop and St. Marks ministries.” 8th Annual Fund Drive for Our Heroes at the VA Hospital Sisters and Brothers of St. Mark, the Knights of Columbus will be conducting its Eighth Annual Veteran's Day drive for our warriors being treated at the James A. Haley Hospital. We wish to thank you again for the overwhelming response to last year's efforts, which resulted in the purchase of computers and printers for our vets. As you know, there were about 200,000 injured men and women who returned form the war zone and 80,000 are being treated, for some form of traumatic brain injury, which is taking place at Haley Hospital. The drive this year is again for items the government will not purchase. Today's iPhone and iPad technology is being used in therapy by using fingers and eyes for response and recognition. The problem we have is that these items are not covered by our gov’t for therapy. We are here again asking you to help us purchase these IPADS & IPHONES SO OUR VETS CAN HAVE EVERY POSSIBLE MEANS TO RECOVERY. The "VETERANS OF ST. MARK" will be accepting your donations on Nov 8th & 9th after all masses that weekend. Although we are asking for donations, we also ask for your prayers for the recovery of our brothers and sisters. Thank you and God Bless You. Franciscan Center Events - Oct. 29 Mass of Healing and Anointing When: Wed, October 29, 11:30am – 1:00pm Where: Franciscan Center, 3010 North Perry Avenue, Tampa 33603 (map) Join us for this Liturgy which will include Anointing of the Sick and prayers for healing of our ills – body, mind and spirit. The Liturgy will be followed by a light lunch. Led by Father Anthony Carrozzo, OFM. Please register by Oct. 24 to reserve seating. Franciscan Center at (813) 229-2695 Conscious Contact Mini-Retreat: Easy Does It When: Wed, October 29, 5pm – 8pm Where: Franciscan Center, 3010 North Perry Avenue, Tampa, 33603 (map) The program includes presentation by Sister Cathy Cahill, OSF, time for quiet, discussion, a delicious meal that you don’t have to prepare and time for prayer. For anyone interested in 12 Step Spirituality. Come early and enjoy the grounds. Fee: $30, includes dinner. Please register by October 24 to reserve seating.Franciscan Center at (813) 229-2695 Thank you Blood Donors! Our sincere thank you to the 50 parishioners who came to donate at our Blood Drive. Your participation is greatly appreciated by the 150 patients whom you've helped to heal or save their lives. Our lucky winner of the two Tampa Bucs Football tickets is Carol Weir. We hope to see many more donors at our next Drive in 2015 . ϭϭ Our gratitude to Julio Dones for his very generous gift for the Blood Drive Raffle. Deacon José Moronta [email protected] 101 things you should know about our Faith Diácono José Moronta [email protected] 101 cosas que debes conocer de nuestra Fe How can we prove that Jesus Christ really existed? We have the gospels as a proof of Jesus’ existence and our faith does the rest. However, there are people who don’t have the gift of faith and need some proofs about the existence of Jesus Christ, 20 centuries ago. Many scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted although there is no physical or archeological evidence for Jesus, and all the sources we have are documentary. The sources for the historical Jesus are mainly Christian writings, such as the gospels and the letters of the apostles. In conjunction with Biblical sources, three mentions of Jesus in non-Christian sources have been used in the historical analyses of the existence of Jesus. These are two passages in the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus, and one from the Roman historian Tacitus. Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93–94 AD, includes two references to the biblical Jesus Christ in Books 18 and 20. Roman historian Tacitus referred to Christus and his execution by Pontius Pilate in his Annals. The very negative tone of Tacitus' comments on Christians make the passage extremely unlikely to have been forged by a Christian scribe. The Tacitus reference is now widely accepted as an independent confirmation of Christ's crucifixion. A possible extraordinary discovery about Jesus’ life An Italian expert studying a first century document written by the Roman historian Marcus Velleius Paterculus that was recently discovered in the archives of the Vatican, found what is presumed to be the first eyewitness account ever recorded of a miracle of Jesus Christ. The author describes a scene that he allegedly witnessed, in ¿Cómo se podría demostrar que Jesucristo verdaderamente existió? Los cristianos tenemos los evangelios como evidencia de la existencia de Jesucristo y nuestra fe