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Monday, 30th January, 12.00 pm, Seminar Room
Host: Dr. Aitziber L. Cortajarena
Probing interactions between magnetic
nanoparticles and biological molecules/matrices
by magnetic means
Dr. Francisco J. Terán
IMDEA Nanociencia
Nowadays, the progress on nanoparticle engineering enables the synthesis of magnetic
nanocrystals with customized physical, chemical, and/or biological activities. Recent works
have underlined the influence of biological matrices or fluids on determining the magnetic
response of magnetic nanoparticles under alternating magnetic fields. Here, I will present
some examples showing the potential of AC hysteresis loop measurements for probing the
interactions between magnetic nanoparticles and biological molecules/matrices. First, the
elucidation of the colloidal stability of iron oxide nanoparticles under physiological
conditions1. Second, the influence of cell internalization on the dynamical magnetic
response of iron oxide nanoparticles.2 Third, the effects of specific adsorption of proteins
onto the iron oxide nanoparticle surface for sensing applications.3
1.- A. Aires et al. Chem.Nano.Mat 2016 DOI: 10.1002/cnma.201600333
2.- D. Cabrera et al. Submitted
3.- A. Aires et al. J. Mat. Chem. B 2015 3, 6239-6247