Feb 11, 2017 - St. Charles Borromeo Parish

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Vision Statement:
We are the parish that, through our communion with Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit:
Welcomes all; Celebrates our unity, diversity, and traditions; Uses God’s gifts to
serve and teach others and be the face of Jesus Christ in the Community.
Founded 1791
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry,
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected]
Father Don Schramm, Retired, [email protected]
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Jorge Perez, Deacon, Latino Ministry Coordinator
Sr. Raquel Ortez, S.S.N.D. Director of Religious Education
Ms. Kristin Williams, Youth & Family Minister
Mrs. Donna Crawley, Office Manager
Mrs. Mary DuBois, Office Secretary
Mrs. Jackie Voelkl, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Director of Music
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Juan Saldana, el coro
Mr. Rob Iver, Parish Council Chairperson
FEBRUARY 12, 2017
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Sacrament of Baptism:
Prep meeting First Monday of the Month.
Call the parish office for more information.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the priest or deacon of your choice at
least six months prior to wedding to begin
Eucharistic Adoration:
Third Mondays, 8:30am to 6:30pm
Third Saturdays, 8:00pm to 11:00am
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Schedule of Holy Mass
5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
6:30 a.m. Mass Tuesday & Thursday
8:00 a.m. Monday Friday
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Parish Office Business Hours
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Parish Hall Rental:
Neal or Pat at 636-949-9722 (gym)
Donna at 636-946-1893 (café)
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
Interested in information about annulments/validation
Information on having my children baptized
Please pray for: __________________________________
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
From the Pastor’s Pen
Valentine’s Weekend
Renewal of Marriage Vows
This weekend of February 11/12 we invite all
our married couples to join together in renewing
their vows before God and asking for God’s Blessing of Grace and Love.
If you have not already done so, please complete
the Servant Sunday brochure that was provided in Church
and return it in the collection or bring it to the parish office. Prayerfully consider if God is calling you to the joy
of fuller participation in parish life by joining one or
more of the ministries noted.
Thank you for being of Sacrament of Jesus’ Love
to us all.
Reflection of Servant Sunday
As a parish that values the gifts of its members,
St. Charles Borromeo strives to be an engaged parish,
where the parishioners know and use their God-given
strengths, can be actively engaged in the life of the parish
community, have their spiritual needs met, and grow
Jesus had a role for each of us to play in building
up our parish and the Church. Jesus had given us unique
gifts specifically so that we can be a part of His wonderful work. He continues to reach out to us and invite us
to participate in His work.
Here are some practical suggestions for participating in the Life of the Church:
 Attending Mass weekly and participating fully and
 Becoming actively involved in some ministry of the
parish that touches our hearts.
 Participating in spiritual enrichment activities of the
parish, such as Bible Study Groups, prayer groups,
CRHP Retreats, etc.
 Sharing unique talents, job skills, or knowledge to
help organize, manage and maintain our parish.
 Reaching out to help a fellow parishioner who may
need support– our youth, our shut-ins, our sick, our
grieving, new parishioners who come as strangers
among us, those who are unemployed.
 Participating in the work of the parish through regular financial contributions.
 Reaching beyond our parish boundaries to help
those who are hungry, homeless or lonely.
 Participating in the teaching and social justice work
of the Church through Respect Life activities, Parish
Unity Committee, or St. Vincent de Paul activities.
 Participating more actively in the celebration of the
Mass by serving in the Choir, as a lector, Extraordinary Minister, greeter, gift bearer or usher.
(continued next column)
A Valentine Prayer
I said a Valentine prayer for you
and asked the Lord above
to fill your heart and bless your soul
With the precious gift of love.
I asked Him for sincere love
The kind that's meant to stay
Just like the generous love
You give to those you touch each day.
I prayed for love from family
And from every cherished friend
Then I asked the Lord to give you
His love that knows no end.
Joke of the Week
After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just
dreamed you gave me a diamond necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?"
"You’ll know tonight," he said.
That evening the husband came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it--to
find a book entitled “The Meaning of Dreams.”
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family.
A Holy Community through Holy Communion!
Your brother in Jesus,
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Servant Sunday, February 12, 2017
Pope Francis has captured the world’s attention with his infectious joy. He loves sharing God’s love with others. Pope Francis is quick to say that all of us are called to be joyful followers of Jesus. I want to invite you to consider sharing the joy by
taking the Walk with Francis Pledge. and thereby transform your community.
Pray and worship regularly, learn about the message of the joy of the Gospel.
Serve by reaching out and caring for those in need.
Act to promote human life, justice, peace , care for creation and the common good.
All you have is God’s gift to you.
St. Charles Borromeo ParishMinistries and
 Choir
 Cantors/ Song Leaders
 Eucharistic Ministers
 Greeters
 Lectors
 Ushers
 Adult Faith Formation
 Book Club
 Children’s Liturgy of the Word
 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
 Oasis Reading Tutors
 PSR and Religious Education
 RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
 Scripture Study Group
 Vacation Bible School
 Men’s Fellowship
 Women’s Fellowship
 Boy Scouts/ Cub Scouts
 Girl Scouts
 Youth Ministry
What you give back is your gift to God.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Servant Sunday
Walk with Francis
What is your Passion?