hace el resto. Sin embargo, todavía hay gente que duda que Jesucristo verdaderamente existiera y haber vivido 20 siglos atrás. Muchos académicos sobre historia antigua concuerdan en que Cristo existió y los académicos biblistas e historiadores piensan que las objeciones a la existencia de Cristo han sido suficientemente refutadas, aunque no existan evidencias arqueológicas o físicas y que todas las evidencias se limitan a documentos escritos, como los evangelios y epístolas de los apóstoles. En adición a las Fuentes bíblicas se tienen al menos tres referencias a Cristo en literatura no cristiana. Se trata de dos pasajes del historiador judío Josephus y uno del historiador romano Tácito. El libro de las Antigüedades Judías, de Josephus fue escrito entre los años 93 y 94 e incluye dos menciones a Jesucristo en los libros 18 y 20 respectivamente. Por su parte Tácito comenta en su obra de Los Anales la ejecución de ‘Christus’ por Poncio Pilato. No se podría suponer una manipulación de este texto por los cristianos dado el lenguaje grosero usado por el autor para referirse a Jesucristo. Esta obra es reconocida dentro y fuera de la Iglesia como un documento válido desde el punto de vista histórico para confirmar la crucifixión de Jesucristo. Un descubrimiento extraordinario sobre la vida de Jesús. Un experto historiador italiano ha descubierto en los archivos del Vaticano un documento del siglo I escrito por un historiador romano de nombre Velleius Paterculus que podría causar revuelo por ser la primera vez que se tiene un relato de un testigo ocular de un milagro de Jesucristo. El autor del texto dice que puedo ver cómo un ‘profeta y resuscitated a stillborn boy and handed him back to his mother. Historian and archivist Ignazio Perrucci, was hired by the Vatican authorities in 2012, to sort, analyze and classify some 6,000 ancient documents that had been uncovered in the gigantic archive vaults. He was already very excited when he noticed that the author of the text was the famous Roman historian Velleius, but he was completely stunned when he realized the nature of the content. What exactly does this document shows? The text as a whole is a narrative of the author’s return journey from Parthia to Rome that occurred in 31 AD, recorded in a highly rhetorical style of four sheets of parchment. He describes many different episodes taking place during his trip, like a violent sandstorm in Mesopotamia and visit to a temple in Melitta (modern day Mdina, in Malta). The part of the text that really caught M. Perrucci’s attention is an episode taking place in the city of Sebaste. The author first describes the arrival of a great leader in the town with a group of disciples and followers, causing many of the lower class people from neighboring villages to gather around them. According to Velleius, nacido muerto y se lo entregó a su madre. Este historiador, Ignazio Perruci fue contratado por las autoridades del Vaticano en el año 2012 para revisar y clasificar unos seis mil documentos que fueron liberados de las bóvedas de seguridad de la Santa Sede. El historiador verdaderamente se sorprendió del fantástico hallazgo al descubrir el la firma del famoso autor romano de la antigüedad Velleius, y quedo literalmente pasmado al comprobar el contenido del texto que ha permanecido por siglos en esos archivos históricos de la Iglesia. ¿Qué es exactamente lo que dice el documento recién descubierto? El texto es un trabajo que narra un viaje de regreso del autor desde Partia hasta Roma que ocurrió en el año 31, escrito con un estilo de elevada retórica en cuatro pergaminos. El describe muchos episodios que ocurrieron durante ese viaje, como por ejemplo una violenta tormenta de arena en Mesopotamia y la visita a un templo en Melitta (en Malta). La parte que cautivó la atención de Perruci es un episodio que ocurrió en la ciudad de Sebaste. El autor primero describe la llegada de un gran líder al pueblo con un grupo de discípulos y seguidores, provocando que gente de los estratos bajos de la población de las villas circundantes una translation of Jesus’ Hebrew name, Yeshua haNotzri. Upon entering town, Jesus would have visited the house of a woman named Elisheba, who had just given birth to a stillborn child. Jesus picked up the dead child and uttered a prayer in Aramaic to the heavens, and to the crowd’s surprise and amazement, the baby came back to life almost immediately, crying and squirming like a healthy newborn. Would this be an acceptable evidence? Many tests and analysis have been realized over the last weeks to determine the authenticity of the manuscript. The composition of the parchment and ink, the literary style and handwriting