Miami Dade College Thursday, October 16, 2014 The Daily News Clippings Miami Dade College Office of Media Relations 300 N.E. Second Ave., Suite 1350 Miami, Fl. 33132 Tel. 305-237-3366 Fax. 305-237-3228 Get the latest MOe news on -..J) and 10/ 16l2014 Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings on funding, partnership I The Miami Herald NEWS (HTTP://WWW.MIAMIHERALD.COM/NEWS/) > BUSINESS (HTTP://WWW.MIAMIHERALD.COM/NEWS/BUSINESS/) Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings on funding, partnership BY NANCY DAHLBERG - [email protected] 10/16/20146:30 AM I Updated : 10/ 16/2014 10:30 AM Leandro Final is executive director of the Idea Center, the new entrepreneurship center at Miami Dade College. To infuse principles of entrepreneurship throughout the largest and most diverse undergraduate student body in the country, Miami Dade College (http://www,mdc,edu/) is opening the doors of its new innovation hub with the help of significant funding and a prestigious partnership. The multifaceted Idea Center, officially opening Oct. 28, will include an accelerator, co-working space, an idea lab, mentorship, training programs, a contest and events. On Thursday morning, MDC President Eduardo J, Padron, together with Matt Haggman, the John S, and James L, Knight Foundation ( program director, and Idea Center Executive Director Leandro Finol, announced that the center will receive $2,18 million in Knight funding, Some of the Knight funding will go to establishing a partnership with Babson College, which has had the top-ranked entrepreneurship program in the country since 1995, according to U.S. News & World Report's annual rankings. The Idea Center will also use the Knight support to enhance its 1/5 1011612014 Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings on funding, partnership I The Miami Herald ms for train Itya as and operations for ip oroarams. e one that I am mi Dade about I as fund our "I thi one interview rship in the Knight la it II rs to come." nding the a r in oil to a ip in the made more than 90 investments over tnree IS Kn e la M sa Fi is to "will 165,000 I as resources grant, two e need the connect, red a a r ideas man. new (http lis Idea II mi .B on headquartered will bea resource "We a ra Center earlier man reven Small 1 n scale a One res, Idea sinesses a the 1 II and will small busi http://IlMlW.miamiherald.comin6llvS/business/article2908268.hlml ma up more n 90 215 Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings on funding, partnership I The Miami Herald 10/1612014 sign and revenue ta nt ng rted - m sinesses could and an a can rt and then an a success. who eval a the nol sa' . II be ready are I be can apply by E, whi Iking to cu un 01 assu rtUD Chal to or va ne sa.~. a col a call a $5,000 award. ng II II a en revam ished be i in inki its ca ns of rethe novation who will i Juan Di L ...' __ L e " one resou rces to s al h in the world," said and I think th off I nder of . s stuaents have tola me all ness and will n and IS a Ia pra n for aiL" a more than two Pad minerai d Ily i rl col ami-da esses- m I) in seeing ness a hl.1p:l/'news/business/article2908268.html and 3/5 10/16/2014 Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings funding, partnership I The Miami Herald into a com ng in ings we are cu ng th is so much c;c;uc;u real II in M p position p lege to rea " commun Asmall inclu a man visited rship centers of Harva of in M pra a Jose bil, r in an study Cornell. of ,...,.,1'''''''1''"\ ITs di on andin Center's ness commun as and people managing Jr., ma airman and Man Bush & Medina Capital. Center will a on alumni n Knight, Id a an su and it and high ps build a new M high-impa more than $10 to ip has commun Da serve 1 the throug ca and a p ms s broad commun are consi more than half low its are the first in r fami "We are that we a City n. commun and at no eces of a there IS a " hllp://'new:;/business/articie2908268.html 4/5 10/16/2014 Miami Dade College's Idea Center brings on funding , partnership I The Miami Herald Padron agrees, "Our students are some of the brightest and some of the most creative students you can find anywhere/' said Padron. "They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and many of these students are innovative by nature. We feel giving this population the opportunity to participate is something that will change the face of Miami." Follow Nancy Dahlberg on Twitter @ndahlberg. Eduardo Padron, president of Miami Dade College, announced that the Idea Center, the college's new entrepreneurship center, will be funded by the Knight Foundation . 5/5 Miami International Film Festival announces "MIFFecito" ~~ > Page 1 of2 Mi.,;T!l inlernahonal Film Festival pr esents "r",1I FFecno' ft?s!lval to open al HlSlOi It 1 D\·.' ~r Theal er. Miami International Film Festival presents "MIFFecito" festivdl to open at Historic Tower Theater. BY lQ.lIIl.Nl'/.ffi LikE'! Tweel 0 I IlOO I OCTOBER 15,1014 Email This Siory Print ThIS Page Comrnents 0 CARMINA AND AMEN Tomorrow lhe Miami International Film Feslival is beginning a very special, four-day event that provides a taste to next ye ar's upcoming 32" film fesliva t. Thi s small MlamiFF has been named MIFFecito, coming from the Spanish word "C<lfecito" meaning mini coHee . ThiS mini event is in fact not so mini MIFFeclto will gather an in ternational lineup of Amencan, Bhutanese, Cuban, Italian, MexiC<ln, Potish , and Spanish filmmakers. The event will be premiered at Miami Dade College's Tower Th eatre, a perfecl Miami Location for such a star-studded gathering: each premier will be accompanied with in-person appearances by filmmak ers and stars. Guests of MIFFecito include : Mariana Chenillo, Director of Paradise (Paraiso) Jewi sh-MexiC<ln filmmaker Manana Chenillo is best known for her widely acctaimed first feature Nora 's Will (Cmco dias sin Nora) , and the popular Mexican TV series "Soy Tu Fan " Nora's Will won numerous Anel Awards (ttle Oscars of Mexico), including Best Picture . Her seco nd feature film Paradise was produced by Mexico's prolific Pablo Cruz of Canan a Films. Ernesto Daranas , Director of Behavior (Conducra) Writer, Director and Documentarian Ernesto Darana s is an award-winning Cuban filmmaker with numerou s writing and directing credits to hi s name , including his first feature. Falle n Gods (Los dioses rolos) (2008) , His latest fitm , Conducta, screening at MIFFecito, is being described as "a virtually unprecedented social phenomenon" in Cuba. Moises Kaufman, Director of The Laramie Projecr Originally from CaraC<ls, Venezuela, Moises Kaufman is now based in New York Cily. He is th e founder of Tectonic Theater Projeci and has won numerous awards lor hi s theatrical work , induding a Ton y nomination. In 2002 , his film adaption of his play Tile laramIe Projecf had its wortd premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. He is cUrTen tly in Miami rehearsing for a November production 0 1 Teutonic's adaptation of Bizet's Carmen. The Laramie PrOject will screen at MIFFecito 2014 and be the subjecl 01 a moderated discussion about the film's lasting legacy . Hector Noas, Actor in Behavior (Conducfa) Hector No as is an award-winning Cuban film actor, radi o actor and film documentary vOlceover narrator. He rec eived a Gold Medal and DIploma of Honor from Ihe Higher Inslitute of Arts in Havana Conducfa is hi s second project with Daranas, the first being 2008's Fallen Gods. Roberto Sanchez, Actor in lake los Angeles http ://hauteliving.coml20 1411 0/miff-annouces-miffecito/5277571 10116/2014 Miami International Film Festival announces "MIFFecito" Page 2 of2 Bom in Havana, Cuba but raised in Lill te Havana, thi s Miami native has an astounding 79 acting rotes to his credit in both ne~~ork episodic lelevlsion and fealure films, includi ng "Law & Order', "Desperate Housewives" , "Days of Our Lives", Prison Break and the John Si ngleton aClion film 2 Fast 2 Furious wilh Ihe late Pau l Walker Before beco ming an actor In 2002 , Robeno was a di stin gui shed Desen Storm war ve teran (Navy) and profe ssionally compeled in European basketball. MDC's Tower Theater, where all MIFFeciio film s are being screened, was a frequenl destination during Robeno's childhood , where he wa tched movies, sparking his dream of beco ming an actor. lliWJ.l.Ull.U 3(~ #~'" IUXllQll . , Philanthropist Denise Rith Honors her Daughter's Memory through the Angel Bal l Wanderlust: The Bes t Travel Watches for Jetsetters CONNECT WITH HAUTE liVING NATIONAl WANT HAUTE liVING NEWSlETTER DEliVERED TO YOUR INBDX? SI~l Add a commen t Comment using .. . fJ (""~IIOC'UJ~'" http ://hauteliving,com/2 0 14/ 10/miff-annouces-miffecito/5277571 1011 6/2014 10/16/2014 Miami - Arts - Cultist - Print Version MiaIni-Bred Actor Roberto Sanchez Returns to Little Havana for MIFFecito: "It's Surreal" By Hans Morgenstern Published Fri., Oct. 10 2014 at 11:05 AM Though actor Roberto "Sanz" Sanchez lives in Los Angeles, he has a strong Roberto Sanchez in a still from Lake Los Angeles. attachment to Miami. He grew up in Little Havana, after immigrating at 3 years old from Cuba to meet his mother in 1969. Tower Theater takes up a big part of his childhood memories in the neighborhood. Now that movie house will host a major film in his acting career during the Miami International Film Festival's mid-season mini-film festival MIFFecito. In Lake Los Angeles, a film by L.A.-based indie director Mike Ott, Sanchez stars alongside a 10 year-old girl played by Johanna Trujillo. The two portray distinctively different immigrants who connect on a slight but sublime level. Exquisitely shot and patiently paced, the film stands as one the more soul-stirring selections of the the mini film festival. It marks a rare lead performance for Sanchez, who is mostly known for his work as a character actor on film and TV. Sanchez says he's extremely proud of this film, whose subtle drama belies a profound link between these two characters. Sanchez spoke with Cultist via phone ahead of his visit to present the film next weekend. See also: MIFF Director Jaie Laplante Talks MIFFecito Lineup at Tower Theater New Times: Were you born or raised in Miami? O/miami-bred _ actor_roberto _sanchez_returns _to _little _havana_for_miffecito _its _suree .php?print=true 1/5 Miami - Arts - Cultist - Print Version 10/16/2014 Roberto Sanchez: I was raised in Miami, and when I was 19 I went into the military (U.S. Navy), and then I was gone for many years. I had started modeling and doing commercials. I went back to Miami in 2001, and while I was there -- I was there about a year -- I booked my first film, 2 Fast 2 Furious, and then, boom, that got me out to L.A. So you are coming to Miami for this screening. Do you visit Miami often? Sure, sure. I got my whole family over there. It's just -- for work purposes -- L.A. is the place to be right now. But I try to go at least two or three times a year, to go back to Miami . .. Lake Los Angeles - Trailer III Small Form Films SMAL..L~ORM 01:~ I HD Growing up as a kid in Miami, you must have some nostalgic memories of the city. What's Miami mean to you? It's just so many things, man. Aside from it being my home, I guess it's the timing of everything. The fact that I got a film that's going to screen there that's very close to my heart, and it's going to be screened at the Tower Theater, which is a theater I used to go to as a kid to watch karate movies, and I've heard over the years that they renovated it, and now it's reopened, and it looks beautiful. And the fact that I can go back home and show my own film, it's surreal, man. It's like a homecoming of sorts for me, so I'm hyped. I'm totally excited. This movie is actually the third in a trilogy. Do you play the lead in the other two films as well? There are three films, there's also Littlerock and Pear Blossom Hwy. It's interesting, it's the same character, but yet it's not. It's Mike's way of kind a fuckin' with your head, man. For the first two I have much smaller roles, but for this one here, he kinda wanted to focus a little more on my character and the little girl played by Johanna. I'm sorry I haven't seen the other films. I'll probably go back and look for them. So who does Francisco come out being then? (Laughs) That's tough, man. That's a tough one. I think in this film , really, you get to see