Family Name_________________________________________________Phone(s)______________________________________________
Member Name____________________________________________
Interested in:__________________________________________
Member Name____________________________________________
Interested in:__________________________________________
Member Name____________________________________________
Interested in:__________________________________________
Member Name____________________________________________
Interested in:__________________________________________
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Frank and Chrissy Hinkel
Kimberly and Randy Obert
Nathan & Lindsay, White and their 3 children, Parker, Fynnlee and Oliver
Richard & Patrice Unger
Audry Rose McMahon, daughter of Michael and Jaclyn McMahon
Audrienne Rose Keipp, daughter of Katlin and Philip Keipp
Nicholas Akers, Grandson of Pat & Diana Akers, Maria, Granddaughter of Ruth Didion
Florence Williams, Marty Waigand,
Betty Phelps, Belle Keough, Irene Hettich
Ana Hernandez, Delores Bizelli, Patricia Dickson,
Raymond Holloway , Ann Lamb, Joseph Thomas
Jane Holloway, Arturo Zamaonna,
Beth Schroeder (1st Grade aide)
Kathy Adams
Brendan Myers,( grandson of Jim& Kathy Anderson),
Connie Burbes, (daughter of Marianne Rauch),
Jacqueline Underwood, mother of Dee Gerstenkorn
Norman Weislocher, husband of Dorothy Weislocher
Save the Date for the Men’s CRHP Weekend
Our Men’s CRHP weekend will be on Saturday/ Sunday
May 6/7, 2017
Please prayerfully consider not only the men who are
planning on attending, but the Men who have yet to
be called to attend.
Keep our Men’s Group in your prayers!
Help Needed for our Lenten Fish Fry
Many Hands will make the work load light!
If you are interested in helping out with the set-up, the
serving or the ever glamorous clean up for our St.
Charles Borromeo Lenten Fish Fries, please let us know..
Our First Fish Fry will be on Friday, March 3, 2017.
If interested, please email [email protected]
and let us know what you are willing to do for the parish and the school.
Thank you for your willing spirit!
A sign up sheet will soon be available.
EVERY LIFE IS SACRED AND A GIFT FROM GOD, whether young or old, born or unborn, black or white, legal or illegal, Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Atheist.
In light of the recent elections, there is a great divide in our country. We need to pray for peace, unity and mercy.
On Wednesday evenings, there is always a bilingual Rosary at 5:45 p.m. and a bilingual Mass at 6:15 p.m.
Please come together as a community of acceptance for ALL persons.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Come Join Us!
Woman’s CHRP Retreat – February 18 & 19, 2017
CHRP was a life changing event for me. I not only received a greater appreciation for the Bible and the Eucharist, I learned how God had helped so many CRHP Sisters
in their lives. I also have met so many other ladies (all ages) that I may have never met, had it not been for CRHP.
These CRHP Sisters took me under their wing and stormed
Heaven with prayers for my family and for myself.
Thanks to CRHP, I discovered my self worth and was able
to make the decision to move away from my job and found
out there was so much more to life. I have been a part of
several CRHP Retreats and I am still growing in my faith,
thanks to this Retreat. I’ll be more than happy to talk to
anyone who has any questions about CRHP or anyone
who wants to know more about my personal CRHP experi-
Important Reminder for CRHP Dates in the Parish
February 18/19, 2017- Women’s CRHP Weekend
May 6/7, 2017
Men’s CRHP Weekend
Give Yourself the gift of time, You deserve it.
For additional information regarding weekend, please see
the weekly bulletin, send an email to
[email protected] or go to Parish website
(www.borromeoparish.com), and select “Christ Renews
His Parish” under the “Get Involved” section.
Say a prayer. Ask God what you should do. We think He
wants you to attend.
You are invited to take time out of your busy life to discover how to connect your Catholic faith more deeply
with your life.
What happens during the weekend?
You will hear others sharing their faith journey, time for
silent and shared prayer, and sacraments. This will be a
time to pray, rethink priorities and intensify your relationship with Jesus. CRHP provides the opportunity to know
others in our parish and grow as a faith community.
How long will it last?
Jesus spent 33 years on earth healing and forgiving. Will
you spend 33 hours for Him to love you more?
Please pick up a form today in the Narthex and get ready
to experience the Holy Spirit in your life.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Stewardship Sunday
Doughnut Sunday after all Masses
St. Vincent de Paul –2nd Collection today
Platica 9:30 a.m. Church Office
Emmaus-in Café from 10 am-2 pm
Cub Scout Pack Planning Mtg– Church Office 7 pm
M-CRHP 14 St Charles Rm/ Church 7-10 p.m.
