Church of the Holy Child Jesus 111-11 86th Avenue Richmond Hill, NY 11418 Email: [email protected] Our Lord Jesus Christ King of The Universe - November 23, 2014 Most Rev. Octavio Cisneros, Pastor Rev. Fr. Francis Colamaria, Administrator Rev. Fr. Daniel Ayala, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Francisco J. Ares, In Residence Mr. Dean Tully, Deacon Mr. Raul S. Elias, Deacon Mr. Jeremiah W. Schwarz, Deacon Dr. Victor Lana, School Principal Parish Office Hours: Schedule of Masses: Weekdays in the Leonard Center Chapel: Monday-Friday - 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Sundays: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday) 7:30 a.m.; 9:00 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. (Spanish) 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ministry to the Sick: We will respond to emergency calls at any time. Any parishioner unable to attend Mass due to illness or old age should contact the parish office to have a priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion bring them Holy Communion. Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions are celebrated on Saturdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. At any other time ask one of the priests. Sacramento de Reconciliación: Confesiones son celebradas todos los sábados de 12pm a 1pm o solicitando una cita con uno de los sacerdotes otro día a otra hora. Sacrament of Baptism: Please use only in an emergency after hours. Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to call the Parish Office to find out the dates of the Registration (birth certificates required), Instruction Class, Anointing & Baptism. Ministerio de los Enfermos: respondemos llamadas de emergencia a toda hora. Además, cualquier feligrés que por causa de salud o incapacidad no pueda venir a Misa debe llamar a la iglesia para que un sacerdote o un Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucaristía les traigan la comunión a la casa. Sacramento de Bautismo: padres que desean bautizar sus niños deben llamar a la parroquia para saber las fechas de inscripción, de las clases y de la ceremonia. Es necesario tener el certificado de nacimiento. Emergency Priest Contact: 718-570-7555 Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 7:15 p.m. concluding with Benediction. Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays after the 9 a.m. Mass. Devociones: Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento- todos los viernes desde las 9:30am. Concluyendo con la Bendición a las 7:15pm Novena: Medalla Milagrosa -lunes después de la Misa de la 9am. Parish Office/ Leonard Center: 718-847-1860 Fax: 718-849-7030 86-13 112thStreet Academy: 718-849-3988 111-02 86th Avenue Sacrament of Marriage: Couples seeking the Sacrament of Marriage should make arrangements at least six months prior to their wedding date to allow sufficient time to complete our Marriage Preparation Program. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas buscando casarse deben comenzar a hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda para poder completar los requisitos de la preparación matrimonial. Religious Education: 718-805-5771 111-02 86th Avenue Food Pantry: 718-847-1860 112-06 86th Avenue HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL "'When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" - Mt 25:38-40 MEMORIALIZING HYMNALS The new Hymnals are available for memorializing. Each Hymnal to be memorialized will cost $20. Each memorialized Hymnal will read " In Loving Memory of____________." The name of the individual will be hand written in Calligraphy. Please contact the parish office for details. Altar Bread & Wine In Loving Memory of Mrs. Eloise Hodges A true lady and a great friend From: Danny Osorio Sanctuary Lamp In Loving Memory of John Genco From: Wife Rose Ofelia R. Londono Please pray for all recently deceased members of the parish family. Saturday November 22nd 5:00pm Robert Balbone Sunday November 23rd Our Lord Jesus Christ King of The Universe 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm Monday People of The Parish Tommy McComb Jose Del Carmen Terrero Bernadette Pheffier Manuel Diaz Rodriguez November 24th St. Andrew Dung-Lac 7:30am Nancy Friscia 9:00am Josephine Unver Tuesday November 25th St. Catherine of Alexandria 7:30am Friends of Suffering Souls 9:00am Rose M. Cunningham Wednesday November 26th 7:30am Mary Byrnes 9:00am M. Margaret McGrath 7:30pm Misa