MIA Animation Conference &amp

Miami Dade College Wednesday, October 08,2014 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 1350 Miami, Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366
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MIFFecito Tickets on Sale Now!
Thursday, October 16-19
Miami International Film Festival is
hosting MIFFecito, a four-day, mid­
season "Film Festival Fix", held
exclusively at Miami Dade College's
Tower Theater.
MIFFecito will condense the annual
MiamiFF experience of the best of
world cinema, into a concentrated
weekend of 10 International, North
American, US and Florida red-carpet
premieres in the classic, recently
- .,
/ '
OCT. 16-19
at MDe'S
Tower Theater
renovated 1926 movie house that is
one of Miami's oldest cultural
The premieres will be accompanied
with in-person appearances by visiting
filmmakers and stars .
Tower Theater 1508 SW 8th Street,
Miami, FL.
TICKETS: miamifilmfestivaLcom or call
the box office at 1-844-565-6433
MiamI Dode College
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Published in Highlighs
" ':1
' F'F· E -', C"" I
I _!~ I ,
I , , "
OCTO:BE:R 1,6-19; '2 014
I g+1
"1(11 \ Jr to see what your
friends like, Miami International Film Festival is hosting a mid-season event October 16 - 19, 2014called 'MIFFecito', a four-day film festival which provides a "taste" (like the mini coffee "cafecito") to next
year's 32 nd edition. The premieres will be accompanied with in-person appearances by visiting
filmmakers and stars.
Festival will open with Director Ernesto Daranas' BEHAVIOR
Film slate captures current international humanities and social experiences
Films include North American, East Coast and Florida Premieres, with Box Office Hits
MIFFecito will premiere heralded international films submitted from countries including Bhutan,
Cuba, Italy, Mexico, Poland, and Spain. Miami Dade College's Tower Theater will serve as the
exclusive location for all screenings.
Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Tickets: 1-844­
565-6433(MIFF) or www.miamifilmfestival.com/MIFFecito. Opening Night Film + Party $50 II $40
for members. All other screenings $12 adults, $11 seniors, $10 members, $7 students. For
membership opportunities or more information, please visit www.miamifilmfestival.com or call
305-237-FILM(3456). Miami International Film Festival is the only major film festival event
housed within a college or university.
I ,8+1
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MAZ :: Drawing on Success
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OCTOBER '2S8c26 :.:
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Keywo rd Search
Drawing on Success Miami Animation Con ference & Fe stival Begins Oct. 10 Thur sday , Octob er 2, 2014
By Irene Sperber
10 14 Press Conf~r",, (e· revealing of co nfere nce posterwith MGu ricio F~rmzza (1nd Dr Jose Vici'n:e. Animation is by definition the state of being full of life , MIA Conference and Festival Founder/President Mauricio Ferrazza has, with
wild success right off the launch pad , injected a rocket ship of vitality into his Miami Animation (MIA) conference , which is now
beginning a fourth season. With a roster full of events set for Oct. 10 and 11 , MIA has exponentially grown into much more than a
niche event, but one that supports, promotes and benefits students, educators, the South Florida economy, our gravitas, the
workforce and Miami Dade College. With a strong background in television and animation production in Brazil and the United
States, Ferrazza has crammed all the tools needed for Miami's animation industry to grab hold, becoming a viable as well as
valuable player in this arena .
Lest you think I gush too much, let's review this year's speakers :
Tom Sito: Animator for Beauty and the Beast, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc. Book credits include The History of Computer Animation, which was featured on the list on of 2013 Notable Books . Chris Edwards : CEO and Creative Director of LA's The Third Floor, Inc, billed as a Previsualization Studio. No, I don 't know
exactly what that entails either, but suffice to say the name refers to the third floor of George Lucas ' Skywalker Ranch mansion .
Edwards was part of a team of digital artists of Lucasfilm , previsualizing Star Wars III.
Toss into this lively stew Kimberly Dennison and Drew Tolman both of Walt Disney Television Animation , Michael Berkman of
Fusion Network, Joe Haidar of Sony Pictures Animation, Leah Hoyer from Arena Net, Magda Stenzel of Today Show/NBC
Universal, Matt Shumway of Industrial Light & Magic, artist and co-creator Carlos Castell enos of wide ly syndicated cartoon BALDO;
pepper this with a selection of many other biz luminaries and you ha ve quite a tasty and informative menu of the animation genre.
I asked founder and president Mauricio Ferrazzo about changes to this year's event list:
MF: The Conference is bigger, we are reaching more people and students across the country/world. That's very exciting. But the
major difference this year is in the conference program, which was extended to the pre-production aspects of animation, and also
to content. We opened a new track which is now focusing on character design, drawing, conceptual and environmental design ,
story boards and content.
http://www. miamiartzine .com/Features.php?op=Article_ This+Weekend %3A+Miami+Animation+Conference+and+FestivaI
MAl : Drawing on Success
IS: What accomplishment are you most proud of in creating a successful Animation Festival?
MF: I'm really proud to be helping so many students getting a foot at the door of the animation industry. Either by networking during
the event or participating at a competition or at the festival. It's really nice to see when they start to move forward with their lives.
IS: Where do you see the Festival/Conference going over the next few years? What's left on your "to-do" list?
MF: There are so many ideas for competitions and ways for students and professionals to showcase their work . We will keep on
improving the conference program, eventually extending it to programming of video games .
IS: Who does this conference most benefit and which people/organizations should be attending?
MF: The conference benefits whoever has any interest in animation, gaming, VFX , motion graphics and mobile gaming . There's a
variety of ways you can explore the content of the event and make it your own, utilize in your life and career. Students,
professionals, educational institutions, the creative technologies all benefit from each other since they all playa part in creating and
contributing to telling a story when the medium, is animation.
Tolman from Walr Disney with FounderlPresidenr of MiA
F"o,,,,1 Conl<lpnce, Maulicio Feln,ZIo Animation enthusiasts from all over the world , along with major Los Angeles animation studios, top software gurus, artists, etc., will
pour into Miami. Miami-Dade College is hosting yet again at their convenient downtown Wolfson Campus. Students and faculty of
MDC's rich anirTlation department will benefit, along with the community, from hobnobbing with industry hotshots. Everyone was
invited to showcase their animation, if you missed this year's deadline, make sure you get on the MIA mailing list for next year.
Ferrazza added that Wolfson Campus President Dr. Jose Vicente's support has been essential for the conference. I asked Vicente
to share his thoughts about the event and its impact:
"What struck us the most as important to the community and specially to our students is that MIA Animation is an industry
conference that focuses on a wide variety of areas that are up and coming in Miami."
A large number of industries are now calling Miami home in the areas of computer animation , gaming, visual effects and motion
graphics, film, web design and visual arts. Therefore, it is important for Miami Dade College to be at the forefront to provide new
talent and a trained workforce to these industries. This conference not only provides a wonderful opportunity for networking and to
acquire practical information exchange, but it has a strong commitment and emphasis in education.
MIA Animation brings world-renowned speakers from national top animation studios and the best talent the industry has to offer. It
has been ranked among the top 10 animation conferences in the world . It not only attracts the up and comers "want to be"
animators and game developers but also decision-makers, software developers and creative industry professional.
MIA Animation has partnered with Miami Dade College, and we will host the event at the Wolfson Campus in downtown Miami .
During the MIA Animation Opening Session, Miami Dade College will be making an important announcement that will strengthen
Miami and position us as a hub for these industries. The Wolfson Campus of Miami Dade College opened in 1970 holding classes
in storefronts in downtown Miami. Since then , it has played an integral part in the development of the metropolitan skyline. As the
only comprehensive urban campus in the City of Miami , it provides a fully accredited , high-quality education to over 27,000
students each year. We are looking forward to MIA Animation Conference ."
http ://www.miamiartzine.com/Features .php ?op=Article _ This+ Weekend % 3A +Mia mi +Ani mation +Con ference+ and + Festiva I
MAZ :: Drawing on Success
Events will include Animation winners, both Student and Young Director's categories. Festival Screening is Saturday, Oct. 11 at 6
Pitch to the Industry has two winning categories: Animation for Television and Web Series geared to the 13 and under set; and
Animation for Television and Web Series for audiences 14 and up. Finalists will be recognized at the festival and meet with three
relevant buyers or representatives. No need to hop on that 767 bound for Los Angeles. Talent is the only ticket needed for winners
of this event to push their careers forward from the comfort of our own Miami skyline.
Master Classes will be held during the conference from Building Your Personal Style and Pitching Your Project to Copyright and
Maxon Cinema 40. For a full schedule go to: www.miaanimation.com/schedule.
Peruse the Exhibitors Hall for all the latest and greatest of education, software, production, network or media companies. Portfolio
reviewers will round out conference activities for official attendees.
Check out last year's winner in Best Student category, an animated short titled, Serial Taxi, by Paolo Cogliati: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL TB2JoF JJ I. The success of industry events such as Ferrazza's MIA Festival and Conference guarantees a bright and sparkly future for Miami
and its talented residents to thrive on site without removing valuable resources from our community and providing an ongoing
economic positivity.
Helpful links and info:
Miami Animation Festival and Conference
Miami-Dade College Wolfson Campus
300 N.E. 2nd Ave., Building #8
Miami 33132
(I am assured that there is complimentary parking.)
Regular Festival tickets are $1 0: www.miaanimation.com/producUanimation-festlval-ticket
Profession Conference Passes ($180) are on sale at: www.miaanimatlon.com/productlfull-conference
Student Conference Passes ($11 0): wwwmiaanimation.com/producUfull-conference-student
MDC students are admitted free.
For anyone who would like to volunteer, information is available at www.miaanimation.com/volunteers
MIA Animation Conference & Festival (& 10/11) at MOC Wolfson Campus in Miami Beach 411
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MIA Animation Conference & Festival (& 10 / 11)
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IA Ani'1lation Conference &.. Festival (& 10/11)
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october 10, 2014.
Miami Dade College Wolfson Campu s
300 NE 2nd Ave, Building 8, Miam i, FL 33132
$10 - $180
Event Details:
The MIA Animation Conference & Fe st iva l returns for it's 4th edition Frida y, Octob er 10 and Saturday, October 11 , 2014 at Miami Dade
College' s Wolfson Campus,
MIA ANIMATION, founded in 2010 by Mauricio Ferrazza, is an industry conference that focuses on Computer Animation , Gaming, Visual
Effects and Motion Graphics, Film, Web De sig n and Visual Arts.
has been designed to be a forum for active networking and practical
information excha nge with strong commitment and emphasis in education while developing and nourishi ng new talent.
MIA ANIMATION hosts every year world-renowned speakers, technology influencers from th e nation's top animat ion studios, un iversities and
the best talent in the industry . It has become one of the most exciting and cutting edge events in Miami, alongside a community of advanced
technolog y-explorers, decision-ma k ers, trend-setters , software developers and creati v e industry professionals.
New this ye ar, rvlIA Animation add s conceptual art: story boa rd artists, character designers and figure drawing to the program.
Visit www. miilan imati on&Q!ll fo r informationontheExhibitionHall.An imators Festival, Pitch t o the Industry, lectures, panels, opportunities
for portfolio revi ew, ticket s and more.