Monday, February 13, ,2017
Student Council– 3:00 –3:45 p.m. Café
Junior Engineers-3-4:30 pm in St. Charles Room
Girl Scouts Troop 4245– 5-7:30 p.m. St. Charles Room
Parish Council 7 pm in Church Office
Tuesday, February 14 2017
Junior Yoga-3-4:30 p.m. St. Charles Room
Cub Scouts 6-7 p.m St. Charles Room
Ladies Sodality at 6:30 p.m. in Cafe
RCIA 6:30 pm in John XXlll Room
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Quilting in Church Office basement 8:30-noon
Cub Scout Pack Meeting 6:30– 8 pm in Cafe
Emmaus for Women-7 p.m. in Church office
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Boy Scouts 7 p.m. in Café
Youth Group Core Team 7-8 p.m. in Church Office
Friday, February 17, 2017
Bring Casserole to church Office– St. Patrick's
CRHP set up in Café and St. Charles Room
Saturday, February 18, 2017
M-Fellowship 6:30 a.m. Church Office
W-CRHP in St. Charles Room/ Cafe
Sunday, February 19, 2017
M-CRHP 14 at 7 p.m. in Church Office
Women’s CRHP – February 18/19, 2017
Mom’s Group– February 27, 2017– Healthy
Snack and meal ideas.
Ash Wednesday– March 1
1st Lenten Fish Fry– March 3, 2017
Fr. Don Schramm’s 50th Anniversary –March 12
SCB Dinner Auction– April 28, 2017
Men’s CRHP—May 6/7, 2017
Christ Renews His Parish
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Te invito a acompañarme en dar gracias a Dios por los
50 años de Sacerdocio.
Please join me in Mass of Thanksgiving for 50 years of
Misa de Acción de Gracias, acá en San Charles Borromeo Domingo, 12 de Marzo, 2017, a las 4:00 de la
Recepción después en el Gimnasio
Here at St. Charles Borromeo, Sunday, March 12, 2017
at 4:00 p.m.
Padre Donald C. Schramm, Ordenado 11 de Marzo,
Dios todopoderoso y misericordioso, Quien ortorgaste
al Bendito Cura de Ars, celo pastoral maravilloso y
gran fervor para la oración y la penitencia, concede, te
imploramos, que por su ejemplo e intercesión, nuestros
sacerdotes parroquiales podrán ganar las almas de sus
hermanos y hermanas para Cristo, y con ellos alcanzar
la Gloria eterna. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.
St. Charles Borromeo Dinner Auction will be held at
the Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center on April 28,
The Time is yet to be determined, but this is a fun
night for all. More info to follow, as planning is just
getting underway.
Reception to follow in Parish Gym.
Fr. Donald C. Schramm Ordained March 11, 1967
Almighty and merciful God, Who did bestow upon
the Blessed Cure of Ars wonderful pastoral zeal and
great fervor for prayer and penance, grant, we beseech you, that by his example and intercession our
parish priests may be able to gain the souls of their
brothers and sisters for Christ, and with them attain to
everlasting glory. Through Christ Jesus our Lord.
23rd Annual St. Charles Borromeo / Joe Hensley
Memorial Golf Tournament
Monday July 17, 2017 @ Bogey Hills Country
12pm Shotgun start with Happy Hour and Dinner
**Biggest because it’s the only fundraiser for the
Athletic Association!!**
Sign up, sponsorship and golfing details coming
Scrip Program– Gift cards that you use anyway, but now
money goes back to our Parish School.
A great way to support the school, to keep our wonderful Catholic education alive in our parish.
Scrip Cards– a great way to help our students.
Dinner plans? We’ve got the perfect gift card to
satisfy your palate. Stop by and check out all the
gift cards we have. And help the kids while you’re
enjoying your meal. We buy gift cards from retailers at a discount and they allow us to sell them at
face value and keep the difference.
Imagine what a wonderful school we would have if
every family would just buy some gift cards from
St. Charles Borromeo
Memorial Gift Cards
We have available in our Narthex, church office, and
at our local funeral homes, Memorial Gift Cards. You can
designate your gift to our Capital Improvement Fund, SCB
School’s Help-A-Student Tuition Aid, SCB St. Vincent DePaul Society, or any other SCB program or project.
When you are making arrangements for the funeral
and visitation, you may ask your funeral director to set
these cards out. Or, when you are going to the visitation,
you may pick up a card in the box in our Narthex.
I would bet many of our beloved Borromeo members
who pass on would love to have their Memorial Gifts given to SCB Parish because they (and we all) are so proud of
our wonderful Parish Family here.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Borromeo Youth Ministry News
For any information about our St. Charles Borromeo Youth News, please
email [email protected]
No High School Youth Group today, February 12th or
19th due to Youth Minister Training/Retreats.
Interested in volunteering at the Food Bank on Feb. 21st
from 4-7? RSVP to Kristin!
Do you want to do something meaningful this summer?
Do you enjoy serving others in the community and making new friends? Consider doing a week of service and
fun with youth groups from the whole area this summer
with Project Life! June 11-16th in Perryville, Mo. Cost:
Are you interested in sponsoring a teen to go
to the Steubenville Conference this July?
We’re looking for a few sponsors from the parish
to provide financial assistance to those who want
to attend, but cannot afford it. Contact Kristin
Williams at [email protected] for more
St. Charles Borromeo Prayer Tree:
928-2970 or [email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration Pro-Life Hour
Please join us during Eucharistic Adoration on the third
Monday of each month for a special hour of prayer for
Pro Life from 4:00-5:00 p.m.