Comunitaria de Difuntos Thursday November 27th Thanksgiving 9:00am In Thanksgiving to Anthony & Liz Montenegro Friday November 28th 7:30am Alejandro Zapata 9:00am Michael Scorcia Saturday November 29th 9:00am James Reddy 5:00pm Robert Balbone Sunday November 30th First Sunday of Advent 7:30am People of The Parish 9:00am Randolph Warner 10:30am Victor & Carmen Riso 12:00pm Peter McGrath (57th Anniversary) 5:00pm Dolores Cannon THANKSGIVING MASS All are invited to a special Thanksgiving Mass with our school Wednesday, November 26th at 10:30am SECOND COLLECTION: CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Thanksgiving Schedule There will be one mass at 9:00am The Parish Office will be closed Thursday the 27th and Friday the 28th. Enjoy the Holiday! OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE CRIB OF LOVE Sunday November 23 8:00am Family Mass Breakfast Cafeteria 9:30am Guitar Class LC DR 9:30am Religious Education (Spanish) LC Rm A 11:30am Pastoral Infantil Cafeteria 12:00pm Jornada LC Bsmt 12:00pm Sports Gym 2:00pm Line Dancing Cafeteria 4:30pm Men’s Basketball Gym Monday November 24 4:00pm Quisqueya Aprende LC Rm A 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:30pm RCIA LC DR/LC Bsmt Tuesday November 25 10:00am Canta Español LC Bsmt 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:00pm OA Meeting LC Bsmt Wednesday November 26 9:00am PDHP LC DR 4:00pm LLF Class LC DR 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:30pm Cub Scouts Cafeteria Thursday November 27 2:30pm School Band Gym 4:00pm Quisqueya Aprende LC Rm A 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:00pm Boy Scouts Cafeteria Friday November 28 6:00pm Sports Gym 7:00pm Girl Scouts Cafeteria/LC Bsmt 8:00pm Filipino Choir LC Rm A Saturday November 29 8:30am Sports Gym 9:30am Religious Education Cafeteria 9:30am Exceptional Children LC DR Sunday November 30 9:30am Religious Education (Spanish) LC Rm A 10:30am Secular Franciscans LC Rm A 9:00am Pastoral Infantil Cafeteria 12:00pm Jornada LC Bsmt 12:00pm Sports Gym 2:00pm Line Dancing Cafeteria 4:30pm Men’s Basketball Gym 5:00pm Boy Scouts Patrol Leader Council LC Bsmt Purgatorial Society Marge Duffy Frank Mauro Frances E. Cooper Dottie Balbone Jennie Knox Once again this year we will have the crib of love. It will be set up by St. Joseph’s statue . There will be tags telling the type of gift needed and the charitable organization they will go to. We will be beginning November 29th and 30th. To allow us enough time for gifts to be brought in to us and distributed to different groups before Christmas. Please take the time next weekend to take a tag or 2, Purchase the gift and return it unwrapped to Holy Child Jesus Church by Sunday, December 14th. Thank you for your kindness. RCIA This Sunday, November 23, The Feast of Christ the King, the RCIA Inquirers take their first step toward full participation in the Catholic Church. Through the Rite of Acceptance those who have not been baptized enter the Order of Catechumen in anticipation of the Easter Vigil Sacraments of Initiation. The previously baptized adults become Candidates and seek the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. The Church also encourages the adult Confirmandi in their faith journey toward Confirmation at Pentecost. Those seeking Full Initiation into the Order of Catechumen are: English Group: Natalie Buckley Ernest Gutierrez Jonathan Ortiz Adam Ye Spanish Group: Armando Frank Seeking Confirmation: English group: Joaquin Aguilera Marcela Arenas Julio Matos Spanish Group: Alexandra Mancebo Andres Mendoza Maria Jana Stephen Pineda Yanna Maria Franck For Confirmation and Eucharist: English group: Daniela Ramon Arias Dennis Trombetta Spanish group: Delfino Cuahuizo Angelica Cuanett Marisol Duboun Pedro Jose Mancebo Martina Navarrete Marciela Tendilla Andres Mendoza For Full Communion with The Catholic Church: English group: Eileen Paltoo Spanish group: Alejandra Islas 23 DE NOVIEMBRE 2014 ULTIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO SOLEMNIDAD DE JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO Antífona: Digno es el cor dero degollado de recibir el poder, La r iqueza, la sabiduría, la fuerza y el honor. A el la Gloria y el poder, por los siglos de los siglos. CELEBRACION DE QUINCE AÑOS Los padres que desean celebrar los quince anos de su hija, deben tener en cuenta lo siguiente: Que tenga sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera Comunión, y