Related Categories; Co nv en tionl CO llference, Festival, Sp ea ker, Cale nda r
Laurie is the Events Manager at Miami Beach 411.
See m ore articles by Laun s: .
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All Events
MIA Animation Conference & Festival
October 10 @ 8:00 am - October 11 @ 5:00 pm
The MIA Animation conference hostsworld·renowned speakers, various universities and artists from some of the world's top sWdios and is full of practical and
inspi rational content.
u r..
October 10 @ 8:00 am
Miami Dade Co llege Wolfson Ca m pus
300 NE 2nd Ave., Miami, FL 33732
October 11 @ 5:00 pm United States
Phone: Event Category:
( lo ber 305-237-3000
http ://wwvl .mdcedufwolfson/
Event Tags:
co nfere nc e, entertainment, fes tiva l, film , FilM iami, MIA An imation, Miami Dade Co llege Wolfson Ca mpu s, Oct ober 01 4
Website : htlp :l/www.mlaan lm <llion .(om/ Rela ted Events
Awesome Foundation MIAMI
SOS E Master Ca rd Member s Ti cket Presale
1 Million Cups Miami
Oc tober 6 · Oc!Ober 15
Oc tober 6 . Oc tober 19
October 8 @ 9:00 am . 10:00 pm
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: . .
. -
October 7, 2014
Florida voters face unpopular choices for governor
by Alan Gomez, USA TODA Y
MIAMI - Christian Gamboa , an 18-year-old business administration major at Miami Dade College , is
excited about the opportunity to vote in his first election this November. Being a Florida resident,
however, is dampening his spirits .
Gamboa can carefully outline his conservative fiscal views compared to his more liberal social beliefs , but he struggles to explain how he feels about the state's gubernatorial candidates - incumbent Republican Gov . Rick Scott or Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of the state now running as a Democrat. "I really don't like any of them," he said . "Well , I don't not like them. I just don't like them enough."
Gamboa's inability to embrace either Scott or Crist has become one of the central themes in a campaign that could swing the leadership of the nation's fourth-most-populous state . As the two have swapped places atop the polls in recent months, neither has passed the 50% mark. More voters say they have an unfavorable view of each candidate than those who hold a favorable view. In fact, third-party candidate Adrian Wyllie, a Libertarian who has never held elected office and is running his first statewide campaign , was supported by 8% of Floridians in a WFLA-TV poll conducted the last week of September. Those numbers don't mean Wyllie could threaten to win come November, but they represent the best showing by a third-party candidate this late in a Florida gubernatorial election that anyone can remember. Since the 1970s, no third-party candidate has garnered more than 2.3% of the final vote . Fernand Amandi, managing partner of Bendi xen & Amandi , a Miami-based polling and political consulting firm, said no candidate has even topped 3% in pol ls leading up to the election since his firm started tracking them in 1986. "And before that, the two-party system was more entrenched , so I don't think we have seen anything like this in the history of Florida ," Amandi said. One of the main reasons behind that lack of enthusiasm for the major-party candidates is the blitz of
negative advertising seen throughout the campaign. More than $31 million has already been spent,
mostly by outside groups , on television advertising , according to a re port from the Center for Public
Integrity .
I n those ads, Crist is constantly portrayed as a flip-flopper, given that he won his first bid for Florida
governor as a Republican, lost a 2010 Senate race while running as an independent, and is now
running as a Democrat. On the other side, Floridians are repeatedly seeing video of a deposition
Scott gave before the hospital company he built, Columbia/HCA, received a record $1.7 billion fine .
Robert Mugar, a retired owner of an auto repair shop in Miami, said that constant stream of negativity
has made it difficult for him to decide on a candidate . He's the exact kind of voter both candidates are
looking for - a swing voter who has chosen Republ icans and Democrats al ike in recent races . But
http ://archi ve.fl oridatoday .com/print/usatodayarticlel 16674449
www.floridatoday.comIPrinter-friendly article page
Page 2 of2
now, he's just mad.
"It's ridiculous . It's asinine," said Mugar, 75. "They're fighting like children ."
Susan MacManus, a political science professor at the University of South Florida, said such
complaints are not hyperbole. The intensity and frequency of the negative ads have so clouded the
minds of voters that she recently received an e-mail from a complete stranger asking whether
MacManus could help her understand which candidate's ads are true.
"This has been the longest, most negative ad campaign in Florida history ," said MacManus, a Florida native. The lack of interest in the governor's race becomes so troubling because of the stakes involved.
Republicans are expected to retain their firm grip on the state House and Senate, highlighting the
importance of the state's governor. Scott approved a budget that slashed K-12 spending by $1.2
billion his first year in office in 2010 and cut university spending by more than $300 million the
following year. Crist wants to reverse both of those decisions.
And the biggest change could come in health care. Scott has refused to expand Medicaid coverage
under the federal Affordable Care Act, which has cost Florida $66.1 million in federal aid and will
leave 1.1 million residents without coverage by 2016, according to a report from the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute. Crist has vowed to reverse that.
But those issues get little air time in Florida.
"There's not a lot for a voter to hang his or her hat onto that will motivate them to vote," said Dan Smith, a political science professor at the University of Florida . "It's the lesser of two evils." Ann Deam agrees. The 56-year-old Miami lawyer said she's leaning toward voting for Crist but isn't sure. She says the only thing she's learned from the barrage of negative advertising is that her state just doesn't have enough good candidates. "Out of the millions of people in this state, do we not have someone who has the smarts and the
integrity and the charisma to pull this off?" she said . "Isn't there someone who has the whole
Copyright 2014USA Today
http://archive.floridatoday .com/printlusatodayarticl el 16674449
Florida voters face unpopular choices for governor
Page 1 of 3
Florida voters face unpopular choices for governor Alan Gomez, USA TODAY
2.';9 IJ.m. ED!' O d lJ /!I '1 7 :lU I-/
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(PhotO: Joe Raedle, Getty Images)
Christian Gamboa, an 18-year-old business administration major at Miami Dade College, is excited about the opportunity to vote in his first
election this November. Being a Florida resident, however, is dampening his spirits .
Gamboa can carefully outline his conservative fiscal views compared to his more liberal social beliefs , but he struggles to explain how he feels about the
state's gubernatorial candidates -
incumbent Republican Gov. Rick Scott or Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of the state now running as a
"I really don't like any of them," he said . "Well, I don't not like them. I just don't like them enough."
Gamboa's inability to embrace either Scott or Crist has become one of the central themes in a campaign that could swing the leadership of the nation's
fourth-most·populous state .
As the two have swapped places atop the polls in recent months, neither has passed the 50% mark . More voters say they have an unfavorable view of
each candidate than those who hold a favorable view.
In fact , third·party candidate Adrian Wyllie, a Libertarian who has never held elected office and is running his first statewide campaign, was supported by
8% of Floridians in a WFLA-TV poll (http ://www.surveyusa.com/clienUPoIIReport.aspx?g=63c7068e-4977-4aec-be4e-ac5ea84ac411 1 conducted the last
week of September. Those numbers don't mean Wyllie could threaten to win come November, but they represent the best showing by a third-party
candidate this late in a Florida gubernatorial election that anyone can remember.
2014 Election Forecast & Predictions (h ttD :f/www.usatodav.com/pageslin teractives/e I ec ti ons - forec ast - 20 14J) Since the 1970s, no third-party candidate has garnered more than 2.3% of the final vote. Fernand Amandi, managing partner of Bendixen & Amandi, a
Miami-based polling and political consulting firm, said no candidate has even topped 3% in polls leading up to the election since his firm started tracking
them in 1986.
"And before that, the two-party system was more entrenched , so I don't think we have seen anything like this in the history of Florida ," Amandi said .
One of the main reasons behind that lack of enthusiasm for the major-party candidates is the blitz of negative advertising seen throughout the campaign
More than $31 million has already been spent, mostly by outside groups, on television advertising, according to a report
(http/lwww.Dublicinteqrityorg/2014/09/24/15553/0utside-groups-swamp-floridas-airwaves-race-governorl from the Center for Public Integrity.
In those ads, Crist is constantly portrayed as a flip-flopper, given that he won his first bid for Florida governor as a Republican, lost a 2010 Senate race
while running as an independent , and is now running as a Democrat. On the other side , Floridians are repeatedly seeing video of a deposition Scott gave
before the hospital company he built, Columbia/HCA, received a record $1.7 billion fine
http ://www.usatoday.com/story Inews/politics/elections/20 14/1 0107/florida-governor-race-scott-crist/166...
Florida voters face unpopular choices for governor
Robert Mugar, a retired owner of an auto repair shop
Page 2 of 3
Miami, said that constant stream of negativity has made it difficult for him to decide on a
candidate . He's the exact kind of voter both candidates are looking for -
a swing voter who has chosen Republicans and Democrats alike in recent
races . But now , he's just mad .
"It's ridiculous . It's asinine," said Mugar, 75. "They're fighting like children."
Susan MacManus, a political science professor at the University of South Florida , said such complaints are not hyperbole . The intensity and frequency of
the negative ads have so clouded the minds of voters that she recently rece ived an e-mail from a complete stranger asking whether MacManus could
help her understand which candidate's ads are true.
"This has been the longest, most negative ad campaign in Florida history," said MacManus, a Florida native.
The lack of interest in the governor's race becomes so troubling because of the stakes involved.
Charlie Crist addresses supponers at New Image Tabernacle Church during a meet-and-greet event in Nonh Fon Myers, Fla ., on Oct 6, 2014.(Photo: Scott Mcintyre, AP)
Republicans are expected to retain their firm grip on the state House and Senate, highlighting the importance of the state's governor. Scott approved a
budget that slashed K-12 spending by $1.2 billion his first year in office in 2010 and cut university spending by more than $300 million the following year.
Crist wants to reverse both of those decisions.
And the biggest change could come in health care. Scott has refused to expand Medicaid coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act , which has cost
Florida $66 .1 million in federal aid and will leave 1.1 million residents without coverage by 2016, according to a report (http://www.rwjf.org/en/research­
publications/find-rwjf-research/2014/08/what-is-the-resuIt-of-states-not-expanding-medicaid-.htmll from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the
Urban Institute. Crist has vowed to reverse that.
But those issues get little air time in Florida .
"There's not a lot for a voter to hang his or her hat onto that will motivate them to vote," said Dan Smith , a political science professor at the University of
Florida . "It's the lesser of two evils."
Ann Deam agrees. The 56-year-Old Miami lawyer said she's leaning toward voting for Crist but isn't sure. She says the only thing she's learned from the
barrage of negative advertising is that her state just doesn't have enough good candidates.
"Out of the millions of people in this state, do we not have someone who has the smarts and the integrity and the charisma to pull this off?" she said .
"Isn't there someone who has the whole package?"
Read or Share this story: http://usaUy/1xm1 K61
http ://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/20 1411 0/071f10rida-governor-race-scott-cristI166.. _ 10/8/2014
Miami Herald
'Two budding filmmakers tackle
Author: Davsi Calavia-Robertson
Alvarez started
the look of the
on wails, and it made me very curious as to how
a Colombian native who moved to Miami when
rio,"!r""o in fine arls from
she was a teen and
now a
10 Wynwood, a 21-minute
that is set to be shown Oct12.