$220/teen, $120/chaperone. Open to 8th graders and
high schoolers. Come to our Info Meeting Thursday, Feb.
23rd at 7 pm in the St. Charles Room. A $50 deposit is
due Mar. 2nd. Questions? Email Kristin.
Middle School Youth Group
Take a break from your homework and come play
board games with us on Wed. Feb. 22nd 6:30-8 pm in
the St. Charles Room!
All Moms Of
Young Children
Join us for the next meeting of the
St. Charles Borromeo Parish Moms Group
WHEN: Monday, February 27, 2017
6:30 pm—8:00 pm
WHERE: In the St. Charles Room (behind the café)
We welcome mom and parishioner Maureen Prinster,
who is a registered dietician. She will share with us
easy and healthy snack and meal ideas for our busy
Parents participating in the FACTS program:
now offers 24/7 support at
This meeting is for the Moms only
RSVP to Christine Woody,
[email protected] or 314-503-7277
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Ladies Sodality Meeting. Tuesday, February 14 at 6:30
in the café...with popcorn, show time treats...chocolate
fondue and all kinds of goodies.
Be sure to join us for our own little Valentine party.
Anyone with a birthday in February, be sure to come
and get your gift.
Quilt A Month Winner
Congratulations to Judy Friedel who is the Quilt A
Month winner for February. You'll be able to see a picture of Judy with her quilt on the Ladies Sodality website in a couple of weeks. There is still plenty of time to
get your raffle tickets in for 10 more monthly drawings. You can get your tickets in the Church office or call
Barb at 636 947 3939 God Bless Our Great Quilters for
enabling us to make this happen
Ladies get your ideas together for our upcoming Lenten
Tea to be held on Saturday April 8 at 11:00 AM in the
Cafe'..$10 per person & you decide your theme for your
Spiritual Renewal For February
table ...decorate it and bring the food for your table. We supply the coffee, tea & lemonade. Winning
Spiritual Renewal will be Saturday February 25 at 9:00
table gets a trophy (bragging rights) for
AM in the church office. Donuts & coffee after Com-
a year and a gift for each person at the
munions Service in the Church Office. A great chance
table. Proceeds to benefit Holy Angels
to reflect on the readings for the following day's Read-
Shelter. Fr Bob Gettinger usually
ings. Any questions or need a ride call Barb at 636 947
comes to share the morning with us. We will also have
a Silent Auction. Any questions call Barb at 636 947
Our Next Lifeline will be February 28, 2017
Mark Your calendar.
Our January 2017 mom, Katy just
had her baby girl.
The baby’s name is Caroline Rose
and she weighed in at 6 pounds,
6 ounces.
This is an hour spent meditating, and
hearing fantastic Music, praise and reflection.
Don’t Miss it!
Thank you, Lord for this precious gift of life .
Please pray for our Expectant MomsFebruary 2017– Michelle
March 2017– Kristina
May 2017-Veronica
Two Special Parishioner Birthdays for February
February 22- Dick Shields
February 26
Dolly Johannesman
Please wish them a Happy Birthday!
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Liturgy of the Word for Children
“At one point, children were brought to him so that he could place his hands on them in prayer. The disciples began to scold
them, but Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God belongs to such as
these.’” (Ma hew 19: 13-14) Our Liturgy of the Word for Children program provides a means for children from Kindergarten
age to grade three to know and come to Jesus.
The program is designed to help children be er understand the readings and the Gospel each Sunday at Mass. The
priest dismisses the children at the beginning of Mass to the catechist. The children and catechist proceed to the cafeteria
where the children hear the readings, the Gospel, and an explana on in words that they understand. The children then return
to Mass at a me when the interrup on of the congrega on can be minimized, for instance, during the collec on.
There are many reasons that our Liturgy of the Word for Children program is so beneficial. An
a empt is made to make the scriptures more comprehensible to children in this age range. Parents can listen
more a en vely to the Liturgy of the Word. The children can be given explana ons of ways to live the Good
News they just heard. The children become more a part of the Word, because they now be er understand
the readings and the Gospel. The program allows the parish another opportunity for catechesis.
Liturgy of the Word for Children is offered during the 8:30am Mass each Sunday during the school
year. At the beginning of the Mass the leader of the children’s Liturgy of the Word processes with the children’s Lec onary
next to the lector carrying the adult lec onary. This indicates that the children are celebra ng the Liturgy of the Word at that
Mass. At Borromeo, we use Children’s Liturgy of the Word 20xx published by Liturgy Training Publica ons. The children very
much enjoy the program. They par cipate freely and leave with an apparent understanding of the Gospel message.
We are looking for teams of adult Ministers to serve as Leaders in this Ministry. Most of our teams have been
leading this ministry for many years and it is always good to have subs tutes and new teams. Training will be provided – all
we ask is you have a love of Scripture and a love of Children. If you are interested or would like to have more informa on,
please contact Mrs. Katy Smith at 946-4144 or [email protected]. Peace to you!