confirmación al día. Hablar ya sea con el Diacono Raúl o el Padre Daniel, sobre su plan de celebración, para acordar el día, preferiblemente sábado, y la hora no mas tarde de las 3:00pm. NOTA DE AGRADECIMIENTO La directiva de la Pastoral Infantil de nuestra Parroquia, al igual que los niños y sus respectivos padres. Agradecen a toda la Comunidad por su presencia y colaboración en la venta de empanadas y algotras cositas ricas que se vendieron el domingo 14 del mes en curso. Cabe destacar que con el dinerito que se ha ganado, se han de comprar los regalitos para los niños con motivo de la Fiesta de los Reyes Magos que celebraremos próximamente , al inicio del año 2015. Gracias por su cooperación. Atención Donadores de Sangre! El Padre Colamaria recibió una carta del Obispo Dimarzzio agradeciendo las donaciones de todos ustedes. Casi 200 pintas de sangre fueron donadas el mes pasado, colocando a Holy Child Jesús en el tercer lugar entre las parroquias de Queens con el mayor número de pintas de sangre colectadas. Debemos estar muy orgullosos! Nuestra próxima campaña de sangre es el 8 de Marzo del 2015 y aunque desafortunadamente es también el día en el que se cambia la hora sé que podemos contar con ustedes. Si planeas donar para esa fecha debes saber que el 9 de enero es el último día que puedes donar en otro lugar. Esperamos verte ese día! MISA COMUNITARIA DE DIFUNTOS Con el fin de prestar un mejor servicio a nuestra comunidad en relación con la celebración de Misas para sus seres queridos. Estamos celebrando cada Segundo y Cuarto Miércoles de mes, misa comunitaria por los fieles difuntos. No olvide venir a la Oficina parroquial, que queda en el edificio Leonard Center, en horas de oficina y hacer la reservación de su misa (s) lo antes posible. El donativo es de $15.00 dólares. Le esperamos. FIESTA DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE Como es de su conocimiento querida comunidad de Holy Child Jesús, es tradicional ya en nuestra Parroquia, la celebración de la fiesta de la Virgen Morenita. Este año como en los anteriores, tendremos esta grande celebración el Viernes 12 de Diciembre, comenzando con las mañanitas bajo la responsabilidad de un Grupo Mexicano que nos acompañara en esta celebración. Es importante que nos vayamos preparando desde ahora para participar en esta Gran fiesta que no solo es de nuestros hermanos de México, pero si organizada particularmente por ellos, en bien de toda la Comunidad de Holy Child Jesús. Recordando siempre que es la Virgen María bajo cualquier advocación, llámese Guadalupe. Altagracia, Pertetuo Socorro, Cisne, etc.etc. Es la misma Virgen María, nuestra madre espiritual y refugio de pecadores, la que debe presentarnos a nosotros en el momento de nuestra muerte, ante su Hijo Jesús, para que el nos lleve a la presencia de nuestro Padre del cielo, a quien llamamos Dios. Nuestra parroquia les invita y el Comité Guadalupano les recibe con Amor. NOVEMBER 23RD, 2014 THE ILLUMINATION 2014 THOMAS J. ADAMS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL (718) 441-0909 ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills • Estates • Real Estate Home Consultations Available Family and Cosmetic Dentistry METRO DENTAL SERVICE P.C. 109-22 Myrtle Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 114-06 Jamaica Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 718-847-4572 Saturday, December 13th after the 5:00 PM Mass, the lighting of the trees and Nativity as well as the blessing of the new Holy Child Jesus statue will take place outside of Church. There will be music, dancing, and refreshments in the Cafeteria. CHRISTMAS TREE & WREATH SALE December 12-14 Please consider signing-up to volunteer to sell Christmas Trees and decorated Wreaths. Call or e-mail the parish office and leave your name and number. We need help off-loading the truck on Friday, December 12th as well as setting up the yard to begin selling trees Friday night. If you have experience and are skilled in the use of a chain saw or are willing to work outside in the cold, we could definitely use your help. We also have jobs indoors, making wreaths, setting up the cafeteria and serving during our holiday party on Sat., Dec. 13th at 6:00pm Thanks to all who can help out. We know this will be an exciting weekend so stop by and get involved. The sale will take place: Friday, December 12th, 4pm-9pm Saturday, December 13th, 9am-9pm. Sunday, December 14th, 9am-2pm GLEN J. GRAFFEO, DDS A