01 Wynwood
soon realized that the
moved in
intricate" and
classmate Natalie
to help tell it.
on her
to people
She decided 10
about the
before the
Miami Dade College
and film editing talents 10 the
who has a bachelor's
was interested in the
in visual
and wanted to
learn more."
owners, real-estate
a voice to the area's
many 01 them with Puerto Rican roots because the
had once been a Puerto Rican enclave.
residents whose homes were torn
01 the residents who
galleries and the like.
who is featured in the film.
the 1980s
most famous case: the
December 1988.
Miami cops were
at his small
oul in Wynwood.
the lilm,
Mercado in
_ Mercado to death in a
When the cops were
riots broke
about how he "took chicken s--- and made chicken
about how
he can
"Within a
I had the
had one hour to
out because the
Lombardi says.
It was those
came and told them (tenants)
had been condemned and was beina torn
with Lombardi that
"When I interviewed David
was going to be areat because
Alvarez's interest to
the film.
was an 'a-ha' moment for me," she said. "I knew this film
to him
you realize ...
this is
The two filmmakers financed the
themselves. It took more than three years as they financed
from their freelance
Alvarez is a freelance writer and
while Edgar is a freelance
both started the project
Alvarez at FlU,
at UM,
"Most of our
and friends
we were a little crazy for putting so much work into
that had no
or financial
" said
"But when you believe in a
there's not much that can
up," said Alvarez. "I had no
and we'd go out and
and later when we reviewed it, we realized
or that the lighting was off.
we had to start at
square one.
and rebuilt us time after time.
The film is getting noticed. Last year,
and won best documentary at the Miami
Award at
like," said Felix
a New
and recently viewed the film. "What's most remarkable
about the film and what serves as the
eye-opener of all is listen
to what the
have to say and
have no consideration for the well-beina 01
Alvarez and
" which will feature
In the
Alvarez and
an installation art
for the film's
to care about this,' but then I would listen to Oria
I would
'Nobody is
her story and listen to what some of the other residents had to say," said Alvarez, "And that brought
me back to thaI feeling -- this is real. this matters and these
If You Golf you'd like to watch
and send a
at The _
p.m. For information email
you can visit Right to
on Facebook
a link. The film will be screened on Oct. 12 at III Points
The festival will be from 1 to 5
404 NW 26th
or call 305-576-4350.
Page 1 of 1
Galleria Ca' d'Oro to Opens Second U.S. Gallery - BWWVisual ArtsWorid
undefined art ie Ie/Ga llcri a-Ca-
The prestigious Galleria Ca' d'Oro, a Rome, Italy
landmark, has opened their doors in the Chelsea section
of New York City in partnership with fine aJ1
photographer, curator and collector Giada Baselice. This
is Ca' d'Oro's second U.S . location after opening in
Miami four years ago.
Galleria Ca' d'Oro was established in 1970 in Rome by
Antonio Porcella, the son of Amadore Porcella, one of
the most notable art critics of his time, who wrote for
L'Osservatore Romano, the newspaper of Vatican City.
Amadore was also the grandson of Alpinolo Porcella, a
personal friend of recognized Italian masters, including
Filippo de Pisis and Giorgio de Chirico. Galleria Ca'
d'Oro is viewed as one of Rome's leading contemporary
art galleries and is located on the historic Via del
Babuino. Antonio remains active in the art world and is a current member of the de Chirico Foundation
in Rome.
Gloria Porcella, Antonio's daughter and fourth generation Porcella to work in the art business, began
working alongside her father in Galleria Ca' d'Oro Rome twenty years ago and also began managing the
gallery's daily operations. In 2010, she realized her vision to bring the gallery to the U.S., opening in
Miami with the intent to introduce more contemporary Italian art to the U .S. audience. Sho11ly after
establishing Galleria Ca' d'Oro Miami, she staged the highly-acclaimed exhibit, "Mona Lisa Unveiled"
at Miami's Freedom Tower, in coordination with the city of Margherita di Savoia and the Museo Ideale
Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, Italy.
Working with the world-renowned Cracking Art Group, Gloria also coordinated the worldwide tour of
the "REGeneration Art Project," first in Miami during the 2010 Art Basel Miam i Beach, then at the 2011
Venice Biennale and concluding in 2014 in Central Park in New York. She also coordinated, "Homage
to de Chirico" in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. And, she organi zed a tribute exhibit to Pope John
Paul II celebrating the 25th anniversary of his papacy with the "Madonna in Contemporary Art" at the
European Parliament in Brussels and the Pantheon in Rome. Gloria was raised in Rome, but studied at
San Diego State University before returning to Rome where she assumed an advisory position for the
City of Rome's Cultural Commission.
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Little Havana, the heart of Miami's Hispanic culture, fights to
retain its character
By Francisco Alvarado
C ;1(,t"'J '
,) . 7 [i'-~! Fox News Latino
The succulent aroma of ripe bananas, mangoes, papaya , and other freshly-picked produce lures a pair of European tourists, a tall
long·haired blonde man and a petite olive-skinned woman, into Los Pinarelios Fruteria, an open-air farmers market on Southwest
Eighth Street and Thirteenth Avenue in Miami 's Little Havana neighborhood. For almost half a century, Angel Hernandez, his wife
Guillermina, and their adult sons Angel Jr. and Pedro have served locals and visitors a smorgasbord of backyard fruits and
vegetables. The European couple order a pair of freshly squeezed juices from Angel Jr., a tall man with graying hair and round
eyeglasses standing behind a wooden service counter.
·We've been serving the community for 47 years,"Angel Jr. says. "And we do it with love." Pedro picks up empty fruit boxes
cluttering the aisle of the windowless, canary yellow building that replaced the original Los Pinareiios storefront destroyed by a
tropical storm in 1996. Although real estate speculators have approached them about selling their property, the Hernandez clan has
no plans on leaving the neighborhood
"Little Havana is Miami 's secret treasure : Pedro says. "This area is full of character. It's a gem that just needs a little polishing up."
Nestled between Northwest Seventh and Southwest Eighth streets and Southwest 37th Avenue and South Miami Avenue, Little
Havana is the center of Miami's Hispanic culture. Tens of thousands of Cuban and Central American immigrants have made Little
Havana their first stop after arriving
Miami. It's home to events like the Calle Ocho Festival, Viernes Culturales, and the Three
Kings Parade, as well as landmarks such as the Walk of Fame for Latin entertainers, the Cuban Memorial Boulevard honoring
veterans from the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, the Tower Theater, and Maximo Gomez Domino Park .
The first wave of Cubans, many of them the country's most educated and business savvy citizens, arrived between 1959 and 1962,
according to a 2011 research study about Little Havana 's evolving demographics by Hilton Cordoba, a geosciences professor at
Florida Atlantic University.
"They became known as the 'Golden Exiles' because of the human capital they brought with them," Cordoba wrole. "They
established businesses and social organizations."
Angel and Guillermina Hernandez were among the Golden Exiles. The couple met each other and got married in Miami, after both
Iheir families emigrated in 1959. Nine years later, they bought the farmer's market for $8,000 from the heirs of Indian River Fruit,
one of the largest citrus producers in Florida , with a $2,000 down payment and a handshake. Pedro remembers he and his brother
worked with their parents at an early age.
"I was 5 when I would bundte up the fruit my dad and uncle would pick at the farms we got produce from," Pedro recalls. "I would
also dust off the canned goods and bottles of wines when we used to sell those products."
Pedro witnessed Little Havana evolve from a predominantly Cuban neighborhood to a mixed one also populated by Central
Americans. Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans began migrating to Little Havana in the early 1980s, after the Mariel
boatlift brought the last large influx of Cubans, according to Cordoba 's study.
"Central and South Americans on the other hand, ha ve continued to increase their numbers in Little Havana where now they
represent 30 and 12 percent of the Hispanic population, respectively," Cordoba wrote.
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One way to distinguish which area of Little Havana is Cuban or Central American is by following your nose. If you detect the odor of
sofrito-based dishes and fresh-rolled cigars, then you are near Southwest Eight Street, which remains a Cuban-American
stronghOld . But if you pick up on the mouth-watering scent of grilled meats, fried cheese, and baked tortillas , you are mostly likely
near Southwest Flagler Street, where Nicaraguans have carved their own slice of lillie Havana. In addition to the ca feteria-style
fritangas, there is a street named after Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dario , the offices of the Nicaraguan consulate, and the mausoleum
of former Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza Debayle.
Still, Southwest Eight Street remains the heart of Little Havana's action.
On a recent afternoon, scores of Midwestern, European, and Asian tourist pile out of a double decker sightseeing bus parked in
front of Maximo Gomez Domino Park on Southwest 14th Avenue. Salsa music blares from two giant speakers outside the little
Havana To Go souvenir shop, drowning out the click clacking of dominoes being slammed on tables by elderly Cuban players.
Across the street, Miami real estate developer and businessman Bill Fuller is preparing for the grand opening of his new bar, Ball &
Chain, a reincarnation of the same venue that once served drinks from 1935 to 1956, pre-Fidel Castro. A three-piece blues band
welcomes a handful of patrons looking for a qUick drink before they catch the matinee at the newly renovated Tower Theater.
"The proliferation of tOUrists has been a tremendous," Fuller says "Calle Ocho is getting one of every four visitors that come to
Miami ."
The son of Cuban American parents, Fuller grew up in the nearby neighborhood of Shenandoah. In the last 10 years, Fuller and his
partners at the Barlington Group have bought up several properties in little Havana, including the Futurama art gallery and the
Tower Hotel, a historic building he hopes to reopen next year.
Fuller's goal is to retain little Havana 's character, while attracting new businesses for the neighborhood's next evolution.
' We really appreciate the local fiavor here," he says "The idea is to preserve the neighborhood. little Havana is a diamond in the
rough ."
http II I a Ii no. fo xn ews . comlla ti noll i fest y18/2 0 1 4 11 0 10 7/ 1il11 e- h a van a· h e art· m la mi- his pa nie- cu Itu r e· Ii 9 h t s- tOot elai n- i Is · ch a rae I e rl
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Former Miami Heat Star Shane Battier to Address Newest Class of Take Stock In Children Scholars ( klOI, el' 6. 20 I-=!
Battier Will Welcome 103 Students Signing on for School Success with Take Stock in Children Re pu bli sh
MIAMI, Oct 6,2014 IPRNewswire-USNewswirel - Take Stock in Children (TSIC), a scholarship
and mentoring program will host a Contract Signing Celebration on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 for its
newest Miami class of 103 low-income, at-risk students. These scholars will be guaranteed a college
scholarship if they remain drug and crime free, maintain a 2.S GPA and stay in school. Once in the
TSIC program, students are also assigned a mentor, whom they meet with on a weekly basis.
http://phoios. prncws'vvi rc.c om/ prnva rIJ 01303 22IDC80S 16 LO GO-a
Former NBA basketball star Shane Battier will welcome incoming TSIC scholars and their families,
mentors and current students during the event at 6:30 p.m. in the Miami Dade College Wolfson
Campus, Wolfson Auditorium, Room 1261 . Also in attendance will be representatives from the
Miami-Dade County School System, the City of North Miami, the Children's Trust, Career Source
South Florida and the City of Hialeah.
