2016 International Conference on Power, Energy Engineering and Management (PEEM 2016) ISBN: 978-1-60595-324-3 Fuzzy Based Personal Color System Ji-Ho CHO, Ji-Yong SHIN, Han LEE, Jeong-Min KIM, Euiin CHOI and Geuk LEE* Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hannam University, Dae-Jeon, South Korea *Corresponding author Keywords: Personal color system, Fuzzy logic. Abstract. This paper, which is based on the research in the personal color diagnoses system, uses the fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference rule to improve the personal color selection method of the existing personal color system and to get more objective and reliable result for personal color. We propose the method which constructs more systematic color selection system using personal color database and fuzzy logic. Introduction The personal color system is the color diagnosis system which raise the added value of the image through the production of the image that oneself pursues with diagnoses the accord color which is most matched with the unique body color that the individual own. Recently, a lot of interest is being concentrated on the personal color diagnosis system which analysis and diagnoses a color based on the personal color theory. But the chromatic diagnostic system which is used currently, classify a color type with only the skin condition mainly, so the judgment ground and accuracy could be a little insufficient. In this research, it proposes more precise chromatic diagnosis rule which considered sex condition, psychological condition and body condition with using of fuzzy rule as the after treatment to improve the problem like this. This research divides 4 seasonal types of body color which each person keeps through the experiment which applies a fuzzy theory and a fuzzy inference, and gets objective data with calculates a membership about each value of R, G, B, therefore it did the more scientific and systematic personal color diagnosis simulation. The composition of this paper is same as below. In chapters II, it indicates the relation research about personal color and fuzzy theory, an explanation and problem about the diagnostic system which is using at present, In chapters III, there is the test through the simulation of the personal color diagnostic system which uses the fuzzy logic that is embodied in this paper, In chapters IV, it is finished with the conclusion and hereafter research. Preceding Research Personal Color The personal color system as the study of systematization already from the West Europe long time ago, was introduced in Japan since about 20 years [6]. But In our country, recently the research to be advanced by some specialists is tendency of revitalization with supplying in rapid pace as the interest of multitude is concentrated. The historical investigation to arranges the branch of the theory which accomplishes a foundation of the personal color system, is same as below [3][4]. Johannes Itten, the professor, and the scholar of the color of the Bauhaus, as the synthetic moulding school in Germany, has found that the preference color of the students is related to their unique color, namely, the color of skin, hair, eyes etc. as their own, and paid attention to the relationship between the appearance and the subjective view of chromatic in 1928, It is becoming known as the beginning of color analysis. After that, Carol Jackson of Canada, classifies the image of the human being with the 4 units of seasonal type, it is announced with the book as the “Color me beautiful”(1980), with this, the personal color system theories were subdivided in the United States, Europe, Japan, etc. Faber Biren, the color psychological scholar of the world-wide authority, who's evaluated highly with the achievement which introduces the use of the color based on a chromatic theory in the society life, has defined that every colors have warm color and cold color in each color as the other theory, not the existing color classification of the warm color system and cold color system. Also, Robert Dorr (1905 1980), the scholar of color of the United States, announced the "Color key system" of Color Keys basic color which is based on the theory that the skin color of the human being has Tone of two colors, namely, warm color and cold color, and asserted that the blue under tone and yellow under tone by classified became harmonize between the color of same classification. According to Bernice Kentner(1991), Hippcrates of 2400 years ago, classifies the characteristic pattern (form) of the people with gloomy (winter), cold (summer), cheerful (spring), and hasty (autumn), this is being applied in the character and psychological analysis in these days, and he published "Color Me A Season" with connect the "characteristic theory" and the colors of human relation [3][6]. Our human body show each different skin color like some people are yellow, another are more red than the others, and some people are darker than the others etc. for effect of 3 kinds of pigments like carotene, the hemoglobin and the melanin. The personal color is decided with proper color which individual keeps, namely, the color of skin, hair, eyes, etc. among those 3 elements, the skin color became the most important element. (Table 1, explains the point of reference like this). The personal color is made by the 4 seasonal color analysis as the spring, summer, autumn, winter which is harmonized with each personal proper body color after diagnoses the proper color which individuals were born, especially it classifies 4 seasonal color types with dividing color of skin, hair, eyes. (Table 2, explains the point of reference like this). All of colors could be divided with cold color and warm color, the basic background color of pattern of spring, autumn is yellow and gold color as warm color, it has the feeling of movement, clearness, deepness, elegant, and the basic background color of pattern of summer, winter is blue, black color, and it has the images of soft, thickness, romanticism, clearness, urban, dynamic image. Table 