PARISH STAFF Fr. Robert Merced, O.P., Pastor Fr. Cayet Mangiaracina, O.P., Associate Pastor Rev. Bro. Mauricio Salazar, O.P., Deacon Lea Smith, Parish Secretary Peggy Powell, Data Secretary Carla Richmond, Bookkeeper Trisha Labbe, Director of Religious Education Candice Brooks, Youth Minister Cheryl Brothers, Music Director PARISH OFFICE 601 North Oak Street • Hammond, LA 70401 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone: 985-345-3360 • Fax: 985-542-4191 Parish Website: HOLY GHOST SCHOOL Donna Wallette, Holy Ghost School Principal Holy Ghost School Telephone: 985-345-0977 School Website: NEW PARISHIONERS If you have not yet had an opportunity to register, please call the parish office during office hours. We are very happy to have you here in our midst. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Spanish Mass: 6:00 pm Saturday Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Youth Mass: 5:00 pm Children’s Church: during 9:30 am Mass Daily: 7:00 am Monday thru Friday (in the Daily Chapel) Holy Days: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday Adoration: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Benediction 6:00 p.m. RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm or by appointment BAPTISMS Contact Trisha Labbe at 985-345-3360 ext 28 or email at [email protected] at least 6 weeks in advance. MARRIAGES Contact the Parish Office at 985-345-3360 ext 21 to schedule a marriage at least 6 months in advance. CONFIRMATION Preparation begins in the 9th Grade. Contact Candice Brooks at the beginning of the 9th Grade year at 985-345-3360 ext 26 or [email protected]. January 22, 2017 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 22, 2017 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflecting on God’s Word Imagine a large group of travelers, lost in the midst of a dense forest on a starless black night. They cannot see the path; they cannot even see each other. Li le by li le they wander in different direc ons, trying desperately to find their way forward through the immense trees, all the while spreading further and further apart. Suddenly a bright white lantern shines from the edge of the forest. Their fear flees with the darkness. As they head toward the light they rejoin one another and rejoice to discover the one way out of the forest. The imagery of light in the darkness threads its way through the Sundays of Ordinary Time between Christmas and Lent. It reminds us that the Light of the World, whose dawning we celebrated during the Advent/Christmas season, is the same light of Christ whose flame will purify and enlighten us during Lent and enkindle the fire of the Holy Spirit in us during the fi y days of Easter. Holy Ghost Fall Fes val 2016 Booths Income 289.10 Expenses Profit Hospitality $ $ 503.35 $ (214.25) Silent Auction $ 32,372.20 $ 2,983.93 $ 29,388.27 Spirit Run $ $ 2,308.92 $ 2,731.08 Sponsorship $ 55,130.00 $ 1,207.68 $ 53,922.32 T-Shirts $ 15,171.00 $ 9,252.11 $ 5,918.89 Boards $ 980.00 $ 69.33 $ 910.67 Advertising $ 6.50 $ 1,130.88 $ (1,124.38) Online Banking Charges $ 1,701.76 $ 1,314.20 $ 387.56 $ 441.00 $ (441.00) 2,841.72 $ 5,040.00 Office and Supplies Public Relations Raffle ( Car) $ (2,841.72) $ 31,610.00 $ 20,000.00 $ Money Raffle $ 11,044.00 $ 1,889.95 $ 9,154.05 Student Raffle $ 2,185.00 $ 40.00 $ 2,145.00 Trip Raffle $ 6,730.00 $ 1,287.69 $ 5,442.31 Tuition Raffle $ 13,300.00 $ 4,786.37 $ 8,513.63 3,470.00 11,610.00 TV Raffle $ $ 1,130.15 $ 2,339.85 Rides $ 38,800.00 $ 9,158.35 $ 29,641.65 Bingo $ $ 326.00 326.00 Beer $ 14,574.89 $ 7,051.38 $ 7,523.51 Cokes $ 6,182.15 $ 1,942.62 $ 4,239.53 Daiquiris $ 4,409.00 $ 1,794.00 $ 2,615.00 Wine $ 1,316.00 $ 747.28 $ 568.72 $ 88.56 $ (88.56) $ 7,916.00 $ 2,598.50 $ 5,317.50 Dad's Club $ 1,176.00 $ 88.56 $ 1,087.44 Donut Holes/Coffee $ 858.50 $ 351.10 $ 507.40 Food Tent $ 16,793.00 $ 8,939.31 $ 7,853.69 Pulled Pork $ 1,402.00 $ 