have all been carefully scrutinized and are said to be entirely legitimate. They say that dating analysis also revealed that the sheepskin parchment on which the text is written, does indeed date from the 1st century of this era, more precisely from between 20-45 AD.This new text from an author known for his reliability, might bring a brand new perspective on the life of the historical character that is Jesus of Nazareth. It comes to confirm the Gospels on the facts that he was known for accomplishing miracles and that his sheer presence in a town was enough to attract crowds of people. Nazarenus, una traducción Greco-latina del nombre hebreo Yeshua haNotzri. Al entrar al pueblo Jesús se dirigió a la casa de una mujer llamada Elisheba que acababa de dar a luz a un niño sin vida. Jesús tomo el cuerpecito del bebé, pronunció una oración a los cielos en lengua aramea y para sorpresa y asombro de los presentes el niño dio signos de vida de inmediato, llorando y pataleando como un bebé saludable. ¿Se puede considerar esta evidencia como aceptable? Se han realizado pruebas y ensayos en las recientes semanas para determinar la autenticidad del manuscrito. Se ha hecho un escrutinio muy riguroso del material del pergamino, de la tinta utilizada, del estilo literario y la caligrafía, y hasta ahora todo apunta a la legitimidad del documento descubierto por Perruci. Los expertos dicen que el pergamino, hecho de piel de oveja, da una edad que lo ubica entre los años 20 y 45 de nuestra era. Este nuevo texto, de un autor reconocido por su seriedad podría aportar un sólido argumento y una nueva perspectiva sobre la vida del personaje histórico que es Jesús de Nazaret. También confirmaría la narrativa de los evangelios relativa a los milagros de Jesucristo y que su sola presencia ya era suficiente para convocar multitudes a su alrededor. Bienvenido a tu Sección en Español Domingo 19 de Octubre del 2014 XXIX Domingo Ordinario Mateo 22, 15-21 La pregunta hecha a Jesús, con intención de ponerle en un compromiso, acerca del pago de impuestos a los conquistadores romanos de su patria, Palestina, le dio al Señor la oportunidad de dar una respuesta que se ha convertido en un verdadero modelo de comportamiento para la actividad del cristiano en la sociedad, en la política, en los negocios, en el mundo en general. “Dad a Dios lo que es de Dios y al César lo que es del César”, dijo Cristo. O, lo que es lo mismo, Dios tiene que estar por encima de todo y por encima de todo deben estar las normas morales, pero Dios no te va a decir cómo se construye una casa, se cura una enfermedad, se cocina una comida o se administra un banco. Ahora bien, muchos, quizá por el riesgo a equivocarse, optan por retirarse del mundo, por no meterse en problemas, por no complicarse la vida. Siguen así el camino de la indiferencia y ese es, precisamente, el menos cristiano y el más peligroso. Dios por encima de todo y sirviendo de referencia a todo, pero luego somos nosotros los que, con la luz y la fuerza de Dios, debemos meternos en el mundo para transformar el mundo, para mejorar el mundo, para ser la sal y la levadura que lo hacen más habitable, más humano, más divino. No huyas de los problemas: pídele a Dios ayuda y afróntalos. Si empiezas a huir, nunca dejarás de hacerlo. La vida se te convertirá en una permanente huida, que en el fondo será una huida de ti mismo. Propósito: Cuando haya algún problema que seas capaz de resolver, al menos en parte, intenta solucionarlo, aunque te compliques un poco la vida, con ayuda de Dios. Reflexión extraída del website de los Franciscanos de Maria: Misa en Español Domingos a las 12:30pm Horario de la Oficina Parroquial: Lunes a Jueves: 9:00am - 5:00pm Viernes: 9:00 a 12:00pm Para información en español, llamar a Yoceline Rincon al (813) 907-7746, Ext. 310 RECONCILIACIONES EN ESPAÑOL, LOS DOMINGOS, DESDE LAS 11:30am. _____________________________ *** NUEVOS MIEMBROS *** El Próximo Evento de Bienvenida será el: Domingo 19 de Octubre después de la Misa en Español. _____________________________ El Grupo De Oración Carismática “La Divina Misericordia” Jueves de 7:30pm a 9:00pm. _____________________________ Reflexión Bíblica: Miércoles: 11:00am. ____________________ Miércoles: 7:30pm. Encuentra la reflexion biblica en el website: ____________________________ La exposición del Santísimo es el primer Miércoles de cada mes, comenzando después de la misa de 8:30am y terminando a las 7:30pm con la Bendición. _____________________________ Los Cursillistas de San Marcos, te invitan a la Ultreya Parroquial, la cual se lleva a cabo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa en Español. ¡Cristo cuenta