First Holy Communion Parent Meetings
-2 Meetings planned that each parent may attend
Thursday, February 23 7 p.m. in the Café
Sunday, February 26 10 a.m. in Café
First Holy Communion Rite of Acceptance
Sunday, February 26 8:30 a.m. Mass
First Communion Rehearsal
Sunday, April 9
3 p.m. in Church
Passover Dinner
Sunday April 9
4 p.m. in Café
First Communion Rite of Election
Sunday, April 23
8:30 a.m. Mass
Confirmation Rite of Election Practice
Saturday, April 29
5:00 p.m. Mass
Rite of Confirmation Mass
Thursday, May 4
7:00 p.m. Church
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy
Saturday, May 6
10:00 a.m. in Church
Continuando con los pasos en preparación para la Primera Comunión listamos aquí fechas muy importantes que
no pueden olvidar y a las que los padres deben asistir sin
Reunión de Padres de Familia: Solo Ingles: Jueves 23 de
Febrero a las 7pm, Ingles y Español el Domingo 26 de
Febrero 10am en el Café. (nota: los padres solo tiene que
estar en una reunión)
Rito de Aceptación: dom
ingo 26 de febrero. Misa de 8:30am para Ingles y 11:30
para español.
Práctica y Cena Pascual: Domingo 9 de Abril Practica
3pm en la Iglesia y Cena de Pascua a las 4pm en el Café
Rito de Elección: domingo 23 de abril. Misa de 8:30am
para Ingles y 11:30am para español.
Rito of Elección y Practica: Sábado Abril 29. Misa de
Rito de Confirmación: Jueves, Mayo 4 a las 7pm
Celebración del Sacramento de la Primera Comunión
en Ingles: Sábado 6 de Mayo, 10am en la Iglesia
Gran Celebración de la Primera Comunión Latina: Domingo 21 de Mayo, misa de 11:30am
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
News from our Parish School of Religion…..
Cada semana nuestros alumnos de la
Our Parish School of Religion students
catequesis y sus familias están disfru-
and families are enjoying Pflaum Gos-
pel Weeklies, which are a liturgicallybased catechetical program that helps parents teach their children gospel values at home, supplementing what is taught in
the classroom each Sunday.
Each week, parents are connected to their child(ren)’s
lesson. We’re all busy, and the Gospel At Home provides a
short description of the Sunday Gospel plus suggested activities
tando del Semanario del Evangelio
de Pflaum. Los Semanarios son parte del programa para la
formación de la fe basado en la liturgia que ayudan a los padres a enseñar a sus hijos los valores del Evangelio en el hogar.
Cada Semanario complementan lo que las catequistas enseña
en el aula cada domingo.
Cada semana, los padres están conectados a la lección
and discussion starters for each age level. These easy-to-do ideas
de sus hijos (as). Todos participan leyendo el evangelio, dialo-
bring families together to share what each member has learned
gando con su breve descripción y desarrollando las actividades
about the Gospel that they heard on Sunday and studied in
sugeridas para cada nivel según la edad de los niños.
Los Semanarios son bilingües por lo que son utilizados
Because they are bilingual, we are able to use them in
all our classes, both English and Spanish.
The take home family handouts provide a fun way to learn
about Jesus and his Church, by providing a short but informative explanation of the weekly Mass readings. Finally, these
Gospel Weeklies offer the PSR program a means of gathering
en nuestras clases de inglés y español.
En casa los Semanarios ofrecen una forma divertida de aprender acerca de Jesús y de su iglesia, proporcionando una explicación corta pero informativa de las lecturas de la Misa. Por
último, estos Semanarios ofrecen al programa de Catequesis un
families every other month in what we call Family Catechesis.
medio de reunir familias cada dos meses en lo que llamamos
On these Sundays, our families sit together in the cafeteria and
Catequesis Familiar. En estos domingos, nuestras familias se
learn and work together lead by a catechist! We look forward
sientan juntas en la cafetería y aprenden y trabajan siguiendo la
RCIA and PSR Notes
RCIA is going very well. Our six dynamic candidates Brandon, Christine, Jaclyn, Jorge, Lisa and Tim, gradually continue to be introduced to aspects of our Catholic beliefs and
practices. Please pray for them as they prepare to celebrate
the Rite of Sending the 25th of this month.
Our PSR students, especially those preparing
for Confirmation, have been working hard and having some
great discussions with their small groups as they learn and
grow throughout their faith journey toward confirmation
and beyond. They are learning about and digging deeper
into their faith with their peers and their group leaders.
PSR students are getting involved in Mass ministries, choir,
youth ministry and several Confirmation students participated in the Pro-Life March to Washington, D.C.
RCIA y PSR Notas
RCIA está yendo muy bien. Nuestros seis candidatos Brandon,
Christine, Jaclyn, Jorge, Lisa y Tim, continúan siendo introducidos en los aspectos de nuestras prácticas y creencias católicas.
Por favor, recen por ellos mientras se preparan para recibir el
rito de envío el día 25 de este mes.
Nuestros estudiantes de PSR, especialmente los que se preparan
para la confirmación, han estado trabajando duro en sus clases
y manteniendo un dialogo abierto en sus pequeños grupos de
trabajo. Ellos aprenden y crecen en su camino de fe hacia la
confirmación y más allá.