who Francisco is. The first time that you see him, he's working as a cook in a kitchen, so sure, it's me. Itislf20 14/1O/mi ami-bred _actor_roberto_san chez _returns_to _little _hava n a_for _ miffecito _its _ suree .php ?pri nt=true 2/5 10/16/2014 Miami - Arts - Cultist - Print Version I go by the same name, Francisco, but it's almost as if Francisco exists in a parallel universe in that it doesn't necessarily tie in with the Francisco we saw in the second and third, but yet it's the same person, so it's one of those weird dynamics; it's kind of an alternative reality type of Francisco. If he doesn't really connect these three films, what connects them? I think you can make the connection that it's people who are searching for a better tomorrow, better opportunities, maybe even to find themselves. There is one thing that links all three - especially with the first and the third one -- it's almost like this person is in this foreign land and how he copes in trying to find the American dream .. .if that even exists. :&; - Official Littlerock Trailer j . fr'lI Small Form Films SMIlLL FOR"" 01:EJ I HD How did you get involved with these films and Mike Ott? Through a regular audition. The first one was Littlerock. I went in, I met him. It was a general audition, but I just fell in love with the direction. The type of film that he was making was something that I had never done before, very artsy, very lost in translation type of film, and I just fell in love with his vision. So we did a short film version of that, and when I saw it, I just fell in love with it, man ....When I saw it, I said, "Dude, I don't care what you do, man, from now on. I don't care if you do a short film, feature film, a commercial, a porno flick. Whatever you do, man, I just want to be part of it." So I've been very fortunate to now have done three films with him. Did he tell you it was going to be a trilogy? We didn't really know that my character was going to be such a big part of the third one, but you know, the whole thing with Lake Los Angeles is, Johanna's part, the part about the little girl, that's actually the story or a similar story to a student of Mike. Mike teaches directing at USC [University of Southern California], and I guess a former student either experienced something like that or knew of somebody who experienced that, and he just always remembered that person's story, and at one point he decided to do a film about that and then, as we got to know each other, he found out about my background, and how I came to this country and decided to 1O/miami-bred _actor_roberto _ sanchez_returns_toJitlle_havana_for _ miffecito_its _ suree .php?print=true 3/5 1011612014 Miami - Arts he's I can Cultist - Print Version with it. a on it's own. too. about and we come that. Though don't a of screen land really on your filmography, which you do seem to busy. it includes over 80 bean and some reason I movies. I didn't 1'\T"\T"\r\'I""'1'1 on 18, 9 or Visit on ~~~!-...:>~~~~~~~=~ 415 10/16/20 14 MIFFecito: A Shot of Cinema I tfIlf·Jjii. See & Do Hdlu :! ((seft dO. !flrw) MIFFecito: A Shot of Cinema iso ru , I,. ~ 1:i 1 Miami Dade College's Miami International Film Festival presents MIFFecito, a weekend's worth serving of films and festivities. SC't.: ,'nd Sign up for our weekend guide Ug.ov!!'!oheriest -b(,ngs-beer ba v-a nidcl Make your plans with our Weekend Concierge email See&Do~ Grovetoberfest brings craft beer to Miami's masses (/grovetoberfest-b rings sent to your inbox every Wednesday. Enter email address boor-bay-art'cle) No recommendation s for this website yet. If you go: Here is the schedule for MIFFecilo, flmning Friday. Sunday al Ihe Tower Theater, 1508 SW Eighth By Rene Rodriguez I [email protected] 10/15/2014 Jaie Laplante is hooked on caffeine. On a typical day, he'll have five or six shots of espresso - or, as they're known in Miami, cafecitos. On stressful days, he may have a few more. St., Miami. For more (",.·. l)-gf1flgri!l!OO$4a tin-m LJ :; IC~ IMf,:rrs-g~1tw ' -ftl ' a f)li"lJod bull ,];Qm pI9~ frescO -iu11.::: 1e ) information, visil But Laplante seems calm and eager when talking about See & 0 0 IIsee vMw, the first MIFFecito, a weekend-long celebration of cinema (h!J o liwww rnjaOl' /,lrn/(''i1'Ya l c.omJ presented by Miami Dade College's Miami International Two generations of Latin music makers gather in Miami for Red Bull Siempre Fresco or call 305· 237-3456. Film Festival. Inspired by mini-festivals put on year-round FRIDAY by institutions such as New York City's Lincoln Center , dQ..Ierml 7 p.m, : '1 Can Quit Laplante decided to do the same thing here. He and Whenever I Want' programmer Andres Castillo rounded up some of the films Utwo-genera hons ..latinIn u sic-makers -g ather .. 7:30 p.m. 'Root' they had wanted to play in this year's festival and fresco-article) 9:30 p.m. 'Carmina and programmed them at the newly restored Tower Theater, Ame n' (shown on two screens) SATURDAY Noon Master class: 'The Art of Curation' 1 p.m . 'Spanish Affair' 4 p.m. 'Behavior' 1508 SW Eighth St. , Miami, to play this weekend . "I always get a huge surge of energy during the fest ival, but then when it's over I crash, like you do afler a sugar one: Laplante says. "But when I saw these other mini festivals taking place in other cities, Andres and I went after the movies we couldn't get the first time around." 7 p.m. 'Vara; A Blessing' Intended as an appetizer for next year's festival, which 9 p.m. 'Lake Los Angeles' runs March 6-15, the lineup this weekend includes : 'The Btue Car') comedy about a group of post-grads who, faced with their country's 43 percent unemployment rate, start their own SUNDAY unusual business. 3 p,m. 'The La ramie Project Retrospective 3:30 p.m. 'Spanish Affair' 6 p.m . 'Life Feels Good' 6:30 p.m. 'Lake Los ~.. • The Italian satire I Can Quit Whenever I Want , an acidic 9:30 p.m. 'Paradise' Screening' .... rush, knowing that I have to wait another year for the next 6:30 p.m. 'Root' (preceded by the short film miami-red -bull-siernpre • Mexican filmmaker Mariana Chenillio uses Paradise to explore our obsession with our body image when an overweight couple challenges each other to see who can lose the most weight. '1I eS1IV a l-mlam~b rlnQ S j3 ZZ - daS$fCa\-pop-and ..lTIo~ c 3 rtjr.I~ 1 MUSIC 10 M l ami ~ Festival Miam i brings jazz, classical, pop and more (Ifesllyal-miam, hr!ngs-Iazz-cla sslcal-pop and-more-8rtld e) Angeles' 8:30 p.m . 'Spanish Affair' (sh own on two screens) The highest-ijrossing film in Spain's history, Spanish Affair highlights the contrasts between northern and See & Do Usee do southern Spain when a man from Seville pretends to pass ~ as a Basque to win the girl of his dreams. • Trick or treating holiday crafts & The 1/3 10/16/2014 MIFFecito: A Shot of Cinema I Miami's Roberto Sanchez stars in Lake Los Angeles as a middle-aged Cuban man who works odd jobs while providing refuge for illegal Mexican Immigrants. Lego Movie' Munch krn Fun's lop picks for th e \o\,1eek Life Feels Good centers on the true story of a 26-year-old Polish man born with cerebral palsy and his struggle to communicate with the rest of the world. i1trU:k-Gf-t£!"ithng-hohday crjt f l;(.~tIt'flp-it:C o · mo ... t.~ rn u l1 d.kin· l lin03~s-top- pltk \)-we-t:k-illllr:ltJ ) Hailing from Chile, Root is an unusual road trip between an abused 20-year-old woman and a 9-year-old boy left orphaned after the death of his domineering guardian. Casino Night evenl ln Coral Gables benefits at-risk children Oc...aMnc,HI!:Qlit· In Vara: A Blessing, director Khyentse Norbu uses dance and music to explore event-< oraWllbles India's brutal caste system, when a lowly Muslim falls in love with a Hindu girl, whose ben e'i t?-os o.:~h l ldJ en- father has alread y arranged to marry a wealthy scion. iu1 ,ele l In addition to screenings, MIFFecito will offer special programs such as The Laramie The Beatles arrive at Project Retrospective Screening, the 2002 HBO documentary about the murder ot History Miam i ( noal\es Matthew Shephard, followed by a conversation with playwright/author Moises Kaufman. 8rrl\-e-!IIf,ilol yrnlolml...1r11C'I,::.,j There will also be a master class, tilled The Art of Curation with Thom Powers, the esteemed programmer for several festivals , including Toronto and Miami. • Cora l Gables Art Cinema hoSls M"jlm, Laplante admits that just like with any new enterprises, he had initially fretted about the Iflternational turnout. Would anyone come? The early signs look good. Children's Film Festival !lco,"I~ -When you start something new, people are slow to respond," Laplante says. "But we've already had to add three addititional screenings due to sell-outs, including the opening night film (Behavior), so I'm feeling very happy." an-Cll)ema-ho-sts-nU(lll1l' inlem::ltlor'lAkhlldrer'l -=> fjltn-fest.... {lI-ani(.la 1 13 people like Ihis. Sign Up 10 see what your friends like. 'Frida: Un masked' expl ores Ill!; life of fame d al11st Frida Kahlo 110391<100 uttm ~sk ~D3q~p ' e<;~I I!~ - Iflhm"te--loo l-..· hle-.falilod. 1.;l nlcnt J artist frida.-.kahlo·nJ1,cla ) Free and cheap Faccbook social plugltl things to do in Miamj - Oct. 10-12 11(,,,,,...,,) Cheap-thiOO$=dst m!afT! l OCl.10:1 2-S\ r1n,;).)! Miami BrQw(lrd One Ca rniyal heads south to a new venue in Miami (lml;;Jrtll-broward on41-carni val" dtl-:Sel • Columbus Day Regatta enters 60th year on Biscayne Bay (ict')ltimtJu$ -<1ay reg atto .~ nt(! rs 601h-ypar. t;~s c~ YnP.-hav..ar119!.e) • New World Sym phony releases Wallca st concert series schedu le for 2014-201b Iln_ _,1d symphony "'&16ilSeS wallC,)sl -COnCCI1 -s.e:les schedule. 20 1·l-20 15 ~ Pamela Dnuckerman brings Imported parenling wi sdom to Miami (Ipamj'la. d rvctJ.(: rmiln-~ ,mP9rted.parentmg 'N1g·jqln-mlomi-;lrfI CH'iJ See more in See & Do Usee dQ- l ~rOl , 2/3 MIFFecito: 4-day mini festival coming to MDe's Tower Theater - Miami Movie I 10/16/2014 • AXS ENTERTAINMENT / ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT / MOVIES MIFFecito: 4-day mini festival coming to MDC's Tower Theater October 14, 2014 959 PM MST "Span ish Affair" flickfocts .com Don't want to wait until 2015 for your film festiva l fi x? Thankfully, you don't have to . From October 16-19, the Miami International Film Festival will be having MIFFecito, a "mini" festival that will provide a mid-season taste of what's to come from the main edition in March 2015. This 4-day festival will feature films from all around the world, including Chile, Spain, Me xico, Cuba, Poland and Italy. In addition to the 10 international films that will be shown, there will be events going on all throughout MIFFecito to ensure that festival-goers never experience a dull moment. The festival kicks off on October 16th with "Behavior," (w hich was recentl y selected as the Cuban 1/3 MIFFecito : 4-day mini festival coming to MDe's Tower Theater - Miami Movie I 10/16/2014 entry for 87th Academy Awards), with director Ernesto Daranas and actor Hector Noas in attendance. Following the screening there will be an Opening Night Party at the newly reopened Ball & Chain bar, a historic live music venue that once hosted jazz greats such as Billie Holiday and Count Basie . Other special happenings during MIFFecito include a reception following the showing of the inspirational Polish film "Life Feels Good," as well as a special performance from the Belly Motions Bollywo od Performance Team preceding "Vara: A Blessing," a film filled with visual splendor and classical Indian dance . MIFFecito is also showing the Florida Premiere of "Spanish Affair," the highest grossing film in Spanish history, and Mexican film "Paradise," directed by "Nora'a Will" filmmaker Mariana Chenillo, who will participate in a Q&A following the film . And that's not all. During MIFFecito, there will be two free events (though tickets are required to attend): A retrospecitive screening of the 2002 HBO film The Laramie Project, which chronicles the legislative aftermath of ga y teen Matthew Shephard's hate-crime murder. A conversation with director MOises Kaufman will follow. And on Saturday, October 18, world renowned documentary programmer Thom Powers will be conducting a 3-hour Master Class on the art of curation . The entire festi va l will take place at MDC's Tower Theater in Little Havana, which is located at 1508 SW 8th Street. Miami. For more information on MIFFecito click here Lauren Cohen 'v1i,jlHi r~I:' 11 I\~;,\. ';~ t x :'1111 http :// rticl e/miffecito-4-da y-m i n i-f estiva I-comi ng-to-md c-s-tower -theater 2/3 10/16/2014 Miami International Mini Film Fest starts October 16 - ACED Magazine [I \ I I "I '.1 "\ , Kids D I\'J\I.... ·( I /',[;(:1.11 \IS » Venus in Fur, a Seductive Tryst on a Stage " Witching & Bitching, a Hilarious Horror Thriller SeARCH .