1,402.00 Fried Oreos $ 1,271.00 $ 1,271.00 Are you looking for a way to be involved in a ministry at Holy Ghost Church? Here is your chance to do something for the Lord and your church. You don’t need any special talents or a lot of time. You won’t be required to teach or prepare a lesson. You need not attend special meetings. All you need to be able to do is pray–and we can all do that. Oysters $ 8,510.00 $ 2,484.68 $ 6,025.32 Funnel Cakes $ 1,831.87 $ 325.67 $ 1,506.20 $ 86.67 $ (86.67) $ 248.00 $ 121.09 $ 126.91 Spaghetti and Meatballs $ 2,415.00 $ 2,415.00 Eddie's Frozen Yogurt $ 1,894.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 694.00 Sweets Booth $ 1,253.75 $ 442.66 $ 811.09 The prayer line is a specific type of prayer ministry. It consists of a group of people willing to take time to pray when the chain is “activated.” Members are organized into a prearranged order. When someone calls a. member of the chain with a prayer need, that member prays and then calls the next member on the list. The second member then prays and notifies the next member. This continues until the entire chain has been activated. It’s that simple and so rewarding. Cake Walk $ 277.00 $ 277.00 Face Painting $ 544.30 $ 544.30 Kids Games Dominican's Garden of Eden $ 4,745.35 $ 4,737.66 $ 748.00 $ 748.00 $ 1,254.00 This week our first reading likens the salva on of the “District of the Gen les” to light dispelling darkness, anguish, and gloom. Ma hew’s Gospel characterizes Jesus as a light arising in “Galilee of the Gen les,” beckoning the fishermen to join together in following him along the way. Paul exhorts us to remain united on the one way that follows the light of our one and only Lord, Jesus Christ. —Virginia S llwell Holy Ghost Prayer Line Needs You Help If you are interested in joining the prayer line at Holy Ghost, call Jeanette Garofalo at 345-4486. BBQ Canes Chicken Pastalaya Popcorn/Pretzels Dodge Ball $ 7.69 $ 127.53 $ (127.53) $ 237.33 $ 1,016.67 Stage $ 657.83 $ (657.83) Street Dance $ 11,500.00 $ (11,500.00) Grounds $ 13,808.06 $ (13,808.06) Ice $ 1,317.00 $ (1,317.00) Security $ 320.00 $ (320.00) Trunk or Treat C Richmond 1/5/17 $ 297,775.37 $ 116,583.15 $ 181,192.22 In and Around the Parish Save the Date Holy Ghost Catholic School Open House AbbeyYouthFestival2017 "BeItDoneUntoMe" For prospective Pre-K 3 – 8th grade families Wednesday, February 1, 2017 5:30-6:00pm -New Family Welcome Celebration in the HGCS gym 6:00-7:00pm - Campus tours Any person interested in learning more about our school is invited to attend! For more information please call the school office at 985-345-0977 or visit the website – . New Student Registration Begins February 20, 2017 9th Grade Confirma on Class 10th Grade Confirma on Class February 12, 2017 Class II 3:00-5:00 PM March 12, 2017 Class III 3:00-5:00 PM March 25, 2017 Abbey Youth Fest Candidates Only All Day April 23, 2017 Class IV 3:00-5:00 PM February 19, 2017 Class II 3:00-5:00 PM March 19, 2017 Class III 3:00-5:00 PM March 25, 2017 Abbey Youth Fest Candidates Only All Day April 30, 2017 Class IV 3:00-5:00 PM Please contact Candice Brooks at [email protected] or 985-345-3360 ex. 26 with any ques ons Youth Group will be held every Sunday night from 6:15-7:30 a er the 5:00 PM youth Mass in the Saxon Youth House where a Meal will be served. All are encouraged to a end! Youth Group Jan. 22: no mee ngs Jan. 25-29: March For Life (Washington D.C.) ARE YOU INTERESTED IN KNOWING MORE ABOUT DOMINICAN FRIARS? If you have ques ons about Dominican life, please contact Fr. Charlie Johnson, O.P. at (504)837-2129 ext. 12; or visit the Dominican website Saturday March 25, 2017 Chaperones are needed. Please let Candice Brooks know if you are able to help! 985-345-3360 x 26 Holy Ghost Parish School of Religion (PSR) 2016-17 Schedule for K-8th Go to the church website for more informa on Spring 2017 PSR CLASS DATES: Jan. 29 PSR