También los estudiantes de catequesis están bien involucrados
en ministerios de la Misa, coro, pastoral juvenil y varios estu-
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Readings of the Week
Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,
9c-10; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22; Ps 116:12-15, 18-19;
Mk 8:22-26
Thursday: Gn 9:1-13; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23;
Mk 8:27-33
Friday: Gn 11:1-9; Ps 33:10-15; Mk 8:34 -- 9:1
Saturday: Heb 11:1-7; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Mk 9:2-13
Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13;
1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
February 12, 2017
Family Gospel Reflection
The first reading from the Old Testament makes
clear how the people of God are to live. The message is
to live with a concern for others, especially the poor.
Your Loving Sacrifices Make All The Difference
Contributions for February 5, 2017
Offertory envelopes:
Matching Gifts
Total Offerings:
Help a Student
St. Vincent de Paul
Initial Offering
St. Louis Review
Capital Improvements
for the great love you show to our Borromeo Family
carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in needby the generosity you display when you share your
Treasure, and all God’s gifts to you, given for others.
Those who do this will be like a light shining in the dark-
January Corporate Matching Gifts
ness and the glory of God will be with them. Today’s
passage stresses the call of God’s chosen people to be
a force for good in the world. God wants to eliminate the
suffering of the poor. God’s people are given instruction
to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and clothe the
Total January Gifts
Piper Jaffray
Wells Fargo
The theme of a light shining in the darkness is
also found in today’s Gospel. Jesus tells his followers
St. Vincent de Paul Matching Gifts$320.00
to let their light shine. Jesus’ disciples let their light
shine by becoming a force for good and love in the
world. This Gospel passage encourages followers of
Your participation in the Matching Gift Program is most
Jesus to live with a concern for the poor. When action is
taken on behalf of those in need, the light of God’s presence shines in the world. God’s love transforms the
February 12, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
world. Disciples of Jesus are called to spread the light
In the gospel, Jesus says: “Whoever fulfills and teaches
these commands shall be great in the Kingdom of God.”
of God’s love and make the world a better place.
 Why is the church concerned with the problems and injustices that exist in society?
 Where have you seen the needs and concerns
of the poor given priority.
By your gift to the Society of St. Paul, you
indeed put your faith into action as you
fulfill the commands of Jesus.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Ministry List February 18/19
(Volunteers needed for Greeters and GiŌ Bearers)
Saturday, February 18, 2017
5:00 pm
Lucy Rauch, Kurt Haefner
Steve Deters
Cup –Francis Fessler, Trudi Heisohn-Ziegler
Peter Mihelich, Michelle Grunder
HOST: Ginny & Chuck Linsenmeyer
SERV:: Maggie Howard, Elise Cope, Faith Hawkins
USH:: George Dallmeyer, Bob Rector
Daniel Schulte, Suzie Gamache
Volunteers please
Volunteers Please
Sunday, February 19, 2017
7:00 am
Dick Albrecht
Mary Baronovic
Jean Schaeffer, Pat Brown, Becky Albrecht
2 volunteers please
USH;– Jim Eisenbath, Cathy Herrod
Charles Weber, John Weber
Volunteers please
Volunteers please
8:30 a.m. Mass
Children’s Choir
Dana Saale, Kate Kimsey
Sharon Schnarre, Jeane e Cleary
HOST: Jennifer Bober, Karie Westerfeld
SERV: MK Beckemeier, Wya and Jamie Karase
USH: Dan Dziedzic, Tim Meyer,
Don Wapplehort, Gregg Jost
10:00 a.m. Mass
TJ Sla ery, Paul Woody
EM cup-Paul Luebbers, Carol Faubert
Judy O’Connor, Harriet Pallardy
Host: Tom Schultz, Jenny Luebbers
Servers: Mia & Noelle Adamski, Angela Ra ni
Ushers: Pat Akers, Bob Underwood,
Joe Shaw, Jason Kulma
volunteers please
volunteers please
Servers, 8:00am, February 13-17, 2017
Monday, Feb 13 Vani Sharma, Noelle Adamski, Angelina Ra ni
Tuesday ,Feb 14 Vani Sharma, Noelle Adamski, Angelina Ra ni
Wed, Feb 15, Vani Sharma, Noelle Adamski, Angeliina Ra ni
Thurs, Feb 16–Aidan Doughty, Rocco Ra ni, Knoll Hirtz
Friday, Feb 17 Aidan Doughty, Rocco Ra ni, Knoll Hirtz
Meal a Month for February 25/26
The next collection will be February 26. The items needed are:
Jelly: Dry Soup: Can Chicken-Dish Liquid
Laundry Liquid– Toothpaste– Kleenex
11:30 am
PSR– Catequesis
EM cup-PSR Catequesis
PSR Catequesis
Host: PSR-Catequesis V
Servers-Paco Ramos, Melissa Garcia, Vanessa Sarabia
Ushers: Adolfo Zamores, Jesus Manzanarez
Volunteers please
Monday, February 13 Weekday
6.30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
Helene Kruse
Tuesday, February 14 Sts. Cyril and Methodius
6:30 a.m.