1. Cool class color & warm class color Colors of cool class The bright skin which with color is lingering The middle tone skin which is canescent color The skin which is little bit red and canescent. The dark tone skin which is canescent Uran, cold, sharp image Colors of warm class Bright yellowish skin Yellowish skin of middle tone Yellowish skin which red tint is lingering. Yellowish skin which brown color is lingering. Warm, healthy, familiar image The skin color of the human being is accomplished with 3 kinds of pigments, namely, melanin, hemoglobin, and carotene, generally the black race has more melanin, the white race has more hemoglobin, and the yellow race has more carotene contents compared to the other pigments, and the thing that the each skin color is shown differently though same race is the result following to the component ratio of these 3 kinds of pigments. Our skin could be divided in 2 types largely, as warm type skin of ivory, yellow, copper color, and gold and cool type skin of white, pink, red, and blue. Cool color means the color which includes white, blue, and black in every color. Especially the color which includes white and blue is called summer type color and the color which includes blue and black is called winter type color. Warm color is the color which includes yellow and gold in every color. Especially the color which yellow is basic background color is called spring type color, and yellow and gold become a basic background color that is called autumn color. Because of the skin color of spring type people is yellowish, transparent and thin, it's the type which the spots like freckle could be appeared in the face easily. The eyes color is yellowish; the hair wears the light brown color. The image of the spring person is bright and vivid so there are many style which looks younger than age and cute [9]. The skin color of summer type person is white and green light goes round or the pink light circles round, and does not burn well in the sun and to be red. The eyes color is the soft brown, the hair is the brown which wears gray and is a dry lackluster type. The image of summer type is somewhat cold, romantic and feminine. The skin color of autumn type person is yellowish, lackluster and white-livered. It's easy to be burn in the sun, the face color changes to brown easily. The hair is lackluster dark brown, eyes color is umber which gives peaceful and fluffy. The image of the autumn person is warm and soft which gives intimate and comfortable feeling, it has natural and classic image. The skin color of the winter type person is cold and pale, the eyes and hair color is deep gray-brown or black so it's contrasted with white skin and gives polished image. The image of the winter person is cold and intense, keeps the intellectual impression. Table 2. a trivutary of season types. Spring types Summer types *Bright yellowish skin *Yellowish or little bit *Yellowish skin of little red skin bit beige tint. *Skin of canescent *Yellowish skin with red basic. Skin color tint. *Apricot tint or black *Yellowish skin which brown skin of canescent brown color tint is tint. lingering. *Light brown color *Light brown color which which blue tint is yellow tint is lingering. lingering. Eye color *Dark brown color which *Dark brown color yellow tint is lingering.* which blue tint is lingering. *Light brown color which *Dark brown color which yellow tint is lingering. grey color tint is lingering. Hair *Dark brown color which *Grey brown color which color yellow tint is lingering. grey color tint is lingering. *The color which bright Wrist *red canescent color yellowish tint is lingering. color *creamy white *blue white Tooth color Autumn types *Yellowish skinwhich brown color tint islingering. *Dark browncolored skin which red tint is lingering. *Brown colored skin which yellowish tint is lingering. *Black brown colored which yellowish tint is lingering. *Dark dark-brown color which dark-brown tint is lingering. *Brown color which dark yellowish brown color tint is lingering. *Dark brown color which yellow color tint is lingering. *Dark yellow color which yellow color tint is lingering. *Yellowish color which yellow color is lingering. *creamy white Winter types *White and bright skin *Yellowish skin which blue tint is lingering. *Skin which pink tint and blue tint is lingering. *Black brown colored skin which blue tint is lingering. *Brown color which blue tint is lingering. *Black color which blue tint is lingering *Brown color which blue tint is lingering. *Black color which blue tint is lingering. *White color with blue tint. *gray white Fuzzy Theory Fuzzy is the theory which could appear fuzzy intellection of human being that couldn't divide with only dichotomy in the computer with mathematical function, as compared with the logic circuits of computer moves by the absolute standard like 0 and 1, this theory is the method which let the computer executes the thought, studying, self-development, etc. that the intelligence of the human being could do [1][2]. Fuzzy theory is proposed by Zadeh professor of the Berkeley university in the States, he has constructed the basic of the fuzzy theory with announce the papers like 'Fuzzy Sets' 'Fuzzy Algorithm"(1968) etc. on the 'Information & Control' as the world-wide magazine related to the information and control at that time of 1965. Originally the professor, Zadeh proposed this theory to make 'absolute assessment standard of beauty' with accurate the appearance of his wife in a true number. After that, the professor Mamdani of Grate Britain applied a fuzzy theory to the pilot plant of steam engine at the beginning, and executed successful experiment, and succeeded to the first commercialization with applying the fuzzy control to the Cement Kiln process [7]. As the own academic society as 'International Fuzzy System Association: IFSA)' appears in 1985, the fuzzy theory develops more and it's being counted as the study which will lead the computer theory of next generation with neural network theory at the present [8]. Experiment and Simulation