Students who fulfill this contract will , upon their high school graduation, receive a scholarship. With
103 students signing these contracts, the sum of the scholarships will amount to over one million
dollars. Since 1995 , Take Stock in Children has served more than 24,000 students across Florida with
a 96% high school graduation rate. That success rate is 21 % better than Florida's average and 6S%
higher than the comparable low-income youth peer group.
"This is truly a transformational moment for our incoming scholars and their families," said Sandy
Grossman, Chair of the Take Stock in Children Miami-Dade Leadership Council and Chief
Integration Office for Greenberg Traurig. "Becoming part of the Take Stock in Children family means
that a college education is attainable - something that these families could only dream of without this
incredible organization. We are excited to partner with Shane Battier and his wife Heidi through their
Take Charge Foundation to provide even more resources for the development and education of
underserved youth and teens."
Madeline Pumariega, Take Stock in Children President and CEO said, "The contract signing event
celebrates the beginning of the academic journey that these students will take with their new mentors.
With the needed guidance and resources, these students will be able to successfully navigate through
middle and high school to college and into the workforce. "
http: //www.redorbit.com/news/entertainmentIl1132S0324/former -miami-heat-star-shane-b... 10/8/2014
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MIAMI . Oct. 6. 2014 IPRNewswire-USN ewswirel -- Take Stock in
Delaware mother charge d after daughter
brings herOin to dayca re
Children (TSIC), a scholarship and mentoring program will host a
Contract Signing Cele bration on Tuesd ay. October 7.2014 for its
newest Miami class of 103 low-income . at-risk stu dents . These
scholars will be guaranteed a cOllege scholarship if they rem ain
drug and crime free, maintain a 2.5 GPA and stay in school.
Once in the TSIC program. students are also assigned a mentor,
whom they meet with on a weekly basis.
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Former NBA basketball star Shane Battier will welcome incoming
TSIC scholars and their families , mentors and current students
during the event at 6 :30 p.m . in the Miami Dade College Wolfson
Campus, Wolfson Auditorium, Room 1261 . Also in attendance will
be representatives from the Miami-Dade County School System ,
the City of North Miami, the Children's Trust , Career Source South
Florida and the City of Hialeah .
Japa nese father of 'schoolgirl killer' hangs
Students who fulfill this contract will, upon their high school
graduation , receive a scholarship. With 103 students signing
these contracts, the sum of the scholarships will amount to over
one million dollars. Since 1995, Take Stock in Children has served
more than 24,000 students across Florida with a 96% high school
graduation rate . That success rate is 21 % better than Florida's
average and 65% higher than the comparable low-income youth
peer group.
US helicopters j oin air war in Iraq against
IS group
"This is truly a transformational moment for our incoming scholars
and their families," said Sandy Grossman, Chair of the Take Stock
in Children Miami-Dade Leadership Council and Chief Integration
Office for Greenberg Traurig . "Becoming part of the Take Stock in
Children family means that a college education is attainable ­
something that these families could only dream of without this
Sunset over the Hud son
incredible organization. We are excited to partner with Shane
Battier and his wife Heidi through their Take Charge Foundation to
provide even more resources for the development and education
of underserved youth and teens."
http: //news.yahoo.comfformer-miami-heat-star-shane-battier-address-newest-185600166.ht... 1017/2014
Page 3 of 8
Madeline Pumariega, Take Stock in Children President and CEO
said, "The contract signing event celebrates the beginning of the
academic journey that these students will take with their new
Bad News for Age nts, Good News for
Florida Drivers
~p:;n!,~'lp-f rr~~R'1kP '(H"I
mentors . With the needed guidance and resources , these
students will be able to successfully navigate through middle and
high school to college and into the workforce ."
About Take Stock in Children
Take Stock in Children , a Florida 501(c)3 non-profit organization
has been providing volunteer mentors, scholarships and hope to
Photos of the day - Oct ober 6.20 14
more than 24, 000 of Florida's deserving at-risk, low-income
students since 1995. Reporting an unparalleled 96 percent annual
high school graduation rate and an 87% college enrollment rate,
TSIC is Florida's flagship and most succeSSful mentoring and
scholarship program. In every Florida county, TSIC scholars in
middle and high school pledge to meet regularly with their mentor,
maintain academic standards, and remain drug and crime-free on
the way to achie ving a high school diploma The reward for
Garcia v Cu rbe lo The battle for FlOrida's
26th Congres sional seat
fulfilling these commitments is a scholarship to a Florida state
college, university or vocational school To donate, volunteer or
learn more about Take Stock in Children, please call 888-322­
4673 or visitwl-vVI tBkeslockilichiidrell org .
Logo ­
11ltrr l/pholos prnew swl re comlprnhl20 1303221DCB051 GlOGO-a
bol a out brea k in We st Africa
SOURCE Take Stock in Children
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"Not My life" Movie Screening & VIP Cocktail Reception I www.ktvu .com
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"Not My Life" Movie Screening & VIP Cocktail Reception
Koubek Center-Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street
Miami, FL 331 35
6:30 pm . Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014
Events, Movies 1Film
A film about Human Trafficking and modern slavery.A story about how the world really is. An opportuni ty for you to take action. Please join us for a VIP cocktail reception and special
screening of Not My Life, a groundbreaking film directed by Oscar nominee Robert Bilheimer. Filmed on five continents, the documentary comprehensive ly depicts the cruel and
dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale.Parking information : Valet Parking - $5 fee. Street parking available at no charge . Except as
otherwise limited by law , your contribution is tax-deduc tible 10 the extent of the excess of money (and the fair market value of property other than money) contributed by you Over the
va lue of goods or services which we provide to you . The estimated value of the goods and services provided in exchange for the ticket price for this event is $20. This organization's
http://W.MN.ktvu .com/events/events/movies-film/not-my-life-movie-screening-vip-cocktail-reception/eCSX6dl
Art Cinema at Koubek Center in Miami , FL I Round town
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Similar Events Casimiro Global Foundation Annual Reception: Young Minds of the Past. Present & Future Other Miami Innovation Center Thu, Oct 23 at 6:30pm - lO:OOpm "Not My Life" Movie Screening & VIP Cocktail Reception Other
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"Not My Life" Movie Screening & VIP Cocktail Reception - Miami , FL
I Roundtown
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2705 Southwest 3rd Street Miami FL Directions Thursday, October 23rd 6:30pm - 9:30pm 21
I Get Tickets ]
~ GET YOUR TICKETS "Not My Life" Movie Screening & VIP Cocktail Reception Art Cinema at Koubek Center Tickets at unknown times even tbri te.com notmylifemiami .eventbrite.com A film about Human Trafficking and modern slavery.
A story about how the world really is.
An opportunity for you to take action.
Please join us for a VIP cocktail reception and special screening of Not My Life, a groundbreaking film directed by Oscar nominee Robert Bilheimer. Filmed on five continents, the documentary comprehensively depicts the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Parking information:
Valet Parking - $5 fee. Street parking available at no charge.
Except as otherwise limited by law, your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent of the excess of money
(and the fair market value of property other than money) contributed by you over the value of goods or services
which we provide to you. The estimated value of the goods and services provided in exchange for the ticket
price for this event is $20. This organization'S Florida registration number is CH32286 . A COpy OF THE
show more .. .
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arttourinternationalartfestival .com
HOME (http://arttourinternationalartfestival.files.wordpress. com/2014/09 / atim-festi val-i .jpg)
ArtTour International Art Festival
Koubek Center - Miami Dade College. Dec 3-5 2014 Opening Show Dec 3rd 8-10pm
Reservations (https:llwww.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=13276493349)
ArtTour International Art Festival is a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural event and creative project
designed to communicate the identity of individuals, businesses, cultures, and societies to the
world. A showcase of contemporary art and design where visual, performing artists, and the
public create together new meanings and scenarios for the future. Organized by ArtTour
International Magazine in partnership with, ATIM TV and Vivid Arts Network. The exhibition,
showcasing contemporary visual and performing art in Miami and introducing international
artists during the Art Basel week, will run from December 3rd to the 5th. More info (/wp­
admin/post-new. php?post_type=page).
arttou rinterna tionalartfestiva I.com
About the Koubek Center
111 am
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areas are
a qui
r merece
, , Yo naci en 1994, e1 mismo ano que tantos, cegados
por la esperanza, se alistaron en endebles balsas
hacia la muerte". Las palabras, que se refieren al
exodo.de balseros cubanos acontecido en el men- .
cionado a.."i.o, pertenecen a Christian de Leon, un alum­
no de segundo ailo de nuestro prestigioso programa
Honors College en Miami Dade College.
Fueron pronunciadas hace apenas una semana,
durante.la ceremonia de bienvenida de los nu~vos
estudiantes admitidos al programa, previstos para
graduarse en e12016, donde otros tres educandos con'
taron sus estremecedoras histo­
rias en busca de esa esperanza
que muchos compatriotas de
Christian no lograron alcanzar.
Junto a nuestras ceremonias
anualesde graduacion, que cons­
tituyen la maxima expresion del
exito de la labor incansable del
College al servicio de la comuni­
dad, la velada donde se entregan
los distintivos a los nuevos inte­
grantes del Honors College, inte·
gran la dupla de la esencia de
una educacion universitaria para
todo aquel que decida tomar el
camino del futuro.
Parece que fue ayer cuando 75
alumnos dieron inicio al programa hace doce ailos. El
resultado es ostensible y reconfortaI1te~ La idea de
elegir a los mejores dentro de 10 bueno para encausar­
los a metas superiores en prestigiosas universidades
ha sido reproducida' en otros funbitos y los graduados
del Honors College hoy son disputados debido a la
. garantia y seguridad que ofrecen en terminos acade- '
micos y sociales.
Durante la pasada ceremonia celebrada en el esplen­
dido foro del Teatro Gusman del downtown de Miami,
tuvimos el honor de contar como orad ora principal
con la Dra. Kerry Healey, presidenta del reconocido
Babson College, con quien mahtenemos las mas estre­
chas relaciones de intercambio de alumnos y de
La Dra. Healey se mostro sumamente emocionada al
escuchar los relatos de nuestros estudiantes y los insto
a que consideraran a Babson College como su proximo
paso de estudios superiores, sobre todo aquellos inte­
resados en las disciplinas empresariales en las cuales
estan especializados sus programas del mas alto nivel.
Les dijo, en varias ocasiones durante su animada com­
parecencia, que formaban parte de la generacion lla­
mada a transformar el mundo.
Yo creo que esta es la otra cara de nuestro planeta .
. convulso donde nos corresponde seguir adelante, no
obstante la inestabilidad de guerras y fanatismos que
tratan -de retrotraernos a los tiempos mas oscuros de
la humanidad.
asi todos los alumnos que hicieron uso dela
palabra durante la ceremonia de la pasada no­
che en el Gusmanposeian minimos conocimien­
tos del idioma ingles cuando llegaron a estas .
costas en busca de una segunda oportunidad. Otros
fueron traidospor sus padres como parvulos huyendo
de la violencia y la desesperanza y luego debieron
luchar como DREAMERS en busca de un status migra­
torio que !es penrjtiera continuar sus estudios uni­
versitarios. Tanto ellos como sus padres honran a
nuestra comunidad porque no se han amilanado ante
mUltiples obstaculos y hoy hilan con productivo frene- .
si el Miami que todos reclamamos y necesitamos.