Glenn Koenen
8:00 a.m.
Laverne Kuthchback
Wednesday, February 15 Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
8:00 a.m.
John Kreutzer
6:30 p.m.
Sharon Malpiedi
Thursday, February 16, Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Dave Bott
8:00 a.m
Bonita “Bonnie” Kozak
Friday, February 17, 7 Holy Founders of the Servite Order
6:30 a.m.
Comunion Service
8:00 a.m.
Elizabeth Mallory
9:15 a.m.
Geneva Maddalozza
Saturday, February 18 ,Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Communion Service
5:00 p.m.
Mary “Dinny” Vogt– 1st Anniv
Sunday, February 19, 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 a.m.
Our Parish Family
8:30 a.m.
Joseph Van Deven– 12th Anniv
10:00 a.m.
Paul Boschert– 4th Anniv
11:30 a.m.
Mary Ann Boschert
el coro
We are also collecting 15 oz can Ravioli for the
Mini Vinnies.
Thanks for all your Support of this life sustaining
If you would like your parish/school event or message
advertised on our digital sign, please email your request
to "[email protected]". Make sure to include preferred wording, dates and duration.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
12 Febrero 2017
11:30 a.m.
Selene Zamorez-S, Oscar Fuentes-E
EM Cup Rosa Alvarado, Misael Alvarado
Maria Fuentes, Maria Barretos
HOST: Veronica Bernal, Ampelia V
Servers Luz & Guadalupe Quiroz, Alex Pintor
Ushers Adolfo Zamores, Jesus Manzanarez
volunteers please
to be determined before Mass
Volunteers please
el coro
Feb 12, 2017
Nombre de Servidor
Luz& Guadalupe Quiroz,
Alex Pintor
Feb 19, 2017
Paco Ramos, Melissa Garcia,
Veronica Sarabia
Feb 26, 2017
Jimena & Veronica Castro,
Liliana Barcenas
El siglo pasado en la década de los 70s, un joven mexicano cruzaba el desierto fronterizo entre México y Estados Unidos. Un
sacerdote lo encontró y se ofreció a cruzarlo en su camioneta a
Estados Unidos. El sacerdote le dijo que si regresaba a su tierra
lo estaría esperando en Santa Ana de Guadalupe, un pequeño
rancho cerca de Jalostotitlán, en la región de Los Altos de Jalisco, México.
Con el tiempo, el joven regresó a México y fue en busca de su
buen samaritano. Preguntando por él, la gente del pueblo lo
llevó a una capilla donde se sorprendió al ver la foto de su
bienhechor en la tumba de santo Toribio Romo.
Muchos inmigrantes que relatan lo mismo acerca de un sacerdote o buen samaritano que rescata indocumentados en el
desierto, alimentándolos, llevándolos a Estados Unidos, incluso,
diciéndoles dónde encontrar trabajo.
En 1928, Toribio Romo fue asesinado a la edad de 28 años durante "La Cristiana" (1926-1929). Este joven sacerdote murió a
manos de un gobierno cruel que no sabia respetar los derechos
humanos. Ahora como santo se dedica a ayudar a los pobres
que sufren a causa de leyes inmigratorias que tampoco respetan
los derechos humanos.
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S.
Paluch Co., Inc.
Lunes: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Sal 50 (49):1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Mc 8:11-13
Martes: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Sal 29 (28):1a, 2, 3ac-4,
3b, 9c-10; Mc 8:14-21
Miércoles: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22; Sal 116 (116):12-15, 18-19;
Mc 8:22-26
Jueves: Gn 9:1-13; Sal 102 (101):16-21, 29, 22-23;
Mc 8:27-33
Viernes: Gn 11:1-9; Sal 33 (32):10-15; Mc 8:34 -- 9:1
Sábado: Heb 11:1-7; Sal 145 (144):2-5, 10-11;
Mc 9:2-13
Domingo: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10,
12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
¿Interesados en asistir a la Conferencia Steubenville en
Steubenville es una impresionante Conferencia Católica
que se lleva a cabo en el estado de Missouri con 3.000 +
adolescentes de la zona, un montón de alabanza y
adoración musical, presentaciones y más! El tema este año
es "Elevar" y estaremos presentes el fin de semana #1: 14
al 16 de julio. Se necesita un depósito de $50 a Kristin no
más tarde del 3 de febrero. Lugares se llenan rápidamente, así que no se demore! ¿Quieres más información? ¡Ven
a nuestra reunión de información el martes 24 de enero a
las 7pm en el St. Charles Room! ¿Preguntas? Manda un
email a Kristin Williams, Ministro de juventud, [email protected]
Católicos Dinámicos Vivos! - Reconciliación
Con quien necesitamos reconciliarnos en la vida? Tal vez usted ha
pecado contra la ley de Dios a través de la ira, lujuria, falta de
honradez, chismes u otras malas acciones. Jesús nos recuerda en
la con nuación de su sermón que la vida cris ana exige normas
más estrictas. Es esencial tener en cuenta que nosotros podemos
vivir estas normas para cooperar con la gracia de que Dios nos da
en los sacramentos, especialmente la Eucaris a y la reconciliación. Los sacramentos nos dan gracia san ficante y nos traen a
la vida cuando estamos muertos en nuestros pecados. Al acercarse al altar cada domingo, hagamos un examen de conciencia y
busquemos la misericordia del Señor en el Sacramento de la reconciliación si somos culpables de pecado mortal. Debemos prestar atención a la sabiduría del Señor para buscar la perfección,
escuchando su voz y responder a las gracias que nos concede. La
Eucaris a y la reconciliación son dos extraordinarias bendiciones
que tenemos como católicos! "La confesión es un acto de honesdad y valen a - un acto de confiar a nosotros mismos, más allá
del pecado, a misericordia de un Dios amoroso y que perdona." ~
Papa San John Paul II archstl.org/dynamic
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Around Town….