~CED ?1~t~!n~t~~ LATEST POSTS Horne" ADD Moments " Miami International Mini Film Fest starts October 16 Miami International Mini Film Fest starts October 16 Under Wrar s. a tvi onsler M Jsh fOi Ki d" October 5. 2014 11:17 Qm hy : John Delia Category: ADD Moments A .. / A 1)<1,,/>('1'/ .' .'(1 ) Venus in Fur. on , ~,~",j~ (}('(nh ~ 'J' J ~32~ a Sedu cti ve T rys t -t.."'Il/ oJ W itching & Bit ching. a Hilariou .. (}('/o h(: /' 14. 21)14 MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FI LM FESTIVAL FEATURED VIDEO MIAMI DADE COllEGE ..nMDCullUle Miami International Film Festival (Mia miFF), a program of Miami Dade College's MDCulture, has announced the lineup for MIFFecito 2014, the "mini" film festival which provides a mid-season "taste" to next year's 32nd edition running March 6-15, 2015, Taking place over four days (October 16- 19, 2014), MIFFecito will premiere international films submitted from countries including Bhutan, Cuba, Italy, Mexico, Poland, and Spain. Miami Dade College's Tower Theater will serve as the exclusive location for all screenings. MiamiFF Executive Director Jaie Laplante mentions, "As Miami's beloved caf' refreshment, MIFFecito is to our annual March festiv al. MIFFecito is an ap~ " ure is to mid-day '1iamiFF's main course, the perfect Fall break for film lovers who crave a cinematic fi x." The 'mini' festival's film slate includes: Behavior (Conducta) (Cuba), directed by Ernesto Daranas . FLORIDA PREMIERE. 'OPENING NIGHT FILM - FOLLOWED BY OPENING NIGHT PARTY AT THE SOON-TO-BE-OPENED " BALL & CHAJN" NIGHTCLUB. In director Ernesto Daranas' second dramatiC feature film, which will screen opening night at MIFFecito, a Havana boy sent to a reform school becomes the subject of a moral tug-of-war between generational ideologies in today's Cuba . The complex, dramatic story centers on Chala, who on the critical cusp of adolescence, scrapes by with few pOSitive role models as he illegally trains fight dogs. After Chala is sent to reform school, his addict mother's attempts to have him released set up a chain reaction among the school leaders. Since its premiere in Cuba, the film became an unexpected social phenomenon sparking Cuba's current social state as a hot topic for discussion. "The Blue Car" eEl carro azul") (Germany / Cuba), directed by Valerie He ine. FLORIDA PREMIERE. A short dramatic film about Marcos, His grandmother's death forces Hansel, his worldly brother, to return Cuba to care for him, and an old family game helps restore the trust lost over the years. Carmina and Amen (Carmina y amen) (Spain), directed by Paco Leon. NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE . Actor-cum-director Paco Leon is a familiar face to Miami art film lovers. He starred in the 2013 film Three Many Weddings which played at Miam iFF31 . But the year pri or, he created a charming m-fest -sta rts-october -161 1/4 10/16/2014 Miami International Mini Film Fest starts October 16 - ACED Magazine showcase for the incredible force, charisma and outrageous personality of his actress-mother Carmina Barrios' in Carmina or Blow-Up, which became an unexpected hit both in Spain and Miami. In this 2014 sequel, Carmina and Amen, Carmina triumphantly returns, upgrading the low-budget original with a deeper, more mature work that ups the ante on her larger-than-life outlook on family, sex, death and any other topic that falls into her purview. I Can Quit Whenever I Want (Smetto quando voglio) (Italy), directed by Sydney Sibilia. FLORIDA PREMIERE. Full of terrific, farcical comedy and wicked social commentary, I Can Quit Whenever I Want is director Sydney Sibilia's vehicle to offer Italians the chance to chuckle at the gloomy 43 % unemployment rate for Italy's youth . Realizing their post-graduate degrees are worthless, a rag-tag crew of desperate intellectuals imagine a new psychotropic drug, and then apply their refined but completely unmarketable skills to the illicit drug trade, much to the chagrin of the local Mafia. This film was nominated for 12 Donatello Awards, the Academy Awards of Italy. Lake Los Angeles (U.s.A.), directed by Mike Ott. FLORIDA PREMIERE. Francisco, played by Miami's own Roberto Sanchez, is a middle-aged Cuban man who works odd construction jobs, and makes money on the side by providing his home as a holding house for illegal Mexican immigrants. Cecilia, a 10-year-old Mexican girl, crosses the border hoping to find a better life in the US, but her treacherous journey into the Promised Land will test her spiritual and physical fortitude. Lake Los Angeles (2014) completes Mike's desert trilogy which also includes: Littlerock (2010) and Pearblossom Hwy (20 12). Life Feels Good (Chce si? zy?) (Poland), directed by Maciej Pieprzyca. L ~{~ LA&,wa.&.IIIoauJ FLORIDA PREMIERE. The winner of several major awards at the ~T"-4..J:¥JXl . . . . . -r 2014 Polish Academy Awards, Life Feels Good is the funny, brazen, sexual, fierce and wistfully melancholic story of Mateusz, a boy born with cerebral palsy and whose inner voice dialogue drives the film's narrative during his 26 year fight to communicate with the world. Like My Left Foot, which is also based on a true story, the Maciej Pieprzyca-directed film draws parallels to Poland's national struggles over the time period of Mateusz's life, both the nation and the man refusing to give up. Paradise (Paraiso) (Mexico), directed by Mariana Chenillo. FLORIDA PREMIERE. Director Mariana Chenillo's second feature film takes on society's obsession with "the perfect body" through light hearted humor, poignant wit and absurd definitions of relationship balance. A deeply in-love, overweight married couple's relationship suffers when, humiliated by social weight-loss chatter, they mutually seek to shrink their plus-sized bodies. Only one spouse succeeds, burdening the "failing" spouse with today's idea of appearance and self-worth, even in the presence of unconditional love. The premiere at the Festival will be Chenillo's second visit. Her previous film, Nora's Will, won the Audience Award at MiamiFF26 in 2009. Root (Raiz) (Chile), directed by Matias Rojas ValenCia. FLORIDA PREMIERE. What happens when the estranged, abused 20-something daughter of a privileged family spontaneously adopts a nine yea r old boy orphaned from her domineering mother's maid 's death? A long, rewarding road-trip, fraught with self-discovery, and bond-building. Despite their considerable age difference, Amalia and Cristobal's common experiences of difficult family life are reinforced by director Matias Rojas Valencia's striking, imposing scenery, at once building connections between the characters, the planet, and the wonders of life itself. Spanish Affair (Ochos apellidos vascos) (Spain), directed by Emilio Martinez-Lazaro. EAST COAST http ://acedmagazi n e. com/mia mi-i nternatio nal-mini-film -fest-starts-october -161 2/4 10/16/2014 Miami International Mini Film Fest starts October 16 - ACED Magazine PREMIERE . No film in 2014 has tapped the Spanish zeitgeist to the astonishing level represented by Emilio Martinez-Lazaro's Spanish Affair, catapulting the 98-minute comedy to become the all-time highest-grosSing Spanish film at the domestic Spanish box office. A love-smitten Seville man must pretend to be a Basque man in order to win the girl of his dreams, highlighting the cultural divide between northern and southern Spain. The tensions of Basque separatist sentiments, exasperated by Spain's economic crisis, are a difficult daily reality, providing a taboo-busting opportunity to ease the pai n with laughter through a seemingly-innocent film that proves otherwise. Vara: A Blessing (Bhutan I Hong Kong I Sri Lanka), directed by Khyentse Norbu. FLORIDA PREMIERE. Director Khyentse Norbu's lush, breathtaking visu als unfold the story of India's brutal, indiscriminate caste system, which too-frequently constricts the possibility for the simplest, earnest relationships. The communion of love, art and spirituality collide when a lower-caste MUSlim enraptures a lovely Hindu girl through the earthy, artistic grace of pottery, complicating village elder plans of marrying Lila off to a wealthy scion. Vara: A Blessing is a triumphant expression of whirling dance, music and the boundaries of devotion. The film is accompanied by music from worldwide famed composer and producer Nitin Sawhney. Director Norbu, who is a practicing lama, visited MiamiFF21 in 2004 when his previous film, Travellers & Magicians, was screened at the Olympia Theater. In addition to M!FFecito's slate of premieres, visionary playwright and director Moises Kaufman will host a special event titled A Conversation with MOises Kaufman & THE LARAMIE PROJECT Retrospective Screening.The Laramie Project, his landmark 2002 HBO documentary, chronicles the legislative aftermath of gay teen Matthew Shephard's hate-crime murder. The film, an expose of intolerance and discrimination which echoes current news from Russ ia and Africa, offers fresh lessons in the ongoing war. The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act has positively impacted the past five years in the United States. The director will lead a post-screening conversation on the issues, techniques, and engagement his landmark film helped spark. Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Kaufman is currently in Miami rehearsing for the November debut of Bizet's Carmen, which is being co-produced by his Tectonic Theater Project. Tickets wi ll go on sale to the general public on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Tickets : 1-844-565 6433(MIFF) or Opening Night Film + Party $50 II $40 for members. All other screenings $12 adults, $11 seniors, $10 members, $7 students. For membership opportunities or more information, please visit www.miamifilmfestival.comor call 305-237-FILM(3456). Miami International Film Festival is the only major film festival event housed within a college or university . Facebook Twitter Google+ Devil Incarnate, a Devilish Honeymo ... Pinterest Reddit Tumblr Email The Good Lie, a Shocking Look at In ... About John Delia John Delia has been on all sides of the movie business from publi cations to film making. He has worked as a film criti c with ACED Magazine for 9 years and earned a Bachelors degree in communications from the University of Florida. John is a member of the South Eastern Film Critics Association. He serves as the film editor of Aced Magazine. Follow John on Twitter @staragent1 or send him a message at [email protected] View all pOSIS by John Delia» Related Posts http://acedmag azine .com /m ia mi-i nte rnational-min i- fil m-fes t-starts-octo be r-161 3/4 ./>. 0 tv !> ~ 0 0' () 0 :3 0 () :3 0 ~. -+ V> CD ~ l\1IFFecito - Fihll 'with :YIiami Flavor October 16th - October 19th Can't wait u ntil n ext year for the I\Iiami International Film Festival? Not to worry! Miami Dade College's ure progra m brings us, I\HFFecito, a mid-season "'taster of what's to co me ne:-..'t year! Nothing in Miami is ever ordinary especially this film showcase! MIFFecito scraps the e..\..-pected soda. popcorn. and 5-l1o-caps for a popup concession stand a la Miami-style! Beginning October 16th through 19th. the rustorical1926 mo\;e house. Tower ll1eater , is host to a pop -up cafe! The culinary e.."\.-perts at Tinta y Cafe will serv!;' Miami favorites ",.