Christian de Leon, ya no solo sabe ingles yespanol
sino que ha incorporado el portugues a su afan huma­
nista. Ralph Allen Regnier, original de Haiti, plane a
transferirse a las universidades de Columbia 0 Cornell
donde concluira la carrera de cardiologia. Ivan Monto­
ya, procedente de Coloinbia, sera cirujano pediatrico y
no duda que 10 lograra en las aulas de Cornell y
UCLA; la venezolana Cristina Velazquez; activa en
empenos comunitarios, terminara su prometedora
carrera en Amherst College 0 Georgetown University.
Estos son solo algunos perfiles de los alumnos del Honors College del Miami Dade C ol1e g~ . La semana pasada otros se incorporaron con igual entusiasmo: Estos son los rostros del futuro. Presidente del Miami Dade College.
E ITA • EL M~ £ Y0
ffE i ~ l l)
temas irreconciliables, les permite hacer
memoria de 10 que vivieron por separa­
do_Zurcen frozos de*ricuerdos para res- •
on expectativa llega a nosotros
catar, bajo 1a historia politica dE! estos '
UIla version esc(mica de la primera paises, una historia familiar.rasgada por
la incompreilsion y el odio de los-cuales
novela de Uva de Aragon. El Koubek Theater del Miami Dade Colle- ambas. fUeron vktimas al principio, Y
ge acogio el pasado fin de semana luego,por inercia, represeritantes. Recor­
un acontecimiento de la cultura
daron, entre lagrimas, ~sas y varios
"autoctona", poco frecuente en la ciudad: platillos, moment os intensos Yotros dolo­
el acercamiento teatral al dolor de
rosos como la muerte del padre y
Cub~: Memori_a .del silen~w., en la
I :Ill] ~ ~ e1 sujcidio de an;tbo~ es~gso,s, cada
verSIOn dramatlca que dlnge
DE VI STOA unO", un modele mtranslgente en
Virginia Aponte, aborda humana·su posicionamiento politico. _
mente, es decir, fuera de la rigidez de los
Es en extremo curioso que la alegoria
historlGoculturru que, en esencia, consti­
esquemas ideologic os, el absurdo de la
tuye esta pieza, se realiza.desde un dis­
revolucion y la amargura del exilio. La
. distancia reflexiva y el compromiso emo~ curso femenino en el que la desaparicion
cional con que la autora y la directora,
del obsta-culo machista favorece el exito
del reencuentro. No es, en los UltinlOS
ambas de origen cubano, conducen esta
obra de explicita universalidad, Ie imailos, la (mica obra artistica cubana com­
pregnan una cubania profunda y autEmti- puesta desde esta logica. Pero si'es 1a que
ca, inclusiva, en la que se percibe el aire
consiguedesde laestrategia del abrazo,
. fresco del futuro.
como acto de reconciliacion yautEmtica
El argumento ho puede ser mas provo- justicia, proponer la metMora de la fami­
cador. Dos hermanas se encuentran en . lia - tema central del teatro cubano-- en .
Miami despues de 40 mos sin verse y con terminos de estrategia politica para la
muy poca comunicacion. Una pas61a
refundacion nacional. La hermana miaVIda en la isla comunista, la otra termino mense consigue volver a la casa paterna,
por adaptarse a vivir en Estados Unidos. yen el umbral del encuentro con la ma­
La conversacion, cautelosa de no caer en dre anciana termina la obra.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E_s'-pe_c_la_lf_e_1N_u_e_vo,--H_er_a_ld
Memoria del silencio ofrece un especta­
culovenezolano sobre una obra cubana.
Esta simbiosis de 1,lrgente perspicacia .
sefiala otro acierto de esta presentacion
que arroja 1a dolorosa luz del ejemplo
cubano-sobre la incierta reaIidad de la
Venezuela de hoy. Vale recordar que la
obra Uega al sur de Florida despues de .
sus presentaciones en Caracas. Los acto­
res venezolanos que conforman el elenco
entienden el coilflicto de sus personajes
al1nque su perspectiva interpretativa no
sea criolla. Soraya Siverio, Lucrecia Bal­
dassare, Unai Amenabar y Carlos Domin· ·
guez asumen con empefio y credibilidad
las circunstancias dramaticas. Quiza
faltola sutileza sensorial de determina­
dos contextos y la veracidad del acento
cubano (recurso innecesario para este
cronista), pero consiguen emocionar en
mas de un momento. Lo menos feliz de la .
propuesta es su falta deindependencia
respecto al originalliterario que termino
por imponer una frontalidad y verbalis­
mo nada favorables al hecho teatral. El
principal acierto espectacular son las
escenas de recuerdos, cuya evocaci6n de
una nacion escindida ya forma parte de
la memor:ia teatral de Miami.
. [email protected]
Memoria del Silencio Entradas, Miami - Eventbrite ~;tentbrite
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EI 11<1 I n, '.'I~l rl ,l;'j ['
["S IC "ven in <1l"cltJr
Memoria del Silencio
AGOTeatro & Tula Productions
Varias fechas
Miami, FL
1-. "\1' orl. Il:.o. ... u .' :.. c~
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Informacion de la entrada
It, SI
1 hora anles del evento 30,00 US$ 2,64 US$
NW I! I"/ :Jl
~I W
1 hora antes del evento 15,00 US$ 1,82 US$
~~ w
! $\
,\t L:"T _ n _t
I....,VA NA
General Admission
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2nd St
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Koubek Center
2705 SW 3rd St
Miami, FL 33135
Com partir Memoria del Silencio
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A 155 personas les gusta esto. Registrate para
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Detalles del evento
AGOTeatro & Tula Productions
Sasada en la novela del mismo nombre, escrita por la autora cubana Uva de Arag6n, sobre hech os
reales , Memoria del silencio narra el testimonio de dos hermanas gemelas separadas por la
revoluci6n cubana. EI 13 de julio de 1959 Lauri sale de su pais a Estados Unidos. Sera el inicio de un
http://www.eventbrile.com/e/entradas-memoria-d el-silencio-123 756408 7 5
La agrupaci6n teatral venezolana AGOTeatro
trabaja en conjunto con Tula Productions para
Memoria del Silencio Entradas , Miami - Eventbrite
largo exilio que la aleja de sus seres queridos. Cuarenta anos despues recibe la visita de su herma
Menchu, a quien no veia desde su partida. EI reencuentro de am bas hara que aOoren recuerdos
contenidos durante cuatro decadas de silencio, Protagonizada por Soraya Siverio, Lucrecia
Baldassarre, Unai Amenabar y Carlos Dominguez, "Memoria del silencio nos regala experiencias
humanas que evidencian 10 necesario del encuentro y el afecto, dos palabras perdidas en
Venezuela", asegura Virginia Aponte, directora de la pieza y de la agrupaci6n AGOTeatro desde hace
mas de 20 arios, Por su parte, Uva de Arag6n afirma que "en definitiva, esas reminiscencias
conforman la historia colectiva de los pueblos, y sin memoria no hay pais; hoy, sin embargo, se quiebra el silencio", Estrenada en Caracas el 31 de marzo de este mismo ario ha side elogiada por criticos y publico, quienes afirman quehacia muchos arios que no veiamos correr lagrimas de verdad, ni contemplabamos el humedo sudor de cuatro seres, emperiados en enseriar con sus personajes dos amargas historias de soledades y desatinos" presentar en Miami esta obra cubana.
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Rumbo a la 31" Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami - MiamiDiario.com
Argentina I Bolivia I Ecuador I Mexico I Venezuela I
I Panama I Republica Oorninicana
CLlMA: 84"F
Vive Miami en Espanol
Bu scar ..
Miami. Miercoles 8 de octubre de 2014 I actualizado a las 11:10 horas
Artes y Letras
Reinaldo dos Santos
EmprencJedore s 20 .20
• Entr etonimiento •
Interna cl Ollal
C illofla s
Hor6scopo y Guia Astral
Rumbo a la 31 0 Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami por MiamiDiario el 06/10/2014 a las 02:55 horas
La Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami es elfestivalliterario mas
grande del pais. Cada ana atrae a mas de 300 escritores Y 300.000 amantes de los libros para una celebraci6n de la palabra esc rita a 10 largo de ocho dias. Twittear ' 6
Este ano. la Feria comienza el 16 de noviembre y se extiende hasta el 23 de noviembre. con lecturas de libros. mesas redondas sobre temas de interes actual, conversatorios con autores, exhibici6n de libros y eventos para nin~s, adolescentes yadultos. Galer;.
1·,1-·'·1,· '"
EI Centro de Literatura y Teatro @MDC presenta "Rumbo a la 31 era Feria Internacional del Libra de Miami", como un preludio al evento litera rio de mayor envergadura del pais. Los eventos se lIevan3n a cabo entre el 11 de octubre al 15
de noviembre en el Koubek Center, ubicado en el 2705 SW
3rd Street en la Pequeria Habana. • Oa r comandos de
manejando es nesgoso
banda (VIDEO)
, jL. Luna de Sangre desde
Miami' (Fotos)
, Sudafricano es el artista p1.3stico de tos latIn
Grammy Autor: Archivo
Como en arios anteriores, "Rumbo a la Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami" es parte imprescindible del Pragama
Iberoamericano de la Feria. EI programa esta compuesto por
una serie de presentaciones, clases y charlas por autores
locales e internacionales. Todos los eventos se lIevaran a
cabo en espariol. EI calendario es el siguiente: VOl
Odreman: Ex pOlicia metropolitano lider de una
) Tormentas aisladas durante todo el dia
\~ MIAMIDIARIO,""" Quizas Ie interese ...
Sab. Ud. en Verdad 10
jLa Luna de Sangre desde Miami! (Fatos)
que es
Microsoft ·?
Tormentas aisladas durante todo el dia
TECHc('laa po,. TECH, Clera Caso de Israel Hernandez va a Naciones Unidas 'Secretos de lectores' en CCEMiami Startup Weekend EDU en Miami
Sabado 11 de octubre, 3:00 p.m.
Tres inmigrantes cubanas lIegan a Miami
Picnic de Lectura, organizado por la Fundaci6n
Cuatrogatos Actividad de cierre de la Fiesta de la lectura, en la cuallos nilios participaran, junto a los adultos, en una merienda al aire libre con cestas lIenas de libros.
Viernes 17 de octubre, 7:00 p.m. EI uso del Pas ado en Argentina Una mesa, moderada por Guillermo Lousteau dedicada al analisis de los alios 1070 en Argentina y su
distorsi6n hist6rica. Participan: Graciela Fernandez Meijide, Ceferino Reato, Agustin Laje, y Mariano Caucino.
Sabado 18 de octubre, 7:00 p.m.