Happening Today
Knights of Columbus #823 Chicken Dinner
Proceeds benefit area parochial schools
February 12, 2017
Serving Dinner from 1-6 p.m.
$10.00 per person
$5.00 for children 6-12, and under 5 are free
Desserts appreciated, Carryout available
#20 Westbury Drive
St. Charles, MO 63301
Orchard Farm VFW Barbeque
When: February 18/19, 2017
Where: North Hwy 94– 2 miles past Orchard Farm
Pork Steaks, Plates or Sandwiches– Bratwurst, Hot Dogs,
German Potato Salad, Baked Beans and Slaw.
Serving from 12 noon until 6 p.m.
Questions? Call Gordon Steinhoff 636-250-3416
or call Stanley Steinhoff at 636-219-8311.
Hope to see you all there!
St. Joseph/Josephville K of C Breakfast-Sunday,
Feb. 26 from 8am-noon at 1410 Josephville Rd.,
Wentzville, MO. Menu includes eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy. Adult $8, children ages 5-12 $5,
ages 4 and under free. For more info call 636-3326676.
St. Charles Kiwanis
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
65th Annual Pancake Day
6 a.m.-7 p.m. at Blanchette Park
All you can eat and drink.
Pancakes, Sausage, Coffee and Milk
For additional info, call John Pallardy at 314-960-4009
Singles again is a support group for separated, divorced and
widowed. Singles Again meets at St. Cletus Church the fourth
Thursday of the month at 7:15 PM for their general meeting. St. Cletus is at2705 Zumbehl Road, St.
Charles, MO. Come and meet for friendship and support. All
faiths are welcome. Contacts are Rick Pass 618-520-0966
([email protected]) and Rose Kaiser 636-332-1959..
Divorced, Widowed to Transitioning Singleness “Care and
Share” is now on one with Lee Schellert. Please contact him
at 636-946-7782 for any questions.
St. Ann’s Sodality Quilt Social Bingo
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Holy Rosary Activity Center
716 E. Booneslick Road
Warrenton, MO
Doors open at 11:00 a.m.
Bingo starts at 12:30 p.m.
Lunch will be available.
For more information, contact Barb Schneider 636-456-3567
or call Parish Office at 636-456-3698, extension 1
Because I Love You, Formerly Tough Love Program
We are a program of self-help for parents who are struggling with troubled children. This program is not restricted to teen years only. We are not professionals, merely
parents trying to help one another as we try to help our
We meet every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at the
First United Methodist Church, which is located at 801
First Capitol Drive in St. Charles.
We live by the three C’s
Please come and join us or call our HELPLINE
Sausage Breakfast and Bake Sale
Immaculate Conception Church
14060 N State HWY 94
West Alton, MO
Sunday, March 5, 2017
7:30-11:30 a.m.
All you can eat
Adults $8.00 ea/ Children 5-11 $4.00 ea
Children under 5 are Free
Social Justice In Action
Social Justice in Action and Metropolitan Congregations
United will present “Sacred Conversations on Race” in
recognition of Black History Month.
Tuesday, February 21, 2107 at St. Joachim & Ann Care
Service, 4116 McClay Road, St. Charles, MO
Call 636-441-1302, Ext 350 to RSVP
Light Refreshments will be served.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 12, 2017
Continuing to Meet The Needs of Area Catholics
Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living
723 First Capitol Drive
Contact Social Services at (636) 946-4140 x 107
Homestyle Restaurant
1881 Sherman Dr.
Senior Discounts
Attorney at Law
225 South Main
Suite 250
O’Fallon, MO
923 First Capitol Drive
636-896-0888 / 636-723-0800
Roy Cox Plumbing
Tires • Oil Change • Brakes
State Inspection
Baker Exteriors is in need of experienced roofers and siding installers. We offer great pay, and full time hours!
Contact Wil Baker at (636) 887-1911.
Baker Exteriors necesita techos experimentados y Instaladores de revestimiento. Ofrecemos un gran sueldo, y horas de
tiempo completo! Póngase en contacto con Wil Baker en (636) 887-1911.
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please call the Parish Office. 515 S. 5TH
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Shoppers Tote with your order
Insurance Agency
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Wayne & Matt Alexander
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311 South Main, Ste. 100, O’Fallon, MO 63366
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