Session 9 Feb. 5 12 16 26 PSR Session 10 PSR Session 11 (Ice Cream Social) PSR Session 19 OFF (Mardi Gras) Mar. 19 Family Day Awakening Retreat for College Students at SLU February 10–12, 2017 there is a wonderful opportunity available for college-age young adults, ages 18 to 25. Members of the Catholic Student Association at Southeastern are providing an Awakening Retreat, Lion Awakening 9. An Awakening Retreat is a Catholic retreat run by college students and for college students and 18-25 year olds who may not be in school. Although it is a Catholic retreat, Awakening is open to young adults of any denomination or religion who would like to participate. The weekend will be filled with talks, activities, adoration, and much more. The retreat is from 5:00 PM Friday through 2:00 PM Sunday and will be held at St. Albert's Chapel and Student Center, with participants sleeping at St. Albert. The cost is $30, which includes meals, supplies and a t-shirt. Lion Awakening is an amazing opportunity to grow in your faith and to meet many new people here at St. Albert's. We encourage all college-age students/young adults to sign up for this faith-filled weekend! The registration link can be found on the CSA Facebook page or at If you would like to have the link sent to your individual email, please contact the retreat Coordinator Hannah Furlan at [email protected] or the retreat Rector Parrish Masters at [email protected]. Readings for Next Week First Reading………..….….…...Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13 Second Reading…………........1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Gospel Reading……..….…….....….Matthew 5:1-12a Stewardship of Finance 1stCollection…………………..…..…………......$20,021.01 Online….…………………………………….……..$3,910.50 Total……………………..………………......……$23,931.51 Collection for next Sunday — Church in Latin America Flowers on the Altar Flowers are needed for the Altar January 29 and February 5, 12, 19. Please call Lea at the Business Office (985345-3360 x 21) if you would like to donate flowers. Deceased in the Parish clease remember in your prayers all of our Holy Ghost Parish family and f iends who mour the loss of a loved one. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY KING CAKE SALE Again this year, the Rosary Altar Society is selling King Cakes. All King Cakes have to be preordered by January 27 for pick up on Saturday, February 18 or Sunday, February.19. Order forms are available in the gathering area. All proceeds go to the Rosary Altar Society. 25th&50thWeddingAnniversary Mass&Celebration Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 3:00pm Our Lady of Mercy Church 445 Marque e Ave., Baton Rouge 70806 Bishop Robert Muench will celebrate Mass honoring couples celebra ng their 25th, 50th, and 65th and over wedding anniversary during the 2017 year. Please register through your church office. All informa on must be received before February 3rd in order for cer ficates to be printed. The Bible Timeline The Bible is at the heart of our Faith and our rela onship with God. Scripture informs our beliefs and inspires our devo ons. It is the place where our Father meets with us and lovingly speaks to us. Reading the Bible should bring us closer to Christ, but understanding it is o en difficult. The good news is that you can understand the Bible, and The Bible Timeline makes it easy. The Bible Timeline is a Catholic Bible study that can help anyone to make sense of Scripture and experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. This study takes you on a journey through the en re Bible and deep into each period of salva on history, where you will discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. The Bible Timeline has helped hundreds of thousands of people to understand the Bible and deepen their rela onship with Christ, and it will help you, too. The study will include a series of twenty-four videos