In this research, it calculated a membership degree about the each R.G.B value of skin color, hair color, eye color, wrist color which decide 4 season types and defined a Fuzzy function, with standing on those, it suggested more scientific and systemic diagnosis method with embodying a Fuzzy basis personal color system. Season Type In the case of that the skin color, hair color, eye color, wrist color are each specific, the season types are decided previously. It is expressed as total 12 dimension because the color feature space(feature space) is expressed as third dimension(RGB) by 4 kinds of color. ex) skin=(255,233,204), hair=(180,154,102), eye=(126,93,50),wrist=(252,231,202)⇒(Spring) The kinds of season types are classified and declared for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Distance from Season Type It calculates the distance in the feature space with the color of season types which defined in advance and questioned color. For this, 256 units of samples of the season types which is suitable for the body color. In the case of that the season types which defined in advance are over 2 units when calculating a distance calculation, it could defines the distance from the most closer season types as the distance of the season types in point. Figure 1. Distance from Season Type. Estimating Season Type for Query Color It calculates a membership degree of each season types about the color in question in point with calculating a color in question and each season types. I've planed the Fuzzy membership function with using a principle that the distance of the color in question and the samples of specific season types in the feature space closer, the membership degree will be increased. Fuzzy membership function is used with fully-qualified the reciprocal number of the distance with each season types to the sum of total reciprocal numbers. Also, it's set that could reduce the actual condition which Fuzzy membership function lay stress upon one specific sample with setting coefficient (α) which control a sensitivity. In this research, the Fuzzy basis personal color system which drives in Windows XP Professional Edition is embodied with using Microsoft Visual C # 2005 languages for testing. If the user input his or her skin color, eye color, hair color, wrist color etc. and push the button, then it show the season types which appeared user's personal color with calculating the membership degree about each value of R.G.B which used the membership function, therefore, it could know the convenient color diagnosis result of high reliability. Figure 2. Season Type Simulation. The selecting standard of color which fits image in point of each season types is same as below. Namely, The horizontal axis showed a temperature feeling of color, the vertical axis showed a solid or tender feeling of color and the each differences are divided for 6 phases. 1. very worm / 2. worm / 3. slightly worm 4. slightly cool / 5. cool / 6. very cool A. very soft / B. soft / C. slightly soft D. slightly hard / E. hard / F. very hard Figure 3. Color image map. Spring types image: Gorgeous, warm, cute, vigor, passionate, pleasant, bright, cheerful, energetic, clear. The color which matches: Bright and warm color focused on the original color. bright yellow color system. coral color system. yellowish green color system. (light tone system). Figure 4. The color which matches (Spring). Summer types image: Soft, mild, elegant, clean, simple, romantic, cool, clear. The color which matches: The middle tone color which is not strong and booming. Soft yellow, beige blue, green. red purple (bright tone system) Figure 5. The color which matches(Summer) Autumn types image: Calm, antique, mature, imposing, deep, noble, courteous and generous, mild, stabilized. The color which matches: The calm and dark color system of low brightness and low chroma. Gold, yellow, orange, red, olive green, red, brown, dark brown. (deep tone system) Figure 6. The color which matches(Autumn) Winter types image: Strong, cold, heavy, gorgeous, urban, refine, sharp, sporty. The color which matches: The bright and clear dark color system of high brightness and high chroma. White, aqua blue, blue, pink red, magenta, violet, black. (vivid tone system) Figure 7. The color which matches(Winter) Conclusion This paper suggested that the method which diagnoses the original color types of each individual more correctly with using the Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy illation rule based on the theory of the personal color system. And it is offered that image of season types and the color which fit it thus, if you use this in the real life, you'll raise the value added of the individual's image more highly. As the research task in the future, if it considered that a mental state of each individual's or the life style not only diagnose with just color of appearance like skin color in the personal color diagnosis, and then the more perfect color diagnosis system which fits the demand of approached sensitivity information time will be developed. Acknowledgment This work was supported by 2015 Security Engineering Research Center, granted by the Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy. References [1] Jong-Hee Lee, “The color base sensibility analysis with using Fuzzy logic,” The Korean Institute of Maritime Information and Communication Sciences, Artificial intelligence and intelligent information systems. The learned papers of the science council collection, July 2006. [2] Jong-Hee Lee, “The chromatic mentality analysis of child with using a Fuzzy logic and inference rule,” Korean Institute of Intelligent systems, The learned papers of the science council of Busan Keongnam provincial subdivision, 2004. [3] Myung-Sook Han, “A Study on the personal color selection factors and the satisfaction Centered on the colors for hair and make-up” - A Study on the distribution chart of type and the primary factor of change of color diagnosis following the personal color system, 2006. 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