-bile guests \iew the premiers ot heralded international submitted from countries including Bhutan, Cuba, Italy, Mexicv, Poland. and Spain, Clic.k heTe for ticket infonnation . "Visit the conca.o;sion stand for delicious classics like Croquetas de J amon (ham croquettes) and Pastelitos de Guayaba. Queso & Carne (guava. cheese & beef pastries). Also try one of Tint a Y Cafe -5 signature Cuban sand,\;ches ,,-;th a side of plantain chips! Try El Patna made with h a m, pork 5'\;55 cheese, mortadl'lla, pickl es and mustard or E{ Gallego made ''''1th prosciutto, can timpalo _ma nchego cheese and tom ato. You can also try La Calena made ,..ith prosciutto, turkey , manehego cheese, tomato. ted onion, fresh cilantro and cilantro mayo. San~ room for dessert because you won't ,\'ant to out on the Homemade Flan! Pair your movie snacks ,..i th a delicious Cafe can Leche, Cortadito or Colada and your eC\.'"J>€ri ence is complete! For even m ore l\liami culture, join YiIFFecito at the Openin g Night After-Party on October 16th' Go back in tilne to the days of jazz and g a mblers a t the newly re-opened Ball & Chain (1513 S1,V 8th Street, across the street fro m Tower Theater) , a historic music dub dating back to 1935- ~lingle with fellow mo\;e-lovers and enjo: live music. traditional Cuba n tapas and drinks f rom Bombay Sapphice and Stl'lla Artois. Program Linl'up: Oct 16th I 7PM- BehayioT (Cuba) followed by The Blue CaT (Cuba) 9 PM- Opening Night After-Party at Ball & Chain Oct r;th I 7PM- I Can Quit \Yheneyer I Want (Italy) 7 :30PM Root (Chile) 9:3 0 PM Carmina }\nd Amen (Spain) Oct 18th I 6:30PM Root (Chile) 9PM- Lake Los Angeles (USA) 9 :30PM - Paradise (Mexico) Oct 19th I 6 P M - Life Feels Good (Pola nd) 6 :30PM - Lake Los Ange1es (USA) 7PM- Ya ra : A Blessing (Bhutan, Hong Kong, Sri Lauka) 8: 3 0PM- Spa nish Affair (Spain) L From Normcore to Celebrated Cuban Stars: 7 Must-See Movies In Miami This Week I Ar. .. Page 1 of 13 REMEZCLA CHICAGO LOS ANGELES MIAMI NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO PHOENIX MUSICA IfilleMEZCLA1 HOME EVENTS IN YOUR CITY VIDEO ~I REMEZCLA » Article : From Normcore to Celebrated Cuban Stars : 7 Must-See , Submit Query REMEZCLA » READ Movies I. .. Follow us: I » I Join Remezcla get weekly e-mail newsletters 4 Tweet ~I Like 3 g+l Send [REMEZCLAj From Normcore to Celebrated Cuban Stars: 7 Must See Movies In Miami This Week BY Andrew S. Vargas I PUBLISHED: Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 14/Iatinlfrom-normcore-to-celebrated-cuban-stars-7 -must-se... 10/ 15/2014 From Normcore to Celebrated Cuban Stars: 7 Must-See Movies In Miami This Week I Ar... Page 2 of 13 For years the Miami International Film Festival (MIFF) has been a friend to Latin American cinema. With an official competition typically jam-packed with the best offerings from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego, and a special prize for Best Latin American Opera Prima, there's no question the festival stays true to its Miami roots (that is, it recognizes that Miami is only nominally part of the United States). Now, for the first time, the MIFF is offering South Florida cinephiles the film festival equivalent ofa shot of Cuban coffee - a concept they took quite literally when they named this mid-season taste of the Miami Film Festival, MIFFecito. Get it? Packing 10 red carpet premieres into 4 short days, complete with galas, filmmakers in attendance, and all the trappings of an international film festival, it's as though someone swaggered up to the MIFF programming office and said, "Oye asere, ponme un filmecito ahi." And guess what? Half of the films are of some Ibero American extraction, so this little taste should definitely keep you awake until next year's edition of the festival. So SoFlo residents, put on your guayaberas and head down to the Tower Theater starting October 16 for a sugary sweet shot of MIFFecito. Here's what you have to look forward to. l4/Iatinlfrom-normcore-to-celebrated-cuban-stars-7 -must-se ... 10/ 15/2014 to 7 Conducta Behavior Director: Ernesto D Country: Cuoa Year: 2014 the Best Ar... 3 3 as story centers on Chala with role models. He doesn't know who his father but Cuban star Alina his sixth teacher. .. 1 15/2014 to Stars: 7 Miami 4 I Ar... 13 CarminayA Carmina and men Director: Paco Leon Co ntry: Spain Yea: 201 of his hit 10/1 14 7 to I Ar... 5 3 Lake Los Angeles Director: Mike Ott Co n : USA Year: 14 Francisco on the side by from Mexico the to her up. her vast imagination to man who and makes money house for illegal manage to cross the border Mexican girl ends up at Francisco's place to deliver the money, the young girl is forced to escape into the her com pany. 4 6 Ar... to 13 El carro The Blue Car Directo : Valerie Hein Country: Cub Ger any Year: 201 death forces Hansel, restore the trust lost over the years in 18. to care for and an Car screens with .. Los 1 14 to Celebrated 7 I Ar... 7 13 Paraiso Paradise Director: Mariana Chenillo ou try: Mexico Year: 013 live in who dress alike in their own normcore and appear to be with one another. fitness has never a them until Carmen overhears some chatter at a the to herself into a Ulp;crht_ - so she program, and conv to sufrer when Alfredo is the one able to 14 r.rrn,,("),·p to Cuban 7 8 13 Root irector: Matias Roj Valen Co ntry: Chile Year: 2013 an Amalia decides to her 14 7 to 9 Ocho apellidos vascos Spanish Affair Director: milio Martin Country: ain .201 ro is smitten with the Amaia she leaves his bed the next The~___" 16 19 at Miami 13 Amaia 's Tower Theater. .. 1 4 lVIIFFECIT'O - A MID-SEASON T'ASTE OF T'HE MI_AMI INT'ERNAT'IONAL FIL~1 FEST'IVAL DOWNTOWN MIAMI AREA ADO TO FAVORITES lIfe \::..:..:: ' • uanra bencn ® Hollywood "l l ~ hi . . Nort Miami ,Beach , '12 ~ H~leah §) Dor;]1 Miami Tnmlsm l Coral Gable!: (W) Kendall Cu tler Cutler Bay fJiD Homp'~, r e;'H1 Map data ©20 14 Google ADDRESS OVERVIEW MDe'S TOWER THEATER 1508 SW 8TH ST. MIAMI. FL 33135 http://www. miamifilmfesti va bou. MIFFECITO - A MID-SEASON TASTE OF THE MIAMI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL on 1~ 2~14 - ~n 19 2~14 Film A Mid-Season Taste of #MiamiFF: October 16-19, 2014. During the four-day event, MIFFecito will distill the annual MiamiFF experience showcasing the best of world cinema, into a concentrated weekend of 8 to 10 international, North American, U.S . and Florida red-carpet premieres accompanied by in-person appearances by visiting filmmakers and stars, as well as parties and additional events. NEARBY THINGS TO DO ARTS & CULTURE LISTINGS BUSINESS SERVICES CRUISE MIFFecito in Miami , FL - Oct 16, 2014 12:00 PM I Eventful 10/16/2014 Location (City or Zip) Search for Miami metro area Concerts Festivals Comedy Family eg ojazz , Coldplay or The Fillmore Nighlllfe Pe riorming Arts Sports Las Vega s SEARCH More MtFFECtTO EVENT TIME & TICKETS MIFFECIT( IN MIAMI 1. Motley Crue -~-- - -~-- --~-- Mt'·am' - --- '- . g +T 0 October 16, 2014 - October 19, 2014 Thursday 12 :00 PM - Sunday 12:00 AM '- IC ol -- -- . - 3. Daughtry 4 . Jason Derulo 5. Dodge Presents : Motley .. Tower Theater, Miami Dade College 1508 SW Eighlh Slreet Miami, Florida Map 6. Disney live I Mickey' s Ma .. 7. Festival Of Praise 2014 fe .. 8. Foster Tho People PERFORMERS : -----,. 2. Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull 9. Ringo Starr & His All-Star .. No Performers Listed 10. Jordan Knight and Nick. TRACK EVENT Going to this event? , .' o people track thi s event More people going : I WANNA GO See All More Events For You See All Be the first to brag about ill .,. Share on Facebook O r'. 17 · 8 UfJ P ~l. f .... [N ET MLS MIFFECITO OClober 16. 2014 - Oclober 19, 2014 While the big cinemati c showcase kn own as the Mlamllntemational Frlm Festival won't be here until spring, this new pre party of sorts will cond ense some of the world's best cinema into eight 10 ten red-<::8rpet premieres as well a s actor and filmmaker appearances. various talks and a heavy social component. For program and ticket information. viSit or ca ll 305.237.3456. Jd 2n - 1 J: I Pr ~~ Cost: Times and ticket prices vary Categories: Film LINKS : Event details al ! I Event details at socia lmiami .com ! (,k f 26 • i . ,~~ J P!O.~ Event details may change at any time , always ch eck with the event organizer when planning to attend this event or purchase tiCk.ets. Report offensive coment on thiS page Get more events for you MMi ~J IS ABOIJT :, MI~Fl:CIf(> Gone Girl Now Playing \ Watch Trailer In Ca r1 ha9(~. Mo lorm(Jr Naw York·bas ed wriler NIr.l<. Uunne (Ben Alit. http://miami.eventful .com/events/miffecito-/EO-O 0 1-075939673-6 1/3 National Book Award finalists announced I The Miami Herald Page 1 of 3 ENTERTAINMENT (HTTP://WWW.MIAMIHERALD.COM/ ENTERT AINMENT I) > BOOKS (HTTP://WWW.MIAMIHERALD.COM/ENTERT AINMENT/ BOOKS/ ) National Book Award finalists announced BY HILLEL ITALIE - ASSOCIATED PRESS 10/ 15/20142:38 PM I Updated : 10115/20142:39 PM Can' t We Talk About Somethin g More Pleasant? Roz Chas t. Bl oomsbury. 240 pages . $28 . Novelist Marilynne Ro binson, cartoonist Roz Chast and former U.S. poet laureate Louise Gluck are among this yea r' s fi nalists for the National Book Awards. Robinson was cited for "Lila," the third of an Iowa-based trilogy that began with her Pulitzer Prize-winning "Gilead." Chast was nominated for her graphic memoir "Can't We Talk About Something M ore Pleasant?" and Gluck for the poetry collection "Faithful and Virtuous Night." The Nati ona l Book Foundation, a nonprofit organization that presents the awards, announce d fi ve finalists in each of four categories Wednesday. A long list of 10 per category was re leased last month. http://www.miamihew ld .co lll ' l; Jl IlT l ~l i nment/boo ks/article 2818331.html 10116/2014 National Book Award fin ali sts announced I The Miami Herald Page 2 of 3 Winners, each of whom receive $10,000, will be disclosed at a Nov. 19 ceremony in New York. Daniel Handler of "Lemony Snicket" fame will host and honorary prizes will be given to science fiction-fan tJ sy writer Ursula K. Le Guin and literacy advocate Kyle Zimmer. The fiction list was a mix of such long-established authors as Robinson and newer fiction writers, including Emily St. John Mandel, nominated for the post-apocalyptic novel "Station Eleven," and Iraq War veteran Phil Klay, cited for his debut collection, "Redeployment." Most of the books told stories of war and devastation, from "Station Eleven" and "Redeployment" to Rabih Alameddine's novel set in Beirut, "An Unnecessary Woman," and Antho ny Doerr's "All the Light We Cannot See," set in Europe during World War II. Another novel set during wartime, Richard Flanagan's "The Narrow Road to the Deep North," won Britain 's M an Booker Prize on Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning, 'The Narrow Road" wa s ill ~il e top 2 0 on Amazon .com, the kind of sales surge U.S. publishers would like to see for t il e National Book Awards. The book foundation, which has several publishers on its bow ' l of direc to rs , introduced longlists and other changes to the nominating proc ess a ',l ear ago in an attempt to emulate the Bookers , Nonfiction nomine es besides Chast, the only woman in the category, were Anand Gopal for "No Good Men Amo ng the Living: Ameri ca, the Taliban, and the War Through Afghan Eyes"; John Lah r fu r ' I ennesse c William s"; Evan Osnos for "Age of Ambition : Chasing Fortune, Truth, and FL l h in the r'~ ew China"; Edward O. Wilson for "The Meaning of Human Existe nce" In young peopl e' s liter'l ture, fin cll ists were Eliot Schrefer for "Threatened," Steve Sheinkin for "The Port Chic ag o 50: Disa st er, Mutiny, and the Fight for Civil Rights," John Corey Whaley for "No ggi n, " u eborah Wi les for "Revolution : The Sixties Trilogy, Book Two" and Jacqueline Wo ou ,on i Jr "Brown Girl Dreaming." All but Corey have been nominees in previous years The poetry fin alist ', \'ir re Gluck, . ann y Howe for "Second Childhood," Maureen N. McLane for "ThiS Glue, " Fred Moten for "The Feel Trio" and Claudia Rankine for "Citizen: An American Lyric. " http: //www . miamih '_' J' : I ~ ' .,,' n/enterta; :mcnt/books/arti cle28 1833 1.html 1011 6/2014 National Book A'x~ l d :- ~ 'i ts annOl: .-.:d I The Miami Herald Page 3 of3 A total of 1,425 bo ok') were submitted for the awards, with finalists chosen by five member pane l:' i ,~ ~I .l categ o: ~ that include writers, book sellers and other members of the literary cor; .. , Finalists in no nfict ion, fiction, Y/A and poetry will appear Nov. 21 at Miami Book Fair International. http ://www.miamilw r, I , ~"llll1entertai Illllent/books/article2818331.html 10116/2014 Get To Know The Finalists For The 2014 National Book Award I New Hampshire Public ... Page 1 of2 Listen Live • On ·Air Sched\ll c Word or Mouth Season or The Witch: How The Occult Saved Rock & Roll The Exchange The Sky Guys On Mars: From Rovers And Orbiters To Huma Settlement Book News & Features 11 :05 B J;y_cn~ Comm u nity ullman l(lItf'T ;rersa NDI[ C~.r <;oD.t~C\ DONED NHPR Even ts NHPR & UNH Law Present 'Rudman Center Conversati ons With The Candidates' AM V;ff; O~T0BEP 15 ?