presented by Jeff Cavins. Each video will be preceded by a lively group discussion. Holy Ghost will begin The Bible Timeline on February 7th at 6:30pm in the Annex of the Parish Hall. For more informa on or to register for the study contact Vincent Micheli at (985) 415-7609. Prayers for the Sick Ronnie Breaux, Jr, Sal “Thrice” Costa, The Frederick Family, Charlie Peverty, Madison Peco, Louise Joiner, Gloria Ridgedell, Julian Dufreche, Suzanne Lee Mesa, Joe Diecidue, Barbara Swink, Renee Smith, JoAnn Smith, Joseph Gerosa, Maura Pratt, Delmas Baham, Paul Long, Daniel Mack, Randy Curtis, Cheryl Frey, Leonce “Lee” Durand, Laura Breslin, Leon Latino, Jr. Frank and Jean Lugo, Anna Pizzolato, Teresa, Stella, and Mark McKew, Karen Fleetwood, John Marlbrough, Dudley Dominguez, Debra Coulson, Deb Hill, Joe Moschitta, Carol Terre, Mary F. Schillace, Cynthia Boucher, Johnnie Rogers, Suzanne Robert, Rose Dorsa, Gene Myers, Joan Rosato, Elizabeth Vineyard, Myra Guarino, James Holbeck, Charles Norman, Chip Norman, Karen Dubuisson, Priscilla Palazzalo, Dolly Rhodes, Russell Tallo, Sr., Lisa Clague, Philip Mistretta, Wesley Ridgedell, Rosalie Costanza, Craig Inman, Larry Garofalo, June Cawvey, Frances Cicet, Virginia Pat Gunderson, Gail Stromeyer, Kathy Lovell, Barbara Alack, Elsie Wyble, Charles Boyne, Rose Dominick, Daisy Norman, Louis Lorio, Juanita Boehm, Goldie Krafft, Mike Guzzardo, Cindy Costanza, Fred Trapp, Audrey Martinez, Susan Spring, Arthur Daussat, Morris Bankston, Monette Garon, Emerson Bean, Audrey Nuccio, Steven Bourque, Donna Skinner, Thelma Brettillo, James Christina, Janice Breuhl, Ken Yeomans, Brandy Estopinal, Linda Freire, Alena Governale, Elise Boyle, Anthony Prescia, Jr., Jeanette Ernst, Bonnie Shettles, Daisy Arvello, Jay Burchfield, Robert Goodwin, Dru Frederick, Frank Schiro, Mary Cashio, Audrey Costanza, Carlo Bentivegna, Lillie Giacone, David Hebert, Mary Fardella, Robert Egan If you seek intentions for someone who is sick, please call the Holy Ghost Office so we can include them in our prayer list. Please keep in mind that we pray for all the sick in the prayers of the faithful at every Mass. Mass Inten ons Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM JANUARY 23 - 29 Rosalie Pecoraro+ Anthony LaMonica+ Carlo LaPuma+ Bon "BJ" Suarez+ Januie & Randy Babin (S.I.) Sat 4:00 PM PURGATORIAL Sun Sun Sun Sun 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM REQUESTED BY: Family Wife, Virginia & Family Mom, Virginia LaMonica Mom & Dad Linda Moore & Sr. Leah Patricia A. Lee+ Sister, Gaynell Lee Joe & Jimmy Tallo+ Sam Tallo Family Ben & Annie Rusciano+ Marie Rusciano Frank A. Spali a+ Wife, Rosemary Sam Ciolino+ Stephen C. Vance+ Sal Vutera+ Daughter, Rosemary Family & Friends Wife & Family Grace & Dominick Anzalone+ Family John Ferrara+ Bon & Susan Suarez Margaret Puloma+ Lena Bourgeois Jennie Ferrara+ Mike & Jana Perise Anthony Collura+ Maggie Monistere Frank Saraceno+ Candace Revere Ida & Joseph Alfonso, Sr.+ Cathy Alfonso Joseph Alfonso, Jr.+ Cathy Alfonso Deacon Wallace Gainey, Jr.+ Gainey Family John Sugar+ Pat Paula & Anna Distefano+ Joseph Graziano+ Joseph Notariano Distefano Family Dominican Fathers Frank & Tammy Guarisco FEBRUARY 11, 2017 7-10 PM Support Those Who Support Us: Parish Bulletin Advertisers Our parish bulletin is provided to us at no cost to you through the generous support of local businesses (often, parishioners as well!). When you use their services, please be sure to thank them for their support to our parish! If you would like to advertise in our bulletin please contact Robert Mathews at 225-937-8385 or [email protected]. It has come to our a en on that there has been mul ple auto burglaries in our parking lot and surrounding areas. Please do not leave any valuable items in your car while a ending Mass, visi ng the school, or the parish business office. Don’t forget to ALWAYS LOCK YOUR CAR Leaving items