Novedades de Ediciones Baquianas
Presentaci6n a cargo de la Ora. Mayra M. Medina de los libros de relatos Dudas, errores y sombras I Doubts,
Errors and Shadows (edici6n bilingue), de Patricia E. Blumenreich, y Carla para Adriana y otros cuentos, de
Roberto Hernandez Russi. Constitucion, movili zac i6n y
votaci6n por ('I padre Luis Ugalde
Por-Ia demoa:lci~1 del siglo XXII'or
.\fa/borr Pdfr
ACTUALIDAD Blood moon Caracas
CICPC colectivo economia
Estados UnidOseventos en Miami
evenlos en Miami
Eventos Miami Finanzas
Florida Miami Miami muertos nina
NOAA pronostico tiempo Miami salud sucesos Venezuela weather
http://www.miamidiario.com/entretenimiento/agenda/miam if eventos/feri a-I nternacional-deI-Ii bro-d e-m ia mi/agend a/ru mbo-la-31 era-feria-internacion ai-d. . .
Rumbo a la 31 0 Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami - MiamiOiario.com
Viernes 24 de octubre, 7:00 p.m.
Dos poetas, dos voces
Leclura poetica y presentaci6n de los nuevos libros Cuaderno del fa/so amor impur~, de Carlos Pintado, y
Aurea Mediocritas, de Jesus "Tin ito" Ofaz.
Sabado 25 de octubre, 7:00 p.m.
Palabra de mujer: una noche de poesia
Lectura poetica y presentaci6n del nuevo libro Testigo de la noche, de Janisse\t Rivero.
Sabado 1 de noviembre, 4:00 p.m.
Con la saz6n cubana
Presentaci6n dellibro La cocina de Vera, de Ver6nica Cervera, con cien recelas del arte culinario cubano que
han side rescatadas y recreadas por esla amanle de la buena mesa.
Sabado 1 de noviembre, 6:00 p.m.
Los libros mas recientes de La Pereza
Presenlaci6n de las novedades publicadas por la La Pereza Ediciones a cargo de Greyli Gonzalez, direclora , y
Oago Sasiga, jere de Prensa y Distribuci6n: Facundo Cabral: sus ultimos correos; EI rap de la morgue y otros
cuentos, de Claudia Amengual; Toda una vida, de Luisge Martin, y Noches de Obon, de Maria Jose Rivera.
Viernes 7 de noviembre, 7:00 p.m .
Dos narradores y una ciudad: Miami
Presenlaci6n de La clarividenfe de la calle 8, de Anjane\te Delgado, y Miss Blue 104 0 F, de Jaime Cabrera . La
Pequeria Habana y Miami Beach se convierten en escenarios de una novel a y de un libro de cuentos.
Viernes 7 de Noviembre, 8:00 p.m.
Tengo 50 ... l.Y que?
La popular actriz y presentadora de la televisi6n Giselle Blondet conversara can el publico sobre su libra:
Tengo 50 ... iY que?, en el que aconseja a las mujeres sobre 10 que pueden hacer para lIegar exitosas y bellas
a los cincuenta arios.
Sabado,8 de Noviembre, 4:00 p.m.
Artistas Argentinos en Miami
Presentaci6n de Artistas Argentinos en Miami Ifbro publicado por el Consulado General de Argentina en Miami,
can la presencia del Consul General de Argentina en Miami Miguel Talento. Esta obra pone en alto relieve el
trabajo creativo de un variado grupo de artfstas plasticos argentinas que acentuan el caracter multicultural de
la ciudad.
Sabado, 8 de noviembre, 7:00 p.m.
Verycuetos 1/: el arte de la miscelanealiteraria
Presentaci6n de la mas reciente obra publicada por el autor cubano Juan Cueto-Roig, con reflexiones y
comentarios sobre diversos temas que van desde la literatura y la cultura hasta la hisloria y la polflica.
http://www.miamidiario.com/enlreteni m iento/agenda/mia mil eventos/feri a-internaciona I-d el-li bro-de-mia m i/agend a/ru m bo-la-31 era-fe ria-inte maciona I-d. .
10/8/20 14
Rumbo a la 31° Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami - MiamiDiario.com
Viernes 14 de noviembre, 8:00 p.m.
Ernesto Guevara: su etapa final
Presentaci6n de Che Guevara : va/go mas vivo que muerlo, de Alberto Muller. Investigaci6n historica sobre los
ultimos dias de Ernesto Guevara en Boli via.
Viernes 14 de noviembre, 7:00 p.m.
Un nuevo tesoro del Siglo de Oro Presentaci6n del libro Segunda parle del Lazarillo de Tormes. EI investigador Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez­
Vazquez en dialogo con la periodista Olga O'Connor explica c6mo realiz6 este importante hallazgo de las letras hispanas y la importancia de ese descubrimiento. Sabado 15 de noviembre, 2:00 p.m.
La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en el alma del pueblo cubano
Presentaci6n dellibro de Emilio Cueto, publicado por Ediciones Polymita : una esmerada investigaci6n sobre la
presencia de la Caridad del Cobre en diferentes latitudes y expresiones culturales.
Sabado 15 de noviembre, 4:00 p.m .
Marti revisitado
Presentaci6n y lectura de Animal que escribe, el ultimo titulo publicado por Orlando Gonzalez Esteva. Una
ve lada, para redescubrir la obra de Jose Marti desde la mirada del destacado poeta y ensayista cubano. Este
evento dara inicio a una serie de jornadas dedicadas a recordar a grandes escritores como Gaston Baquero ,
Octavio Paz , Julio Cortazar y Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Para mas informaci6n sobre "Rumbo a la Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami", visite
www.miamibookfair com, IIame aI305-237-3528 0 envie un correo electr6nico a [email protected]. Tambien
puede encontrar informacion en las siguientes redes sociales.
httDs :/Itwitter.com/miamibookfair
https :llwww.facebook.com/MiamiBookFair
http://thecenteratmdc tumblr com/
ETiQUETAS: Miami EVENTOS Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami agenda Rumbo ala 31era Feria Internadonal dellibro de
.. .. ............. _.._.. _.... o Comentarios
u(l r
M;!Jm,DI<1' ""':<)0,,
r:.illlq:.ui r [:!
I ll l- th1r":~ , ..
11", ,(1
Sa el onme ro en <.:t)menlar ,
OUi.. t:,:, rt;..T<J-
Alfonso M, Becker: EI espectaculo
dantesco de la educaci6n pUblica, ..
- Pobres muchach os. Justicia
para ellos. Que este crimen no quede impune.
Es una autenlica masacre, .
Oesaparecidos 3 soldados afganos en
,t ~
Muchos diran que es como traer
veneno a una casa lIena de niiios .
j -
Sacerdote espanol con ebola es repatriado
a Madrid
- Esperemos que no tengamos
quelamentar esta absurda y cara decisi6n
propagandistica. Mejor hubiera sidoenviar .
AI menos 58 muertos por bombardeos de
la coalici6n internacional en Siria
I ' jll
http ://www. miamidiario.com/entretenimiento/agenda /m iami/eventos/feria-internacional-del-libro-de-miami/agendalrumbo-la -31 era-feria-internacional-d...
Festival MIFFecito lIeva a Miami peliculas de Europa, America y Asia :: La Guia Gratuita Palm Beach :: USA Hispanos
Festival MIFFecito Ileva a Mianll pellculas de
Europa, America y Asia
EEUU CINE I 02 de sep[,emb re de 2014
Lisa Hullman, DC
Ch iropraclic Physician
c.... ,":.'.11
.I shared
-...... Seplember 27 at 5:07am
:.: ~
EI director Emilio Martinez Lazaro (c) y los actores Karra Elejalde (i) y Dani Rovira, protagonistas del
fen6meno cinematograFico de la temporada, "Ocho apellidos vascos". EFE/archivo
Miami, 2 sep (EFEUSA).- EI Festival MIFFecito, que se celebrara del 16 al 19 del
proximo mes de octubre en Miami, proyectara una decena de peliculas de America,
Europa y Asia, informo hoy la organizacion.
6th Annual Hispanic
Heritage Festival I Palm
Beach Atlantic University
PBA hosts Ihe hispanic heritage
504 people like
En la cartelera destacan el largometraje cubano "Conducta", dirigido por Ernesto
Daranas, y las peliculas espanolas "Carmina y amen", dirigida por Paco Leon, y "Ocho
apellidos vascos", de Emilio Martinez-Lazaro, que ha batido todos los records de
taquilla en Espana .
Con motivo de la reapertura del popular teatro Tower, Miami Dade College publico
hoy una lista con los largometrajes que podran ver los amantes del cine durante este
particular festival que supone un anticipo de la trigesimo segunda edicion del Festival
de Cine de Miami, que tendra lugar del 6 al 15 de marzo de 2015.
EI MIFFecito es el "aperitivo para el plato fuerte del MiamiFF", un pequeno certamen
como "adelanto perfecto de otono para los cinefilos que anhelan un estimulante
filmico", expreso Jaie Laplante, director ejecutivo del MiamiFF.
Los organizadores anunciaron tambien la exhibicion de la produccion mexicana
"Paraiso", dirigida por Mariana Chenillo, 0 la pelicula chilena "Raiz", dirigida por
Matias Rojas Valencia, entre otras.
Sign Up Today to receive
news and offers from La
Guia Gratuita
Email Address: •
Ademas contaran con la presencia de Moises Kaufman, que presentara su documental
de la cadena HBO "The Laramie Project", una cronica de la secuela legislativa que
siguio al asesinato del joven gay Matthew Shephard, victima de un crimen de
IJOin Now l
Festival MIFFecito lIeva a Miami peliculas de Europa, America y Asia :: La Guia Gratuita Palm Beach :: USA Hispanos
EI festival recibe el nombre de MIFFecito en alusion al "cafecito" por la cultura que
existe alrededor de esta bebida en Miami, definiendolo como una version pequena 0
corta del famoso MiamiFF, se realizara en la clasica sala de cine, inaugurada en 1926
y que lIeva meses cerrada al publico por reformas.
Email Marketing Software by
VerticalRespon se
Los organizadores anunciaron que los espectadores del teatro Tower podran disfrutar
de obras cinematograficas "a la vanguardia de una nueva era de exhibici6n de
peliculas", ya que las instalaciones contaran con un equipo de proyeccion digital 4K,
con una resolucion cuatro veces superior al estandar.
Wa ll ::'In:F.'l Jor(> Sill [ LJn1~Jl\
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un leve 0,04 por Clcnto
Willldn LLv~', lras lu> pclS,L.
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Tom Cru ise
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#MIFFecito Iinvitados de lujo cinematografico
#WhatsUp I Ft. Lauderdale Int!. Boat Show 2014 "
I Integrate News
Sap 26 ) #MiamiFacts»
I Miami al alcance de tu mana
Sep 22)
Redaccion IN
Miami, FL
Integrate News
ItMiamiFacts IItMiaml y
sus alrededores se han
convertido en la Puerta
de Entrada de las
Americas (como
i nstagram.com/p/t3F H kF
Armando Valdes Freire, protagonista de MConducta ~ . Fato cortesia MIFF
EI Festivallnternacional de Cine de Miami (#MiamiFF) Ie dara la bienvenida a un grupo de
talentosos cineastas, actores, actrices y luminarias del arte en conjuncion con MIFFecito 2014,
que se Ilevara a cabo del16 al19 de octubre del 2014 . La seleccion de largo alcance de
Integrate News
peliculas realizadas por directores de Estados Unidos. Butan, Cuba, Italia, Mexico, Polonia y
Espana, se estrenara exclusivamenle en el Teatro Tower del Miami Dade College.