~1 4 Get To Know The Finalists For The 2014 National Book Award OnglM[)tlv pUblIsh ed on Woo Octooor 15. 20 14 219 pOI Listen 8:55 (buir!(mediad mtbljchmad('"j'i! inn nel / ll /sha[cdloJ)[/slyle<;/x Ii! rge/nprs hared /2oI410!1S6111! B3.ipg) NPR The National Book Awards shortlists - forjiction. nonfiction, poen'y and yOllng people's literature - were annollnced Wednesday on Morning Edition by Mitchell Kaplan, co-follnder ofMiami Book Fair International and former president of the Am erican Booksellers Association. Read more abollt each of thejinalists below. Cop~rlght 2{) 14 NP R. To s e~ fnOrl? vi.sif http: //\'.' \\''W n p ...ot'J/. RELATED PROGRAM • Morning Edition (/proqrams/moming-edilion) http://nhpr .org/post/ get -know-finalists- 20 14-national-book -award 10/16/2014 10/16/2014 READER SUBMITTED: Connecticut Author Takes the Bronze - Hartford Courant READER SUBMITTED: Connecticut Author Takes the Bronze By Kourtney Heintz, Statewide OCTOBER 10, 2014, 710 PM Kourtney Heintz (Brett D. Helgren) W OLCOTr, CT (October 1,2014) Connecticut author Kourtney Heintz was thrilled when her debut nove l, The Six Train to Wisconsin, won a bronze medal for paranormal fiction in the Readers Favorite International Book Awards . Heintz explained, Ive never won a medal in anything before. rvlaybe a ribbon in 5th grade for tug of war, but thats it. Six Train is a gripping paranormal novel about a man named Oliver, who attempts to save his wife Kai from her out-of-control telepathy. He brings her to the quiet Wisconsin town he abandoned a decade ago, where he must confront the secrets of his past to save their future. Heintz has been invited to the Readers Favorite Award Ceremony in Miami, Florida during the Miami Book Fair. At the ceremony, she will be called on stage to accept a bronze medal for her book. This kind of public recognition is rare for authors, Heintz said. I booked my ticket to Miami the day I found out I won. Because her book won the bronze medal, copies will be on sale in the Readers Favorite Booth at the Miami Book Fair, which is the largest book fair in the country. Six Train was also a 2014 National Indie Excellence Awards Winner for cross genre fiction, 2014 International Book Awards Finalist, 2014 EPIC Ebook Awards Finalist, 2013 USA Best Book Awards Finalist, and 2012 Am azon Breakthrough Novel Awards Semifinalist. Heintz has been featured in the Republican American, on vVTNHs CT Style, and Everything Internet on the radio. The article in the Republican American was picked up by the AP and ran nationally. Heintz has traveled extensively to promote her book, giving free workshops, intimate author talks, and signing books at libraries, wineries, museums, universities, high schools, book festivals, fantasy conventions, and writing conferences across the country. She was invited to participate in a local author event at both RJ Julia Booksellers and Barnes and Noble. You can find out more about Kourtney and her book on her website: http :// Copyright © 2014, Hartford Courant 1-slory .hlml 1/2 10/16/20 14 Rankine, Robinson Top National Book Award Shortlists I,. r" I Poets and Writers ~ Subscnbe to PrllH Poets~rfiers :::.t: : :!! ~: lu,.nna::. Su bsc ribe to Digitul GIve ~ Gift R e n '~ w Help '\ ~ Ill".' r J l J ~ II. '" Home ) Magazine» Blogs » G&A: The Contest 810g » Rankine, Robin son Top National Book Award Shortlists Rankine, Robinson Top National Book Award Shortlists G&A: The Contest Blog Poets & Writers Magazine Prize Reporter The National Book Foundation has announced the shortlists for its 2014 National Book Awards. The finalists in poetry, fiction, nonfictio n, and young people's literature were announced this morning on NPR's Morning Edition by Mitchell Kaplan, cofounder of Miami Book Fair International and former president of the American Booksellers Association. SHARE I ~~ ? 1 .. "t" . The finalists in poetry are Louise GlUck, Faithful and Vinuous Night (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) ; Fanny Howe, Second Childhood (Graywolf Press); Maureen N. McLane , This Blue (Farrar, Straus and Giroux); Fred Moten, The Feel Trio (Letter Machine Editions); and Claudia Rankine , Citizen: An American Lyric (Graywolf Press). Recent Posts Rankine, Robinson Top National Book Award Shortlists Richard Flanagan Wins Man Booker Prize French Novelist Patrick Modiano Wins Nobel Prize Submissions Open for Doheny Book Award Brooklyn Poet Wins Detroit Write a House Residency The finalists in fiction are Rabih Alameddine , An Unnecessary Woman (Grove Press); Anthony _ ____ ___ Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See (Scribner); Phil Klay, Redeployment (Penguin); Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven (Knopf); and Marilynne Robinson, Lila (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) . Archived Posts October 2014 (4) September 2014 (6) The finalists in nonfiction are Roz Chast, Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant ? (Bloomsbury); Anand Gopal, No Good Men Among the Living: America, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes (Metropoli tan Books ); Evan Os nos, Age of Ambition: Chasing Fonune, Truth and Faith in the New China (Farrar, Straus and Giroux); John Lahr. Tenne ssee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh (Norton); and Edward O . Wilson , The Meaning of Human Existence (Liveright). August 2014 (5) July 2014 (4) June 2014 (9) May 2014 (9) April 2014 (8) March 2014 (6) The finalists in young people's literature are John Corey Whaley, Noggin (Atheneum Books); Deborah Wiles, Revolution (Scholastic) : Jacqueline Woodson, Brown Girl Dreaming (Nancy Paulsen Books); Eliot SchreIer, Threatened (Scholastic); and Steve Sheinkin, The Pon Chicago 50: Disaster, Mutiny and the Fight for Civil Rights (Roaring Boo ks Press). February 2014 (4) January 2014 (7) More The finalists were selected from a longlist in each category. Fiction heavyweights Richard Powers and Jane Smiley failed to make the cut, while relative newcomers Phil Klay and Emily SI. John Mandel join Pulitzer Prize-winner Marilynne Robinson, whose novel Home was a final ist for the National Book Award in 2008. On th e poetry side, veteran Edward Hirsch was also cut from the long list, while favorites GlUck, Howe , and Rankine (who earlier this year received the $50,000 Jackson Poetry Prize from Poets & Writers, Inc.) top the lis!. Follow Us G&A: The Contest Blog @poe tswritersinc Poets & Writers The winners will be announced at a ceremony in New York City on November 19. headlined by Daniel Handler-also known as Lemony Snicke!. Grants & Awards View the Writing Contests Database Photo.' Claudia Rankine Printable Version Log in to Save Log in or Register to add a comment Log in to Send Permalink Read : G&A: The Contest Blog Subscribe to P&W Magazine I Donate Now I Advertise I Sign up for E-Newsletter I !::ig!p I About Us Conlact Us I View Mob"e Site © Copyright Poels & Writers 2014. All Rights Reserved .0rg/contenUra nkine_robinson_to p_ national_book_award _shortl ists?cmnt_all= 1 1/2 0/16/2014 2014 National Book Award Finalists Announced on Home;> 2014 National Book Award Finalists Announced 2014 National Book Award Finalists Announced 1 on 14 The Fair • • • ...... ~~-~J'.~ ---·f-·_·J····· • Emily John el, • Marilynne Robinson, NON • • & • • • • • • Press) YOUNG LE'S RE • • • • the n Brook Whaley, Noggin Wi Revolution: Young for Civil mon & 1/2 2014 National Book Award Finalists Announced 10/16/2014 • Woodson, Girl p (Nancy and November 1 SourceURl:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2ll~~~~~~~~ 2/2 MIAMI HERALD I ---- -------- O .SI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 NC -------- I t 3N RELI GIO Archdiocese to honor 'Women_ofFaith ~ COWMH1ST he Archc!.i.ocese of Miami will honor 10 BeaL. outstanding women ifines from throughout the arch~ bea.hines@ diocese at its flrst ever "Women of Faith" awards ole foot-stomping, hand luncheon. The women ill be hon clapping, Southern gospel singing when the Home ored for their dedication stead Gospel Singers ap and cOmmitment to the , Catholic Church at the pear in concert at 7 p.rn.. luncheon to be at noon on Friday at Silver Palm UnitOct. 26, at the Turnberry . ed Methodist Church, 15855 Isle Hotel, 19999 W Coun SW 248th St. try Club Dr., Aventura. The group of singers, The honorees are: Barba Marge Bidwell as lead vocalist, have been togeth ra Romani of Our Lady of er for more than adecade. Guadalupe Parish; Marie Ludwick, st. Paul the Apos The other singers are Win tle Parish; Coral Aru:i. Coyle, nie Peeler, alto, and Katie ' St. Gregory parish;Sally Jones, tenor. Russomanno, St. Louis The singers come from Parish; Swanee DiMare, St. different backgrounds and Hugh parish; Christina states. Bidwell is a native of Weils, Archbishop McCar Tennessee, Peeler is from thy High School; Wmi North Carolina, and Jones Amaturo, st. John the Bap is a native of Missouri. tisth Parish; Ada Armas, Since they started sing~ Epiphany Parish; Marile ing as a group, the Home Lopez, Sts. Peter and Paul stead Gospel Singers have traveled throughout the Parish, and Jacqueline De SouZa, st. John Newman country singing at church Parish. es, hoedowns, schools and Ttickets to the luncheon . wherever they found an are $150 each. Table spon au.dience. They have also soring is available. All pro traveled and performed ceeds from the event "Will with some well-known benefit Catholic Education groups and have recorded by providing tuition assist three CDs, which included ance to needy students. recording sessions at For tickets and more Chuck Atkins Recording information go to: Studio in Columbia. w ' Tennessee. According to press HOMESTEAD release, the ladies "love GOSPEL SINGERS singing God's praise!' and Get ready for some gooc tou:bmc- the hearts of the T audience." FolloWing the concert, you will be able to meet the singers at a reception in the church's fellowship hall The concert is free, but a free v.'ill offering will be accepted. CHORALE, JAZZ PERfORMANCES Here's more for all you music lovers out there: The Ci-Jic Chorale of Greater Miami and the Miami Dade College·Percussion-En semble will perform at the Food Glorious Food con cert at 4 p.m. Sunday at st. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 14260 Old Cutler Rd., Palmetto Bay. Following the concert, there will be a fooci tasting. Then, from 11 arn.. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 25, St. An drews "vill have its Jazz Fest and BBQ The event will feature Dr. Ed Calle in concert. The purpDse of the fes tival is to provide a day of musical entertainment and good food to the Virider comrnur.ity, while bringing awareness about and raiS ing funds for those in need. From 11 am. to 4 p.m., 10 al high school and col lege jazz bands will per form. They includ Gulliv er Preparatory School, Ne w World Schoo of the Arts and Miami Dade Col lege. The afternoon portion is free to the public but a donation of money and of canned goods is requested. Food and drink vendors will be available on the church property from 11 am. to 4 p.m. The evening pOrTion of the festival is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.rn.. and requires the purchase of a ticket, which can be purchased at Intemationally ac claimed saxophonist and jazz performer Dr. Ed Calle, will be the featured artist. Calle has been nominated twice for a Latin Grammy award. Calle also is a prolif ic composer and arranger. In addition to Calle, Maestro Bobby Ramirez, also an internationally acclaimed jazz artist, will perform. Ramirez plays the sax ophone and flute and per forms original jazz compo sitions i.n.nuenced by Afro Cuban, bebop, bossa nova, and swing. The program will also feature the jazz band of the University of Jvtiami. Funds raiSed at the fes tival will be used to sup port two st. Andre~"'s C Ul'ch mission projects; to build a clean water well and pump station at at St. Marie Madelaine Parish and School in Bandeau, Haiti, and to support St. Andre '"'~ local food pantry ministry. The weil project is to replace well tha~ is con- cus of a talk by Roche1son at 7 p.rn.. on Oct. 20, at the Jewish Museum of Florida FIU, 201 Washington Ave. inM:ia..rni Beach. The story tells of a young artist debating Zio;.1 ism with an assimilated indust:rialiSt ill Victorian" era England Rochelson will discuss the story in a seminar-style setting meant to remind listeners of both the persistence and change . in issues facing Jews in modern life. Rochelson, who is also affiliated With the programs in Jewish and religious studies at FIU, is the author of A Jew in the Public Are- . na:The Career ofIsrael Zangwil~ and editor of Zangwill's 1892 novel Chil dren of the Ghetto. Her talk is part of the Mondays at the Museum Series. . Admission is $10 for the pUblic, $5 for museum LECTURE ON 'rV_ _~members and free for stu JEWISH 10ENTI dents with rD. For tickets Did you lmow that if you and for more information, lose your sense of peoemail the museum at: plehood, you could lose. your identity? or call 786-972-3175. According to Meri-Jane Send all items at least Rochelson, an English pro fWO weeks in advance to fessor at Florida Interna Religion Notes, clo eigh tional University, this phe bars, 2000 NW150th Ave., nomenon has happened Suite HOS, Pembroke Pines, before and it happens FL 33028, f ax it to today. 