contigo! _____________________________ La Despensa de San Vicente de Paúl: solicita de tu generosidad para dar de comer al necesitado. ¡Dios te bendiga por tu generosidad! “Hamburguer Helper” _____________________________ TIENDA DE ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS Visita la tienda de regalos religiosos ST. MARK: tenemos regalos y artículos religiosos para toda ocasión y a precios razonables. ¿Estas interesado en recibir tus sacramentos y nos sabes por donde comenzar? ¿Nunca recibiste el sacramento del Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación? ¿Haz sido bautizado en la Iglesia Católica, pero necesitas la Confirmación y/o la Comunión? ¿Eres católico pero tu esposo/a no lo es y quiere serlo? ¿Nunca haz recibido una catequesis formal y te interesa crecer en la fe Católica? Para mayores informes en español envía un correo electrónico a Magda Robles [email protected], ¡Ya comenzamos! El grupo de las pequeñas Comunidades de San Marcos presenta: Acercate a Jesús a través de María. ¡Información para registrarse al final de la misa! Lee A. Daniels DMD 2112 Ashley Oaks Circle Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 (813) 907-7313 fax (813) 907-7344 “A long History of Helping others Honestly” 922 E. 124th Ave., Ste E • Tampa, FL 813-979-4208 • $25 OFF for service calls for St. Mark parishioners Family Owned & Operated Since 1972 WE DO PLUMBING SERVICE • INSTALLATION REPAIR • MAINTENANCE BETTER! 27607 State Rd 56 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 (Next to Sams) North/ New Tampa 813-961-2683 FL License cfc022607 Jack Somoano, &HUWLÀHG3HUVRQDO7UDLQHUParishioner MVRPRDQR#YHUL]RQQHW ZZZKRXUÀWQHVVFRP 813-991-1785 Karen Perez, LCSW Embracing Changes 813-493-7705 I, F, G T 6HUYLFLQJWKH1HZ7DPSD:HVOH\&KDSHODUHD 1954 W Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd • Tampa, FL 33607 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ3HUVRQDO7UDLQLQJ&KLOGUHQ·V)LWQHVVDQG%RRW&DPS&ODVVHV Tri-Lingual • English, Spanish, ASL Commercial • Residential General Cleaning Licensed & Insured Luis & Claudia Trejo, Parishioners [email protected] • LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED (813) 506-2906 Jeff Hansen Financial Representative License No. FLP142146 AIG Financial Network 10002 Princess Palm Ave., Suite 106 Tampa, FL 33619 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL RE-ROOF & REPAIR SPECIALISTS (813) 782-1330 or (352) 588-ROOF (7663) T 813-626-4411 F 813-626-4178 C 813-480-3354 [email protected] Compliments of: Toll Free: (866) 407-0559 Since 1977 16-0020-A 24 Hour Emergency Service Major Credit Cards Accepted Gregory C. Stepanski, D.D.S., P.A. Parishioner Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Specialist in Infants, Children & Teenagers 10317-B Cross Creek Blvd. Tampa, FL 33647 'HQWDO FDUH WKDW·V ORYHG E\ NLGV DQG WUXVWHG E\ SDUHQWV Auto • Home • Boat • Business Motorcycle • Health • Life William Sullivan, Agent/Owner WMJS Insurance LLC. 10353 Cross Creek Blvd, Suite C • Tampa, FL 33647 813-994-1143 Phone • 813-994-3433 Fax ̷ƪǤ Ǥ̷ƪǤ (813) 973-3100 Caring for people, making a differenceTM Accounting Management Services (G*UHJRUFKLN A Breed Apart in Financial Management Since 1989 Se Habla Español Jose S. Ramos, M.B.A., P.A. Vice President & C.F.O. - Parishioner 2344 Crestover Lane Bldg. #7 • Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-907-8656 Phone • 813-907-1717 Fax email: [email protected] • website: • Full Accounting Service • Financial Planning • Income Tax Specialist (Individual or Corporate) • Loan Packages • Corporate Paralegal 12690 N. 56th Street Tampa, FL 33617 813-988-9200 Restaurant & Tapas Bar 10020 Cross Creek Blvd. • Tampa, FL 33647 Phone: (813) 907-5242 Short and Simple Supplies, Inc. • Adult Care Products • Incontinence F Delree Supplies i witvhery • Paper Goods 24 H in rs. • Gloves and so much more! F L • B • E P F D • D S 813-518-7411 813-317-0210 5321 Primrose Lake Circle • Tampa, FL 33647 For Advertising Information, call GREG MAURER at Messner Publications today! 941-243-3206 [email protected] For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 )LUVW3LQR\,QF SALES OPPORTUNITY Heating & Air Conditioning Services Commercial Refrigeration 8235 Leo Kidd Avenue • Port Richey, Florida 34668 813-996-4878 727-846-3322 Hillsborough Pasco Free Diagnostic Service Call with Repair + 10% Off for Parishioner Buy 6 Donuts @ Reg. 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For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • Rose O’Berry, Owner | Designer 5RVHVEORRP#DROFRPZZZDVSHFLDOURVHÁRULVWFRP 16-0020-C 813-979-9453 1-877-979-9453 THIS SPACE IS
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