Neighborhood Dental Practice Creating Beautiful Healthy Smiles For Two Generations This Space Available 104-16 Jamaica Ave. Richmond Hill, NY For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative 718-849-6143 Paul Kerwick 1-800-888-4574 x 3427 or email: [email protected] DACA ¿Desea usted tener un Permiso de Trabajo? ¿Ingreso a los Estados Unidos en el 2007 o antes? PARKSIDE REALTY ¿Tiene menos de 31 años de edad? OF QUEENS, INC. 116-28 Myrtle Ave., N. Richmond Hill REGINA SANTORO - Associate Broker RON LAYER • LAURA MRAKOVCIC - NYS LICENSED SALESPERSONS FREE MARKET ANALYSIS DACA le puede ayudar Para más información llame al (718) 651-8630 37-47 76th Street Jackson Heights NY 11372 (718) 8 4 6 - 3 0 0 8 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing Attention Blood Donors! Fr. Colamaria received a letter from Bishop DiMarzio recognizing the donations of all of you. Almost 200 pints of blood were donated, making Holy Child third in Queens. You should all be very proud of yourselves! Please note that our next drive will be on March 8, 2015 (unfortunately daylight savings Sunday!). Frequent donors should know that January 9 will be the last day that you can donate and still give on March 8. Hope to see you then! S&F OCTOBER 23, 2014 8:49 AM HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL, NY 04-0244 Myrtle Ave. at 115th St. Richmond Hill 61-40 Woodhaven Blvd. Rego Park 103-33 Lefferts Blvd. So. Richmond Hill 718-441-3300 or 1-800-640-9500 Leo F. Kearns Funeral Directors, Inc. Patrick J. Kearns Paul C. Kearns-Stanley Thomas L. Kearns FDIC Insured Pre-Arrangement Accounts – Burial and Cremation Services Tenemos Directores de Funerales que hablan en Español Mitra Hakimi Realty, Group LLC. 106-05 Metropolitan Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375 718-268-5588 WWW.MITRAHAKIMI.COM Please call us for a free appraisal of your home Marlowe Jewelers Specializing In Remounting Diamonds & Remodeling Jewelry 116-08 Liberty Ave. 160-55 Crossbay Blvd. Richmond Hill Howard Beach 718-843-1987 718-323-8730 6RQQ\·V &ROOLVLRQ 6SHFLDOLVWV Victor Rodriguez NYC Master Plumber License #1743 Where Perfection is not an Accident... Victory Plumbing & Heating, Inc. OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE IS UNLIMITED • Free computerized estimates • Computerized color matching • Laser measured unibody straightening • Full down draft European heated spray booth • Free 24 hour towing with any collision repair • Your vehicle will be delivered to your door when the job is completed 106-12 Atlantic Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 6RQQ\V For All Your Plumbing Needs Tel: (718) 850-7066 718-846-4065 CHOICE? 718-846-6671 WE DELIVER 85-19 126th Street • Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Dream Street JOSEPH MONTELONE • DANIELLE MONTELONE Caterers “Let Us Turn Your Dreams Into Realities” (516) 520-9684 • Fax (516) 520-9685 2558 Hamstead Tpke., E. Meadow, NY 11554 Where do I go now, when I want to stay near Holy Child Jesus? You and Your family deserve the best. That is why we invite you to compare our funeral home. We are confident we can provide your family with the highest quality service for the best value possible. 3 Blocks from Holy Child Jesus RC Church Leahy McDonald Funeral Home 111-02 Atlantic Avenue Richmond Hill, NY (718) 849-0785 BRITE HARDWARE James F. McDonald - Director Serving Holy Child since 1939 Large Private Parking YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE, CALL US. LOCKSMITH • INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY TOOL RENTAL • FREE DELIVERY 112-15 Jamaica Ave., R.H. Queens WALSH & CASSESE FUNERAL HOME, INC 849-2775 214-43 39th Avenue, Bayside, New York 843-4620 Nicholas A. Cassese & Anthony F. Cassese 1930-2005 (718) 847-9154 We Deliver This Space Available DEEGAN’S Wines & Liquors, Inc. Bob & Betty Ann 95-19 Jamaica Ave.• Woodhaven For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Paul Kerwick 1-800-888-4574 x 3427 or email: [email protected] THIS SPACE IS Dr. Vincent Evangelista Podiatrist - Foot Specialist Board Certified 97-15 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 718-848-5700 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. SIMONSON FUNERAL HOME John C. Sommese • 718-847-0300 Serving Parish Since Inception 98-07 Ascan Avenue • Forest Hills • OCTOBER 23, 2014 8:49 AM HOLY CHILD JESUS, RICHMOND HILL, NY 04-0244
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