954-538-7018 or email The 1907 short story by [email protected]. Pic lsrael Zangwill. The Jewish tures are accepted but can Trinity, deal;s with such not be retumed. issues. and will be the fo- taminated by salt water encroachment and agdcul tural runoff The well sup- . plies water to the 300 school children and fam ilies from the local village. The food pantry serves 925 families from Miami Dade county, or about 4,000 individuals. Concert tickets are $35 per person. Following the evening . concert, there will be a sit-down dinner from 8:30 to n p.m. with Calle and Ramirez. The cost of the dinner is $25 per person. If you purchase the concert and dinner tiCket combina~ tion in advance the cpst is $50 per person. If you go, the church is requesting that you order your tickets through its website: www.standrews You may pick up your tickets at the concert. WEEK Or T HURSDA' 0\: r JElt, . j 2 " ·1 calen MIFFECITO TheMiam i Dad e College 3211d an nual Miami International Film'.Festi val presents·" MIFFecito." The four day, mid-seas on, milli version otthe festival will feature 10 North Ameri can, US and Florida red-carpet pre mieres accompanied by in-person appeara nces by visiting filmmakers, as well as parties and additional events . Oct. 16- J 9. Tower Theater, 1508 SW Eighth St., Miami. $7-$12 film screenings. Details: (844) 565 6433 or MIAMI TODAY ---- ~ ~- - - ------ Wt::E i\ OF TI1URSO A ),; I )lk'i ,;> IvIlAMITODAY calen "Balsera en Busqueda de Libertad." Once Upon an Island tor to Miami's cultural life for over 40 years, Ms. Cano recalls through her artworks a Cuba of times past with mysticism, ro~ mance and vital beauty. This exhibition, curated by Janet Batet, offers a survey of her work, including paintings, artist's books and a video. 6-8 p.m. Oct. 17 opening. Exhibits through Oct. 31: Centre Gallery, building 1, third floor, 300 NE Second Ave., Miami. Free. Details: (305) 237-7700 or [email protected] or www. The Miami Dade College Museum of Art + Design hosts opening reception for Margarita Cano's exhibit "Once Upon an Island." An imp'ortantcontribu~ mdcmoad. org. ART Thursday 10/16 ART LECTURE Miami Dade College's Museum of Art + Design hosts "Science Fiction and its Discontents," a lecture by Wayne Hodge, Mr. Hodge is an artist whose work combines elements of collage, performance and photogra phy and explores the relationship between history, media and fantasies of race and desire. The lecture will be followed by a reception in the gallery, 11: J 5 a.m. Black Box Theater;jt MDC North Campus, Pawley Center, build ing 5,11380 NW 27th Ave" Miami. Free. Details: www.mdcl77ood,ol'g. -----,- ---~. WEEi( OF THLIRSD A" · X I Jd ,,:/ ' .;.' ., calen VI SPECIAL EVENTS Thursday 10/16 RED BULL SIEMPRE FRESCO The new music project from Red Bull, "Red Bull Siempre Fresco." de buts with three days of ed ucation, music collaborati on and a public pe r formance . Thc three-da y cx travu ganza kicks offwith Red Bull Music Academy lectu~e , presented in asso ciation with MDC L iv e Art" " A Conversation with Larry Harlow. " The event will also feature perfor mances by nu-Latin DJ co llectives Moombahton Massive, Que Bajo, Peligrosa and Electr6pico, culminat ing in a final perform ance with salsa legend Larry Harlow, Grammy award -winner Marlow Rosado, La Riqueiia and the DJ collectives. Oct. 16-1'8. Times and locations vary. Detail ~; - -- - MIAMI TO DAY W EEK OF THURSO!\ " OC UBC' ' ,; :> ' ';\ calen COLLEGE CAMP DAY Miami Dade College No rth Cam pus , in partnership with Wells Fargo and the Hi s pani c ,S cholarship Fund, hosts "College Camp Miami" Tile bilingual workshops will help local students a nd their pal'cots prepare, plan and pay for college, The event will include a Q&A portion 8:30 a.m,-31 , p,m ~·\ MDC North Campu s , II 38b NW 27 th Av e., Hialeah. Free. , De tail s: (305) 237 -1149. MIAMI TODAY In ALM Publication DAILY BUSINESS REVI EW WED~I ESDAY, Cn0 6E R 15, 2014 dailybusinessu! J ~~~--------~~~~~~ (ALE DAR Today HistoryMiami: Debate on medical mah juana: The Highs and Lows of Amendment 2;' 5:30-8 p.m.; HistoryMiami, H)l W. Flagler St., Miami. Cost: Free for HistoryMiami members, $10 nonmembers. Reservations at Caf! (305) 3755356oremail11JCHS@hlstorymiamLorg. Oct. 16 American Arbitration Association: 20'14 Mediation Week event, "Stories Mediators Tell: Best Practices and Tips for a Successful Mediation;' American Arbitration Association, Miami Tower Building, 100 SE Second St., Ste. 2300, Miami, 4-5:30 p.m., 1.5 General FL CME. Free program . RSVP: [email protected]. Call (305) 358-7777 Oct. 17 Legal Aid SerYice of 8roward County and Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida: "Forty and Fabulous;' 13th annual For the Public Good fundraising gala, Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina, 1881 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale. To buy a ticket or for more information, contact Dorian Lange at [email protected] or (954) 736-2429. quirement for licensed Florida attorneys, 2.5 hours CLE credit available. For information, cail Judge Marisa Tinkler-Mendez's office at (305) 548-5771. Oct. 24 Oct. 18 Broward County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section: 27th annual charity golf tour nament to benefit ARC Broward, which services children with disabilities and special needs. For more information, contact Renita Henry at (954) 525-6566 or [email protected] Cuban American Bar Association: 10th annu'al Art in the Tropics auction and restaurant tasting, 7 p.m., Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College, 600 Biscayne Blvd., Miami. Benefits CABA Pro Bono Project. Oct. 21 Dade County Bar Association: Lunch & Learn, noon-2 p.m ., Courtroom 4- 1, REG Justice Building, Phil Reizenstein will present "A Bunch of Brady"to satisfy new Florida Bar Brady re North Dade Bar Association: Luncheon with guest speaker arid jury consultant Amy Singer, "Leveraging Social Media for Trial Strategy," gen eral CLE credit, noon, Novecento in Aventura. RSVP to events.htm. Od.30 Cuban American Bar Association: Golf tourna ment and dinner. 1 p.m. game; 6 p.m. International links Miami, 1802 NW 37th Ave., Miami. For more information, contact Richard Montes de Oca at [email protected] or (305) 704-845 2. Send registration and payment to Car/os Perez-Abreu, 2121 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste. 650, Coral Gables FL 33134. Submit information about upcoming le gal events to DBRCalendars@allThtom. WEE f, 0 1= THURStJA y' 0·':; rOB !::" . , .' . , \ MIAMI TODAY calend _ events Saturday 10/18 . DANCE SAMPLER Dance NOW! Miami , in conjunc tion with the Miami Dance Futures and the Florida ' Dance Education Organization, presents a weekend of performances featuring Miami ' s fin est local companies and choreogra phers. Participating groups include Karen Peterson & Dancers, TOe Project, Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, New World Dance Ensemble, Pioneer Winter, Ballet Flamenco La Rosa, Repertory Dance Theater En semble, Dale Andree, Godoy Pradera Projects and Dance NOW! Miami, with a special pre-show performance from ATMA Yoga Dance Company . 8 p.m. Additional performance Oct. 19 . Little Haiti Cultural Complex Theater, 212 NE 59th Terr., Little Haiti. $15 students and seniors. $25 others. Details: (305) 975-8489 or [email protected] or www. WEEK OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 MIAMI TODAY MIFFecito en el Tealro Tower Miami International Film Festival (MIFF), el Festival de cine internacional e iberoamericano mas importante de Estaaos Unidos, presentado por el Miami Dade CoJle ge, celebra entre el 16 y 19 de octubre su evento preli minar MIFFecito 2014. 1B JUEVES 16 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2014 M FFEcito, para sabo .ear el Festival de Cine de Miami . PILAR AYUSO Critica de cine/el Nuevo Herald iami International Film Festi val (MIFF), el Festival de cine in te'rnacional e iberoamericano mas importante de Estadbs Uni dos, presentado por el Miami Dade Colle . ge, celebra entre el, 16 y 19 de octu bre su evento preliminar MIFFecito 2014, en el hist6rico Teatro Tower del MDC, MIFFecito, queune armoniosamente el Festival con la palabra "cafecito'" remi tiendo a una tradici6n cultural de la ciu dad, es precisamente un momento unico . para "sabore .. algunos de los fiLmes que articiparan en la 32 edici6n del MIFF, en . arzo del 2015. Las cintas, que han cose hade exitos en sus paises e origen, Ita l ia, Mexico, C ba, Polonia, Espalla, entre CORTESIA/M IFF f'ltros. so vstrenos en Estados Unidos y/o ESCENA DEL filme cubano 'Conducta', diri gido par Ernesto Oaran as, que se ~a Plorida que lJodran di8frntarse con ca- presenta en et Teatro Tower como parte de MIFFEcito. racter exclusivo en este minifestival. En 8U primera noche MIFFecito abre con la premiere en la Florida de la cinta Conducta (Behavior), del cubano Ernesto Daranas (Los dioses rotos). Con una histo ria que tiene 'de protagonistas a un nino de degradante entorno familiar y una ve terana maestra de escuela, el, ge nuL'1o y conmovedor, rescata valores hu manos perdidos en Wl ambiente marginal de la sociedad cubana actual. Ha sido la elegida por Cuba para aspirar a los pre mios Goya y Oscar de este ano, Otros titulos de estreno absoluto en la Florida son e1 cortometraje The B lue Car (El carroazul), coproauccion CIe AIema·, nia y Cuba dirigida por Valerie Heine, que fevela otro drama cubano con eireen· cuentro dE dos hermanos en 1a isla; de Me xico es Pa radise (Parafso), filme de Ma· VEA FESTIVAL ~ LA pAGINA 28 Una oportlln-dad par ver los estrenos riana Chenillo (Cinco diGS sin IVora) , q e, de manera desenf,.dada, pone el dedo en 1a llaga de un fenomena so cial muy actual: la obsesion par la perfeccion 'fisica; tambien de Lati olloa.c'11erica es Root (Raiz),..un drama tico retrato fal'11iliar, a cargo del chi leno Matias Rojas Valencia. De Estados Unidos se presenta La ke Los Angeles, con el prolifico actor miamense Roberto Sanchez (Law & Order), fUme sabre inmigrantes bajo Ia direcci6n de Mike Ott, que <;:on Lit tlerock (2010) y Pearblossom Hwy (2012) comp]eta su trilo~ia del desier to. Otroestreno es]a cinta de Khyen tse Norbu, coproducida por Butan, . CORTESiAlMIFF HongKong y Sri Lanka, titulada Vac ra: A Blessing. Filme que destaca las NESTOR CARBONELL y elea DuVall en el films documental 'EI proyecto enormes diferencias de castas en la Laramie', dirigido por el venezolano Moises Kaufman. India, con S11 historia de arnOT y espi r itualidad entre unjoven musulman en Miami. Otro de la peninsula iberi- invitado Dennis Scholl, Vicepresi de baj o l tnaje y una chica que practi C3, por primera vez en la costa este de dente de 1a F\mdaci6n Knight. ca bailes rituales, a quien en su co E E UU, es Ochos apeUidos uascos , Otres invitados VIP de la m uest ra m unidad planean casar con un hom (Spanish N J azr).Dirigida por Emi- son e1 actor Roberto Sanchez, 1a rea bre acomodado. lio Martinez-Lazaro, la comedia, que lizadora Mariana Chenillo, e1 cineas A su vez, de Polonia viene Life Fe bati6 record de taquilla en su pais; °ta ErnestoDaranas, asi como el actor els Good, a cargo de Maciej Pieprzyca n os regala unahistoria de mucho ca- . Hector Noas. . (My Left Foot). La extraordin aria his rader y sentido del humor sobre las Sobre este minifestival, Jaie La tona de es te laur ea 10 fil me habla de diferencias culturales y ansias sepa- plante, di rector ej ecutlvo del l'vIIFF; un nifio can paralisis cerebr a l y e1 ratistas entre regiones espaiiolas. ha expresado que "]a amada y refres hermoso empefio de sus seres queri E1 minifes tival incluye un even to cante 'cultu ra del cafecito es para los dos por lograr comunicacion con {)1. especial titulado: Una conversacion mediodias de Miami 10 mismo que Tambi€ m estara I Can Quit Whenever can Moises Kaufman & El Proyecto MIFFecito p ara nuestro festival I Wa nt (Smetto quando LJogltu), co € La ramie. El fil ru e documental, EJ an ual de m arzo. l'vllFFecitoes un a e clia italiana de cr itica social a cargo p royecto Laramie, tiene como punta r itivo par a el plato pr incipal !