Entre los invitados al MIFFecito estaran:
Mariana Chenillo, directora de "Para iso ".
La realizadora judeo-mexicana es conocida por su aciamada opera prima ''Cinco dias sin Nora",
y la popular serie de la television mexicana "Soy Tu Fan".
Ernesto Daranas, Director de "Conducta".
Escritor, director y documentalista, es un cineasta cubano laureado can numerosos creditos
como guionista y realizador, como su opera prima "Los dioses rotos" (2008). "Conducta", su
pelicula mas reciente, que se proyectara en MIFFecito, es descrita como "un fen6meno social
http://integratenews. comlm iffecito-inv itad os-d e-I ujo-cinematog raficol
#MIFFecito Iinvitados de lujo cinematografico I Integrate News I Miami al alcance de tu mana
practicamente sin precedentes" en Cuba.
MoiSElS Kaufman , Director de "The Laramie Project".
Moises Kaufman, de Caracas, Venezuela, radica actualmenle en la ciudad de Nueva York. Es
fundador de Tectonic Theater Project y ha ganado numerosos premios por sus obras teatrales,
incluyendo una nominacion al Tony. En el 2002, su adaptacion al cine de su obra "The Laramie
presentara en noviembre. The Laramie Project sera proyectada en MIFFecito 2014, donde sera
el centro de un panel con moderador sobre su leg ado perdurable .
Hector Noas, Actor de "Conduc ta ".
Es un actor cinematografico cubano laureado quien, ademas de trabajar para la radio, se ha
desempeiiado tambien como narrador de documentales.
Roberto Sanchez, Actor de "Lake Los Angeles".
Este miamense nacido en La Habana, Cuba, pero criado en la Pequeiia Habana, tiene en su
haber la cifra sorprendente de 79 trabajos de actuacion, tanto en episodios de television y
largometrajes, como "Law & Order", "Desperate Housewives ", "Days of Our Lives ", "Prison
Break" y la pelicula "2 Fast 2 Furious" de John Singleton, junto al fallecido Paul Walker. Antes de
dedicarse a la actuacion en el 2002, Roberto fue un distinguido veterano de guerra, deslacado
con la Marina de los Eslados Unidos en la operaci6n "Tormenta del desiert o", y compitio
profesionalmente en el baloncesto europeo .
Dennis Scholl, Vicepresidente para las Artes de la Fundaci6n Knight. Dennis sera el moderador
del panel sobre The Laramie Project junto a Moises Kaufman, acerca de la novedosa pelicula
realizada por esle ultimo en el 2002, que moviliz6 una importante legislacion conlra los delilos
de intolerancia .
Sigue lodos los updales de esle Festival con el hashtag #MiFFecito .
www .miamifilmfestival .com
305-237 -FILM(3456).
( 9.arll'0 I~ carli'3~
Tambien Ie puede interesar:
#VerylmportantPet I "Ya
lIego la Navidad, tra la la
la lalala ... "
#QuePasaMiami I Show
de Antiguedades de
Miami Beach
#VeganCook I Tarta de
Durazno con Crema de
MIFFecito publica lista de invitados que estaran presentes en el Tower Theater 1 Entre vapores
Entre vapores
l :1
Vld.-l L'11
It-.I 1(10
/>,['.;)1 IT
c:l Sur dc' l,1 FLofiCLI
MIFFecito pub lica lista de invitados que
Buscar ."
estar-an presentes en el Tower Thealer
Pllbil(' _tel ,} "l
sepLic·mb re 25, 2014
octubre 2014
sep tiembre 20 14
dic iembre 2013
agosto 2013
julio 2013
Junio 2013
abril 2008
Escenu de 'Conducta ', pebeula ete Eme.::;to Daral/tls que
apetlura at
ele e/l1f.;' (/,J
cldt, i
Miami, FL - El Festivallnternacional de Cine de Miami
(MiamiFF), un
d,ll d
L,l biellVE.'nidd
eie MDCulture del Miami Dade College
un clrupo de t"[enlo,,,o', cinf.:;'a::,U~. Jdorl:c'"
actrices y lumin~rl,ls clE'L arle ':;'n c onjuncioll ce't) rvllr-F(xito 2 l )14
que o;e llovi)r;:ld cdbo d,:::l16 dl19 de o,:tulxe del
de lc.lrgo
de l:.oelicuL,Js
I ,.'.)lIZ;1Cld~~ pOI cli(·.~ clorc:,
E-:,ldClos Uni(lns. Gll1..lrl CUbd . ILDliCl, M,o,,<ir:o, Pnl ')ni<1 Y [<,P·]Il:I ,
',p (-~,l!cnd lCl exclu._,iv~Hnl' rlte f:rl
el Teatro Tower del Miami Dade
College, slilo rnirJ rncn".C' pc'rfccLo p,lrd (:,ventrJS de ,IlfoJ1lbr d r 0),1,
l:oruyecciones, coclell;':s y un convl:w,>,)tolio con l11oderdclOl,
http ://entrevapores ,wordpres s. co m/2 014/09/25/miffe c ito-p ubi ica-lis ta -d e-in vi ta d0 s-q u e-es ta ra n-pres e nt es- en-el-towe r-th e ate r1
MIFFecito publica lista de invitados que estaran presentes en el Tower Theater
I Entre
Recibe cada nueva
publir;,",clon en III buz.6n
correa E:leclronico
otrn5 ;044 ~'
Introduce tu direcci6n de cor
Su scribeme -)
Ofrecido por WordPress,com
le,s I I1Vll':'I<.lO~ Lit ~1IFI-ecl lo e')l(lt~\lt
Mariana Chenillo. directora of Paraiso
Ll! 1':;.Jll..'JcJor;', j u deO-IlH,';:ICclr1d Mdl IdllL! CilC'l1ltlO
Sli ddclm,ldd r')p,::-" rl pliill,l Cinco
L.:t ldc1visioll
IT1t:-:,,,i,:~H1Ll "SO'l T LI
rll.lIWXO";OS Pre tl1io~,
And (c,l
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e" c:onoclc.l~1 pal
y I-I
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pC)[)uldl' St',I'I\" C\.:'
sin NOI
ck M (.:xico), ('nliL (llc'); dell.'
~k'ior Pt~l i cu l':1P.lIdi50, su ')egundo lell g0I11t?'LI'tlj l?, rue PIOdliCido
pm oj pl'OllfiC ( J P<'1/)1.0 CI'U:: .
FiLms d,';? [,;Iexica,
Ernesto Daranas, Director de Conducta
D ,] l an.Js ,
esc l'l tor, UllGctor y docurn ntcilist.1. es uri
,..:inf::ds[,] cuba no LdLlleado COil nurnelosos Cl'ecillos (01il0 gu ionisld
''j 1 ~~'lliZC1clo l'
como su
OlirY10 Los cliosp<; 1'('/05 (2.008)
peliCulc! mac; I'P' i :?Iltl'> qllr:j
proyt?cl~'II' ~'1 f'll
MIFFeciLo . e'; cie':>cnl.::I como 'u n f(nomello soci.:d pr,1CLiCC1ITl1:'ll li.'
sin PIC'C('d0!ltes e ll Cubd .
Moises Kaufman. Director de The Laran1ie Project
http://entrevapores ,wordpress ,co m/2 0 14/09/2 5/m i ff ec ito-p ubIica-li sta -d e- invi ta d os -q u e-esta ra n -p res e n te s-en -el-towe r -thea te rl
MIFFecito publica lista de invitados que estaran presentes en el Tower Theater I Entre vapores
~'10!S(-"'j l<cIUfm<.Hl . Ol'igllldlmenLe
rlct U.Jtl1len le pn
dCdS Vef'l(-;711I-Jt(I . I<idk>J
ciudEle! cle r'-l UPVil YOlk E!:~ fl H1 dddol ci(~ 1 ndonic
Thbiter Project y lit! CJC111dcJ0 11Llllld():,0S
~ll TOllY [n
leotr .l lps Incluvenclo lfll,J nO rntni l C lon
dc.i.lpLdcion ,ll c ine
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!::It'et'n k) ~
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The' I .ir-;mil..' P{t)jl'ct tUIlO
mundial e n 1::'1 Feslivcll. ele Onl" SUl1d&iC,-:' [n ['-1
,-.U u:lrC Il O
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tv!ll l!'ll. tl-,)b-lj.:lIld o e n l.:1 .Xlctpt.c1CIC)tl ele lLI em/kin de Bi. t::'l heclid
pOI TI;·u tonic. que
P'G~ie ci serd
presenL,ln e n /lOViE'illbre. Tile l,Jrll1l1·...,
ptoyec lddd en MIFFec ilo 20Lt
(le lIl1 pdtlel CO il moder(ldol' sohre
doncl,~ St:r~1 i~II..I':llll·O
IACf.)c lo p c rdl ll-.ll)le .
Hector Noas, Actor de Conducta
Hector NO"lS es un <-lelo!" cIIlellk1 lofJI ,'If ieo ':lJbano ldUl'edclo C[uiC:ll . ;:lcil.'nlCls clp tr obtljd l- P,:1 1C\
r<:l dio se h' l (h:::S,2IllPE'11Zlclo L,llnblGn como nan.idor de ciocUtllp. n t,llos . El ! n~3Lltuto Supe ri or dc· Arlc· el c. Ld Hdbdna Ie Otorg0 Ulld Illed;]llt.l de ore '/ fl ipbnld de honol pOi .,U
lr -lbdjo. Cooducta os su segundo p i ovt':::'clo fllmlco j unlo
Dul (-t[ 1dS, ll.lE:(Jo clp, Los dlo5es rot05
~) el 2006 Roberto Sanchez, Actor de Lake Los Angeles
E:sL!:? nli.JlllellSe rlac lcio en L:J HdlX.l1 lei . Cuba. per'J cr iClcio en La
!)equen.1 Hab<li'1<1. t,PllP en su hdbl.:.J1
ttl eifl cl
d . ;' 7 )
lrihdjo5 de -1C Luc1CIOI1. Ldll10 en qw:,ocliO';> ch::, leluvl,;ian y
ld l'go lnelr.:ues. corno Law & Ol der" , " De~.perLd.e Housev) iVf~'; "
"D.Jys of OUI' Ltv('s '. Pr iceo!)
L) [x:liculu ~ F LS·t 2
Jc,h n S;n~.l leton.Junto al fL1 Uec ido f-Jdl..ll \X./i)U<d . AnLes cle declic,II' c,,(2
b actu·l Cion ell el2002 Robe·rto fue Lin clbUnguiclo ,/el(">[,(1110 cl:->
(lllb t r:l. clc'slJcaclo CO il La MclllnLl de los Esl,Jelo5 Ull l do~~ e ll
OpP(.1 cl on 'TC1 rtllenl<.l del clf!sierto ', V cOlnpitio
pl,)rl-sion(l ll llell l ·~·
en ellJaloncesto europ0o . El T8<Ii.JU T 0\'0(101' del MDl., duncle '::>f'r~HI
proY0ctdclas Las Pl:.- liCLlI,IS dol M IFFeci Lo (,to clp':,linu hoeue-n k
(,; Il
do Roberto Alli vio las pt-:Liculc.1S qLlE:' ciesp,::,rlc..ltOfl SoLI ~... uell­
,.Ie .::oer ~1cLor .