on display, whether in or on a dashboard or in a mounted cradle, or si ng on the passenger seat, is an open invita on to opportunist criminals. Appetizers Dinner DJ Door Prizes Silent Auction Cash Bar Along With 2 Free Drink Tickets per person 50/50 Raffle Business Casual Dress A re Childcare Provided, Ages 3-10 Must Pre-Register at Time of Purchase Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Oficina de Holy Ghost: 985-345-3360 Preparación para Bautizos: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-981-0156 Preparacion para Primera Comunion: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-981-0156 Preparación de Ministros de la Eucaristia: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Preparación de Lectores: Coco Sandino, teléfono 504-228-9398 Coro y Quinceañeras: Veronica Holt, teléfono 985-320-1707 Preparación de Acólitos o monaguillos: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Confesiones Todos los Sábados de 3:00 p.m. a 3:45 p.m. Durante los días de semana llamar para hacer una cita con el sacerdote al 985-345-3360 Clases de confirmación del 2017 Noveno y Décimo grado. Clases para el Noveno Grado Clases para el Décimo Grado 8 de Enero, 2017 sesión # 1 De 3:00 a 5:00pm 15 de Enero, 2017, sesión # 1 de 3:00 a 5:00pm 12 de Febrero, 2017 sesión #2 De 3:00 a 5:00pm 19 de Febrero, 2017 sesión #2 De 3:00 a 5:00pm LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura Isaías 8:23—9:3 Segunda lectura 1 Corintios 1:10-13, 17 Evangelio Mateo 4:12-23 Meditación sobre las lecturas de hoy Imaginémonos un grupo grande de viajeros perdidos en medio de un bosque espeso y una noche sin estrellas. No pueden ver el camino, ni siquiera se pueden ver unos a otros. Poco a poco van deambulando en diferentes direcciones tratando desesperadamente de encontrar el camino en medio de árboles inmensos mientras que se siguen separando más y más. Súbitamente se ve la luz brillante y blanca de una linterna en los bordes del bosque. El temor de ellos se disipa con la oscuridad y al dirigirse hacia la luz todos se reúnen de nuevo, y se alegran al descubrir el camino que los sacará del bosque. La imagen de la luz en la oscuridad es la fibra que va hilando todos los domingos del empo Ordinario entre la Navidad y la Cuaresma. Nos recuerda que la Luz del Mundo, cuyo comienzo celebramos durante el empo de Adviento y Navidad, es la misma luz de Cristo, cuya llama nos purificará e iluminará durante la Cuaresma y encenderá el fuego del Espíritu Santo en nosotros durante la cincuentena pascual. Nuestra primera lectura de esta semana se asemeja a la salvación del “distrito de los paganos” para iluminar y disipar la oscuridad, la angus a y la pesadumbre. El Evangelio de Mateo personifica a Jesús como la luz que surge en la “Galilea de los paganos” y que atrae a los pescadores para que juntos se dispongan a seguirlo. Pablo nos exhorta a seguir unidos por el único camino que nos dirige al único Señor: Jesucristo. Preparación religiosa para los grados “Kinder Garden” al Octavo grado. Horario de Enero 2017 12 de Marzo, 2017 sesión #3 De 3:00 a 5:00pm 19 de Marzo, 2017 sesión #3 De 3:00 a 5:00pm Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Ruega por nosotros. 15 de Enero, Sesión # 8 22 de Enero, No hay Clases 29 de Enero, Sesión # 9 Todas las clases se llevarán a cabo de 10:45 am 1: 00pm INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: Holy Ghost #291050 601 N. Oak Street Hammond, LA 70401 Contact person: Peggy Powell @ 985-345-3360 Software: Win 7-SP1, MSPub 2010, Adobe Acrobat X Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 content pages + this page = 6 (6-8-JL; 1 advt) Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Day & time of transmission: Tuesday by noon Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: Special instructions (for delivery): FedEx tracking e-mail:
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