\IliFF, de S ydne~ ib.illa , g ndllora de los de mira la dlscrimi aci6n y 18. in tole- las va a 10 .e de otono p "rfecta pa Golden Glob~s de Italia 2014. ran cia, can el cr imen de odio perpe- r a IQ~ amantes del ine". Un estreno exclusivo en Nor teame trado al adolescente gay Mateo Sh e r ica es Carm ina y amen (Ca rmina pant 8u director, el dramaturgo ve- Mas informacion: 1-844-565-6433 and A men ), deJ espanol Paco Leon y nezolano 1'110ises Kaufman, sosten- (iVIIFF) 0 ww w.miam iJilmfesti la actriz Carmina Barrios. secuela dra un encuentro con el p ublico, ua l. com/lvIIFFecito. Para oportuni de la pintoresca comedia Carm ina 0 despues de la proyecci6n del fUme. Y dades de ajiliacion,· . . reutenta , que f ue muy bien acogida co mo moderador de la charla estara www. miamifilmfes?'v1· 10/14/2014 La sombra de Charles Willeford SUB URBANO '\u V U ) , \ I 'L~ 21109/201d - Gr~JPo d e LeclLlr,J de Bo o ks 8. E ·ja c n u na novela perUr3na SIJ 13lJ I~ 13 AI,I() INICIO I AUTO RES BOO K ~ ~' Af( K ETPLAC E \ ,il J I lITERATURA I COLUMNAS I CINE I MUSICA Enter yc StJBLJRBANO EBOOKS IN DICE w,' lu':'I " flun/(~ / ;\LrrORI::S F.5TAIJOS Ul'.,r{(}OS /1.(/ sombra ell' Chl1r1C!::> willC!ju rd Equis - Premio La sombra de Charles Willeford ....., 2 1 1';/, 1 ,' .1 o ( > ,~o C Cm m4:h: Independiente - Novela Twittear ># ,,, trill :\\ SUBURBANO EBOOKS Contemporanea 2014 ~ l ? 1.' : 'tJ':,. "!I ;\ "'1 f ~0 PREMIO EOUIS DE La brt}ve '1Os10rl " Iiterana de M 'Jm l no helle .nas de Sdsenta 0 selenla anos. aunque rec.en en Ie decada de 1 \lSU empeLO <J torna r los cil minas que hoy la caraGlenlan " I gtmeru nou y IdS h l~lol.a" ~(lbr<; el choque cullura l En 1985 a~arl~~luConl l c Hm ta l Drift cit! R U ~~I!lI B'lnk s Ohrd (jill! . ~i" "'r<Jqerar . pmJcmo$ GI.JIlSllh,rar 'Ia yran noveliJ d~ Mlam.". y en 1 ~87 . desde 1<> non,fiction. T D. AllmRn lanl.D Miami City 0 the Fut ure 'Ni t a AI Ilhm mA~ v'9"nh; pam enlender n 1'1 c,utJ ad . Perc; e l antes y "I "p.spue. <, n Ii! ,uta tile ran" de Mia mi 10 marco Charle s W.lleford enlre 198d y 1988 . w ilodo pl.b l.eo lilS nove las de l detective H o~e Mose ley co nfo,modas por M.a ml Blues (1984 ). New Hope far the Death (1985), NOVELA CONTEMPORANEA 20 14 i,Ouien mato ala canlante de jazz? lQuien mato a la ca Desasosiegos menores Pur : Subu d )(l// (J Huellas en el mar . VOlumen 3 Entrevista a Teresa COrTlU todo m/omense . Willeford no naelo e n Miami: lIe90 el1 los ailos sesenta - ien ia 41 - . luego de un penplo por otras cilJdades de Estados Unidos, Frilncia y Peru. Ac a estudio English Lite ratu re en ta Universid ad de Miami llara dedicarse a If) d oeencia en el Mia mi Dade Coll ege. A pesar de tene r cereB de una vein ten:, de If tulos balO su n()mb re, no g07.0 de mayor roconoc imiento titera rlo hasla la apa rici6n de la saga de Hoke Moseley, amb.entada en los p<lt.bula flo s afios ochenl,l de Miami Mosel ey tj ,vtH-r.lado bu el1 brabedur , vlve en un !lost,,1 de Mia mi Beach y es U ll potieia de 10 calle sucis . Su entorno nlayormente g ira entre mexica nos eu bat1os , ga ng"'" os . drug de"llers y haitiall os Indocuilleniados 5.11 embargo, 10 vohoso de estas ob ras , ademas de su ca lidad htcraria c s que el deleclivt: . e ll caoa eplsodlQ descub re y sc "n lmnt« ~ la c ulture latinoamcricana y a un" eiuded que no termifla de con'preader , perc que t,ene que aeepta r pilre' c,daptmse a aquello 'lue 10 roctea. ~,c c s .ncluso en su enloma lallora l son cada vez mil, Ins r.olcgas pahcias lit: sc apetlirJan Perez y Simchez -como su compa ri era de guardi" EII,la , cuballl'J que sl b.el' al C\JI11.en70 la 111Ir"bd deslJer:tlvilmente . rnas Adela l'l" ten nina ,;.end o:; U roommate. A V' sin dud" Mia mi 10 impaclo y a Ir~"e" d~ Hoke Mosp lcy co rnD al tl:lon de (ln~ cluda<1 ha"la tonton ces pom ",moe "la, (11JE' no ten ia "bsoll,tClm"' i1,. nad", que ve r c on la .magen que vendla Y esO 11<' camblaoo poco nuesrro~ narradores . dssde los m Ct s comercld18, en In gles comO C,Jrl r-tl"a~"n 0 L% Stand.loni . "'"~ I,, los l11;j s indie en Espanol, e n cl caso de 105 autores de Vlsje On e Way ->lnto log la de f)n, rad( lres rJ" iv1.arw-. "olllpr, r? crear a MIa mI. a vcces nolr. il vece s el l: !(leclon "ultwal . y en ",no05 casos hoslil y lIllicll dr. en lender. Ellos lamblenrnlleslran una ci udad muy dis'",!a de la que s"" cono,-e . A 'J'IIIteford se 10 lIevo un Infano en 1988, Sil l sosp\!ch ar q lJe estaba dando los primeros trazos a la tdentidad Iiteraria de una c iudad que , Vell1ticillco Mios despues. no Is tlene lotalrnente consolrdada pero haCia eso va. Et qUlntu horo de Ia 58 9<1 Mose tey nunca se putl llC6: qucdo en ma nuscr ilc MIQmi Btues fue lievad a a Iv pantatla en 1990 y es considerada uno de los fltm s clas.cos de Mi8nli. Habk1 r de un padre de la lileratura miamense serlE' muy amb ic.oso . perc si es justo dec" que la sombra de Ch a rl~ s WIllefo rd esla entre las paginas de nues tros autores . :0 ,l~ ,.1 Twittear La som bre de Charles Willeford Cuando crei que podia ser un sujeto original Desasosicgos meno Obama y el racismo en Por: SlIbuI"/)nllo accion EI dramedario Forceps (frag mento de novela ) Poetas de Miami : Yosie Crespo Huel1as en el mar, , La sombra de Chartes Willeford EI hombre mas pe ligroso de la tele visi on Por: Su!nrr'brUl o ..,' " ·"-·'-ll::4 " '~."",j.!\'[ . " .:: ,: ~ V •. ~Jr\: ... '.. i Urayoan Noel relee Tritce to IN : AUTORES ESTADOS UN/DOS 201. Vo/9 Iturriaga ~ Acuse de recib o Lileratura de Miami Pedro Medina Leon Agua dura Ultima lu na en Miami <PREVlOUS ARTICLE EI hombre mas peli!,'Toso de In televisi o n /)or: Subw'huno NEXT ARTICLE> Poetas de Miami: Yosie Crespo ABOUT THE AUTHOR EI corazon de las tinieblas Et micrarrelalo es un fantasma. Elleclor , et Pedro Medina Leon Pedro MedIna Leon (peru) , es auto r de los IIb,os Si reets de lvIian<i y Ma.ians no te vere en Mcami y editor de V.ale One W''Y. et pflmer IIb ru d", cuenlOS de n;,rra dnr<,s h. spano.s de Miami Ha formado parte de diversas Jrttolvg i<ls y sus tc xtos han sido pubticados en revis tas y med.os Oil fJ rensa como EI Nuevo lIer8ld . Lat,n http://suburbano.neUla-sombra-de-charles-willeford/ lugar de sus apariciones. Una aproximacion a la actualidad det genera Brevisimo . I EL SIL] 1/3 10/14/2014 En las palabras de M.I.L.A : 'Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami' Comenzara el 11 de Octubre l More Next B109» Create 810g En Las paLaBras De i~1 blo~ 4e- I~ Sign III M.I.L.A "'UJe-I' r-ot\t e.-"'f'0r~t\e.-~I h' L i >.-,c·II'~ l-<oTltJl.'n Mooa I EvenTOS I' MUSlca ~rTe!:l E'nTreTenlmlenTO I TV, NoveLas !:j MaS.. c on ESTILO pro Plo paTrOClnanTes i,QUE BUSCAS? Siguenos en Facebook Buscar "'Ar\-""" 1 <1~ oc\-ubr~ <1~ ').014 'Feria Internacional de1 Libro de 1\!1ian1i' C0111enZara el11 de Octubre , Googlc+ INSTAGRAM Noticias Locales Ximena Duque Arrvs6 en Permios TLI Mun do Jencarlos Canela Recibira EI 'Prem io Conquistador' En La MUS A AWARDS Pitinga, cl cantame es paiiol de flamenco que ha reva lucionad a la mllsica espa nola en cl munda lI egil a Miilmi Teatro Para Todos: Quisicra Quere rte Querid a Artista Argentino Ariel Nan r-i r ma Con 226 Records http://www.e /10/feria-internacional-del-libro-de-miami.html 1/14 10/14 /2014 En las palabras de M.I.L.A : 'Feria Internacional del Libro de Miarni' Comenzara el11 de Octubre 1.:1 '~"-'111ro de I.lIer~1l1..&r'-1 ')' Te.:::.lro {~ 'MIJr pre~iOl1lrj H~'ll1bo', ('~imp II 1\11d'llI CJI>P tlnlr'f~ (,11 J ~rd r 'rid III!'." I dt mdl :h)~ llr' ~ n -jl I.lrfllhdin ;11 t-:"vf'rilJ Ilt<i-:'ldftu!.it' r,.··Vtll I 'I l'vfJfr,'rdLJr. 1 \.IL·I pd. "" L ';)'t"" ,J t ' : ~ 'IJ"', -';f~ [l··vat,m 10 ~I OCUlluf' 11) de NOVlGrHl)f(' {)tl cI r\')l.lh(!k ~;(.'r)l·: r Lllh(,~lql 1: 1\ "..'12705 S'/'; ] rd Sl((' r'~ 1'/ A la Venta Banda So nol'a de la Pelicula 'Cdnlinn" s' 1,\ p.,q'I(·"<1 I ~,Jbilila ' tlIl1r. en (HI, ,~) dntl.:rh.H ~ ~::.. . Hurtibo I' Ll F'~lId IpH.!-lndl.~I()r'd l dill LltirJ ,h. t,.~t,t1l11· ~~ p;;t!.j :ll1pr"-' '1"'Utd, , J~~I Prorplna Ibero..1mencClno de la t=efi~ EI ~'rc';,rTln',J e~':t. co'np"e$1n IJr1r IIn;.1 s~~ritJ rjl~ J,>le!;t;'1 t;:lfJonc I Lbf~;, y ("hd~t;'l~~ por ;Htlt"r.:·~; 11",,;illp,;;: t.-; mtt'l'Il.tL IrL1 11 ,~ ft.,~,i(1~ 1111 " Il\lj~rI'fl5 S',~ !kli.MiHI n I. ;It-H) \~H '.:.' rlf"l' II. '... lk:n.j,'iIiU t;) r~~1 Con Estilo Prop io: Dctds de la mascarada! siqlllOflh ~,11t""'n II til' oLilltJl" :1 (JO 11.011 l:, ;:l'((;'1J;-J'<'1~ P'Cfl l( dt:s l(:,~!Uri, arUdl ·,I.!(ldO pDf 1.1 F'W,U.'lI• .1t; Adlvlddd dt~ ll(} ! fe d~ I~ rWSI'l .j!. l,!t ',II' 1•.,1 il)~j, flllhY II~Ht·ttp,~r;jtl,llinlo ~II(JS 1>1 I,.'.... lurrl. ,]t/uHos, (~n nnCl 1/ Intl~ " ; :! ri '-II ~Uff~ IiIlre. t;(H I Cl:!:>I, l~ IIt~I1;J:' d tJ IIt1l ~b , V II,l(lle:, 1~' di: ul.lubrl"' , 7'0f) ,:, In Flllc;.c Ird Pd~dChl en An,l'.'nthH Unit i111....~h1 IIHH!(!(;td': J rei GdIH"IIl1(" LUP "ltca u U4~tJiC,lCj/J "I h;;k"hH)n 'u~1nn("1 Parllcljlc1rl" GJ':L'I"li ! ~t:Jrn,ltHj, (;- t-.\piltd· ":,"1 . un_lltsl~' rJ( C~'fr>rn, n L":l~ . . Uh)~ k' " j/u ~)11l )\(Hl!·,lt n ~~I'I A r qr:ntm.l ~.;' ~tl I d)4 , V ~llcHaarF l Co nsc jos, histo r ias. tips de mod. y mu cho ma s... por Lissette Rondon .-:i rp ~. S.,l""I· ) 1ad" or.tul,'IU 7 00 ~' 11l <k E:dlC:lones llilqllti1n,lS Prl' ,'f1t..-J, ;II•.1n r1 rrlrgn -lp 11'1 f)';1 May':! ~~o\'£'rliI\jp's M ~.1t:rj:lld dtl kJ~ Iltl"::-:~ til rf·llk'~1 Dl.!d,l~: . (;-:,,:!-t;: ""; 10 Topicos mas dcst acados en y V: d!tl t'1c LoouLt". tWJf5 "nd Sl ladows (CtllC,on 1)lhnrj(JC) c c P ..rONil E fl\lIn,:nrcn·-.h y L~rt" ~;1Ii1 AOII.)I, :l , ,,II'h SHOW BUSINESS l~r:r)~ '.1,., Rnl>(~11( j Hr>rl1,j' duo RII!' ~1. VIf~lr,.I~~ 24 ·jt.: nit! lOre 7,I)C P m 01 " S. pUC:liJS , rJO$ \loces pcU'h(~_' Y r irOS' 'nlaclo. :jf-'- l{)~ nUC 'J c.:, MHn~ ~IJWIt:rnl LJ': tur ,~\ ' H t' '1 r'Jld~'lkrI ICt$, dt~ J()!,)I.JS "1 U\llu' 1nl fdl~ .• <iIlWI III1P\IIO (j~~. Cd!!',):. ,J~I1tddu , y [lIeU. 1- Jackie Guerrido: Ima gen de "Variety Latino" S.l b,lrlr, :?~i lie I)clubre . 7,00 IJ m rf"JldL'Tl rh".' nHlj(lr lHlii nn~hc (ll' Ilnf!t~l; l l..tld!,aH p(,'1(!tll ..J. 'y ~d l )d')I) Con 1:1 I dt· PJt}~f'nt;. ;{'I() f1 d~'1 nLl'l;~VC) lilJll~ Te~lli~l~ r InVleH1llr~, l 'OIJ fiLl 1i:.1IHllI,(·. ',hi ).::1H:ssotl t-(ivl ' ro [J PI ~01.:'\ -m ;~ulwn,i plf:!S-unt.l . .~I()n dl3lllt..uo L.~ CfJClll(l (1(' Vuro df: \'rernrllCd C"IVC'd, COi'J 1:~~11 n;l.iH,13 t~.! 1 w1~ rLJltrl('ul{l ( dldrt4 II>? h;Jr, ..... ldr.J n~ $":". dl":'l::jn.;;;, \' rL'crt~ad.)~ por '-"SId J ll1:lnl~) LrJ ,~ lJu0n~1 nlt'Si,'1 r ." , ::."l1adu 1 do', n, 'V·!1nll)re, BrIO LOf. IlbrO<"':j Ina -; r(>(': IPntt7r. de do Pt;'re.;cl P I":;HI!.lI:IO<l oj" I c1 ~ Itrw<;daucs 1',,1111"-'1<1;;51'''' 1.1lil ;', ",.,:.1 EdlL'io nes d c,,'"'' ill, Glp.yli ·";m",;; lo:' . Jir(:ctola DaCio 5asiqa. j~ I e de p r a n~cl u,~" ,h'H~i<)n ' F nCUlldo Cabral Sl" llll"110S '011, J5 Eol t,ll.1 ,lL 1<1 IlI\1r'J"" \. 1'1,.,; ; '.. "' ,,!I's I, Clillllll, 1 A 1I1r;>"ntlal 1 .of .. un.1 "lol,i , ,j,; LIIIVj" . V N,.d1P!. 'I" ('1l.d',. d, y y 2- Barbara Bermudo R eali.z a G ira Nacional Con Su Pe rfume ' BB By Barbara Bermudo' U~\ri.3 J~ 1:;;.(; ro! l'..rl fa . It~ rnl~"'.:i Oo·~ @!9!I) 7 ;h ~ ltlt ... It·n1LlIl;,i:O(.ll f ~n \ .. "/;'IJ"""~' /-/:,,,,,..,,./.. (hrr r,adOfW; \' untl cludad . f\.klll1i P"',CI1I.1t:lOIl rI" L. cI'" ·,,,10 IIp. t11' I.• oilk p. ,J.. A111cli1ellf 0"19.1.1,, y 1\1,,;-, RI, 1"4 p, lit· )«1,,,;. C IrJ : ~1i1 .... i.,1 Pc.quena Halla"•• y Moarni BIO<lc l , 5<' C(lfW'crten cr csccnalfcs do "l1il nr;vela y d~ tllllrbrn de: '1J81lIos . \""" "",0 7 de Nnvlemhle . 