Dennis Scholl, Vicepresidente para las Artes de La Fundaci6n
h tI p:// en trev a pore s.wo rd pres s _com/20 14/09/25/ miffecito-pub Iica -I ista -de-i n vita dos-q ue -esta ra n-p rese n t es-e n -el-tower -th e ate r/
MIFFecito publica lista de invitados que estaran presentes en el Tower Theater I Entre vapores
Dennis SCll0ll \c;> s Vicept es icl c'llle rXI/'(\ leV. fIIlC" ; de (1 r-ul1dcJcion
f<n l<;Jht (CO il clctivos pOI S2,3 IIlil rn " [OrleS) "i !',(q)':;'I"Vis.-1 <.:-l proq I (I Ill, t
nacion:-,( dc, ,1rLcs de: IrJ FlInJ,'cion in du,/c'llr!o f<lligh t Ai'l~,
Ch,.1Uc.'ng1":7 \f RcHldorn Acts of CulLUI IC' [5 conocido
conle:mpor..l neo, y q
111dcio ! L"1l tl t.'!:'" OCL1 (JOrh:'> S
coleccion i ~L( 1
cld EtllTl1Y
' t"':,lfOfh:JL
por:..u ltLlbdjO f~n dOCLJI11("1l111p.s nJLtu l',llo" U'''t1!l i;
ddEoln') <..
co-r ullcl,iJOt
d· .'
Bt 'Lls ..m...! Sc/loll. IJ,oy, 'r:l-:l ,..:.noLoCjico
L.JureiKio . Dellni~ ~,e r ,l P.l l1loc]prcldo r d~,;l pdrwl
c: )i)rl'
The' L.
ProjectJunLo.1 Moises K:lllfrn1r1, au:'tC'-l elf-' Id 11UVI~cloSd pt-liC l ll,]
rc' 11i ','1(11 por c..·:tc-: ultimo en d 20()2.
l,:,gi~1 1 1Cll)r
L . (l~,
L1 lld
I contre! [ O~; d!:;!lilos de inlolerdncltl
bole los IXlI.) el MIFFecilo !:::'Sl<1t1 disp0nil)lp:; Udl'l1<lnc!o ,-II 1­
8/14-5r5-6433(f'.11f-F) 0 v isitC'l nclo
http://www.miamifilmfestivaLcom/MIFFecito. Peticule, eto Ll
noche 11l0ugurdl + FiE-1 sta S50 / I $,40 IX1!'::I 10::. 11118mbt 0:; L':'IS
ci0ITl~1_' fUIlC iolics Sl.~ iciull os. 511 petSondS de ld IF' 1c:~:'rL1 c--cl..ld ,
SH) Illh?rnblO:), 5 7 (.~;tudl, ill les Pd rd del dlle~ . de ",eI11!)1e:::i ~l () I rkl">
In l'onndcI011, wwwmiamifilmfestivaLcom 0 1l,:.'I1Tlt> ('ll 305 -2J7 ­
El FesLivClLlntern,lCIC)[l
"Nento Idmlco inlpo rt<m le d ~~ ~-;u
it Qt·: Cil1', ) clr.2 t\'1idmi ,.=><., (:"1unico
cL1:.)c: con <",:,cie
lIl' CO[k:...g f~ 0
univL'rsi,: I<KI
AllOll t
Compartelo '
Meg l 15t<l
":ie el prtmer;) i!f1 decir
quI" ll>. gllst<l .
La Torre de La
MDC esta
La Torre de La
Libertad sera azul
Libertad se cubre
en reconocimiento
solicitudes para el
de rostros de
http://enlrevapores .wordpress.com/2014/09/25/miffecito-publica-lista-de-invitados-que-estaran-presentes-en-el-tower-theaterl
1018120 14
Pasito.com - Noticias, Espectaculos, Musica, Deportes, Economia, Tecnologia, Moda, Estilo y Sa Iud para Latinos en Estados Unidos, Mexico,
Camblo Cllmatlco
(~ k
Nadal intentara aplazar la operacion para despues del Masters de Londres
Ultima Hora
Deportes USA
'.' , Co
Copa Sudamericana
Busque aqui/Search here ...
clthd'... llHl
Futbol America
Moda y Gente
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Futbol Liga Espana
Formula 1
Galeria fotogrMica
Festival MIFFecito \leva a Miami peliculas de Europa, America y
02 de s~tic mbrc d e 2014
Miami, 2 sep (EFEUSA).- EI Festival MIFFecito, que se
celebrara del 16 al 19 del proximo mes de octubre en
Miami, proyectara una decena de peliculas de America ,
Europa y Asia, informo hoy la organizacion.
t B ...
... Pasito Tunes
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En la cartelera destacan el largometraje cuba no
"Conducta", dirigido por Ernesto Daranas, y las peliculas
espanolas "Carmina y amen", dirigida por Paco Leon, y
Traductor Espanol/English
"Ocho apellidos vascos", de Emilio Martinez-Lazaro, que
Email/Correo Electronico
ha batido tod os los records de taquilla en Espana.
Con motivo de la reapertura del popular teatro Tower, Miami Dade College publico hoy una lista con los largome trajes que podran ver los amantes del cine durante este particular festival que supone un anticipo de la trigesimo segunda edicion del Festival de Cine de Miami , que tendril lugar del 6 al 15 de marzo de 2015. EI MIFFecito es el "aperitiv~ para el plato fuerte del MiamiFF", un pequeno certamen como
"adelanto perfecto de otono para los cinefilos que anhelan un estimulante film ico", expreso Jaie
Laplante, director ejecutivo del MiamiFF.
Los organizadores anunciaron tambien la exhibicion de la produccion mexican a "Paraiso", dirigida
por Mariana Chenillo, 0 la pelicula chilena "Raiz", dirigida por Matias Rojas Valencia, entre otras.
Ademas contaran con la presencia de Moises Kaufman, que presentara su documental de la cadena
HBO "The Laramie Project" , una cronica de la secuela legislativa que siguio al asesinato del joven
gay Matthew Shephard, victima de un crimen de intolerancia.
EI festival recibe el nombre de MIFFecito en alusion al "cafecito" por la cu ltura que existe alrededor
de esta bebida en Miami, definiendolo como una version pequena 0 corta del famoso MiamiFF, se
realizara en la clasica sal a de cine, inaugurada en 1926 y que Ileva meses cerrada al publico por
Los organizadores anunciaron que los espectadores del teatro Tower podran disfrutar de obras
08 de octubre de 2014
cinematograFicas "a la vang uardia de una nueva era de exhibicion de peliculas", ya que las
instalaciones contaran con un equipo de proyeccion digital 4K, con una resolucion cuatro veces
superior al estandar.
Espana asegura que no consta ningun contagio entre
personas en contacto con la enferma de ebola
Imprimir notlcla
Histo r ico
de noticias
Mas videos
Volver a "Entretenlmlento"
Willian Levy, tras los pasos de sus admlrados Brad Pitt y Tom Cruise
Una cinta de audio expone supuestos abusos sexuales del actor Stephen Collins
AMC conrirma una sexta temporada de "The Walking Dead"
h ttpJInoticias. pasito.coml288 _ entretenimiento/26904 70_festiva l-miffecito-lIeva-a-m iami-peliculas-de-euro pa-america-y-asia. html
• EI Centro Cultural Espanol invita a un un
taller gratuito de dramattirgia (sobre la crea­
cion de textos dramaticos) a cargo del guionista,
director y dramaturgo espanol Juan Cavestany.
DelIO al14 de noviembre, 3 a 8 p.m., en el CCE.
Los interesados deberan enviar el curriculum
.en espanbl, antes del 15, a taller@ccemiamLorg
• Clases gratuitas de ingles. Strayer Univer­
sity estara ofreciendo clases de ingles gratuitas
en su campus del Doral. Las inscripciones ya
estan abiertas y las clases empiezan'e120 de .
oetubre. Llame para mas informacion. (ll430
mv 20 St., suite 150, 305-507-5700).
.• Patriade Marti y Alianza Democratiea invi­
tan al simposio Marti: Un anaIisis eontempora­
neo: La reT.evancia del Ap6stol en nuestras dias.
Jueves 9, 6 p.m., en West Dade Regional Library
(9445 Coral Way).
• Evento de musica en vivo con Suenalo y
cocteles a beneficio de Community In Schools of
Miami. Jueves 9, de 6 a 9 p.m. , en Ball and .
Chain. Se sugiere donacion minima en la puerta
(1513 SW 8 St., http://www.cismiamLorg/).
• Recitalliierario Conjesiones er6ticasy atros
hechizos, a cargo de la escritora Daina Chavia­
no. Actrices invitadas: Lili Renteria y Mabel
Roch; presentacion a cargo de Carlos Pi.'1tado.
Viernes 10,8 p.m., en el }{oubek Center (2705 SW
3 St., 305-237-7750). Entrada libn~ y gratuita.
• La Fundaci6n Cuatrogatos y The Center @
MDC invitan al evento infantil Picnic de libras.
Presentacion musical de Rita Rosa Ruesga, lec­
tura de cuentos para ninos por estudiantes de
Prometeo, Sabado 11, 3 p.m_, en el Teatro Koubek
(2705 SW 3 St.) (305) 237-7750. Entrada libre.
• EI Centro Asturiailo de Miami invita al
recital Canto ala Hispanidad, con obras de Al­
fonso Camin, presentado por Victor Puertodari..
Artistas invitadas: Luly Alvarino, Carucha
Rumbaut y Lydia Hoyo Diaz de Villegas. Sabado
11, 4 p.m. en la iglesia de La Merced (3220 NW 7
Ave.) Informes, (305) 271-2966.
.• EI Pen Club de Escritores Cubanos en el
Exilio presenta ellibroEl recluta 51, testimonio
del pintor Luis Vega sobre sus aiios en el Servi­
cio Militar Obligatorio (SMO), en Cuba; presen­
tacion de Luis de la Paz. Sabado 11,2 p.m., en
West Dade Regional Library (9445 Coral Way).
• Los Antiguos Empleados.de las tiendas El
. Encanto de Cuba, celebran su reunion anual.
Domingo 26; la Misa de Recordacion, Sabado·25,
9 a.m., en la iglesia Santa Agatha (l1ll SW 107 .
Ave.) Informes, (305) 229-i062. - '
.-. " --....3.. ..DE._
- - DEL
- 101
Miam iH erald.com I MIAMI HERALD
Annette Rawlings
MOC Alumna
. Annette Rawlings
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~ ~ . . ~~ia~ni Dade "
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{ jai,? th~. ~ilJmn; Ne~a~/c :
.:..~_.i~w..T'!(~I~m~I.~".':.::. '.,
Manny Zamora Jr.
• MOC Alumnus
Zamora Healthcore Consulting Corp.
·.•i ·.,.· Mj~n;l·.~ D:{ae ;.~
~ .
• .....
""":,.# :
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