8.00 p .tl i j",,,,yU 511 L~) J::r::piJldl rc- ' \'YJ ·_,0 lJ~lI,l";' ,I ljtlt,'1 aLtrl Y IHnSf'Oladnl a riL' Id l·. I (~ 'hi '11) GI~I.Ah fllnnl JI )1 :\' "0/1=>( ~T\ri l \ 'Iill (j l .I',lblll' I -j.tlt!,,: ·~U I,bl V qL Jf~?, Pl1 ~I q lle :n. )1l~t~I;J1In ~ tntJjI?res ~,.oLJfU II) Que pU0dt-"1f It,;"lc('r Vtlf<l Il egtlr ~)(Hct;:JS 'I =-= .llo-::-: CIIW:Wllta ar,)s {/3fX3 ' l;-; ,~F;'~_.{; It" "," ..., S"h.,dL '. Ii fie t~"vIp,,\h'e .: 00 p .l'l A11is.t~" ; Ari/l1tlfll H)s, \'rJ MI;ltll1 PfP5.. ,1IdCt:lll tie AI list,,'; Ar'le"ltll()~ t!" MI;,'lll libr, I',,11IicarJ.-r FoJ r ", C Ol >:;' ,1,'!(lcI (:" ,1el:11 de Aiqf>nli"" \11\ ~.hdfll: , con 1.:1 prt:SDIlCld dul Lunsut Li Wlerall1( 1\ Il)tJrllin;l en j,1'.)I Yll rv~i IJu{~1 r.lrl l l\111 L.1 l oIJr. II ,'IH1L 1!1' .IIlf, h~ lIl ·v,~ r:!1 trnhaj~) "Teil11"'O d,_' un Vill ;')do nrLipo dr: ar't~ta..; ph:::J::,(j •.;o;:o, ,.1tfJ~'rlltl1o~ ~th K~·'ntLl;,n '~ I Cill ,1r:11 ~ 1 l1illl[,wllw;'I1(Ie 1,1 ciUl(,ld 3- Juan Pablo Galaviz "The 10/feria-internacional-del-librO-de-miami.html 2/14 10/14/2014 En las palabras de M .I.L .A : 'Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami' Comenzara el11 de Octubre ~'dlldd() 8 (Ie rr llv1o.,lfnb"r, 7 JPIVI1l8hz~ or ~, q . II e l ...1r18 til. 1.3 ntiscullil1e",;,) Prt..'.')l.·rlt<:H~1 111 d(' Id 'lld::S r(;r;tlmtp nbw fJt1hh(,,,,:-ldr:l p"lr j~1 i-l~,tlH '\r, JIl.HI (;'~.~!I,,)-RHIIJ HI 'Cfh J~ln "".,, Bachelor" Cele bra en Mi a mi Cumpleanos Nu mero 33 l_om,·nt.lrh)S sobre diversos (emil" que ·/e'11 <i83d" 13 1i10rc,lur.l , IJ cul~lIlO hoslil I~ nislor", \ 1:1 polillC.1 ,/1(:111...,'., 1" tJe flo .... wmbrf' . 8 flU P m. Cf:'tJ.:.,II. r-;\ u' W'fU ,1 l~tr1:il~,\lt)L')O!i !1t! "lp;;J ri ll;11 C·t!!.!' Gue\'ilr;'! V.:1100 ! I)a":> v.; ,!u -.tuc I!'1UtHh.~ . de- AluerhJ MulltJI rll'/t~:;tqac 011 !ilstOllca gc,urt Gi,it· ... ,'r.'t (~n Bl1l rilt I n~ I dll1I H,);'" rtinS <113 E r l"Js111 \'u:rn~~ 1.1 dCI in\'lt~m'lr'1 7-0(l1'.. irl lIll 11\1,,0;\' II~S"" .' fli'l S")I,, dp. Oro prllsen!iiclOn del Ilbm Se~wnd~ p,1r1e rlel L'J.:",III.) d", T\}'ll)"~ [I IIPIt,.'llj;dror 1· lIr~dt Re'H1'l"'''. V;i~'IUt~~ ~" rll~IOyu Cfln 1.-1 PPrlo.:j j~la 018::' 0 COIUH)! I . .q)ll(, It 'ifnI') h.' j(!.l~·1 C'1t Ip~'dS IIi.spanas y la i mJ10rt~f1~ld de '1'111 'J !l;lIIt{: " I"'l It:llld.lfH.,_ 'jf: I.Y, (dC ~h.'!~Cll!lf1111t"!'1ttt 4- Xime na Duque Anasa en Premi os T u Mundo "'••badu 15 rie nOV'CIIIOIC. 2. 1. 0 J1 rTI ' Ld V>lUl'fl d" I" Canciad dr,1 Cuhre I'll ~I ,11m" d.!1 p"oI.oIn ·:,,\'>;'C1<1 PI t:!.spntaUQII de l l,tHI1 ae Emilie. ClJoto , publi('.ado pm cth.. . ,inntl.$ ~r}ll/1 nit.'i ".11"" ~, pr;";Plttt<1 th.> In C;",d". del Coh" I'-I~-j t;'·: n';r-a(ld InlJc-;It'1dr.I(l1l ~II ,11t.:",n l ,,~ 1"IoILILI, " Y • ;,vre~II"';S 1.!.liw.II'JS S'lI';Jd" 15 rl" nUIiIIeI1,h rp 4 Oll P rn M~rtl rE'lIi~'I"do l'rcscnl.IClor' y lerlum cie Anlmll que "5nil'.+ el ulllnq 111111.. rlll>lIca:h; pfof Orl.I"·.W ~r1Li,Io:: ESIC', ·l Un .• w'ladi] , p.,ril r(~rjesr::l1IAIf h nln3 dc J tlsf~ ~1all l desuo 1.1 mil.lJl1d U0! U\~~t;-lC(VJ(" ponltl 'J f]nI;;I"~I~ta ".Illano E.:,>If1~ovlml,) dtla ltill,n t1 B.'qlJt..·((' Or.~,wio Pill, unil ~ellf: de Jflrn.H1d"-' dt dreads s .J r"'{;oldd Julio Cnrk"'lz;1f y Gabl ie l j"HIIII.H:i ~'l rltIH("~:', ttj lllr ' '-'i..tsl 'Hi G.lrClc:1 f\.~jrqUt!~ . M,\·'ltr"~ 1 10~ IH"p~ril"')" p«rd Ii'! 31e l a "dltlon Lit! la (ella l!sp iral1lus" pl;;scnlal Ilfl pIO<JI~Il1.1 rl ~ Pllon'; l;) ",n pi ' ;"nlro f\(1tJb.. ~· · r(II" A III,a 1" 1"''''0. Oir~u"r,l EI",·;ul<v<I <1,,1 Del.Jrt,}, "nl" rJ·, r,;,llnln, Cl,llllrClh" ;.1 .. 1 ,',AIA"j; DHrh, CoUP']!; . E.::;,tt· prr',gr<:HrI.' e& U!I(] p.clrt(.~ r-:;efH':JtlI rl~ este 1,.;111;1110 V tt.:I....:Vfillt(· propr;:l11)d C l/)l]rOlln)"ln~-trh"" " l.a Ft~n;) de l llbm. ue los (~Vl:mlos cultur .J ll~S f'IStnllIV( l ~ de r'l' ::H P;"",ll l t l~'r;,.i IIJ'i dlna"II~'" Ii, kl~ Ilhrt)~: a .. d !"rrxl")"'" (jt: f,utOIC'S lbcroClmericanos I1 IHllOIO~Ji18 ad,vlrind8s tlo r!;tl~fflL y i jl'H;'Hh.l~dJ'" p~l • 1l1l1.)~' ,!Hr 1111,.... G.~nL'~ l lor1 GerlltJ~ Oay'5 y Thp Klkilt:-l I~(l n d e l)losfr~uO r ws y Pill"'I~~ 1~~rH los nr1lusi.·ls(a .~ du IJ l;u(~I, c.l IHes I en col;!bOCilCioo C<>11 ell nsloltJlo CIlIrI11H IO d" r>.tI:-Iml oj ... 1Collr,y. ' '" ,> -, <;,st~nh:s ,I" F'ili1\.millk'" Ili~trlll,U,)1\ ,~() I I'~ prp'sPf)Uij de r.l 8S -h~ 200 e X f1o~jk r c') 1.1(' t it1,~ t!1 ~iJjs . ro~· , .Halt:.:; v"f1tfl.r("~ul ::.lJS li hro:; '.. 11 LH"lO 0(.110 d,CI~ eJ" .1GllVlr1 J j,,~ cuIIIJr;1I". 'I t'dlwilelon;l h>, (.,111101,1 quelld.J ,,,rie E'"mln\)'; Wil l' 5- Laura Sanchez, estrella del maquillaje, se incorpora a la red de contenido digita l SP I y de "entos (.ie Jtllo,."s l"H) Ipenn Y In<lIIS,(,,l "L"o·'O$ Ib,"" dill :HII" '" 111\ rl· '1111,n. Llbrf' 111;) :ltm6sf01:J le,liva: SI:rp ,1n,1 ,J.! I" Fell:) L~~ F,'(lillnlerrJ,,\to'l<ll ",,1 Lllw :, .I,' M •.11111 -'01.1 se fino y promele ser LJrI even tt l l iLor(l~ IO p.xc.eJ.h':ior rill llo!\·;tn a c;lbo ... ,,'re .. 11" y ,I?-' dn I lo':h:lllhr" d~ pslp. P . ",., mas inlonr1i1LiiJll s••iJre ··Rumllo il ia h.rr<J Inl>:lI)-,,';on,11 rj~ 1 Llt'ro <ill MlilnH, "'"-'''''oJ 1111'1lf11hock'aIT CO lli . lI,ornE "I :11lr,-2:'.'-:l52U " , ·,,"I':lIu~ un "",.j r'l ;lr(II "V' vl'·.. I" " [email protected] TalllL,en ptJ"de u ,cOnlrar Inlormaci!in Oil lOs. sigulel1ios mcdlQS Soci<ll'>$ ttp s:l/twilter .com/rniami book fair htlp 5.llwww .racebook com/M i;)miBookFall http ://ihece nteralmd c. PIII,I""'ldn po r Lisselte Rond on en 1· ~ 8 p m r<:~ Eh!(lII!la, · Evenlos. libros No hay con1entarios: 6- M arc Anthony, Prince R oyce y Franco De Vita Listos Pa r a Can tar en los Premios Bi llboard Publica r un comentario en la entrada Enlaces a esta entrada Cre ar un enlace http ://www.enlaspalabrasdemila .com/2014/10/feria-internacional-del-libro-de-miami.html 3/14 Koubek Center English En Espanol Los animales de Marti 11/15/2014 Koubek Theatre Miami Book Fair International Book presentation and reading of Animal que escribe by Orlando Gonzalez Esteva (Vaso Roto Ediciones). An afternoon to rediscover the literary works of venerated Cuban author Jose Marti through the eyes of this distinguished contemporary poet and essayist. This event will kick off a series of occurrences dedicated to remembering Gast6n Baquero, julio Cortazar, Juan Ram6n Jimenez, Gabriel Garcia Marquez y Octavio Paz. This is part of "Rumbo a la Feria" series. More Information Saturday -11/15/2014 4:00 PM Koubek Center English En Espanol La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en el alma del pueblo cubano 11/15/2014 Koubek Theatre Miami Book Fair International Presentaci6n dellibro de Emilio Cueto, publicado por Ediciones Polymita : una esmerada investigaci6n sobre la presencia de la Caridad del Cobre en diferentes latitudes y expresiones culturales. Esto es parte de la serie "Rumbo a la Feria" . Mas informacion sabado - 11/15/2014 2:00 PM Koubek Center English En Espanol Ernesto Guevara: su etapa final 11/14/2014 ArtSpace Gallery Miami Book Fair International Presentacion dellibro Che Guevara : va/go mas vivo que muerto de Alberto MOiler (Biblioteca Nueva de Espana) , investigacion historica sobre los ultimos dias de Ernesto Guevara en Bolivia. Esto es parte de la serie "Rumbo a la Feria". Mas informacion viernes - 11/14/2014 8:00 PM Miami Dade Collage invita al Hispanic Heritage 2014: Venezuela:;,Progreso 0 estancamie... Page 1 of 3 O1'\"n tina I Bot ,,,,:s I Ec.uatior I ~..e.~ICO I V",nt"wci.l I CanJ.H id :' I Pat\oj)ma I Rep.·,~jca ~minkllna Ri(hJI ~M Inicio CLlMA: 72°F'· Vive Miami en Espanal Mtafnl, Jueves 16 de octubre de 20 14 Impre s o Artel y lelras Dlarlocrltleo I aC l lJa ll zado Galerl.u U · l.:.; Emprcnd e dores 20 . 20 Sociales f• • :... ~o:- l3uscar . a las 09:02 hora s Reinaldo do s S3ntos Gastronomia I Cl im8 Opinion • Entretenimiento • Doportes In tom a ci oni'J1 Mo gUS I" 2?ul G~I . ';a.. Honhcopo y GUla Astral -r~'~ UNICO CANAL 100 %VENEZOLANO DE COSTA ACOSTA EN ESTADOS UNIOOS ~;;;;uelo /5imtpu". . .r AgE' nda , :.' " '~ ~ ' Miami Dade Collage invita al Hispanic Heritage 2014: Venezuela:l.Progreso 0 estancamiento? por MiamiDiario el15/10/2014 a las 12:46 horas R.,omc nd., Twittear El evento se reolizora el jueves 16 de octubre, de pm. en el Academic Support Center. 11:00 am a 12:30 2 Miami Dade College invita al Hispanic Heritage 2014 , donde se tratani el tema : Venezuela : Progress or Stalemate? Galeria EI evento se realizara el jueves 16 de octubre, de 11 :00 am a 12:30 pm . en el Academic Support Center. Room R402. Entre los panelistas se encuentran Juan Antonio Blanco Gil, Humberto Calder6n Berti, Russel M. Dallen Jr. , Beatrice Rangel. Venezuela: Progress or Stalemate? Autor : Quizas Ie Interese ... 't.... . .... . Descubra French Week s M1ami 201 4 Regresa el Rlbfest al Zoo Miami Ame rica Developing Smiles celebra su " 17lh Annual Seeds of Hope Extravagan za" '@i COl-KEALIA DE COMERao YDESAAROI.LO ECON6MlCO Festival ~Miami Music from Around the World" recrea 10 mejor de la dlverSldad mus Ical MacArthur Causeway reabre Has accidente ETIQUETAS: Miami eventos en Miam i Eventos MiamiHispa nic Heritage Doral 2014His pan ic Heritage AMODIL http :// 10116/2014 ~--- -.--... - --,- J JUEVES 16 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2014 - - - - - - --- - - - - - - EI Centro Cultural Espanol inv ita a cele- . brar e1 mes de 1a hispani da d con el gr upo De _ ida y vuelta formado por Alm lldena Caceres a l cante. Sivi Rodriguez a la guita rra, Walter Cas tro, en el cajon con 1a colaboraci6n de Maria Mercedes y Juan Sobrino al baile. <Tueves 16. 7 p.m., en el patio del CCE (1490 Biscayne.Blvd.) Entrada gratis. • Festival de las Luces Diwali 14, con Boll ywood, folklore, musica y. danza clas i.cas y m as. Sabado 18. de 12 m. it 10 p.m., en Miami Dade County l"air Expo Center (109OJ Coral Way), www.irccflorida.colll. • The Home Depot invita a Fire Safety Event , con camiones de comida :\' tallel:es de aprendi zaje para ninos. Sabado 18, de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m . en Home Depot (U905SW 152 St., 305-234-9951). • EI Institlito de Estudios Cubanos y Cubano Americanos presenta invita a Mucho eorazol1, una noche con la cantante Vicky Roigy la ac tuaci6n especial de Oscar de Fontana; invita dos: Gerardo Aguillon (violin). JO.S8 Lopez (pfa no y bajo) y Carlos Peluzza (percllsion). Jueves ·16,7 p.m., en la Casa Bacardi (1531Brescia Ave., Coral Gables). Reservaciones, (305) 284-2822. . • EI Comite de la Herencia I-Iispana de l\1DC Kendall Campus y the Center for Latin Ameri can and Caribbean Initiatives presentan el: panel Venezuela: i,progreso 0 estancamiento?, en el que participaran ,Russell M. Dallen Jr., Huni berto Calderon Berti, Juan Antonio Blanco Gil y otros especialistas en el tema. Jueves 16, 11 a ~ m. en-Kendall Campus (Academic Support Center; Room R402) . . • En el marco de Rumbo a laleria, la Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami y e1 Koubek Center invitan a la mesa El uso del pasado en Argentina, moderada por Guillermo Lousteau y con 1a participacion de Marcos A Caucino, Agustin Laje, Nicolas Marquez y Ceferino Rea to. Viernes 17, 7 p.m. e'n el Koubek Center (2705 SW 3 St.,305-237-7750). . • La Feria Internacional de) Libro de Miami y el Koubek Center invitan a la present(l.cion d'3 Novedades de EdicionesBaquiana, con Patrici a E. Blumenreich, Roberto Hernandez Russi y Patricio E. PalaciOS. Moderadora: Dra. Myra M. Medina. Sabaclo lEl, 6 p.m. en el Koubek Cen ter (2705 SW 3 St., 305-237-7750). • Ellnstitutode Investigaciones Cubanas de FIU irivita a la presentacion dellibro de Gerald E. Poyo, Exile and Revolu.tion: Jose D Poyo, Key West, and Cuban Iridependence. Viernes 170, 6:30 p.m., en Books & Books (26:) Aragon Ave., Coral Gables). Informes y confirmaci6n de asistencia, (305) 348-1991 0 cri(tC:: .~ - -,_. - _._. elnll8vohorald,com _~EVES 16 DE OCJUURE DEL 2014 MIAMI HERALD I - ---- - THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16.2014 DIARIO LAs AM"fRiCAS JUEVES 16 DE OCTUBRl: DE 2014 ROberto Ramirez MDC Alumnus . Realtor and Business Developer Beachfront Realty r, '. . . . . Mial11i Datil:' , . ,. .. . College Join the Alun1ni Network wvlw.mri(QIUmnUOIil 'j ·f
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